Make Up Summaries
Make Up Summaries
Make Up Summaries
By Graham Hall
It is a set of assumptions about the It is the plan for how to present
nature of language and language language in an orderly way, which
teaching and learning. is based on and does not contradict
the higher order approach.
Cook identifies five major meanings of the term language starting from
knowledge in the mind of an individual to a set of sentences. How
language is conceptualized is an issue not only for theorists because it
has practical relevance in the ELT classroom. As Brown observes, how
teachers understand the components of a language influences how it is
taught. Brown confirms that at some level, teacher’s conceptions of how
language works affects what and how it is taught in the ELT classroom.
How should teachers intervene? Does learning take place best when
grammar features are examined explicitly and consciously or is it
enough to just encounter language?
Cook agrees with the assumption that teachers and learners should use
only the L2 rather than the learners’ L1 in the classroom. There are
good reasons for limiting L1:
Ls will communicate more in English, which, according to Long
means more input for others in the class.
All language is potential input for learners.
Opportunities for English language practice and output will
By Michael Long
1) Focus on forms
It is considered the traditional approach.
The teacher divides the L2 into segments of various kinds and
present these to the learner in models, in a sequence determined by
NOTE: These are the answers to the reading guide (not a summary of the
Claims about the need for promoting output: Swain maintains that
input is a necessary but insufficient condition for language development.
She argues that learners also need opportunities to produce output:
learners need to speak the language to achieve higher levels of language
Learners use tools to mediate between themselves and the world. They
use tools as a way of assisting and supporting their learning and
making sense of the world around them, including the language
classroom. In collaboration students use language to reflect on the
language they are learning.
Mediation tools:
9) Interactional competence