Developmental Reading Prelim Reviewer
Developmental Reading Prelim Reviewer
Developmental Reading Prelim Reviewer
An active language process in which the reader uses the familiar language clues of syntax, semantics and phonology to aggressively and purposefully anticipate and access meaning in printed language Depends on interest and prior knowledge Closely related to language An active process Anticipation Not just a basic skill (we can t do away with it) A complex process (comprehension?) Is problem solving Not the same as decoding Is situationally bound *phonology- sound *syntax- structure *semantics - meaning
Goals of Reading:
To acquire meaning from the ordered arrangement of symbols To obtain understanding To obtain information
Importance of Reading:
Simple reading or writing will have an important for a future job, position or even a game show It helps us learn things that are not taught in school or by a teacher Writing or reading can increase vocabulary Informs us with what is going on in the outside world and our country Increase our writing skills
Types of Reading
->close reading or reading according to purpose
1. Skimming
a. Pay attention closely to the title, headings, u=index, aspects of the reading material to get a general understanding of the whole text
2. Scanning
a. Requires you to look for particular or specific information in the text
Types of Reading
->close reading or reading according to purpose
4. Extensive or recreational reading a. light type of reading b. resort to reading as your way of spending your leisure time 5. Literature reading a. exposes you to various types of written works that express man s best thoughts and feeling on a certain subject matter 6. Detailed study reading a. purpose: understand the content of the reading material by practicing SQ3R S- survey Q- question R- read R- recite R- review
Types of Reading
-> accord. to reading performance or rate of understanding the text
1. Speed reading
a. Makes you absorb information at an extra speedy reading act
2. Sub-vocalized reading
a. Reading occurs when you recognize the form of the word and internally sound it in your mind the way one pronounces it as a spoken word
3. Proofreading
a. Object of your eyes here are the typographical errors
Types of Reading
-> accord. to reading performance or rate of understanding the text
4. SPE (Structure Proposition Evaluation) Three Stages: a. recognizing language structures b. making inferences c. evaluating ideas, reasons or conclusion 5. Multiple Intelligences a. musical intelligence b. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence c. spatial intelligence d. interpersonal intelligence e. intra-personal intelligence
Types of Reading
-> accord. to reading-instruction program
1. read-aloud
Teachers should model this to let students learn your good expressions, proper pacing and correct pronunciation instructions on reading are given through an alternative reading by your teacher and you, the reader. Both of you take turns in reading portions of the texts Reading strategies for independent reading such as using contextual clues, examining illustrations, activating schemata, discussing things about the story Semi-independent reading
2. Shared reading
3. Guided reading
Types of Reading
-> accord. to reading-instruction program
4. Fluency reading - main concern is on language (pronunciation, pausing, phrasing, intonation) 5. Independent reading - reading alone or by yourself 6. Developmental reading - refinement of reading
Types of Reading
-> accord. to reading-instruction program
7. Selective or keyword reading - you only read things that interest you - skimming, scanning 8. Remedial reading - for correction and follow-up - reading enhancement 9. Strategic reading - you spend time reading aloud what you are reading or thinking of
Views of Reading
Physiological (organic)
Reading as a Physiological Process - The basic step: for the eyes to see, identify and recognize the printed words - The light patterns from the printed symbols hit the foveal areas or closely packed sensory cell of the retina - In turn, this induces chemical changes that create patterns of nerve currents into the optic nerve fiber - These currents travel to a center in the midbrain - Finally using the currents that travel to the midbrain, the cerebral cortex interprets the symbols
Eye Movements
The eyes are stopping on the word/s The duration of fixation the length of time eyes have to pause (3 for good readers)
The eyes are moving from stopping point to the other
Return sweeps
The eyes are swinging back from the end of the line to the beginning of the next line
Short, quick hop & jump movement
Backward right-to-left movement
Span of recognition
Eyes recognition of a group of words
Reading depends on vocabulary, memory, verbal reasoning, generalization and critical judgment *metacognition (refers to higher comprehension skill characterized by) -self-awareness - careful reading & greater retention -making previous assumptions/hypothesis - the deliberate and combined ability to reflect, question, classify, summarize and predict -information reading which gives attention to SQ3R
Symbol or mental representation of this knowledge in your brain
Comprehension/meaning identification: - Serves as the core, the essence, the heart, bottom line of the final outcome of any reading act - act of understanding or making the text meaningful
Reading Process
Recognize the printed language symbols Attach meaning to the symbols based on your stock/prior knowledge Fuse or relate the schemata or concepts of the symbols with the author s ideas represented with words Adjust, modify, create/construct new knowledge about the text based in the schemata and the knowledge expressed by printed words
Top-down reading
Your understanding of the text is not based only on the data explicitly stated on the page but also on things beyond visible information Going beyond what the text is
Characteristics of Language which are also conducive to man s reading recognition and appreciation:
Code symbols are concrete rather than abstractions and generalizations
Ideas should be expressed directly and to the point
Adapted language
Words of expression should relate to the reader s age, educational attainment, ethic origin and other personal factors
Stimulating language provides color, interest and excitement
Vivid language
Vivid wording is descriptive and stirs the senses of the reader
Child s lack of self-confidence, feelings of rejection and other negative personality traits Teacher s personality factors General emotional atmosphere at home an at school, including the attitude among parents in guiding their children s progress in school
Low economic status (poverty) of children of poor families Sensationalism and retrogressive literacy as fostered by commercialism in mass media Policies and programs of the government and of the schools on the dev t reading program.
Vocabulary Development
Why vocabulary development counts:
Vocabulary is a basic part of reading comprehension Vocabulary is a major part of almost every standardized tests including: reading achievement tests, college entrance exams Studies have indicated that students with wide vocabulary are more successful in school The keys to survival and success in the workplace are the ability to communicate skillfully and learn quickly. Solid vocabulary is essential for both skills
WORD RECOGNITION Ability of a reader to recognize written words correctly and virtually effortlessly WORD RECOGNITION SKILLS Instant recognition Mature readers identify words with remarkable speed and accuracy Beginning readers recognize very few words
Context clues
Clues found in surrounding words that allow a reader to predict the meaning of an unfamiliar/unknown word
Picture clues
Describe objects, clarify concepts and generate predictions about the text
Structural clues
Affixes (consist of 1 or more letters or sounds that are attached to the beginning or end of the words and that serve to give added meaning to words Compound words (single word unit formed from the combination of 2 morphemes that can each stand independently as root words)
Sentence uses a similar word to help explain the meaning of the vocabulary word
Type of context clue uses examples to help the meaning of the vocabulary word
Prefix Infix Suffix