Red Arrow High School: Physical Education and Health 2
Red Arrow High School: Physical Education and Health 2
Red Arrow High School: Physical Education and Health 2
There are certain sports, such as golf, bowling, and tennis that, for the
most part, are considered individual sports, which are sports played alone without teammates. Yes, there are exceptions,
such as the Ryder Cup in golf, in which two teams from either side of the Atlantic Ocean compete, but often the
competition is for an individual trophy. A sample of the thousands of individual sports includes:
There are thousands of individual sports, and the skill requirements for each vary greatly; however, there are certain skills
that apply to most individual athletes. Most have high levels of cardiovascular fitness to allow for long hours of practice
and play. Most have well-toned muscles and are flexible.
One major advantage of competing in an individual sport is that the athlete can progress at her own pace to improve skills.
The skills she needs are more mental than physical. She needs autonomy, self-discipline, focused thinking, and passion.
She must work on a specific skill over and over until it is mastered. She is able to practice as early or late as she wants.
She gets to take all the credit for winning, but she is on her own and can blame no one but herself for any lackluster
Critical Elements
Individual sports also allow athletes to aim for personal goals without worrying about hurting the team. For example, in
distance running, an athlete will commonly shoot for a personal best (known as a PB) several times per year. In fact,
individual athletes are often said to be competing against themselves. They do have competitors to beat, but they also
attempt to improve on their previous best performances as well.
There are two basic types of motivation. They are external motivation and intrinsic motivation. External
motivation comes from someone else or involves gaining a reward. Examples of external motivation include a coach
yelling at you to do pushups, winning a medal, or a parent telling you to clean your room. Intrinsic motivation literally
means that the desire comes from within. This is a trait that many individual sport's athletes possess. Examples include
deciding to run a personal best in a 5K race or attempting to qualify for a big tournament. In individual sports, there are no
teammates to please or to put peer pressure upon you, as the pressure comes from yourself.
There are four basic principles that govern training for an individual sport:
Overload - You must train harder than normal to force your body to improve.
Training for an individual sport can be broken down into three segments. First, there is a warm up. This is a walk, slow
jog, or bicycle ride at about 50 percent of maximum heart rate to get the blood flowing to the muscles. This is followed by
an optional stretching segment, and then the athlete can practice some skills that will be utilized in the actual workout.
Second, is the main session. This consists of the high intensity portion of the training. It can be sport specific, such as a
tennis player hitting balls against a wall at full speed, or it could be a hard training run.
Third, there is the cool down. Again, this is done at about 50 percent effort. Now is a good time to stretch as the muscles
are so loose. Finally, a walk, light jog, or cycle is done to finish the session. Many athletes skip this final step, but many
exercise physiologists feel it is crucial to remove waste products and lactic acid from the body.
To get the most from your training, keep in mind the acronym FITT:
Each individual sport also has its own individual equipment that varies greatly. However, there is one common
denominator among just about every sport, and that is a quality pair of shoes. Each pair of shoes is designed to execute a
specific task.
For example, cycling shoes are designed to fit comfortably and precisely on to the pedals. A golfer's shoes are designed to
allow for comfort over several hours of walking per day but must also allow for good balance and grip during the swing.
A bowler's right shoe has rubber for solid grip while his left shoe has a smoother piece of leather for the bowler to slide on
the last step. (Of course, for a left-hander, the shoes are reversed.) In figure skating, the shoe is actually a type of boot
with the blades attached to the bottom.
Dual Sports
It's always fun to cheer on your team or favorite player, but understanding a little bit about the game and scoring can help.
Let's take a look at a variety of dual sports.
One major dual sport is tennis, which involves a player using a racket to serve a ball over a low net while the opposing
player attempts to return the ball back over the net. In tennis, points are awarded when a serve is failed to be returned.
Tennis can be player against player, which is called singles, or it can be two players against two players, which is called
Another dual sport is racquetball. This game is much like tennis, except there is no net. Instead, the server hits the ball
off of the opposing wall and the opponent must try to return the ball, again hitting it back against the wall. In racquetball,
points can only be awarded to the server. Much like tennis, racquetball can be played either singles or doubles.
The last dual sport we'll discuss is wrestling, which
involved two wresters competing for points. However,
wrestling has a complicated scoring system. A fall,
or pin, is when a wrestler is able to pin both his or her
opponent's shoulders to the mat while exhibiting
control. This awards the most points, which is six. An
escape from the opponent is worth one point, whereas
reversing control is worth two points. A bout is referred
to as a major decision when the opponent wins by 8-14
points. If an opponent is winning by 15 points, the
match is stopped and the win is considered a technical fall, worth five points. All the points per bout are counted toward
the overall team score.
Team Sports
Now let's take a closer look at some different
team sports. You may already be familiar with football,
an American game in which teams defend their goals and
try to score touchdowns on each other to win the most
points. In football, a touchdown is when the team moves
the ball into the end zone in one of three ways: by
completing a pass or running the ball into the end zone;
by recovering a fumbled ball in the end zone; or when a
kickoff ball remains untouched and is repossessed by the
kickoff team in the end zone. Directly after a touchdown
is scored, the offensive team has a chance to score either
one or two additional points. When the offensive team
kicks the ball from the opponent's two-yard line through the goal posts located at the edge of the end zone, they receive
one point, known as the extra point; or, if the offensive team decides not to kick the ball, but instead tries to run the ball
into the end zone from the 2-yard line, they are awarded two points, called a 2-point conversion.
If the offensive players are unsuccessful at scoring a touchdown, they can try to kick a field goal from any
position on the field through the goal posts. If the kicker is successful, his team receives three points. If the defense is able
to tackle the offensive player carrying the ball behind his own goal line, he is awarded a safety, which is two points.
Football is a full-contact sport where players tackle and block each other; therefore players wear helmets, mouth guards
and protective body pads, including plastic padded shoulder pads.
Another popular game is soccer, a team sport in
which players try to advance the ball across the field using
only their feet, or sometimes their heads. The aim is to score
in the other team's net. Goalies are players that defend the
net. Goals are points scored when a player advances the ball
past the goalie and into the net. Goals are worth one point
NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ SCORE: ____________________
I. Give the meaning of individual, dual, and team sports and give some examples. (based on your understanding in module
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
III. Essay
“What is your favorite sport? If none, choose one sport which can help you to improve your health/body.”