Mangahas, James Moses (Bped 3-A)

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Unit I:



Title of the Lessons:

 Lesson 1 - The Teacher’s Philosophical Heritage and Educational Philosophy

 Lesson 2 - The Teacher’s philosophical and values formation
 Lesson 3 - Teaching as a vocation, mission and profession


Part I

Directions: Choose from the numbers of educational philosophies enumerated below that is best described
in each number. Write only the letter of your choice.

a. Progressivism b. Perennialism c. Existentialism d. Behaviorism

e. Essentialism f. Constructivism g. Linguistic Philosophy

___a__ 1. There is no substitute for concrete experience in learning.

___d _ 2. Human beings are shaped by their environment.

___e__ 3. Schools should stress on the teaching of basic skills.

___d__ 4. Change of environment can change a person.

___b__ 5. Schools must develop students’ capacity to reason by stressing on humanities.

___a__ 6. Learners produce knowledge based on their experiences.

___c _ 7. A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her own pace.

___f__ 8. The learner is not a blank slate but brings past experiences and cultural factors to the learning

___g__ 9. The learner must be taught how to communicate his ideas and feelings.

___d__ 10. An individual is what he/she chooses to become not dictated by his/her environment.
___e__ 11. The teacher and the school head must prescribe what is most important for the students to

___b__ 12. Our course of study should be general’ not specialized; liberal, and not vocational; humanistic
not technical.

___f__ 13. Teacher cannot impose meaning; students make meaning of what they are taught.

___e__ 14. Curriculum should emphasize on the traditional discipline such as math, natural science, history,
grammar, and literature.

___b__ 15. The focus of education should be the ideas that are as relevant today as when they were first

___b__ 16. Students should read and analyze the Great Books, the creative works of history’s finest thinkers
and writers.

___c__ 17. Schools should help individuals accept themselves as unique individuals and accept
responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions.

___g__ 18. The truth shines in an atmosphere of genuine dialogue.

___f__ 19. The classroom is not a place where teachers pour knowledge into empty minds of the students.

___c__ 20. There is no universal, inborn human nature. We are born and exist and then we ourselves freely
determine our essence.

Part II

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

TRUE 21. Values have cognitive dimension.

TRUE 22. Transcendent values are values dependent on time, place and culture.

FALSE 23. The natural law is known only by the learned.

FALSE 24. The Five Pillars of Islam are reflective of the natural law.

TRUE 25. A person of good moral character is virtuous regardless of immaturity.

TRUE 26. Nothing is willed unless it is planned.

TRUE 27. Values are freely chosen and chosen after due reflection.

TRUE 28. Virtuous life happens after one experienced a vicious life.

TRUE 29. Training of the will must be essentially self-training.

TRUE 30. Values are caught and taught.

TRUE 31. The etymology of the word ‘vocation’ based from the Latin word “vocare” means ‘the voice’.
TRUE 32. Christians, call their God as Himself, for our brother and sister Muslims, they call their God as

FALSE 33. Abraham was called by God to lead God’s chosen people in Egypt in order to free them from

TRUE 34. In the New Testament, Mary was also called by God to be the mother of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

TRUE 35. In Islam, Muhammad was the last of the prophets to be called by Allah to spread His teachings.

TRUE 36. The word mission comes from the Latin word “misio” means “to send”.

TRUE 37. The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines mission as “task distributed to people in the

TRUE 38. Buddha must have also heard the call to abandon his royal life in order to seek the answer to the
problem on suffering.

TRUE 39. The mission of a teacher is merely to teach the child the fundamental skills or basic r’s of
reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic and right conduct.

TRUE 40. His Holiness Pope Francis affirmed this thought: “Do more, have more in order to be more!”
Lesson 1
The Teacher’s Philosophical Heritage and Educational Philosophy

Sum up what you learned from the readings you made.

Using the matrix below, complete the essence of these philosophies in education, indicating why teach, what
to teach, and how to teach.

Philosophy Why teach What to teach How to teach

Teachers should try to embed

Because it tries to
traditional moral values and virtues
instill all students with
Traditional disciplines such as respect for authority,
the most essential or
such as math, natural perseverance, fidelity to duty,
Essentialism basic academic
science, history, foreign consideration for others and
knowledge and skills
language and literature. practicality and intellectual
and character
knowledge that students need to
become model citizens.
Because the
individuality, progress Progressivist teachers are more
and change are concerned with teaching the
Progressivist teachers
fundamental to one’s learners the skills to cope with
teach to develop learners
education. Believing change. Instead of occupying
into becoming enlightened
that people learn best themselves with teaching facts or
and intelligent citizens of
from what they bits of information that are true
Progressivism democratic society.
consider most relevant today but become obsolete
Teachers provide
to their lives, tomorrow, they would rather focus
experiences so that
progressivism center their teachings on the skills or
students can learn by
their curriculum on the processes in gathering and
needs, experiences, evaluating information and in
interest and abilities of problem-solving
Because the focus of
education should be Perennialists base their
the ideas that have teachings on reason, logic The perennialist classrooms are
lasted over centuries. and analytical thought. “centered on teachers”. The
There are ideas as Only information that teachers do not allow the students’
relevant and stood the test of time is interests or experiences dictate to
meaningful today as relevant. They do not substantially dictate what they
when they were illicit students input. The teach. They apply whatever creative
written. It recommend classes most likely to be techniques and other tried and true
that students learn considered under this methods which are believed to be
from reading and approach would be most conducive to disciplining the
analyzing the works by history, science, math, and students’ minds.
history’s finest religion classes.
thinkers and writers.
The essentialist teacher’s
role is to help students
Existentialist methods focus on the
define their own essence
individual. Learning is self-paced,
by exposing them to
self-directed. It includes a great deal
Because educators various paths they take in
of individual contact with the
believe there is no god life and by creating an
teacher, who relates to each student
or higher power environment in which
openly and honestly. To help
guiding their students. they freely choose their
students know themselves and their
Existentialism Thus, they encourage own preferred way.
place in society, teachers employ
all students to exercise Existentialists is “to help
values clarification strategy. In the
personal agency and students understand and
use of such strategy, teachers
create their own appreciate themselves as
remain non-judgmental and take
meaning for life. unique individuals who
care not to impose their values on
accept complete
their students since values are
responsibility for their
thoughts, feelings and
Behaviorist teachers “ought to
arrange environmental conditions
so that students can make the
As complex combinations responses to the stimuli. Physical
Because it is the key
of matter that act only in variables like light, temperature,
for educators to
response to internally or arrangement of furniture, size and
impacts how students
externally generated quantity of visual aids have to be
react and behave in the
physical stimuli”, controlled to get the desirable
Behaviorism classroom, and
behavioral teachers teach responses from the learners. …
suggests that teachers
students to respond Teachers ought to make the stimuli
can directly influence
favorably to various clear and interesting to capture and
how their students
stimuli in the hold the learners’ attention. They
environment. ought to provide appropriate
incentives to reinforce positive
responses and weaken or eliminate
negative ones.”
Linguistic Because it helps Learners should be taught The most effective way to teach
Philosophy teachers convey the to communicate clearly – language and communication is the
origins of words and how to send clear, concise experiential way. Make them
languages, their messages and how to experience sending and receiving
historical applications, receive and correctly messages through verbal, non-
and their modern day understand messages sent. verbal and para-verbal manner.
relevance. Combined, Communication takes Teacher should make the classroom
this approach to place in three (3) ways – a place for interplay of minds and
teaching language verbal, nonverbal and hearts. The teacher facilitates
helps students gain a paraverbal. Verbal dialogue among learners and
better, more in-depth component refers to the between him/her and his/her
understanding of their content of our message, students because in the exchange of
assignments and work the choice and words there is also an exchange of
product expectations. arrangement of our words. ideas.
This can be oral or
written. Nonverbal
component refers to the
message we send through
our body language while
paraverbal component
refers to how we say what
we say – the tone, pacing
and volume of our voices.
The learners are taught
how to learn. They are
Knowledge isn’t a thing that can be
Because it maintains taught learning processes
simply deposited by the teachers
the effective and skills such as
into the empty minds of the
constructivist searching, critiquing and
learners. Rather, knowledge is
education which evaluating information,
constructed by learners through an
provides problems that relating these pieces of
active, mental process of
students must handle information, reflecting on
Constructivism development; learners are the
like real-life problems the same, making meaning
builders and creators of knowledge.
and that people solve out of them, drawing
Their minds are not empty. Instead,
problems better insights, posing questions,
their minds are full of ideas waiting
through social researching and
to be “midwifed” by the teacher
cognition rather than constructing new
with his/her skillful facilitating
alone. knowledge pout of these
bits of information
Now that you completed the first activity and have been acquainted with the various philosophies,
prepare to answer these questions.

1. Which philosophy do you identify yourself? Why?

- I would say that I can identify myself under constructivism. Why? Because I just see myself not
underlying on what my teacher or mentors told to do or read but I can teach my own based on my
capacity as an individual. I’m not comfortable spoon-feeding myself by other people. I want to
explore and analyze the problems I encounter on my own.

2. What philosophy of education have you started to realize for yourself as future teacher? Why?

- As a future educator, I see myself nurturing to my students the philosophy of Linguistic. I don’t
want to spoon feed them the information but also I want to learn from them in a way of
communicating with me or his or her fellow classmates. I want them to learn to use their abilities
to articulate, to voice out the meaning and values of things and also to share their experiences to
others so that they can be an inspiration to everyone. Not just only by learning but also they will
experience as well to deal with different kind of person in society and how they handle each and
every one of them. So that is why Linguistic philosophy is very essential for me as a future

3. How do you see yourself as teacher to your students relative to your educational philosophy?

- I see myself as a teacher bringing out my students in their comfort zones. I want them to see the
reality of the world and how to face it in a proper and most effective way. I don’t want them to
graduate and not learn even a thing on me. I don’t want to stand with academics alone but I want
them to realize and live with the philosophy I imparted to them. It is hard to think about but with
my passion and my integrity to work will make it easy and fun together with my students.

4. How would you plan to nurture your students relative to your educational philosophy?

- Teachers has a different attacks and tactics on how they deliver their lesson to their students. Since I
see myself nurturing linguistic philosophy with my student, I begin with introducing themselves with
the class on the first day of school. There is no other way in introducing yourself in the class but to
speak publicly. With that first move, I already imparting them my personal philosophy as a teacher.
Next is batting some questions to them that might give interest to his/her fellow classmates such as
their experiences in life or hobbies etc. Also I consider oral recitation every lesson proper so that each
and every one of them is building their confidence on speaking what they know and believed in.

5. How would you design your lessons and classroom relative to your educational philosophy?

- Several strategies will make my class lively yet imparted of my educational philosophy. During
discussion, I will randomly call somebody to answer my question or to add more information on what
am I talking about during the lesson proper. With that kind of strategy, I will get their ideas on what
are they thinking about of my lesson and I could also come up on a fresh new ideas that all of them
will benefit. I don’t want to stick on the lesson written on the book but also I want my class to learn
from each other ideas so that they are not contented on what they know but they were eager to know
more and more about that topic. With this kind of set up, I’m not just building information, but I built
confidence to them, to defend what they believe and respect also other ideas on a certain topic.
At this phase, you probably have visualized how these philosophies work for you and your future
profession. Take time to breathe in and relax for the meantime. Reflect on this perspective of
educational philosophies and continue with the next phase of discovering your educational

To review, your philosophy of education is your “window” to the world and “compass” in life. Hence, it
may be good to put that philosophy of education in writing. You surely have one just as everybody has only
that sometimes it is not well articulated. Your philosophy of education is reflected in your dealings with
students, colleagues, parents and administrators. Your attitude towards problems and life as a whole has an
underlying philosophy (Bilbao, et. al, 2015).

Articulate your idea of learners in your classroom, their values, how, what, and why you must therefore
teach. The concepts you are developing in your thoughts are the driving forces that will bring you to
consistent actions and decisions you will make in relating with people, particularly with your students.

The question now is, what does a philosophy of education contain or include? It includes your concept

 Student
 The concept of true and good should be the maxim in teaching
 How a student must be taught to know the truth

Test the extent of your understanding of this lesson by formulating your personal philosophy of education
using the sample format (Bilbao,, 2015) below. Use the box for your output.

My Philosophy of Education as a Grade School Teacher

I believe that every child,

• Has a natural interest in learning and is capable of learning.

• Is an embodied spirit.
• Can be influenced but not totally by his/her environment.
• Is unique, so comparing a child to other children has no basis.
• Does not have an empty mind, rather is full of ideas and it is my task to draw out these ideas.

I believe that there are unchanging values in changing times and these must be passed on to every child by
my modeling, value inculcation and value integration in my lessons.

I believe that my task as a teacher is to facilitate the development of every child to the optimum and to the
maximum by:

• reaching out to all children without bias and prejudice towards the “least” of the children
• Making every child feel good and confident about himself/herself through his/her experiences of success
in the classroom.
• Helping every child master the basic skills of reading, communicating in oral and written form,
arithmetic and computer skills.
• Teaching my subject matter with mastery so that every child will use his/her basic skills to continue
acquiring knowledge, skills and values for him/her to go beyond basic literacy and basic numeracy.
• Inculcating or integrating the unchanging values of respect, honest, love and care for others regardless of
race, ethnicity, nationality, appearance and economic status in my lessons.

My Philosophy of Education as a HIGH-SCHOOL TEACHER

I believe that every child…

I believe all students are capable of learning. They all do not learn at the same rate, but with
different methods and strategies it is possible. Students should not be thought of as mindless individuals
just waiting to be filled with knowledge by their teachers. Quite the opposite; students should be viewed
as individuals who can contribute to the classroom, sharing and gaining knowledge from each other.
Students need guidance and not just lecture only. An education is not solely academic; the teacher must
also educate her students mentally by teaching them the skills needed to solve problems and socially by
teaching them the skills needed to communicate and work productively with others. Students must be
able to function in the real world which not only requires academic knowledge but social skills as well. I
believe teachers should not be alone in educating students but that parents, families and communities
need to work together to support and enrich the lives of their children, who are the future.

Teachers need to use various methods/approaches in order to reach every student. I believe
teachers who only use one method to teach should not be in the classroom. They obviously are not
reaching all of their students because we know that not all students learn in the same way. Teachers must
reach visual learners, auditory learners and kinaesthetic learners. Varying methods of teaching will create
an interesting and fun environment and will help all students succeed. I plan on using several different
methods of teaching, including hands on, technology based, cooperative learning groups and group
• Consistently practicing these values to serve as a model for every child.
• Strengthening the value formation of every child through “hands-on-minds-on-hearts-on” experiences
inside and outside the classroom.


A. Read the following quotations and write their philosophical meaning.

1. A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops.- Henry Brook Adams
 The teacher’s role is very essential when we talk about the future of their students. They
mold each and every one of them in terms of character and also academically and their
different skills and abilities. Teachers don’t know how they affect the life or future of the
students but it will guaranty that it will reflect on the future of the society. All of the
professionals that are well known today are just students before who listens to their
teachers at schools. So that is why teachers influence never stops nor ends.
2. Do not do to others what you do not like others to do to you.-Kung Fu tsu
 It is a golden principle in Christianity but in a positive manner. It basically means that we
as an individual has a choice whether we do bad things to others or keep on doing good
things. These choices of ours has a consequences in return. We should think very carefully
when were angry at someone if it is good to fight back in a bad way or in legal terms.
3. Act in such a way that your rule can be the principle of all.- Immanuel Kant
 It basically mean that we should be a good example to everyone. Just like the quote that I
remember, “do the right thing, even when no one is looking. We cannot please everyone to
do the right thing. But when they realize that the norm we set in our surrounding, people
around us, the influence that we make will impart to them and sooner or later, they will do
the right thing as well. We should be a good testimony to everyone and respect one another.
4. Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. – Albert Einstein
 Crab mentality is very popular to us Filipinos. We neglect on being kind and respectful to
others in order for us to achieve our goal and be the star. But on the other hand, we might
say that we already achieved something but who stays beside us? NO ONE! We should
prioritized the value that our parents, our norm and environment imparts to us when we
are younger. We should be kind, patient and respectful to everyone we encounter while
achieving our dreams. Just like in basic education in GMRC, we should get that right
attitude when we are already in our field of work and not be dazzled on our goals in life.
5. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?
 Being contented is very hard. Once you gain something that any of us is not, it will sink to
our minds that we are above of everyone. We tend to achieved even though we already
have something in our hands. Our both hands start to carry things that a single man can
stand alone but who cares, we are not contented. But we don’t know that our life slowly
making it more miserable. We don’t have life anymore in our system. Our relationship to
others is already wasted. All we have is the achievements that we prioritized without
knowing who or what will be the sacrifice. Be mindful on your surroundings. Be aware on
what is more important, the achievements or your life.

What do you think about this?

1. What realization have you come up with after doing the activity?
- I realized that values is very important on every individual. We should how to value things. Also
we should have the knowledge and wisdom about the values within us. These values could help us
in building relationship with others. It could help us to be a better person that we think we could
never be. This can be the foundation of our principles in life and if you can flow these principles
through your system, everything will flow positively in your life.

2. Do these quotations really reflect your life’s foundational principle of morality and personal values?
- YES!

3. Do you agree that a person’s morality serves as his compass to the sea of life and window to the
world? Why?
- Yes. Why? Just because moral will help us and guide us on the path of being righteous. It will
lead on the right track when we feel we are lost in a world full of immorality. Determining
whether these things are good or bad sometimes makes us on a really tough decision. Because may
we benefit from it or worse it can be the reason why everything is falling apart. Moral should
serve us as our compass. No matter what life shows to us, to do bad things, we should focus on
making good things and be an influence as well to other people around us.

Test your understanding!

Reflect on your readings. Do the following activities.
(Use an extra sheet for your answer)

1. What does the line mean? “To be moral is human.”

 This means that our humanity is judged on the basis of our morality. Human beings have got
many characters that other animals lack for example, Parental care, max size of brain, etc. We got
these characteristics genetically. The above sentence clearly tells that morality is a feature of
human. We read stories and at the end say, moral of the story is…This power of opinion to decide
what lesson we draw is our frame of reference to what is right or wrong. Likewise we also say your
act isn't humane .This means the act isn't in accordance to our ethics, beliefs or morality…

2. Do you believe that religion plays a big role in the moral formation of man? Why?
 Religion does have a role to play in developing a sense of ethics, but it is rather limited. This is
because religions tend not to emphasize the role of critical and independent thinking which is
important in developing a sense of ethical responsibility. What religions tend to do is to give a list
of 'do's' and 'don'ts' that the faithful need to follow. But if does not provide much explanation as
to why these rules should be followed. So you can introduce religious teachings in, say, a course on
ethics for scientists, but then the main focus must be on the argumentation and the explanation as
to why such and such rules are justified. In many cases we are faced with dilemmas and we have
to think for ourselves. Religions can help somewhat as a guide, but in the end we must think for
ourselves. Students should be developed this ability of thinking on their own.

3. How does conscience relate to morality?

 While man been born in the animal kin and then get away about his family. man acquired many
different experiences about his life like advancing on a new behaviors and ways for living, man
attained his awareness for being himself, gaining the consciousness state of his mind, keeping his
social systems for sustaining his life and putting some rules for his life. Conscience became and
state which man reached it. Being in conscience stage mean been awareness logically and
emotionally about your actions, concerning about the reactions of the others, and for respecting
this rules man claimed to be caring about his conscience. Which are somehow relating his morals,
we can say his morals are shaped his consciences, which are controlling his reactions. Someway his
moral are cornerstone of his conscience, by the evolutionary way man invented his behaviors by
venturing on new ways of living which helped him for attaining this morals and conscience. By
creationism angle, God has gifted man the conscience and put the rules of his sustaining, which we
are calling morality.

4. Why is morality applied only to humans or persons?

 Human beings is that only human beings can act morally. This is considered to be important
because beings that can act morally are required to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others.
It follows that those that do sacrifice their good for the sake of others are owed greater concern
from those that benefit from such sacrifices. Since animals cannot act morally, they will not
sacrifice their own good for the sake of others, but will rather pursue their good even at the
expense of others. That is why human beings should give the interests of other human beings
greater weight than they do the interests of animals.

5. In not less than 300 words write an essay about the teachings on being moral and being human. What
does the natural law says on moral principle?
 Having a good character is very common on our society. Moral is one of the main reason why
people choose doing good thing over bad things. Its sets the standards when it comes to job
employment and one of the criteria for you to be accepted in different areas. But what’s hard
about it is having a good moral but being human as well. In Filipino term “MADALING
MAGING TAO NGUNIT MAHIRAP MAGPAKATAO”. It’s hard to do humane things whenever
you feel down by someone or rejected. Turning good actions towards to people who degrade you is
very difficult. But we should think first that it is not beneficial on our side to fight back. We
should become a good example so that other people may reflect on our response and sooner or
later, they will do it as well to others. Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says
that human being possess intrinsic values that govern our reason and behavior. It is innate on us
humans here in this world to do such good things and avoid doing bad or evil actions. Natural law
was all about old-fashioned values. It came from ancestors and lived through the years up to the
next generation. These moral principles is already abide on the natural law. These two works as
one in order for people to follow and lived with. We, the people of society should set standards in
accordance of having good character in order for us to live at peace and eliminate the works of
evil. As a future educator as well, I’ll make sure that my future students will learned about these
principle and moral standards so that it can be passed on through generation over and over again
and all of us will live with high ethics in our culture and environment.

6. List down at least 5 good things and 5 bad things you did so far in your life for the past years. What did
you feel after doing all these good things/bad things?

(I treat my friends who are less fortunate, I give my parents gifts every Christmas, I avoid arguing to other
people, I give to charities here in our barangay, and I volunteer at community engagement.)
(I don’t to other people who aren’t close enough to me as friends, I offended my classmates whenever I’m
the leader of the group, I always being insensitive about the feelings and situation of others, I don’t treat
people around me the same and I’m being rude at others sometimes.)
 Doing good things gives me the satisfaction. It makes my mind and heart grateful whenever I do
good acts to others. On the other hand, doing bad or rude things aren’t give me happiness in me.
Sometimes before going to bed, my conscience are talking to me what I did on that specific day.
Because of that I always come in the conclusion in repenting on my sins and do the right thing
tomorrow. If it has to give an apology to other even it is not my mistakes, it’s the most proper and
ethical way that you must be humble in order to settle things right.

7. Should values be taught? Why?

 Children’s mind is very flexible and transformable at a young age. Teachers should make that
golden opportunity to give their students advice in life. Academic subjects such as mathematics,
science or history is not enough for a child to be a good person in the future. VALUES MUST BE
TAUGHT. Moral values, or ethics and respect to others should be a major subject from
kindergarten up to college level. Moral values involve the principles of knowing right from wrong,
while respect for the rights of others is self-explanatory. Children, who are the country’s future
leaders and followers, should learn moral values and respect the rights of others early.This is
more important than accumulating knowledge since having moral values and respect for others
forms the basis of a child’s future behavior.
8. List down ten (10) transcendent values which until now are observed by Filipinos.

9. Go to and make an analysis of Max

Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values. Make detailed analysis of the different levels of values that a man passed
in his lifetime. Write in an A4 bond paper.

Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values



These values are the objects of sensory feeling, and their corresponding subjective states are pleasure and pain.
Under this realm are also technical values, values of civilisation and luxury value. Essentially, the pleasant is
always preferred over the unpleasant.


These values are connected with general wellbeing. The corresponding states of vital values are feelings of
health and sickness, aging, exhausting, energy, vigorousness. These values are completely independent and
irreducible to the pleasant or unpleasant values.



These values are independent of the body and environment. They correspond to spiritual feelings, more
appropriately to the spiritual acts of love and hatred. The corresponding feeling states are spiritual joy and


These are values that appear only on objects given intentionally as “absolute objects”. Values that are
independent of things and powers. Derivative values of this kind are value of the sacraments, cults, and other
forms of worship. The subjective feeling states are bliss and despair, and their responses are faith, lack of faith,

Your reflection here.

Direction: Make a paragraph which composed of your thoughts on the following questions.

• What perspective have you established on teaching profession after reading the poem and teaching as
profession? Why?
• How would you prepare yourself for the role of professional teacher?
• What impression would you like to leave to the minds of your students, parents of your students, and to
the community when you start teaching? Why?

Teaching was all about sacrifice. It must sink in your minds that this profession is all about
love and passion on your job. You must study in your entire lifetime to be flexible in different
modes of teaching and philosophies. Don’t seek for payment if you do this profession, you must
have the passion over the category of considering it as a job. Make this profession as you mission
in life. Nurturing the empty minds of students to be a good citizen of our society. Acknowledgment
is very minimal to us. Strive for excellence and not for the praises of other people to you.

I prepare myself mentally, physically and emotionally. Teaching profession is not an easy
job. It will give you so many challenges that you didn’t expect to encounter. I will seek for
knowledge and wisdom from my teachers that I look up to. I will not be disturbed on other’s
opinion about your actions and preferences. Also I will practice from now on how to give my best
whenever I face my students. Lastly, I will make myself a better person s that my students will
follow what my principles is all about.

The impressions that I would like to leave on the minds of my students and parents is the
principle imparted to me by my favorite teacher when I was in highschool. The quote is “HINDI
MABUBUTING TAO”. This line makes my perspective about teaching profession different. It
gives me the inspiration to be a good role model to my students and lower my standards but make
it high when it comes on having good attitude or manners. Student don’t need to have good grades
on their academic but for me having good attitude is enough for you to pass my subject.

• Write a five (5) stanza poem that reflects your vision of yourself as professional teacher informed of
your mission and vocation.
Being a Teacher always comes with passion
We are needed by the whole Nation
Students seeks guide to us for their ambition
And I think that would be our mission

Teaching is a calling for an individual

That you should think deeply and ask for approval
But when you heart says you should pursue it
One step is a your starting point to make it

Our student’s aims to have their ambitions come true

We teachers do everything for you to pursue
Even it’s hard in our part to make it happen
It’s considered as our reward when you already achieve them

Good manners and right conduct is our base of teaching

That every teachers should reflect and be inspiring
Student will follow our philosophies and principles
So that our society will be full of good people

Lastly, teaching is also about vocation

That few of us is called and waiting to respond on
Don’t be afraid when your one of it
Be proud that your one of the solutions of the world to change it.

Part I

Directions: Choose from the numbers of educational philosophies enumerated below that is best described
in each number. Write only the letter of your choice.

b. Progressivism b. Perennialism c. Existentialism d. Behaviorism

e. Essentialism f. Constructivism g. Linguistic Philosophy

___a__ 1. There is no substitute for concrete experience in learning.

___d _ 2. Human beings are shaped by their environment.

___e__ 3. Schools should stress on the teaching of basic skills.

___d__ 4. Change of environment can change a person.

___b__ 5. Schools must develop students’ capacity to reason by stressing on humanities.

___a__ 6. Learners produce knowledge based on their experiences.

___c _ 7. A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her own pace.

___f__ 8. The learner is not a blank slate but brings past experiences and cultural factors to the learning

___g__ 9. The learner must be taught how to communicate his ideas and feelings.

___d__ 10. An individual is what he/she chooses to become not dictated by his/her environment.

___e__ 11. The teacher and the school head must prescribe what is most important for the students to

___b__ 12. Our course of study should be general’ not specialized; liberal, and not vocational; humanistic
not technical.

___f__ 13. Teacher cannot impose meaning; students make meaning of what they are taught.

___e__ 14. Curriculum should emphasize on the traditional discipline such as math, natural science, history,
grammar, and literature.

___b__ 15. The focus of education should be the ideas that are as relevant today as when they were first

___b__ 16. Students should read and analyze the Great Books, the creative works of history’s finest thinkers
and writers.

___c__ 17. Schools should help individuals accept themselves as unique individuals and accept
responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions.
___g__ 18. The truth shines in an atmosphere of genuine dialogue.

___f__ 19. The classroom is not a place where teachers pour knowledge into empty minds of the students.

___c__ 20. There is no universal, inborn human nature. We are born and exist and then we ourselves freely
determine our essence.

Part II

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

TRUE 21. Values have cognitive dimension.

TRUE 22. Transcendent values are values dependent on time, place and culture.

FALSE 23. The natural law is known only by the learned.

FALSE 24. The Five Pillars of Islam are reflective of the natural law.

TRUE 25. A person of good moral character is virtuous regardless of immaturity.

TRUE 26. Nothing is willed unless it is planned.

TRUE 27. Values are freely chosen and chosen after due reflection.

TRUE 28. Virtuous life happens after one experienced a vicious life.

TRUE 29. Training of the will must be essentially self-training.

TRUE 30. Values are caught and taught.

TRUE 31. The etymology of the word ‘vocation’ based from the Latin word “vocare” means ‘the voice’.

TRUE 32. Christians, call their God as Himself, for our brother and sister Muslims, they call their God as

FALSE 33. Abraham was called by God to lead God’s chosen people in Egypt in order to free them from

TRUE 34. In the New Testament, Mary was also called by God to be the mother of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

TRUE 35. In Islam, Muhammad was the last of the prophets to be called by Allah to spread His teachings.

TRUE 36. The word mission comes from the Latin word “misio” means “to send”.

TRUE 37. The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines mission as “task distributed to people in the

TRUE 38. Buddha must have also heard the call to abandon his royal life in order to seek the answer to the
problem on suffering.
TRUE 39. The mission of a teacher is merely to teach the child the fundamental skills or basic r’s of
reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic and right conduct.

TRUE 40. His Holiness Pope Francis affirmed this thought: “Do more, have more in order to be more!”
Unit II:

Title of the Lessons:

 Lesson 1 - The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

 Lesson 2 - The 21st Century Teacher
 Lesson 3 - Community-School Relations
 Lesson 4 – Linkages and Networking with Organizations

Directions: For items 1 to 4, encircle the correct letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. This are set of skills, knowledge, behaviors, and attributes that enable effective teaching performance. The
objective is to serve as a guide for use in teacher professional development toward realizing 21st Century Skills
and practices within a context that is regionally appropriate and in line with global best practices.

2. What do you mean by the Acronym PPST?

P_______ P_______ S_____ T_____
A. Professional Philippine Standards for Teachers
B. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

3. Teachers are always the role model inside the classroom. Is this true? Encircle your answer.
A. Yes B. No
4. Teachers play a crucial role in nation building. Is this True? Encircle your answer
A. Yes B. No.
5. Below are the 4 career stages presented by the DepEd in relation to PPST. What do you think comes first?
Number it 1 to 4, Place your answer on the blank provided for.
Career Stage ____2_____ or Proficient Teachers
Career Stage ____1_____ or Beginning Teachers
Career Stage _____4____ or Distinguished Teachers
Career Stage _____3____ or Highly Proficient Teachers
6. Teachers in this stage have a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in which they are trained in terms of
content knowledge and pedagogy. They seek advice from experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching
A. Career Stage 1 Beginning teacher
B. Career Stage 2 or Proficient Teachers
C. Career Stage 3 or Highly Proficient Teachers
D. Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers

7. Domain 2, Learning Environment, consists of following strands EXCEPT. Encircle the letter of your
A. Fair learning Environment
B. Management of Classroom structure
C. Support for learner participation
D. Promotion of purposive learning
E. Management of learner behavior
F. Application of Content knowledge across curriculum areas

8. Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, is composed of seven strands: Which is the EXCEPTION?
Encircle your answer
A. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
B. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress
C. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
E. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
F. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
G. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning

9. It is described as the levels of educational qualifications and set the standards for qualification outcomes. It is
a quality assured national system for the development, recognition and award of qualifications based on
standards of knowledge, skills and values acquired in different ways and methods by learners and workers of
the country”
A. PPST B. Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) C. PQF
True or False
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and write F if the Statement is incorrect. Write your answer before
each number.

__T__ 1. Learners of today have different ways of thinking, reacting, responding, and getting motivated.
__F__ 2. The 21st century learning environment is characterized by being more teacher-centered than student-
__T__ 3.Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide new learning environments that offer
undesirable opportunities in education.
__F__ 4. The 21st century learning content discourages cooperative and collaborative effort among learners,
teachers, and instructional media.
__T__ 5. In the 21st century, teachers can deliver her lesson via on-line or internet.
__F__ 6. Learning may be interpreted in one way as learning to be human.
__T__ 7. Learning to live together means understanding of other people and an appreciation of interdependent.
__F__ 8. The traditional learning environment is characterized by rote memorization in a teacher-centered
classroom, and the “chalk and talk“

Part II
Multiple Choice.
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided before the number.

__B__ 9. It pertains to students who belong to different group’s orientation with diverse learning needs, It
encompasses different elements, such as “socio-economic, world-view, race, age, cultural, gender, sexual
orientation, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, life experiences, and developmental stage”
A. Students B. Diversity of learners C. Teacher D. Diversity of Teachers
__C__10. It is defined as the values, traditions, social and worldview shared by a group of people bound
together by a combination of factors that include one or more of the following: a common history, geographic
location, language, social classes, and religion.”(Derman-Sparks 1989 )
A. Values B. Tradition C. Culture. D. Norms
__C__. 11 it deals with the extent to which teachers use examples and content from a variety of cultures and
groups to illustrate key concepts, principles, generalizations, and theories in their subject area or discipline.
A. An empowering school culture. B. Prejudice reduction.
C. The knowledge construction process. D. Content integration
__D__12. An approach to school reform, and a movement for equity, social justice, and democracy. Its major
goal is to restructure schools so that all students acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function
in an ethnically and racially diverse nation and world.
A. Multicultural education B. Tradition C. Culture. D. norm

Question: What is your knowledge regarding the items below? Write your answer on the space provided for
1. Learning environment.
2. School and community relations
3. Ethics for professional teachers

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT – Learning environment for me is about the physical appearance of the
classroom setup. It also include the noise, the scenery of the surroundings during the teaching proper of the
teacher. It affects the mood of the student to learn or on the other hand they will feel bored about the lesson.
SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY RELATION - School is also considered as a community. It has different
branches wherein we can found different departments just like in college we have different courses. But the
school make it happen for all of us to become united even we have different fields or interest of learning
ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS – being a teaching we should follow certain rules or standards
in teaching. We should set some boundaries while we are teaching or making an activity for our students.
Teachers should follow certain standard for them not to be insensitive on the situation of their students and most
of all, make themselves as a role model that their students could follow.

Matching Type
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer before each number
Column A Column B

__B__ 1. This association was established in 1977 and is A. Southeast Asian

authorized by the Philippine Commission on Higher Ministers of Education
Education (CHED) to certify the quality levels of Organization
accredited programs at the tertiary level, for the purpose B. Federation of
of granting progressive deregulation and other benefits. Accrediting
Association of the
__A__ 2. It is the center for training educational leaders Philippines (FAAP)
from the southeast region under the SEAMEO
C. Philippine Association
organization. It is an international organization
established in 1965 among governments of Southeast of State Universities
Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in and Colleges
education, science and culture in Southeast Asia. (PASUC)
D. Network of
__G__3.this is an accrediting body composed of different Outstanding teachers
private educational institutions that stamp other private and Educators
schools with a quality standard attained with regard to (NOTED)
their programs. E. The Commission on
Higher Education
__H_4.The primary aims of the department is to F. Pi Lambda Theta
Supports undergraduate and graduate scholarship
programs in science and mathematics in the Regional G. Philippine
Science Teaching Centers. Accrediting Association
of Schools, Colleges and
__E__ 5. This is the Philippine government’s agency in Universities (PAASCU)
charge of promoting relevant and quality higher
education, ensuring access to quality higher education, H. Department of
and guaranteeing and protecting academic freedom. Science and Technology
__D__ 6.This is an organization that promotes a culture
of excellence and service among educators through I. Association for
professional development, publications, research, and Supervision and
advocacy in active partnership with government and non- Curriculum
government organizations annually participated by its Development (ASCD)
J. Association for
__C__ 7. Is an association of public tertiary school level
Accrediting Colleges and
institutions in the Philippines? These comprise all 102 Universities of the
State Universities and Colleges (SUC) which are under Philippines (AACUP)
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

__J__ 8.This is an accrediting agency whose main focus

is to develop a mechanism of, and conduct the evaluation
of programs and institutions."
__F__ 9. One of the main objectives of this organization
is to recognize outstanding student teachers from the
college of education. Who intend to pursue careers in
education? Its main project is Excellence in Teaching
Project (ETP).

__I__10. This association aims to serve as a world-class

leader in education information services. It also
mandates to develop programs, products, and services
essential to the way educators learn, teach and lead.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Directions: List down 3 best teachers for you and tell how she or he influenced you for what you are now. You
may paste his or her picture in the box in the first column. Give 5 adjectives that would best describe your
favorite teacher in the second column. In the last column, describe their competencies in teaching.
The three best Adjectives that best Describe how competent they were in teaching
teachers for me describe them

MS. MARICEL  Passionate Maam Cel is my most favorite teacher among this
BAGAPORO  Innovative three. When she started to speak about her lesson,
 Motivated everyone in the class just simply shut up and listen to
 Dedicated her. She don’t have to be a terror teacher just to seek
 Energetic attention to her students, but with her aura, everyone
just stare at her when she started to discuss the
lesson. She is one of the teacher who gave the hardest
exams and lowest grades but surely you learn
everything from her and you don’t care anymore
about your grades because of the lessons she implied
to you.

 Caring Mam Tina is one of the sweetest teacher ive ever had.
 Loving She is generous to her advisory class when I was her
MRS. TINA  Resourceful students. I noticed every time that some of us is lack
CALONZO  Flexible of financial capacity, she intend to give the best for
 Generous her students even there’s no turning it back. She also
sponsor our different parties and fellowship
gatherings during special occasions. She has no bad
traits at all. She is blessed and she make it sure that
her blessings will be shared to other people.

 Creative Mam Santa is my baking teacher. She is soft spoken

 Passionate yet powerful in teaching. She’s quite perfectionist
MRS. CRISANTA  Determined when it comes to the bread product that we made.
SAN LUIS UY  Grateful But she makes sure that she corrected us in a right
 Cheerful way and not an offensive manner. I love her
creativity and flexibility every time we sell our
products and not all of it are sold. She is also
innovative so that we can offer new products with
our costumer. I admire her skills in baking and
management of her team in production. She is one
that I could say a type of teacher that should be give

Direction: Write your answer on the space provided below.

Question: Now that you are aware of the competencies and standards that a teacher should possess, are
you still wanting to become a professional teacher? Why?

Yes! My mother says to me, if you’re going to be a teacher just because of high salary don’t pursue it
anymore and change my course. I should have the true character of a teacher wherein I am passionate on
what am I doing. I make myself dedicated on my work and do my best even it is not worth it because who
knows maybe it’s one of the way to make the world a better place to live right? I strive success in life but
also I want to be an inspiration to my students to follow my journey in life and don’t be one of the people
who are headaches of the government. These character traits of standards of teacher I put into is the
traits I want to have as well. Also I want to seek more knowledge to teachers I encounter and ask advises
how to be an effective and useful teacher.

Reflection/ Learning Insights

Write your answer on the space provided below.

1. After a thorough discussion about the competencies and standards for teachers, what are the initial steps
that you are going to do to be able to meet the standard required of teachers?

The most essential action for you to be a highly competent teacher is for you to experience
different scenario in teaching. Some of us think that they should study and study as long as they
cane which is right. But you must prioritize as well to be assigned on the field itself. Being on the
field gives you an opportunity things in a very clear and understandable way that not all of the
student teachers encounter in teaching so some of them fail. Next thing to do is to seek guidance on
senior teachers or professors in the university or school. We should approach those people for us
to gain so much knowledge and avoid any mistakes were about to do when we start already
teaching. Lastly, be as open as you can on every criticism, maybe some of them are constructive or
some of them are offending but this will make us a better person or a better professional in our
field. It is not applicable in teaching alone but also in the other field. This initial steps for me are
the best way for a teacher meet the standard they aiming for as they begin in their profession.

2. Draw a ladder and place yourself in each step with corresponding achievements as a professional
Retire with dignity
and principles
imparted to my

Have my own

Graduate doctorate

Start to teach in a
high paying job

Graduate master’s
degree in a
prestigious school

Pass the board

exam in just first

Graduate in college
with bachelor
Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Activity: Do you still remember your favorite teacher in elementary or even in high school? Do you remember
how your classroom looks like or even the delivery of lessons from your teacher's? How about you, what kind
of students are you then? Kindly describe the following items below. Write your answer on the 2nd column.

When I was in elementary since I started studying in a private

school, the classrooms are nice and clean and also because we
My school /my have utilities who cleans every time. There are decorations on the
classroom walls about the different lessons we about to tackle for the whole
year. When I moved in public, it is way different in the appearance
of the classroom and the school. It’s quite congested and not neat
at all. It’s disturbing on listening to the teacher if you’re not used
to it at all.

Both public and private that I went to have the best teachers. I
don’t encounter so far the type of teacher who’s not passionate on
My teacher what he’s/she’s doing. Most of the time the teachers I have is very
kind and I’m blessed because I don’t encounter terror teachers.
There are some but I don’t consider them as terror. Their ability in
teacher have different attacks to me. Some of them is monotone
while teaching but some are loud and feel excited when they start
to discuss the lesson.

No joke but I consider myself as a good student. I have zero

record in guidance office and I’m not involved at any physical
My self fight in school. I make sure that I get high scores during exam and
I feel sad whenever I get some low scores. Because one of my
inspiration is to give back to my parents what they really deserve
and they deserve the best grades from me for their hard work just
to send me to school.

The process of teaching are quite different in private and public.

When I was in private, I don’t experience to discuss the lesson in
The process of teaching front of my classmates but when I moved to public school, I
encounter all of the activities that require socializing skills. That I
why I found myself that someday I want to be a teacher because
I’m comfortable in front of my classmates and other people. Also I
private most of the time they spoon feed you the lesson and just
answer some activities but in public, they make sure you’re
involved on the lesson the teacher tackling.
2. Getting to know each other: interview 8 of your classmates, ask them about the information below. Fill up
the table below to answer this activity

Students Diversity

Name of your Province Language Religion Color Customs and

classmates traditions

















Let’s have a throwback, close your eyes and try to remember your elementary and high school days.
What’s the difference between education then and education at present? Answer this activity by supplying the
asked data below.

The tripartite of Learning Past Present

Learners Disciplined and well- Students nowadays are mean

mannered also they have high and teachers are afraid to
respect teachers discipline to their students

Teachers Spoon fed the entire lesson They ask students to discuss
the lesson in front of the class
to adopt more skills for
preparation on the outside

Environment Most of the space of the Schools are now congested

school has trees where due to high number of
students can do some population and there are no
activities while break time trees anymore but instead
they are already buildings and


Conduct a simple virtual interview to any of the officials or teachers in your school and ask:

Question: “Assuming that the continuum drawn below represents the learning environment of your school.
Where will you position your school in the continuum?

Encircle the number where you think your school is nearing. Justify your answer. Place your answer on the box

Write your justification here:

Even we already in the modern era of learning, I couldn’t say we already in a form of new learning
1. Choose one (from A-E) and answer the question.
How can you help your school be more aligned with the requirement of 21st century education?
A. Teacher- Teachers could help to align the requirement of 21 st century education by
teaching beyond what we expect to them. Most of the time teacher tend to spoon fed their
students the lesson but we should normalized that as a performance task of the students,
we should teach them as well to speak in front of their classmates and tackle about the
lesson that is assigned to them. In due to that, we making the student ready and not afraid
with dealing in other people when they become professional in the future.
B. Learners -
C. Learning environment-
D. Learning content-
E. Process of learning
2. The 4 Pillars of learning guarantees a complete Education? React on this? You may write your answer
on the box below.
Yes, it absolutely guarantee complete education for everyone. First is learning to know, it helps an
individual to develop values and skills for respecting and searching for knowledge and wisdom. It
also acquire a taste for learning throughout life. Learning to know also develops the way a man
should criticize things. And lastly, it helps us to understand sustainability concepts and issues.
Learning to Do involves the acquisition of skills that are often linked to occupational success, such as
computer training, managerial training and apprenticeships. Next is Learning to Live Together
involves the development of social skills of an individual and also the values such as respect and
concern for others. Lastly, Learning to Be involves activities that foster personal development and
contribute to creativity, personal discovery and an appreciation of the inherent value provided by
these pursuits.

Reflection/Learning Insights

Choose one and reflect and write your insights on one whole sheet of paper.

A). “We may have different religions, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” - Kofi

- Even we have differences when it comes to religion, color of the skin or languages, Kofi Annan is
trying to say that we are all in one and come in one race. The people itself is the one who think
other people are different from them so they should not be involved or friends with this kind of
people. Unfortunately, Christianity is the biggest religion in the whole world. This aspect makes
some cultural or group of people become one in thinking and principles in life. They are aware
that they are different in skin color but who cares because they’re united in their beliefs in life. I
hope that even not in religion, we should be as one in order to have a peaceful world to live. We
should think about the future, the next generation. What would happen if this young people live in
a chaotic world where peace is missing and war and misunderstanding is reigning? That scenario
is the scariest part of human race. We should be part of the good change. We should be the
stepping stone of enlightenment to other people the unity makes a world a better place to live.

B). “As a local teacher,” Act locally but think globally” - Roland Robertson

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


1. What do you think are the primary reasons why the school and the community should work
cooperatively and harmoniously?

The school and the community should work together hand in hand because...

1 Provide continuity of services across the day and year, easing school
transitions and promoting improved attendance in after school programs

2 Help gain access to and recruit groups of students most in need of support

3 Maximize resource use such as facilities, staff, data and curriculum.

4 Improve school culture and community image through different activities

that can help students find their capabilities and seek fresh new
information for learning.

5 Improve program quality and staff engagement, particularly when there

is cross over between school and community organization staff.

2. Do you think that teachers should serve as a role model inside and outside the school? Can you name
some reasons why she should act as one?
Primary reasons why should a teacher act as a Role model inside and outside
the school

1 The first reason is that teachers is the role model of their students.
Students always think that what their teachers do every single time is
right and not harmful for them to do it as well.

2 Teachers is the image of the school. The dignity of the school is under the
performance of the teachers. Teachers should be well aware that even
outside the school, they should protect the reputation of their company
and them as a teacher.

3 Lastly, the dignity of the self. Since studying in college and getting a
degree, we start to build our dignity of high respect to ourselves. We
should nurture that and protect for us to be an effective teacher to our
students and their parents will trust us as well someday.

Direction: Read and write your answer on the space provided below.

1. Try to recall the classroom that you have in elementary school, Is that an example of a conducive
learning environment? Why? Justify your answer
2. How can you say that the school and the community are interconnected to each other? Prove your

I confidently say that so far in my existence, most of the classrooms I entered in has a
conductive learning environment. I don’t feel intimidated at all while recitation during discussion.
We always have a free will to express our ideas and exchange that ideas to my classmates and
expounded by my teachers or professors. On the other hand, spoon feeding of topics id not
applicable during high school up to college anymore. Students should be confidently discuss the
lesson assigned to them in the class to have also a conductive learning style most especially in the
course of education.

Community is a part of society and education is the counterpart of both. I can say that they are
interconnected when the community start to involved themselves in different school events at first.
Like family day or even some recreational activities that involved the community. Next is during
the calamities. Community seek help to the schools to make the facilities functional for the
evacuees. That is the main reason as well why should community be partners to school as well.
Also by inviting community members to join school festivities, the school administration can
improve the overall satisfaction of the student body, increase the effectiveness of the education and
raise the likelihood that the school will continue to be supported by the community.


Let’s apply what you learned

1. For you, how would you describe a good school and community partnership?
2. Do you experience this in your own school/community, share your experience.
3. Construct a simple policy on partnership between school and community.

My idea about having a good partnership between and school is inspired by several
factors. They have partnership when the school reach out for the community when in terms of
help like in brigade eskwela during the month of May wherein the parents of the students help
to clean and repaint the classrooms. In addition with that, the school involved the community
by having PTA officers or Parent-Teachers Association that helps the adviser in decision
making when it comes on the safety and what’s best for their students or children. I’ve
experienced this kind of set up of community inside the school when the time I enrolled in
public school cause in private they don’t exercise this partnership more often. The policies we
can construct and implement inside the school for the benefit of the community are: first,
School should welcome all family and community members to school. Next is engage
families and community members in systematic way to help the school meet its student
achievement goals. The third one is communicate regularly with families about student
learning. Lastly is the school should collaborate with community organizations to connect
students, families and staff to expand learning opportunities, community services and civic

Given the following situations below, what do think would be the role of the school to the community or vice-

Given Situations What the School can do What the community

for the community can do for the school?
1. During Covid 19 Pandemic They can offer the Community can
classrooms to become volunteer to help the
rapid testing centers medical personnel be
organized and refuse
chaotic scenarios while
testing the patients.

2. Calamity crisis School can offer their Clean up drive is one of

facilities to become the best thing
evacuation centers. community can offer so
that student can have a
fresh start when the
classes begin after the

3. National Election School facilities can be PTA officers can

used so the voters know assigned personnel to
what classroom are they assist the teachers
assigned to give their vote maintain the peace and
and also teacher can be harmonious National
volunteer in assisting the Election inside the
voters so misunderstanding school.
can be refused.

4. 4P’s School can grant Community can offer

scholarship to deserved list of excellent student
students who excel in that can be the pride of
academics so the family of the school so it become
that scholar won’t mind the most excellent in
anymore about their producing a highly
child’s future. competent learners and
professional in the

5. Brigada Eskwela School can provide the Community can offer

man power like teachers donations like materials
and other staff for that will be needed in
beautification of the remaking of the chairs
classroom and the and repainting and
surroundings of the school. cleaning materials for
the classrooms and etc.

Reflection/Learning Insights

1. If a teacher plays a vital role in nation building, what are the important steps you should do as a
professional teacher? Write your answer below.
Role of a teacher is very significant. At the primary level school teacher is a real hero or god for
small kids. Whatever teachers say that has a great impact on kids psychology by nurturing these
kids in right direction, teachers play a vital role in instilling good and ethical value system. Like a
house requires a good foundation, in the same way primary teachers helps in building a strong
foundation. At the higher secondary level teachers along with syllabus knowledge provides
valuable tips for opportunities exist in the external environment. At the college level, teachers
guide them to be independent, mature and facilitate them in shaping their careers goals.
University level, more exposure, more knowledge, more facilities provided for their growth. Role
of teachers is very significant in nation's building. If students are guided by good teachers, they
will pass same values system to future generation but if they are manipulated, used and nurtured
in wrong direction and they will pass the same thing to future generations and what chaotic nation
we will have. Terrorists are intelligent but have unethical foundation, they destroy the world.
Same applies to teachers. Good teachers build the nation and manipulative teachers create
irresponsible citizens.


Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Direction: Before proceeding to the subject matter for today. Kindly answer the activity provided. Place your
answer on the space below.

1. As a student, have you engaged yourself in an organization on your campus? What was your
2. What is the name of the organization where you are affiliated?
3. What are the objectives of your organizations?

Yes, and Im one of the officers of Mapeh Major Society. I’m Public Information Officer wherein I am the
one who discusses and announces the projects of our organization to its members. This Organization
aims to equip its members with necessary knowledge and skill to live healthily. In general, this
organization is designed to develop the physical, mental, emotional and artistic/aesthetic abilities of every


Being an officer/ member of a certain organization in your college, Have you ever been given the opportunity
to attend local/regional/national seminars/activities conducted by a respected professional teacher
organizations? Write a short narrative regarding your participation in the said organization.
Yes, I experienced to be the representative in Balangayan 2018 wherein we represent our organization in
making a Layag that represents and manifest the beauty and objective of the organization. The warm
support of the members of the organization uplifts my confidence and spirit by making some banners
and other stuff that my name was indicated on it. Also, I experience to attend and support to Indakan sa
Kalye even I’m just a props men. But even I’m not one of the lead dancers still being one of the person
who support and participated on that event, the teamwork and the motivation on each and every one of
us is phenomenal. At the end, we claimed our prize as the overall grand champion of the said event.


Part I

Multiple Choice

Direction: Encircle the correct letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. The right of students to receive relevant quality education is primarily achieved through___________.

a. competent instruction b. strong curriculum

c. school community relations d. competent administrator

2. The REPUBLIC ACT No. 10968 is describe the levels of educational qualifications and set the standards
for qualification outcomes this is also known as what?

a. PQF b. PPST c. CFT - SEA

3. It is a set of skills, knowledge, behaviors, and attributes that enable effective teaching performance. The
objective is to serve as a guide for use in teacher professional development toward realizing 21st Century Skills
and practices within a context that is regionally appropriate and in line with global best practices.


4. It defines teacher quality in the Philippines. The standards describe the expectations of teachers’ increasing
levels of knowledge, practice and professional engagement.

a. PPST b. CWTS c. NCBTS d. DepEd

Part II

A. Supply the information asked below.

What are the 7 List at least 2 strands in How are you going to fulfill each
domains of PPST each domain domain
1. Domain 1, Content 1. Content knowledge MODEL EXEPLARY PRACTICE TO
Knowledge and and its application within IMPROVE THE APPLICATIONS OF
Pedagogy and across curriculum CONTENT KNOWLEDGE WITHIN
2. Research-based
knowledge and
principles of teaching
and learning

2. Domain 2, 1. Learner safety and UTILIZE A RANGE OF RESOURCE


3. Domain 3, 1. Learners’ gender, ESTABLISH LEARNING

Diversity of Learners needs, strengths, ENVIRONMENTS THAT ARE
2. Learners’ linguistic, UNDERSTADING OF AS WELL AS
cultural, socio-economic RESPECT FOR, LEARNER’S

4. Domain 4, 1. Planning and MODEL EXEMPLARY PRACTICE

Curriculum and management of teaching AND LEAD COLLEAGUES IN
and learning process PRACTICES IN THE PLANNING
2. Learning outcomes TEACHING AND LEARNING
aligned with learning PROCESS.

5. Domain 5, 1. Design, selection, DEMOSNTRATE THE CAPACITY

Assessment and organization and TO ORGANIZE CLASSROOM
Reporting utilization of assessment ACTIVITIES AND PROVIDE CLEAR
strategies DIRECTIONS
2. Monitoring and
evaluation of learner
progress and

6. Domain 6, 1. Establishment of DEMONSTRATE AN

Community Linkages learning environments UNDERSTANDING OF
that are responsive to ENVIRONMENTS THAT ARE
community contexts RESPONSIVE TO COMMUNITY

2. Engagement of parents
and the wider school
community in the
educative process

7. Domain 7, Personal 1. Philosophy of teaching MODEL A LEARNER CENTERED

Professional 2. Dignity of teaching as THROUGH TEACHING PRACTICES
Development a profession THAT STIMULATE COLLEAGUES

A. Discuss each career stage shortly (8points)

Career stage Description









Direction: Identify the following statements. Write your answer before each number.

__B__1. Mr. Bartolome, an AP teacher, discusses conflicts between warring groups in Mindanao. Which
pillar should he stress more?

A. Learning to be B. Learning to live together

C. Learning to do D. Learning to know

__D__ 2. This pillar of learning can be described as a process of discovery’, which takes time and involves
going more deeply into the information/knowledge delivered through subject teaching. In fact, ‘acquiring
knowledge in a never-ending process and can be enriched by all forms of experience’.

A. Learning to be B. Learning to live together

C. Learning to do D. Learning to know

___D__3.What pillar of learning emphasizes learning to be human through acquisition of knowledge, skills
and values conducive to personality development?

A. Learning to know B. Learning to live together

C. Learning to do D. Learning to be

___A__4. This refers to innovative and modern ways of teaching and learning, such as the use of
technology as a teaching/learning tool.

A. New Environment of Learning B. New Spaces/Dimensions of Learning

C. New Process of Learning D. New Content of Learning

__B__ 5.Classes are now also being held in such places as parks, school yards, museums, workplaces,
homes, and other venues to enhance the real life experience of learners. What characteristic of the 21st
century education is being described?
A. New Environment of Learning B. New Spaces/Dimensions of Learning

C. New Process of Learning D. New Content of Learning

__B__ 6. The new types of learners in the 21st century are described as EXCEPT one

A. Learners have different sets of values, languages, and pop-cultures, and different ways of thinking,
reacting, responding, and getting motivated;

B. Learners are unmotivated to technology

C. Learners come from more diverse backgrounds and cultural identities (age, ethnicity,

D. Learners have new traits of independence, creativity, open-mindedness, and enterprising minds.

__A__ 7. The 21st century learning environment is characterized by being more student-centered than
teacher-centered, is this true?

A. Yes B. No

__A__ 8. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide new learning environments that offer
undesirable opportunities in education. Is this true?

A. Yes B. No

__A__ 9. The 21st century learning content promotes cooperative and collaborative effort. Is it correct?

A yes B. No

__A__ 10. This is usually characterized by rote memorization in a teacher-centered classroom, and the
“chalk and talk” lecture method that predominates instruction.

A. traditional learning environment B. 21st century learning environment

C. contemporary learning environment D. Obsolete learning environment

Direction: Identify the following statement

__DIVERSTY OF LEARNERS__11. It pertains to students who belong to different group’s orientation

with diverse learning needs, it encompasses different elements, such as “socio-economic, world-view, race,
age, cultural, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, life experiences, and
developmental stage”
__CULTURE__12. It is defined as the values, traditions, social and worldview shared by a group of people
bound together by a combination of factors that include one or more of the following: a common history,
geographic location, language, social classes, and religion.”(Derman-Sparks 1989)

__CONTENT INTEGRATION__13. It deals with the extent to which teachers use examples and content
from a variety of cultures and groups to illustrate key concepts, principles, generalizations, and theories in
their subject area or discipline.

__MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION__14. An approach to school reform, and a movement for equity,

social justice, and democracy. Its major goal is to restructure schools so that all students acquire the
knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function in an ethnically and racially diverse nation and world.

__A__15. A sociologist, who conceptualizes globalization with the view in mind to blur the boundaries
between global and local.

A. Roland Robertson B. Robert Anderson C. Robert Robertson D. Roland Robert

__A__16. An educator that incorporates various global issues into their curriculum including
multiculturalism, economic, environmental and social issue

A Global teacher B. Glocal Teacher C. Globalized Teacher D Glocalized teacher

__B__17. This can be described as a local culture which assigns meaning to global influences and that the
two are interdependent and enable each other.

A. Glocalization B. Globalization C. Global D. Glocal

Direction: Encircle only the letter that corresponds to the correct answer

1. How can the teacher be a facilitator of learning?

A. By providing a conducive learning environment

B. By earning social recognition from the community

C. By relating professionally with community officials

D. By keeping community leaders informed of school development

2. Can a professional teacher take the initiative to organize community activity development?

A. No, the Professional teacher is confined only to the classroom

B. Yes, as a professional teacher he is a community leader.

C. No, community development is the concern of government officials

D. Yes, provided he always involves the learners.

3. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and traditions?

A. Reject local customs and traditions which are different from his

B. Divide the community by pointing out the negative elements of given local customs and traditions

C. Disparage the community

D. Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions

4. Public officials and Employees shall at all times be loyal to the republic and to the Filipino. This norm of
conduct is related to ______

A. professionalism B. nationalism and patriotism

C. responsiveness to the public D. honesty

5. Mr. Santos has been found to have engaged in gambling which has caused him to be absent most of the
time. Can his certificate of registration as a teacher be revoked?

A. no, unless he’s proven guilty

B. No. because he’s protected by his right as a teacher

C. Yes, because habitual gambling is a dishonorable conduct and is against the practice of teaching

D. yes, because he’s incompetent

6. Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the community, this can be found under_________

A. Teacher and the State B. Teacher and the community

C, Teacher and the learner D. Teacher and the business

7. Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and education heritage of the nation. How can he act as one.

A. Teach English language, any way it is considered as the universal language

B. Integrate the teaching of Rizal and other local heroes if possible

C. Sing the National Anthem with all your heart and soul
D. Respect the Philippine Flag by placing your hand on your heart while singing the national anthem even
without the presence of the Philippine Flag.

A. A, B and C only B. A, B. and D only C. B.and C only D. A, B and D only

8. They are one of the most compelling and influential people inside the homeroom

A. Educator B Nurse

C Supervisor D Guidance councilor

9. It is a where the learners and teachers meet for scholarly reasons,it is where heaps of instructional
materials are found and utilized for guidance and learning

A. School B. Library C. Laboratory D. School canteen

10. Teachers can develop learners in a holistic manner equipped with 21st century skills that could be able
to help the country’s sustainable development. This can be attain through____

A. Through quality instruction B. Curriculum C. Teaching D. Good lesson plan

Direction: Identify the following statement. Write your answer on the blank provided before each number.

__PI LAMBDA THETA___ 1. One of the main objectives of this organization is to recognize outstanding
student’s teachers from the college of education. Who intend to pursue careers in education? Its main
project is Excellence in Teaching Project (ETP),


FOR INOVATION AND TEACHNOLOGY__ 2 it is the center for training educational leaders from the
southeast region under the SEAMEO organization. It is an international organization established in 1965
among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science and
culture in Southeast Asia.


association aims to serve as a world-class leader in education information also mandates to
develop programs, products, and services essential to the way educators learn, teach and lead.
was established in 1977 and is authorized by the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to
certify the quality levels of accredited programs at the tertiary level, for the purpose of granting progressive
deregulation and other benefits.


PHILIPPINES__5. This is an accrediting agency whose main focus is to develop a mechanism of, and
conduct the evaluation of programs and institutions."


of public tertiary school level institutions in the Philippines? These comprise all 102 State Universities and
Colleges (SUC) which are under the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).


UNIVERSITIES__ 7. This is an accrediting body composed of different private educational institutions
that stamp other private schools with a quality standard attained with regard to their programs.

___DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TEACHNOLOGY_ 8. T The primary aims of the department

is to Supports undergraduate and graduate scholarship programs in science and mathematics in the Regional
Science Teaching Centers

__COMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION__9.This is the Philippine government’s agency in charge of

promoting relevant and quality higher education, ensuring access to quality higher education, and
guaranteeing and protecting academic freedom.


that promotes a culture of excellence and service among educators through professional development,
publications, research, and advocacy in active partnership with government and non-government
organizations annually participated by its members.

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