PLLT: Chapter 1 Language, Learninh and Teaching

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Chapter 1.

Language, Learning and Teaching Jigsaw puzzle

1. Questions about second language acquisition 3. Language

Current issues in second language acquisition (SLA)
Language is systematic
Learner Characteristics Language is a set of arbitrary symbols
: Who are the learners that you are teaching? Those symbols are primarily vocal, but may also be visual.
The symbols have conventionalized meanings to which they refer.
Linguistic Factors Language is used for communication
: What is it that the learner must learn? Language operates in a speech community or culture
Language is essentially human, although possibley not limited to humans.
Learning Process Language is acquired by all people in much the same way; language and
: How does learning take place? language learning both have universal characteristics.

Age and Acquisition ->Your understanding of the components of language determines to a

: When in the life of a learner does second language learning take place? large extent how you teach a language.

Instructional Variables 4. Learning and Teaching

: What are the ingredients for success?
Context : Acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study,
: Where does SLA take place? experience, or instruction

Purpose Teaching
: Why are learners attempting to acquire the second language? : Showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving
instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with
2. Rejoicing in our defeats knowledge, causing to know or understand

Tentative answers (It depends on learners and context) 5. Schools of thought in second language acquisition
Elusiveness of the phenomenon of SLA
<Structural linguistics and behavioral psychology> (what) involves change, self-generation, and construction, each building on prior
learning experiences. Piaget.
publicly observable responses
Social constructivism
Structural (descriptive) : Emphasis is placed on the importance of social interaction and
: Language could be dismantled into small pieces or units and that these cooperative learning in constructing both cognitive and emotional image
units could be described scientifically, contrasted, and added up again to of reality. ZPD (zone of proximal development). Vygotsky.
form the whole.
*Vygotsky VS Piaget
Behavioral Piaget saw a unity of learning and development while Vygotsky saw
:Organisms can be conditioned to respond in desired ways, given the stages of development setting a precondition or readiness, for learning.
correct degree and scheduling of reinforcement Piaget stressed the importance of individual cognitive development as a
relatively solitary act. Biological timetables and stages of development
<Generative linguistics and cognitive psychology> (Why) where basic; social interaction was claimed only to trigger development
at the right moment in time. On the other hand, Vygotsky maintained
Generative-transformational linguistics that social interaction was foundational in cognitive development and
: Noam Chomsky; there was a difference between parole (performance), rejected the notion of predetermined stages.
on the one hand, and langue (competence).
6. Nineteen centuries of language teaching
Cognitive psychology
: Rational approach (logic, reason, extrapolation, and inference). Classical Method
descriptive->explanatory (why) : It focuses on grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary and of
various declensions and conjugations, translation of text, doing written
<Constructivism: a multidisciplinary approach> exercises.

Integration of linguistic, psychological and sociological paradigms. Grammar Translation Method

: It focuses on grammatical rules as the basis for translating from the
Cognitive constructivism second to the native language.
: Emphasis is placed on the importance of learners constructing their own Classes taught in the mother tongue; little use of the L2
representation of reality. Learning is a developmental process that Much vocabulary taught in the form of lists of isolated words
Elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar
Reading of difficult classical texts begun early
Texts treated as exercises in grammatical analysis
Occasional drills and exercises in translating sentences from L1 to L2
Little or no attention to pronunciation
It requires few speicialized skills on the part of teachers.

7. Language teaching in the twentieth century

Series Method
: Francois Gouin

Audiolingual Method (ALM)

: Direct Method. Overemphasis on oral production drills.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

: Teaching students to communicate genuinely, spontaneously, and
meaningfully in the second language.

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