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Total No. of Hours: 44 
Time Duration: 2 Hrs.  
Number of Session: 22 

Course Description 

This course covers all of the following materials: 

● State the primary roles of Photoshop as a premier graphic design and image
editing tool 
● Productively utilize the photoshop environment, including the use of Layers,
Panels,  Channels, Paths, the Toolbox, and the Options Bar 
● Utilize effectively multiple methods to create and save selections 

● Utilize effectively multiple methods of manipulating the exiting artwork and

● Apply painting, retouching, airbrushing, filters, and adjustment and layer
style methods 
● Understand the difference between raster and vector graphics, and its
progressive  evolution to the photoshop space 
● Show understanding of multiple image types and the best application of each
for graphic  design, print and the Web 
● Be introduced to advanced theories including the mask, alpha channel and
clipping path. 
● A diploma, and the skills necessary to gain an entry-level position in Graphic
Design &  Animation 
● The knowledge to create images and graphics in Photoshop, and to use
Macromedia  Flash to create Internet presentations 
● The skill to use Adobe Premier to create digital video and audio files 

● The training to use 3D Studio MAX to generate animations and

3D images 
● The ability to create interactive web sites 

Learning Objectives 

1. Getting Acquainted with Photoshop 

1.1. The Photoshop Environment 
1.2. Palettes and the Palette Well
1.3. Creating Custom Workspaces 
1.4. Opening Images 
1.5. Using the File Browser 
1.6. Image Magnification 
1.7. Viewing Document Information 
1.8. Moving the Image 
1.9. Undoing Mistakes and The History Palette 
1.10. Displaying Drawing Guides 
1.11. Making Measurements 
1.12. Adding Annotations 
1.13. Setting Preferences 
2. Basic Image Manipulation 
2.1. Bitmap Images 
2.2. Vector Images 
2.3. Image Size and Resolution Settings 
2.4. Scanning Images 
2.5. Creating New Images 
2.6. Placing Files 

3. Color Basics 
3.1. Color Modes and Models 
3.2. Color Mode Conversion 
3.3. Previewing Color Differences Between
Operating Systems 3.4. Color Management 
3.5. Foreground and Background Colors 
3.6. Using the Color Picker 
3.7. Selecting Colors with the Color Palette 
3.8. Selecting Colors with the Eyedropper Tool 
3.9. Selecting Colors with the Swatches Palette 
4. Painting Tools 
4.1. Painting Tools 
4.2. The Brush Tool 
4.3. Blending Modes 
4.4. The Pencil Tool 
4.5. The Eraser Tool 
4.6. The Magic Eraser Tool 
4.7. The Background Eraser Tool 
4.8. Using the Art History Brush 
4.9. Using the History Brush
5. Brush Settings 
5.1. Using the Brushes Palette 
5.2. Creating Custom Brush Tips by
Selection 5.3. Creating Custom Brush Tips
in the Brushes Palette 5.4. Setting Shape
5.5. Setting Brush Scattering 
5.6. Setting Brush Texture 
5.7. Setting Dual Brushes 
5.8. Setting Color Dynamics 
5.9. Setting Other Dynamics 
5.10. Miscellaneous Brush Settings 
5.11. Clearing Brush Settings 
5.12. Saving a Customized Brush 
5.13. Saving a Customized Brush Library 

6. Making Selections 
6.1. Selection Basics 
6.2. Making Pixel Selections 
6.3. The Marquee Tools 
6.4. The Lasso Tools 
6.5. The Magic Wand Tool 
6.6. Selecting by Color Range 
6.7. Adjusting Pixel Selections 
6.8. The Extract Command 
6.9. Copying and Pasting Pixel Selections 
6.10. Saving and Loading Selections 
7. Filling and Stroking 
7.1. Applying Fills 
7.2. Using the Paint Bucket Tool 
7.3. Using the Gradient Tool 
7.4. Using the Gradient Editor 
7.5. Using Patterns 
7.6. Using the Pattern Maker 
7.7. Stroking 

8. Layers 
8.1. Using Layers and Layer Sets 
8.2. Creating Layers and Layer Sets 
8.3. Stacking and Linking Layers 
8.4. Moving Layer Content with the
Move Tool 8.5. Locking Layers
8.6. Common Layer
Tasks 8.7. Merging and
Flattening Layers 
9. Advanced Layers 
9.1. Layer Styles 
9.2. Adjustment Layers
and Fill
Layers 9.3. Masking
9.4. Creating Clipping Groups 
9.5. Creating Knockouts 
10.1. Text Basics 
10.2. Entering Text 
10.3. Selecting Text 
10.4. Editing the Bounding Box 
10.5. Creating a Type Selection 
10.6. Applying Effects to
Type Layers 10.7. Using
the Character Palette 

11.1. Raster vs. Vector 
11.2. Shape Layers and
Options 11.3. Using the
Shape Tools 
11.4. Using the Pen Tools 
11.5. Using the
Anchor Point
Tools 11.6. Using the
Paths Palette 
11.7. Working with Paths 
12.Using Channels
Masking 12.1. Using
the Channels Palette 
12.2. Using Channels 
12.3. Spot Colors 
12.4. Blending
Channels and
Layers 12.5. Masks 
12.6. Using Alpha Channels 
13.Manipulating Images 
13.1. Changing the Canvas Size 
13.2. Rotating and
Images 13.3. Cropping
13.4. The Free Transform
Command 13.5. The
Smudge Tool
13.6. Blurring and Sharpening Images 
13.7. Using the Dodge Tool and
the Burn Tool 13.8. The Sponge
13.9. Filters and The Filter Gallery 
13.10. The Liquify Command 
13.11. The Clone Stamp Tool 
13.12. The Pattern Stamp Tool 
13.13. The Healing Brush Tool 
13.14. The Patch Tool 
13.15. The Color Replacement Tool 
14.Getting to Know the Work Area 
14.1. Starting to work in
Adobe Photoshop 14.2. Using
the tools 
14.3. Using the tool options bar and
other palettes 14.4. Undoing actions
in Photoshop 
14.5. Customizing the workspace 
14.6. Jumping to Adobe ImageReady 
14.7. Using Photoshop Help 
14.8. Using Adobe online Services 

15. Toolbox overview Basic
Photo Corrections 

15.1. Strategy of retouching 
15.2. Resolution and image size 
15.3. Getting started 
15.4. Straightening and
cropping an
image 15.5. Making automatic
15.6. Manually adjusting the
tonal range 15.7. Removing a
color cast 
15.8. Replacing colors in an image 
15.9. Adjusting lightness with the
Dodge tool 15.10. Applying the
Unsharp Mask filter 
15.11. Comparing automatic and
manual results 15.12. Saving the
image for four-color printing 

16.Retouching and Repairing 

16.1. Repairing areas with the
Clone Stamp tool 16.2. Using the
Spot Healing Brush tool 
16.3. Using the Healing Brush and Patch tools
16.4. Retouching on a separate layer 
17.Working with Selections 
17.1. About selecting and selection tools 
17.2. Selecting with the Magic Wand tool 
17.3. Using the Magic Wand with other
selection tools 17.4. Working with oval
and circular selections 
17.5. Selecting with the lasso tools 

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