Telangana which takes complete care of women at every stage of their pregnancy.
Ans: Beneficiaries who belong to the Telangana State and must have Aadhaar card no with TS.
c) If beneficiary has taken treatment from non- government hospitals (eg: private hospital)
Ans: Beneficiaries can register at their nearest PHC center or any government hospital (or) by
providing their details to ASHA Workers.
Ans: Registration is done by DEO/ANM (DEO: Data Entry Operator, ANM: Auxiliary Nurse Midwife).
Ans: Registration process is done by DEO/ANM by taking details from the beneficiary (i.e Aadhaar
no,name,age,address,phone no,LMP date,registration date,bank account details etc).
Ans: An amount of Rs 12,000/- for Baby Boy and Rs 13,000/- for Baby Girl.
9. Explain About Amount Distribution Process Flow?
Ans: a) An amount of Rs 3000/- added to beneficiary account after completion of 2 ANC Checkup
within 5.5 months from LMP date, approved by MO.
b) An amount of Rs 4000/- added to beneficiary’s account after delivery if baby born is boy
c) An amount of Rs 5000/- Rs added to beneficiary’s account after delivery if baby born is girl