Bicycle System Performance Measures: by Bruce W. Landis
Bicycle System Performance Measures: by Bruce W. Landis
Bicycle System Performance Measures: by Bruce W. Landis
Bicycle System Performance
Equation Adjustment,
Sensitivity Analysis and Applications
0 2 4 6 8101214161620222426263032 34363640
Two nonstatistical adjustments were performed during the
Figure 4. Typical lHS Model scores hktogram. initial development of the IHS Model: an interterm and an
overall equation. Based upon consensus group meetings as
well as interviews with bicyclists representing the entire spec-
trum6 of bicyclists, the calibration coefficients al, az and as
70 were adjusted to 0.01, 0.01 and 0.02, respectively. This estab-
lished the final speed, pavement condition and transverse
60 terms as comprising 79 percent, 13 percent and 8 percent of
IHS=9-I 1 IHS=12-18 the equation’s value, respectively.
Second, a sensitivity analysis of the entire equation was
40 conducted for changes in its variables using the consensus
group and interview technique. This adjustment process also
30 confirmed the values of the equation coefficients al, a2 and a3.
Table 1 shows various traffic and roadway conditions, the cor-
responding IHS model value and the percentage change.
10 The IHS Model is used as a planning tool in numerous metro-
politan areas throughout the United States. The Birmingham
0 Regional Planning Commission, several central Florida MPOS
and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg MPO are among those using the
Level of Service Category IHS level-of-service model in their comprehensive plan and TIP
Figure 5. Typical histogram of bicycle level-of-service cate- processes. The Tampa area MPO uses the model regularly to pri-
gories. oritize its candidate road segments with similar bicycle travel
demands for resurfacing, enhancement and widening projects.
ception of hazard occurs. Magnifying this perception is the For example, Columbus Drive, a minor arterial in the City of
volume of driveway traffic (see Figure 3) and the turnover Tarnpa slated for eventual widening throughout its entire length,
rate of on-street parking. has seven segments. Due to the surrounding demographics and
land uses (see discussion of the LDS Model in the next section),
Model Terms virtually all its segments had similar bicycle travel demands. The
Based upon these bicycle/motor vehicle interaction factors, IHS Model was used for a supply-side, or level-of-service, evahr-
the IHS Model has been developed with the general form: See BICYCLE, page 25
1. Davis, Jeff. Bicycle Safety Evaluation.
Auburn University, 1987.
2. Epperson, Bruce. “Evaluating Suitability
of Roadways for Bicycle Use: Toward a
Cycling Level-of-Service Standard. ”
Transportation Research Record 1438.
Washington, D. C.: TRB, National
Research Council, 1994.
3. Highway Safety Research Center, Univer-
sity of North Carolina and HDR Engi-
neering Inc.. National Bicyclingand Walk-
ing Study: Final Report. FHWA, U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1991.
4. Sorton, Alex. “Bicycle Stress Level as a
Tool to Evaluate Urban and Suburban
Bicycle Compatibility. ” Transportation
Research Record 1438. Washington, D. C.:
TRB, National Research Council, 1994.
5. Department of Transportation. Highway
Performance Monitoring System—Field
Manual. Washington, D. C.: Federal
Highway Administration, 1987.
6. Wilkinson, W. C., A. Clarke, Bruce
Epperson, et al. Selecting Roadway
Design Treatments to Accommodate
Bicycles. Washington, D. C.: Federal
Figure 6. The proximity of bicycle trip-attracting land rises is a factor in the probability Highway Administration, 1992.
7. Kimley-Horn and Associates. Area and
that bicyclists would use the street segment, provided that bikeways were available.
Corridor Analysis Technique (A CA T)
Manual. Tallahassee, Fla.: Florida
nonunit quantity, the relative latent Conclusion Department of Transportation, 1980.
demand of bicycle travel on each seg-
The IHS and LDS models are cost- 8. Landis, Bruce W. “The Bicycle Interac-
ment of a road network. It provides a effective prioritization tools for bicycle tion Hazard Score: A Theoretical
clear indication of the relative level of system planning and implementation. Model.” Transportation Research Record
desired bicycle use should a bicycle facil- These models: 1438. Washington, D. C.: TRB, National
ity be provided on the road segment. ■ Are adaptable to a variety of software.
Research Council, 1994.
■ Use data avail- -
Applications able in virtually all
The LDS Model, like the IHS Model, metropolitan areas.
is being applied rapidly as a quantitative
tool in both systems planning and facili-
ties construction programming. The
■ Use objectively
collected field data.
■ Update easily.
.Ds = ~TTsn x
x gan
■ Are used for “fin- n = bicycle trip purpose ( eg, work,
Tampa urban area’s MPO uses the LDS
ger-tip” policy test- personal/business, recreation, school)
Model in conjunction with the IHS
ing of traffic calming lTS = trip purpose share of all bicycle trips
Model to select street segments to “fill number of generators or attractors per trip
or other alternatives. GA =
in the gaps” of its bikeways network. In purpose
■ Generate easily
cases where levels-of-service are equally TG = average trip generation of attractor or
understood results.
as poor, specific funding for bike lanes is generator
Both the IHS and
directed to those segments with the P = effect of travel distance on trip interchange,
LDS models are
highest travel demand as identified by expressed as a probability
rapidly gaining popu-
the LDS Model. The LDS Model also is ga = number of generators or attractors within
larity as bicycle plan-
specified travel distance range
used to prioritize existing bicycle facili- ning prioritization
d = travel distance _ from generator or
ties for signage and pavement marking and implementation
improvements based upon travel tools. While research
demand. funding is being ‘igure 7. Latent Demand Score Model equation.