US2949550 Ttbrown Electrokinetic
US2949550 Ttbrown Electrokinetic
US2949550 Ttbrown Electrokinetic
, BROWN 2,949,550
Filed July 3, 1957 2 Sheets-Sheet
A/G / A/G. 2
22 27
A/G 3 A/G. af
s/2422, & 6 Aeaez2-922422%
United States Patent Office 2,949,550
Patented Aug. 16, 1960
for producing relative motion between a structure and
the surrounding medium which apparatus includes a pair
2,949,550 of electrodes of appropriate form held in fixed spaced
relation to each other and immersed in a dielectric me
ELECTROKINETIC APPARATUS dium and oppositely charged.
Thomas Townsend Brown, Umatilla, Fla., assignor to It is another feature of my invention to provide ap
Whitehall-Rand, Inc., Washington, D.C., a corpara paratus which includes a body defining one electrode, an
tion of Delaware other separate electrode supported in fixed spaced relation
by said body, and a source of high electrical potential con
Filed July 3, 1957, Ser. No. 669,830 O nected between the body and the separate electrode.
12 Claims. (C. 310-5) It is also a feature of my invention to provide apparatus
having a body which is hollow and a source of potential
contained within the body.
It is another feature of my invention to provide ap
My invention relates to electrokinetic apparatus, and 5 paratus having a body and an electrode connected to the
more particularly to a method and apparatus for utilizing body, which combination comprises a vehicle.
electrical potentials for the production of forces for the It is also a feature of my invention to provide apparatus
purpose of causing relative motion between a structure which comprises a plurality of assemblies, each including
and the surrounding medium. a body and an electrode secured in side-by-side spaced
This invention was disclosed and described in my appli 20 relation to each other.
cation Serial No. 293,465, filed June 13, 1952, which ap It is another feature of my invention to provide ve
plication has become abandoned. However, reference hicular apparatus which includes a pair of electrically
may be made to this application for the purpose of com conductive body portions joined by an insulating portion,
pleting the disclosure set forth below. whereby said electrically conductive portions constitute
The invention utilizes a heretofore unknown electro 25 the electrodes.
kinetic phenomenon which I have discovered; namely, Other objects and advantages of my invention will be
that when a pair of electrodes of appropriate form are apparent from a consideration of the following specifica
held in a certain fixed spaced relation to each other and tion, read in connection with the accompanying drawings,
immersed in a dielectric medium and then oppositely wherein:
charged to an appropriate degree, a force is produced 30 Figure 1 is a side elevational view illustrating diagram
tending to move the pair of electrodes through the me matically a simple form of apparatus embodying and
dium. The invention is concerned primarily with certain functioning in accordance with the principles of my in
apparatus for utilizing such phenomenon in various man vention;
ners to be described. Figure 2 is a plan view of the apparatus shown in
Priorly, intervening electrokinetic apparatus has been 35 Figurue l;
employed to convert electrical energy to mechanical Figure 3 is a perspective view illustrating the manner in
energy and then to convert the mechanical energy to the which a plurality of devices of the character illustrated in
required force. Except for the insignificantly small forces Figure i may be interconnected for joint operation;
of electrostatic attraction and repulsion, electrical energy 40 Figure 4 is a diagrammatic view similar to Figure
has not been used for the direct production of force and 1 illustrating a modified form of the invention providing
motion. a means for reversing the direction of the propulsive force
Since any conversion of energy from one form to an produced;
other is accompanied by losses due to friction, radiation Figure 5 is a perspective view illustrating diagrammati
or conduction of heat, hysteresis, and the like, as well cally a self-propelled device utilizing the principles of this
as serious reductions in the availability of the energy by 45 invention;
increases in the entropy of the system, it is apparent that Figure 6 is a perspective view of one illustrative em
great increases in efficiency may be achieved through the bodiment of this invention showing a pair of electrokinetic
use of the direct production of electrical energy and force propulsion devices suspended from a rotatable arm which
and motion made possible by my invention. Likewise, the arm is supported at its midpoint;
elimination of the machinery for the intermediate con 50 Figure 7 is a side elevational view of a mobile vehicle
versions results in great savings in first costs, maintenance, with parts broken away to show the interior construction;
weight and space, the latter two being of great importance Figure 8 is a side elevational view illustrating diagram
in self-propelled vehicles including mobile vehicles such matically the arrangement of parts used in an alternative
as aircraft and space craft. form of mobile vehicle.
It is therefore an object of my invention to provide an 55 Referring to the drawings, I have illustrated in Figure
apparatus for converting the energy of an electrical po 1 a simple form of apparatus which is readily adaptable
tential directly into a mechanical force suitable for causing for use in demonstrating the principles of my invention,
relative motion between a structure and the Surrounding and which is utilized in this application as a simplified
medium. representation to facilitate an understanding of the prin
It is another object of this invention to provide a 8)
ciples involved. The apparatus illustrated in Figure 1
novel apparatus for converting an electrical potentia. constitutes one electrode which is preferably in the form
directly to usable kinetic energy. of a body member 20, said member preferably compris
It is another object of this invention to provide a ing a relatively thin flat plate. A second electrode 21
novel apparatus for converting electrostatic energy di in the form of a wire or other suitable form of electrical
rectly into kinetic energy. 65
conductor is held as by means of insulated Supports 22
It is another object of this invention to provide a in fixed spaced relation to the body 20, the wire 2.
vehicle motivated by electrostatic energy without the use being disposed in the plane of the body 20 and prefer
of moving parts. ably substantially parallel with a leading edge 23 of the
It is still another object of this invention to provide a body 20. A source 24 of high voltage electrical poten
self-propelled vehicle without moving parts. 0 tial is provided and connected as shown at 25 and 26
It is a feature of my invention to provide an apparatus to the two electrodes 20 and 21, respectively.
- - 2,949,550 - - r
3. 4.
I have discovered that when apparatus of the character electrodes to be operated at potentials above 125 kV. may
just described is immersed in a dielectric medium, as inch. be hollow pipes or rods having a diameter of 4 to 2
for example, the ordinary air of the atmosphere, there is
produced a force tending to move the entire assembly In Figure 3, I have illustrated the manner in which
through the medium, and this force is applied in such a plurality of assemblies, such as are shown in Figure 1,
direction as to tend to move the body 20 toward the may be interconnected for joint operation. As may be
leading electrode 21. This force produces relative mo seen from Figure 3, a plurality of such assemblies are
tion between the apparatus and the surrounding fluid di placed in Spaced side-by-side relation. They may be
electric. Thus, if the apparatus is held in a fixed posi held fixed in such spaced relation through the use of
tion, the dielectric medium is caused to move past the a plurality of tie rods 28 and interposed spacers (not
apparatus and to this extent the apparatus may be con shown) placed between adjacent plates 20. The assem
sidered as analogous to a pump or fan. Conversely, bly of plates 20 may be electrically interconnected by a
if the apparatus is free to move, the relative motion be bus bar or similar conductor 29 to which the negative
tween the medium and the apparatus results in a forward 5 lead 25 is connected. In a similar way, the plurality of
motion of the apparatus, and it is thus seen that the positive leading electrodes 2 may be held in appropri
apparatus is a self-propulsive device. ately Spaced relation to each other by fastening their ends
While the phenomenon just described has been ob to pairs of bus bars 30 and 31, to the latter of which
served and its existence confirmed by repeated experi the positive lead 26 is connected. The assembly of lead
ment, the principles involved are not completely under 20 ing electrodes 21 may be held in spaced relation to the
stood. It has been determined that the greatest forces assembly of body members 20 by an appropriate arrange
are developed when the leading electrode is made ment of the supports 22.
positive with respect to the body 20, and it is accord In Figure 4, I have illustrated diagrammatically an
ingly thought that in the immediate vicinity of the arrangement of parts for producing a reversible action;
electrode 21 where the potential gradient is very high, that is, permitting the direction of the propulsive force
free electrons are stripped off of the atoms and molecules 25 to be reversed. The apparatus is similar to that shown
of the surrounding medium. These electrons migrate in Figure 1, differing therefrom in utilizing a pair of
to the positive electrode 21 where they are collected. leading electrodes 21f and 21r spaced by means of
This removal of free electrons leaves the respective atoms Spacers 22 from the front and rear edges 23f and 23r
and molecules positively charged and such charged atoms 30 of the body member 20 in a manner similar to that de
and molecules are accordingly repelled from the posi scribed with reference to the supports 22 in Figure 1.
tive electrode 21 and attracted toward the negative The source 24 of high voltage electrical potential has
electrode 20. The paths of movement of these positively its negative terminal connected to the body 20 as by
charged particles appear to be of the nature represented means of the aforementioned conductor 25. The positive
by the lines 27 in Figure 2. 35
terminal is connected as by means of the conductor 26
It appears that upon reaching or closely approaching to the blade 27 of a single-pole, double-throw switch,
the surface of the body 20, the positively charged atoms Serving in one position to connect the conductor 26 to a
and molecules have their positive charges neutralized conductor 26f which is in turn connected to the forward
electrode 21f and arranged in its opposite position to
by the capture of electrons from the body 20 and in
many cases, it may be that excess electrons are captured connect the conductor 26 to a conductor 26r which is in
whereby to give such atoms and molecules a negative 40 turn connected to the reverse electrode 21r.
charge so that they are actually repelled from the It will be seen that with the switch 27 in the posi
body 20. tion shown in Figure 4, the apparatus will operate in the
It will be appreciated that the mass of each of the nanner described in connection with Figure 1, causing
individual electrons is approximately one two-thousandths the assembly to move to the left as viewed in Figure 4.
the mass of the hydrogen atom and is accordingly negligi 45 By throwing the switch 27 to the opposite position, the
ble as compared with the mass of the atoms and molecules direction of the forces produced are reversed and the
of the medium from which they are taken. The principal device moves to the right as viewed in Figure 4.
forces involved therefore are the forces involved in mov In Figure 5, I have illustrated the principles of the in
ing the charged atoms and molecules from the region Vention as embodied in a simple form of mobile vehicle.
of the positive electrode 21 to and beyond the negatively 50 This device includes a body member 50 which is prefer
charged body 20. The force so exerted by the system ably of the form of a circular disc somewhat thicker
on those atoms and molecules not only produces a flow in its center than at its edges. The disc 50 constitutes
of the medium relative to the apparatus, but, of course, one of the electrodes and is the equivalent of the body
results in a like force on the system tending to move the member 2 referred to in connection with Figure 1. A
55 leading electrode 51 in the form of a wire or similar
entire system in the opposite direction; that is, to the left Small diameter conductor is supported from the body
as viewed in Figure 1 of the drawing. 50 by a plurality of insulating supports 52 in uniform
The above suggested explanation of the mode of opera Spaced parallel relation to a leading edge portion 53 of
tion of the device is supported by observation of the the body 50. A skirt or similar fairing 54 may be car
fact that the dimensions and potentials utilized must be 80 ried by the body 58 to round out the entire structure so
adjusted to produce the required electric field and the as to provide a device which is substantially circular in
resulting propulsive force. Actually I have found that plan. A Source of high voltage electrical potential 55 is
the potential gradient must be below that value required provided with its negative terminal connected as indicated
to produce a visible corona since corona is objection at 56 to the body 50 and its positive terminal connected
able inasmuch as it represents losses through the radia 65 as indicated at 57 to the leading electrode 51.
tion of heat, light and molecular charges in the medium. The device operates in the same manner as the ap
My experiments have indicated that the electrode 21 paratus shown in Figure 1 to produce a force tending to
may be of small diameter for the lower voltage ranges, move the entire assembly through the surrounding me
i.e. below 125 kV. while above this voltage, rod or hollow dium to the left as viewed in Figure 5 of the drawing.
pipe electrodes are preferred. These large electrodes 70 Referring now to Figure 6, there is depicted an illus
are preferred for the higher voltages since sharp points
or edges are eliminated which at these elevated potentials trative embodiment of this invention in which a pair of
would produce losses thus diminishing the thrust. For mobile vehicles, such as depicted in Figure 5, are shown
example, electrodes to be operated at potentials below suspended from the terminals of arm 40, which arm
125 kV. may be made from small gauge wire only large is supported at its midpoint by a vertical column 44.
enough to provide the required mechanical rigidity while 75 High voltage source 55 is shown connected through wires
5 6
56 and 57 which extend to the ends of arm 40 by way herein may be of relatively simple construction and rela
of Suitable rotatable contacts 44 and 45 and brushes 46 tively low capacity. For example, potentials of the order
and 47 adjacent point 43 in the center of arm 40. Mobile of 30 to 70 thousand volts may be adequate for use with
vehicle 50 is shown suspended from one end of the lever this apparatus, the particular voltage employed dependent,
arm 40 by means of conductors 56 and 57. A similar 5 of course, upon the size of the vehicle or apparatus. It
vehicle 58 is shown suspended from the other end of will be appreciated that the elimination of moving parts
the rotatable arm by conductors 56 and 57. It is, of in the apparatus will represent a tremendous saving in first
course, understood that these bodies may be suspended cost and maintenance cost of the apparatus also the
by any convenient structure such as wires or rods which direct production of the motive forces from the electrical
wires or rods may support conductors 56 and 57 in any 0. force represents a high efficiency so that greater propul
Suitable manner. sive forces and speeds may be obtained with apparatus
In this illustrative embodiment the vehicles were caused occupying small space and of light weight.
to rotate at a speed of 17 feet per second with 50 kV. While I have shown and described various embodiments
applied to conductors 56 and 57 from source 55. It is, of my invention, it is appreciated that the principles
of course, understood that these figures are merely by way 5 thereof may be extended to many and varied types of
of illustrative example and, as might be expected, the machines and apparatus. The invention therefore is not
speed of the vehicles increases exponentially with the to be limited to the details illustrated and described
applied voltage. herein.
When the apparatus is to be used for propelling a Certain of the physical principles embodied herein are
mobile vehicle, it is, of course, necessary that the source 20 disclosed and described in my application Serial No.
55 of high voltage be contained within and carried by 669,727, filed July 3, 1957, which is directed to the gen
the vehicle. This may be accomplished by using the ap eration of high voltages by means of electrokinetic ap
paratus in the manner shown in Figure 7, wherein the paratus.
high voltage source 55 is contained within the hollow In my application Serial No. 669,831, filed July 3, 1957,
central portion of the body 50, the conductor 56 being 25 electrokinetic principles are employed in conjunction with
connected to the body and the conductor 57 being suit apparatus somewhat similar to that disclosed and de
ably insulated from the body 50 and extended externally scribed in the instant application to produce a novel trans
thereof and into connection with the leading conductor 51. ducer.
The apparatus of my invention may be used to propel I claim:
vehicles of shapes other than that described in connec 30 1. Thrust producing apparatus comprising an electro
tion with Figures 5 and 7. For example, in Figure 8 conductive body having a relatively large, substantially
have illustrated the way in which the invention may be smooth area thereof exposed to the surrounding medium,
utilized in the propulsion of a vehicle of torpedo-like an electrode supported on said body, insulated therefrom
shape. As is shown in Figure 8, I use a body member and shaped to produce a concentrated electrostatic field
which is indicated generally by the reference character 35 when electrically charged with respect to said body, and
60 and which is formed of three parts, to wit, an after power means connected between said body and electrode
body 61 formed of electrically conductive material, a to impress high voltage thereon whereby to cause rela
hollow central body portion 62 formed of insulating tive movement of an ionizable dielectric medium sur
material, and a nose portion 63 formed of electrically con rounding said electrodes.
ductive materiai. A source 64 of high voltage electrical 40 2. Thrust producing apparatus comprising an electrode
potential is contained within the hollow central body por having a substantially flat exposed surface, an elongated
tion 62 and has its terminals connected, respectively, to electrode extending along one edge of said surface and
the nose portion 63 and afterbody portion 61, the posi equidistant therefrom and supported in fixed spaced rela
tive terminal being preferably the one which is connected tionship with respect to said edge of said surface and
to the nose portion 63. Thus, the afterbody 61 functions 45 substantially in the plane thereof, and power means con
as the aft electrode 20 described with reference to Figure nected across said electrodes to impress high voltage
1 and the nose portion 63 corresponds to the leading thereon whereby to cause relative movement of an ion
electrode 21.
The nose portion 63 may be equipped with a plurality izable dielectric medium surrounding said electrodes.
of suitably shaped fins 65. These fins may be extended aft 3. Thrust producing apparatus comprising a Substan
of the junction between the central body 62 and the nose 50 tially flat hollow electrode, an electrode supported in
portion 63, as shown at 66, to provide ionizing elements fixed spaced relationship with respect to an edge of said
which are spaced more closely to the afterbody 61 and flat electrode and substantially in the plane thereof, and
which functions in a manner analogous to the smaller di power means within said hollow electrode connected
ameter electrode 2:1. Also, the fins may be shaped to con across said electrodes to impress high voltage thereon
form to the aerodynamic requirements and may, if de 55 thereby causing relative movement of an ionizable di
sired, be movable in whole or in part for the purpose of electric medium surrounding said electrodes.
permitting the machine to be maneuvered. 4. Thrust producing apparatus comprising a substan
I have shown the nose portion 63 as being provided tially flat electrode having a pair of electrodes supported
with a needle-like point 67. By using such a nose form, 60 in fixed spaced relationship with opposite edges of said
which at present appears to be the best suited for flying flat electrode and substantially in the plane thereof, a
speeds approaching or exceeding the speed of sound, I am high voltage source with one terminal connected to said
able to produce an ionization of the atmosphere in the flat electrode and switching means connected to the other
immediate region of this foremost portion of the mobile terminal of said source, and adapted to connect said other
vehicle. I believe that this ionization facilitates piercing 65 terminal selectively to one or the other of said electrodes
the sonic barrier and minimizes the abruptness with whereby to cause relative movement of an ionizable me
which the transition takes place in passing from subsonic dium surrounding said electrodes selectively in one di
velocities to supersonic velocities. rection or the other depending on which of said electrodes
From the foregoing it will be observed that I have is connected to said source.
provided an electrokinetic method and apparatus for 5. Thrust producing apparatus comprising a group of
the production of forces suitable for causing relative 70 flat electrodes each having a continuous edge, said flat
motion between a structure and the surrounding medium. electrodes being supported in spaced parallel relation and
It will be observed that the methods and apparatus de electrically interconnected, a group of elongated elec
scribed herein are particularly adaptable for use as a trodes, each supported in fixed spaced relationship with
propulsive means for self-propelled vehicles. I wish to respect to one of said edges, said electrodes being elec
emphasize that the high voltage power source referred to 75 trically interconnected and a high voltage source con
7 8
nected across said groups of electrodes whereby to cause 9. Apparatus for producing relative motion between
relative movement of an ionizable dielectric medium sur a body and the surrounding medium in accordance with
rounding said electrodes. claim 8 wherein said body portion includes an electrical
6. Thrust producing apparatus comprising a disc conducting surface and wherein said electrode is mounted
shaped electrode, an electrode arranged in an arc of less in fixed spacial relation to said body.
10. Apparatus for producing relative motion between
than 180 spaced from an edge of said disc electrode and
Substantially in the plane thereof and power means con a body and the surrounding medium in accordance with
nected across said electrodes to impress a high voltage po claim 8 further comprising a rotatable arm, said body
tential thereon whereby to cause relative movement of being connected to said rotatable arm.
an ionizable dielectric medium surrounding said elec O 11. Apparatus for producing relative motion between
trodes. a first and a second body and the surrounding medium
7. Apparatus for producing relative motion between comprising a first conductive body portion, a second con
a vehicle body and the surrounding medium comprising ductive body portion, each of said body portions having
a vehicle body having a conducting nose portion, a cen a relatively large surface area and having an elongated
tral portion and a conducting afterbody having a rela 15 electrode mounted thereon in fixed spacial relationship,
tively large surface area and a source of high voltage a source of potential connected to each of said bodies
connected between said conducting nose portion and said and each of said electrodes and means for supporting
conducting afterbody whereby the application of said said bodies in rotatable relationship.
voltage to said conducting nose portion and said con 12. Apparatus for producing relative motion in ac
ducting afterbody cause relative motion between said 20 cordance with claim 11 wherein said supporting means
body and the surrounding medium. comprises an arm, and a support for said arm, said first
8. Apparatus for producing relative motion between a and said Second bodies being connected to the ends of
body and the Surrounding medium comprising a body said arm.
portion, an elongated electrode mounted on and insulated
from said body portion and a source of potential hav 25 References Cited in the file of this patent
ing its positive terminal connected to said electrode and UNITED STATES PATENTS
its negative terminal connected to said body portion
whereby said electrical potential is converted directly into 1974,483 Brown ---------------- Sept. 25, 1934
a motive force.