Parte 2 Mec Ter
Parte 2 Mec Ter
Parte 2 Mec Ter
Table 2
Model parameters for LP at different curing times and various water-to-binder ratio.
Curing Water to binder Strain corresponding to maximum Stress at failure Modulus of Model parameters
time ratio stress εf σf Elasticity Ei β Vipulanandan Rational
Fig. 10. Stress–strain relationship using different predicted models with various curing times of (a) 3 days, (b) 7 days, and (c) 28 days.
analysis can calculate various characteristics, including glass transition through a reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide, causing the plaster
temperature, vapor temperature, melting temperature, degree of to increase in strength. Lime plaster was a common building material for
supercooling, and crystallinity [30]. The DSC curve in Fig. 5 shows an wall surfaces in a process known as lath and plaster, whereby a series of
endothermic peak around 102 ◦ C and three exothermic peaks at 97, 124, wooden strips on a study work frame was covered with a semi-dry
and 150 ◦ C, respectively. Every-one of them happened within a short plaster that hardened into a surface. The plaster used in most lath and
distance from each other. Since the endothermic peak’s temperature is plaster construction was mainly lime plaster, with a cure time of about a
near the boiling point of water, it can be attributed to the desorption of month. Small amounts of plaster were incorporated into the mix to
water from the precursors. The glass transition stage is responsible for stabilize the lime plaster during curing. Because plaster of Paris sets
exothermic development. As shown in Fig. 5, after 150 ◦ C, it entered an quickly, “retardants” were used to slow setting time enough to allow
endothermic slope, probably due to silica in the sample. It shows that the workers to mix large working quantities of lime putty plaster. A modern
material has excellent heat capacity at high temperatures, indicating form of this method uses expanded metal mesh over wood or metal
great fire resistance. This is an important specification of the sample as a structures, which allows great freedom of design as it is adaptable to
building construction material. Lime plaster combines calcium hydrox both simple and compound curves. Today this building method has been
ide and sand (or other inert fillers). Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere partly replaced with drywall, composed mostly of gypsum plaster. In
causes the plaster to set by transforming the calcium hydroxide into both these methods, a primary advantage of the material is that it is
calcium carbonate (limestone). Whitewash is based on the same chem resistant to a fire within a room and so can assist in reducing or elimi
istry. Limestone (calcium carbonate) is heated above approximately nating structural damage or destruction provided the fire is promptly
850 ◦ C (1600 ◦ F) to produce quicklime (calcium oxide). Water is added extinguished. Lime plaster is used for frescoes, where pigments, diluted
to produce slaked lime (calcium hydroxide), sold as a wet putty or a in water, are applied to the still-wet plaster.
white powder. Additional water is added to form a paste before use. The
paste may be stored in airtight containers. When exposed to the atmo
sphere, the calcium hydroxide slowly turns back into calcium carbonate
C.Y. Rahimzadeh et al. Construction and Building Materials 350 (2022) 128921
C.Y. Rahimzadeh et al. Construction and Building Materials 350 (2022) 128921
Fig. 11. Stress–strain relationship using different predicted models with various curing times of (a) 3 days, (b) 7 days, and (c) 28 days.
3.4. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Fig. 7c). Fig. 7 shows an SEM photomicrograph with a magnification of
3000. EDS analysis elucidates the possibility of garnet, kyanite, quartz,
SEM analysis was performed to characterize the surface morphology and calcite as common minerals due to the presence of Si and Ca.
of the materials down to the nanoscale. The resulting images are dis However, the plaster representing the samples is shown to contain so
played in Fig. 7 at three distinct magnifying sizes at 100, 50, and 5 μm dium and potassium, which might be due to the presence of salts. The
for the LP. As can be observed, most of the grains are micro and nano results correlate well with the chemical composition results, XRD, and
scale in size (up to 10 nm), have an irregular shape, and are equally TGA analyses.
dispersed. The images depict a flexed bar-shaped fiber with a diameter
of almost 40 μm. Various grain shapes and sizes on the fiber surface may
indicate the interaction and compatibility of fibers with particles
C.Y. Rahimzadeh et al. Construction and Building Materials 350 (2022) 128921
Table 3
Comparison of three different models based on RMSE, MAE, and R2 values.
Statistical evaluation parameters Models 0.75 w/b 0.90 w/b
3 Days 7 Days 28 Days 3 Days 7 Days 28Days
3.5. Initial setting time was conducted at three different curing ages. Lime plaster has been used
for building since before the use of cement. Recently, it has become more
According to research, hardening, also known as carbonation, is popular because it is more environmentally friendly than cement. Lime
affected by relative humidity (RH) and temperature [33]. Because CO2 plaster can be made in two ways, but it does require a fair amount of
diffusion through pores is proportional to the amount of water present, time and hard work to make it properly. As lime plaster is prepared,
the climate might directly affect the rate of carbonation [34]. Addi careful safety attention is taken. With both recipes, mix until all lumps
tionally, relative humidity and temperature changes result in a variety are gone and run the mixture through a fine-mesh screen to remove
of reactions with lime in LP, such as the mineral transformation of chunks of limestone. Store the lime plaster in a sealed container to
Portlandite (Ca(OH)2) to calcite (CaCO3), which has a significant effect protect it from the air for three months before using it. With increasing
on the internal interactions and microstructure of lime plaster [35,36]. stress, several micro-fractures developed in the specimen. As additional
However, when testing plaster, the suggested laboratory curing condi cracks emerged and expanded, the stress versus strain became
tions of 65 (±15) % relative humidity and + 20 ± 3 ◦ C [37] are utilized, nonlinear. Once the stress reached its maximum value, the specimen was
often significantly different from the workplace environ immediately degraded to failure. However, the stress continued and
ment conditions. The test results of the setting times of the plaster with caused many large fractures on the specimen. The stress–strain behavior
w/b ratios of 0.75 and 0.90 were 238 min and 295 min, respectively. is depicted in Figs. 8 and 9. The peak stress and strain of all curves were
the mean values of the three samples. According to Figs. 8 and 9, several
observations were made through experimental study, including the
3.6. Compression test and stress–strain behavior following: (i) the elastic region of the stress–strain curve was more stable
than the plastic region (after failure [21]. (ii) The compression peak of
A series of cylindrical specimens were prepared under uniaxial the specimens with w/b of 0.75 had less strain when the curing time
compression machines to investigate the influences of two different w/b increased to 28 days, while the strain in the specimens with w/b of 0.90
on the compression stress–strain behavior of LP. The stress–strain test
C.Y. Rahimzadeh et al. Construction and Building Materials 350 (2022) 128921
Fig. 12. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis for a failed sample at 28 days of curing time with w/b = 0.75, (a) 100 μm, (b and c) 50 μm, (d and e) 5 μm.
was increased. (iii) In general, the maximum stress of all samples of LP at and 28 days of curing for each w/b ratio of 0.75 and 0.90. The obtained
w/b of 0.75 was almost 2.6 times higher than the maximum stress of LP parameters for each model are listed in Table 2. As shown in Figs. 10 and
at w/b of 0.90. The maximum compressive strength for the LP specimens 11, the β and Vipulanandan p-q models were able to detect the peak of
with 0.75 and 0.90 water-to-binder ratio at 28 days of curing time was stress well. By comparing RMSE, MAE, and R2 in Table 3, the β model
0.9 and 0.35 MPa, respectively (Table 2). Three different models have has less prediction than the other two models. In terms of statistics, The
been applied to predict the value of compressive stress vs strain. The Vipulanandan p-q model detects the whole behavior of LP specimens
models have been proposed separately for six conditions, such as 3, 7, under stress. However, as shown in Figs. 10b, c, and 11, the rational
C.Y. Rahimzadeh et al. Construction and Building Materials 350 (2022) 128921
model cannot accurately interpret the experimental data at failure and 3.7. Microstructure analysis for failed samples (SEM)
after failure. According to Table 2, the modulus of elasticity of LP is 20
MPa when w/b of 0.90 and the curing time is 28 days, and 265 MPa Fig. 12 demonstrates scanning electron microscopy images of the
when w/b = 0.75 and the curing time is 28 days. The results reveal that micromorphological characteristics of hydrated LP (at 28 days of curing)
when the w/b ratio is dropped to 0.75 or below, the modulus of elasticity after the failure of the specimen. Fig. 12a reveals an uncompacted
increases significantly, 13 times more than the modulus of elasticity at a texture of the hydrated material with numerous large and tiny pores on a
w/b ratio of 0.90. micro-scale. The masses present at this site may be divided into two
broad groups: surface sheets with an uneven arrangement and
C.Y. Rahimzadeh et al. Construction and Building Materials 350 (2022) 128921
Fig. 13. X-ray diffraction (XRD) test for the LP after hydration.
agglomerated grains. The cleavage flakes are flexible sheets that Por is spongy and porous, which is known as disordered calcite [40], and a
tlandite produces during hydration [38]. The peaks of XRD analysis at darker color texture (III) that is solid and crystalline without any pores,
2θ = 23◦ , 29.4◦ , 35.9◦ , 39.3◦ , 43.1◦ , 47◦ , 47.5◦ , 57.5◦ , 60.6◦ , and 64.7◦ as previously mentioned this is calcium-silicate. Numerous grains (1–2
for hydrated LP sample Fig. 13 indicated that the most peaks contain μm) are distributed like pulps on the bulk phase (III) surface. The lighter
Portlandite and calcite (CaCO3) which confirm that the overall com color textures (II) are created from the combination of the pulps during
posite of the material consists of these two compounds. Fig. 12b, along the hydration process, as shown in Fig. 12d. In addition, the temperature
with the EDX diagram for point of (I), confirms the presence of Por and carbonation as the curing conditions severely affect completing the
tlandite sheets was >67 % of calcium. Furthermore, in Fig. 12b, the rod reactions of calcium-silicate (C–S) bonding and calcination [12,41]. In
shapes represent Aragonite [39], and the white bulks represent SiO2. both textures, silica is the most abundant component according to the
Fig. 12d illustrates two distinct textures: a lighter color texture (II) that EDX analysis results Fig. 12d. At the same time, the amount of calcium
C.Y. Rahimzadeh et al. Construction and Building Materials 350 (2022) 128921
percentage is different for both textures; calcium was recognized as coefficient of 0.99. Furthermore, the Vipulanandan p-q model
more abundant in (II) texture. accurately predicted the whole stress–strain behavior of LP
Even though nano-pores and micro-pores in the entire texture of the specimens.
material are the reason for its excellent thermal insulation characteris 10. The curing condition of LP should be at different temperatures of
tics [42], the presence of loose and spongy phases and, on the other 25, 45, and 60 ◦ C expecting the compressive strength to increase
hand, the fracture lines between the calcite and Portlandite shells which with increasing the temperature.
cause low compressive strength of LP. 11. Curing the samples at different pH environments to evaluate the
In Fig. 12e (lower-left), there is a cumulus mass formed by high- behavior of the materials in the pH less and higher than 7.2
porosity silicon dioxide (SiO2) in thin frame structures with (water tap).
completely templated two-dimensional hexagonal cylindrical pores
[43]. According to observations, the fiber strands in all failed specimens CRediT authorship contribution statement
were not broken. This shows that the fibers have a very high tensile
strength but that the binding strength between the fibers and the ma Chiya Y. Rahimzadeh: Conceptualization, Methodology, Visuali
terial composition is quite weak. Furthermore, Fig. 12c supports that the zation, Investigation. Ahmed Salih Mohammed: Conceptualization,
fiber strands had excellent tensile strength even at a larger scale of SEM Methodology, Validation. Azeez A. Barzinjy: Data curation, Writing –
images, which indicated no fracture or cracked sign with a smooth original draft, Writing – review & editing.
The lime-based plasters are extraordinarily complicated structures The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
comprised of multiple mortars. Lime-based plaster is frequently used in interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
building construction as a thermal insulator. Develop construction ma the work reported in this paper.
terials such as plasters are important because they enclose and protect
buildings from the environment, affecting the thermal comfort of oc Data availability
cupants. The results of the provided materials for both microstructure
and mechanical properties tests can be listed as follows: Data will be made available on request.
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