Vampire: Insight Playbook Vampire Traits
Vampire: Insight Playbook Vampire Traits
Vampire: Insight Playbook Vampire Traits
an undead body
crew advanced playbook
vampire traits playbook xp insight xp
name alias ● undead: you are a spirit which animates an undead body. your ● hunt
trauma is maxed out. choose four trauma conditions which study
reflect your vampiric nature. arcane attacks are potent
against you. if you suffer fatal harm or trauma, your undead survey
spirit is overwhelmed. you take level 3 harm: incapacitated tinker
look until you feed enough to recover. if you suffer arcane harm
while in this state, you are destroyed utterly. your xp tracks
are longer (you now advance more slowly). you have more prowess xp
stress boxes. finesse
heritage: akoros - the dagger isles background: academic - labor - law
iruvia - severos - skovlan - tycheros trade - military - noble - underworld terrible power: take 1 stress to perform a feat of superhuman ● prowl
strength or speed (run faster than a carriage, break stone ● skirmish
your vice is life essence, consumed from a living human. use 1 downtime activity to hunt prey and with bare hands, leap onto the roof of a building, etc.). this
indulge your vice. also, when you feed, mark 4 ticks on your healing clock. this is the only way you factors into effect. wreck
can heal. how do you feed? what telltale sign do you leave on your victims?
arcane sight: take 1 stress to sense beyond human limits. "hear" resolve xp
stress trauma cold - haunted - obsessed - paranoid a subject's true thoughts or feelings, see in pitch darkness,
ruthless - secretive - unstable - vicious sense the presence of invisble things, intuit the location of a ● attune
hidden object, etc. command
harm healing ●
project clock: a void in the echo: you are invisible to spirits and may not be consort
need fill to drop harmed by them. take 1 stress to cause living things to avert sway
3 help all harm by 0 1 2 3 4 their gaze and fail to observe you for a few moments. ●
one level
dark talent: choose insight, prowess, or resolve. your max
2 -1d armor uses rating for actions under that attribute becomes 5. when you bonus die
take this ability, add +1 dot to the resistance rating of the push yourself (take 2 stress)
attribute you've chosen. -or-
less heavy armor accept a devil’s bargain
1 effect sinister guile: take +1d to all downtime rolls.
special armor load
veteran: choose special abilities from other sources:
earning xp 3 light 5 normal 6+ heavy
every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute. strictures
when you gain a new
at the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or vampire trait (except equipment
2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. veteran), add a stricture. fine clothes & accoutrements
you displayed your dominance with . slumber: in downtime, fine personal weapon
you must spend one
you expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background. activity resting in a fine shadow cloak
you struggled with issues from your vice, traumas, or strictures during the session. dark, silent place (or
else suffer 3 stress). demonbane charm
planning teamwork forbidden: you cannot spiritbane charm
choose a plan, then provide the missing detail enter a private
assist a teammate: pay 1 stress to give +1d residence without a blade or two
for the operation: throwing knives
permission from the
assault: point of attack occult: arcane power lead a group action: everyone rolls owner. a pistol a 2nd pistol
repelled: spiritbane a large weapon
deception: method social: connection protect a teammate: take a consequence charms can hold you
at bay. (take 2 stress an unusual weapon
stealth: point of entry transport: route set up a teammate: improve position to resist the armor +heavy
repulsion.) burglary gear
bestial: when you climbing gear
servants (start with one) gather information suffer physical harm arcane implements
what do they intend to do? or overindulge your
stazia, an apothecary vice, your body twists documents
how can i get them to [x]? subterfuge supplies
veldren, a psychonaut into a horrific bestial
what are they really feeling? form until you next demolition tools
eckerd, a corpse thief what should i lookout for? feed without
overindulging. tinkering tools
jul, a blood dealer where's the weakness here? lantern
how can i find [x]? bound: your spirit must
malista, a priestess remain in this body, or
what's really going on here? be destroyed.
long-term projects and notes
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