Cpar Week 1&2 - q4 2nd Sem
Cpar Week 1&2 - q4 2nd Sem
Cpar Week 1&2 - q4 2nd Sem
I. CONTENT STANDARD ________ 3. .Cubism was the first style of abstract art which evolved at the
beginning of the 20th century in response to a world that was changing
The learner shows understanding of the materials and techniques used with unprecedented speed.
in contemporary arts. ________ 4. In classical art, the term "found object" is used to describe an object,
found by an artist, which - with minimal modification
II. LEARNING OUTCOMES ________ 5. Social Realism is the realistic depiction in art of contemporary life, as
a means of social or political comment.
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to: ________ 6. Minimalism is one of the most important and influential art styles of
1. research on techniques and performance practices applied to the 1970s.
contemporary arts; ________ 7. Eastern Visayas is the widest abaca supplier.
2. discuss local materials used in creating art; ________ 8. Coir is the fibrous material surrounding the fruit of the coconut tree.
3. critique available materials and appropriate techniques; and ________ 9. Tikog belongs to land grasses.
4. explicate the use of materials and the application of techniques. ________ 10. Rattan belongs to the palm family.
Here are three techniques that are among the most relevant in contemporary geometric shapes characterized the elemental or “bare bones” forms of art,
art today which, according to critics, represented the culmination of modern art's
progression toward the most simplified form of abstract art possible.
One of the artistic movements that has been most relevant It is a movement in various forms or art and design, especially visual
throughout the contemporary art movement is minimalism. Minimalism seeks art and music, where the work is set out to expose the essence, essentials or
to take away what is unnecessary and leaving only what is essential. identity of a subject through eliminating all non-essential forms, features or
concepts. It is characterized by simplicity.
One of the most important and influential art styles of the 1960s,
Minimalism identifies works of art most often comprised of geometric shapes in
simple arrangements and lacking any decorative or dynamic flourishes. These
They originate from the French objet trouve, describing art created
from undisguised, but often modified, objects or products that are not
normally considered materials from which art is made, often because they
already have a non-art function. In modern art, the term "found object" is used
to describe an object, found by an artist, which - with minimal modification - is
then presented as a work of art. The idea is, that the artist believes that the
discovered object possesses a certain aesthetic quality - stemming from its
appearance, social or personal history - and therefore displays it for the
appreciation of others.
Small PaddleFish by Stephen Palmer Typical "found objects" include natural materials like sand, earth,
stones, shells, curiously shaped pieces of wood, a human skull; or man-made
The technique of putting different objects together to create three- items such as newspaper cuttings, photographs, pieces of glass, fragments of
dimensional art is called Assemblage. It is similar to collage, a two-dimensional scrap metal, pieces of textile fabric, an unmade bed, a bicycle handlebars, and
medium. so on.
Conglomerate Seahorse Found Object Art Walter De Maria created an art piece in 1977 that included a
four hundred steel poles over one mile by one kilometer. That is
incredible. Creating something huge to express diverse perspectives in
artwork is incredibly popular, even today. Over the past forty years,
largescale art, and art that includes the environment has come into its
own as one of the most important movements within contemporary art.
That is why you often see modern art pieces alongside buildings, or as
huge structures out in the open.
LARGE SCALE ART – artists have produced works that play with scale. Juan
Luna’s Spoliarium displayed in the National Museum is an example.
Bakbak is the outermost covering or leaf mat, bangkuay bin, boxes, bin,
sheath of the abaca stalk. It is a flat thick display, jar, Cecilia dining table,
LOCAL MATERIALS USED IN CREATING ART durable sheath as twine or braided. The and arm chair
strong brown fiber is used to make
Local materials in the Philippines are materials that are naturally and locally furniture.
found in a specific place. Here are some examples:
Abaca belongs to Banana family. Its slippers, ropes, twine, hammock,
fiber has a natural luster with colors frame, display jar, jars, Chelsea
ranging from pure white to ivory and chair
darkbrown. Eastern Visayas is the
widestabaca supplier.
Buntal is a cylindrically shaped fiber. The bags, shoes, desk accessories like
supple ivory white strands are quite pen holder, picture frames, file
durable, pliable, and have good dyeing trays, wallets, place mats, braide,
qualities. The most noted producers are lampshades, window blinds
the provinces of Bohol, Pangasinan,
Marinduque and Quezon. Coir is the fibrous material surrounding indoor or outdoor fiber carpets,
the fruit of the coconut tree which are wall covering, doormat, trellises,
abundant in CALABARZON, Northern and geo textiles
Mindanao and Davao Region
Nito is a plant belonging to the fern bags, bread tray, lampshade and Rattan belongs to the palm family. There baskets, picture frames, furniture
family that grows abundantly in the decorative jar are different types of rattan palms, such and other novelty items, Zoya
hinterlands of Mindanao. abundantly in as high or low climbers, single stemmed lounge chair, Valencia queen
the hinterlands of Mindanao in Southern or clustered rattan species. size bed, Rest divan
Here are potential materials not commonly and not commonly used:
1. Abaca - Initially used as material for rope, and transformed into a wide
variety of efficient products. The versatility, durability and availability of abaca,
or Manila hemp, makes it easy to work with or create different designs.
What is it?
As you have explored in the previous topics, artists have their own way
of expressing art using different kinds of mediums/ materials and manner by
which materials are processed and transformed. In appreciating art, whether of
its creativity and or of its efficient functions, we need our senses. Thus, on the
process of giving attention to it, we understand or make sense of a work of art; 2. Coconut Shells - Considered equal in quality and appearance with turquoise
the mediums, techniques and functions are part of the meaning of the work. shells or ivory. It may be used to create a wide array of boxes, lamps, tabletops,
They are also the factors which determine the viewer/ users experience and chairs, bags, belts, body accessories, household ornaments.
Medium – are the material used to create an artwork. Artist use medium to
express their thought, ideas, feelings, etc. Mediums and techniques may also
differ depending on the inclination of the artists and the place where it
originated. Various artworks are inspired by the artist’s locality: its rich
resources, culture and practices. Below are different common materials
transformed into unique artworks which became trademarks of the artist or of
the locality it originated. But, not limiting yourselves in the common materials
usually used, you will find creative and efficient materials which can be used to
create different artwork in line with the form of art you as an artist desires to
make. It can even be an environmental hazard saver, answer to people’s
needs, or a locality’s trademark product for tourist attraction or business.
3. Bamboo- proved that it's a versatile must-have that designers and 5. Scrap/Cut tiles– made into decorative walls etc.
homeowners should consider. Aside from being used in different pieces of
furniture and house parts, bamboo is also made into musical instruments, and
creative decors.
8. Beads
What is it? New media art is a 21st Century catchall term used to define all that is related
to the internet and the interplay technology, images and sound.
A help for decision making!
To help you decide what artwork to create out of the resources
available in your locality, you may evaluate each material with the following Improvisation in theater is the playing of dramatic scenes without written
factors: dialogue & with minimal or no predetermined dramatic activity.
Availability – is the material available and not scarce? Is it available anytime of Most or all of what is performed is created at the moment it is performed. In its
the year? Is it available at the nearest possible source? purest form, the dialogue, action, story, and characters are created
collaboratively by the players as the improvisation unfolds in present time,
Cost – the materials durable and can withstand weather changes? Can it without use of an already prepared, written script.
support its function? Will it last for years if not for lifetime?
Process needs – Does it involve a process with available tools/ equipment? Do I An important goal of improvisation is to enable individual to develop
have the skills to create this material and transform it into an artwork? spontaneity which is the necessary in creating the illusion of reality. The
improvisation teacher must expose students to the theatrical environment
Durability – is the materials durable and can withstand weather changes? Can it through various games rather than lectures.
support its function? Will it last for years if not for lifetime?
Forms of Improvisation
Resourcefulness & Creativity– Is the material sourced out from scrap? Is it a less
consumed/ less used material? Does your community regard it as unimportant 1. Short Form - short scenes constructed from predetermined game.
or waste? Do you think it is a “first time” product? Can you make this into a 2. Long Form character
creative contemporary artwork? Will it “wow” the viewers/ users?
Creative Drama
Number of possible use – will this material be used for only one
function/artwork? Does it have any other purpose? Can you make this material • It is an improvisational, non-exhibitional, process centered form of drama in
into a variety of artwork or function? which participants are guided by a leader to imagine, enact, and reflect upon
human experiences.
This process allows students to actively explore a subject or question through
Mixed media is a term used to describe artworks composed from a imaginative play that is facilitated by a leader and may involve a variety of
combination of different media or materials. A work on canvas that combines improvisational activities.
paint, ink, and collage could properly be called a "mixed media" work.
• These activities are not scripted or memorized, and they allow students to
synthesize various educational concepts into a meaningful form.
material listed
Skills Enhancement Ex. Bamboo Bilao, basket
Skill Enhancement refers to strengthening of acquired artistic skills as 2.
these are applied in the production of artworks or integrated in other fields of 3.
specialization. 4.
Example: Musical Play Production
3. Music -These skills are being enhance through vocal and instrument
4. Dance -These skills are being enhance through intensive practice of body
movements and routines.
5. Drama -These skills are being enhance through the help of media expert.
Do the following:
Find out what materials, which are potential to be used as art medium,
are rich in your locality (ex. Bamboo, metal, shells). List it down and name the
artwork created by your locality using these materials.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ ______ 7. It is the realistic depiction in art of contemporary life, as a means of
Section: _______________________________________________________________________ social or political comment.
A. Cubism C. Social Realism
ENRICHMENT B. Minimalism D. Large Scale Art
______ 8. This place is the widest abaca supplier.
LET’S CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING! A. Southern Visayas C. Northern Mindanao
Directions: Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on the B. Eastern Visayas D. Southern Mindanao
blank provided. ______ 9. It comes with augmented reality technology and transforms Filipino
digital artworks into immersive experiences
______ 1. It Is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with A. Digital application C. Social Realism
one or more coats or transparent coating of varnish. B. Minimalism D. Large Scale Art
A. Decoupage C. Assemblage ______ 10. This is the place where Buntal is abundant.
B. Decalcomania D. Collage A. Cebu C. Bataan
______ 2. It Is made by adhering flat elements such as newspaper or magazine B. Batangas D. Bohol
cutouts, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth and string.
A. Assemblage C. Decalcomania
B. Collage D. Decoupage
______ 3. It is the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then Answer Key to Previous Module Week 5-7
transferring a reversal of that image on to canvas or other flat materials.
A. Assemblage C. Decalcomania 1. B
B. Collage D. Decoupage 2. B
______ 4. It is one of the most important and influential art styles of 3. C
the 1960s which identifies works of art most often comprised of geometric 4. D
shapes in simple arrangements. 5. A
A. Cubism C. Social realism 6. C
B. Minimalism D. Large Scale Art 7. A
______ 5. Juan Luna’s Spoliarium displayed in the National Museum is an 8. C
example of _______. 9. C
A. Cubism C. Social realism 10. A
B. Minimalism D. Large Scale Art
_______ 6, It is an attempt by artists to revitalize the tired traditions of
Western art which they believed had run their course.
A. Cubism C. Social realism
B. Minimalism D. Large Scale Art