1a: Measurement of Ice Mixture and Boiling Water

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1a: Measurement of Ice Mixture and Boiling Water


The experiment was conducted to demonstrate the application of temperature scales and
fixed points. Measurement of water temperature in a hot water bath and vacuum flask was taken
by using a glass Thermometer, Bimetallic Temperature Indicator, Thermocouple type J and K,
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Thermistor and Vapor Pressure Indicator. The efficient
instrument to measure ice water mixture is Bimetallic Temperature Indicator, Thermistor and
Vapor Pressure Indicator while Thermometer is the most efficient to measure temperature in
boiling water.


Temperature measurement in today’s industrial environment encompasses a wide variety

of needs and applications. With present-day technology such measurement almost always requires
either physical contact with the subject or an extensive calibration procedure (Khan, Allemand &
Eager, 1990). To meet this wide array of needs the process controls industry has developed a large
number of sensors and devices to handle this demand. Temperature is a very critical and widely
measured variable for most engineers. Many processes must have either a monitored or controlled
temperature. This can range from the simple monitoring of the water temperature of an engine or
load device, or in production plant or as complex as the temperature of a weld in a laser welding

One of the temperature measurement devices is glass tube thermometer. It consist of

mercury in a glass tube. Calibrated marks on the tube allow the temperature to be read by the
height of the mercury column in the capillary tube which varies according to the temperature.
Glass thermometer is accurate, economical instrument that measures temperature of liquids or
gases. The bimetallic thermometer uses a bimetal, which is composed of two types of metals with
different thermal coefficients of expansion and they are wound into a helical form, change
according to temperature is transmitted to the indicator (Bentley, 1998). This thermometer is
simple in construction and reasonably priced.
Thermocouple is a temperature measurement sensor that consists of two dissimilar metals
that joined together at one end (a junction) that produces a small thermoelectric voltage when the
junction is heated. Thermocouple thermometers interpret the change in thermoelectric voltage as
a change in temperature. Thermocouple is available in various types with different combinations
of dissimilar metals. The most common types are: Type J, K, T and E. For example, Type K
Thermocouple is ranged between -249.75°C to 1373.625°C and Type J Thermocouple is ranged
between -189.81 °C to 999°C. Exposed junction thermocouple is fast responding but the
thermocouple itself is unprotected and subject to corrosion from the environment.

Thermistor is generally composed of semiconductor materials. Most thermistors have

negative temperature coefficient (TC) which means resistance decreases with increasing
temperature. It has a semiconductor material which changes its electrical resistance as a function
of temperature. Extension wires used with thermistor can be plain copper wire. Thermistor offers
accuracy similar to RTD within narrow temperature ranges near to ambient temperature. It is
generally responses faster comparatively. Since thermistor standards vary, care must be taken to
match the instrumentation to the sensor.

RTD is nearly linear over a wide range of temperatures and can be made small enough to
have response times of a fraction of a second. The classical resistance temperature detector (RTD)
construction using platinum was proposed by C.H.Meyers in 1932. In this experiment, the
objective is to demonstrate the application of temperature scales and fixed points using a glass
Thermometer, Bimetallic Temperature Indicator, Thermocouple (Type J, K), Resistance
Temperature Detector (RTD), Thermistor and Vapor Pressure Indicator.


Demonstrate the application of temperature scales and fixed points using a glass
thermometer, Bimetallic Temperature Indicator, Thermocouple (Type J, K), Resistance
Temperature Detector (RTD), Thermistor and Vapor Pressure Indicator.
1. Cold Water
2. Mixture of crushed ice and pure water
3. Power Cord
4. Plug
5. Socket
6. mV indicator
7. Water Heater
8. Vacuum Flask
9. Thermometer
10. Bi metallic temperature indicator
11. Resistance Temperature Detector
12. Thermistor
13. Vapor Pressure Indicator
14. Temperature Measurement Bench ( Model : HE 151, SOLTEQ, MALAYSIA)

1. The water heater was filled with clean water and the power cord was connected.

2. The vacuum flask was half filled with a maximum of crushed ice and pure water.

3. The thermometer and bi-metal indicator were used to read and note the ambient air temperature.

4. The Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) was taken out and its plugs were connected to the
corresponding sockets of the resistance indicator.

5. The RTD was placed on the baseboard and the readings were allowed to stabilize at ambient air
temperature. The temperature indicated was read and recorded.

6. The thermistor was taken out and its plugs were connected to the corresponding sockets of the
thermistor indicator.
7. The thermistor was placed on the baseboard and the readings were allowed to stabilize at
ambient air temperature. The temperature indicated was read and recorded.

8. The Vapor Pressure thermometer was used to read and note the ambient air temperature.

9. The bulb of the thermometer was inserted into the water-ice mixture. The reading of the
thermometer was observed and recorded.

10. Step 9 was repeated for the this apparatus Metal rod of the bi-metal thermometer, RTD probe,
Thermistor probe, Metal rod of the vapor pressure.

11. The water heater was switched on and when the water reached its boiling point (indicated by
the rapid movement of the water’s surface), the bulb of the thermometer was inserted and the
reading was observed and noted.

12. Step 11 was repeated for the this apparatus Metal rod of the bi-metal thermometer, RTD probe,
Thermistor probe, Metal rod of the vapor pressure

Table 1. Temperature Reading of Water Using Various Type of Instrument
Type of Ambient Water ice mixture Boiling water
measurement temperature, (oC) temperature, (oC) temperature, (oC)
Thermometer 25.0 2.5 99.0
Bimetallic 24.0 0.0 95.0
temperature indicator
Thermocouple type K 26.0 4.0 78.0
Thermocouple type J 26.0 2.0 95.0
Vapour pressure 21.0 0.0 94.0
Resistance 24.5 0.2 91.4
temperature detector
Thermistor 24.2 0.0 92.0


From the result in the table 1, the temperature reading of water ice mixture and boiling
water is slightly different from the actual temperature. Which is the actual temperature for the
water ice mixture are 0oC and the temperature of boiling water are 100oC. Different instrument
were used in this experiment and shows a slightly different in the reading of temperature. It is
because the accuracy and precision of the instrument are the factor that effect the reading. For the
water ice mixture the temperature reading of bimetallic temperature indicator, vapour pressure
indicator and thermistor is 0oC. While the reading of the resistance temperature detector,
thermocouple type J and thermometer is 0.2oC, 2oC and 2.5oC which is very close to 0oC. However,
the temperature reading of thermocouple type K is and 4oC which is very far from the other. It is
because the temperature measurement bench that were used to plug in the thermocouple type K
was specifically for thermocouple type J.

For boiling water, the temperature of thermometer is 99oC which is very close to actual
temperature. While bimetallic temperature indicator and thermocouple type J both had reading
95oC. The vapour pressure indicator shows 94oC, resistance temperature detector shows 91.4oC
and thermistor shows 92oC in temperature reading. Thermocouple type K had reading 78oC which
is very far from the other instrument due to there is only plug in for the thermocouple type J.

To ensure the correct temperature is measured, the right technique should be taken as
precaution. Firstly, the water ice mixture should be placed in the insulated bottle to reduce the heat
transfer to surrounding. Then, most of the instrument calibrated so the reading is more accurate
when the entire column is immersed in the ice water mixture. The water ice mixture also should
be well mixed to ensure uniform temperature is being measured. Next, the reading should be taken
after the temperature reading is stopped at the lowest reading.

Based on this experiment, different instrument that be used shows the slightly different in
reading of temperature. It is because each instrument had different type of sensors and technique
to measure the reading.


Application of temperature scales and fixed points of Glass Thermometer, Bimetallic

Temperature Indicator, Thermocouple type J and K, Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD),
Thermistor and Vapor Pressure Indicator was successfully demonstrated.

Anonymous, (n.d), Thermocouples. Retrieved on 10th October 2017 from


Anonymous, (n.d), Thermistor. Retrieved on 10th October 2017 from

Bentley, R. E. (1998). Handbook of temperature measurement. Singapore: Springer.

Khan, M. A., Allemand, C., & Eager, T. (1990). Noncontact temperature measurement. Rev. Sci.
Instrument, 62(2), 392-402.

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