United States Patent: Fuchs (45) July 11, 1972
United States Patent: Fuchs (45) July 11, 1972
United States Patent: Fuchs (45) July 11, 1972
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PATENTED JUL 11 1972 3. S75,879
1. 2
METHOD AND MEANS FOR CREATING ARTEFCAL Referring to the schematic representation, in F.G. 1, of a
GRAVITY IN SPACECRAFT cabin complex forming part of a spacecraft, space station,
My invention relates to method and means for creating ar transport or other vehicle, which may be circular or of any
tificial gravity in spacecraft such as space vehicles, transports, other shape, the stationary central post 1 secured to the base 2
space stations and similar embodiments whereby the astronaut 5 is a bearing supporting the hub 3 secured to rotor 4, and the
occupants thereof are attracted to and can walk on the floors hub. 5 secured to rotor 6.
of said embodiments without floating in a state of diminished 7 indicates a stationary sheet of plastics or other material
natural gravity or weightlessness as heretofore, and it relates adapted to radiate electrostatic energy when frictionally
further to an improved method and means for countering excited by the pads 8 secured to the rotor 4.
torque reaction simultaneously with the generation of artifi The sheet 7 is a floor of a spacecraft cabin, supported at its
cial gravity and the generation of electric energy by opposite periphery by multiple insulating posts 9, and at the center
ly-turning co-axial rotors. thereof by an extension 10 of post 1. A continuous circum
Diminished gravity and weightlessness are detrimental to ferential structure may be substituted for the multiple posts 9
the health of astronauts, particularly for long journeys in outer 15
as is well-knownto those skilled in the art,
space. In such an ambient medium the hearts of astronauts are The pads 8 secured to the underside of rotor 6 are adapted
not required to pump as hard to circulate their blood as in the to frictionally excite the stationary plastics or equivalent sheet
earth gravitational medium; and their reflexes are not called 11 for generating clouds of electrons that are absorbed by the
upon to help pump their blood back to their hearts against the stationary electrically-conductive element such as the sheet
force of gravity. Another significant effect of traveling and liv 20 12 or equivalent. Both elements 11 and 12 are supported by
ing in such an ambient medium is a deterioration in the condi the insulating posts 9 or equivalents, and are separated from
tion of heart and blood vessels for which the medical term is"- one another as shown.
cardiovascular deconditioning.' Upon the energization of the electric motor 13 from a
Proposals have been made to provide artificial gravity in a source of electric current, the pulley or gear thereof, indicated
space station by setting it spinning on its axis whereby cen 25 by 14, simultaneously engages and rotates the rotors 4 and 6 in
trifugal force would then give an outward gravity, and the "- opposite directions, whereupon the frictional excitation of the
down' force comparable with earth gravity would be outward. underside offloor 7 by the pads 8 causes the topside thereof to
That is impractical as the effect of centrifugal force acting radiate electrostatic clouds of electrons which function as ar
along the length of a human body from head to feet is to draw tificial gravity by attracting objects thereto in simulation of
the blood away from the eyes and brain, thereby causing 30 natural gravity; and the concurrent frictional excitation of ele
Therefore, the prime object of my invention is to provide, ment 11 by the other pads 8 secured to rotor 6 generates
particularly in an ambient medium of diminished gravity or clouds of electrons that are absorbed by the electrically-con
weightlessness, an enclosure cabin complex for spacecraft ductive element 12 for channeling to useful purposes; and the
wherein the floor, or other parts, of the enclosure or cabin oppositely-turned rotors 4 and 6 also perform the additional
complex radiates electrostatic energy to attract ambulatory
35 very important function of cancelling the torque reaction of
the co-axial rotors.
entities and objects thereto in simulation of natural gravity. 15 indicates the ceiling of the cabin, supported by the cir
Another object of my invention is to provide oppositely cumferentially-continuous wall 16 mounted on the posts 9 or
turning co-axial rotors, one rotor being adapted to radiate at equivalent circumferentially-continuous structure. 17 and 18
tracting electrostatic energy for producing artificial gravity, 40 represent compartments for containing equipment, instru
indicated hereinbefore, to simulate natural gravity, and the mentation, and/or supplies.
other rotor being adapted to generate electric energy for use The schematic representation in FIG. 3 comprises a base 19
ful purposes, both rotors being adapted to simultaneously of insulating material and an electrostatically-attractable ele
counter torque reaction. ment 20, such as of sheet aluminum or equivalent, partly
A further object of my invention is to provide gravita 45 secured thereto and having a portion thereof spaced from the
tionally-stabilized orbiting space stations to deter FOBs. Such base 19. This parallel structure of different materials is
space stations can be assembled in orbit from sections adapted to be fastened to the footwear, clothing, and imple
launched by rockets to provide gravitationally-stable
launching platforms where Earth gravity is already much ments of astronauts traversing the floor 7 of a spacecraft cabin
diminished and the escape velocity reduced, and where 50 whereby the electrostatic energy radiating from the floor 7
spacecraft too big to take off from the Earth under their own will pull and attract one side of the element 20 thereto, thus
power could be carried up to the space stations for assembly providing artificial gravitational pull on the astronauts similar
thereat and launching therefrom. to natural gravity, part of the other side of the element 20
Other objects of my invention will be apparent from the en being spaced from the base 19. I have also obtained satisfacto
suing specification and attached drawing wherein: 55 ry experimental results when the element 20 was of alu
FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of an enclosure or minized fiberboard.
cabin complex embodiment of my invention, forming part of a It will be noted, in FIG. 1, that one side of the stationary
spacecraft, wherein a first rotor at the underside of a cabin sheet 7 is the floor radiating electrostatic energy into the
floor generates electrostatic energy at the topside thereof to cabin, which presumably is pressurized with life-supporting air
attract objects and entities thereto in simulation of natural 60 or oxygen, while the underside thereof is the source for
gravity, and a second oppositely-turning co-axial rotor is generating the electrostatic energy; and it will be understood
adapted to generate electricity for useful purposes, such for that the belt of a Van de Graaff electrostatic generator may be
example as propulsion of the spacecraft by reacting to the used as an equivalent for energizing the sheet 7.
polarities of an electric force field surrounding the spacecraft, 21 indicates an electrically-conductive element supported
the said rotors also performing the additional function of 65 by an insulating element secured to the wall of compartment
countering the torque reaction of the spacecraft. 17, as shown in FIG. 1, but may be positioned over any portion
FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a rotor, indicated in of the electrostatically-radiating floor 7 and separated
FIG. 1, having spaced friction pads secured to a side thereof. therefrom like element 12 is separated from element 11. Upon
FIG. 3 is a schematic representation of an electrostatically the energization of element 7 by the pads 8, the resulting elec
attractable fabrication adapted to be fastened to the footwear, 70 trostatic current will be absorbed by element 21 and may be
clothing, uniforms or equipment of astronauts whereby the as used to light a fluorescent lamp in circuit therewith and with a
tronauts will be attracted to the floor of the cabin indicated in slip-ring contact from the rotating pads 8, as I have deter
FIG. 1, at angularity simulating natural gravity when the mined experimentally.
spacecraft is in an ambient medium of diminished gravity or It will also be noted that while the cabin is pressurized with
weightlessness. 75 life-supporting aeriform gas, the near-vacuum medium sur
3 4
rounding a spacecraft in outer space is beneficial for the the sheet adapted to generate the electrostatic energy
operation of the generators in the compartment at the under whereby the said first surface will radiate the electrostatic
side of sheet 7. energy and attract the planiform element thereto.
Co-polymer plastics may be used in the construction of the 4. Means for creating artificial gravity in an ambient medi
cabin complex. Such plastics can be reenforced with glass um of diminished natural gravity, comprising an electrostati
fibers and cloth and formed into structural members. Co cally-attractable element forming part of a fabricated article
polymers are also suitable as adhesives for bonding to metals. adapted to be fastened to the footwear and equipment of as
Although only certain embodiments of my invention have tronauts, one side of the said electrostatically-attractable ele
been illustrated and described herein as examples, it is un ment adapted to be attracted by one side of an electrostati
derstood that changes and modifications may be made within O cally-charged sheet, the other side of the said element being
the scope of the claims appended hereto. partly integral with the fabricated article, and means for elec
I claim: trostatically charging the other side of the said sheet whereby
1. The method of creating artificial gravity in a spacecraft the said one side of the sheet will attract the said one side of
traversing space in an ambient medium of diminished gravity, the element to provide artificial gravitational attraction.
which consists in frictionally exciting the underside of a floor 5 5. In a spacecraft adapted to travel in a near-vacuum in
in a spacecraft to radiate electrostatic energy from the topside space, an enclosure having a ceiling and a floor and adapted to
thereof, and placing an electrostatically-attractable element be pressurized therein with life-supporting aeriform gas, an
adjacent thereto whereby one side thereof will be attracted to electrostatic generator at the underside of the floor adapted to
the said topside of the floor. be exposed to the near-vacuum medium for the beneficial
2. In a spacecraft adapted to traverse outer space in an am operation thereof, and means for actuating the electrostatic
bient medium of diminished gravity, a stationary floor, a first generator whereby the energy generated thereby will radiate
rotor at the underside of the floor adapted to radiate electro from the topside of the floor within the enclosure and attract
static energy from the topside thereof to provide artificial objects thereto in simulation of natural gravity.
gravity by attracting the footwear and other equipment of as 6. In a spacecraft adapted to travel in a medium of
tronauts, and a second oppositely-turning rotor adapted to 25
diminished natural gravity, the combination and interrelation
cooperate with the first rotor to counter torque reaction. of a stationary floor, a bearing at the underside of the floor
3. Means for creating artificial gravity in an ambient medi supporting a rotor part of an electrostatic generator, the said
um of diminished gravity comprising a base adapted to be rotor being positioned substantially parallel to the stationary
fastened to the footwear and equipment of astronauts, an elec
trostatically-attractive planiform element secured to the base, floor, and means associated with the rotor adapted to excite
a sheet adapted to produce electrostatic energy in response to the underside of the stationary floor whereby the topside
frictional excitation, a first surface of the sheet adapted to at thereof will radiate electrostatic energy to attract objects
tract the said electrostatically-attractive planiform element, thereto in simulation of natural gravity.
and frictional means associated with the opposite surface of k k sk sk