+2 Exorcist (Soul) - You may attempt to perform an exorcism. Roll Soul. 15+ The creature is banished s Occupation s Medium Willpower harming no one and cannot return. 10-14 The +1 keep it together +0 creature is banished with one of the above s Appearance s bonuses. 9- Something goes horribly wrong. Tall and thin, wears baggy band t-shirts, messy Infectious Insanity (Soul) - Your have learned to Fortitude Reflexes hair, reflective sunglasses endure injury avoid harm trigger madness in others You may afflict victims with visions of their past or trigger disadvantages. Roll soul. 15+ choose two people or effects. 14-10 s Relations s +1 +2 choose one effect. 9- you effect only yourself. +0 - Katie Bushnell - You don't approve of her Grudge - When someone either directly or work. You find it exploitative. Reasoning Intuition indirectly ruins your plans, add +1 to rolls against +1 - Joshua Bushnell - He was always a jerk to you investigate 0 read a person them until you have taken revenge. in school. You hold a grudge. +1 - Danielle Stacy - You two sticked together Perception s Disdvantages s after the death. She's your best friend. +1 observe a situation -2 Fanatic - You believe that spirits are real and can +2 - Alice Parr - You know she's out there be communed with. Whenever this belief is somewhere, past the veil of reality. Coolness Violence questioned, roll Coolness. 15+, you keep it act under pressure -1 engage in combat together. 10-14, you become angry and take -1 to s Dark Secrets s your next roll. 9-, you lose -2 Stability. The night of the car accident, you saw Alice. She Involuntary Medium - You are an open vessel for Charisma made a deal with you: One soul to save your own. influence others spirits and demonic entities. Whenever an entity You plan to kill one of the others at the park. attempts to possess you, roll Soul. 15+, you resist possession. 10-14, the entity takes a minor hold s Dramatic Hooks s +3 on you. 9-, the entity takes a major hold on you. Alice is dead, and it drove you to the brink of madness. At that edge, however, you found the Soul light. You've learned to cummune with the dead. see through the Illusion You have used this to gain fame. There is one spirit you could never find. Alice's soul alluded s Stability s your abilities. One night, you nearly died. That s Gear and weapons s Composed night, she spoke to you. You must find her again. Exorcism kit Moderate stress: Uneasy Incense and burner -1 to Disadvantage rolls Unfocused s Wounds s Hallucinogenic drugs Butcher knife Serious stress: Shaken Serious wounds (-1 ongoing) Stabilized -1 Keep it Together Distressed -2 to Disadvantage rolls Neurotic Critical stress: Anxious -2 Keep it together Irrational -3 to Disadvantage rolls Unhinged Critical wounds (-1 ongoing) +1 See Through the Illusion The GM makes a Move Broken