Gopi Bhava Mantra
Gopi Bhava Mantra
Gopi Bhava Mantra
tamo mukunddnghri-nisevayaiva
being firmly fixed in the service of the lotus feet of Krsna. This
shall reach Vrndavana and fully enter the service of Krsna." (GV)
enviroment will vanish, and I will get the eternal service of Krsna
and Krsna."
accepts the sannyasa order, his main business is to devote his life
completely devote his mind and body to the service of the Lord,
11.23.57 p.)
greater the love for Krsna, the more successful the preaching
will be. Since sannyasis are primarly preachers, their first and
Hyderbad: "If you have no sufficient love for God, you cannot
preach. Why are you preaching to me? You just show me the
selfless love."
Meaning of Om
and of the living entity. See Chapter two for a detailed explanation
Meaning of Klim
"M"is the bliss of conjugal love generated when Radha and Krsna
kiss each other. The bindu, dot above the "M"is Their kiss.
sannyasi has said that in this mantra these two words are neuter;
they are neither masculine nor feminine. Klim is both the power
has not taken the name of Radha, he has taken the power of
offering all of one's love to Krsna in the mood of the Vrajsi gopis.
were the methods of worship of the gopis'! They were not very
gopis' method of Krsna worship was that they could not forget
was away from the village tending cows, the gopis were thinking,
ground. The chips of stones must be pricking His foot, and how
much He's suffering!' In this way they were crying at home. While
Krsna, 'My dear Krsna, many yogis and saintly persons go to the
But in our case Your lotus feet are so much fixed in our hearts
that we think only of You, and cannot discharge our family duties.
in such a way that you always think of Krsna. The gopis were
housewives, yet despite all their domestic duties they were only
Cupid, byparakiya madhurya ujjvala rasa, the mood that they are
But with the gopis' mahabhava, Krsna feels, "I can neither return
Ananda Candrika:
"Oh Krsna! Even more than the pleasure of having Your direct
Krsna. They think, "Oh, how They are enjoying." This is the mula-
mantra of the Gaudiya Vaisnava's worship which is also known as
Krsna are in the nikunja mandira, the manjaris are pleasing Them
Meaning of Asrayaya
of the Lord. Applying this idea, the Gopi-bhava mantra can mean,
one and the same. Sometimes Krsna becomes the subject (yisaya)
nikunja. Seeing that Radha was feeling much more bliss then He
feel is coming from Radhika, and that is why Her bliss surpasses
to Krsna.
their mercy so that He can enter the kunja and again meet with
Radhika. By this one sees that the gopis are the shelter of Krsna's
love, and of all the gopis Radharani is the main asraya ofgopi-bhava.
felt by both Radha and Krsna. The Vraja gopis and yuthesvaris
Meaning of Svaha
samarpana iti,' that by which one surrenders his very self (body,
'Sva' means one's own and 'Sva' also means wealth. If we have
the one who is Govinda's own wealththe one who makes Him
should be our everything, our only wealth, and our only object of
at the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna for Their eternal loving
are full of gopi-bhava, the supreme form of divine love and selfless
and mellows. In reality, all jivas are prakrti or female, and Sri
gopis are fit to satisfy Krsna's desires and establish smgara rasa
manjaris. We are taking shelter of, and offering ourselves for the
expression of gopi-bhava."
and Krsna. This mantra gives one the potency to offer himself
under the guidance of Sri Rupa Gosvami, one will attain the final
practicing life will start after asannyasi is enriched with the wealth
one will rise to the stage of taste or ruci and become firmly
established in devotion.
will succumb to the illusory enviroment and not receive the rare
and service to guru and Vaisnavas. Until ruci comes one must
Sannyasis who are firmly fixed in bhajana and who are relishing
absence of that one gopi, Syama could not t'aste any sweetness in
the rasa dance, even though millions of other gopis were there.
The collective service of all the gopis could not equal the service
another moment.
to utter such words. But I can have no love even for Krsna, unless
say that ultimately it does not matter, but generally all the
lights up the path, lifts the sadhaka out of the dark world of
ignorance and illusion, and carries him to the transcendental
sadhaka entrance into Krsna's vraja-lila and award him the eternal
the one and only desirable goal of life. In the Kama-gayatri the
chant the Gopi-bhava mantra, and offer himself (svaha) fully for
the eternal service of Sri Radha under the guidance of Sri Rupa
for the divine service of Sri Radha, the absolute shelter and
Sannyasa Siksamrta
also help those serious souls who want to take sannyasa, and
personalities are not violating the Vedic law. Besides the forbidden
to offer his entire self for the service of Guru and Gauranga until
considering all the points of this story one can decide if he has
did not advertise his advanced spiritual position, and thus he was
take away his danda or his begging bowl. Some took hisjapa beads
offer them back but would then hide them again. When he sat
down to eat his madhukari, sinful rascals would come and pass
urine on it, and spit on his head. Although he had taken a vow of
speak they would beat him with sticks. Others would chastise him
saying, 'This man is a thief and then tie him up. They would
lost his wealth and his family threw him out.' Some would pass
foul air upon him, or bind him with chains like a captive animal.
fully in control of the six urges (lust, anger, greed, envy, illusion,
sincerely feel himself to be lower than all others and always think,
not have all these qualities in full measure but they must all be at
His strength and meaning in life come from the truth itself, he is
free from all envy and jealousy, and his mind is equal in material
from all desire for prestige and offers honor to others. He is expert
learned of men.
Lord Caitanya, and the devotees. One constantly sings about them
will also have faith in hearing from a sannyasi who preaches the
this world. The only thing I want is to become the eternal maidservant
Sannyasa Initiation
enter the bhiksu asrama (renounced order of life). Since the time
so I can keep my faith and tie it up at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya
accept me."
2. Holy bath
3. Applying tilaka
transcendental wisdom.
may a. You kindly rescue me, and deliver me to the lotus feet of
mantra from the spiritual master. The. guru speaks the Gopi-bhava
mantra into the left ear of the disciple. The Bhagavatam story of
Puranjana, explains that the left ear is used for spiritual mantras
"The two ears are situated on the northern side and the
southern side. The ear on the southern side (right ear) is very
ear on the northern side (left ear), however, is used for taking
the spiritual sky. The right ear is called Pitrhu, which indicates
with their left hand. In Palmistry, a woman's left hand is read and
masculine. The left side, which is called ida, represents the cooling
The right ear and right side of the body represent thepurusa-
left ear and left side of the body represent the prakrti-bhava, the
various sakti expansions are always seen standing on the left side
Purusottama Krsna, the Supreme male, they are heard in the right
ear. The right ear is used to hear Vedic mantras that describe
attain liberation.
Therefore, he whispers the sacred mantra into the left ear, which
represents the female side or the energy (sakti )of the Lord.
unable to hold his hand steady, the barber started crying. Sri
Nityananda Prabhu and the other devotees fell to the ground and
wept. What could the devotees do but grieve and weep? The
everyone, Lord Gauranga made the stones, dry sticks, and other
"tat tvam asi" into the ear of His sannyasa-guru Sri Kesava Bharati.
The Messenger
it is relevant for all Gaudiya sannyasis at all times and in all places.
"The happy day has come when we are destined to spread the
bud state and blown fully into a flower whose aroma we must
carry across the seas. We must proceed with that willingness which
out everything you have learned, and learn how to love the feet
that all living entities in the world are essentially wards of the
lotus feet of our Sri Guru for increasing the service of Krsna. We
shall call at the door of each and every sincere seeker of truth,
higher desirable object than the pleasure of serving Sri Hari, Guru,
and the Vaisnavas. The triple bhiksus (sannyasis) are the living
discoursing about the truth under the guidance of Sri Guru, than
and the desire of Sri Gaurasundara are our eternal function. Our
Gosvami, and maintain the unwavering faith that Krsna will always
Manjari Bhava
that one must become a dust particle at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa
(Rupa Manjari) and Raghunatha Dasa (Rati Manjari) in order
Proper Conduct
At initiation the guru will instruct the disciple about the proper
upon and worship the Lord. He should be free from Nama and
the holy names; hear Srimad Bhagavatam, and observe vratas like
and humbly serve the spiritual master. At all times and in all places
see him?" Srila Prabhupada: "If you can, of course you should."
(SPC vol. 6)
The Vedas state that a devotee benefits and advances in spiritual
of them and begging for their mercy. At all times, one must
First Qualification
must thus have firm conviction that Krsna as Paramatma will take
"One should think, 'I shall never be alone. Even if I live in the
Swami Jesus
"My dear daughter Sally Agarwal, I beg to thank you for your
learn that you are going to observe the third birthday of Miss
books for her future reading. Then she will grow up as a beautiful
Four Stages
(SPT 11/3/76)
"The sannyasi reaches the paramahamsa stage when he finishes
his preaching work and sits down in one place, strictly for the
Do the Needful
keep accounts, preach, give class, write books, and sometimes cook.
Successful Preaching
"As a sannyasi, your duty is to see that all the devotees are
Conscious way.
body, mind, and words. A person who can control the words, mind,
"By strict control of one's body, mind and speech, the quality
there is no need for it. After Lord Caitanya's danda was broken
upon a table when not carrying it. When a sannyasa disciple asked
their dandas resting on the ground or the temple floor. The danda
should be held in the hand or against the chest. When not in use
danda vdg-deha'cetasam
' control of the voice, body and mind), within oneself. Merely
One who has renounced everything for the service of the Supreme,
Sannyasa Perfection
following him. When the dream was over, I was little horrified.
a horrible feeling.
anything. He was so kind upon me. I have gained. I left three children,
"All glories to the king of Vaikuntha, who has now become the
"He roared like a lion. Everyone became afraid when the Lord
person who is actually He. While dancing and dancing the Lord
Bharati threw his danda and kamandalu far away while dancing
"One day Srimati Radhika and Her dearest sakhis were sitting
the anxiety of waiting for Krsna, Sri Radha felt each moment to
be like a millenium.
Krsna. The duti returned with the news, '0 Visakha! The proud
unreliable person!'
upper lip, She said, 'If Krsna comesdon't let that ungrateful
Him with harsh words, 'Stop! No admittance. Get out from here,
nicely, but where were You? Why are You coming here so late?'
She was writing something on the ground with Her left forefinger.
woman, 'Why should Krsna come here? Let Him be happy with
know why I gave Him My heart and soul and loved Him so much.
Now let Me burn in the fire of separation, but let Him be happy.'
Syamasundara form.'
"Fuming with anger, Visakha said harshly, 'Ha! You think just by
Her love, or is She greedy for Your beauty? Let me tell You one thing
Krsna. One day You will have to cry again and again for Her love.'
rolling on the sand while crying out, '0 Radhe! Please fulfill My
form (tri-bhanga). You also have to shave Your head and give up
has to go to. You have to take off Your glistening yellow dhoti,
give You a khanjani and teach You a nice song to sing at the
Radhika's kimja and sang the song Vmda-devi had taught Him:
'He Sri Radhe! Until You became overwhelmed with maan. You
were mad after Krsna's love. Hey Gandharvike! In every way You
have captivated the mind and heart of Syama. But today Syama is
impossible because Radha is very strict and will never look at the
There is no harm if She lifts Her veil. Then I can calculate Her