Fundamentals of Business Administration: Subject
Fundamentals of Business Administration: Subject
Fundamentals of Business Administration: Subject
Subject :-
Grand project (ma. card yojna)
Sonal mam
Introduction of the Programme: -
For people who are living below poverty line & lower income group, an illness notonly
represents a permanent threat to their income and earning capacity, but in many cases it
results in the family falling into a trap of debt. When need to get treatment arises for a poor
family they often ignore it because of lack of resources, fearing loss of wages, or they wait till
the last moment when it is too late. Health and poverty are interwoven. These families are
pushed into a vicious debt poverty cycle due to excessive expenditures arising out of
catastrophic health shocks.
To address this key vulnerability faced by the BPL population in the Gujarat,
Mukhyamantri Amrutam “MA” Yojana was launched on 4th September, 2012 by Government
of Gujarat.When in the Lower middle class families, critical illness occur and when such families
are not included in the definition of BPL so they cannot get free treatment, and they are not
able to spend money for critical illness. So, Based on feedback from various stakeholders, the
Scheme was extended to families of lower income group names as Mukhyamantri Amrutam
Vatsalya Yojana in August 2014.On 18/10/2017, the limit of income is been increased from Rs.
1.50 lakh to Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum for “MA Vatsalya” beneficiaries. On 01/04/2018, the limit
of income is been again increased from Rs. 2.50 lakh to Rs. 3.00 lakh per annum for “MA
Vatsalya” beneficiaries.
Our group is coverig areas such as psychographic, demographic, Problem & Challenges for
measuing the level of awarness ad impact of MA card yojana. We have analyse 12 research
paper and we have chosen the below papers as per references.
Mr. Aniroodh Mukharjee and Dr. Gaurav Mishra taken this survey under U.N. Mehta Institute
of Cardiology and Research Centre, Ahmedabad from 1st February 2014 to 31st March 2014.
Jaimin P. Patel (2013) conducted a study to identify the problems experienced by the
beneficiaries of RSBY, measure their satisfaction level and out-of-pocket expenditure of the
beneficiaries. The study revealed that RSBY beneficiaries were highly satisfied with the service
provided but there was a lag in their knowledge regarding benefits provided under RSBY.
Lauren A. Mcormack (2003) carried out a study to measure beneficiary knowledge of Medicare
program. The study suggested that higher level of knowledge about one’s own type of
insurance may suggest that beneficiaries learn by experience.
Staphen T. Parente (January 2005) studied to estimate the effect of customers’ knowledge and
their benefits in their insurance services. The findings suggested that customers’ knowledge has
been substantially positive towards their insurance services.Treatment under MA Yojana can be
availed from the empanelled Government/Private hospitals based on the package rates fixed.
Pre-existing conditions are covered from day one and there is no age limit. Coverage extends to
five members of the family which includes the head of the households, spouse and up to three
dependants. The Gujarat government has prepared a list of 544 surgical interventions and
procedures to be included under the scheme.The success of any scheme/program depends on
the utilization of the same and thesatisfaction of the beneficiaries. Government of Gujarat has
also paid due emphasis on quality of services being provided to the patients. It has been
observed that the majority of patients enrolled take treatment for cardiology-related diseases.
Study area and duration: The study was conducted from February, 2014 to April, 2014 in
Target Groups: The level of awareness among people under MA Yojana and who have got
treated in U.N.
Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Centre, Ahmedabad from 1st February 2014 to 0
(5) To know the challenges and probems faced by public to get MA card
Only BPL families
Only Lower income group families
Only NREGA card holders
Don’t know
4. How much does it cost to enroll in this scheme?
Rs 50
Don’t know
6. Do you have to pay for the medical tests required during the treatment, if enrolled
in this scheme?
At most 5 members
All household members
Others (specify)
Don’t know
11. Did hospitals provide you transportation allowances under this Scheme?
13. Do you have to pay for medicines and drugs if you enroll in this scheme?
On Same day
On Second day
On 3 day
>3 days
Don’t know
15. How did you get to know when and where enrolment was happening ?
17. Which of the following pieces of information did you get along with the card?
List of hospitals
How to use the card
Who to contact in case of any query
Information about district kiosk
Information about toll free call centre
Other (specify)
18. Are you satisfied with the enrolment process of the scheme?
Rupees 50
Don’t Know
20. Was there a separate MA Yojana help desk at the hospital or it was at the
reception only?