Unit I: The Teacher As A Person in Society Unit II: The Teacher in The Classroom and Community

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Commission on Higher Education

Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan
College of Education

Unit I: The Teacher as a Person in

Unit II: The Teacher in the Classroom and

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

EDUC 303: The Teaching Profession

First Semester, AY 2020-2021

Submitted to:

Mrs. Margarita Dorothy C. Reyes

Submitted by:

Maglalang, Juan Miguel S.

November 2020
Part I

Directions: Choose from the numbers of educational philosophies enumerated below

that is best described in each number. Write only the letter of your
a. Progressivism b. Perennialism c. Existentialism d. Behaviorism

e. Essentialism f. Constructivism g. Linguistic Philosophy

B. 1. There is no substitute for concrete experience in learning.

D. 2. Human beings are shaped by their environment.
E. 3. Schools should stress on the teaching of basic skills.
D. 4. Change of environment can change a person.
B. 5. Schools must develop students’ capacity to reason by stressing on
F. 6. Learners produce knowledge based on their experiences.
C. 7. A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her own pace.
F. 8. The learner is not a blank slate but brings past experiences and cultural
factors to the learning situation.
G. 9. The learner must be taught how to communicate his ideas and feelings.
C. 10. An individual is what he/she chooses to become not dictated by his/her
E. 11. The teacher and the school head must prescribe what is most important
for the students to learning.
B. 12. Our course of study should be general’ not specialized; liberal, and not
vocational; humanistic not technical.
F. 13. Teacher cannot impose meaning; students make meaning of what they
are taught.
E. 14. Curriculum should emphasize on the traditional discipline such as math,
natural science, history, grammar, and literature.
B. 15. The focus of education should be the ideas that are as relevant today as
when they were first conceived.
B. 16. Students should read and analyze the Great Books, the creative works
of history’s finest thinkers and writers.
C. 17. Schools should help individuals accept themselves as unique individuals
and accept responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions.
G. 18. The truth shines in an atmosphere of genuine dialogue.
F. 19. The classroom is not a place where teachers pour knowledge into empty
minds of the students.
C. 20. There is no universal, inborn human nature. We are born and exist and
then we ourselves freely determine our essence.
Part II
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

TRUE 21. Values have cognitive dimension.

TRUE 22. Transcendent values are values dependent on time, place and culture.
FALSE 23. The natural law is known only by the learned.
TRUE 24. The Five Pillars of Islam are reflective of the natural law.
TRUE 25. A person of good moral character is virtuous regardless of immaturity.
FALSE 26. Nothing is willed unless it is planned.
FALSE 27. Values are freely chosen and chosen after due reflection.
FALSE 28. Virtuous life happens after one experienced a vicious life.
TRUE 29. Training of the will must be essentially self-training.
TRUE 30. Values are caught and taught.
FALSE 31. The etymology of the word ‘vocation’ based from the Latin word “vocare”
means ‘the voice’.
TRUE 32. Christians, call their God as Himself, for our brother and sister Muslims, they
call their God as Allah.
TRUE 33. Abraham was called by God to lead God’s chosen people in Egypt in order to
free them from slavery.
TRUE 34. In the New Testament, Mary was also called by God to be the mother of the
Savior, Jesus Christ.
TRUE 35. In Islam, Muhammad was the last of the prophets to be called by Allah to
spread His teachings.
TRUE 36. The word mission comes from the Latin word “misio” means “to send”.
FALSE 37. The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines mission as “task distributed
to people in the organization”.
TRUE 38. Buddha must have also heard the call to abandon his royal life in order to
seek the answer to the problem on suffering.

TRUE 39. The mission of a teacher is merely to teach the child the fundamental skills or
basic r’s of reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic and right conduct.
TRUE 40. His Holiness Pope Francis affirmed this thought: “Do more, have more in
order to be more!”
Sum up what you learned from the readings you made.

Using the matrix below, complete the essence of these philosophies in education,
indicating why teach, what to teach, and how to teach .

Philosophy Why teach What to teach How to teach

Essentialists' It emphasizes is on An essentialist program

goals are to instill academic content normally teaches children
students with the for students to learn progressively, from less
"essentials" of academic the basic skills or complex skills to more
knowledge, patriotism, the fundamental r’s complex.
and character – reading ‘riting, An Essentialist will
development through ‘rithmetic, right usually teach some set
traditional (or back-to- conduct – as these subjects similar to
basic) approaches. are essential to the Reading, Writing,
This is to promote acquisition of higher Literature, Foreign
reasoning, train the or more complex Languages, History,
mind, and ensure a skills needed in Math, Science, Art, and
common culture for all preparation for adult Music.
citizens. life.
Teaching progressivism Progressivist teachers Progressivist teachers try
enables the children to focus on making school interesting
discover their skills and experimenting and
learning by doing is truly an and useful by planning
hands-on activities. lessons that provoke
effective approach to
Effective teachers
children rather than just curiosity. In
discussing it. Progressivists provide experiences so
that students can
a progressivist school,
believe that education should
focus on the whole child, learn by doing. students are actively
rather than on the content or Curriculum content is learning. The students
Progressivism the teacher. This educational derived from student interact with one another
philosophy stresses that interests and and develop social
students should test ideas by questions. The qualities such as
active experimentation.
scientific method is cooperation and
Learning is rooted in the
questions of learners that educators so that tolerance for different
arise through experiencing students can study points of view.
the world. matter and events
systematically and
used by progressivist
first hand.
Perennialism Teaching perennialism What should be Perennialist teachers
enables students to taught in encourage the students
think rationally and perennialism are the to read and it must be
develop minds that can ideas that lasts from supplemented with
think critically. over centuries that mutual investigations.
A perennialist classroo need to be continue The teachers do not
m aims to be a closely over the following allow the students’
organized and well- years. Perennialism interests or experiences
disciplined teachers focus on dictate to substantially
environment, which history, math, dictate what they teach.
develops in students a science. They apply whatever
lifelong quest for the creative techniques and
truth. other tried and true
methods which are
believed to be most
conducive to disciplining
the students’ minds.
The main concern of Vocational education In an existential
the existentialists is “to is regarded more as curriculum, students are
help students a means of teaching given a wide variety of
understand and students about options from which to
appreciate themselves themselves and choose.” Students are
as unique individuals their potential than afforded great latitude in
of earning a
who accept complete their choice of subject
livelihood. In
responsibility for their matter. The humanities,
teaching art,
thoughts, feelings and existentialism however, are given
actions”. Since encourages tremendous emphasis to
‘existence precedes individual creativity “provide students with
essence’, the and imagination vicarious experiences
Existentialism essentialist teacher’s more than copying that will help unleash
role is to help students and imitating their own creativity and
define their own established models. self-expression. For
essence by exposing example, rather than
them to various paths emphasizing historical
they take in life and by events, existentialists
creating an focus upon the action of
environment in which historic individuals, each
they freely choose their of whom provides
own preferred way. possible models for the
students’ own behavior.

Behaviorism Behaviorist schools Because Teachers “ought to

are concerned with behaviorists look arrange environmental
the modification and at “people and conditions so that
shaping of students’ other animals… as students can make the
behavior for a complex responses to the
favorable combinations of stimuli. Physical
environment since matter that act variables like light,
they believe that they only in response to temperature,
are a product of their internally or arrangement of
environment. They externally furniture, size and
are after students generated physical quantity of visual aids
who exhibit desirable stimuli”, have to be controlled
behavior in society. behavioral to get the desirable
teachers teach responses from the
students to learners. …Teachers
respond favorably ought to make the
to various stimuli stimuli clear and
in the environment interesting to capture
and hold the learners’
It aims to develop the Learners should be The most effective way to
communication skills taught to teach language and
communication is the
of the learners communicate experiential way. Make
because the ability to clearly – how to them experience sending
articulate, to voice send clear, concise and receiving messages
out the meaning and messages and through verbal, non-verbal
values of things that how to receive and para-verbal manner.
Linguistic Teacher should make the
one obtains from and correctly
Philosophy classroom a place for
his/her experience of understand interplay of minds and
life and the world is messages sent. hearts. The teacher
the very essence of Communication facilitates dialogue among
man takes place in learners and between
him/her and his/her
three (3) ways – students because in the
verbal, nonverbal exchange of words there is
and paraverbal. also an exchange of ideas.
Constructivism Constructivists’ sees to The learners are In a constructivist
develop intrinsically taught how to classroom, teachers
learn. They are create situations in
motivated and taught learning which the students will
independent learners processes and question their own and
skills such as each other's
adequately equipped
searching, assumptions. In a
with learning skills for critiquing and similar way, a
them to be able to evaluating constructivist teacher
information, creates situations in
construct knowledge
relating these which he or she is able
and make meaning of pieces of to challenge the
them. Constructivist information, assumptions upon
reflecting on the which traditional
teaching is based on same, making teaching and learning
the belief that learning meaning out of are based.
them, drawing
occurs as learners are
insights, posing
actively involved in a questions,
process of meaning and researching and
knowledge construction constructing new
rather than passively knowledge pout of
these bits of
receiving information. information
Now that you completed the first activity and have been acquainted with the
various philosophies, prepare to answer these questions.

1. Which philosophy do you identify yourself? Why?

2. What philosophy of education have you started to realize for yourself as future
teacher? Why?
3. How do you see yourself as teacher to your students relative to your educational
4. How would you plan to nurture your students relative to your educational
5. How would you design your lessons and classroom relative to your educational

1. A philosophy that best suits my preference is progressivism, I am a type of person

who is fond of doing hands-on activities. Actual activities make me learn fast and I
can witness how things are done by doing on real time. Other philosophies can be
hard to understand especially if they were not taught thoroughly. Curriculum under
progressivism is essential because it equips the students to be ready in the industry
and at the same time, they are learning academically.

2. As a future educator, I will prefer to be a behaviorist and a progressivist type of

teacher where molding my students’ behavior will likely be beneficial to them as
they are the product of the environment. Being a teacher who disciplines his
students properly makes the students know their place and limitations, behavior
must be shaped properly because they are going to be with other people in the
future, this will also help students determine what actions they will do, evaluating
what is right from wrong. On the other hand, being a progressivist educator helps
the students in shaping their minds and skills with the integration of values, I am a
teacher who will let my students learn through executing it in their activities rather
that just I tell and discuss the activity. Students who rely learning through his
actions will definitely help them become professionally equipped and prepared.
Teachers must know that, too.

3. As a teacher, I will build a relationship between my students and I so that I can

easily figure our what needs to be improved with their behavior. Also, I will monitor
how they interact with their classmates so that I can also observe if they are
responding to the stimuli. Giving reward and commencement will also help them
shaped their behavior and will lift their self-esteem. Reinforce if you necessary.
I will also be a behaviorist teacher who will let my students explore and discover
their hidden skills through set of activities, observing them if there is a progress. I
will guide them if they are having a hard time dealing with task. Seeing them
learning from their own effort makes me fulfilled as a teacher.

4. The best way that I can do is to guide them with all the tasks they’re having
difficulty to do with. Nurturing my students through encouraging them to take the
risk when it is needed is what I will do but with my guidance. I will lead and set as
a role model in everything they need to learn so that when they lead, they are
already mindful of what to do and to do it. Shaping behavior and skills comes with
various techniques that you yourself as a teacher must know how to execute and
apply well to your students that is conducive to their learning.
5. Lessons must be fun and at the same time is interactive. As a teacher, you should
not let dead air is present in the classroom, that indicates that learning is cannot be
transmitted easily, and children are either not listening or get bored in the class. A
teacher must be open with asking questions from his students. Also, he leads the
classroom and let the students learn with the extent of his guidance. A class must
be also student-centered for it will be beneficial to be every student you handling
Test the extent of your understanding of this lesson by formulating your
personal philosophy of education using the sample format (Bilbao, et.al,
2015) below. Use the box for your output.

My Philosophy of Education as a High School Teacher is

I believe that every child…
 Has unique features
 Can be modeled over the years
 Can be instilled with a lot of knowledge
 has ability nourish skills.
I believe that every child can grow through the guidance and care of the teachers. I
believe that every student is different with an individual way of learning and their
own set of needs and gifts that are brought to the classroom.

I believe that teaching is a challenge and a joy. It is also a lifelong process of reflecting
and making necessary adjustments. To be a good teacher you have to love teaching. I
love the uniqueness of every day and every child.

I believe that as a teacher, it is my responsibility to:

 expound on their gifts and provide an environment that will foster maximum
learning and meet each child’s individual needs.
 to provide such an atmosphere. An atmosphere where no matter the student
they feel at home and like they have ownership.
 to supervise students in the same way that a sensible, careful parent would do in
similar circumstances.
 play an important role in the classroom when it comes to the environment.

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


A. Read the following quotations and write their philosophical meaning.

1. A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops. - Henry
Brook Adams
This cite said by Henry Adams implies that a teacher's impact on an understudy
doesn't conclusion when the understudy clears out their lesson. An instructor can
impact a student's life incredibly. When a great instructor influences an
understudy, that understudy will keep in mind it for the rest of his or her life.
That understudy will than take that affect and spread it to their kids and/or
students of their own. This is what I think of the cite: "A instructor influences
endlessness; he never tells where his impact stops."

2. Do not do to others what you do not like others to do to you. -Kung Fu tsu
To put it essentially, this articulation, commonly alluded to as the Brilliant Run
the show, tells individuals to treat others as they would need to be treated
themselves, as in, on the off chance that one needs to be treated a certain way,
one ought to treat others in that way. In case everybody was to take after this
run the show, in hypothesis, everybody would be treated well.
3. Act in such a way that your rule can be the principle of all. - Immanuel Kant
Kant cites "act in such a way that your run the show can be the guideline of all."
which implies that once you do your activities, it must impact others but in a
great way. Be a pioneer with ideals, a pioneer who can touch other people's
heart. As an individual, you should be commended not together with your profile
or along with your status in life, but with the goodness of your heart and your
actions that made everybody cleared out in amazement. It's the activities that
stamp the individuals and it energizes other individuals to do the same thing as
you've done.
4. Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. –
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein says that ended up a man of esteem, in other words, keeps
trustworthiness, tirelessness, balance or compassion towards others as the
center values that you simply should abide to. Since after you do merely not fair
sustain your character but moreover impact the individuals you care in a great
5. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?
We must learn to tune in to our Heart calling out (not to be befuddled with
feelings calling out!) and directing us on our Bona fide way. Typically, the street
to a productive life, one filled with excellence, peace and joy. We live in a world
that produces it show up troublesome to require time each day to be calm with
our claim soul - to listen. Yet there's nothing more critical on the off chance that
you need to live in arrangement together with your Most elevated Self and the
world around you. I accept in case we are living Truly at that point we discover
ourselves too living in wonderful beat with others - the two are not divisible.

What do you think about this?

1. What realization have you come up with after doing the

2. Do these quotations really reflect your life’s foundational
principle of morality and personal values?
3. Do you agree that a person’s morality serves as his
compass to the sea of life and window to the world? Why?
1. What came to mind after answering the activities are the values that is
addressing but the following philosopher and how are we going to apply, not
only for ourselves but for also to the people that are encompassed to us. The life
lessons do not need no cost to do, you just have to be responsible and be a
deep minded person in order for you to understand the quotes.

2. It does. Honestly, some of the time get misplaced and does not know what to do
with myself and how am I attending to bargain with the world. These quotations
did reflect to me, not as it were rationally but moreover sincerely. I learned all
the substance of these quotes and will certainly apply them beginning to this
point in my life until I pass on. On the off chance that all the individuals living in
this world does all the things connected all to what is composed, the world will
be at peace and without a doubt no one would endure the result of recklessness.

3. Of course, profound quality is truly critical that it serves as the ocean of life and
the window to the world. Why? since a person's profound quality can advantage
us in a few ways. Ethical characteristics have social esteem. From a versatile
point of view, ethical characteristics flag to us whether we ought to approach or
maintain a strategic distance from and whether we ought to member with that

Test your understanding!

Reflect on your readings. Do the following
(use an extra sheet for your answer)

1. What does the line mean? “To be moral is human.”

It is saying that profound quality and humankind as ideological concepts are
inseparably connected. To act corruptly is to act cruelly, whereas to act ethically
is human. It’s vital to keep in mind that this is often alluding to humankind in a
philosophical sense, not in a organic one - it isn’t saying that all natural people
are ethical animals, or indeed that no other creatures are competent of acting
ethically. It is instep alluding to what might superior be portrayed as
humaneness - conduct which we ought to sensibly be able to anticipate from any
fair-minded and ethically upstanding human being. It is in this manner
expressing that a ethical being will act humanely. In brief, it is saying that a
being’s humankind (in a philosophical sense) can be measured by its penchant to
consider the profound quality of its activities and act appropriately.
2. Do you believe that religion plays a big role in the moral formation of man? Why?
Religion given a reply by presenting convictions almost all-knowing, all-powerful
divine beings who rebuff ethical transgressions. As human social orders
developed bigger, so did the event of such convictions. And within the
nonappearance of productive common educate, the fear of God was vital for
setting up and keeping up social arrange.
3. How does conscience relate to morality?
Conscience is the personal gauge of how an individual’s actions and thoughts are
perceived internally in accordance to their perception of right and wrong.
Morality is the codified spectrum of actions and thoughts on a scale of acceptable
to unacceptable.
4. Why is morality applied only to humans or persons?
Morality can only be applied to human because there’s a reason for giving more
grounded inclination to the interface of human creatures is that as if were human
creatures can act ethically. This is often considered to be imperative since
creatures that can act ethically are required to give up their interface for the
purpose of others.
5. In not less than 300 words write an essay about the teachings on being moral
and being human. What does the natural law says on moral principle?
Morality is a critical component of a human being since it makes a difference
shape the moral establishment that each human being has. Whether to be great,
fiendish, genuine, or beguiling are fair a few of the characteristics profound
quality makes a difference us create. Hence, it is clear that ethical quality may be
a significant component of a human being. Individuals have ethical values;
that’s, they acknowledge measures concurring to which their conduct is judged
as either right or off-base, great or fiendish. The specific standards by which
ethical activities are judged shift to a few degree from person to person and
from culture to culture (in spite of the fact that a few standards, such as not to
slaughter, not to take, and to honor one's guardians, are broad and maybe all
inclusive), but esteem judgments concerning human behavior are passed in all
societies. This all-inclusiveness raises two related questions: whether the ethical
sense is portion of human nature, one more dimension of our natural make-up;
and whether moral values may be items of natural advancement instead of being
given by religious and other social conventions.
The ethical measures that oversee human behavior are, in a few senses,
equitably determined from the nature of human creatures and the nature of the
world. The ethical measures that administer human behavior are, in a few
senses, equitably determined from the nature of human creatures and the nature
of the world. Common law may be a hypothesis in morals and reasoning that
says that human creatures have natural values that oversee our thinking and
behavior. Normal law keeps up that these rules of right and off-base are
inalienable in individuals and are not made by society or court judges.

6. List down at least 5 good things and 5 bad things you did so far in your life for
the past years. What did you feel after doing all these good things/bad things?
1. I helped my friends to figure out the solutions for their problems, as well as
giving them advices on how to focus on solutions rather on the problems
2. Giving a little amount of money to beggars and less fortunate people
especially children and elder people.
3. I always obey my parents and I do not make them like they are disappointed
to me.
4. I give respect to other people, either young or old, poor or rich, I give respect
5. I respect other people’s thoughts and opinions as long as I know that they do
not interfere someone else’s life or making false thoughts towards other
So, doing good things over people makes me feel that good karma is coming
and it is ahead of me. I sincerely do not expect something in return from
people which I have done good. I let the Lord give my reward for being good.
As a human being, we are meant to do something good because we follow
God’s will.
1. Most of the time, I tend to judge people based on how they look without
knowing them first.
2. My friend and I had a massive argument and it was my fault, I did not even
get to say sorry.
3. I cannot tolerate my temper towards people that I hate, seeing them without
them doing nothing makes me feel mad.
4. There are times before that I got mad when I gets defeated in a game and I
really do not accept defeat.
5. Sometimes, I become selfish over my things and I do not share them.
Doing these wrong things makes me toxic at some point and I am in the
process of overcoming and making my actions right just to prove to other
people that I am willing to change. My attitude makes me realize that not
everything I do was right, I sometimes do wrong and I have not noticed
them. It makes me guilty and I promised that I will do nice things to the
extent of my best.
7. Should values be taught? Why?
Yes. Instructors, guardians additionally the students need to work together to
make a caring relationship between them. ... It is critical to know that ethical
values are vital to be instructed to the students since ethical values influence the
students' accomplishment and behavior.
8. List down ten (10) transcendent values which until now are observed by
1. Hospitality
This is the most common terminology that describes how Filipinos welcome
foreigners or tourists who visit the country. This trait of the Filipinos towards
their visitors is undeniably exceptional. Whenever a visitor stays in a Filipino
home, there will be a feast or a grand celebration as it is somehow a tradition
for us to prepare bountiful Filipino cuisine for guests to have a taste of our
culture through food. In addition, a cheerful family would typically be ready
to accommodate and spend time with the visitors. To add to that, Filipino
families are often more than willing to share not only their meals but their
entire home as well. As a matter of fact, Filipinos would usually greet their
visitors with the phrase “Feel at home!” to ensure that they are at ease
during their stay. For Filipinos, it is a pleasure and the country’s honor to
accept foreigners as visitors and build genuine relationships and friendship
with them.
2. Family Orientation
Filipinos are very family-oriented and there is usually no longer a distinction
among extended family, close family friends, or even your parents’ childhood
best friends. So yes, once an honorary member of a Filipino family, you can
also expect to be invited to all of their fun and food-filled gatherings.
3. Compassionate
A Filipino trait of being sympathetic to others even if the person is a stranger.
An example of this is giving alms to beggar. This is observed when we hear
Filipinos saying “kawawa naman or nakakaawa naman”.
4. Hard working
With resourcefulness comes hard work. Filipinos are very determined and
persevering in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to.
Filipinos over the years have proven time and time again that they are a
people with an industrious attitude. Sadly, this is seen by others as Filipinos
being only useful as domestic helpers, working abroad to help their families in
the country. This is also present in the country’s workforce particularly the
farmers. Even with little support, technological weaknesses and the country’s
seasonal typhoons, the Filipino farmer still strives to earn their daily meal.
5. Ability to survive
The Filipinos as a people who have been constantly under the rule of
numerous powerful countries has over time, developed a sense of
resourcefulness or the ability to survive with whatever they have. They have
the extraordinary ability to make something out of almost nothing. If a
Filipino was given just a screwdriver, plastic bags, and some tape, he would
still be able to build a bird tree, especially for the sake of survival, and
provided that he be allowed to hunt for some needed surrounding material.
6. Faith and religiosity
The Philippines is approximately 85 percent Christians (mostly Roman
Catholic Christians), 10 percent Muslim, and 5 percent ‘other’ religions,
including the Taoist-Buddhist religious beliefs of Chinese and the ‘indigenous’
animistic beliefs of some peoples in upland areas that resisted 300 years of
Spanish colonial rule. This is a reflection of the Filipinos’ strong faith in God as
seen in their various practices. This includes the numerous Church Holidays
they observe, the customary (and obligatory) Sunday Mass, the individual’s
basis of their moral standpoints, the influence of the Church on the minds,
actions, and opinions of the majority, importance of the Sacraments, Praying
at almost any possible time of the day, the extreme practices during Holy
7. Pakikipagkapwa-tao
This is the shared sense of identity and consciousness of the ‘other’. It means
treating others with respect and dignity as an equal, not someone below the
8. Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity
Studies show that Filipinos often have an aversion to a set of standardized
rules or procedures; They are known to follow a Natural Clock or Organic
sense of time- doing things in the time they feel is right. They are present-
oriented: which means that one attends to a task or requirement at the time
it is needed and does not worry much about future engagements. This allows
the Filipino to adapt and be flexible in doing the tasks at times not bound to a
particular schedule or timeframe. This allows them think on their feet and be
creative in facing whatever challenge or task they have even when it is
already right in front of them.
9. Joy and Humour
This famous trait is the ability of Filipinos to find humour in everything. It
sheds light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation
they are in so as to remain determined in going through struggles or
challenges. It serves as a coping technique, the same way a child who has
fallen laughs at himself/herself to hide his/her embarrassment.
10.Spirit of Kinship and Camarederie
A Filipino community spirit and cooperation wherein a group of individuals
extends a helping hand without expecting any remuneration. It is
characterized by communal work towards one goal exmplified in carrying a
nipa house or pushing a passenger jeepney.
9. Go to https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Max_Scheler and make an
analysis of Max Scheler’sHiearchy of Values. Make detailed analysis of the
different levels of values that a man passed in his lifetime. Write in an A4 bond

In understanding with the over standards, Scheler classified the values into the taking
after four categories(from the foot to the beat); (1) the value of pleasure and
displeasure(the emotional value), (2) the value of the sense of life(and welfare as a
subsidiary value to it), (3) the mental value(perception, beauty, justice), (4) the value
of holiness. Further he isolated the mental esteem into the esteem of excellence, the
esteem of equity, and the esteem of seeing the truth. The esteem of heavenliness was
entirely recognized from all the other values, which were thought to be given as the
images of the esteem of holiness. Thus, Scheler recommended five standards, by which
the positions of values can be chosen, and displayed four levels of values. This thought
is exceptionally instrumental in choosing the positions of values. He put the solid mental
values higher than the brief physical values, put the mental products higher than the
fabric products, set the fulfillment from creative reflection over the fabric fulfillment,
acknowledged the esteem of the sense of life more exceedingly than the passionate
esteem of delight and disappointment, and set the mental esteem of recognition,
excellence, and equity higher than the esteem of the sense of life. Typically
an amazing thought that can offer the proper sense of values for a few modern
individuals with the mixed-up sense of values.

Your reflection here.

Direction: Make a paragraph which composed of your thoughts on the following


 What perspective have you established on teaching profession after reading the
poem and teaching as profession? Why?
 How would you prepare yourself for the role of professional teacher?
 What impression would you like to leave to the minds of your students, parents of
your students, and to the community when you start teaching? Why?
As I examined the poem, I realized that it depends upon an educator on the off chance
that he will take educating a work or a mission. I fair realized that genuine lessons
come from the intellect. An educator doing his mission does not depend on pay day,
but on students' learning. Learning does not as it were including the intellect, the heart
has a place as well, but it needs to be balanced. A real instructor doing a mission
includes a energy and heart for instructing. As an aspiring teacher, the only way I got
to think is that, I must have the enthusiasm on what I am doing. I need to offer each
small aptitudes and information that I have. I got to be open for feedback so I can
move forward myself along the way. Building relationship with all your students so that
learning is obvious and can be effortlessly exchanged. Teaching-learning is conceivable
in the event that everybody is open for collaboration. The impression I would like to
leave is, be genuine and do not fear every challenge you might encounter. A teacher is
brave and resilient, he is optimistic and he can mange the whole situation. He is sincere
in guiding his students toward learning. A teacher has a passion for teaching and he will
take all the risk just for his students to acquire knowledge.

 Write a five (5) stanza poem that reflects your vision of yourself as professional
teacher informed of your mission and vocation.

I am a teacher
Who holds firm on my sworn duty
I am dedicated to your education
Because it is my passion

My liberation is to serve you with conviction

I tend to get tired at some point
But thinking of you makes me feel alive
My mission is to make you strive

I am a teacher
Who educates you with value
And to see yourself with value
I am here to guide you.

My vision is to see you successful

Even if there’s time that I am doubtful
Times I don’t think I can survive
All I want is to help you thrive

And when you are sad

Just learn that I am always around
Yes, I am just your teacher
But I can be your crying shoulder

Directions: Choose from the numbers of educational philosophies enumerated below
that is best described in each number. Write only the letter of your
b. Progressivism b. Perennialism c. Existentialism d. Behaviorism

e. Essentialism f. Constructivism g. Linguistic Philosophy

B. 1. There is no substitute for concrete experience in learning.

D. 2. Human beings are shaped by their environment.
E. 3. Schools should stress on the teaching of basic skills.
D. 4. Change of environment can change a person.
B. 5. Schools must develop students’ capacity to reason by stressing on
F. 6. Learners produce knowledge based on their experiences.
C. 7. A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her own pace.
F. 8. The learner is not a blank slate but brings past experiences and cultural
factors to the learning situation.
G. 9. The learner must be taught how to communicate his ideas and feelings.
C. 10. An individual is what he/she chooses to become not dictated by his/her
E. 11. The teacher and the school head must prescribe what is most important
for the students to learning.
B. 12. Our course of study should be general’ not specialized; liberal, and not
vocational; humanistic not technical.
F. 13. Teacher cannot impose meaning; students make meaning of what they
are taught.
E. 14. Curriculum should emphasize on the traditional discipline such as math,
natural science, history, grammar, and literature.
B. 15. The focus of education should be the ideas that are as relevant today as
when they were first conceived.
B. 16. Students should read and analyze the Great Books, the creative works
of history’s finest thinkers and writers.
C. 17. Schools should help individuals accept themselves as unique individuals
and accept responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions.
G. 18. The truth shines in an atmosphere of genuine dialogue.
F. 19. The classroom is not a place where teachers pour knowledge into empty
minds of the students.
C. 20. There is no universal, inborn human nature. We are born and exist and
then we ourselves freely determine our essence.
Part II
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

TRUE 21. Values have cognitive dimension.

TRUE 22. Transcendent values are values dependent on time, place and culture.
FALSE 23. The natural law is known only by the learned.
TRUE 24. The Five Pillars of Islam are reflective of the natural law.
TRUE 25. A person of good moral character is virtuous regardless of immaturity.
FALSE 26. Nothing is willed unless it is planned.
FALSE 27. Values are freely chosen and chosen after due reflection.
FALSE 28. Virtuous life happens after one experienced a vicious life.
TRUE 29. Training of the will must be essentially self-training.
TRUE 30. Values are caught and taught.
FALSE 31. The etymology of the word ‘vocation’ based from the Latin word “vocare”
means ‘the voice’.
TRUE 32. Christians, call their God as Himself, for our brother and sister Muslims, they
call their God as Allah.
TRUE 33. Abraham was called by God to lead God’s chosen people in Egypt in order to
free them from slavery.
TRUE 34. In the New Testament, Mary was also called by God to be the mother of the
Savior, Jesus Christ.
TRUE 35. In Islam, Muhammad was the last of the prophets to be called by Allah to
spread His teachings.
TRUE 36. The word mission comes from the Latin word “misio” means “to send”.
FALSE 37. The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines mission as “task distributed
to people in the organization”.
TRUE 38. Buddha must have also heard the call to abandon his royal life in order to
seek the answer to the problem on suffering.

TRUE 39. The mission of a teacher is merely to teach the child the fundamental skills or
basic r’s of reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic and right conduct.
TRUE 40. His Holiness Pope Francis affirmed this thought: “Do more, have more in
order to be more!”


Directions: For items 1 to 4, encircle the correct letter that corresponds to your


A. 1. This are set of skills, knowledge, behaviors, and attributes that enable
effective teaching performance. The objective is to serve as a guide for use in teacher
professional development toward realizing 21st Century Skills and practices within a
context that is regionally appropriate and in line with global best practices.


B. 2. What do you mean by the Acronym PPST?

P_______ P_______ S_____ T_____

A. Professional Philippine Standards for Teachers

B. Philippine Professioanl Standards for Teachers

A. 3. Teachers are always the role model inside the classroom. Is this true?
Encircle your answer.

A. Yes B. No

A. 4. Teachers play a crucial role in nation building. Is this True? Encircle your

A. Yes B. No.

5. Below are the 4 career stages presented by the DepEd in relation to PPST.
What do you think comes first? Number it 1 to 4, Place your answer on the blank
provided for.

Career Stage ____2_____ or Professional Teachers

Career Stage ____1_____ or Beginning Teachers

Career Stage____4_____ or Distinguished Teachers

Career Stage____3____ or Highly Professional Teachers

A. 6. Teachers in this stage have a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in
which they are trained in terms of content knowledge and pedagogy. They seek advice
from experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching practice.

A.Career Stage 1 Beggining teacher

B.Career Stage 2 or Professional Teachers

C.Career Stage 3 or Highly Professional Teachers

D.Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers

F. 7. Domain 2, Learning Environment, consists of following strands EXCEPT.


the letter of your answer.

A. Fair learning Environment

B.Management of Classroom structure
C.Support for learner participation
D.Promotion of purposive learning
E.Management of learner behavior
F.Application of Content knowledge across curriculum areas

B. 8. Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, is composed of seven strands:

Which is the EXCEPTION? Encircle your answer

A.Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
B.Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress
D.C.Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
E.Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
F.Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-
order thinking skills
G.Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning

B. 9. It is described as the levels of educational qualifications and set the standards

for qualification outcomes. It is a quality assured national system for the development,
recognition and award of qualifications based on standards of knowledge, skills and
values acquired in different ways and methods by learners and workers of the country”
A. PPST B. Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) C. PQF

True or False
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and write F if the Statement is incorrect.
Write your answer before each number.

__T__ 1. Learners of today have different ways of thinking, reacting, responding, and
getting motivated.
__F__ 2. The 21st century learning environment is characterized by being more
teacher-centered than student-centered.

__T__3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide new learning

environments that offer undesirable opportunities in education.

__F__ 4. The 21st century learning content discourages cooperative and collaborative
effort among learners, teachers, and instructional media.

__T__ 5. In the 21st century, teachers can deliver her lesson via on-line or internet.

__F__ 6. Learning may be interpreted in one way as learning to be human.

__T___7. Learning to live together means understanding of other people and an

appreciation of interdependent.

__T___ 8. The traditional learning environment is characterized by rote memorization

in a teacher-centered classroom, and the “chalk and talk“

Part II
Multiple Choice.
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided before the
_B__9. it pertains to students who belong to different groups orientation with diverse

learning needs, It encompasses different elements, such as “socio-economic, world-

view, race, age, cultural, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, cognitive abilities,

life experiences, and developmental stage”

A. Students B. diversity of learners C. Teacher D. Diversity of Teachers

__C__10. It is defined as the values, traditions, social and worldview shared by a

group of people bound together by a combination of factors that include one or more of

the following: a common history, geographic location, language, social classes, and

religion.”(Derman-Sparks 1989 )

A. Values B Tradition C. Culture. D. Norms

__D__. 11 it deals with the extent to which teachers use examples and content from a
variety of cultures and groups to illustrate key concepts, principles, generalizations, and
theories in their subject area or discipline.

A. An empowering school culture. B.Prejudice reduction.

C. The knowledge construction process. D. Content integration

__A__12. An approach to school reform, and a movement for equity, social justice, and
democracy. It’s major goal is to restructure schools so that all students acquire the
knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function in an ethnically and racially diverse
nation and world.

A. Multicultural education B Tradition C. Culture. D. norm

Question: What is your knowledge regarding the items below? Write your answer on
the space provided for you.
1. Learning environment.
2. School and community relations
3. Ethics for professional teachers

1.Learning Environment
Learning environment alludes to the assorted actual areas, settings, and societies in
which students learn. Since students may learn in a wide assortment of settings, for
example, outside-of-school areas and open-air conditions, the term is regularly utilized
as a more precise or favored option in contrast to homeroom, which has more restricted
and conventional meanings—a life with columns of work areas and a blackboard, for

The term likewise envelops the way of life of a school or class—its managing ethos and
qualities, incorporating how people interact with and treat each other—just as the
manners by which instructors may coordinate an instructive setting to encourage
learning—e.g., by directing classes in pertinent normal environments, gathering work
areas in explicit ways, adorning the dividers with learning materials, or using sound,
visual, and advanced innovations. Furthermore, because the characteristics and
qualities of a learning climate are dictated by a wide assortment of elements, school
arrangements, administration structures, and different highlights may likewise be
viewed as components of a "learning environment."

2. School and community relations

school-community relationship commonly alludes to the different people, gatherings,
organizations, and establishments that are put resources into the government
assistance and imperativeness of a state-funded school and its locale—i.e., the areas
and districts served by the school. includes the school heads, instructors, and staff
individuals who work in a school; the students who go to the school and their folks and
families; and neighborhood occupants and associations that have a stake in the school's
prosperity, for example, educational committee individuals, city authorities, and chose
agents; organizations, associations, and social establishments; and related associations
and gatherings, for example, parent-educator affiliations, "supporter clubs," beneficent
establishments, and volunteer school-improvement boards (to give some examples). In
different settings, in any case, instructors may utilize the term while alluding, all the
more explicitly, to the feeling of "community" experienced by those working, educating,
and learning in a school—i.e., the directors, personnel, staff, and students. For this
situation, instructors may likewise be effectively attempting to improve the way of life
of a school, fortify connections among educators and students, and cultivate sentiments
of consideration, mindful, shared reason, and aggregate venture.

3. Ethics for Professional Teachers

Instructors assist students with learning the scholastic nuts and bolts, however they
additionally show significant life exercises by setting a positive model. As good
examples, instructors must follow an expert code of morals. This guarantees that
students get a reasonable, genuine and solid instruction. An expert code of morals
diagrams educators' principle duties to their students and characterizes their part in
students' lives. Most importantly, educators must show respectability, fairness, and
moral conduct in the study hall and their direction with guardians and colleagues. 

Students Matter Most

Instructors must model solid character characteristics, for example, tirelessness,

trustworthiness, regard, legality, tolerance, reasonableness, obligation, and solidarity.
As an instructor, you should treat each understudy with generosity, balance, and
regard, without indicating bias, bias, or favoritism. You should keep up classification
except if a circumstance warrants contribution from guardians, school organization, or
law authorization, and never use associations with students for individual addition. 

Commitment to the Job 

Educators should completely focus on the instructing calling. Your homeroom ought to
advance wellbeing, security, and acknowledgment, continually evading any type of
tormenting, antagonism, deceitfulness, disregard, or hostile lead. You should precisely
portray your capabilities, certifications, and licenses to educational committees or
administrators who try to enlist you. You should likewise satisfy all agreements; obey
school arrangements; and record for all assets and assets available to you. It's your
duty to plan exercise intends to fulfill state guidelines and make a balanced instruction
plan that requests to a wide scope of students. 

Continue Learning 

An expert implicit rule requests mindfulness to proceeding with instruction prerequisites

and professional improvement. You should explore new showing strategies, go to
classes to keep up your affirmations, counsel associates for professional guidance,
partake in educational program enhancements and keep awake to date on specialized
progressions for the study hall. You should guarantee that your instructing techniques
are new, pertinent, and complete. Instructors must take part in instructive examination
to constantly improve their education systems. 

Solid Relationships Top the List 

Notwithstanding cultivating sound associations with students, instructors must form

solid associations with guardians, school staff, partners in the network, direction
advocates, and directors. You should never examine private data about partners except
if exposure is legally necessary. Continuously evade tattle, including bogus or gutless
remarks about colleagues. Part of the code of morals expects you to help out individual
educators, guardians, and managers to make an air that is helpful for learning. You
may be called upon to prepare understudy instructors as they get ready to fill in as
teachers, so an inspirational mentality and a group focused attitude can have a
significant effect.

Matching Type
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer
before each number

Column B
Column A
_B___1.This association was established in 1977 and is authorized
by the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to certify
the quality levels of accredited programs at the tertiary level, for the
A. Southeast Asian
purpose of granting progressive deregulation and other benefits. Ministers of Education
_A__ 2 It is the center for training educational leaders from the Organization
southeast region under the SEAMEO organization. It is an B. Federation of
international organization established in 1965 among governments of Accrediting Association
Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in of the Philippines
education, science and culture in Southeast Asia.
_G___3.this is an accrediting body composed of different private
educational institutions that stamp other private schools with a quality
standard attained with regard to their programs. C. Philippine Association
of State Universities
_H__4.The primary aims of the department is to Supports and Colleges (PASUC)
undergraduate and graduate scholarship programs in science and
D. Network of Outstanding
mathematics in the Regional Science Teaching Centers.
teachers and
Educators (NOTED)
_E__5. This is the Philippine government’s agency in charge of promoting
relevant and quality higher education, ensuring access to quality higher
E. The Commission on
education, and guaranteeing and protecting academic freedom. Higher Education
_D__6.This is an organization that promotes a culture of excellence and F. Pi Lambda Theta
service among educators through professional development, publications, G. Philippine Accrediting
research, and advocacy in active partnership with government and non- Association of Schools,
government organizations annually participated by its members.
Colleges and
_C__7.is an association of public tertiary school level institutions in the Universities (PAASCU)
Philippines. These comprise all 102 State Universities and Colleges (SUC) H. Department of Science
which are under the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
and Technology
_J___8.This is an accrediting agency whose main focus is to develop a I. Association for
mechanism of, and conduct the evaluation of programs and institutions." Supervision and
_F___9. One of the main objectives of this organization is to recognize
Development (ASCD)
outstanding students’ teachers from the college of education. who intend
to pursue careers in education? Its main project is Excellence in Teaching J. Association for
Project (ETP).
Accrediting Colleges
and Universities of the
_I___10. This association aims to serve as a world-class leader in Philippines (AACUP)
education information services. it also mandates to develop programs,
products, and services essential to the way educators learn, teach and

Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


Directions: List down 3 best teachers for you and tell how she or he influenced you for
what you are now. You may paste his or her picture in the box in the first column. Give
5 adjectives that would best describe your favorite teacher in the second column. In
the last column, describe their competencies in teaching.

The three best teachers Adjectives that best Describe how

for me describe them competent they were
in teaching

Optimistic Despite of how

complicated our situation
Mrs. Margarita Dorothy is, she is still doing her
Reyes best to teach her students.
Ma’am Dorothy is a
marvelous and has a
positive outlook where she
is very sure that her
students will learn

Enthusiastic His enthusiasm makes

everyone learn even in
Mr. Crisanto de Leon virtual, he is flexible and
an inspiration.
Determined Ma’am Joy is competent to
the way she delivers her
Mrs. Joseline Santos lessons, she is very clear
and has a very good
approach to her students.
Learning is very visible and
can be acquired easily.


Direction: Write your answer on the space provided below.

Question: Now that you are aware of the competencies and standards that a
teacher should possess, are you still wanting to become a professional teacher? Why?

Of course. A teacher must be an epitome where children should follow and possess its
good personality that leads them to becoming a good leader. What a child sees, he
imitates it. Therefore, what a teacher shows his students, it will be imitated by his
students because students think that what their teacher does is appropriate.

Reflection/ Learning Insights

Write your answer on the space provided below.

1. After a thorough discussion about the competencies and standards for

teachers, what are the initial steps that you are going to do to be able to meet the
standard required of teachers.

• Be open to teamwork

Education is not a process that you can handle alone. You can’t carry the burden
of learning by yourself, you need to make sure that your students are open to
cooperation and learning. Many teachers see themselves as leaders that should take
charge when it comes to educating students.

• Show passion when teaching

Teachers often start their careers with an extreme passion for their work. This
feeling is quickly lost as teaching becomes part of a routine. Repeating the same things
and covering the same topics over and over tends to make them feel less interesting for
the speaker.

• Manage your time well

It’s no secret that teachers have a lot of work on their hands. Not only do you
have to spend hours and hours teaching students, but you also have to prepare the
subject in advance.

• Never stop learning

Helping students learn is only half the job of teaching. Students aren’t the only
ones that are expected to learn a thing or two. Teachers have to be constantly on the
lookout for new and relevant information that pertains to their field.

• Overcome obstacles

Teaching is a very specific job with both benefits and downsides. The teacher’s
year is often considered one of the premier benefits of being a teacher. Instead of
having a traditional twelve months of work, teachers are able to rest and recuperate
while school is out.


Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Activity: Do you still remember your favorite teacher in elementary or even in high
school? Do you remember how your classroom looks like or even the delivery of lessons
from your teacher’s? How about you, what kind of students are you then? Kindly
describe the following items below. Write your answer on the 2nd column.

In high school, our classroom was quite simple back then, a

lot of philosophical quotation are attached on the wall.
My school /my Mostly from famous philosophers. You can see some
classroom designs. Good thing was that my teacher back then was
asking which design we should attach. And we all choose a
minimalist, yet it is modern and pleasing to the eyes.
My favorite teacher was in high school. He was good at
delivering his lessons, he starts the class where he calls a
My teacher student to state his favorite philosophical quote and how it
affected his/her life, and what is more interesting in his
discussion was it has an integration of recitation and when
someone answers or participates in the discussion, he/she
will be given a chip where he/she must save and collect and
will serve as an additional grade.

I am a student who’s fond of studying alone because I

believe that I learn most all by myself and I can easily be
My self distracted that is why I opt to go in a room and study. I am
also a student who is friendly, happy-go-lucky kind of
student. I have a lot of friends.

My favorite teacher has a technique which I cannot forget,

and I will definitely apply when I am in the field. Process of
The process of teaching was really smooth to the point that everyone
teaching learns, and we are all eager to see him because we are all
certain that other learnings will be acquired.

2. Getting to know each other: interview 8 of your classmates, ask them about the
information below. Fill up the table below to answer this activity

Students Diversity

Name of your Province Language Religion Color Customs and

classmates traditions

1. Awa, Bulacan Tagalog Catholic White Pamamanhikan.

Rochelle Pamamanhikan is
a Filipino custom
where a man,
together with his
family, pays a visit
to the home of his
intended bride. In
this occasion, his
family will ask the
formal blessing of
the woman's family
for the wedding.

2. Dalusung, Pampang Kapampan Catholic Tan

Jocelyn a gan Apung Iru
Festival. Apung
Iru Fluvial Festival
is an annual
celebration held in
Pampanga every
June 28-30. It is
also the feast day
of the town's
Patron, St.
Peter. The local
term “Apung Iru”
refers to the image
of St. Peter. 

Every year,
devotees in the
town of Apalit holds
a colorful fluvial
procession or
Apung Iru Fluvial
Parade. It is the
most awaited
activity of the

On its first day

(June 28), the holy
image was
transferred through
a fluvial procession
from Capalangan to
Apalit Parish
Church in a colorful
and decorated
float. While the
float was traveling
with other boats
along the
Pampanga River,
devotees were
praying and singing
religious hymns.
The image had
stayed in Apalit
Church until the
last day of the
feast (June 30) and
returned to its
original shrine at
Capalangan with
same process and
river routes.

3. Morelos, Bulacan Tagalog Catholic Tan Dakip. This is a

Maribeth special event
happens every holy
week or lenten
season, only in the
municipality of
Bulakan, Bulacan. 
From the word itself,
you can easily
identify what does
this event signifies. 
It is a play that
portrays on how
Jesus Crist was

4. Pangan, Pampang Kapampan Born Again Tan Eating with a Fork

Almira a gan Christian and Spoon.

One Filipinos
identity is that they
are eat using a fork
and a spoon. The
fork is place in the
left hand while the
spoon is in the right
hand. Fork is used
to place or push the
food into the spoon
which is held by the
right hand.

5. Prado, Bulacan Tagalog Catholic Tan Death. After the

Andrea death of a person, a
nine-day period of
having a novena of
prayers and Masses
offered up to the
deceased is held,
although the
beginning of the
"Siyam na araw"
varies, but usually
ends the week after
the death. Another
period follows after
death, the 40-day
mourning period.
Family members
indicate their state
of bereavement by
wearing a small,
black rectangular
plastic pin on their
left breast or breast
pocket area. A
ceremonial mass is
held at the end of
this 40-day period.
Common belief
states that the soul
goes to Heaven
after these 40 days,
following the belief
that Jesus Christ
ascended to Heaven
after the said period
of days.

6. Santos, Pampang Tagalog Catholic Tan Superstition.

Ronalee a
In the Philippines,
superstitious beliefs
have grown
throughout the
country. These
beliefs have come
from the different
sayings and beliefs
of our ancestors
that aim to prevent
danger from
happening or to
make a person
refrain from doing

These beliefs are

part of our culture,
for one derives their
beliefs from the
influences of what
their customs,
traditions and
culture have
dictated to explain
certain phenomena
or to scare people.
Some are practiced
primarily because
Filipinos believe that
there is nothing to
lose if they will
comply with these

7. Santiago, Bulacan Tagalog Born Again Tan Bayanihan.

Charmaine Christian Although not as
evident as it was
before, bayanihan
truly captures the
strong sense of
community Filipinos
have and is usually
exemplified through
helping a neighbor
transfer houses.
bayanihan meant
your neighbors
literally carrying
your entire kubo
(native nipa hut) to
your new home

8. Gadnao, Bulacan Tagalog Born Again Tan Respect.

Jerald Christian
Family bonds are
important to
Filipinos. The elderly
is honored and
respected and
children are taught
to say 'po' and 'apo,'
showing respect to
their grandparents,
from an early age.
There is a special
greeting to show
veneration, 'mano,'
whereby you take
the hand of an
elderly person and
place it on your
forehead as if
receiving his

Let’s have a throwback, close your eyes and try to remember your elementary
and high school days. What’s the difference between education then and education at
present. Answer this activity by supplying the asked data below.

The tripartite of Past Present


Learners Learners in the past were Learners in this era are

practiced with the technology-driven and
traditional method, chalk everyone are using
and board, visual aids like gadgets to access
manila paper, cartolina, education. Today, learners
books, etc. are engaged with hands-on
activities for them to be
able to learn completely.

Teachers Teachers in the past were Teachers today are not

holding less responsibilities only responsible for
than nowadays. For teaching students, doing
example, teachers in the paper work, planning
past, they were just lessons but they also have
teaching students, give to deal with the work even
homework to them and at home and during
return home after school. weekends

Environment Past school environment Present school

was designed to attract environment can be seen
students’ attention and as minimalist even in
foster imagination by elementary unlike what
putting a lot of fancy was of the past years.
designs, paintings which Minimalist where
are a great factor of environment focused on
empowering the student’s integrating technology like
creativity and exposing posting pictures that
them into arts. engage students in the
modern world or what we
call 21st century learning.


Conduct a simple virtual interview to any of the officials or teachers in your school and
Question: “Assuming that the continuum drawn below represents the learning
environment of your school. Where will you position your school in the continuum?

Encircle the number where you think your school is nearing. Justify your answer. Place
your answer on the box below.

Write your justification here:

I encircled 7 because as to what I am currently experiencing, traditional learning

environment is gradually fading but still a not thoroughly, our school is highly
engaged with technology which we find helpful and conducive to students’
learning. Although, an essence of traditional way is still instilled with students
because it cannot be erased all through out and the reason why we still do this is
that our school does not have enough facility and equipment that support 21 st
century learning. Shortcoming with equipment results to our school inevitably
teaching our students with the traditional way.

1. Choose one (from A-E) and answer the question.

How can you help your school be more aligned with the requirement of 21st
century education?
A. Teacher-
I think great instructing is acceptable educating. I additionally like how the 21st-century
educator qualities diagram how innovation has given more open doors in training, and
how savvy instructors amplify these open doors for educating and expert learning.

For instance, on the off chance that we are "focused on students and their learning,"
we join the "formal and casual" learning openings our students have past school. We
realize how our students adapt casually outside school either through their "genuine
world" and online encounters. We know the books they read for individual interest,
regardless of whether it be on hardcover, softcover, Kindle, Nook, or iPad. We know the
games and instruments they play. We understand what they like to do on the PC,
regardless of whether it is games, long-range informal communication, or viewing
instructional online recordings on the most proficient method to utilize innovation on
YouTube. We know their encounters with their families.

As successful instructors did in the twentieth century, powerful educators in the 21st
century will fuse what they think about students in their proper guidance. The
innovation in the 21st century will permit the successful educators to connect these
learning encounters even more normally and flawlessly.

As more advanced instruments become accessible and advances that encourage

learning in numerous modalities through simultaneous or offbeat online conditions
become more common and open, similarly as viable instructors in the twentieth century
augmented accessible assets for their homeroom, 21st-century educators will keep
looking for extra apparatuses and roads to improve understudy learning.
B. Learners -
C. learning environment-
D. Learning content-
E. Process of learning

2. The 4 Pillars of learning guarantee a complete Education. React on this? You

may write your answer on the box below.
It is focused on the reflection and significance of "learning all through life"- an
extensive and long-lasting idea of discovering that covers an individual's amount of
encounters (from birth to death), or from different phases of human existence,
places, circumstance, people, organizations and exercises of life that empower him
to arrive at his most extreme possibilities as a person. The learning cycle is
supposed to be persistent a perpetual and reformist method of tending to the
comprehensive necessities of an individual. The four mainstays of instruction typify a
two-overlap reason, specifically: (1) to advance the arrangement of the human
individual in all their measurement and all phase of their turn of events: and (2) to
make every grown-up a functioning developer of their future and of things to come
of the networks to which the person has a place. From this two-crease reason, one
can gather that the four mainstays of training have two focal capacity: the individual
reason and the cultural or worldwide reason. Strikingly, the previous is the individual
reason, while the latter is the cultural or worldwide reason. It must be pushed, now,
that these two reasons for existing are not restrictive but rather are interrelated.

Reflection/Learning Insights

Choose one and reflect and write your insights on one whole sheet of paper.

a). “We may have different religions, different colored skin, but we all belong to one
human race.” - Kofi Annan

b). “As a glocal teacher,” Act locally but think globally” - Roland Robertson

“We may have different religions, different colored skin, but we all belong to
one human race.” - Kofi Annan
What I think Kofi Annan is attempting to state is regardless of what religion we are or
what dialects we talk, or what shading our skin is, we are one and come from one race.
Those things don't characterize us or set us apart from one another. It's us humans
who think if an individual isn't in a similar religion as we may be. That individual is
separate from the race. In the wake of perusing the coursebook and after all the
examinations I've done, I discovered that Christianity is the world's biggest religion and
the most conspicuous religion on earth. Christianity is a religion that was established by
Paul of Tarsus, its center is instructing of Jesus Christ and the expression of God, and
they accept that Jesus Christ was sent by the God Father to spare us from our
transgressions. The Hebrews who were not entitled to acknowledge this Godlike
character and the Romans who considered him to be a need to be both proceeded to
challenge him and blamed him for doing stuff he didn't think about.


Lesson Proper/Course Methodology


1. What do you think are the primary reasons why the school and the community
should work cooperatively and harmoniously?

The school and the community should work together

hand in hand because...

1 It complements and reinforces values, culture and the learning

opportunities that schools can provide for their students.

2 To lift up and raise our schools to a place that suits all 21st century
learners, help needs to come from many parts of the community.

3 It can be an appropriate and effective collaboration and teaming are

seen as key factors to community development, learning and family

4 It can interconnect together many resources and strategies to enhance

communities that support all youth and their families.

5 They could improve schools, strengthen neighborhoods and lead to a

noticeable reduction in young people's problems.

2. Do you think that teachers should serve as a role model inside and outside the
school? Can you name some reasons why she should act as one?
Primary reasons why should a teacher act as a

Role model inside and outside the school

1 Teachers being role models includes showing students how to make

sense of the world, and express different ideas in a peaceful way.

2 Teachers can model for students on how they should act when they
speak with others, and how to actively listen to other points of view.

3 Teachers can help the students to grow and follow their life style for a
successful carrier. In today’s world, teaching is considered to be a
versatile profession which demands extreme professionalism

Direction: Read and write your answer on the space provided below.

1. Try to recall the classroom that you have in elementary school, Is that an
example of a conducive learning environment? Why? Justify your answer
2. How can you say that the school and the community are interconnected to each
other? Prove your answer.
1. Way back in elementary, I can infer that the classroom setting before was a
favorable environment because our homerooms were loaded up with various artworks
just as improvements that vitalizes our psyches and simultaneously finding a greater
amount of our imagination abilities. Individuals may have figured elementary students
don't cause an individual to learn in light of the fact that they imagine that elementary
students are probably going to be engaged in playing yet much to their dismay, the
environment is an extraordinary factor toward students learning.

2. Community is a piece of the general public and schooling is the partner of both.
School is the social foundation where intentionally planned learning encounters are
furnished with the goals of accomplishing social focus on enormous, throughout some
undefined time frame. School is additionally characterized as a subsystem of the bigger
arrangement of the general public. It needs to practically organize with its nearby
climate, the network wherein it is arranged.


Let’s apply what you learned

1. For you, how would you describe a good school and community partnership?
2. Do you experience this in your own school/community, share your experience.
3. Construct a simple policy on partnership between school and community.

1. School–community group organization have demonstrated guarantee as an

instructive change exertion. In these associations, schools extend their customary
instructive mission to incorporate wellbeing and social administrations for kids and
families and to include the more extensive network. Such associations have been found
to improve understudy learning, reinforce schools, and backing battling neighborhoods.
Little is thought, in any case, about the suggestions for school and network initiatives in
various kinds of organizations. Network cooperation with schools supplements and
strengthens qualities, culture, and the learning openings that schools can accommodate
their students. These organizations make schools more grounded. Family and network
inclusion may add to the nature of schools' direction projects and students' mentalities
and conduct. School direction and backing administrations are more grounded and
serve students better if instructors, students, and families are very much associated.

2. Many experiences involve the school and the community especially when there is a
clean-up drive. The people in the community with the partnership of the school and its
staff were making plans on how to execute the plan for the beautification and
cleanliness in the community and school. There was a time that I volunteered in the
project and it was worth it to see that you had your effort given to the community that
turned the environment into a place that guarantees safety for everyone.

3. School-Community Partnership Policy

1. Esteem and urge up close and personal connections.

2. Make safe spaces where everybody is welcome and esteemed as a specialist in their

3. Energize families, schools and networks to cooperate to improve understudy


4. Empower a scope of voices to be heard by leaders.

5. Are available to parent and network pioneers from assorted foundations.

6. Dedicate adequate assets to parent commitment and network outreach.

Given the following situations below, what do think would be the role of the school to
the community or vice-versa?

Given Situations What the School can do What the community

for the community can do for the school?

1. During Covid 19 School can help provide

Pandemic knowledge that will serve as
a guidance and awareness
over people who are not
erudite about the pandemic
and its effects. School can be
used as a temporary
quarantine center for people
who are under monitoring
with COVID-19.

2. Calamity crisis During calamities, the school

personnel can help the
community by aiding such as
helping them evacuate and
the school itself can be used
as a shelter to the victims of
a certain calamity.

3. National Election Voting during national During national elections,

election takes place in the people in the community
school. Teachers assist the serves as watchers or
voters upon voting and their those who help the school
roles is to have a smooth personnel to organize
process of voting and stuffs and look over if
discussing the proper something inappropriate
etiquette during voting. is being done inside the

4. 4P’s School is used as a place 4Ps beneficiaries clean up

where 4ps beneficiary forms drive includes the
are arranged and fixed. environment in a certain
town and schools.

5. Brigada Eskwela School assists the community People in community help

to what is appropriate to do the school in cleaning the
with Brigada Eskwela as well vicinity and help
as giving them preparing the teachers for
acknowledgement on their the upcoming academic
deeds especially that helped year.
the school into turning it into
a prepared place where
children will study.

Reflection/Learning Insights

1. If a teacher plays a vital role in nation building, what are the important steps you
should do as a professional teacher? Write your answer below.
 Professional teachers are esteem driven, guided by standards, enthusiasm, and a
reason greater than themselves.

 Professional teachers are need examiners – able to analyze and recommend

choices for instructive achievement and importance.

 Professional teachers accept their work is a livelihood and calling as opposed to

an occupation where one simply consumes space.
 Professional teachers perceive that change is the standard. They are
development situated and see themselves as deep rooted students and

 Professional teachers are atmosphere makers, perceiving that the conditions that
encompass learning add to learning.

 Professional teachers are impetuses in advancing determined dangers that

advance their calling and empower everybody admittance to progress.

 Professional teachers advance cohesiveness, joint effort, and group building.

They advance a "we are better together" theory.

 Professional teachers establish an atmosphere of possession by guaranteeing

that everybody engaged with the instructive cycle is welcome to partake.

 Professional teachers are responsible to their customers, network, guardians and

students, giving a quality instructive program to all youngsters.

 Professional teachers have a place with an association that advances their calling
above close to home increase.


Lesson Proper/Course Methodology

Direction: Before proceeding to the subject matter for today. Kindly answer the activity
provided. Place your answer on the space below.

1. As a student, have you engaged yourself in an organization on your campus?

What was your participation?
2. What is the name of the organization where you are affiliated?
3. What are the objectives of your organizations?

1. When I was in high school, I was a Supreme Student Government officer, I was
appointed as their Public Information Officer and my task was to gather information
about an issue or matter in school that needs to be solved.
2. Supreme Student Government

3. The main objective of our organization was to ensure the welfare and be the voice of
our fellow students, to give them the environment as well as helping them be the
person they want to be inside the campus.


Being an officer/ member of a certain organization in your college, have you

ever been given the opportunity to attend local/regional/national seminars/activities
conducted by a respected professional teacher organization? Write a short narrative
regarding your participation in the said organization.

I am currently a member of an organization in my course and had joined a web seminar

that talked about dealing with the pandemic and the new normal in education, what
must do and must possessed during this time.


Part I
Multiple Choice
Direction: Encircle the correct letter that corresponds to your answer.

A. 1. The right of students to receive relevant quality education is primarily

achieved through___________.

a. competent instruction b. strong curriculum

c. school community relations d. competent administrator

A. 2. The REPUBLIC ACT No. 10968 is describing the levels of educational

qualifications and set the standards for qualification outcomes this is also known as
a.PQF b. PPST c. CFT - SEA

A. 3. It is a set of skills, knowledge, behaviors, and attributes that enable effective

teaching performance. The objective iis to serve as a guide for use in teacher
professional development toward realizing 21st Century Skills and practices within a
context that is regionally appropriate and in line with global best practices.


A. 4. It defines teacher quality in the Philippines. The standards describe the

expectations of teachers’ increasing levels of knowledge, practice and professional

a.PPST b. CWTS c. NCBTS d. DepEd

Part II
A. Supply the information asked below.
What are the 7 List at least 2 strands How are you going to fulfill
domains of PPST in each domain each domain

1. Content 1.Content knowledge It requires an understanding of

Knowledge and and its application within where students are coming from in
Pedagogy and across curriculum reference to the subject being
areas taught. That's because, in order to
2.Research-based teach material well, teachers must
knowledge and know what the students bring to the
principles of teaching table as far as prior conceptions,
and learning feelings, and strategies.

2. Learning 1. Learner safety and By providing a social , psychological

Environment security and physical environment within
which all students, regardless of
2. Fair learning
their individual differences in
environment learning, can engage in the different
learning activities and work towards
attaining high standards of learning.

3.Diversity of 1. Learners’ gender, Teachers must facilitate the learning

Learners needs, strengths, process in diverse types of learners,
interests and by first recognizing and respecting
experiences individual differences, then using
knowledge about students’
2. Learners’ linguistic,
differences to design diverse sets of
cultural, socio-economic learning activities to ensure that all
and religious students can attain appropriate
backgrounds learning goals.

4.Curriculum and 1. Relevance and Help students attain high standards

Planning responsiveness of of learning and understanding of the
curricular goals and objectives.
learning programs
These elements include the
2. Professional teacher’s knowledge of subject
collaboration to enrich matter, teaching learning
teaching practice approaches and activities,
instructional materials and learning

5.Assessment and 1. Feedback to improve Ensure that the teaching-learning

Reporting learning activities are maximally appropriate
to the students’ current knowledge
2. Communication of
and learning levels. In particular, the
learner needs, progress domain focuses on the use of
and achievement to key assessment data to plan and revise
stakeholders teaching-learning plans, as well as
the integration of formative
assessment procedures in the plan
and implementation of teaching-
learning activities.

6.Community 1. Establishment of School activities are meaningfully

Linkages and learning environments linked to the experiences and
Professional aspirations of the students in their
that are responsive to
Engagement homes and communities. Thus, the
community contexts domain focuses on teachers’ efforts
2. Engagement of directed at strengthening the links
parents and the wider between school and community
activities, particularly as these links
school community in the
help in the attainment of the
educative process curricular objectives.
7.Professional 1. Philosophy of To attain this, teachers value having
Growth and teaching a high personal regard, concern for
Professional professional development, and
2. Dignity of teaching as
Development continuous improvement as
a profession teachers.

B. Discuss each career stage shortly (8points)

Career stage Description

1. Career Stage 1 or In this stage the teacher has gained the qualifications
Beginning Teachers recognized for entry into the teaching profession. They
have a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in
which they are trained in terms of content knowledge
and pedagogy. They possess the requisite knowledge,
skills and values that support the teaching and learning
process. They manage learning programs and have
strategies that promote learning based on the learning
needs of their students. They seek advice from
experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching

2. Career Stage 2 or In this stage, teachers are considered professionally

Professional Teachers independent in the application of skills vital to the
teaching and learning process. They provide focused
teaching programs that meet curriculum and assessment
requirements. They display skills in planning,
implementing, and managing learning programs. They
actively engage in collaborative learning with the
professional community and other stakeholders for
mutual growth and advancement. They are reflective
practitioners who continually consolidate the knowledge,
skills and practices of Career Stage 1 teachers.

3. Career Stage 3 or Teachers in this stage consistently display a high level of

Highly Professional performance in their teaching practice. They manifest an
in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching
and learning process. They have high education-focused
situation cognition, are more adept in problem solving
and optimize opportunities gained from experience.
Career Stage 3 Teachers work collaboratively with
colleagues and provide them support and mentoring to
enhance their learning and practice. They continually
seek to develop their professional knowledge and
practice by reflecting on their own needs, and those of
their colleagues and students.

4. Career Stage 4 or In this stage, Teachers are expected to embody the

Distinguished Teachers highest standard for teaching grounded in global best
practices. They exhibit exceptional capacity to improve
their own teaching practice and that of others. They are
recognized as leaders in education, contributors to the
profession and initiators of collaborations and
partnerships. They create lifelong impact in the lives of
colleagues, students and others. They consistently seek
professional advancement and relevance in pursuit of
teaching quality and excellence. They exhibit
commitment to inspire the education community and
stakeholders for the improvement of education provision
in the Philippines.

Direction: Identify the following statements. Write your answer before each number.

__D__1. Mr. Bartolome, an AP teacher, discusses conflicts between warring groups in

Mindanao. Which pillar should he stress more?
A. Learning to be B. Learning to live together
C. Learning to do D. Learning to know

__D__ 2. This pillar of learning can be described as a process of discovery’, which

takes time and involves going more deeply into the information/knowledge delivered
through subject teaching. In fact, ‘acquiring knowledge in a never-ending process and
can be enriched by all forms of experience’.
A. Learning to be B. Learning to live together
C. Learning to do D. Learning to know

__D___3.What pillar of learning emphasizes learning to be human through acquisition

of knowledge, skills and values conducive to personality development?
A.Learning to know B. Learning to live together
C. Learning to do D. .Learning to be

__A___4. This refers to innovative and modern ways of teaching and learning, such as
the use of technology as a teaching/learning tool.
A.New Environment of Learning B. New Spaces/Dimensions of Learning
C.New Process of Learning D. New Content of Learning

__B__ 5. Classes are now also being held in such places as parks, school yards,
museums, workplaces, homes, and other venues to enhance the real life experience of
learners. What characteristic of the 21st century education is being described?
A. New Environment of Learning B. New Spaces/Dimensions of Learning
C. New Process of Learning D. New Content of Learning

__B__ 6. The new types of learners in the 21st century are described as EXCEPT one
A. Learners have different sets of values, languages, and pop-cultures, and
different ways of thinking, reacting, responding, and getting motivated;
B. Learners are unmotivated to technology
C. Learners come from more diverse backgrounds and cultural identities (age,
D. Learners have new traits of independence, creativity, open-mindedness, and
enterprising minds.
__A__ 7. The 21st century learning environment is characterized by being more
student-centered than teacher-centered, is this True?
A. Yes B. No

__B___ 8. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide new learning

environments that offer undesirable opportunities in education. Is this true?
A. Yes B. No

__A__ 9. The 21st century learning content promotes cooperative and collaborative
effort. Is it correct?
A yes B. No

__B__ 10. This is usually characterized by rote memorization in a teacher-centered

classroom, and the “chalk and talk“ lecture method that predominates instruction.
A. traditional learning environment B. 21st century learning environment
C. contemporary learning environment D. Obsolete learning environment

Direction: Identify the following statement

Diversity of learners 11. it pertains to students who belong to different groups

orientation with diverse learning needs, it encompasses different elements, such as

“socio-economic, world-view, race, age, cultural, gender, sexual orientation, physical

abilities, cognitive abilities, life experiences, and developmental stage”

Culture 12. It is defined as the values, traditions, social and

worldview shared by a group of people bound together by a combination of factors that

include one or more of the following: a common history, geographic location, language,

social classes, and religion.”(Derman-Sparks 1989 )

Content integration 13. It deals with the extent to which teachers use examples
and content from a variety of cultures and groups to illustrate key concepts, principles,
generalizations, and theories in their subject area or discipline.

Multicultural education 14. An approach to school reform, and a movement for

equity, social justice, and democracy. It’s major goal is to restructure schools so that
all students acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function in an
ethnically and racially diverse nation and world.

A 15. A sociologist, who conceptualizes globalization with the view in mind

to blur the boundaries between global and local.

A. Roland Robertson B. Robert Anderson C. Robert Robertson D. Roland Robert

A 16. An educator that incorporates various global issues into their

curriculum including multiculturalism, economic, environmental and social issue

A Global teacher B. Glocal Teacher C. Globalized Teacher D Glocalized teacher

A 17. This can be described as a local culture which assigns meaning to

global influences and that the two are interdependent and enable each other.

A. Glocalization B. Globalization C. Global D. Glocal

Direction: Encircle only the letter that corresponds to the correct answer

1. How can the teacher be a facilitator of learning?

A. By providing a conducive learning environment

B. By earning social recognition from the community
C. By relating professionally with community officials
D. By keeping community leaders informed of school development
2. Can a professional teacher take the initiative to organize community activity

A. No, the Professional teacher is confined only to the classroom

B. Yes, as a professional teacher he is a community leader.
C. No, community development is the concern of government officials
D. Yes, provided he always involves the learners.

3. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and traditions?

A. Reject local customs and traditions which are different from his
B. Divide the community by pointing out the negative elements of given local
customs and traditions
C. Disparage the community
D. Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions

4. Public officials and Employees shall at all times be loyal to the republic and to the
Filipino. This norm of conduct is related to ______
A. professionalism B. nationalism and patriotism
C. responsiveness to the public D. honesty

5. Mr. Santos has been found to have engaged in gambling which has caused him to be
absent most of the time. Can his certificate of registration as a teacher be revoked?
a. no, unless he’s proven guilty
b. No. because he’s protected by his right as a teacher
c. Yes, because habitual gambling is a dishonorable conduct and is against the practice
of teaching
d. Yes, because he’s incompetent

6. Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the community, this can be found

A. Teacher and the State B. Teacher and the community
C, Teacher and the learner D. Teacher and the business

7. Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and education heritage of the nation. How
can he act as one?
A. Teach English language, any way it is considered as the universal language
B. Integrate the teaching of Rizal and other local heroes if possible
C. Sing the National Anthem with all your heart and soul
D. Respect the Philippine Flag by placing your hand on your heart while singing
the national anthem even without the presence of the Philippine Flag.

A. A, B and C only B. A, B. and D only C. B and C only D. A, B and D only

8. They are one of the most compelling and influential people inside the homeroom
A. Educator B Nurse
C Supervisor D Guidance councilor

9. It is a where the learners and teachers meet for scholarly reasons, it is where heaps
of instructional materials are found and utilized for guidance and learning

A. School B. Library C. Laboratory D. School canteen

10. Teachers can develop learners in a holistic manner equipped with 21st century skills
that could be able to help the country’s sustainable development. This can be attain
A. Through quality instruction B. Curriculum C. Teaching D. Good lesson plan

Direction: Identify the following statement. Write your answer on the blank provided
before each number.

Pi Lambda Theta 1. One of the main objectives of this organization is to

recognize outstanding students teachers from the college of education. who intend to
pursue careers in education. Its main project is Excellence in Teaching Project (ETP),
SEAMEO-INNOTECH 2. It is the center for training educational leaders from the
southeast region under the SEAMEO organization. It is an international organization
established in 1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote
regional cooperation in education, science and culture in Southeast Asia.
ASCD 3. This association aims to serve as a world-class leader in
education information services.it also mandates to develop programs, products, and
services essential to the way educators learn, teach and lead..
FAAP 4. This association was established in 1977 and
isauthorized by the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to certify the
quality levels of accredited programs at the tertiary level, for the purpose of granting
progressive deregulation and other benefits.
Association for Accrediting Colleges and Universities of the Philippines 5. This is an
accrediting agency whose main focus is to develop a mechanism of, and conduct the
evaluation of programs and institutions."
PASUC 6 . is an association of public tertiary school level
institutions in the Philippines. These comprise all 102 State Universities and Colleges
(SUC) which are under the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
PAASCU 7. This is an accrediting body composed of different private
educational institutions that stamp other private schools with a quality standard
attained with regard to their programs.
DOST 8. T The primary aims of the department is to Supports
undergraduate and graduate scholarship programs in science and mathematics in the
Regional Science Teaching Centers
CHED 9.This is the Philippine government’s agency in charge of
promoting relevant and quality higher education, ensuring access to quality higher
education, and guaranteeing and protecting academic freedom.
NOTED 10.This is an organization that promotes a culture of
excellence and service among educators through professional development,
publications, research, and advocacy in active partnership with government and non-
government organizations annually participated by its members.

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