Lesson-1 Physical Fitness
Lesson-1 Physical Fitness
Lesson-1 Physical Fitness
Respect for the right of others
Good sportsmanship
It is the interdisciplinary study of all areas of Good leadership and followership
science relating to the transmission of physical Honesty in group competition
knowledge and skills to an individual group, the
application of these skills and their results.
According to the United States Department of
It provides opportunities to acquire lifelong
Health and Human Services, physical fitness is defined
skills that are essential to his:
as “a set of attributes that people have or achieve that
Physical relates to the ability to perform physical activity.”
Social and
Emotional Development Prevent hear ailment
Delay the aging process
Feel good and younger as human being
Equip students with knowledge skills, Experience joy of participation in any
capacities and values along with the recreational or sport activities
enthusiasm to maintain a healthy lifestyle into Proper growth of young bones and muscles
adulthood Improve the ability to avoid and recover from
Promote weight loss in students illness and accidents
Promote physical fitness Improve posture and appearance
Develop motor skills Minimize stress response
Instill knowledge and understanding of rules, Maintain proper body weight
concepts and strategies
Self confidence
The ability of the heart and lungs to supply
oxygen to the working muscles.
Ability of the muscle or muscle group to
Personal discipline
undergo repeated contractions, avoiding fatigue.
The range of movement possible at a joint.
Looking good
Feeling good
Enjoying life
Meeting emergencies