P E H 2
Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning to adapt
an active life for fitness and long-life health. The knowledge, skills
and understanding that include physical and health literacy
competencies support them in accessing, synthesizing, and
evaluating information, making informed decision, enhancing, and
advocating their own as well as others’ fitness and health. This
course is comprised of individual, dual and team sports in
competitive and recreational settings. It consists of offerings, which
learners can choose from.
Different Sport Activities
Nature of Different Sports Activities
Sports is a part of human civilization. In the past, people or
whole armies would do battle with each other, causing
hundreds of deaths. Later, it evolved into a fight between
or among representatives. People would send the
champion or the strongest one of the armies to represent
and compete with the champions of the other groups.
Eventually, sport became a form of entertainment, as well
as an avenue to practice and show physical prowess and
Benefits in Sports
There are several benefits of engaging in sports. One is
learning how to set goals, as well as collaborating with others
in order to attain such goals. Another advantage of sports is
learning to follow and respect rules. The value of persistence
and perseverance is also developed in practices, motivated
with the desire to win is encouraged, dealing with loss and
failure is also learned. The value learned in sports or games
are also lesson anyone can apply in life. Sports and games are
laboratories of life.
The Nature of Sports
Sports, by nature is made up of rules. These rules are put in
place for several reasons.
First, rules are put up in sports to secure safety. Skills,
speed, power, strength, agility, competitive acumen, and
swiftness of reaction time are characteristics developed as
competitors try to best each other given a set of parameters
that will eliminate, if not, minimize harm to each other and
to everyone.
Second, rules are set up for a sport or game to be played.
For example, boundary lines are usually put in place to
eliminate players from running away.
Third, rules exist so that the sport is marketable. A sport that
is not understood by the audience alienated that audience.
Individual and Dual Sports
A list of individual and dual sports is as
• . Aquatics – to maneuver on
• Arnis • Luksong tinik water
• Patintero • Luksong lubid • Mountaineering – to navigate on
• Palo sebo • Luksong baka
• Martial arts or self-defense – to
• Sipa • Piko protect oneself
• Ptyaw (Syato) • Recreation – to eliminate idleness
Proper Etiquette and safety in the Use of
Facilities and Equipment
Warm -Up, Stretching
and Cooldown Routine
To avoid injuries and to maximize
performance, one must do warm -ups
and stretches prior to the physical
activity. In order to relieve tired muscles
and to decrease lactic acid build up, a
cooldown stretch must be performed.
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