Study Material 4 PDF
Study Material 4 PDF
Study Material 4 PDF
cÖwZ Aa¨v‡qi mv‡_ m~Î Av‡iv A‡bK _v‡K, wKšÍ †KDB eB‡qi ïiæ‡Z Av‡M m~Î g~L¯’ K‡i bv eis hLb †h AsK
Ki‡Z wM‡q †h m~‡Îi cÖ‡qvRb nq ZLb †m m~Î Luy‡Rb| Avi GRb¨B Avgiv GKB wbq‡gi AsK¸‡jv Kivi ïiæ‡Z H
wbq‡gi AsK Kivi Rb¨ hv hv m~Î jv‡M Zv wb‡q fv‡jvfv‡e Av‡jvPbv K‡iwQ| hvid‡j ïiæ‡Z me¸‡jv m~Î bv †c‡j
nZvk nIqvi wKQz ‡bB|
eZ©gv‡b me‡_‡K ¸iæZ¡c~Y© GB Aa¨v‡qi cÖwZUv AsK we‡kl K‡i †h¸‡jv GKUz KwVb Ges RwUj nIqvq eyS‡Z
mgm¨v nq, Avgiv †m¸‡jv †f‡½ †f‡½ wPÎ mn eywS‡q w`‡qwQ| hw`I welqUv M‡íi gZ g‡b n‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ me Mí
As‡Ki mgvavb‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨B Kiv n‡q‡Q| Avkv Kwi DcK…Z n‡eb|
Finding distance:
1. The speed of a bus is 72 kmph. The distance covered by the bus in 5 sec is (ev‡mi MwZ‡eM 72
wKwg/N›Uv n‡j 5 †m‡K‡Û KZUzKz c_ AwZµg Ki‡e?) [Aggarwal-172]
(a) 50 m (b) 74.5 m (c) 100 m (d) 60 m Ans:c
Speed of bus = 72 km = 72 m/sec = 20 m/sec. So, in 5 sec it goes = 205 = 100m
2. A vehicle travels at the rate of 80. kmph. What distance will it travel in 15 minutes?
(GKwU Mvwoi MwZ‡eM N›Uvq 80 wKwg| MvwowU 15 wgwb‡U KZ `yiZ¡ AwZµg Ki‡e?) [Aggarwal-182]
(a) 20000 metre (b) 25000 metre (c) 24000 metre (d) 22000 metre Ans:a
In 60 minutes it goes = 801000 = 80000 m
‘’ 1 ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = m
80000 15
‘’ 15 ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = m = 20000 metres.
Khairul’s Advanced Math 2 Time, Distance & Speed
3. If a runner takes as much time in running 20 metres as the car takes in covering 50
metres.The distance covered by the runner during the time the car covers 1km is(GKRb
‡`Šowe` †h mg‡q 20 wg. c_ hvq H GKB mg‡q GKwU Mvwo 50wg. c_ AwZµg K‡i| MvwowU †h mg‡q 1 wK.wg c_ hvq
H GKB mg‡q ‡`Šowe` KZ wgUvi c_ AwZµg Ki‡e?)[Aggarwal-191]
(a) 400 metres (b) 40 metres (c) 440 metres (d) None Ans: a
20 20 1000
Solution: 50m of car = 20m of runner, 1m = m of runner, 1000m = = 400m
50 50
4. Car A travels at the speed of 65 km/hr and reaches its destination in 8 hours. Car B
travels at the speed of 70 km/hr and reaches its destination in 4hours.What is the ratio
of the distance covered by car A and car B respectively?(Kvi A, 65 wK.wg MwZ‡Z 8 N›Uvq MšÍ‡e¨
†cŠQvq | Kvi B, 70 wK.wg MwZ‡Z 4 N›Uvq MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQvq| Kvi A Ges Kvi B Gi AwZµvšÍ c‡_i AbycvZ
(a) 7 : 11 (b) 13 : 7 (c) 7 : 13 (d) 11 : 7 Ans:b
Solution: Required ratio = ( 65 8) : ( 70 4) = (132): (141) = 13:7
5. A train leaves Delhi at 4:10 P.M. and reaches Aligarh at 7: 25 P.M. The average speed
of the train is 40 km/hr. What is the distance from Delhi to Aligarh? (GKwU †Uªb weKvj 4 : 10
Uvq w`wjø †Q‡o 40 wK.wg MwZ‡Z mܨv 7:25 AvjxMo †cŠQvq | w`wjø Ges AvjxM‡oi g‡a¨ `~iZ¡ KZ?)[Aggarwal-15]
(a) 120 km (b) 130 km (c) 135 km (d) 140 km Ans:b
1 13 13
Solution:Time taken = 3 hrs 15 min = 3 = hrs. Required distance = 40 = 130 km
4 4 4
6. A man covered a distance of 180 km in 4 hours on a bike. How much distance will be
cover on a bicycle in 8 hours if he rides the bicycle at one-sixth the speed of the
bike?(GKRb †jvK evB‡K P‡i 4 N›Uvq 180 wKwg c_ AwZµg K‡i| evB‡Ki GK lôvsk MwZ‡Z P‡j GKwU
evBmvB‡K‡j 8 N›Uvq KZUzKz c_ AwZµg Ki‡e?)[Aggarwal-10]
(a) 54 km (b) 60 km (c) 72 km (d) 84 km (e) None Ans:b
Solution: Speed of the bike in 1 hr = km/hr = 45 km/hr.
Speed of the bicycle = 45 = 7.5 km/hr. Required distance = (7.5 8) km = 60 km
7. The average speed of a bus is one-third of the speed of a train. The train covers 1125 km
in 15hrs. How much distance will the bus cover in 36 minutes (ev‡mi MwZ‡eM †Uª‡bi MwZ‡e‡Mi
GK-Z…Zxqvsk, †UªbwU 15 N›Uvq 1125 wK.wg c_ AwZµg Ki‡j evmwU36 wgwb‡U KZUzKz c_ hv‡e?)[Aggarwal-13]
(a) 12 km (b) 18 km (c) 21 km (d) 75 km (e) None Ans:e
1125 1
Speed of the train = = 75 km/hr. And Speed of the bus = 75 = 25 km/hr.
15 3
Distance covered by the bus in 60 min = 25 km. [15 N›Uv †_‡K mivmwi wgwbU bv K‡i Gfv‡e †f‡½ Kiv †eUvi]
Distance covered by the bus in 36 min = 36 km = 15 km.
Khairul’s Advanced Math 3 Time, Distance & Speed
8. A is 10 miles west of B. C is 30 miles north of B. D is 20 miles east of C. What is the
distance from A to D? (A, B Gi †_‡K 10 gvBj cwð‡g Aew¯’Z| C,B Gi †P‡q 30 gvBj Dˇi Aew¯’Z|
D,C Gi 20 gvBj c~‡e© Aew¯’Z| A Ges D Gi g‡a¨ `~iZ¡ KZ?)[Aggarwal-16]
(a) 10 miles (b) 30 miles (c) 10 10 miles (d) 30 2 miles Ans:d
See the picture
C 20m D
Required distance = AD, Here N
AD = ( AE) ( DE )
2 2
30m 30m W E
(30) (30)
2 2
= 900 900 = 900 2 = 30 2 miles. A 10m B 20m E
9. Akash leaves home for school which is 12 km from his house. After the school, he goes
to his club which is 7 km from his school. If his house, school and club all fall in a line,
then what is the minimum distance he has to travel to get back home?( AvKvk evwo †_‡K
we`¨vj‡qi D‡Ï‡k¨ †ei nq| †hwU Zvi evwo †_‡K 12 wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡i| we`¨vj‡q hvIqvi ci †m Zvi K¬v‡e hvq| †hwU
Zvi we`¨vjq †_‡K 7 wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡i| hw` evwo, we`¨vjq Ges K¬ve GKB jvB‡b nq Z‡e Zvi evwo‡Z wd‡i Avm‡Z
me©wb¤œ KZ `~iZ¡ AwZµg Ki‡Z n‡e?) [Sonali Bank-(Officer-Cash)-2018]+[Aggarwal-21 ]
(a) 5 km (b) 19km (c) 17 km (d) 12 km Ans:a
Home to school= 12km and shcool to club = 7km (¯‹zj †_‡K K¬vewU evoxi w`‡KI n‡Z cv‡i Avevi
weciZx w`‡KI n‡Z cv‡i (GUv bv fve‡j 12+7 = 19 g‡b n‡e)| Z‡e †h cv‡kB †nvK me¸‡jv GK jvB‡bB n‡e|)
Since we need to find minimum distance (me©wb¤œ `~iZ¡)
So,from stadium the club is situated in the way of returning home.(¯‹zj †_‡K evox †divi w`‡KB K¬ve)
Therefore, Minimum distance = 12-7 = 5km (wb‡Pi wPÎwU †`Lyb Ges evsjvi e¨vL¨vwU co–b|)
12. A train travels at an average of 50 miles per hour for 2 hours and then travels at a
speed of 70 miles per hour for 1 hours. How far did the train travel in the entire 4
1 1
hours? (GKwU †Uªb 50 gvBj MwZ‡Z 2 N›Uv Ges 70 gvBj MwZ‡Z 1 N›Uv P‡j | 4 N›Uvq †UªbwU ‡gvU KZ c_
2 2
(a) 120 miles (b) 150 miles (c) 200 miles (d) 230 miles Ans:d
1 1
Total distance travelled = 50 2 70 1 miles = ( 125 + 105) miles = 230 miles.
2 2
13. The mileage of a motorbike A and a motorbike B is 42 km per litre and 52 km per litre
respectively. Motorbike A covered 294 km and motorbike B covered 208 km. If the cost
of 1 litre of petrol is Tk. 48, how much amount would be spent on petrol to cover the
total distance by both the motor bikes together?(cÖwZ wjUvi R¡vjvbx †Z‡j evBK A I B h_vµ‡g 42
I 52 wK.wg. c_ †h‡Z cv‡i| hw` evBK A,294 wK.wg. Ges evBK B 208 wK.wg. c_ hvq Ges cÖwZ wjUvi R¡vjvbxi
`vg 48 UvKv nq, Zvn‡j evBK `ywU †h c_ AwZµg K‡i Zvi Rb¨ †gvU KZ UvKv LiP n‡e?) [Aggarwal-14]
(a) Tk. 480 (b) Tk. 528 (c) Tk. 576 (d) Cannot be determined Ans:b
294 208
Quantity of petrol consumed by both the motorbikes = + = 7+4 = 11 litres
42 52
Total amount spent on petrol = Tk(48 11) = Tk. 528 .
Khairul’s Advanced Math 5 Time, Distance & Speed
Finding time:
14. A car covers a distance of 432 km at the speed of 48 km/hr. In how many hours will the
car cover this distance?(GKwU Mvwo 48 wK.wg MwZ‡Z KZ mg‡q 432 wK.wg c_ AwZµg Ki‡e?)
(a) 6 hours (b) 7 hours (c) 9 hours (d) 12 hours Ans:c
Solution: Required time = 432 48 = 9 hours.
15. If Karan travels at a speed of 60 kmph and covers a distance in 9 hrs., then how much
time will he take to travel the same distance at a speed of 90 kmph? (Karan N›Uvq 60 wKwg
MwZ‡Z 9 N›Uvq GKwU wbw`©ó `yiZ¡ AwZµg K‡i| N›Uvq 90 wKwg MwZ‡Z GKB `yiZ¡ AwZµg Ki‡Z KZÿY jvM‡e?)
(a) 8 hrs (b) 6 hrs (c) 12 hrs (d) 9 hrs Ans:b
Speed of Karan = 60 kmph Time = 9 hrs
Distance = speed time = 60 9 = 540 km. Time required at 90km/hr = = 6 hours.
16. A train covers a distance of 10 km in 12 minutes. If its speed is decreased by 5 km/hr,the
time taken by it to cover the same distance will be (GKwU ‡Uªb 12 wgwb‡U 10 wK.wg hvq| Gi MwZ‡eM
5 wK.wg K‡g †M‡j H GKB `yiæZ¡ AwZµg Ki‡Z KZ mgq wb‡e?) [Aggarwal-49]
(a) 10 min (b) 11 min 20 sec (c) 13 min (d) 13 min 20 sec Ans:d
Old speed = 10 km/hr = 50 km/hr. and new speed = ( 50 – 5) km/hr = 45 km/hr.
10 2 1
Time taken to go 10km at 45km/hr = hr = 60 min = 13 min = 13 min 20 sec.
45 9 3
17. Anna left for city A from city B at 5:20 a.m. She travelled at the speed of 80 km/hr for 2
hours 15 minutes. After that the speed was reduced to 60 /hr. If the distance between
two cities is 350 kms, at what time did Anna reach city A?(Avbœv mKvj 5:20 Uvq kni B ‡_‡K
kni A Gi D‡Ï‡k¨ †ei nq| †m N›Uvq 80 wK‡jvwgUvi MwZ‡Z 2 N›Uv 15 wgwbU hvq| Gici MwZ Kwg‡q N›Uvq 60
wK‡jvwgUvi nq| hw` kni `ywUi `~iZ¡ 350 wK‡jvwgUvi nq, Z‡e Avbœv KqUvi mgq kni A ‡Z †cŠQvq?) [Aggarwal-
(a) 9.20 a.m. (b) 9.25 a.m. (c) 9.35 a.m. (d) 10.05 a.m. (e) None Ans:e
1 9
Distance covered in 2 hrs 15 min, = 2 hrs = 80 hrs = 180 km.
4 4
350 180 17 5
Time taken to cover remaining distance = hrs = hrs = 2 hrs = 2 hrs 50 min.
60 6 6
Total time taken = ( 2 hrs 15 min + 2 hrs 50 min) = 5 hrs 5 min.
So, Anna reached city A at (5:20 am + 5 hrs 5 min)= 10:25 a.m.
Khairul’s Advanced Math 6 Time, Distance & Speed
18. Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45
kmph. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour? (weiwZnxb GKwU ev‡mi MwZ‡eM
54wKwg/N›Uv Ges weiwZmn evmwUi MwZ‡eM 45 wKwg/N›Uv| evmwU N›Uvq KZ wgwbU weiwZ †`q?)[Aggarwal-98]
(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 20 Ans:b
Due to stoppages, it covers 54- 45 = 9 km less. (9 wKwg hvIqvi mgqUvB evm÷v‡Û e‡m wQj)
Time taken to covers 9 km = 60 min = 10 min.
Confusion clear: evmwU hLwb Pjgvb wQj ZLb Zvi MwZ‡eM wKš‘ me mgq 54wKwg/N›Uv B wQj| 45 wKwg/N›Uv †e‡M
P‡jwb KL‡bv, eis hvÎv †k‡l ÷‡cR ¸‡jv mn MYbv Kivq 45wKwg/N›Uv †ei n‡q‡Q| ZvB GLv‡b 54 a‡i wn‡me n‡e |
GiKg ÷‡cR mn wn‡me K‡i MwZ †ei Kivi AsK¸‡jv‡Z ÷‡cR Qvov MwZwUB Mvoxi cÖKZ … MwZ‡eM n‡e |
19. A flight of Jet Airways from Delhi to Mumbai has an average speed of 700 km/hr
without any stoppage, whereas a flight of Kingfisher from Delhi to Mumbai has an
average speed of 560 km/hr with stoppage at Baroda. What is the average stoppage time
per hour of Kingfisher flight if both the planes fly at the same speed? (GKwU weiwZnxb †RU
wegvb w`wjø †_‡K gy¤^vB hvq N›Uvq 700 wK.wg. MwZ‡Z| †hLv‡b wKs wdmvi wegvb Borda ÷‡c‡R weiwZ †bqvq w`wjø
†_‡K gy¤^vB hvIqvi MwZ‡eM N›Uvq 560 wK.wg.| `ywU wegv‡bi MwZ‡eM GKB n‡j wKs wdmvi wegv‡bi N›Uvq weiwZKvj
mgq KZ?) [Aggarwal-99]
(a) 8 min (b) 12 min (c) 16 min (d) 24 min Ans:b
Solution:Due to stoppage, kingfisher flight covers ( 700 – 560) = 140 km less per hour. (GB
140 wKwg c‡_i mgqUv B Zviv †_‡g _v‡K)
60 140
Time taken to go 700km is 1hr or 60min, So, time taken to go 140 = = 12min
Hence stoppage time per hour = 12 min. (KviY cÖwZ N›Uvq 140 wKwg Kg hvIqvi mgq 12 wg. weiwZ †`q|)
20. A man takes 6 hours 30 min in going by a cycle and coming back by scooter. He would
have lost 2 hours 10 min by going on cycle both ways. How long would it take him to go
by scooter both ways?( GKwU wbw`©ó c‡_ evBmvB‡K‡j wM‡q ¯‹zUv‡i †diZ Avm‡j †gvU 6 N›Uv 30
wgwbU mgq jv‡M| evBmvB‡K‡j wM‡q, evBmvB‡K‡j †diZ Avm‡j 2 N›Uv 10 wgwbU mgq ‡ewk jv‡M H c‡_
ïaygvÎ ¯‹zUv‡i wM‡q ¯‹zUv‡i †diZ Avm‡j †gvU KZ mgq jvM‡e? )[Aggarwal-Exm-26]
Here lost 2 hrs 10 min going on cylcle means takes 6 hr 30 min + 2hr 10 min = 8hrs 40 min
Let the distance be x km. Then, [x hw` ïay hvIqvi c_ nq Zvn‡j hvIqv + Avmv = 2x]
(Time taken to cover x km by cycle) + (Time taken to cover x km by scooter) = 6hr 30 min
Or, ( Time taken to cover 2x km by cycle) +(Time taken to cover 2x km by scooter) = 13 hrs.
[2 w`‡h 2 cv‡k ¸Y Ki‡j 2evi mvB‡Kj +2evi ¯‹zUv‡ii 1wU‡Z cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë gvb emv‡jB mn‡R DËi Avm‡e|]
Time taken to cover 2x km by scooter = 13 hrs – 8 hr 40 min = 4hr 20 min.
Hence, required time = 4 hr 20 min. [¯‹zUv‡i 2x hvIqv A_©B hvIqv Ges Avmv †evSvq|]
[GKwU welq †`Lyb AvMviIqv‡ji GB UvB‡ci g¨v_ ‡_‡K cixÿvq G‡mwQj, wKš‘ H cÖkœ Lyu‡R cvIqv
Uvd| ZvB AvMviIqv‡ji me AsK ey‡S ey~‡S wkL‡j ûeû Kgb bv †c‡jI KvQvKvwQ wbq‡gi AsK¸‡jvB Av‡m|]
Khairul’s Advanced Math 7 Time, Distance & Speed
21. I walk a certain distance and ride back taking a total time of 37 minutes. I could walk
both way 55 minutes. How long would it take me to ride both ways? (Avwg GKwU wbw`©ó `~iZ¡
†nu‡U †Mjvg Ges Mvwo‡Z wd‡i Gjvg G‡Z Avgvi †gvU 37 wgwbU mgq jvM‡jv| Avwg m¤ú~Y© c_ ‡nu‡U wM‡q ‡nu‡U wd‡i
Avm‡j 55 wgwbU mgq jvM‡Zv| Zvn‡j m¤ú~Y© c_ Mvox‡Z hvZvqvZ Ki‡j †gvU KZ mgq jvM‡e?) [Sonali Bank (SO-
FF-quota)-2019] + []
(A) 30 minutes (B) 19 minutes (C) 37 minutes (D) 20 minutes Ans: B
[Hints: eyS‡j 5 †m‡K‡Û Gfv‡e Kiv hvq (237) -55 = 19 min, wKš‘ Dc‡ii eo e¨¨vL¨vUv wb‡q Av‡M fveyb]
22. Amit starts from a point A and walks to another point B and then returns from B to A
by his car and thus takes a total time of 6 hours and 45 minutes. If he had driven both
ways in his car, he would have taken 2 hours less. How long would it take for him-to
walk both ways?( AwgZ †nu‡U A ‡_‡K B †Z hvq Ges B ‡_‡K A ‡Z Mvwo‡Z wd‡i, d‡j †gvU 6
N›Uv 45 wgwbU mgq jv‡M| hw` †m Mvwo‡Z hvIqv Avmv KiZ Z‡e 2 N›Uv mgq Kg jvMZ| hw` †m †n‡U
hvIqv Avmv KiZ n‡e †gvU KZ mgq jvMZ?) [Aggarwal-160]
(a) 7 hours 45 minutes (b) 8 hours 15 minutes
(c) 8 hours 30 minutes (d) 8 hours 45 minutes Ans: d
Solution: Let the distance be x km. Then,
45 3 27
(Time taken to walk x km)+ (Time taken to drive x km) = 6hr & 45min = 6 =6 = hrs
60 4 4
27 27
(Time taken to walk 2x km) + (Time taken to drive 2x km) = ×2 = hrs[2¸Y c_=2¸Y mgq]
4 2
45 3 19
But time taken to drive 2x km = 4hr & 45min = 4 =4 = hrs
60 4 4
27 19 35
Time taken to walk 2x km = - hrs = = 8 hrs 45 min.
2 4 4
23. Ramesh is walking at a speed of 10 kilometres per hour. After every kilometer he takes
rest for 5 minutes. The time taken to cover a distance of 5 kilometres by Ramesh is
(i‡g‡ki nvUvi MwZ 10wKwg/N›Uv| cÖ‡Z¨K 1 wKwg hvIqvi ci †m 5 wgwbU wekÖvg †bq| 5wKwg `yiZ¡ AwZµg Ki‡Z Zvi
KZ mgq jvM‡e?) [Aggarwal-190]
(a) 30 minutes (b) 35 minutes (c) 50 minutes (d) 55 minutes Ans: c
5 1 1
Time taken to go 5 km at 10km/hr = = hr or 60 = 30mins
10 2 2
In 5km he will rest 4 times (1,2,3 I 4 wKwg hvIqvi ci 4 evi ‡h‡nZz 5g wKwg‡Z †cŠ‡Q †M‡j iv¯Ív †kl)
Time taken to rest = 45 = 20 mins So total time taken = 30+20 = 50min
24. An express train travelled at an average speed of 100 km/hr, stopping for 3 minutes
after every 75 km. How long did it take to reach its destination 600 km from the starting
point?(GKwU AvšÍ:bMi †Uªb Mo 100 wK‡jvwgUvi MwZ‡Z P‡j Ges 75 wK‡jvwgUvi ci 3 wgwb‡Ui Rb¨ _v‡g| ïiæi
¯’vb †_‡K 600 wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡ii MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQv‡Z GwU KZ mgq wb‡e?)[Aggarwal-35]
(a) 6 hrs 21 min (b) 6 hrs 24 min (c) 6 hrs 27 min (d) 6 hrs 30 min Ans:a
Khairul’s Advanced Math 8 Time, Distance & Speed
Solution: Time taken to cover 600 km = hrs = 6 hrs.
Number of stoppages = - 1 = 7(MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQv‡bvi ci Avi weiwZi cÖ‡qvRb †bB ZvB 1 we‡qvM)
Total time of stoppage = ( 3 7) min = 21 min . So, total time taken = 6 hrs 21 min .
25. A car is driven at the speed of 100 km/hr and stops for 10 minutes at the end of every
150 km. To cover a distance of 1000 km, it will take (GKwU Kvi N›Uvq 100 wK‡jvwgUvi MwZ‡Z
Pvjv‡bv nq Ges cÖwZ 150 wK‡jvwgUvi ci 10 wgwb‡Ui Rb¨ _v‡g| 1000 wK‡jvwgUvi `~iZ¡ †h‡Z GwU KZ mgq wb‡e?)
[Aggarwal- 28]
(a) 9 hours (b) 10 hours (c) 11 hours (d) 12 hours Ans:c
Solution: (GLv‡b `yÕfv‡e mgvavb †`Lv‡bv n‡jv, eyS‡j me mnR, ‡qLv‡b KbwdDkb nq Aek¨B `~i K‡i wb‡eb)
Total time = (time taken to go 1000km + stoppage time)
Here, time taken to go 1000km at 100km = 1000100 = 10hr
and stoppage time = 1000 150 = 610 = 60min = 1hr. So, total time = 10hr + 1 hr = 11hrs
Confusion clear: 150 wKwg ci ci 10 wgwb‡Ui Rb¨ _vg‡j †gvU c‡_i `~iZ¡ 150 Gi ¸wYZK n‡Z n‡e Ggb
†Kvb wbqg †bB| †h †Kvb `~iZ¡ n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e, hw` 150 Gi ¸wYZK nq Zvn‡j 1 we‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e KviY †kl
÷‡c‡R _vgvi welqUv KvD›U n‡e bv| Avi ¸wYZK bv n‡j fvMdj †hUv †ei n‡e Zv †_‡K 1 we‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e bv|
Alternative solution: (cÖwZwU ÷‡cR ch©šÍ mgq + weiwZ = †gvU mgq a‡i me¸‡jvi GKmv‡_ wn‡me Kiv hvq)
2 5
Time taken to cover 150 km = ( 1 hr 30 min + 10 min) = 1 hr 40 min = 1 hr = hr.
3 3
Time taken to cover (150 6) = 900 km = 6 hrs = 10 hrs. (900 wKwg †h‡Z 6 evi 150 K‡i)
Remaining 100 km is covered in 1 hour. Total time taken = ( 10 + 1) hrs = 11 hrs.
26. A train travels at the speed of 65 km/hr and halts at 8 junctions for a certain time. It
covers a distance of 1300 km in 1 day (24 hours). How long does the train stop at each
junction, if it halts for the same period of time at all the junctions?( GKwU †Uªb N›Uvq 65
wK‡jvwgUvi MwZ‡Z P‡j Ges 8wU †ij Rsk‡b wbw`©ó wKQz mg‡qi Rb¨ _v‡g| †UªbwU 1 w`‡b (24 N›Uvq) 1300
wK‡jvwgUvi hvq| hw` me¸‡jv †ij Rsk‡b mgvb mg‡qi Rb¨ _v‡g Z‡e †UªbwU cÖ‡Z¨KwU †ij Rsk‡b KZ mg‡qi Rb¨
_v‡g ?) [Aggarwal-18 ]
(a) 20 minutes (b) 30 minutes c) 40 minutes (d) 60 minutes Ans:b
Solution:Time taken to cover 1300 km = hrs = 20 hrs. ( GKUvbv Pj‡Z _vK‡j 20 N›Uv jvM‡Zv)
Halt time = ( 24 – 20) hrs = 4 hrs. (‡h‡nZz †gvU 24 N›Uv ‡j‡M‡Q ZvB PjvP‡ji 20 N›Uv ev‡` evKxUv †i÷)
Halt time at each junction = 60 min = 30 min. [4 N›Uv †K 8 wU †÷k‡b w`‡j 30wg. K‡i co‡e]
Khairul’s Advanced Math 9 Time, Distance & Speed
27. An express train travelled at an average speed of 100 kmph, stopping for 3 minutes
after 75 km. A local train travelled at a speed of 50 kmph, stopping for 1 minute after
every 25 km. If the trains began travelling at the same time, how many kilometres did
the local train travel in the time it took the express train to travel 600 km? (GKwU AvšÍ:bMi
†Uªb N›Uvq M‡o 100 wK‡jvwgUvi MwZ‡Z hvq Ges cÖwZ 75 wK‡jvwgUvi ci 3 wgwb‡Ui Rb¨ _v‡g| GKwU †jvKvj †Uªb
N›Uvq 50 wK‡jvwgUvi MwZ‡Z hvq Ges cÖwZ 25 wK‡jvwgUvi ci 1 wgwb‡Ui Rb¨ _v‡g| AvšÍ:bMi †UªbwU 600 wK‡jvwgUvi
‡h‡Z †h mgq jvM‡e, †mB mg‡q †jvKvj †UªbwU KZ wK‡jvwgUvi c_ hv‡e?) [Aggarwal-41]
(a) 287.5 km (b) 307.5 km (c) 325 km (d) Ans:b
Time taken by the express train to cover 600 km = hrs = 6 hrs.
Number of stoppages = ( 60075) – 1 = 7 and Duration of stoppage = ( 3 7) min = 21 min.
So, express train travel 600 km in = 6hr 21 min with stoppages, (GB mgq Ab¨ †UªbUv KZ`~i hv‡e?)
Local train cover 50 km with stoppages takes = 2(30+1) = 1 hr 2 min. (cÖwZ 25wKwg 30+1 wg.)
So, the local train covers (50 6) = 300 km in (1 hr 2 min 6) = 6 hr 12 min.
in remaining (6hr 21 min – 6hr 12min) = 9 min , it covers 9 = 7.5 km (GLv‡b weiwZ †bB)
Required distance = ( 300 + 7.5 ) = 307.5 km.
28. A man in a train notices that he can count 21 telephone posts in one minute. If they are
known to be 50 meters apart, then at what speed is the train travelling? (GKwU †Uª‡b _vKv
GKRb †jvK †`L‡jv †h †m GK wgwb‡U 21wU †Uwj‡dv‡bi LyuwU ¸Y‡Z cvi‡Q| hw` LyuwU¸‡jvi `~iZ¡ 50 wgUvi nq, Zvn‡j
†UªbwU KZ MwZ‡Z Pj‡Q?) [Aggarwal-33]
(a) 55 km/hr (b) 57 km/hr (c) 60 km/hr (d) 63 km/hr Ans:c
Number of gaps between 21 telephone posts = 20. (ïiæ‡Z I †k‡l LyuwU _vKvq Zv‡`i gv‡S 20wU M¨vc)
Distance travelled in 1 minute or 60 sec = ( 50 20) m = 1000m or, in 1 sec = m
1000 18
So, Speed of the train = = 60 km/hr.
60 5
29. Ravi can walk a certain distance in 40 days when he rests 9 hours a day. How long will
he take to walk twice the distance, twice as fast and rest twice as long each day? (iwe
cÖwZw`b 9 N›Uv K‡i wekÖvg wb‡q nvuU‡j †m GKwU wbw`©ó c_ 40 w`‡b AwZµg Ki‡Z cv‡i| H c‡_i wظY c_, wظY
MwZ‡Z Av‡Mi †_‡K wظY wekÖvg wb‡q †m KZ w`‡b AwZµg Ki‡Z cvi‡e?)[Aggarwal- 27]
(a) 40 days (b) 50 days (c) 80 days (d) 100 days Ans: d
Written solution: (MwZ‡eM, ev `~iZ¡ ev mgq wظY, wZb¸Y GiKg †h †Kvb cÖkœ Avm‡j GB wbq‡g †Póv Kiæb)
First time he takes rest for 9 hours in a day, so he runs =24-9 = 15 hrs in a day
2nd time he takes 29 = 18hrs rest, so he runs 24-29 = 6 hrs in a day
Let, the first distance = x and first speed = y km/hr So, he goes in a day = 15y
So, 2nd time distance = 2x and 2nd time speed = 2y he goes in a day = 62y = 12y
Khairul’s Advanced Math 10 Time, Distance & Speed
x 2x x
First time Ravi takes = (`~iZ¡ 1w`‡b hvIqv c_)days and 2nd time he will take = =
15y 12 y 6 y
ATQ, = 40 [‡gvU `yiZ¡‡K cÖwZw`‡bi AwZµvšÍ c_ w`‡q fvM Ki‡j = 40 w`b jvM‡e|]
x 600 y
x= 600y Putting the value of x in we will get = = 100days.
6y 6y
Confusion Clear: AvMviIqv‡ji gyj eB‡q GB cÖkœwUi DËi fzj K‡i 80 †`qv Av‡Q, Zv‡`i †hLv‡b fzj n‡q‡Q
Zv n‡jv, wظY c_ wظY MwZ‡Z †M‡j GKB mgq jvM‡e, wKš‘ Av‡Mi †_‡K eZ©gv‡b wظY †i÷ wb‡j mgq Av‡Mi ‡_‡K
wظY jvM‡e A_©vr Av‡M 40 w`b jvM‡j GLb 80 w`b jvM‡e K_vwU mwVK bq| GUv G Rb¨ fzj †h, Zvi jvMv w`b¸‡jv Zvi
cÖwZw`‡bi †i‡÷i Dci wbf©i Ki‡e bv eis cÖwZw`b ‡m hZUzKz c_ hvq Zvi Dci wbf©i Ki‡e| GLv‡b 9 N›Uvi ev` w`‡q
15 N›Uv I 6 N›Uv a‡i wn‡me Ki‡Z n‡e| wKš‘ cÖ‡kœ 9 N›Uv ejvq †mUv a‡i wn‡me Ki‡j fzj DËi AvmvB ¯^vfvweK|
30. A takes 2 hours more than B to walk d km, but if A doubles his speed, then he can make
it in 1 hour less than B. How much time does B require for walking d km? (d `~iZ¡ AwZµg
Ki‡Z B Gi †_‡K A, 2 N›Uv †ewk mgq †bq| wKš‘ hw` A Zvi MwZ wظY K‡i †m GB `~iZ¡ B Gi 1 N›Uv Av‡M AwZµg
Ki‡Z cv‡i| d wK‡jvwgUvi nuvU‡Z B Gi KZ mgq jvM‡e?) [Aggarwal-48]
d 2d
(a) hours (b) 3 hours (c) 4 hours (d) hours Ans:c
2 3
Suppose B takes x hours to walk d km. Then, A takes ( x + 2) hours to walk d km.
d d 2d
A’s speed = km/hr. and B’s speed = km/hr. A’s new speed = km/hr.
x2 x x2
[mgxKiYUv n‡e = B Gi Av‡Mi MwZ‡Z jvMv mgq A Gi bZzb MwZ‡Z jvMv mg‡qi †_‡K 1 N›Uv †ewk ]
d d x2
ATQ, - =1x- = 1. x – 2 = 2 x = 4 So, B takes 4 hours
d 2d 2
x x 2
31. Deepa rides her bike at an average speed of 30 km/hr and reaches her destination in 6
hours. Hema covers the same distance in 4 hours. If Deepa increases her average speed
by 10 km/ hr and Hema increases her average speed by 5 km/hr, what would be the
difference in their time taken to reach the destination? (w`cv 30 wK. wg. MwZ‡Z evBK Pvwj‡q 6
N›Uvq Zvi MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQvq| †ngv GKB `yiZ¡ 4 N›Uvq AwZµg K‡i| w`cv Ges †ngv hw` Zv‡`i MwZ‡eM h_vµ‡g 10
wK.wg. Ges 5 wK.wg. e„w× K‡i Zvn‡j H wbw`©ó MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQv‡Z Zv‡`i jvMv mg‡qi e¨eavb KZ n‡e?) [Aggarwal-23]
(a) 40 minutes (b) 45 minutes (c) 54 minutes (d) 1 hour Ans:c
Khairul’s Advanced Math 11 Time, Distance & Speed
Deepa’s original speed = 30 km/hr and Deepa’s new speed = (30+10) km/hr = 40km/hr
Distance (306) km = 180 km
Hema’s original speed = = 45 km/hr and Hema’s new speed = (45+5) = 50km/hr
180 180 9 9
Difference in time = - hrs = hrs = 60 min = 54 min
40 50 10 10
32. A monkey climbing up a pole ascends 6 metres and slips 3 metres in alternate minutes.
If the pole is 60 metres high, how long will it take the monkey to.reach the top? (GKwU evbi
GK wgwb‡U GKwU LyuwUi 6 wgUvi Dc‡i D‡V Ges cieZ©x wgwb‡U 3 wgUvi wb‡P w`‡K †b‡g hvq| hw` LuywUwU 60 wgUvi DuPz
nq, Z‡e GwUi DuPy‡Z DV‡Z evbiwUi KZ mgq jvM‡e?)[Aggarwal-24 ]
(a) 31 min (b) 33 min (c) 35 min (d) 37 min Ans:d
†k‡li 6 wgUvi DV‡j Avi bvg‡Z n‡e bv, ZvB †gv‡Ui Dci DVv bvgv Ki‡e, = 60-6 = 54 wgUvi|
1wgwb‡U 6 wg. DV‡j Ges c‡ii wgwb‡U 3 wgUvi bvg‡j, †gv‡Ui Dci 6-3 = 3 wgUvi DV‡Z 1+1 = 2 wgwbU jvM‡e
2 54
3wgUvi = 2wgwbU jvM‡j 54 wgUvi = = 36 wgwbU| †k‡li 6wgUvi DV‡Z 1 wgwbU mn †gvU 36+1 = 37wg.
33. A man takes 50 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 6 km/hr. If he walks
with a speed of 10 km/hr, he covers the same distance in (GKRb †jvK N›Uvq 6 wK.wg MwZ‡Z 50
wgwb‡U GKwU wbw`©ó `~iZ¡ AwZµg K‡i | hw` †jvKwU 10 wK.wg MwZ‡Z nvuU‡Zv Zvn‡j GKB `~iZ¡ KZ mg‡q AwZµg
Ki‡e?) [Aggarwal- 29]
(a) 10 minutes (b) 20 minutes (c) 30 minutes (d) 40 minutes Ans:c
Solution: Distance = Speed Time = 6 km = 5 km.
Distance 5 1
Required time = = hrs = hr = 30 min.
Speed 10 2
34. A bus started its journey from Ramgarh and reached Devgarh in 44 minutes at its
average speed of 50 km/hr. If the average speed of the bus is increased by 5 km/hr, how
much time will it take to cover the same distance? (GKwU evm ivgMo ‡_‡K 50 wK.wg MwZ‡Z hvÎv
K‡i 44 wgwb‡U †`eMo †cŠQvq | hw` evmwUi MwZ‡eM 5 wK.wg e„w× cvq Zvn‡j H GKB `~iZ¡ AwZµg Ki‡Z ev‡mi KZ
mgq jvM‡e?)[Aggarwal-44]
(a) 31 min (b) 36 min (c) 38 min (d) 40 min (e) 49 min Ans:d
Solution: (Dc‡ii wbq‡g wb‡R †_‡K †Póv Kiæb, GLv‡b HwKK wbq‡g mgvav‡bi mnR wbqgwU †`Lyb)
At 50kmph time required to cover the distance = 44min [MCQ ‡Z ïay ‡k‡li fMœvskwU wjL‡eb]
‘’ 1 ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = 4455 (Kg MwZ‡Z †M‡j †ewk mgq jvM‡e)
50 44
‘’ (50+5) = 55 ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = = 40min Ans: 40min
Khairul’s Advanced Math 12 Time, Distance & Speed
35. The speed of a car increases by 2 kms after every one hour. If the distance travelled in
the first one hour was 35 kms, what was the total distance travelled in 12 hours? (GKwU
Mvwoi MwZ N›Uvq 2 wK‡jvwgUvi K‡i e„w× ‡c‡jv| hw` MvwowU cÖ_g N›Uvq 35 wK‡jvwgUvi hvq, Z‡e 12 N›Uvq GwU KZ
`~iZ¡ AwZµg Ki‡e?)[Aggarwal-43]
(a) 456 kms (b) 482 kms (c) 552 kms (d) 556 kms Ans:c
Total distance travelled in 12 hrs = (35+37+39 + ….Upto 12 terms) (12 N›Uvq 12 evi 2 wKwg K‡i)
This an Arithmetic series with first term, a = 35, Number of terms n = 12, Common
difference, d = 2 Required distance = [2 35 + (12 – 1)2] = 6(70 + 22) = 552 km
36. A car starts running with the initial speed of 40 kmph, with its speed increasing every
hour by 5 kmph. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 385 km? (GKwU Mvwo
40 wK.wg MwZ‡Z hvÎv ïiæ K‡i | cÖwZ N›Uvq MvwowUi MwZ‡eM 5 wK.wg e„w× †c‡j 385 wK.wg c_ †h‡Z MvwowUi KZ
mgq jvM‡e?)[Aggarwal-42]
1 1
(a) 7 hours (b) 8 hours (c) 9 hours (d) 9 hours Ans:a
2 2
Solution: (Av‡Mi AsKUv B wmwi‡Ri As‡Ki gZ wecixZ cvk †_‡K Ki‡Z n‡e)
Let the required number of hours be n. Clearly, the car covers 40 km in first hour,
45 km in the second hour, 50 km in the third hour, and so on, Thus, we have:
40 + 45 + 50 +..................upto n terms = 385.
This is an A.P with first term a = 40, common difference d = 5. Sn = [240+(n – 1)5]
ATQ, (80+5n – 5) = 385 80n + 5n2 – 5n = 770 5n2 + 75n – 770 = 0
n2 + 15n – 154 = 0 n2 + 22n – 7n – 154 = 0 ( n + 22) ( n – 7) = 0 n = 7
Hence, required number of hours 7 hours.
From speed ratio:
1 1 1 1
Remember: if speed ratio = x:y then time ratio = : xy : xy = y:x
x y x y
37. Rani goes to school from her house in 30 minutes. Raja takes 45 minutes in covering the
same distance. Find the ratio between time taken by Rani and Raja.( ivwb 30 wgwb‡U evwo
†_‡K ¯‹z‡j ‡cŠQvq, ivRv GKB c_ †h‡Z 45 wgwbU mgq †bq|ivwb I ivRvi †bIqv mg‡qi AbycvZ KZ?)
(a) 2 : 3 (b) 4 : 3 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 1 : 3 Ans:a
Solution: Required time ratio = 30 min : 45 min = 2 : 3 [mgq †`qv Av‡Q, Avevi mg‡qiB AbycvZ ‡P‡q‡Q]
38. A man walked at a speed of 4 km/hr from point A to B and came back from point B to
A at the speed of 6 km/hr. What would be the ratio of the time taken by the man in
walking from point A to B to that from point B to A?(GKRb †jvK 4 wK.wg. MwZ‡Z A ‡_‡K B ‡Z
hvq Avevi 6 wK.wg. MwZ‡Z B ‡_‡K A ‡Z †diZ Av‡m| ‡jvKwUi A ‡_‡K B ‡Z hvIqvi B †_‡K A ‡Z Avm‡Z jvMv
mg‡qi AbycvZ KZ?) [Aggarwal-Exm-04]
Khairul’s Advanced Math 13 Time, Distance & Speed
1 1 1 1
Solution: Ratio of speeds = 4 : 6 = 2 : 3 Ratio of times taken = : = 6: 6= 3 : 2
2 3 2 3
39. The speeds of three cars are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. The ratio of the times taken by these
cars to travel the same distance is (wZbwU Mvwoi MwZi AbycvZ 2 : 3 : 4| GB Mvwo ¸‡jv Øviv mgvb `~iZ¡
AwZµg Ki‡Z jvMv mg‡qi AbycvZ †ei Ki|) [Aggarwal-45]
(a) 2 : 3 : 4 (b) 4 : 3 2 (c) : 3 : 6 : 4 (d) 6 : 4 : 3 Ans:d
1 1 1 1 1 1
Solution: Speeds ratio = 2:3:4 Ratio of times = : : = 12 : 12 : 12 = 6 : 4 : 3
2 3 4 2 3 4
[Note:MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ 2:3:4 †K Dwë‡q w`‡q 4:3:2 wjL‡j fzj DËi Avm‡e, KviYUv wK? KviY n‡jv, G‡ÿ‡Î
cÖ_g R‡bi mv‡_ †k‡li R‡bi m¤úK© wVK _vK‡jI gv‡Si R‡bi mv‡_ Aci `yÕR‡bi m¤úK© wVK _v‡K bv| †hgb: cÖ_g
R‡bi ‡_‡K 2q R‡bi MwZ‡eM †`o¸Y| (2:3) Zvn‡j mg‡qi †ÿ‡Î cÖ_gRb‡K 2q R‡bi †_‡K †`o ¸Y jvMvi K_v|
wKš‘ 4:3:2 wjL‡j †`Lv hv‡”Q 4 wKš‘ 3 Gi †`o ¸Y n‡”Q bv| A_P: 6:4:3 G †`Lyb 6 n‡jv 4 Gi †`o¸Y|)
40. Three persons are walking from a place A to another place B. Their speeds are in the
ratio of 4 : 3 : 5. The time ratio to reach B by these persons will be(wZbRb †jvK, A ¯’vb †_‡K
B ¯’vb Gi D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv K‡i| Zv‡`i MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ 4 : 3 : 5 n‡j Zv‡`i jvMv mg‡qi AbycvZ KZ
n‡e?) [Aggarwal-109]
(a) 4 : 3 : 5 (b) 5 : 3 : 4 (c) 15 : 9 : 20 (d) 15 20 : 12 Ans:d
1 1 1
Solution: Ratio of speeds = 4 : 3 : 5 Ratio of times taken = : : = 15 : 20 : 12
4 3 5
41. A runs twice as fast as B and B runs thrice as fast as C. The distance covered by C in 72
minutes, will be covered by A in (A Gi MwZ B Gi MwZi wظY, Avevi B Gi MwZ C Gi MwZi wZb¸Y|
hw` GKwU wbw`©ó c_ †h‡Z C Gi 72 wgwbU mgq jvM‡j GKB c_ †h‡Z A Gi KZ mgq jvM‡e?) [Aggarwal-117]
(a) 12 minutes (b) 16 minutes (c) 18 minutes (d) 24 minutes Ans:a
Let’s C’s speed = x km/hr. Then, B’s speed = 3x km/hr and A’s speed = 6x km/hr.
1 1
Ratio of speeds of A,B,C = 6x : 3x : x = 6 : 3 : 1 Ratio of times taken = : : 1 = 1 : 2 : 6
6 3
1 72
It C takes 6 min, then A takes 1 min. It C takes 72 min, then A takes min = 12 min.
[gy‡L gy‡L: C Gi †_‡K A Gi MwZ‡eM 6 ¸Y †ewk n‡j C Gi †_‡K A ‡K 6 ¸Y Kg mgq jvM‡e, ZvB 726=12wgwbU]
42. The speeds of A and B are in the ratio 3 : 4. A takes 20 minutes more than B to reach a
destination. In what time does A reach the destination?(A Ges B Gi MwZi AbycvZ 3:4| A
MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQvB‡Z B ‡_‡K 20 wgwbU mgq †ewk ‡bq| A Gi MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQv‡Z †gvU KZ mgq jv‡M?)[Aggarwal-46]
1 2 2
(a) 1 hours (b) 1 hours (c) 2 hours (d) 2 hours Ans:a
3 3 3
Solution: (`ywU ivwki AbycvZ _vK‡j Dwë‡q w`‡jB n‡e) Shortcut:
Ratio of speeds = 3 : 4. Ratio of times 4 : 3 Speed ratio = 3:4 So, time ratio = 4:3
Let A and B take 4x and 3x minutes respectively Now, 4-3 = 1= 20min A’s 4 = 80min
ATQ, 4x – 3x = 20 min x = 20
Time taken by A = 4x = ( 420) min = 80 min = 1 hr.
Khairul’s Advanced Math 14 Time, Distance & Speed
43. In covering a certain distance, the speeds of A and B are in the ratio of 3 : 4. A takes 30
minutes more than B to reach the destination. The time taken by A to reach the
destination is (A I B Gi MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ 3:4 | GKwU wbw`©ó ¯’v‡b †cŠQv‡Z B Gi †_‡K A Gi 30 wgwbU †ewk
mgq jv‡M| H ¯’v‡b †cŠQv‡Z A Gi KZÿb jvM‡e?) [Aggarwal-107]
1 1
(a) 1 hour (b) 1 hours (c) 2 hours (d) 2 hours Ans:c
2 2
Ratio of speeds = 3 : 4. Ratio of times taken = 4 : 3 [4-3 = 1 = 30min so, 4 = 120min]
Suppose A takes 4x hrs and B takes 3x hrs to reach the destination .
30 1 1
ATQ, 4x – 3x = x = Time taken by A = 4x hrs = 4 hrs = 2hrs.
60 2 2
Finding speed:
44. A speed of 30.6 km/hr is the same as(N›Uvq 30.6 wK.wg MwZ‡eM wb‡Pi †KvbwUi mgvb?) [Aggarwal-01]
(a) 5.1 m/sec (b) 8.5 m/sec (c) 110.16 m/sec (d) None Ans:b
5 153
Solution: 30.6 km/hr = 30.6 m/sec = m/sec = 8.5 m/sec.
18 18
45. A car goes 20 metres in a second. Find its speed in km/hr (GKwU Kvi cÖwZ †m‡K‡Û 20 wgUvi †M‡j
KviwUi cÖwZ N›Uvi MwZ‡eM KZ?) [Aggarwal-175]
(a) 18 (b) 72 (c) 36 (d) 20 Ans:b
Solution: Speed in km/hr = 20 = 72 km/ph
46. A man riding his bicycle covers 150 meters in 25 seconds. What is his speed in km per
hour? (GKRb †jvK mvB‡Kj Pvwj‡q 25 †m‡K‡Û 150 wgUvi c_ AwZµg K‡i | N›Uvq †jvKwUi MwZ‡eM KZ?)
(a) 20 (b) 21.6 (c) 23 (d) 25 Ans:b
150 18 108
Solution: Speed = m/sec = 6m/sec = 6 km/hr = km/hr = 21.6 km/hr.
25 5 5
47. A person crosses a 600m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per
hour(GKRb †jvK 5 wgwb‡U 600 wgUvi c_ AwZµg K‡i| †jvKwUi N›Uvq MwZ‡eM KZ?)[Aggarwal-08]
(a) 3.6 (b) 7.2 (c) 8.4 (d) 10 Ans:b
600 600 18
Solution: 1 min or 60 sec = So, in 1 sec m/sec = 2m/sec or, 2 = 7.2km/hr.
5 5 60 5
48. A motorist travelled between two towns, which are 65 km apart, in 2 hours and 10
minutes. Find the speed in meters per minute.(GKRb gUimvB‡Kj Av‡ivnx 2 N›Uv 10 wgwb‡U 65
wK.wg c_ hvq| cÖwZ wgwb‡U Zvi MwZ‡eM KZ wgUvi?)[Aggarwal-05]
(a) 200 (b) 500 (c) 600 (d) 700 Ans:b
Distance covered = 65 km =651000= 65000 m
Time taken = 2 hrs 10 min. = [(260) + 10] min = 130 min
65000 5
Speed in meter per minute = m/min = 500 m/min .[N.B.GLv‡b w`‡q ¸Y Kiv hv‡e bv|]
130 18
Khairul’s Advanced Math 15 Time, Distance & Speed
49. A is travelling at 72 km per hour on a highway while B is travelling at a speed of 25
meters per second. What is the difference in their speeds in meters per second?(A N›Uvq
72 wK.wg Ges B, cÖwZ †m‡K‡Û 25 wgUvi c_ hvq | `yR‡bi MwZ‡e‡Mi cv_©K¨ wgUvi/‡m‡KÛ KZ?) [Aggarwal-04]
(a) 1 m/sec 2 (b) 2 m/sec (c) 3 m/sec (d) 5 m/sec Ans:d
Solution: A's speed = 72 km/hr = 72 m/sec = 20 m/sec. B's speed = 25 m/sec.
So, difference of speed in m/sec is = (25 – 20)m/sec = 5 m/sec.
50. An aeroplane covers a certain- distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the
same distance in 1 hours, it must travel at a speed of (GKwU G‡iv‡cøb 240 wK.wg MwZ‡Z 5
N›Uvq GKwU wbw`©ó c_ AwZµg K‡i| c_wU 1 N›Uvq †h‡Z G‡iv‡cø‡bi MwZ‡eM KZ n‡Z n‡e?) [Aggarwal-51]
(a) 300 kmph (b) 360 kmph (c) 600 krnph (d) 720 kmph Ans:d
Distance = ( 240 5) km = 1200 km. Required speed = 1200 km/hr = 720 km/hr
51. A salesman travels a distance of 50 km in 2 hours and 30 minutes. How much faster, in
kilometres per hour, on an average, must he travel to make such a trip in hour less
time?( GKRb weµqKgx© 50 wK.wg. c_ 2 N›Uv 30 wgwb‡U GKwU wbw`©ó c_ AwZµg K‡i| H GKB c_ N›Uv
Kg mg‡q AwZµg Ki‡Z n‡j cÖwZ N›Uvi MwZ‡eM KZ evov‡Z n‡e?| Zvi MwZ‡eM KZ n‡j H GKB c_
cvi‡e?) [Aggarwal-52]
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) None Ans:a
Solution: (50 wgwbU Kg mg‡q AwZµg Kivi Rb¨ MwZ‡eM Av‡Mi †_‡K evov‡Z n‡e, hZ evov‡Z n‡e Zv B DËi )
1 5 5 2
,2hr 30min = 2 hrs , initial speed = 50km hrs = 50 = 20km/hr.
2 2 2 5
5 5 10 5 5 3
New time to travel 50km = - = hrs. So, new speed =50km hrs = 50 = 30km/hr
2 6 6 3 3 5
Speed should be increased = 30-20 = 10 km/hr
52. A person has to cover a distance of 6km in 45 minutes. If he covers one half of the
distance in twothirds of the total time, to cover the remaining distance in the remaining
time, his speed in kmph must be: (GKRb e¨vw³‡K 45wgwb‡U 6wKwg iv¯Ív †h‡Z n‡e| A‡a©K iv¯Ív †h‡Z `yB
Z…Zxqvsk mgq P‡j †M‡j Aewkó c_ h_vmg‡q hvIqvi Rb¨ MwZ‡eM KZ n‡Z n‡e?)(BB Ad -16) +[Aggarwal-53]
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 15 Ans:c
1 1
Solution: Remaining distance = 6-3 = 3 km and remaining time = 45 = 15 min = hour.
3 4
Required speed =3 = ( 3 4) km/hr = 12 km/hr. [HwKK wbq‡g, 15 wgwb‡U 3 n‡j 60wg G 12]
Khairul’s Advanced Math 16 Time, Distance & Speed
53. A train scheduled to cover the distance between two stations 46 km apart in one hour. If
it travels 25 km at a speed of 40 km/hr, find the speed for the remaining journey to
complete it in the scheduled time. (46 wK‡jvwgUvi `~i‡Z¡i `ywU †÷kb AwZµg Kivi Rb¨ GKwU †Uª‡bi
wba©vwiZ mgq 1 N›Uv| hw` GwU cÖ_g 25 wK‡jvwgUvi c_ N›Uvq 40 wKwg MwZ‡Z hvq , Z‡e wba©vwiZ mg‡q ågY †kl
Ki‡Z evwK åg‡Yi MwZ †ei Ki|) [Aggarwal-56]
(a) 36 km/hr (b) 46 km/hr (c) 56 km/hr (d) 66 km/hr Ans:c
25 5
Solution: Time taken to travel 25 km = hr = hr.
40 8
5 3 8
Remaining time = 1 hr = hr. Required speed = 21 km/hr = 56 km/hr.
8 8 3
54. The ratio of the speeds of a car, a train and a bus is 5 : 9 : 4. The average speed of the
car, the bus and the train is 72 km/hr. What is the average speed the car and the train
together?(Kvi,‡Uªb Ges ev‡mi MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ 5:9:4| Kvi,‡Uªb Ges ev‡mi Mo MwZ‡eM N›Uvq 72 wK.wg | Kvi
Ges †Uª‡bi Mo MwZ‡eM KZ?)[Aggarwal-11]
(a) 78 km/hr (b) 82 km/hr (c) 84 km/hr (d) None Ans:c
Let the speeds of the car, train and bus be 5x, 9x and 4x km/hr respectively.
Then, 5x+9x+4x = 723 18x = 723 x = 12.
5x 9 x 14 x
Average speed of car and train = = 7x = 712= 84 km/hr.
2 2
55. A truck covers a distance of 550 metres in 1 minute whereas a bus covers a distance of
33 kms in 45 minutes. The ratio of their speeds is (GKwU Uª¨vK 1 wgwb‡U 550 wgUvi c_ hvq †hLv‡b
GKwU evm 45 wgwb‡U 33 wK.wg c_ hvq| MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ KZ?) [Aggarwal- 30]
(a) 3 : 4 (b) 4 : 3 (c) 3 : 5 (d) 50 : 3 Ans:a
550 18 33
Solution: Ratio of speeds = : 60 = 33: 44 = 3:4 [MwZ‡eM †ei Kivi ci AbycvZ]
60 5 45
56. A certain distance is covered by a cyclist at a certain speed. If a jogger covers half the
distance in double the time, the ratio of the speed of the jogger to that of the cyclist is
(GKwU wbw`©ó MwZ‡Z GKRb mvB‡Kj PvjK GKwU wbw`©ó c_ AwZµg K‡i| hw` GKRb jogger, mvB‡Kj Pvj‡Ki
wظY mg‡q A‡a©K c_ AwZµg K‡i | jogger Ges mvBwKwj÷ Gi MwZi AbycvZ KZ?) [Aggarwal-36]
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 4 : 1 Ans:c
Solution: Let the distance covered by the cyclist be x and the time taken be y. So speed = ,
Now, distance cover by the jogger = and time taken by jogger = 2y
x x 1 x x x 1
So, speed of jogger = 2 y = = Required ratio = : :1=1:4
2 2 2y 4 y 4y y 4
gy‡L gy‡L Kivi jwRK: GKB c_ †h‡Z ‡RvMv‡ii mgq wظY n‡j MwZ‡eM wظY nIqvi K_v| wKš‘ †mLv‡b mgq jvM‡jv
wظY wKš‘ c_ †M‡jv A‡a©K A_©vr †RvMv‡ii MwZ‡eM mvBwK¬‡÷i MwZi †_‡K `yÕevi A‡a©‡Ki ev 1/4 As‡ki mgvb|
Zvn‡j †RvMvi I mvBwK¬‡÷i MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ n‡e 1:4| wmwiqvj fzj Ki‡j fzj DËi Avm‡e ZvB mevavb|
Khairul’s Advanced Math 17 Time, Distance & Speed
57. The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 kms in 4
hours, then the speed of the first train is (`ywU †Uª‡bi MwZi AbycvZ 7:8| hw` 2q †UªbwU 4 N›Uvq 400
wK.wg c_ hvq Z‡e cÖ_g †Uª‡bi MwZ‡eM KZ?) [Aggarwal- 31]
(a) 70 km/hr (b) 75 km/hr (c) 84 km/hr (d) 87.5 km/hr Ans:d
Let the speeds of two trains be 7x and 8x km/hr.
400 100
Then, 8x = = 100 x = = 12.5 Speed of the first train = (712.5) = 87.5 km/hr.
4 8
[Note: 1g †Uªv‡bi 1 N›Uvi MwZ‡eM †ei Ki‡Z ejvq 2q †Uª‡bi 4 N›Uvq 400 wKwg‡K 1 N›Uvq 100 wKwg a‡i wn‡me]
58. A dog takes 4 leaps for every 5 leaps of a hare but 3 leaps of the dog is equal to 4 leaps
of the hare. Compare their speeds: (GKwU KzKzi 4 jvd w`‡q hZ`~i hvq GKwU& Li‡Mvk 5 jvd w`‡q ZZ`~i
hvq| wKš‘ KzKz‡ii 3 jvd Li‡Mv‡ki 4 jv‡di mgvb| Zv‡`i MwZ‡e‡Mi AbycvZ KZ? ) [Agrani Bank - (SO)-
a. 16:15 b. 18:17 c. 19:18 d. 20:19 Ans: a
Solution: Lye `ªæZ DËi †ei Kivi Rb¨ A_©vr GKR‡bi ˆ`N©¨ w`‡q
3 leaps dog = 4 leaps Hare KzKz‡ii 4 jv‡di ˆ`N© =Li‡Mv‡ki 5 jv‡di ˆ`N©¨ Av‡iKR‡bi jv‡di
4 KzKz‡ii 3 jvd = Li‡Mv‡ki 4 jvd wj‡L ¸Ydj| hvi ˆ`N©¨ Av‡M
1 leaps dog = leaps hare Zvi gvb Av‡M em‡e||
3 Avov Avwo ¸Y Ki‡j 44 = 53 = 16:15|
4 16
41 leaps dog =4 leaps hare 4 leaps dog = leaps hare
3 3
Again, 4 leaps of dog = 5 leaps of hare So, required ratio = :5 = 16:15
59. A boy goes three equal distances, each of length x km, with a speed of y km/hr,
km/hr and km/hr respectively. If the total time taken is 1 hour, then x : y is equal to
3y 2y
(GKRb evjK cÖwZ †ÿ‡Î x wK.wg. `yiZ¡ h_vµ‡g y wK.wg, wK.wg Ges wK.wg. MwZ‡Z AwZµg Kivq Zvi
5 5
†gvU 1 N›Uv mgq jvM‡j x : y Gi gvb KZ? )[Aggarwal-39]
(a) 6 : 13 (b) 6 : 23 (c) 6 : 31 (d) 6 : 37 Ans:c
x x x x 5x 5x 6x 10x 15x 31x
Total time taken = hrs = + + = = hrs.
y 3y 2 y y 3y 2 y 6y 6y
5 5
31x x 6
ATQ, = 1 [me¸‡jv mg‡qi †hvMdj = 1 N›Uv] = x:y = 6 : 31
6y y 31
Khairul’s Advanced Math 18 Time, Distance & Speed
60. A boy is running at a speed of p kmph to cover a distance of 1 km. But, due to the
slippery ground, his speed is reduced by q kmph (p > q). If he takes r hours to cover the
distance, then (GKwU evjK p wKwg/N›Uv †e‡M 1 wKwg iv¯Ív AwZµg | wKš‘ iv¯Ív wcw”Qj _vKvi Kvi‡Y Zvi MwZ‡eM
q wKwg/N›Uv K‡g †M‡jv †hLv‡b(p > q) | hw` †m H `~iZ¡ AwZµg Ki‡Z r N›Uv mgq †bq Zvn‡j ) [Aggarwal-26 ]
1 1
(a) = p – q (b) r = p-q 1 (c) = p + q (d) r = p Ans:a
r r
distance 1
Solution: Reduced new speed = p-q again, Speed = =
Time r
So, we can write = p – q = [ (p > q) A_© MwZ‡eM Kg‡jI Av‡Mi MwZi †_‡K Zv Kg, GUv bv ej‡j †`Lv
‡hZ Av‡Mi MwZ 10 wQj Avi K‡g †M‡Q 20 A_©vr -10 MwZ‡eM FYvZ¥K †h‡bv bv nq ZvB (p > q) ejv n‡q‡Q ]
Average speed:
Total distance (go return)
myÎ-1: Average speed = [MwZ‡eM I c‡_i `yiZ¡ †`qv _vK‡j]
Total time (go return)
61. A car covers 650 km in 12 hours and other 850 km in 18 hours. Find the average speed
of the car. (GKwU Mvwo 12 N›Uvq 650 wKwg Ges evwK 850 wKwg 18 N›Uvq AwZµg K‡i| MvwowUi Mo MwZ‡eM
KZ?) [Aggarwal-181]
(a) 47 kmph (b) 50 kmph (c) 48 kmph (d) 52 kmph Ans:b
650 850 1500
Solution: Average speed = = 50kmph
12 18 30
62. A car covers the first 39 kms of its journey in 45 minutes and covers the remaining 25
km in 35 minutes. What is the average speed of the car? (GKwU Mvwo 45 wgwb‡U 39 wKwg hvq Ges
evwK 25 wKwg 35 wgwb‡U hvq | MvwowUi Mo MwZ‡eM KZ?)[Aggarwal-71]
(a) 40 km/hr (b) 48 km/hr (c) 49 km/hr (d) 64 km/hr (e) None Ans:b
39 25 64 1
Solution: Average speed = = 64 60 km/hr = 48 km/hr.
( 45 35 ) min 80 min 80
63. A long distance runner runs 9 laps of a 400 metres track everyday. His timings (in min)
for four consecutive days are 88, 96, 89 and 87 respectively. On an average, how many
metres/minute does the runner cover?( GKRb †`Šowe` 400 wgUv‡ii GKwU Uªv‡K cÖwZw`b 9 evi
cÖ`wÿY K‡i| cici Pviw`b Zvi h_vµ‡g 88, 96, 89 Ges 87 wgwbU mgq jvM‡j †m cÖwZ wgwb‡U KZ
wgUvi c_ AwZµg K‡i? )[Aggarwal-40]
(a) 17.78 (b) 40 (c) 90 (d) None Ans:b
Total distance covered 4 9 400 4 9 400
Average speed = = m/min = = 40m/min
Total time taken 88 96 89 87 360
Khairul’s Advanced Math 19 Time, Distance & Speed
64. A, B and C are on a trip by a car. A drives during the first hour at an average speed of
50 km/hr. B drives during the next 2 hours at an average speed of 48 km/hr. C drives
for the next 3 hours at an average speed of 52 km/hr. They reached their destination
after exactly 6 hours. Their mean speed was:(A, B I C Mvwo‡Z ågb K‡i| A 1g 1N›Uv 50wKwg/N›Uv
MwZ‡Z MvoxwU Pvjvq, B cieZ©x 2 N›Uv, 48 wKwg/N›Uv †e‡M MvoxwU Pvjvq, Ges C cieZ©x 3 N›Uv, 52 wKwg/N›Uv †e‡M
MvwowU Pvwj‡q †gvU 6 N›Uvq GKwU MšÍ‡e¨ †cŠQvq| Zv‡`i Mo MwZ‡eM KZ?) [Aggarwal-70]
1 1
(a) 50 km/hr (b) 50 km/hr (c) 51 km/hr (d) 52 km/hr Ans:b
3 3
Solution: (Mvox GKwUB wKš‘ 3 R‡b fvM K‡i Pvjvq| GUv bv †f‡e wZbR‡bi 3wU Mvwo fve‡j fzj n‡e)
Total distance travelled = (50 1) + (48 2) + (52 3) km = 302 km
302 1
Total time taken = 6 hrs Mean speed = km/hr = 50 km/hr
6 3
65. An aeroplane flies along the four sides of a square at the speeds of 100, 200, 300 and 400
km/hr. Find the average speed of the plane around the field.( GKwU D‡ovRvnvR GKwU eM©‡ÿ‡Îi
Pviw`‡K h_vµ‡g 100, 200, 300 Ges 400 wK.wg.MwZ‡Z AwZµg K‡i| D‡ovRvnvRwUi Mo MwZ‡eM KZ? )
Solution: Let each side of the square be x km and set the average speed of the plane around
the field be y km/hr.
x x x x 4x 25x 4x 1200 4
ATQ + + + = = y= = 192km/hr.
100 200 300 400 y 1200 y 25
[Shortcut: 100,200,300 Ges 400 Gi¸ = 1200 †K GK cvk© ai‡j mgq jvM‡e, 12+6+4+3 = 25
N›Uv| Zvn‡j †gvU c_ 41200 = 4800 wKwg †h‡Z Mo MwZ‡eM = 480025 = 192wKwg/N›Uv|]
66. A person travels three equal distances at a speed of x km/hr, y km/hr and z km/hr
respectively. What is the average speed for the whole journey?( GKRb e¨w³ wZbwU mgvb
ˆ`‡N©¨i `yiZ¡ h_vµ‡g x wK.wg, y wK.wg, Ges z wK.wg, MwZ‡Z AwZµg K‡i| m¤ú~Y© åg‡Yi Mo MwZ‡eM
KZ? )[Aggarwal-77]
xy yz zx (d) 3xyz
3xy yz zx xy yz zx xyz xy yz zx
111 3 3 xyz
Solution: Let, each equal distance is= 1km = =
1 1 1
yz zx xy xy yz zx
x y z xyz
[Note: GLv‡b †h DËiwU †ei n‡jv, Zv 3wU wfbœ e¯‘ mgvb mgvb c_ 3wU wfbœ MwZ‡Z AwZµg Ki‡j Zv‡`i Mo
MwZ‡eM †ei Kivi m~Z wn‡m‡e KvR Kie|]
71. A person travels from P to Q at a speed of 40 kmph and returns by increasing his speed
by 50%. What is his average speed for both the trips? (GKRb †jvK P ‡_‡K Q †Z 40 wKwg/N›Uv
MwZ‡Z hvq Ges Q ‡_‡K P ‡Z wd‡i Av‡m Av‡iv 50% †ewk MwZ‡Z| MvwowUi m¤ú~Y© hvÎvq Mo MwZ‡eM
(a) 36 kmph (b) 45 kmph (c) 48 kmph (d) 50 kmph Ans:c
Solution: Speed on return trip = 150% of 40 = 60 kmph.
2 xy 2 40 60 2 40 60
Average speed = = km/hr = km/hr = 48 km/hr.
x y 40 60 100
Khairul’s Advanced Math 21 Time, Distance & Speed
72. A man drives 150 km to the sea shore in 3 hours 20 min. He returns from the shore to
the starting point in 4 hours 10 min. Let r be the average rate for the entire trip. Then
the average rate for the trip going exceeds r, in kilometers per hour, by (GKRb gvbyl mgy`ª
Zx‡i ‡h‡Z 3 N›Uv 20 wgwb‡U 150 wK‡jvwgUvi c_ hvq| wZwb 4 N›Uv 10 wgwb‡U Zxi †_‡K ïiæi ¯’v‡b wd‡i Av‡mb|
cy‡iv hvÎvi Mo MwZ r n‡j,hvIqvi mg‡qi Mo MwZ‡eM r Gi †_‡K KZ †ewk?)[Aggarwal-67]
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 4 (d) 5 Ans:d
Solution: (ïay hvIqvi mg‡qi MwZ‡eM †_‡K r Gi gvb ev` w`‡jB DËi †ei n‡e )
20 1 10
Time taken to cover 150 km in going trip = 3 hr 20 min = 3 hr = 3 hr = hr
60 3 3
Speed in going trip = 150 km/hr = 45 km/hr
1 25
Time taken to cover 150 km/hr in return trip = 4 hr 10 min = 4 hr = hr
6 6
Speed in return trip = 150 km/hr = 36 km/hr
2 xy 2 45 36 2 45 36
Average speed = = = km/hr = 40 km/hr.
xy 45 36 81
Required difference = (45 - 40) km/hr = 5 km/hr.
73. Mary jogs 9 km at a speed of 6 km per hour. At what speed would she need to jog
during the next 1.5 hours to have an average of 9 km per hour for the entire jogging
session?( †gwi 6 wK.wg./N›Uv MwZ‡Z 9 wK.wg. c_ AwZµg K‡i| ciewZ© 1.5 N›Uvq KZ MwZ‡e‡M nuvU‡j
m¤ú~Y© hvÎvq Zvi Mo MwZ‡eM 9 wK.wg. n‡e?) [Aggarwal-80]
(a) 9 kmph (b) 10 kmph (c) 12 kmph (d) 14 kmph Ans:c
Let speed of jogging be x km/hr.
Total time taken = + 1.5 = 1.5+1.5 = 3 hrs and Total distance covered = (9 + 1.5x) km.
9 1.5x 3 2
ATQ, = 9 9 + 1.5x = 27 x = 18 x = 18 = 12 kmph.
3 2 3
1 1
74. A man can walk uphill at the rate of 2 km/hr and downhill at the rate of 3 km/hr.
2 4
If the total time required to walk a certain distance up the hill and return to the
starting point was 4 hr 36 min, then what was the distance walked up the hill by the
1 1
man?( GKRb †jvK 2 wK.wg. MwZ‡Z cvnv‡o D‡V Ges 3 wK.wg. MwZ‡Z cvnvo †_‡K wb‡P bv‡g| GKwU cvnv‡o
2 4
DVv Ges bvgvq †gvU 4 N›Uv 36 wgwbU mgq jvM‡j †jvKwU KZ c_ AwZµg K‡iwQj?) [Aggarwal-66]
1 1 1
(a) 4 km (b) 4 km (c) 5 km (d) 6 km Ans:d
2 2 2
Solution: (Mo MwZ‡e‡Mi gva¨‡g wKfv‡e kU©Kv‡U `~iZ¡ †ei Kiv hvq GLvb †_‡K †`‡L wbb, mgxKi‡Yi †_‡K mnR)
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)
71. Which of the following functions is not performed by (B) Entire document
Server? (C) A sentence 71 C
(A) Email-Processing (D) A word
(B) Database Sharing
72 B
(C) Word processing
(D) Storage
72. A device that connects to a network without the use of 73 C
cables is said to be ENGLISH
(A) Distributed Questions (01-03): Fill in the blanks with right options
(B) Wireless 74 A
1. The trade deficit has been growing rapidly, and the
(C) Centralized capital inflows _____ to fund it could get disrupted in case
(D) None of these US monetary policy gets tightened ______ than expected. 75 D
73. The blinking point which shows your position in the text is (A) Mandate, equal
called (B) Needed, more
76 D
(A) Blinker (c) Required, higher
(B) Causer (D) Both B and D
(C) Cursor 2. The _____ to e-buses would not lower the level of 77 A
(D) Pointer emissions but merely ____ their place of origin.
74. In excel, charts are created using which option? (A) Evolution, vary
(A) Chart wizard 78 C
(B) Transition, change
(B) Pivot table (C) Shift, altered
(C) Pie chart (D) Altercation, destroy 79 B
(D) Bar chart 3. It is not easy for a country with high fiscal deficits, high
75. Which among following is secondary Storage device? inflation, _______ banks and one that is _____ to macro
80 C
(A) Ram panics to completely open up its capital account.
(B) Diode (A) week, privy
(C) Semi-conductor (B) failing, level 01 D
(D) Hard Disk (C) weak, prone
76. By pressing which key we can move to beginning of a page? (D) None of these
02 B
(A) Window key
(B) Shift key Questions (04-07): Select the word or phrase that best
(C) Tab key completes the sentence. 03 C
(D) Home key 4. The supply of food and beverage for the program was
77. Which among following is an image name extension? abundant. 04 D
(A) gif (A) inadequate
(B) docx (B) substandard
05 C
(C) ppt (C) excellent
(D) lib (D) plentiful
78. Typeface option will come under which menu? 5. Assertive people are generally more decisive. 06 D
(A) Edit (A) Docile
(B) View (B) Articulate
(C) Format (C) Confident
(D) Tools (D) Compliant
79. Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as 6. People of diverse backgrounds now go to different
(A) System software places for pleasure, business or education.
(B) Application software (A) distinctive
(C) Utility programs (B) isolated
(D) Operating system (C) distant
80. Pressing F8 key for three times selects (D) different
(A) A paragraph
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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Area or outer square = 2a x 2a = 4a2 Let, d be the distance. 27 A
In△BAD Then:
(BD)2=(AD)2+(AB)2 d/(6 2)kph = d/(6+2)kph +3
(2a) =x +x 2 2 28 B
Or, d/4 = d/8 +3
2 2
4a =2x Or, d/8 =3
2a2=x2 Or, d=24 km distance
x=2 √a. 26. The respective ratio between the speed of a car, a
Area of inner square =√2a x √2a=2a2 train, and a bus is 5:9:4. The average speed of the car,
Difference between the areas of the outer and inner square bus and train is 72 km/hr together. What is the average
=4a2−2a2=2a2 speed of the car and the train together?
23. 12 marbles are selected at random from a large collection (A) 82 km/hr
of white, red, green and yellow marbles. The number of (B) 72 km/hr
marbles of each color is unlimited. Find the probability that the (C) 67 km/hr
selection contains at least one marble of each color? (D) 84 km/hr
(A) 34/91 Solution:
(B) 23/31 5x + 9x + 4x = 72 × 3
(C) 36/91 Or, 18x = 72 × 3
(D) 33/91 Or, x = 12
Solution: Avg. speed of the car and the train,
Number of ways of slecting 12 marbels is equal to the number = (5x+9x)/2 = 7x = 7X12 = 84 km/hr
of non negative intrigal solution of 27. Three angles of a triangle are in proportion 5:6.7.
White Red Green Yellow = 12 Then what is the difference in degrees between the
Total number of ways = C (12 4-1,4-1) = C(15,3) biggest and the smallest angles?
The number of selection that contains at least one marbels of (A) 20o
each colour is equal to the number of positive intrigal solution (B) 10o
of White Red Green Yellow= 12. (C) 30°
=C(12-1,4-1) = C(11,3) (D) 25o
Required probably = C(11,3)/C(15,3)= 33/91. Solution:
24. A motor-cycle covers 40 km with a speed of 20 km/hr. Find 5x°+6x°+7x°=180°
the speed of the motorcycle for the next 40 km journey so that Or, 18x°=180°
the average speed of the whole journey will be 30 km/hr. Or, x=10
(A) 70.0 km/hr Largest angle =7x° = 7(10)°= 70°
(B) 52.5 km/hr Smallest Angle
(C) 60.0 km/hr 5x°=5(10)°=50°
(D) 60.5 km/hr Difference = 70° - 50° = 20°
Solution: 28. A water tank has two taps (Tap-1 and Tap-2). Tap-I
Let, speed of the motorcycle for the next 40 km = x km/hr can fill a tank in 8 hours and Tap-2 can empty the tank in
Average speed, 16 hours. How long will they take to fill the tank if both
30 = 2.x.20/(20+x)
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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structures? (A) A
(A) linear arrays (B) B 58 D
(B) linked lists (C) AB
(C) both a and b (D) 1
59 B
(D) None of these 65. Which of the following correctly shows the hierarchy
56. The term push and pop is related to the of arithmetic operation
(A) array (A) /+*- 60 C
(B) lists (B) *-/+
(C) stacks (C) +-/*
(D) All of these (D) /*+- 61 B
57. ______ is a statement that is executed automatically by the 66. Consider the following code:
system #include <stdio.h> 62 A
(A) trigger constraint int main(int arge, char *argv[]){
(B) assertion return 0;
63 B
(C) durability }
(D) integrity What is the minimum length of character array argv in the
58. What does a COMMIT statement do to a CURSOR: above code? 64 C
(A) Open the Cursor (A) 0
(B) Fetch the Cursor (B) 1
65 D
(C) Close the Cursor (C) undefined
(D) None of these (D) -1
59. Which data structure is used for indexing- 67. 66 C
(A) Binary Tree been executed?
(B) B-Tree double d =Math.round (2.5+ Math.random(): 67 C
(C) stack (A) 2
(D) Link List (B) 25
60. Trojan can be introduced through? (C) 3
(A) Internet browsing (D) 4
(B) Database accessing 68. Which O/S is recommended for real time systems? 69 A
(C) emails (A) Windows
(D) trouble shooting (B) Unix
61. How many layer Internet Protocol suite? (C) Oracle
(A) 7 (D) µ/OS
(B) 5 No Answer
(C) 3 69. According to Boolean algebra the value of (A + AB).
(D) 4 (B + AB) is
62. The step by step instructions that solve a problem are (A) AB
called (B) B
(A) An algorithm (C) A
(B) A list (D) 1
Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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70. Which one of the following is not an example redundancy? (C) DNS server
(A) Data Center (D) Proxy server 70 D
(B) Aero plane 80.
(C) Motor Car representation of the following expression (assume 16 bit
71 B
(D) None of these number) 12+64+128+256+1024
71. Compared to CISC, RISC processors (at the same clock) are (A) 10
(A) faster (B) 8 72 B
(B) slower (C) 6
(C) similar (D) 9
(D) undefined 73 C
Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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7. (B) opinion
(A) Amatuer (C) attitude 07 C
(B) Amature (D) thinking
(C) Amateur 15. AIDS is not a dieses that can be ______ through the air
08 A
(D) Ameteur or by insects.
8. (A) circulated
(A) Adulation (B) transferred 09 C
(B) Adlation (C) transmitted
(C) Aduletion (D) disseminated
(D) Addulation 16. I shall ring you up as soon as ________. 10 B
10. (A) The pineapple, a fruit (B) grow in tropical climates (C)
(C) throughout the world, (D) is native to parts of South (D) 15 C
America. 18. ?
(A) The (A)
16 B
(B) grow (B)
(C) throughout (C)
(D) is (D) 17 C
11. A large (A) number of automobile (B) part are now (C) 19. ?
made of plastic (D) instead of steel. (A)
18 A
(A) number (B)
(B) part (C)
(C) made (D) 19 D
(D) instead 20. ?
12. Although a kangaroo (A) normally uses (B) its large feet (A) √ 20 C
and strong legs (C) for hopping, (D) but it can also swim. (B) √
(A) normally (C) √
21 C
(B) its large feet (D)
(C) for hopping 21. ?
(D) but it can (A) 22 B
Questions (13-16): Fill in the blank with right option. (C)
23 A
13. Many modern medicines are derived _____ plants and (D)
animals. 22. ?
(A) from (A)
(B) on (B)
(C) for (C)
(D) in (D)
14. 23. ?
problem (A)
(A) idea (B)
Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)
(D) Questions (33-56): Read the following questions carefully 24 B
24. ? and choose the right answer.
(A) 33. In an office, 44% of the workers prefer coffee and
25 D
(B) 72% prefer tea. If each of them prefers coffee or tea
(C) and 40 like both, the total number of workers in the
(D) office is 26 C
25. ? (A) 200
(A) (B) 250
(B) (C) 240 27 B
(C) (B) 36 kg
(D) (C) 44 kg 32 A
28. ? (D) 56 kg
(A) Solution:
33 B
(B) Tin in 100kg of A = ( 100 x 1/5) = 20kg.
(C) Tin in 60kg of B = ( 60 x 2/5) = 24kg.
(D) Amount of tin in new alloy = ( 24 + 20 )kg = 44kg. 34 C
29. ? 35. The difference between the length and the breadth of
(A) a blackboard is 8 cm. If the breadth is decreased by
35 B
(B) 4 cm and the length is increased by 7 cm, the area
(C) remains the same. Find the dimensions of the
(D) blackboard? 36
30. ? (A) 30, 22
(A) (B) 28, 20
(B) (C) 34, 26
(C) (D) 56. 48
(D) Solution:
31. ? Let, breadth = x
(A) Length = x+8
(B) ATQ,
(C) (x+8)x = (x+15)(x-4)
(D) Or, X2 + 8x = x2 + 11x -60
32. ? Or, x = 20
(A) Breadth = 20. So, Length = (20+8) = 28
(B) 36. X can complete a certain work in the same time in
(C) which Y and Z together can do it. If X and Y together
(D) can finish it in 10 days and Z alone in 15 days, then Y
alone can do it in?
(A) 22 days
(B) 18 days
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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= 5/6 X 24 = 20 Solution:
So, Required ratio = 18:20 = 9:10 So, Percentage change in area of the Circle is 30 + 30 42 A
42. On reducing the entry fee by 35% in a park, the number +(30X30)/100 = 69%
of people coming to the park increased by 40%, then the 46. An amount of Tk. 10,000 becomes T 20,736 in 2
43 C
percent increase or decrease in the income from the entry years. If the rate of interest is compounded half
fee is yearly, what is the annual rate of interest?
(A) 9% decrease (A) 25% 44 B
(B) 7% decrease (B) 20%
(C) 9% increase (C) 40%
(D) 5% decrease (D) 30% 45 D
Solution: Solution:
We know, p(1+r/n) =C 46 C
10000(1+r/200) =20736
Total income = a × b = ab (1+r/200)4=20736/10000
47 A
Now, reducing the entry fee by 35% in a park, the number of =>1+r/200=12/10
people coming to the park increased by 40% r=(6/5-1)200
∴ New entry fee = a (35% of a) = 0.65a r=1/5*200=40% 48 B
New number of people = b + (40% of b) = 1.4b 47. The difference between two positive numbers is 3
New total income = 0.65a × 1.4b = 0.91ab and the sum of the squares is 369. Then the sum of
Decrease in income = ab 0.91ab = 0.09ab 49 C
the numbers is
% decrease in income =(0.09ab/ab)×100% (A) 27
⇒ % decrease in income = 9% (B) 33
43. Three numbers are added in pairs, the sums so obtained (C) 20
are 20, 27, 23. What are those three numbers? (D) 81
(A) 6, 4 and 15 Solution:
(B) 9, 11 and 14 Let, the numbers be x & x-3
(C) 8, 12 and 15 So,
(D) 10, 4 and 17 X2 + (x-3)2 = 369
44. After distributing the chocolates equally among 25 kids, 8 Or, x2 + x2 6x + 9 = 369
chocolates remain. Had the number of children been 28, 2
Or, x -3x 180 = 0
22 chocolates would have been left after equally Solving, x = 15
distributing. Find the total number of chocolates. Sum of the numbers are = 15 + (15-3) = 27
(A) 315 48. A hall, 20m long and 15m broad, is surrounded by a
(B) 358 verandah of uniform width of 2.5m. The cost of
(C) 368 flooring the verandah at Tk. 3.50 per square meter is
(D) 322 (A) Tk. 500
Solution: (B) Tk. 700
Let total no. of chocolates = 25x + 8 (C) Tk. 600
Then (25x+8)-22 will be divisible by 28 (D) Tk. 800
=25x-14 is divisible by 28 Solution:
= 28x-(3x+14) is divisible by 28 Area of the hall = 20 ⨉ 15 = 300m2
= 3x+14 is divisible by 28 Area of the hall with verandah =
x=14 [{20+(2.5⨉2)}+{15+(2.5⨉2)}]=500m2
So total no. of chocolates = 25(14)+8= 358 Area of the verandah = 500 300 = 200m2
45. If radius of a circle is increased by 30% then its area is The cost of flooring the verandah = 200 ⨉ 3.5 = 700 TK.
increased by 49.
(B) 40%
(B) 70% place. If the sum of the two digits is 6, the number
(C) 50% is-
(D) 69% (A) 51
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)
06 B
Questions (05-08): Select the word or phrase that is most Questions (13-16): Read the following passage and
closely opposite in meaning to the original word. answer the questions given below it in the context of the
5. ACCUMULATE passage. 07 A
(A) Amiss Our eyes and ears might be called transformers because
(B) Produce they sense the light and sound around us and turn them
(C) Amass into electrical impulses that the brain can interpret. These 08 C
(D) Scatter electrical impulses that have been transformed by the eye
6. EFFERVESCENT and ears reach the brain and are turned into messages 09 A
(A) Vivacious that we can interpret. For the eye, the process begins as
(B) Dull the eye admits light waves, bends them at the cornea and
10 D
(C) Mediocre lens, and then focuses them on the retina. At the back of
(D) Generous each eye, nerve fibers bundle together to form optic
7. HOSTILE nerves, which join and then split into two optic tracts. 11 B
(A) Friendly Some of the fibers cross, so that part of the input from
(B) Negative the right visual field goes into the left side of the brain,
(C) Positive and vice versa. The process in the ear is carried out 12 A
(D) Inimical through sensory cells that are carried in fluid-filled canals
8. ILLUSTRIOUS and that are extremely sensitive to vibration. Sound 13 C
(A) Conspicuous transformed into electricity travels along nerve fibers in
(B) Venerable the auditory nerve. These fibers form a synod neurons
14 A
(C) Unknown that carry the messages to the auditory cortex on each
(D) Resplendent side of the brain.
Questions (09-12): Each sentence has a highlighted word or 13. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the 15 C
phrase. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the
meaning of the original sentence. (A) selects
37 A
9. It is difficult to get young people to plan for their old age, (B) interprets
which seems very distant to them. (C) lets in
(A) far away (D) focuses on
(B) impossible 14.
(C) observable the following?
(D) fearful (A) group
10. Passenger ships and aircraft are often equipped with ship (B) grow
to shore or air-to-land radio telephones. (C) branch
(A) highways (D) settle
(B) railroads 15.
(C) sailboats following?
(D) airplanes (A) tear
11. It is not possible for people to recall everything that they (B) fracture
have thought, felt, or done. (C) separate
(A) appreciate (D) crack
(B) remember
(D) discuss 37. An inspector notices a thief from a distance of 200
12. Receptors for the sense of smell are located at the top of meters after this thief starts running and the inspector
the nasal cavity. chases him. The inspector and the thief run at the speed
(A) upper end
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
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Number of ways of drawing 2 balls out of 30 = C2 = 435 (B) Tk. 248
Number of ways of drawing multiple of 4 or 6 = C2 = 28 (C) Tk. 346 49 C
So the probability is = 28/435 (D) Tk. 380
49. A, B and C start running around a circular field having Solution:
50 C
circumference 144 m at the same time from the same point. Let,
Speeds of A, B and C are 6 m/min. 8 m/min and 12 m/min. the fixed charge = x km and
Find after how much time, they will meet again at the same the running charges be y/km. 51 A
point for the first time. Then, according to given condition,
(A) 72 min x+8y = 300 (1)
(B) 36 min x+15y = 335 (2) 52 D
Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
Job Information For All Students (Bcs & Bank)
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND COMPUTER 71. Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and
61. Commonwealth of Nations headquarter situated in ? their sizes? 61 A
(A) London (A) Formatting
(B) Washington Dc (B) Standard
(C) Geneva (C) Print Preview 63 A
Created By: Md. Raihan Ahmed
ণ িপিডএফ প ত Bank Recruitment Exam Boost প জ য়ন ক রন
ভদ করা ,� ◌াহর করা ,পাথক িন দশ করা EN: to tell apart; to cause to stand
সহজবশ ,অনু
গত ,িনরীহ EN: easily taught; obedient; easy to handle
ি মাণ ছাড়াই উ তভা ব বা জাড়ক র উপ ািপত EN: arrogantly assertive of
unproven ideas; stubbornly claiming that something
হপািলত , পািরবার স িকত , িব দশী নয় এমন EN: having to do with the
household or family; not foreign
ফুিট ত ছ এমন ,উ িজত ,অত তসাহী ,উ িসত EN: boiling; bubbling with
excitement; exuberant
সম িকছর ভাল বািছয়া হন ক র এমন ,সার াহী EN: choosing the best from
many sources; drawn from many sources
িতিট মানুষর সামািজক ও অথ নিতক সাম তায় িব াস করা EN: believing in the
social and economic equality of all people
টািনয়া বািহর করা , কাশ করা EN: to bring out; to call forth
তারণা পূ
ণ,অধরা EN: hard to pin down; evasive
অনু করণ করা, অনু কর ণর মাধ ম সমক অথবা মূ ল ছািড় য় যাবার চ া EN: to
strive to equal or excel, usually through imitation
হীন বা শি হীন বা সাহসহীন করা ,দুবল করা EN: to reduce the strength or
energy of, especially to do so gradually
মু করা , াধীনতা দওয়া , ভাট িদবার অিধকার দওয়া EN: to grant the
privileges of citizenship, especially the right to vote
ধা , হঁ
য়ািল , হিলকা EN: a mystery
সরস বু
ি দী ু কিবতা EN: a brief and usually witty or satirical saying
ণ ায়ী ,িবলীয়মান EN: fleeting; vanishing; happening for only the briefest
দািবদার , িছ া ষী , িখি খ ট , খু
ত EN: extremely demanding; difficult;
requiring great skill or care
ণািদত করা, সিনব িমনিত করা EN: to urge strongly; to give a serious
warning to
দাষ থ ক মু
ি দওয়া EN: to free completely from blame; to exculpate; to
িনবািসত করা (V), িনবািসত ব ি (N), দশত াগী ব ি (N) EN: to throw
(someone) out of his or her native land; to move away from one’s native
land; to emigrate
উপ যাগী বা সু
িবধাজনক EN: providing an immediate advantage; serving
one’s immediate self-interest; practical
আ গই জানা (V), পূ
বই দখা (V), দূরদশন করা (V) EN: to project or deduce
from something known; to infer
খী ব ি EN: an open, outgoing person; a person whose attention is
focused on others rather than on himself or herself
ফাকাস রাইিটং, লটার রাইিটং, া লশন ও বই য়র আপ ডট িপিডএফ