Significance of Jagannath

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Odisha Review June - 2014

Significance in Worship
of Purushottam Jagannath

Padmanabha Mahapatra

T he wooden images of Sri Balabhadra, Sri

Subhadra, Sri Jagannath and Sri Sudarshan
on the Ratna-Simhasan are unique in more than
devotion to Parambrahman – “Listening to the
stories of Sri Vishnu, singing His glories, constant
remembrance of the all-pervading God, serving
one respect in the whole of the Hinduistic Culture. Him in His devotees, ritualistic Worship,
No-where-else the images of any famous temple constantly saluting the God, doing all work for
are made of wood, wrapped in cloth pieces His sake, maintaining friendship with the God and
starched and painted, worshiped for twelve or complete self-surrender under His feet.
nineteen years, then discarded, buried and The term ‘Puja’ (Worship) is a spiritual
replaced again. Nowhere-else also wooden discipline and it follows a highly technical
images not in descent human figures are found to procedure. When the worshipper, Pujapanda in
be worshiped. terms of the Jagannath Temple, sits to worship
Daily Rituals - The daily rituals of the Temple Parambrahma Purushottam Jagannath, he has to
starts with Mangal Alati in the early morning, think at the very outset that the Kundalini (coiled-
up Power) is raised up to the Sahasrara
chronologically followed by Abakasha (taking
(thousand-Petalled Lotus) in his head and that he
bath), Besha (dressings), Gopalballava
has become identified with the Paramatman in the
(breakfast), Sakaldhupa (principal meals),
non-dual consciousness. Then he should think that
Dwipaharadhupa (mid-day meals), Sandhya- he has become separated from Him and assume
Alati, Sandhyadhupa (evening meals), Badasimhar the nature of Jiva again, and that the Supreme
(grand night decoration) and Pahuda (sleep at light of Paramatman becomes condensed and
night) etc. Besides, Sahan Mela (public audience) manifests itself in the form of Purushottam
and Bhogamandop bhogs (public offerings) are Jagannath to be worshipped. Then the
suitably fixed as per public needs. In Tantric worshipper may feel that he has projected the
System, the deities are treated like human beings Deity out from within him and then he performs
and are served with the best possible materials the basic worship. In brief we may state that Puja
and the offerings are designated as Mahaprasad. is the oneness of the Worshipper and the Ishwar.
The Science of Worship – The worship of Sri ‘Debo bhutwa Debanam apyeti’
Purushottam Jagannath is a special type of (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad – 4.1.27).
science, which establishes relationship between The nature of Worship – The basic
the worshipper and the worshipped. Sri characteristics of worship of Purushottam
Bhagabatam 7-5-23 enumerates nine methods of Jagannath are –

June - 2014 Odisha Review

(I) Sacrifices – Sacrifice does not mean just

giving, things may be offered without any
expectation or return, whatever is offered must
be for love and respect but not for barter. It must
be ‘Bhaktyupahratam’ (Bhagbad Gita 9/26).
The basic idea behind sacrifice is nothing but
selflessness. Selfishness is the main obstacle in
spiritual phenomenon and giving up selfishness is
the basic and true meaning of sacrifice.
(II) Adoration – Adoration is love and reverence.
Love becomes Bhakti only when it is sublimated
by the highest reverence for the Paramatman.
Adoration may be performed through rituals,
praise and hymnody (Stuti and Kirtan). The
Types of Worship – Worships mainly are of two
chanting of well-established Vishnu-Sahasra-nama
types – External worship and Internal worship.
is the perfect device of adoration observed in A‘ full-shaped Puja must comprise both the
aspects – “Mental worship must accompany
(III) Sacredness – This is the concept of every act of external worship” – ‘Sarbasu
sanctity. It has three aspects, such as bahyapujasu antah puja bidhiyate’ . The
Adhibhautika, Adhidaivika and Adhyatmika. process of worship includes ritualistic, vocal,
Adhibhautika or physical aspect includes – mental and manual systems. Through realistic
clearing everything connected with worship by worship God becomes propitiated and fulfills the
application of purified water accompanied with worldly desires. This is known as ‘Kamya
the chanting of prescribed Mantras. Invoking the Karma’. Vocal worship is the chanting of hymns
Deities by utilizing bell, lamp, conch, water and (Stotras). Recitation of Mantra and Visualization
flower etc and sanctifying the Puja articles is the of God (Japa and Bhabana) come under mental
Adhidaivika aspect of sacredness. The spiritual worship. Manual worship is performance of all
(Adhyatmika) aspect of sacredness is interlinked works as service (Kain Karya) to God.
with the doctrine of ‘Atman’. It is a symbolic The chronology of Puja system
purification of mind, leaving up the sin and impurity
observed in Srimandir – The normal daily Puja
attitude and manifests itself on Paramatman.
of Sri Jagannath consists of six steps, the
(IV) Cult – There must be some similarity chronology of which is as below –
between the Adorer and the Adored. The
(A) Preparations - Keeping ready the articles
worshipper of Sri Jagannath should contain some
and the utensils and putting those in their proper
attributes of Vishnu within his heart. Cult can be
expressed in two means – myth and rituals. Myth
is the sacred story of God. Ritual is a symbolic (B) Purifications - Prayer to Bhairaba, Ghanta
procedure, which establishes mystic relation Samskar, Achaman, Kushabatu Dharan, Sikha
between the worshipper and the worshipped. Bandhan, Punyahabachan, Sankalpa, Samanya
Ritual is observed through utterance of Mantras, Arghya Samskar, Ashana Suddhi, bowing down
as well as through procedural spiritual actions. to Adhar-Sakti, driving away the evil spirits,

Odisha Review June - 2014

reverence to five generations of Preceptors in the Nigam, Agam and Locacar. Nigam is the Vedic,
left, Ganesh in the right, Durga in the front, Agam is the Tantric and Locacar is the
Kshetrapal in the rear, Narayan in the head and combination of both followed with reference to
Paramatman on the heart, Kara Suddhi, the prevailing conditions of the locality, time and
Namaskar to Dasha Digpalas and Bhuta Shuddhi authorities.
(Purification of the elements of the body).
The Deities on the Ratna Simhashan are
(C) Divinization of the Pujak – Pranayam, Yantrarudhas, Sri Balabhadra on Tara Yantra,
Matruka Nyasa, Devata Nyasa, Kara Nyasa, Sri Subhadra on Bhubaneswari Yantra and Sri
Anga Nyasa, Samhar Matruka etc. Jagannath on Kali Yantra. The Daru Debatas are
(D) Invocation of the Image – Keshabadi Tantrics, the Viman of Srimandir is a Siddha Pitha,
Matruka, Tatwa Nyasa, Bhabana Chatustayam, the Deities are Siddha Yantras and the Srimandir
Bibhuti Panjar Nyasa, Dasakshara Gopal Mantra itself stands on the Shree Yantra. To keep all
Nyasa, Murtipanjar Nyasa, Astadashakshara above Yantras, Engines moving, the presence of
Gopal Mantra Nyasa, Dhyanam ( different Dhyan a perfect Yantree or Engineer is always required,
Mantras for morning, mid-day, evening and night he is the Pujak in the literature of Srimandir and
time Pujas), Dashakshara Dhyanam, Antah he is charged on Tantra. ‘Mananatt Mantrah’.
Jajanam. (The Nyasas are different in the Puja of Mantra is very difficult, it can only be learnt from
Sri Subhadra and Sri Balabhadra). perfect Gurus or Teachers and it is the only way
to take up the Puja in a systematic manner. Who
(E) Preliminaries and Upachar Pradanam – are the Gurus then? They are Brahma, Vishnu and
Bishesharghya Samskar, Karkari Samskar,
Maheswar (Subhadra, Jagannath and
Upachar Samskar, Atma Puja, Pancha
Balabhadra). From the above analogy we
Puspanjali, Debata Pitha Puja, Abahnam.
conclude that in the Puja Paddhati of Srimandir,
Upachar Pradanam (from Asanam to Naibedyam Guru is there in place of Mantra, Pujak is there in
followed by Tambula Pradanm). place of Tantra and the Deities are there in place
(F) Concluding Rituals – Aratrikam, of Yantras.
Prasannarcha, Nirajanam, Mulamantra Nyasa, We must remember that the main
Rajopacharah, Hinapuranam, Bisarjnam, intention of worship of Sri Jagannath with all such
Pradakhinah, Danda Pranam, Tri-puspanjali scientific codified formalities is to reduce egotism,
Pradanam, Chhatra – Chamara – Byajan to establish an ever-lasting harmonious
Samaarpanam, Dhyanam. relationship with Him and to maintain peace and
Sri Jagannath in Yantra, Tantra and Mantra – tranquility in the entire Jagannath –Desh. This truth
is Paramatma Sri Jagannath, Truth is Jagannath.
The mode of worship of Sri Jagannath is He exists at every time and in every thing, nay,
unique and different from that of Vishnu temples, He is everything.
situated in North and South India. Sri Jagannath
is ‘Pranab’. He has been identified with the mystic
Vedic Bijamantra ‘AUM’. His Puja has been
developed and systematized in a well - planned
process by coordinating the basics of Vedic,
Tantric and Vaisnavite streams. Dharmasashtras Padmanabha Mahapatra, Srimandir Deula Purohita,
prescribe three main streams of Puja, those are Matimandap Sahi, Puri.


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