Physical Education: (Lesson 1)

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Physical Fitness and Testing

(Lesson 1)
Physical Fitness is the primary specific objective in teaching Physical
Education. It is the ability of an individual to perform one’s daily activities
efficiently without undue fatigue, reduce the risk of health problems and
have an extra “reserve” in case of emergency.

One of the objectives of Physical Education in the school system from grade
one to college is to improve the physical fitness level of the students.

In this lesson, we will learn about what is physical fitness and the
importance of it.

Physical Fitness test will serve as a guide in determining what PE activities

the student will need to improve any physical fitness component. This lesson
will introduce us what are the physical fitness test that help student improve
his/her physical wellness.

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A Define physical fitness.

B Explain the importance of physical fitness.

C Execute some physical fitness test.

What is Physical Fitness?
 The condition of being sound in body , mind; or spirit
especially freedom from physical disease or pain.

 An active process of becoming aware of and making

choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life.

 The supply of materials that organisms and cells require

to live.

 Movement of the body that uses energy.

 The performance of some activity in order to develop or

maintain physical fitness and overall health.

 The ability of your body systems to work together

efficiently to allow you to be healthy and perform
activities of daily living.
What is Physical Fitness?
 Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit, but
also refers to a person’s mental state as well. If a
person is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled,
he or she will not be able to function optimally. Mental
fitness can only be achieved if your body is functioning
well. You can help relax your own mind and eliminate
stresses by exercising regularly and eating right.
Physical fitness refers to the ability of your body
systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be
healthy and perform activities of daily living.

 Being efficient means doing daily activities with the least

effort possible. A fit person is able to perform
schoolwork, meet home responsibilities, and still have
enough energy to enjoy sport and other leisure
activities. A fit person can respond effectively to normal
life situations, such as raking leaves at home, stocking
shelves at a part-time job, and marching in the band at
 A fit person can also respond to emergency situations -
for example, by running to get help or aiding a friend in
“A physical state of well being
that allows people to perform
daily tasks or activities with
vigor, reduce the risk of health
problems related to lack of
exercise and establish a fitness
base for participation in a
variety of physical activities.”

- American Association of
Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance
Importance of
Physical Fitness
Through regular exercises, physical fitness helps the
 In the proper growth of young bones and muscles;
 Improve the ability to avoid and recover from illnesses
and accidents;
 Improve posture and appearance by strengthening
muscles that support the body;
 Minimize stress response;
 Maintain proper body weight;
 Prevent heart ailment;
 Improve organic functions;
 Delay the aging process;
 Feel better and younger as a human being, and
 Experience the joy of participation in any recreational or
sports activities.
Principles of Physical
Physical fitness is a personal responsibility. Few individuals
other than athletes and military personnel are actually
required to participate in organized fitness programs. Most
people are physically unfit simply because they do not get
enough exercise. Many do not take the time to exercise,
and others try to stay fit with only light, infrequent activity.

A person’s physical fitness is determined by such factors as

age, heredity and behavior. Although many people cannot
control their age or heredity, their behavior can help them
become physically fit and stay that way. Individuals vary greatly
in their capacity for physical fitness, but almost anyone can
improve by exercising regularly.
Principles of Physical
Health habits that aid physical fitness include getting
enough sleep, eating properly, receiving regular medical
and dental care, and maintaining personal cleanliness.
Health can harmed by overeating and eating the wrong
kinds of food; smoking; and drug abuse, including excessive
use of alcohol harmful health habits can undo the results of
regular exercise.

A person’s level of physical fitness depends largely on

how frequently and intensely he or she exercises. Most
health experts agree that people should exercise at least three
times a week to maintain desirable fitness. Improvement
occurs faster with more frequent workouts.
Specific Components of
Physical Fitness  Organic refers to the soundness of the heart and
lungs which contributes to the ability to
Vigor resist disease.

 Endurance is the ability to sustain long continued

contractions where a number of muscle
groups are used; the capacity to bear or last
long at a certain task without undue fatigue.

 Strength is the capacity to sustain the application of

force without yielding or breaking; the
ability of the muscles to exert efforts
against resistance.

 Power refers to the ability of the muscles to

release maximum force in the shortest
period of time.
Specific Components of
Physical Fitness  Flexibility is the quality of plasticity, which gives
the ability to do a wide range of
 Agility is the ability of the individual to change
direction or position in space with
quickness and lightness of movement while
maintaining dynamic balance.

 Balance is the ability to control organic equipment

neuro-muscularly; a state of equilibrium.

 Speed is the ability to make successive

movements of the same kind in the shortest
period of time.

 Coordination is the ability to integrate the body parts to

produce smooth motion.
Physical fitness test
The American Association of Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance (AAPHERD) developed a battery of
physical fitness tests which was adapted for Filipino students
by the Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports
(BSPESS) of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports
(DECS). One of the objectives of physical education in the
school system from grade one to college is to improve the
physical fitness level of the students.

Physical Fitness Testing is a necessary activity because it will

give us information on the status of over-all physical fitness.
The Physical Fitness test will serve as a guide in determining
what PE activities the student will need to improve any
physical fitness component or their physical fitness in general.
Testing will also serve as the basis to evaluate the activity of
the PE program.
Physical Battery Test
 Review medical consideration. The PE teacher should
identify students who need medical care. Students
should not take the test if they are not feeling well or
suffering from infection.
 Warm-up 5-10 minutes before Physical Fitness Test.
 Students should not take heavy meals for two hours
before test
 Students should wear physical education attire for the
 Before taking the test, students must count their pulse
rate (at rest). Their initial pulse rate must not be more
than 120 beats per minute. The teacher should teach the
students to count pulse rate to monitor intensity of
Stork Balance Stand Test Balance
Zipper Test Flexibility
Sit and Reach Flexibility
Plank Strength
Standing Long Jump Strength and Power
Juggling Coordination
Hexagon Agility Test Agility
40 Meter Sprint Speed
Test No. 1 Stork Balance Stand Test

Click here and watch the video to know the steps on how to ex
stork balance stand test.
Test No. 2 Zipper Test

Click here and watch the video to know the steps on how to
zipper test.
Test No. 3 Sit and Reach

Click here and watch the video to know the steps on how to
sit and reach.
Test No. 4 Basic Plank

Click here and watch the video to know the steps on how to
basic plank.
Test No. 5 Standing Long Jump

Please open the hyperlink and watch the video to know the st
eps on how to execute
standing long jump.
Test No. 6 Juggling

Click here and watch the video to know the steps on how to
Test No. 7 Hexagon Agility Test

Please open the hyperlink and watch the video to know the st
eps on how to execute
hexagon agility test.
Activity No. 2
The class will be divided into 10. There should be a leader. All members of the group will execute
the physical fitness test. The results of your test will be recorded in the Physical Fitness Test
Score Card which will be given to you.

Each group will be having a documentation on how you execute the physical fitness test and the
leader will all compile all your documentations together with the physical fitness test score card.

Passing of compilations will be on or before September 28, 2020. Failed to pass in the given time,
will be deducted.

NOTE: Before you do the physical fitness test, please go back to slide #13 and
follow the SAFETY GUIDELINES. You can also click it here.
Slide #13
Physical Fitness is the ability of an individual to perform one’s daily activities efficiently without undue
fatigue, reduce the risk of health problems and have an extra “reserve” in case of emergency. A fit
person is able to perform schoolwork, meet home responsibilities, and still have enough energy to enjoy
sport and other leisure activities.

Why is it Important to Be Physically Fit? People who are physically fit are also healthier, are able to
maintain their most optimum weight, and are also not prone to cardiac and other health problems. In
order to maintain a relaxed state of mind, a person should be physically active. A person who is fit both
physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and downs of life, and is not affected by drastic
changes if they take place.

A person’s level of physical fitness depends largely on how frequently and intensely he or she exercises.
A person’s physical fitness is determined by such factors as age, heredity and behavior.
Becoming physically fit requires a change in life style as well. You will have to incorporate a regular
exercise routine in your life and also eat healthier. By avoiding junk foods, fizzy drinks, bad habits like
smoking and alcohol and by getting adequate amount of rest, you will be able to become physically and
mentally fit.
Tulio, D., Sarmiento, E., Battung, J., Laggui, M., & Bumagat, N. (2004). Physical Fitness Self
Testing Activities P.E. 1. Mandaluyong City, Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Salaño, Maria (2020). Physical Fitness Test. Retrieved from
Salaño, Maria (2020). Stork Balance Stand Test. Retrieved from
Salaño, Maria (2020). Zipper Test. Retrieved from
Salaño, Maria (2020). Sit and Reach. Retrieved from
Salaño, Maria (2020). Basic Plank. Retrieved from
Salaño, Maria (2020). Standing Long Jump. Retrieved from
Salaño, Maria (2020). Juggling. Retrieved from
Salaño, Maria (2020). Hexagon Agility Test. Retrieved from
Salaño, Maria (2020). 40 Meters Sprint. Retrieved from

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including

icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik.

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