Sample Bid Document Works
Sample Bid Document Works
Sample Bid Document Works
……. 2020
GOVERNMENT OF _____________
1. The Government of India has applied for financing from the World Bank toward the cost of
the Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project and intends to apply part of the
proceeds toward eligible payments under the contract for construction of works as detailed
3. Bidders from India should, however, be registered with the Government of India or other
State Governments/Government of India, or State/Central Government Undertakings.
6. For submission of the bid, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate
(DSC) from one of the Certifying Authorities authorised by Government of India for
issuing DSC. Aspiring bidders who have not obtained the user ID and password for
participating in e-procurement in this Project, may obtain the same from the website: A non-refundable fee of Rs. 1000/- (inclusive of tax)
is required to be paid as processing fee. The mode of payment shall be in the form of DD
drawn in favour of __________, payable at _______, from any Scheduled/Nationalized
Bank.Payment documents are to be submitted along with other documents listed in
paragraph 9 below before the bid submission deadline.
7. Bids comprise two Parts, namely the Technical Part and the Financial Part, and both parts
must be submitted simultaneously online on on or before
16:00 hours on ……2020 and the ‘Technical Part’ of the bids will be publicly opened
online on ……2020 at 16:30 hours, in the presence of the bidders designated
representatives who wish to attend.The “Financial Part” shall remain unopened in the e-
procurement system until the second public Bid opening for the financial part. Any bid or
modifications to bid (including discount) received outside e-procurement system will not
be considered. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as
specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. The
electronic bidding system would not allow any late submission of bids.
8. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of the amount specified for the work in
the table below, drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, ______ _________________,
________. Bid security will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding
document and shall have to be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the bid. Procedure
for submission of bid security is described in Para 9.
9. The bidders are required to submit (a) original payment documents towards the cost of bid
document; and registration on e-procurement website (if applicable); (b) original bid
security; and (c) original affidavit regarding correctness of information furnished with bid
document with _____________________________, Water Resources Zone, ________
before the bid submission deadline, either by registered post/speed post/courier or by hand,
failing which the bids will be declared non-responsive and will not be opened.
10. A pre-bid meeting will be held on ……2020 at 14:00 hours at the office of
_____________________________, Water Resources Zone, ________ to clarify the
issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage as stated in
ITB Clause 7.4 of ‘Instructions to Bidders’ of the bidding document.Bidders are advised to
download the bidding document prior to the pre-bid meeting in order for bidders to have a
good understanding of the scope of work under this contract for discussion and clarification
at the pre-bid meeting.
11. Other details can be seen in the bidding document.The Employer shall not be held liable for
any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to
notify the bidders of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information
not received by the bidder. It is the bidders’ responsibility to verify the website for the
latest information related to this bid.
Water Resources Zone,
Table of Contents
A. General
1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In connection with the Specific Procurement Notice - Request for
Bids (RFB), specified in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the
Employer, as specified in the BDS, issues this bidding document
for the provision of Works as specified in Section VII, Works’
Requirements. The name, identification and number of lots
(contracts) of this RFB are specified in the BDS.
1.2 Throughout this bidding document:
(a) the term “in writing” means communicated in written form
(e.g. by mail, e-mail, and fax, including if specified in the
BDS, distributed or received through the electronic-
procurement system used by the Employer) with proof of
(b) if the context so requires, “singular” means “plural” and
vice versa;
(c) “Day” means calendar day, unless otherwise specified as
“Business Day”. A Business Day is any day that is an
official working day of the Borrower. It excludes the
Borrower’s official public holidays;
(d) the term “ES” means environmental and social (including
Sexual Exploitation, and Assault (SEA));
“Sexual Exploitation and Assault” “(SEA)” stands for the
(i) Sexual exploitation is defined as any actual or attempted
abuse of position of vulnerability, differential power or
trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to,
profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual
exploitation of another. In Bank financed
operations/projects, sexual exploitation occurs when access
to or benefit from a Bank financed Goods, Works, Non-
consulting Services or Consulting Services is used to extract
sexual gain.
(ii) Sexual assault is defined as sexual activity with another
(h) Construction methodology as detailed in Para 1.1 of
Section III Evaluation Criteria;
(i) Contractor Registration certificate (as per RFB); and
(j) any other document required in the BDS.
11.3 The Financial Part shall contain the following:
(a) Letter of Bid – Financial Part: prepared in
accordance with ITB 12 and ITB 14;
(b) Completed Schedules including priced Bill of
Quantities in accordance with ITB 12 and ITB 14, as
specified in BDS;
(c) Alternative Bid - Financial Part: if permissible in
accordance with ITB 13; and
(d) any other document required in the BDS.
11.4The Technical Part shall not include any information related to
the Bid price. Where material financial information related to the
Bid price is contained in the Technical Part the Bid shall be
declared non-responsive.
11.5In addition to the requirements under ITB 11.2, Bids submitted by
a JV (where permitted) shall include a copy of the Joint Venture
Agreement entered into by all members. Alternatively, a letter of
intent to execute a Joint Venture Agreement in the event of a
successful Bid shall be signed by all members and submitted
with the Bid, together with a copy of the proposed Agreement.
11.6The Bidder shall furnish in the Letter of Bid – Financial Part
information on commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be
paid to agents or any other party relating to this Bid.
12. Process of Bid 12.1 The Letter of Bid – Technical Part, Letter of Bid – Financial Part,
Submission Schedules including Bill of Quantities, and all documents listed
under Clause 11, shall be prepared using the relevant forms
furnished in Section IV, Bidding Forms. The forms must be
completed without any alterations to the text, and no substitutes
shall be accepted except as provided under ITB 20.3. All blank
spaces shall be filled in with the information requested.
12.2Entire Bid including the Letters of Bid and filled-up Bill of
Bids make any additional payment towards the cost of bid document.
For bid modification and consequential re-submission, the bidder
is not required to withdraw his bid submitted earlier. The last
modified bid submitted by the bidder within the bid submission
time shall be considered as the bid. For this purpose,
modification/withdrawal by other means will not be accepted. In
online system of bid submission, the modification and
consequential re-submission of bids is allowed any number of
times. A bidder may withdraw his bid by using the appropriate
option for bid withdrawal, before the deadline for submission of
bids, however, if the bid is withdrawn, re-submission of the bid
is not allowed (or allowed if specified in BDS).
24.2Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB 24.1 shall
not be opened.
24.3No Bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval
between the deadline for submission of Bids and the expiration
of the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter
of Bid or any extension thereof. This will result in the forfeiture
of the Bid Security pursuant to ITB 19.7.
E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids
25. Public Opening 25.1The Employer shall publicly open Technical Parts of all Bids
of Technical received by the deadline, at the date, time and place specified in
Parts of Bids the BDS, in the presence of Bidders’ designated representatives
and anyone who chooses to attend, and this could also be viewed
by the bidders online. The Financial Parts of the bids shall
remain unopened in the e-procurement system, until the
subsequent public opening, following the evaluation of the
Technical Parts of the Bids. In all cases, original documents
submitted as specified in ITB 12.3 shall be first scrutinized, and
Bids that do not comply with the provisions of ITB 12.3 will be
declared non-responsive and will not be opened. Thereafter,
bidders’ names, the presence or absence of a Bid Security or Bid
Securing Declaration, if one was required, alternative bids –
technical parts, if any, and such other details as the Employer
may consider appropriate will be notified, online by the
Employer at the time of bid opening.
In the event of the specified date of bid opening being declared a
and time set in the Employer’s request for clarification, its Bid
may be rejected.
28. Deviations, 28.1During the evaluation of Bids, the following definitions apply:
Reservations, (a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified
and Omissions in the bidding document;
(b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or
withholding from complete acceptance of the requirements
specified in the bidding document; and
(c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the
information or documentation required in the bidding
29. Nonmaterial 29.1Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Employer may
Nonconformities waive any non-conformities in the Bid which do not constitute a
material deviation, reservation or omission.
29.2Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Employer may
request that the Bidder submit the necessary information or
documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify
nonmaterial nonconformities in the Bid related to documentation
requirements. Requesting information or documentation on such
nonconformities shall not be related to any aspect of the price or
substance of the Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply with the
request may result in the rejection of its Bid.
29.3Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Employer shall
rectify quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities related to the
Bid Price. To this effect, the Bid Price shall be adjusted, for
comparison purposes only, to reflect the price of a missing or
nonconforming item or component in the manner specified in
the BDS.
G. Evaluation of Technical Parts of Bids
30. Evaluation of 30.1In evaluating the Technical Parts of each Bid, the Employer shall
Technical Parts use the criteria and methodologies listed in this ITB and Section
III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria. No other evaluation
criteria or methodologies shall be permitted.
31. Determination of 31.1The Employer’s determination of a Bid’s responsiveness is to be
Responsiveness based on the contents of the Bid itself, as defined in ITB 11.
Single Currency
38. Margin of 38.1 Not applicable.
39. Comparison of 39.1The Employer shall compare the evaluated costs of all responsive
Financial Parts and qualified Bids to determine the Bid that has the lowest
evaluated cost.
40. Abnormally Low 40.1An Abnormally Low Bid is one where the Bid price, in
Bids combination with other constituent elements of the Bid, appears
unreasonably low to the extent that the Bid price raises material
concerns as to the capability of the Bidder to perform the
Contract for the offered Bid price.
40.2In the event of identification of a potentially Abnormally Low
Bid, the Employer, unless otherwise specified in the BDS, shall
seek written clarifications from the Bidder, including detailed
price analyses of its Bid price in relation to the subject matter of
the contract, scope, proposed methodology, schedule, allocation
of risks and responsibilities and any other requirements of the
bidding document.
40.3After evaluation of the price analyses, in the event that the
Employer determines that the Bidder has failed to demonstrate
its capability to perform the Contract for the offered Bid Price,
the Employer shall reject the Bid.
41. Unbalanced or 41.1If the Bid for an admeasurement contract, which results in the
Front-Loaded lowest evaluated cost is, in the Employer’s opinion, seriously
Bids unbalanced or, front-loaded, the Employer may require the
Bidder to provide written clarifications. Clarifications may
include detailed price analyses (with breakdown of unit rates) to
demonstrate the consistency of the Bid prices with the scope of
works, proposed methodology, schedule and any other
requirements of the bidding document.
41.2After the evaluation of the information and detailed price analysis
presented by the Bidder, the Employer may as appropriate:
(a) accept the Bid without any additional Performance
Security; or
(b) require that the amount of the Performance Security
be increased at the expense of the Bidder to a level not
ITB A. General
ITB 1.1 The number of the Request for Bids is: ………………..2020/21
The name of the RFB is: Rehabilitation, Improvement and Basic Facility of
______ Dam in _____ District of _____________ under DRIP-II
The name of the Project is: Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project
ITB 4.1 Wheather Joint Ventures are permitted: Yes
(a) Maximum number of members in the Joint Venture (JV) shall be: 2
(b) Place where the agreement to form JV to be registered is: _____
(c) A statement to the effect that all members of the joint venture shall be
jointly and severally liable for the execution of the entire Contract in
accordance with the Contract terms, shall be included in the authorization
nominating a Representative or member in charge, as well as in the Bid
ITB 4.5 A list of debarred firms and individuals is available on the Bank’s external
ITB 4.7 Deleted
C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 11.2 (j) The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents in its Bid:
The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents in its Bid:
(i) GST registration
(ii) Legal document of Joint Venture or intent to form a joint venture
(iii) Mark sheet/Degree of qualifying exam of Key personnel.
(iv) Code of Conduct for Contractor’s Personnel (ES)
The Bidder shall submit its Code of Conduct that will apply to Contractor’s
Personnel (as defined in Sub-Clause 9.1 of the General Conditions of
Contract), to ensure compliance with the Contractor’s Environmental and
Social (ES) obligations under the Contract. The Bidder shall use for this
purpose the Code of Conduct form provided in Section IV. No substantial
modifications shall be made to this form, except that the Bidder may
introduce additional requirements, including as necessary to take into
account specific Contract issues/risks.
________ (_____________)
PIN/Postal Code: _______
Country: INDIA
Date: ……2020
Time: 16:30 Hours
The online bid opening of Financial Parts of Bids shall take place at:
________ (_____________)
PIN/Postal Code: _______
Country: INDIA
Date & Time : Informed after evaluation of Technical bids through portal
In addition to the above the Employer shall publish a notice of the public
opening of the Financial Parts of the Bid on its website: &
J. Award of Contract
The successful Bidder shall also be required to submit an Environmental
ITB 50.1 and
50.2 and Social (ES) Performance Security.
Throughout this bidding document the term ’performance security’, unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise, means and includes both ‘the
performance security and the ES performance security’ to be submitted by
the successful bidder in the amounts specified in GCC/ PCC 50.
ITB 51 The Adjudicator proposed by the Employer is : Sh._______________,
_______________________, ____ _____________
The daily fee for this proposed Adjudicator shall be: Rs 10000 /- per day
with overall payment not more than Rs 50000/- and reimbursable expenses
– boarding / lodging / travel etc as applicable to the designation as per
Government of _____________ travelling allowance rules amended up to
date of uploading of tenders.
The biographical data of the proposed Adjudicator is as follows:
Educational Qualification : _______
Age: _____ Years
Professional Experience : _____ Years
Nationality : Indian
Last Position Held : ___________
This section contains all the criteria that the Employer shall use to evaluate Bids and
qualify Bidders through post-qualification. No other factors, methods or criteria shall be
used other than specified in this bidding document. The Bidder shall provide all the
information requested in the forms included in Section IV, Bidding Forms.
1. Technical Part
1.1 Adequacy of Technical Proposal
Evaluation of the Bidder's Technical Proposal will include
(i) an assessment of the Bidder's technical capacity to mobilize key equipment and
personnel for the contract consistent with its proposal regarding work methods,
scheduling, material sourcing, and quality control/ assurance in sufficient detail and
fully in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Section VII, Works’
The specialized sub-contractors proposed shall be fully qualified for their work
proposed, and meet the following criteria:
The Bidder shall provide accurate information on the Letter of Bid about any litigation or arbitration resulting
from contracts completed or ongoing under its execution over the last seven years. A consistent history of
court/arbitral awards against the Bidder or any member of a joint venture may result in disqualifying the
The Employer may use this information to seek further information or clarifications in carrying out its due diligence.
4. General Experience under Must meet N/A Must meet N/A Form EXP
1 Constructi construction requiremen requirement – 4.1
(a on contracts t
) Experience (Construction /
major repairs of
ncrete /Masonry
dams) in the role
of prime
contractor, JV
subcontractor, for
at least the last
seven years,
starting 1st April
4. For the above and Must meet Must N/A Must meet Form EXP
2 any other contracts requiremen meet the – 4.2 (b)
( [substantially ts requireme following
b completed and nts[Specif requirement
) under y s for all the
implementation] activities key
that may be
as prime that may activities
contractor, joint be met listed below
through a
venture member, through a [if
or sub-contractor Specializ applicable,
between 1st April ed out of the
or, if
2013 and Subcontr key
Application actor, if activities in
submission permitted the first
deadline, a in column of
with ITB
minimum accordan this 4.2 b),
construction ce with list key
experience in the ITB 33.2] activities
following key (volume,
activities number or
successfully rate of
completed0 in any production
one yearof last 7 as
years: applicable)
Volume, number or rate of production of any key activity can be demonstrated in one or more contracts
combined if executed during same time period.
3. Key Personnel
[Note: Insert in the following table the minimum key specialists required to execute
the contract, taking into account the nature, scope, complexity and risks of the
The Bidder must demonstrate that it will have suitably qualified (and in adequate
numbers) minimum Key Personnel, as described in the Table below, that are required
to perform the Contract.
The Bidder shall provide details of the Key Personnel and such other Key Personnel
that the Bidder considers appropriate, together with their academic qualifications and
work experience. The Bidder shall complete the relevant Forms in Section IV,
Bidding Forms.
The Contractor shall require the Employer’s consent to substitute or replace the Key
Personnel (reference the Particular Conditions of Contract 9.1).
[Specify requirements for each lot as applicable]
Key Personnel :
Position/ Relevant
specialization Minimum years
Item academic
of relevant work
No. qualificcation
[i] the near relations (defined as first blood relations, and their spouses, of the
bidder or the bidder’s spouse) of persons of the following Government
1. Water Resources DepartmentState
2. Water Resources Planning Department
[ii] Without Government permission, any person who retired as gazetted officer
within the last two years.
4. Equipment
The Bidder must demonstrate that it will have access to the key Contractor’s
equipment listed hereafter:
The Bidder shall provide further details of proposed items of equipment using the relevant
Form in Section IV.
2. Financial Part
2.5 Alternative Technical Solutions for specified parts of the Works (ITB 13.4)- Not
2.6 Other criteria (if permitted under ITB 35.1(f)): Not Applicable
The Bidder must prepare this Letter of Bid on stationery with its letterhead clearly showing the
Bidder’s complete name and business address.
Date of this Bid submission: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid submission]
RFB No.: [insert number of RFB process]
Alternative No0.:[insert identification No. if this is a Bid for an alternative]
We, the undersigned, hereby submit our Bid, in two parts, namely:
(a) the Technical Part, and
(b) the Financial Part
In submitting our Bid, we make the following declarations:
(a) No reservations: We have examined and have no reservations to the bidding document,
including Addenda issued in accordance with ITB 8;
(b) Eligibility: We meet the eligibility requirements and have no conflict of interest in
accordance with ITB 4;
(c) Bid-Securing Declaration: We have-not been suspended nor declared ineligible by the
Employer based on execution of a Bid-Securing Declaration or Proposal-Securing
Declaration in the Employer’s Country in accordance with ITB 4.7
(d) Conformity: We offer to execute in conformity with the bidding document the
following Works: [insert a brief description of the
(e) Bid Validity Period: Our Bid shall be valid for a period specified in BDS ITB 18.1 (or
as amended if applicable) from the date fixed for the Bid submission deadline specified
in BDS 22.1 (or as amended if applicable), and it shall remain binding upon us and may
be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;
Delete if not applicable
Name of the Bidder: *[insert complete name of person signing the Bid]
Use one of the two options as appropriate
In case appointment of Adjudicator was proposed from the list provided by an Institution in ITB 51, the
replacement should also be proposed from the list of same institution.
Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder:**[insert
complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid]
Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing the Bid]
Signature of the person named above: [insert signature of person whose name and
capacity are shown above]
*: In the case of the Bid submitted by joint venture specify the name of the Joint Venture as Bidder
**: Person signing the Bid shall have the power of attorney given by the Bidder to be attached with
the Bid
Technical Proposal
Technical Proposal Forms
- Key Personnel Schedule
- Equipment
- Site Organization
- Method Statement
- Mobilization Schedule
- Construction Schedule
Note: Work should not be split into small parts and sub-contracted; but sub-
contracting specialized elements of works is acceptable.
- Others
- Bidder’s Qualification
Bidders should provide the names and details of the suitably qualified Key Personnel to
perform the Contract. The data on their experience should be supplied using the Form PER-2
below for each candidate.
Key Personnel
1. Title of position:
Name of candidate:
Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]
Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled
commitment: for for this position]
this position:
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for this high level Gantt chart]
2. Title of position:
Name of candidate:
Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]
Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled
commitment: for for this position]
this position:
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for this high level Gantt chart]
3. Title of position:
Name of candidate:
Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]
Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled
commitment: for for this position]
this position:
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for this high level Gantt chart]
4. Title of position:
Name of candidate:
Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]
Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled
commitment: for for this position]
this position:
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for this high level Gantt chart]
5. Title of position:
[Where a Project SEA risks are assessed to be high, Key Personnel shall include a
gender-based violence expert with relevant experience in addressing sexual
exploitation, and assault cases]
Name of candidate:
Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]
Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled
commitment: for for this position]
this position:
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for this high level Gantt chart]
6. Title of position:
Name of candidate
Duration of [insert the whole period (start and end dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]
Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been scheduled
commitment: for for this position]
this position:
Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for this high level Gantt chart]
Key Personnel
Name of Bidder
Address: E-mail:
Professional qualifications:
Academic qualifications:
Address of employer:
Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and managerial
experience relevant to the project.
Duration of
Project Role involvement Relevant experience
[From - To]
[role and responsibilities
project [time in role] [describe the experience relevant to this position]
on the project]
I, the undersigned Key Personnel, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the
information contained in this Form PER-2 correctly describes myself, my qualifications and
my experience.
I confirm that I am available as certified in the following table and throughout the expected
time schedule for this position as provided in the Bid:
Commitment Details
Commitment to duration of contract: [insert period (start and end dates) for which this Key Personnel is
available to work on this contract]
Time commitment: [insert the number of days/week/months/ that this Key Personnel
will be engaged]
Signature: __________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________________
Type of Equipment*
The following information shall be provided only for equipment not owned by the Bidder.
Address of owner
Fax Telex
The Bidder shall initial and submit the Code of Conduct form as part of its bid.
This Code of Conduct is part of our measures to deal with environmental and social risks
related to the Works. It applies to all our staff, labourers and other employees at the Works
Site or other places where the Works are being carried out. It also applies to the personnel of
each subcontractor and any other personnel assisting us in the execution of the Works. All
such persons are referred to as “Contractor’s Personnel” and are subject to this Code of
This Code of Conduct identifies the behavior that we require from all Contractors’ Personnel.
Our workplace is an environment where unsafe, offensive, abusive or violent behavior will
not be tolerated and where all persons should feel comfortable raising issues or concerns
without fear of retaliation.
Contractor’s Personnel shall:
1. carry out his/her duties competently and diligently;
2. comply with this Code of Conduct and all applicable laws, regulations and other
requirements, including requirements to protect the health, safety and well-being of
other Contractor’s Personnel and any other person;
3. maintain a safe working environment including by:
a. ensuring that workplaces, machinery, equipment and processes under each
person’s control are safe and without risk to health;
2. Call [ ] to reach the Contractor’s hotline (if any) and leave a message.
The person’s identity will be kept confidential, unless reporting of allegations is mandated by
the country law. Anonymous complaints or allegations may also be submitted and will be
given all due and appropriate consideration. We take seriously all reports of possible
misconduct and will investigate and take appropriate action. We will provide warm referrals
to service providers that may help support the person who experienced the alleged incident,
as appropriate.
There will be no retaliation against any person who raises a concern in good faith about any
behavior prohibited by this Code of Conduct. Such retaliation would be a violation of this
Code of Conduct.
Any violation of this Code of Conduct by Contractor’s Personnel may result in serious
consequences, up to and including termination and possible referral to legal authorities.
I have received a copy of this Code of Conduct written in a language that I comprehend. I
understand that if I have any questions about this Code of Conduct, I can contact [enter name
of Contractor’s contact person with relevant experience in handling gender-based violence]
requesting an explanation.
Signature: __________________________________________________________
The Bidder shall enter in this schedule a list of the major sections and appropriate value of
the work for which he proposed to use subcontractors [for those costing more than 10% of
the bid price for each element], together with the names, addresses and experiences of the
proposed subcontractors.
The capability of the sub-contractor will also be assessed (on the same lines as for the main
Contractor) before according approval to him.
(Work should not be split into small parts and sub-contracted; but sub-contracting
specialized elements of works is acceptable).
Date: _______________
RFB No. and title: __________________
Page _______________ of ____________ pages
JV Information
Bidder’s Joint Venturelegal name:
JVmember’slegal name:
Date: _______________
RFB No. and title: __________________
Page _______________ of ____________ pages
Bidder’s legal name:
Construction Equipment
Key Personnel
Non-Performed Contracts in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Contract non-performance did not occur since 1st January [insert year]specified in Section III,
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 2.1.
Contract(s) not performed since 1st January [insert year] specified in Section III, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria, requirement 2.1
Year Non- Contract Identification Total Contract
performed Amount (Rs.)
portion of
[insert [insert amount Contract Identification: [indicate complete contract [insert amount]
year] and percentage] name/ number, and any other identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]
Reason(s) for non-performance: [indicate main
Pending Litigation, in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
No pending litigation in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria,
Sub-Factor 2.3.
Pending litigation in accordance with Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Sub-
Factor 2.3 as indicated below.
[insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete contract name/ number, [insert amount]
year] and any other identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]
Reason(s) for calling of performance security: [indicate main
reason(s) e.g. for gender-based violence; sexual exploitation or
Appendix to Technical Part
Form CCC: Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress
Bidders and each member of a JV should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or
for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full
completion certificate has yet to be issued.
Value of Monthly
Value of works0 Invoicing Over
Name and Stipulated Anticipated Last Six
Description of Contract No. Contract (Rs. remaining to
Place & State Address of period of date of Months
Work & Date equivalent in be completed
Employer completion completion
million) (Rs. equivalent (Rs./month)
in million) Equivalent in
(B) Works for which bids already submitted and likely to be awarded – expected additional commitment.
Attach certificate(s) from the Engineer(s)-in-Charge.
Estimated value of
Description of Name and Address Works (Rs. Stipulated period of Date when decision
Place & State Remarks, if any
Work of Employer equivalent in completion is expected
1. Financial data
2. Sources of Finance
Specify sources of finance to meet the cash flow requirements on works currently in progress
and for future contract commitments.
3. Financial documents
The Bidder and its parties shall provide copies of financial statements for _________years pursuant
Section III, Evaluation and Qualifications Criteria, Sub-factor 3.2. The financial statements shall:
(a) reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or in case of JV member, and not an affiliated
entity (such as parent company or group member).
Attached are copies of financial statements0(balance sheets, including all related notes, and income
statements) for the ____________years required above; and complying with the requirements.
If the most recent set of financial statements is for a period earlier than 12 months from the date of bid, the
reason for this should be justified.
Appendix to Technical Part
Form FIN - 3.2: Average Annual Construction Turnover
[To be completed by the Bidder and by each member of a Joint Venture]
Turnover *
* See Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 3.2. Annual construction
turnover calculated as total certified payments received for work in progress or completed, for
7 years. This should be certified by a Chartered Accountant.
Appendix to Technical Part
1. Member in charge
2. Member
3. Member
Total value of annual construction turnover, in terms of work billed to clients, in Rupees
Annual Turnover Data (construction only; in Rs *)
in charge
Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of
credit, and other financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total
construction cash flow demands of the subject contract or contracts as specified in Section III,
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
Source of financing Amount (Rs)
-- Sd. --
This is to certify that M/s. ………………………………. who has formed a JV with M/s.
………………………….. and M/s. …………………………….. for participating in this bid, is a
reputed company with a good financial standing.
[Identify contracts that demonstrate continuous construction work over the past [7] years
pursuant to Section III, Qualification Criteria and Requirements, Sub-Factor 4.1. List contracts
chronologically, according to their commencement (starting) dates.]
Work performed as prime Contractor or Sub-Contractor or Management Contractor (in the same
name and style) on construction works of a similar nature and volume over the last seven years 0.
[Attach certificate from the Project Manager.]
Similar Contract No.
Contract Identification
Award date
Completion date
Role in Contract Prime Management
Member in JV Sub-contractor
Contractor Contractor
If member in a JV or subcontractor,
specify participation in total Contract
Employer's Name:
Telephone/fax number
Immediately preceding the financial year in which bids are received.
Appendix to Technical Part
Form EXP - 4.2(a) (cont.)
Specific Construction and Contract Management Experience (cont.)
3. Complexity
4. Methods/Technology
6. Other Characteristics
Appendix to Technical Part
Form EXP - 4.2(b): Construction Experience in Key Activities
Bidder’s Legal Name: ________________
Date: ______________________
Joint Venture Member’s Legal Name_________________________
Subcontractor's Legal Name0 (as per ITB 33.2 and 33.3): ________________
Contract Identification
Award date
Completion date
Telephone/fax number
If applicable.
Attach certificate from the Project Manager
Employer’s Name:
Telephone/fax number
(Name of the Project)
1. We confirm that we are solely responsible for obtaining tax/duty waivers which we have
considered in our bid and in case of failure to receive such waivers for reasons
whatsoever, the employer will not compensate us.
2. We are furnishing below the information required by the Employer for issue of the
necessary certificates in terms of the Government of India’s relevant Notifications.
3. The goods/construction equipment for which certificates are required are as under:
Construction Equipment
4. We agree that no modification to the above list is permitted after bids are opened.
5. We agree that the certificate will be issued only to the extent considered reasonable by the
Employer for the work, based on the Bill of Quantities and the construction program and
methodology as furnished by us alongwith the bid.
6. We confirm that the above goods and construction equipment will be exclusively used for
the construction of the above work and the construction equipment will not be sold or
otherwise disposed of in any manner for a period of Seven years from the date of
[This certificate will be issued within 60 days of signing of contract and no subsequent changes will be permitted.]
* Modify the above to suit the requirements given in Government of India’s Notifications as
current of date of bidding.
Appendix to Technical Part: Bid Security
SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this _________ day of __________ 20____.
(1) If after Bid opening the Applicant (a) withdraws his bid during the period of Bid validity
specified in the Letter of Bid, (“the Bid Validity Period”); or (b) does not accept the
correction of the Bid Price pursuant to ITB 36;
(2) If the Applicant having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by the Employer during
the period of Bid validity:
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders, if required; or
we undertake to pay to the Employer up to the above amount upon receipt of his first written demand,
without the Employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand the Employer will
note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the occurrence of one or any of the four
conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
Insert name of the Bidder, which in the case of a joint venture shall be (a) the name of the joint venture that
submits the bid if the JV has been constituted into a legally enforceable JV, or (b) the names of all future
members of the JV as named in the letter of intent to execute the JV Agreement submitted by the bidder
alongwith its bid.
The Applicant should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and figures denominated in Indian Rupees.
This figure should be the same as shown in Clause 19.1 of the Instructions to Bidders.
This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date ____________________ 0days after the
deadline for submission of Bids as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to Bidders or as it may be
extended by the Employer, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in
respect of this guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
[signature, name, and address]
Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from
the final product.
45 days after the end of the validity period of the Bid.
Appendix to Technical Part
Affidavit regarding correctness of information provided
(To be produced on Rs 100/- Stamp paper and duly Notarized)
(to be Produced for each member of Joint Venture separately)
To: …………………..
(Name of the Employer&
Dear Sir:
The documents attached/information provided by us for the aforesaid work in technical part
are as follows :-
S.No. Information/Documents attached
(1) We confirm that we are solely responsible for trueness and correctness of the all
certificates/documents and information provided by us for above mentioned work.
Authorized Signatory……………………………
Name ……………………………………………..
For M/S …………………………………………..
Address …………………………………………..
Date:- ……………………………………………
[ Notary ]
We hereby do solemnly affirm with oath that the all information and
certificates/documents provided by us in the above mentioned work are absolutely true
and correct to the best of our knowledge and we are wholly responsible for all information
and certificates/documents provided.
Signatory…………………………… Name
For M/S
[ Notary] Date:- ……………………………………………
The Bidder must prepare this Letter of Bid on stationery with its letterhead clearly showing
the Bidder’s complete name and business address.
Date of this Bid submission: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid submission]
Request for Bid No.: [insert identification]
Alternative No.0:[insert identification No if this is a Bid for an alternative]
We, the undersigned, hereby submit the second part of our Bid, the Bid Price and Bill of
Quantities. This accompanies the Letter of Bid - Technical Part.
(a) Bid Validity Period: Our Bid shall be valid for a period specified in BDS 18.1 (or as
amended if applicable) from the date fixed for the Bid submission deadline specified in
BDS 22.1 (or as amended if applicable), and it shall remain binding upon us and may be
accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;
Delete if not applicable
(b) Bid Price: The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (c) below
is: [Insert one of the options below as appropriate]
[Option 1, in case of one lot:] Total price is: [insert the total price of the Bid in Rs.
in words and figures];
[Option 2, in case of multiple lots:] (a) Total price of each lot [insert the total price of
each lot in Rs. in words and figures]; and (b) Total price of all lots (sum of all lots)
[insert the total price of all lots in Rs. words and figures];
(c) Discounts: The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:
(i) The discounts offered are: [Specify in detail each discount offered]
(ii) The exact method of calculations to determine the net price after application of
discounts is shown below: [Specify in detail the method that shall be used to apply
the discounts];
(d) Commissions, gratuities and fees: We have paid, or will pay the following
commissions, gratuities, or fees with respect to the Bidding process or execution of the
Contract: [insert complete name of each Recipient, its full address, the reason for which
each commission or gratuity was paid and the amount and currency of each such
commission or gratuity].
Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder: ** [insert
complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid]
Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing the Bid]
Signature of the person named above: [insert signature of person whose name and
capacity are shown above]
Date signed [insert date of signing] day of [insert month], [insert year]
*: In the case of the Bid submitted by a Joint Venture specify the name of the Joint Venture as Bidder.
**: Person signing the Bid shall have the power of attorney given by the Bidder. The power of attorney shall be attached
with the Bid Schedules
[Note: Entries in this Schedule shall be the same as included in the same Schedule in the
technical part of the bid, except for the column on ‘Approximate value of subcontract’
added in the table below]
Qualification and
Name and
Approximat % of experience of sub-
Element of address of
Item e value of bid contractor on similar
work sub-
subcontract price works of the elements
The Bidder shall enter in this schedule a list of the major sections and appropriate value of
the work for which he proposed to use subcontractors [for those costing more than 10% of
the bid price for each element], together with the names, addresses and experiences of the
proposed subcontractors.
The capability of the subcontractor will also be assessed (on the same lines as for the main
Contractor) before according approval to him.
(Work should not be split into small parts and subcontracted; but subcontracting
specialized elements of works is acceptable).
1. Bill of Quantities0
Some parts of requirement can be met through a Specialized Subcontractor, if permitted in the bidding
Bill of Quantities
(i) Protection work of damaged portion of apron.
1 Cutting & clearance of jungle, bushes, shrubs Ankra/lpomoea, sqm
Julieflora tpna etc. on canals and bunds in dry/moist/slushy
conditions including disposal as per instructions of the Project
Manager. Cost of wood has been deducted from rates and thus
will be property of contractor after cutting. Thick
2 Excavation including loading, unloading, disposal and dressing of cum
excavated earth within initial lead of 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m in
dry or moist including dressing of excavated area, dewatering
wherever required complete in all respect Hard / dense soil
3 Cement concrete (1: 3 :6) M-10 well mixed and laid in position cum
complete including all leads of all construction materials
including curing and finishing having well graded crusher broken
stone aggregate of maximum size up to 40 mm (PCC)
4 Random rubble stone masonry (using R.R. stones where 75 % cum
stones to be not less 15 cm in size in any direction and weighing
not less than 23 kg) for foundation including curing all leads of
construction materials & all taxes and with initial lift/delift of 5 m
from ground level etc. CM (1:5)
6 Providing and laying cement concrete coping in (1:2:4) with sqm
maximum size of crusher broken agg up to 20 mm including
1. Item for which no rate or price has been entered in will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by
the other rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities (refer:ITB Clause 14.2 and GCC Clause 41.3).
2. Unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder in Indian Rupees (refer: ITB Clause 14.1 and ITB Clause 15.1).
3. Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by quantity, the unit
rate quoted shall govern (refer: ITB Clause 36). [Note: delete this point if the e-procurement system automatically calculates the total
from the unit rate and quantity]
4. Where there is a discrepancy between the rate in figures and words, the rates in words will govern (refer: ITB Clause 36). [Note:
delete this point if the e-procurement system automatically populates the amount in words from the amount in figures]
Section V - Eligible Countries
In reference to ITB 4.8, and 5.1, for the information of the Bidders, at the present time firms,
goods and services from the following countries are excluded from this Bidding process:
1. Purpose
1.1 The Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines and this annex apply with respect to procurement
under Bank Investment Project Financing operations.
2. Requirements
2.1 The Bank requires that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank financing);
bidders(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors and suppliers; any sub-contractors,
sub-consultants, service providers or suppliers; any agents (whether declared or not); and
any of their personnel, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement
process, selection and contract execution of Bank-financed contracts, and refrain from
Fraud and Corruption.
(b) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection
and audit rights provided for under paragraph 2.2 e. below.
b. Rejects a proposal for award if the Bank determines that the firm or individual
recommended for award, any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-consultants,
sub-contractors, service providers, suppliers and/ or their employees, has, directly or
indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices in competing for the contract in question;
c. In addition to the legal remedies set out in the relevant Legal Agreement, may take
other appropriate actions, including declaring misprocurement, if the Bank
determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of any
part of the proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive,
or obstructive practices during the procurement process, selection and/or execution
of the contract in question, without the Borrower having taken timely and
appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices when they
occur, including by failing to inform the Bank in a timely manner at the time they
knew of the practices;
d. Pursuant to the Bank’s Anti- Corruption Guidelines and in accordance with the
Bank’s prevailing sanctions policies and procedures, may sanction a firm or
individual, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, including by publicly
declaring such firm or individual ineligible (i) to be awarded or otherwise benefit
from a Bank-financed contract, financially or in any other manner; 0 (ii) to be a
nominated0 sub-contractor, consultant, manufacturer or supplier, or service provider
of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Bank-financed contract; and (iii) to
receive the proceeds of any loan made by the Bank or otherwise to participate further
in the preparation or implementation of any Bank-financed project;
e. Requires that a clause be included in bidding/request for proposals documents and in
contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring (i) bidders(applicants/proposers),
consultants, contractors, and suppliers, and their sub-contractors, sub-consultants,
service providers, suppliers, agents personnel, permit the Bank to inspect0 all
For the avoidance of doubt, a sanctioned party’s ineligibility to be awarded a contract shall include, without limitation, (i) applying for
pre-qualification, expressing interest in a consultancy, and bidding, either directly or as a nominated sub-contractor, nominated
consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider, in respect of such contract, and (ii) entering into an
addendum or amendment introducing a material modification to any existing contract.
A nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider (different names
are used depending on the particular bidding document) is one which has been: (i) included by the bidder in its pre-qualification
application or bid because it brings specific and critical experience and know-how that allow the bidder to meet the qualification
requirements for the particular bid; or (ii) appointed by the Borrower.
Inspections in this context usually are investigative (i.e., forensic) in nature. They involve fact-finding activities undertaken by the Bank
or persons appointed by the Bank to address specific matters related to investigations/audits, such as evaluating the veracity of an
allegation of possible Fraud and Corruption, through the appropriate mechanisms. Such activity includes but is not limited to: accessing
and examining a firm's or individual's financial records and information, and making copies thereof as relevant; accessing and examining
any other documents, data and information (whether in hard copy or electronic format) deemed relevant for the investigation/audit, and
making copies thereof as relevant; interviewing staff and other relevant individuals; performing physical inspections and site visits; and
obtaining third party verification of information.
accounts, records and other documents relating to the procurement process, selection
and/or contract execution, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the
The major items of scope in the Project is as stated below and the details are given below in
The Technical Specification shall form a part of the contract and shall be read in
conjunction with other bidding documents. If required, the Project Managermay
issue special specifications modifying, amending, or supplementing the
requirements spelt out in this Technical Specification. In such a case, the provision
in the Special Specification shall prevail over those in the Technical Specification.
1.1 Acronyms
The term, Indian Standard specifications (issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards)
here in after referred as BIS used herein means the relevant Bureau of Indian
Standard codes with all amendments published up to the date of submission of
tenders. A Statement of BIS as applicable to the context of present work is listed
In addition to the relevant BIS code, the specifications prescribed and guidelines
issued by Central Water Commission Standard Specifications, IRC, MoRTH,
ASTM, EU ACI and other international codes may also be referred and seek
clarifications of IS specifications.
The BIS Codes which have been referred above, if updated, the updated code of
practice shall be followed.
Any materials for which no standard is referred to or has not been fully specified in
the Specifications shall be of 1st class quality and the contractor is to carry out the
necessary tests based on International Testing Standard as per direction of Project
1.3 Contrctor's Temporary Facilities
1.3.1 Contractor's Offices, Stores, Etc.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the land he deems necessary for his offices,
stores, and warehouse and for the housing and welfare of his employees. The
Contractor shall also be responsible for the construction, maintenance, operation
and subsequent removal of such temporary facilities. These facilities shall be
equipped with adequate electricity and potable water supplies.
The temporary quarters and camp accommodation shall be run and maintained in an
efficient manner for the duration of the Contract, and shall be open to the inspection
of the Government Medical Officer of Health at all times, and any instruction given
by him for the cleaning, disinfecting, and general maintenance thereof shall be
carried out by the Contractor
The above facilities shall from the time of their erection until the completion of the
Works will remain the property of the Employer and the Contractor shall not
demolish or remove any facilities or part thereof without the written permission of
the Project Manager. On the completion of the Works they shall become the
property of the Contractor who shall, if so ordered remove them and the associated
services and restore the Site to the approval of the Project Manager.
The Contractor shall submit, for the approval of the Project Manager, within
fourteen (14) days from the Commencement Date his detailed plan and/or
construction drawings of his offices, stores, and warehouse that he proposes to
construct or rent, including his proposals for water and power supply and sewage
facilities. All facilities shall conform to the Employer's standards.
1.3.2 Contractor's Transport
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the transport, where necessary,
of his staff and workmen to and from the site of the works at his own expenses. No
payment shall be made on this item, and such costs in this item are deemed to be
covered in the unit rate.
1.3.3 Temporary Access Road
If only deemed necessary for the Rehabilitation Works, the Contractor shall
construct and maintain temporary access roads including temporary access bridges
necessary for the construction of the Works and transportation of the materials. The
access roads to the borrow pits and for constructing the dam and roads shall be
constructed by rehabilitating and reinforcing the existing roads, where available.
The access roads shall be constructed in such a manner that all of the temporary
access roads and bridges ensure the passage of heavy equipment and trucks during
the whole construction period. The Contractor shall also pay compensation to the
owner(s) if he constructs the temporary access roads on privately owned land. To
the possible extent the contractor should avoid agricultural lands and forest lands.
Not less than 14 days before he intends to start construction of any part of the
temporary access roads, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Managerhis
detailed construction program, and drawings of:
Borrow/quarries shall be located away from the population centers, drinking water
intakes and drainage systems. The cutting of trees shall be minimized. Temporary
ditches and/or settling basins shall be dug to prevent erosion. The undesirable
ponding of water shall be prevented through temporary drains discharging into
natural drainage channels.
Borrow pits shall not be more than 1m in depth and 25 m in length. A clear distance
of 1m shall be left between the pits. The bed of borrow pits shall be left reasonably
smooth and even.
Borrow pits shall be drained to avoid stagnation of water and the bottom level of
borrow pits should be fixed with reference to the prevailing ground slope towards
the nearest natural drainage course.
Borrow pits should be avoided within the forest areas. Earthwork operations shall
be strictly limited to the areas to be occupied by the permanent Works and approved
borrow areas and quarries, unless otherwise permitted by the Project Manager. Due
provision shall be made for temporary drainage. Erosion and/or instability and/or
sediment deposition arising from earthwork operations not in accordance with the
Specifications shall be made good immediately.
The Contractor shall obtain the permission of the Project Managerbefore opening up
any borrows or quarries. Such borrow pits and quarries may be prohibited or
restricted in dimensions and depth by the Project Managerwhere:
(i) they might affect the stability or safety of the existing dam and appurtenant
structures, all Works or adjacent property;
(ii) they might interfere with natural or artificial drainage or irrigation;
(iii) they may be environmentally unsuitable.
(iv) the contractor should enter into an equitable agreement with landowner for
borrow area redevelopment if any landowner requires and after completion of
the borrow area the contractor obtains a “Satisfaction Letter “ or “No –
objection Letter” from the land owner on a stamp paper
At least 14 days before he intends to commence opening up any approved borrow
pit or quarry, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Managerhis intended
method of working and restoration. These shall include but not be limited to:
(i) the location, design and method of construction of any access track;
(ii) the volume and nature of materials to be removed
(c) a list detailing the purchase and delivery of materials and Plant from both
inside and outside India;
(d) details of the Contractor's methods of working for all operations including
construction by sequence. The program shall also indicate the proposed
temporary flow diversions and arrangements for de-watering illustrating the
sequence of various critical stages of construction;
(e) a statement and outline layout giving the proposals for location of offices and
stores at the Site; and
(f) details of the program for the construction of the works from the
Commencement Date, including a complete resource allocation showing the
number of units and allotted times for each unit of the Contractor's Equipment,
Plant, materials and labor allocated for each part of the works.
(g) The program shall show the start and completion dates of the various activities,
in order to complete the entire project by the Intended Completion Date.
(h) No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with this
1.6 Progress Reporting And Review Meetings
Monthly Report
The Contractor shall furnish to the Project Manager, at the Contractor's own cost, at
regular one (1) month intervals and in a form and number of copies determined by
the Project Manager, the following:
(i) physical and financial progress for the preceding months and estimated
progress for the report month;
(ii) completion schedules (target and actual) based on the approved Construction
(iii) estimated expenditures for the report month;
(iv) a tabulation of construction equipment, listing the major items and pieces of
equipment which were utilized for performance of the Works during the
preceding month;
(v) a tabulation of employees, showing the supervisory staff and the numbers of
several classes of laborers employed by the Contractor in the preceding month;
(vi) purchase and expenditure report covering the Plant and materials furnished by
the Contractor for the Works;
(vii) the climatic conditions prevailing during the report month;
(viii) the environmental and social measures carried out by the contractor; and
(xi) any report which may be specifically requested by the Employer and/or the
Project Manager
Final or Completion Report
Within 30 days from the Provisional Acceptance Date, the Contractor shall submit to
the Project Managera Completion Report in 30 copies. The Report should include :
a) Inventory of executed works;
b) Financial statement;
c) Main issues encountered;
d) List of the equipment and staff mobilized and
e) Recommendations
The report should also include: as-built drawings of the various structures.
Site/Works Meetings
The Contractor shall attend all the Site/Work Meetings (periodical or exceptional)
called by the Project Manager. A Minutes of Meeting should be prepared and jointly
signed by the Contractor (or its representative) and the Project Manager.
Site Diary Book
The Contractor shall maintain a site diary book in which all the main activities in the
site should be daily recorded including inventory of existing staff and equipment,
works progress, incidents, executed tests and samples collection, visits and particular
or exceptional events. The diary should be jointly signed by the Contractor's
representative and the Project Manager.
Audits By The Employer
The Contractor shall note that the Employer shall be entitled, at its discretion, to
conduct audits in respect to:
(a) costs incurred in the event of termination; and
(b) any other costs that the Contractor claims from the Employer which are not
specifically covered by the terms of the Contract.
(c) The Contractor shall be obliged to keep accurate up-to-date accounts with
records concerning the above items.
Progress Photographs:
The Contractor shall make all arrangements to provide a minimum of 20 daily geo
tagged progress photographs by a digital camera in albums, but not pasted, showing
the work progress and shall promptly supply four copies of such photographs, larger
The Contractor shall, within fourteen (14) days from the Commencement Date,
submit a Quality Assurance Plan. The plan shall include testing schedules, list of
material sources, quality control procedures to ensure the provision of adequate
materials and the execution of the works according to the technical specifications, the
Contractor's internal organization ensuring good quality of constructions works,
procedures for supplying of suitable materials, procedures for verification of
drawings and other items as required by the Project Manager. The Contractor shall
implement the quality control procedures in compliance with the approved Quality
Assurance Plan
Three tier system is proposed to be implemented for CS and QA activities. The first
level CS&QA is the responsibility of contractor, second level with the dam owner
and third level called Third Party CS & QA is entrusted with CPMU, Central Water
Commission through Engineering and Management Consultant. Supervision of
construction work will be done by the Project Managerand his site staff on a day-to-
day basis and periodically by the concerned Superintending Engineer and Chief
Project Manager of the Project or any authorized agency/officials by the Project
Regarding the material sampling and testings, by the second party and third party, it
is the sole responsibility of the dam owner and the CPMU, CWC without any
financial implications to the contractor. The representatives of the second and third
party are authorized to inspect any time the ongoing rehabilitation works even at a
short notice, can take the samples of construction materials for appropriate testing.
The construction material samplings and testing shall be done at independent material
testing laboratories by each agency.
1.9 Materials And Samples
The Contractor shall submit to the Project Managera list of all suppliers of
manufactured items from whom he proposes to purchase, and the locations of
quarries, material sources from which he proposes to extract material aggregates,
stones, fill materials etc. If the contractor is purchasing the aggregates from the
vendor he should obtain the material from the licensed quarry where the
_____________ Pollution Control Board has given Consent for Establishment and
Operation for the crusher. In addition the Contractor should enclose a copy of the
Consent for establishment and operation as part of the Vendor approval. All materials
and articles shall, whether specified or otherwise, be suitable for the use intended and
shall be approved by the Project Manager. Samples of all materials or articles to be
incorporated in the Works as may be called for by the Project Manageror his
Representative shall be submitted as and when required for retention by the Project
Manager's Representative. Manufacturer's test certificates shall be supplied in respect
of cement, steel, pipes, etc.
The Contractor shall maintain a detailed record of all materials delivered to his stores
or working areas, and shall make these records available to the Project Manager's
representative. All goods and materials used in the Permanent Works shall be new,
unused, of the most recent or current models, and incorporate all recent
improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract.
All materials and works rejected by the Project Manager's representative shall be
promptly removed from the site.
All materials and goods furnished and works performed under these specifications
shall be subject to the inspection of the Project Manageror his authorized
representative to determine that they meet the requirements of these specifications.
The Contractor shall notify the Project Manager, not less than 15 days in advance of
the date and place that the materials will be available for inspection. Acceptance of
materials or the waiving of inspection, thereof, shall not relieve the Contractor of the
responsibility for furnishing materials and goods or performing works in accordance
with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
The Contractor shall provide all labor, and equipment necessary for the performance
of all tests required, or he may employ an approved independent testing laboratory to
carry out all or part of the testing. The contractor shall obtain approval of his
proposed testing arrangement and shall submit all results without delay.
The Contractor shall be responsible for delivering all samples to the laboratory and
for collecting the results. The original test certificates shall be presented to the Project
Managerfor his review and approval.
The Project Manager shall have easy access to the laboratory/ies at all reasonable
The Contractor shall not interfere in any way with any existing works whether they
are the property of the Employer or of a third party and whether the position of such
works is indicated to the Contractor by the Project Manageror not, except where such
interference is specifically described as part of the Works either in the Contract or in
the Project Manager's instructions.
The Contractor shall at his own expense provide and erect, to the approval of the
Project Manager, such supports as may be required to protect efficiently all structures
or works which may be endangered by the execution of the Works and he shall
remove such supports on completion of the Works or otherwise take such permanent
measures as may be required by the Project Managerto protect the structures or
The Contractor is to execute the Works in such a manner that he does not damage or
interfere with existing services which are located in proximity to the Site. The
Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or interference which may be caused
to these services due to the execution of the Works and shall carry out all necessary
repairs at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.
During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall maintain a continuous up-to-
date copy and record in softcopy and hard copy ( in PDF, DOC,DWX OR DWG
format) of all drawings, specifications, supplementary data, latest revisions and field
deviations from the drawings, if any, approved by the Project Manager.
As soon as any section of the Works has been completed the Contractor shall bring
the construction drawings up to “As-Built” status incorporating all modifications,
additions, alterations etc., which may have been made during the construction period.
All “As-Built” drawings shall be subject to verification and approval by the Project
Manager. Within the contractually stated period following the date of the issue of the
Certificate of Completion for the Works or parts of the Works, the Contractor shall
complete and submit one full set of such approved drawings together with one set of
auto-positives to the Project Manager.
The Contractor shall protect completed Works from damage from subsequent
operations, from the weather or any other cause, including the naturally aggressive
nature of the environment in which the works are to be constructed and make good
any damage so arising until the work is fully completed and handed over to the
Project Manager.
1.13 Signboards
Notice boards shall be in Hindi and English and shall be displayed in suitable position
on the Sites to show the Employers name together with the name of the Project and
the names of the co-financer, Consultant and Contractor. The boards shall have a
minimum overall size of 1.5m x 1m and shall be in a format to be provided by the
Project Manager.
The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring throughout the contract period all the
safety measures at site of work so as to prevent loss of life, property and damage of
partially or completed works.
The Contractor shall comply with any safety instruction given by the Project
Manager. In the performance of the Works, the Contractor shall exercise every
reasonable precaution to protect persons or property from injury. The Contractor shall
erect and maintain all necessary temporary fencing, barricades, barriers, signs and
lights and provide fire alarm, fire extinguishing and fire-fighting services at strategic
points on the Site. The Contractor shall adopt and enforce such rules and regulations
as may be necessary, desirable or proper to safeguard the public and all persons
engaged in the work and its supervision.
1.14.2 Safety measures
The safety measures taken by Contractor shall include but shall not be limited to the
(a) Temporary Fencing – The Contractor shall erect, maintain and remove suitable
and approved temporary fencing to enclose such areas of the Permanent Works
and areas of land occupied by the Contractor within the Site as may be necessary
to implement his obligations under the Contract, to the satisfaction of the Project
Manager. Where any temporary fence has to be erected alongside a public road,
footpath, etc., it shall be of the type required by and shall be erected to the
satisfaction of the Government authority concerned.
(b) Lighting –The Contractor shall provide sufficient lighting in all places where
work is in progress, such that:
(i) Safe working conditions are provided both for the Contractor's
personnel, sub-contractor's personnel and for personnel of the Project
(ii) The Works can be constructed in complete compliance with the
Contract; and
(iii) A complete inspection of all Works in progress can be made by the Project
(c) The minimum service luminance on ground or working surfaces to be provided
for the various operations or work areas shall be as directed by the Project
(d) The Contractor shall supply a suitable instrument to the Project Managerfor
measuring the intensity of illumination
(e) All mobile equipment or plant used during night operations, as and when
approved by the Project Manager, shall be equipped with sufficient lights and
reflectors to ensure safe working conditions
(f) Not less than fourteen (14) days before the start of night operations, the
Contractor shall submit his proposals for lighting in the areas in which he
proposes to work at night to the Project Manager. The Contractor shall modify
the proposals if required by the Project Manager, and shall not begin operations
at night until the proposals for lighting (in an amended form if required) have
been approved
(g) Approval of the Contractor's proposals for lighting shall not relieve the
Contractor of any of his liabilities or obligations under the Contract.
(h) Work in the vicinity of electrical equipment – in the interest of safety and
security, the Contractor shall complete the erection of any safety fencing around
electrical and mechanical apparatus by the time that the said apparatus is
connected to any electricity supply.
(i) Explosives – in the use, handling and storage of explosives, the Contractor shall
comply with the guidelines given in Section 3.4, under Earthworks of this
Specification and with all statutory regulations of law. The Contractor's attention
is drawn to the fact that, depending on the nature of work in progress, the Project
Managermay require the Contractor to discontinue the handling or use of
explosives during the approach and progress of severe thunderstorms in which
case all persons shall be removed from danger areas to a place of safety during
such periods.
(j) Safety Instructions – the Contractor shall at his own cost supply and issue to his
employees and those of his subcontractors and the staff of the Project
Managerprinted booklets, of pocket - size, on the scale of one per person, in
English and in other languages used by his employees at Site, instructions based
on good practice. Within sixty (60) days of the Project Manager's written order
to commence the Works at Site, proof copies of the booklet shall be submitted
for approval before printing and amendments shall be made to the booklet to his
entire satisfaction. The Contractor shall issue the booklet immediately after
printing as required by this Clause and ensure that all employees are fully
conversant with the instructions. Safety instructions shall deal with all safety
(i) Protective clothing, headgear and footwear;
(ii) Use of lifting equipment;
(iii) Use of drilling equipment;
(iii) The Contractor shall maintain all signs placed by him as well as those
placed by the Employer.
(iv) If the Project Managerconsiders that the system of signs provided by the
Contractor is inadequate to ensure safety, or unsatisfactory in other
respects, the Contractor shall add to, amend, or otherwise change the
system to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.
(v) The Contractor shall at his own cost make suitable replacement as directed
by the Project Managerin case of loss or damage to any signs provided by
the Contractor under this Sub-Clause.
(vi) The Contractor shall at his own cost adopt such measures as the Project
Managermay consider reasonable and necessary to minimize nuisance from
dust, noise or other disturbance created while or in carrying out the Works.
(vii) The Contractor shall at his own cost adopt such measures as the Project
Managermay consider reasonable and necessary to minimize nuisance from
dust, noise or other disturbance created while or in carrying out the Works.
Separate payment will not be made for complying with the provisions of this
Clause and all costs shall be deemed to be included in the various rates in the
priced Bill of Quantities.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate fire-fighting equipment and take
adequate fire precaution measures for the safety of all personnel, temporary and
permanent works, and shall take action to prevent damage to or destruction by fire of
trees, shrubs or grasses.The Contractor shall ensure that fire extinguishers of needed
types are duly installed in all sensitive places, such as, stores containing electrical
material and those containing inflammable items and, that his personnel are given
regular training to operate these devices
Separate payment will not be made for the provision of fire prevention
The Contractor shall in all respects be fully responsible for ensuring necessary first-
aid services to his employees and employees of his subcontractors, including
transport for injured personnel to hospital or other appropriate accommodation as and
when required.
To enable the fulfillment of his obligations under this Clause, the Contractor shall
engage qualified resident first-aid staff, and shall arrange for the treatment of
casualties on the Site in first-aid units and for removal.
Separate payment will not be made for first-aid and medical facilities provided by the
Contractor for his employees and the employees of his subcontractors. The facility
shall be also available for the use of staff of Project Manager.
Contractor with the help of local medical department should conduct AIDS awareness
Campaign for every six months to bring awareness to the labor employed by him.
The Contractor shall control the movement of his crews and equipment on any right-
of- way, including access routes approved by the Project Managerso as to minimize
damage to crops and property and shall Endeavour to avoid marring the lands. Ruts
and scars shall be obliterated, damage to land shall be corrected and the land shall be
restored as neatly as practicable to its original condition.
The Contractor shall be responsible directly to the Employer for any excessive or
unnecessary damage to crops or lands resulting from the Contractor's operations
whether on lands adjacent to a right-of-way or on approved access roads, and
deductions shall be made from payments due to the Contractor to cover the amount of
such excessive or unnecessary damage as determined by the Project Manager.
No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with the
stipulations of this Sub-Clause.
The Environment is defined as meaning the surrounding area, including human and
natural resources, to be affected by the execution and completion of the Works.
The Contractor shall take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the
course of the construction of the Works. He shall abide by all prevailing laws, rules
and regulations governing pollution and environmental protection.
a) Hazardous Materials
The Contractor shall not store hazardous materials near water surfaces. The
Contractor shall provide protective clothing or appliances when it is necessary to use
hazardous substances.
High concentration of airborne dust resulting in deposition and damage to crops and
water resources shall be avoided. The Contractor shall take every precaution to
control excessive noise resulting in disruption to wildlife and human populations.
Space allocated for storage of materials such as cement, gabion wire, reinforcing wire
etc. shall in general be damp-free, rainproof and away from petroleum products
Written information must be given to, and approval be taken from, the Project
Managerregarding the proper establishment and maintenance of such stores. Failure
to comply with the Project Manager's instruction in respect of overall standards will
lead to the reduction or withholding of payment.
c) Sanitation
d) Reinstatement of Environment
The Contractor shall arrange and execute works as well as related activities in such a
way that environmental conditions are reinstated. He may be required to carry out
filling, removal and disposal works, along with planting of grass and trees at
identified locations to reinstate environment as directed by the Project Manager.
1.19 ENVIRONMENT-General
The role of Contractor is very important to ensure that the environmental and social
risks and impacts for implementation of the construction works are minimized, and
that all aspects of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) are
implemented as published on borrower’s website. The activities would be carried out
in Consultation with Project Manager under the guidance of Environmental and
Social Experts to look after the implementation of ESMP in all the Packages.
The following environmental related activities are to be implemented during the pre-
construction/construction (early part) periods:
6. Contractor shall identify the muck/debris disposal area as per the guidelines
provided in ESMP and get approval of Project Manager.
8. Contractor shall train, all the staff and labour, for their code of conduct,
environment and safety procedures to be followed and other compliance
requirements and submit the record to Project Manager.
9. Contractor shall make aware, all the staff and labour, about the presence of
Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) and procedure to be followed and
submit the record to Project Manager.
10. Contractor shall ensure that all the vehicles used for the project have valid
fitness certificates and valid PUC(Pollution Under Control)certificates.
12. Contractor shall ensure compliance with all the requirement as per ESMP and
submit its compliance strategy in the form of C-ESMP
a) Environmental Safety
c) Payment
Separate payment will not be made for complying with the provisions of this Clause
and all costs shall be deemed to be included in the various rates in the priced Bill of
Quantities, including the cost of implementing work place safe systems of work, the
measures necessary for ensuring traffic and road safety,HIV counselling serviceshall
also be deemed to be included in the various rates in the priced Bill of Quantities.
The standard and specification of different construction Materials are given in detail
in respective Sections of this specification. The contractor shall procure construction
materials in confirmation to the required specification.
A. Before starting any work and during execution (if required), the contractor shall
erect reference Bench Marks, reference lines and check profiles at convenient
locations as per the direction of the Project Manager. The centre line of the dam
and the reference line for all alignments for demarcation purpose shall be laid by
dug-belling on the ground. The reference line shall comprise the base line properly
dug belled on the ground with the numbered concrete / masonry R. D. pillars
suitably spaced.
B. The zones of full cutting section, full filling section, partial cutting and filling
sections shall be separated by conspicuous demarcation in the fiel
The curves stipulated in construction drawings shall be carefully laid in the field
by adopting approved method of curve layout. The curve shall be marked on the
ground by fixing pegs at very close intervals and joining the peg-point by dug-
belling to a suitable depth.
The spoil dumping zones shall clearly be demarcated in the field. These zones
should be at least 2 m. beyond the location of catch water drains.
C. To ensure accuracy in execution of cutting, the dam embankment, spoil banks and
the structures, their layout shall be given in an appropriate manner with pegs and
pillars, suitably placed in relation to outer dimensions of these elements.
D. All materials and labor for setting out works mentioned in paragraph (A) to
paragraph (C), as may be required at the various stages of the construction,
shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost. The cost of such works
shall be deemed to have been included in the cost of the items in BOQ.
The portion of the right-of-way where required for constructing the work under these
specification shall be cleared of all trees, bushes, rubbish and other objectionable
matter. Trees designated by the Project Managershall not be cut and shall be protected
from injury. Such cleared material shall be disposed off or removed from the site of
b) Grubbing
The area described or shown on the relevant site plan shall be cleared of all
obstructions, loose stones, non-required materials and rubbish of all kinds. All
brushwood shall be cleared and the roots grubbed up. No trees shall be cut down and
removed without the instructions of the Project Manager. Those which are cut down
shall be grubbed up. The same remarks apply to jungle clearance. Trees to be
preserved will be designated by the Project Manager.
The products of the clearing shall be stacked in such place and manner as may be
ordered by Project Managerand the ground shall be left in perfectly clean condition;
all products of the clearing shall be the property of Government and shall be disposed
of as per the direction of Project Manager.
c) Preparation Of Bed
Ant hills shall be completely dug out before earth work is started. In the absence of
any separate contract schedule provision for removal or shrubs, loose stones and
digging of ant hills, involved in the preparation of bed, the contract rate for earth
work shall be deemed to include all the work to be done in accordance with this
clause. In cases where the work of preparation or bed is rather extensive, the Project
Managerwill usually provide a separate schedule item for such preparation, but in the
absence of such schedule provision, the contractor shall understand that his tender
rate is inclusive of all such work without extra charge. The contractor shall therefore
examine the site before tendering and provide for all items to be done under his earth
work tender rate. Old bunds will be benched or sloped as directed by Project
Managerbefore addition of earth, the benches being 500 mm. X 500 mm. unless other
sizes are specified. The benches or slope shall be inspected by the Project Manageror
engineer designated for the purpose and approved before new earth work is keyed
into them.
The disposal of cleared and grubbed material shall be in accordance with clause 4.1.1
of I. S. 4701 – 1982 code of Practice for earth work on dams. The material to be
disposed off shall be buried
e) Payment
Separate payment will not be made for clearing of site and grubbing including
disposal of the cleared and grubbed material required under the above paragraphs
from (A) to (D). Similarly benching of earthwork on old surface will not be paid as
separate items. The contractor shall include the cost thereof in the price bid in the bill
of quantities of the contract for the relevant finished item of work for which clearing,
grubbing and benching as mentioned in the above paragraphs are required
The Contractor shall procure and apply water for dust abatement.
The Contractor shall furnish all labour, materials and equipment and shall procure
and apply water required for pre-wetting the areas under dam and embankment.
Water applied for dust abatement and pre-wetting of dam prism and adjacent areas
will not be eligible for payment. The cost of procuring and applying water including
all expenses for all means of conveying water to the point of use, their collection,
usage, and all other incidental expenses will not be paid separately including creation
of source of water and the cost shall be deemed to have been included in the
concerned unit price bid in the bill of quantities of the contract for the relevant
finished item of work for which water is required. So also the cost of procuring and
applying water required for other items of the work as per BOQ shall be included in
the price bid in the bill of quantities for the items of work for which the water is used.
The Contractor shall handle all flows from natural drainage channel intercepted by
the work under these specifications, perform any additional excavation and grading
for drainage as directed and provide and maintain any temporary construction
required to bypass or otherwise cause the flows to be harmless to the work and
property. When the temporary construction is no longer needed and prior to
acceptance of the work the contractor shall remove the temporary construction and
restore the site to its original condition as approved by the Project Manager.
In addition to cross drains, longitudinal drains may the considered necessary for
proper drainage. The drainage system consisting of network of cross and longitudinal
drainage system will be led into out fall drains to prevent stagnation of water at the
place of construction. The drains shall be constructed to the section designed, and
shall be either open or filled up with material to ensure free flow of water without
clogging of the filled materials.
The cost of all works and materials required by this paragraph shall be included
by the contractor in the unit prices quoted in the bill of quantities and no
separate payment will be made for the same.
Damages due to rain or flood either in cutting or in bank shall have to be made good
by the contractor till the work is handed over to the department. The responsibility for
desilting and making good the damages due to rain or flood rests with the contractor.
Noextra cost is payable for such operations and the contractor shall, therefore, have
to take all necessary precautions to protect the work done during the construction
Before commencement of work, initial levels to indicate existing ground levels shall
be taken at 15m. intervals longitudinally along the alignment of the dam. The level
points transversely along the cross sections shall be maximum at 5 m. intervals in flat
ground 1.5-2m. in undulating terrain. The cross sections shall be extended beyond the
limit of work to a suitable distance and minimum 5 metres beyond the toe lines of
slopes on both the sides. The intervals stipulated shall be made closer depending on
the topography or any stipulation made by the Project Manager.
All initial levels shall be recorded in ink in authenticated level books issued by the
Project Managerand shall be signed by the Junior Engineer / Assistant Engineer when
he records the levels. The Assistant Engineers and Executive Engineers shall exercise
checks strictly in accordance with the provisions of _____________ PWD Code.
The level shall be recorded in the presence of the contractor or his authorized agent.
The contractor or his authorized agent shall sign each page of the level book / field
book in token of acceptance. These cross sections shall form the basis of all future
measurements and payments. Each dimension shall be measured to the nearest 0.01m.
Areas shall be computed to nearest 0.01 Sqm., volume shall be computed to nearest
0.01 cubic m. Actual construction work shall not be allowed to start unless the initial
levels are recorded, signed and accepted by the Contractor.
Drawing showing the typical section of the dam annexed to these specifications
provides such details as would enable the contractor to execute the work in general
conformity there-with under these specifications which have been prepared as
definitely and in as much detail as possible with regard to design data presently
available. These drawings will be supplemented by such additional, general and
details drawings or directions as may be considered necessary or desirable as the
work progresses. For all changes in approved drawing / design the recommendation
of Superintending Engineer and approval of Chief Engineer will be essential. Where
details shown on these drawings differ from the requirements of these specifications,
the requirement of specifications shall govern. The contractor shall do no work
without proper drawings. He shall check all drawings and specifications carefully and
advise the Project Managerif any errors and omissions are discovered where upon the
Project Managerwill prepare and lodge such revised additional drawings and
specifications as may be required to suit the stage of work. All such additional,
general and detailed drawings whether original or revised lodged in the office of the
Project Managerand signed by him for purpose of identification shall be open for
inspection by the contractor under the same terms and conditions as provided in
All works of the contract shall be executed as per the specific and relevant clause /
clauses of relevant I.S. code unless otherwise specified. Materials used should,
confirm to the desired standards prescribed in the relevant codes. Wherever a Para of
I. S. code is cited in specification, it goes without saying that the latest revision of the
specification subsequently, shall apply. For purpose of relevancy or otherwise of any
provision of the I. S. code referred to, the decision of Project Managershall be final
and binding.
Looking to the importance of the work, it is desired that dimensions and grade
(Longitudinal and cross slope) should be error free. To achieve this goal, precise
survey equipment like high precision DGPS and Similar or higher equipments shall
be used for establishing BM and intermediate points. The objective of employer is to
access all the construction activities in real time by all levels. All the compaction
work on slope and small beds shall be done with customized slope compactors. No
manual compactors or tractor mounted compactors shall be allowed.
a) General
Excavation for the foundation of structures shall be to the elevation shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Project Manager. In so far as practicable the materials
removed in excavation for structures shall be used for back fill and embankment.
All trenches in soil other than rock or hard compact soil more than 1.5 M. deep, into
which men enter shall be securely shored and strutted and timbered.
All trenches in soil soft or fissured rock or hard soil exceeding 2 M. in depth, into
which men enter shall be securely shored and timbered.
Notwithstanding anything said above, it shall be understood that the need for shoring
shall receive careful and frequent consideration even in trenches of less than 1.5 or 2
M. in depth (as the case may be). When there is doubt as to the safety of the work
without shoring, no further excavation or other work shall be continued until adequate
shoring is provided.
Where the sides of trenches are sloped but not to within 1.5 M. of the bottom, the
vertical sides shall be shored and the shoring shall extend at least 30 Cm. above the
vertical sides. When open spaced sheathing is used, a toe board shall be provided to
prevent material rolling down the slope and falling into the part of the trench with
vertical walls.
Shoring and timbering shall be carried along with the opening of a trench but when
conditions permit protection work, such as sheet piling may be done before the
excavation commences.
All loose stones, projecting clumps of earth, pockets of materials which might come
down on the workers in the trench or any condition which is a hazard, shall be either
removed or the excavated sides adequately braced and the trench suitably guarded.
On steep slopes workmen shall not be permitted to work one above the other.
The contractor shall prepare the foundations at structure sites by methods which will
provide firm foundation for the structures. The bottom and side slopes of common
excavation upon or against which the structure is to be placed shall be finished to the
prescribed dimensions and the surfaces, so prepared shall be moistened and tamped
with suitable tools to form firm foundation upon or against which the structure is to
be placed.
The contractor shall prepare the foundation of the structures as shown on respective
drawings. The horizontal foundation material beneath the required excavation shall be
moistened if required and compacted in place.
Separate payment will not be made to the contractor for moistening and compacting
the foundation of structures. The contractor shall include cost thereof in the price bid
per cubic meter of the item of the bill of Quantities for foundation excavation.
When unsuitable material is encountered in the foundation for structure the Project
Managermay direct additional excavation to remove the unsuitable materials. The
additional excavation shall be refilled as follows. In excavation in soils, the over
excavation shall be filled in by clean coarse sand and compacted.
If bad ground or loose soil is met with, the contractor, shall be responsible for
reporting the fact to the Project Managerwho shall issue such orders as may be
c) Over excavation
If at any point in common excavation the foundation material is excavated beyond the
lines required to receive the structure, or if at any point in common excavation the
natural foundation material is disturbed or loosened during the excavation process, it
shall be compacted in place or where directed, it shall be removed and replaced as
follows. In excavation in soils, the over excavation shall be filled in by clean coarse
sand and compacted. Any and all excess excavation or over excavation performed by
the contractor for any purpose or reason except for additional excavation as may be
prescribed by the Project Managerand whether or not due to the fault of the contractor
shall be at the expense of the contractor. Filling for such excess excavation or over
excavation shall be at the expense of the contractor.
d) Disposal of materials
Foundation for structures will be measured for payment, for box cutting with vertical
sides of foundation dimensions. The contractor will have to make his own
arrangements for shoring, strutting provision of adequate slopes for the sides to
prevent slips etc., and no separate charge will paid for any incidental charges arising
either during excavation of foundation or construction of the structure.
The quantity for payment of excavation in soil and rock shall be arrived at by taking
pre levels and finished levels at respective strata. Block levels will be taken at one
meter or less intervals. The levels shall be plotted on a graph sheet and average levels
arrived at for the purpose of determining the quantity of excavation. The contractor's
signature in token of his acceptance shall be recorded in the cross section sheets.
Final payment shall be based on levels only.
f) Payment
Payment for excavation for structures shall be made at the unit price per cubic meter
bid. The rate for excavation for structures shall include the cost of all labor and
materials for Coffer dam and other temporary construction, cost of all pumping and
dewatering, cost of all other work necessary to maintain the excavation in good order
during construction, cost of removing such temporary construction where required
and shall include the cost of disposal of the excavated material.
a) General
The item of the schedule for backfill around structures including pipe portions of
structures includes all backfill required to be placed under these specifications.
b) Materials
The type of material used for backfill, the amount thereof and the manner of
depositing the material shall be subject to approval of Project Manager. In so far as
practicable back fill material shall be obtained from material removed in required
excavations for structures. But when sufficient suitable material is not available from
this source or from adjacent dam excavation, additional material shall be obtained
from approved borrow areas. The borrow pit excavation shall be in accordance with
clauses 9.1 to 9.3 of B.I.S. 4701-1982
Where sand filling is specified, the sand shall be clean, free from admixture of foreign
material and approved by the Project Managerbefore filling is commenced. Should
there be a necessity to fill in a basement with sea sand, prior written approval of the
Project Managershall be obtained. Sand filling should be saturated with water before
the construction is allowed to proceed.
Filling around structures shall have optimum moisture content and, well consolidated
in layers of 15 Cm. by ramming with iron rammers and cut ends of crowbars or with
vibratory earth rammer, depending upon the extent of space available. When filling
reaches the finished level, the surface shall be saturated with water for at least 24
hours, allowed to dry and then rammed and consolidated to desired density in order to
avoid any settlement at a later stage.
c) Placing Backfill
Back fill shall be placed to the lines and grades shown on the drawings as prescribed
in this paragraph or as directed by the Project Manager.
The surface to receive the filling shall be first prepared free from all roots, vegetation
or spoil and wetted.
All backfill shall be placed carefully and spread in uniform layers so that all spaces
around rocks and clods will be filled. Backfill shall be brought up as uniformly as
practicable on both sides of walls and all sides of structure to prevent unequal
loading. Backfill shall be placed to about the same elevation on both sides of the pipe
positions of the structures to prevent unequal loading and displacement of the pipe.
Backfill required to be compacted shall be compacted in accordance with paragraph
d) Structures on fill
Where the original ground surface is below the base of a structure or below the
bottom of pipe, all fill required for the structure foundation and all fill up to the
bottom of the pipe shall be placed as compacted embankment. The embankment over
the natural ground up to pipe bottom and over the pipe shall be laid in accordance
with clauses 9.2.4, 9.2.5 and 9.2.6 of B.I.S. 783 code of practice for laying of
concrete pipes.
Refill of excavation performed outside the established pay lines for excavation for
structures shall be placed in the same manner specified for the adjacent backfill and
such refill shall be placed at the expense of the contractor. The cost of backfill shall
be included in the applicable price bid in the bill of quantities of contract for
excavation of foundation of the structure for which backfill is required.
The unit price bid in the bill of quantities for excavation of foundation of structure
shall include cost of backfill around the structure up to ground level. No separate
payment will be made for backfill of foundation.
a) General
outside diameter of the pipe. After the pipe has been laid suitable backfill material
shall be placed around the pipe and carefully compacted in layers, not more than 15
centimeters after compaction up to the top of the pipe. Thereafter, a loose fill of depth
equal to external diameter, of the pipe shall be placed before further layers are added
and compacted.
Heavy stones shall neither be dropped on top of the pipe nor shall be allowed to roll
down the side of the embankment against the pipe.
The material used for backfill to be compacted shall be selected material containing
no stones larger than 80 millimeters or as approved by the Project Managerand
obtained from required excavation or approved borrow pit.
Payment for compacting backfill around structures will not be made as separate item
and the unit price per Cubic meter bid therefore, in the bill of quantities for the
excavation of foundation for structures is to include for compacting the backfill
around the structure. The unit price bid in the bill of quantities for excavation of
foundation for structure shall include the costs of furnishing water and moistening the
material also.
1. Carrying out all necessary operations for setting out works, clearing, preparation
of beds, removal of silt etc. described under section-2 of Technical Specifications.
3. Cost of back filling and compaction around structures. In case of back filling with
sand, the procurement cost of sand including royalties ,watering& compaction of
sand are included
dam till completion of the work and subsequent removal at appropriate time, and
all mobilization and demobilization cost to complete the work.
7. Any other cost incidental to complete the items of work as per specification and
direction of Project Manager.
8. Measurement & Payment will be made as per BOQ regardless of methods and
type of equipments used for execution of the work.
a) General
When directed by the Project Managerexcess material shall also be placed in low
areas that may occur adjacent to bridge sites between the O&M Road ramps and the
dam bank.
The soil obtained from dam cutting which is considered useful by the Project
Managershall be fully utilized for the formation of both the banks of the dam to the
required profiles as shown in the drawings simultaneously with the excavation of the
dam and without involving and rehandling of the earth. The soil not useful for the
banks has to be thrown parallel to the bank and away from it as may be directed by
the Project Managerduring execution to form the spoil bank. In case of deep cutting
the soil shall be so disposed off as not to result in unsightly heaps and shall be leveled
and properly dressed. The top of both the finished banks shall slope away from the
inner edge with a suitable gradient.
The useful rock obtained from the cutting shall not be mixed with other soils and
shall be deposited on the outer slopes of the bank in regular stacks. If the rock and
the soil are mixed up while depositing at the spoil banks suitable deduction from
the agreement rate as decided by the Project Managershall be made which is
binding on the contractor.
b) Cost
The cost of disposing the excavated material shall be included in the unit price
per cubic meter bid in the bill of quantities.
The preparation of surfaces under embankment shall be in accordance with clause 6.1
& 6.5 of I.S. 4701-1982.
Before commencing the work, the toe of the slope on each side of the Banks shall be
lock- spitted (dag belled) and marked by pegs firmly driven into the ground at
intervals of 15 metre, profiles made by bamboos, earth, or other convenient materials
and strings shall be set up for the guidance of the workmen about 15 meters apart
over straight reaches and about 7.5 meters apart at curves.
Except in areas of rock, the areas under dam embankments shall be pre-wet by
sprinkling water before cleaning, grubbing or excavation operations or embankments
construction begin. The moisture content shall be optimum to a depth of one metre
below the original ground surface or to impervious material whichever is less as
directed by the Project Manager. Whenever possible all water shall be added
uniformly in one application. Areas, on the sides of the dam banks upon which the
Project Managermay direct spoil banks to be constructed will not require application
of water.
The contractor is cautioned to control carefully the application of water and to check
on the depth and amount of water penetration during application so as to avoid over
watering, accumulation of water in depressions or excessive run off.
The contractor shall not be entitled for any additional allowance above the unit prices
bid in the schedule on account of the requirement for excavating drains or allowing
additional time for drying, delays or increased costs due to poor traffic ability on the
embankment foundations or on the haul roads, reduced efficiency of the equipment
the contractor elects to use or on account of any other operational difficulties caused
by overweight wet embankment foundation or haul roads.
Where the ground surface under any embankment is not suitable as determined by the
Project Managerfor a foundation for the embankment, the contractor shall strip the
area under the embankment of such unsuitable material to such depths as may be
directed. The material so removed shall be disposed off as provided in paragraph 3.3.
Separate payment for stripping unsuitable material under embankments shall not be
made and the contractor should include this item under unit price rate for cubic meter
bid in Bill of Quantities for excavation of dam.
The depth to which top soil is to be removed shall be adequate to remove all
perishable material and any soil which may become unstable on saturation or may
interfere with development of proper bond between foundation and embankment. It is
not necessary to remove all the soil containing fine hair like roots but only the rather
heavy mat. The underline table may offer as a guide for lines for finding depth of
The ground surface under all dam embankments excepting rock surface, where it is
below the full supply level in the dam shall be scarified making open furrows not less
than 20 centimeters deep below natural ground surface at intervals of not more than
1.0 (one) meter. However, where the ground surface is below the bed level of the dam
a) General
Dam embankment shall be constructed to top widths and side slopes as shown on the
drawings duly providing for 2% settlement allowance in compacted embankment
section. The embankment shall be built to heights as directed above those shown on
the drawings. The top of all the dam embankments shall be graded to be suitable for a
road way in accordance with subparagraph.
Before commencing the construction work, initial levels of the ground on which
banks are to be formed shall be taken. After completing the construction of
embankment final cross section levels shall be taken and the volume shall be arrived
at and payment shall be made to that quantity only.
From the materials deposited in embankments the cobbles, gravel and stones of size
greater than 40 mm should be removed to ensure proper compaction.
In area where required excavation does not furnish suitable or adequate material for
constructing embankments, material shall be obtained from areas where material in
excess of that required to construct the adjacent embankment is available.
Where the original ground surface is below the grade of the dam and where
construction of a fill below the bottom of the dam is prescribed such fill shall be
placed as a compacted embankment. Where the original ground surface is below the
base of a structure, the fill required to form a suitable foundation for the structure
shall be placed as compacted embankment.
c) Depositing
Spoil from the pits shall be deposited on bank to each sections as are shown on the
relevant plans specified or ordered by the Project Manager. Ramming breaking clods
and smooth surface sectioning shall be necessary. A spoil bank with a neat straight
toe, even slopes and even top surface shall be formed as the depositing proceeds.
d) Embankment to be compacted
Before the materials for the 1st layer of embankment is placed, the foundation of the
embankment shall be prepared. and shall be moisture and compacted in the manner
hereinafter specified for each layer of compacted embankment to be placed thereon.
The embankments shall be compacted to the elevation and to the top widths and side
slopes shown on the drawings or prescribed by the Project Manager.
The layers shall be placed in rows approximately parallel to the axis of the bank. The
base of embankment at every height is to be made to its full width of each zone as
shown in the drawing plus offsets of not less than 0.30metres beyond the finished
profile. No payment will be made for the offsets or for the subsequent removal
and unit price quoted for the banking is deemed to include this, No additions will
be allowed to the slope for full design section of the bank after the bank is raised. The
embankment shall be compacted to 95% proctors density using pneumatic Tampers,
frog rammers or vibratory plate compactor or power roller or vibratory power roller.
The loose earth fill on the sides of embankment (viz offset of about 0.30 m of earth
fill) shall be properly compacted / consolidated through deployment of rig-mounted
plate fixture or rig-mounted vibratory fixture or slope compacting equipment or other
suitable device.
a) General
All materials required for the construction of embankment and backfill for cut-off
trench and around the structures which are not available from dam excavation,
excavation for structure or from excavation of other ancillary works shall be obtained
from the borrow areas after stripping as shown on drawing or as designated by the
Project Managerin consultation with field laboratory. The depth of cut in all borrow
areas shall be designated by the Project Managerand the cuts shall be made up to such
designated depths only. Shallow cut will be permitted in the borrow areas. Each
designated borrow area shall be fully exploited before switching over to the next
designated borrow area. Haphazard exploitation of borrow pits shall not be permitted.
The type of equipment used and the operations in the excavation of materials in
borrow areas shall be such as to produce the required uniformity of the mixture of
materials for the embankment. The contractor has to arrange borrow earth at his own
cost and responsibility. No compensation whatsoever for change in limits and
locations of the borrow areas and depth of cut for getting suitable earth shall be paid
to the contractor. The borrow area shall not be designated within a distance of five
times the height of embankment from the outer toe. The Contractor has to
arrange/procure borrow areas/procure materials from certified supliers at his
own cost.
In case the Contractor prepares borrow areas, all areas required for borrowing earth
for embankment shall be cleared of all tree stumps, roots, bushes, rubbish and other
objectionable materials. Adequate lighting arrangement should be provided by the
Particular care shall be taken to exclude all organic matter from the materials to be
placed in the embankment. All cleared organic materials shall be burnt to ashes or
disposed of as directed. The cleared areas shall be maintained free of vegetable
growth during the progress of the work. No payment shall be admissible for
preparation of the borrow areas indicated above as this is deemed to have been
included in unit bid price of earthwork in the bill of quantities.
In case the Contractor prepares borrow areas, Borrow areas shall be stripped of top
soil, sod and any other objectionable materials to the required depth as directed by
Project Manager. The work may be done manually or with suitable machine.
Stripping operations shall be limited only to designated borrow areas. Materials from
stripping shall be disposed of in exhausted borrow areas or in the approved adjacent
areas as directed. No extra payment shall be admissible for stripping the borrow areas
as this is deemed to have been included in the unit bid price for earthwork in the bill
of quantities.
(a) Borrow area watering shall be done by the contractor at his own cost wherever
necessary preferably 48 hours in advance, so that materials may be carried with
adequate moisture and in the manner specified by the Project Manager.
(b) The initial moisture content of the material in the borrow areas shall be
estimated with the help of field laboratory tests. The optimum moisture content
required for the material in any particular borrow area shall be obtained from
the field laboratory. The additional moisture requirements as determined by the
laboratory test shall be introduced into the borrow areas by watering well in
advance of the excavation to ensure uniformity of moisture content. All care
shall be taken to reduce excessive moisture in any of the locations of a borrow
area before or during excavation to secure the materials with moisture content
close to the optimum. To avoid formation of pools in the borrow areas during
excavation operation, drainage ditches from borrow areas to suitable outlets
shall be excavated, wherever necessary. Upon exhausting of all materials or
abandoning the borrow areas, the pits shall be fully drained to ensure no
ponding of water.
Construction and maintenance of approach roads, and haulage roads will be the
responsibility of the contractor. The Department will have full right of way to those
roads for inspection purposes. Proper road sign as directed have to be provided for
safety. For haulage of earth, the contractor shall construct ramps and haul roads of
sufficient width along the shortest but most practicable route and shall maintain and
illuminate them to a satisfactory manner. Watering of the haul road shall be done by
the contractor as often as necessary to prevent raising of dust, formation of cuts and
consequent deterioration of the surface. Whenever service roads meant for public
road traverse through or run close to the borrow area, the contractor shall direct the
excavation and haulage operation in such a manner as to ensure uninterrupted use of
the service road and safety to the public. At the haul road and service road crossing,
the contractor shall install necessary check gates and road signs.
Dam embankment shall be constructed to the top width and side slopes as shown on
the drawings. Suitable excavated material available from the dam cutting, proud
cutting, removal of ramps and excavation for structures shall be used for construction
of banks. If suitable and adequate material for constructing embankment is not
available from excavations the desired material shall be obtained from borrow area
designated for the purpose as per the instruction of the Project Manageror procured
from certified suppliers.
The planning for execution should be such that all the useful excavated materials are
Only suitable materials as per specification shall be excavated, loaded and conveyed
to the point of placement in the embankment. Unsuitable material if conveyed shall
be removed and disposed clear of the work site as directed by the Project Managerat
the cost of the contractor.
a) Placing Earthfill.
(c) The embankment shall be constructed with earth fill of required materials as
per drawing and specification. The fill shall be free from lenses, pockets,
streaks or layer of materials differing substantially in texture or gradation
from the surrounding materials. The useful excavated materials shall be
classified as ‘impervious' and ‘semi pervious' by the Project Manager. Care
shall be taken to utilize the impervious materials towards the water side of the
embankment and semi pervious materials towards outer zone of the
embankment as per drawing.
(d) Construction of embankment shall begin at the toe of the fill and in no case
shall embankment be widened by material dumped from the top. The
material shall be placed in the earth fill in the continuous horizontal layers not
more than 15 Cm. in thickness after being rolled as herein specified.
The thickness of the layer shall be adjusted by the Project Manager; if the
contractor satisfies the Department that the particular type of compactors used
by him give the required density by carrying out trial compaction and
requisite tests. Initially the earth in the embankment fill shall be laid in a
grater width than the designed section. Adequate extra width of about 0.6 M.
on either side of the embankment shall be provided so that the earth fill, up to
lines of the finished slopes, shall have the required compaction as per the
drawing and specification. Such extra width shall be removed and utilized in
the upper layers of embankment along with slope dressing, for which no
additional payment shall be made as it is deemed to have been included in bid
price of earthwork in embankment in the bill of quantities.
No fresh layer shall be laid until the previous layer is properly watered and
compacted as per the requirement. If in the opinion of the Project Manager,
the surface of i.e. prepared foundation or the rolled surface of any layer of
earth fill is too dry or smooth to bound properly with the layer of materials to
be placed thereon, it shall be moistened or worked with arrow, scarifier or
(e) The materials shall be deposited in rows parallel to the axis and spread in the
uniform layers and clods shall be broken maximum up to 5 cm. The work of
spreading and compaction shall be so adjusted as not to interfere with each
other and in such a way that neither of the operations is held up because of
non-completion of rolling and watering. The excavation and placing operation
shall be such that the material when compacted shall be blended sufficiently to
secure the best practicable degree of compaction, impermeability and
stability. The surface of banking shall at all time of construction be
maintained true to required cross section.
(f) During construction a Medium transverse slope from centre towards edges
should be given to avoid pools of water forming due to rains.
When compacting the soil against the rock abutment or walls of masonry or
concrete structures, the construction surface of the embankment shall be
sloped away from the rock or masonry or concrete structures leaving a
minimum distance of 0.6 M. and at an inclination of 3:1. If the foundation
surface is too irregular to allow the use of large roller directly against the
structure or rock out crop, the roller shall be used to compact the soil, as close
to the structure or the out crop as possible and the portion of the embankment
directly against the rock or the structure shall be compacted with pneumatic
hand tampers in thin layers. The moisture content of the earth-fill placed
against the rock or the structure shall be slightly above the optimum to allow
it to be compacted in to all irregularities of the rock and this shall be
determined by the field laboratory. In placing the earth- fill under rock
foundation, the foundation shall first be prepared as detailed earlier.
b) Weather conditions
Embankment materials shall be placed only when the weather conditions are
satisfactory to permit accurate control of the moisture content in the embankment
The contractor, shall provide suitable protection works to protect the slope from
erosion due to rain water. No payment what-so-ever shall be made for providing such
protection work and rectifying the monsoon damages.
c) Moisture Control.
The water content of the earth fill material prior to and during compaction shall be
distributed uniformly throughout each layer of materials and it shall be between - 2%
to + 2% of the optimum moisture content. Moisture determination of soil as well as
needle moisture determination of soil shall be carried out as per I.S. 2720-1983.
Laboratory investigations may impose some restriction on the lower limits of the
practicable moisture contents on the basis of studies on consolidation characteristics
of soil in embankment. Here-in-after, the term range of optimum practicable moisture
content shall refer to the value as described above. As far as practicable, the material
shall be brought to the proper moisture content .in the borrow area before excavation.
If additional moisture is required it shall be added preferably at the borrow area, and
only in limited cases / extent, if required, on the embankment by sprinkling water
before rolling of a layer. If more moisture is present than required, the material shall
be spread and allowed to dry before starting rolling. Moisture control shall be strictly
adhered to. The moisture content shall be relatively uniform throughout the layer of
material. If necessary, ploughing, disc-harrowing or blending with other materials
may have to be resorted to obtain uniform moisture distribution, if the moisture
content is more or less than the range of optimum practicable moisture content, or if it
is not uniformly distributed throughout the layer, rolling and adding of further layer
shall be stopped. Further work shall be started again only when the above conditions
are satisfied.
In order to have proper control of moisture content in the earth fill, no earth work
shall be done during rainy days. No compensation shall be made to the contractor due
to held up of work for rain or fog
Cost for construction of embankment with selected earth from borrow area
includes all costs for labor, material, T&P, machinery, equipment and
consumables required for the followings :-
1. Carrying out all necessary operations for setting out works, clearing, preparation
of beds, removal of silt etc. described under section-2 of Technical
3. Arrangement of borrow area and stripping of borrow area including watering and
9. Any other incidental cost to complete the items of work as per specification and
direction of Project Manager.
10. Measurement & Payment will be made as per BOQ regardless of methods and
type of equipments used for execution of the work.
Where compaction of earth materials are required, the materials shall be deposited in
horizontal layers and compacted as specified in this paragraph. The excavation,
placing moistening and compacting operations shall be such that the materials will be
uniformly compacted to the required density throughout the required section, and will
be homogeneous, free from lenses, pockets, streaks, voids, laminations or other
Having decided on the filling materials to be used standard compaction test will be
conducted on the materials proposed for embankment to indicate best type of
equipment to be used and the moisture content at which compaction should be done,
thickness of layer and number of passes etc.
Since the dams of sub-projects will be used for carrying water for Khariff Irrigation
every year, all embankment shall be compacted any approved mechanical method of
Prior to and during compaction operations, the embankment materials shall possess
optimum moistures content as required in clause 6.6.4 of I.S. 4701 -1982. The
embankment materials shall have optimum moisture content required for the purpose
of compaction and this moisture content shall be fairly uniform throughout the layer.
In so far as practicable the moistening of the material shall be performed at the site of
excavation, but such moistening shall be supplemented as required by sprinkling
water at the site of compaction, if necessary. If the moisture content is greater than
optimum for compaction, the compaction operations shall be delayed until
such time as the material has dried to the optimum moisture content or to the level
directed by Project Manager. The moisture content of soils shall be determined in
accordance with I.S. 2720 {Part - III) 1982.
Where hand or power tampers are used to compact soils in confined areas such as
under pipes and at the joints of bank connections with the structures, they shall be
equipped with suitably shaped heads to obtain the required density.
The dry bulk density of the soil portion in compacted embankment materials shall be
not less than 98 % of the maximum dry bulk density at optimum moisture content
obtained in accordance with I.S.2720 (Part - VII} 1980 Indian Code of Practice for
determination of moisture content, dry density relation using light compaction.
The dry density of soil in field shall be determined in accordance with I.S. 2720 (Part
- XXVIII) 1974. Indian Code of Practice for determination of dry density of soil in
place by sand replacement or by I.S. 2720 (Part - XXIX) 1975 Indian Code of
Practice for determination of dry density of soils in place by the core cutter method.
Moisture content of soil shall be determined in accordance with I.S. 2720 (Part - II) 1
973 Indian Code of Practice for determination of moisture content.
The optimum moisture content is the moisture content that corresponds to the
laboratory maximum dry density determined in accordance with I.S. 2720 (Part - VII)
Where compaction of cohesion less, free draining materials, such as sands and gravels
is required, the materials shall be deposited in horizontal layers and compacted in
accordance with I S 4701-1982. The excavating and placing operation shall be
such that the materials when compacted will be blended sufficiently to secure the best
practicable degree of compaction and stability. Water shall be added to the materials
as may be required to obtain the specified density by method of compaction being
The thickness of the embankment layer shall not exceed 25 centimeters (loose layer}
before compaction and it should be spread over the full width of the embankment and
compaction shall be done by tampers or crawler tractors or vibrating rollers. If the
compaction is performed by Treads of crawler type tractor, surface vibrators or
similar equipment the thickness of the layer before compaction shall not be more than
30 centimeters. If compaction is performed by Internal vibrators the thickness of the
layer shall not be more than the penetrating depth of the vibrator.
All compaction tests shall be conducted in accordance with relevant I.S. Code of
Practice. The relative density of the compacted material shall not be less than 70 %
when tested in accordance with I.S. 2720 (Part - XIV) 1 983 Indian Code of Practice
for determination of density Index (relative density} of cohesion less soils.
This sub-paragraph applies only to cohesion less materials and not to cohesive
materials. Cohesion less materials containing clay and silt may not be free draining.
When compaction of cohesion less materials containing clay and silt is required, the
(i) Dry density determined using procedure enunciated in I.S. 2720 {Part - VII)
1965 (Indian Code of Practice for determination of moisture content dry density
relation using light compaction) :-Prior to and during compaction operation the
material shall posses optimum moisture content as determined in accordance
with clause 6.6.4 of I.S. 4701-1982 and the moisture content shall be uniform
throughout each layer. Provided that the moisture content is ensured as required
in clause 6.6.4 of I.S. 4701-1982, the dry density of the soil portion in the
compacted material shall not be less than 95 % of the laboratory maximum soil
dry density. The field dry density shall be determined in accordance with I.S.
2720 (Part - XXVIII) 1974 or I.S. 2720 (Part - XXIX) 1975.
(ii) Dry density using the relative density test as described in I.S. 2720 (Part - XIV)
1 983 Indian Code of Practice for determination of density Index (relative
density) of cohesionless soils :- The relative density of the compacted material
obtained shall be not less than 70 %, determined in accordance with I.S. 4701-
1982, the moisture content shall be maintained as per clause 6.6.4 of I.S. 4701-
The earth compacting equipment in the section III of this bid may be used for
compacting the soils. Also the equipments as detailed in Appendix-C of IS-4701:1982
may be used for compacting the earth.
a) Rolling
When each layer of material has been prepared to have the proper moisture content
uniformly distributed throughout the material, it shall be compacted by passing the
tamping roller. The exact number of passes for each layer to obtain specific density
shall be designated by Field Laboratory tests and tests conducted on the borrowed
material. The layers shall be compacted in strips overlapping not less than 0.6 m.
Rolling shall commence at edges and progress towards centre longitudinally. The
rollers of loaded vehicles shall travel in a direction parallel to the axis of the dam.
Turns should be made carefully to ensure uniform compaction. Rollers shall always
be pulled.
b) Tamping
Rollers will not be permitted to operate within one meter of concrete and masonry
structures. In the following locations where compaction of the earth fill materials by
means of roller is impracticable or undesirable the earth fill shall be specially
compacted as specified further below.
(i) Portions of the earth fill in embankment adjacent to masonry structures and
embankment foundations designated on the drawing as specially compacted
earth fill.
Earth fill for tamping shall be spread in layers of not more than 10 (ten) cm in
thickness when loose and shall be moistened to have the required moisture content, as
specified. When each layer of materials has been conditioned to have the required
moisture content, it shall be compacted to the specified density by special rollers,
pneumatic/hand tampers or by other approved methods. The moisture control and
compaction shall be equivalent to that obtained in the earth fill actually placed in
the embankment in accordance with the specifications.
c) Testing
Density tests shall be carried out after rolling to ascertain the state of compaction
which should be measured in terms of dry density. Standard proctor density tests shall
be carried out at regular intervals to account for variations in the borrow area
material. Not less than three tests shall be conducted to indicate variation in the
standard proctor density attained in the laboratory.
Density test shall be conducted from time to time at site to ascertain whether
compaction is attained as specified. For every 1500 cum of compacted earth fill, at
least one field density test shall be conducted.. In case the tests show that the
specified densities are not attained, suitable action shall be taken either by moisture
correction or by additional rolling, so as to obtain the specified density which shall be
checked again by taking fresh tests at the same locations. The test locations should be
so chosen as to represent the whole layer under test. Each layer should be tested for
proper compaction before a fresh layer is allowed over it.
The density to be attained after compaction should be at least 95% of Proctor density
predetermined by Laboratory tests.
d) Settlement allowance
Settlement allowance shall be calculated at various levels and the elevation including
settlement allowance shall be derived keeping the embankment width at the
designated levels unchanged. The edges of the embankment at the increased
elevations {including settlement) when joined with the point where the slope has
changed earlier below, shall give the slope to be adopted for construction.
e) Slope dressing
The slopes of particular reach of the dam which has been completed in the manner
described earlier shall be dressed neatly to the designed line and grade. Extra earth
work done at sides are to be dressed and reused in the embankment.
The costs of the compacting earth materials as described in this paragraph shall be
paid in the price bid in the bill of quantities for watering and compacting earth work
in dam embankment under these specifications. The unit rate of this item shall be for
unit volume of earth fill watered and compacted which includes all costs of labor,
T&P, equipment, machinery and consumables for the following operations.
4. Any other incidental expenditure to complete the item of work in finished shape
as per the specification and direction of the Project Manager.
5. Measurement & Payment will be made as per BOQ regardless of methods and
type of equipments used for execution of the work.
The bed or slopes to receive the packing shall first be prepared as specified and
passed by the Project Manager.
1. After bed/ slope preparation, filter materials such as sand/moorum and over this
40mm down wards coarse aggregate of such thickness as per approved drawing
shall be provided. The quality of aggregate moorum/sand shall be as mentioned
in other section of this specification.
2. The size of the stone to be used for dry stone revetment should be of approved
size (usually not less than 225mm to 300mm in any direction) and usually not
less than 40kg to 50kg weight per stone.
3. The stone shall be perfectly sound, as regular in shape as possible free from
cracks and decay and with their lengths equal to the thickness of the required
apron or revetments and each stone shall not be less in size than 0.05 cubic meter
unless otherwise specified. The Medium size stones required for filling in
interstice and wedging shall only be supplied to the actual requirements for the
work as defined in clause (4} below and shall not be used in 2 or 3 layers as a
substitute for the full thickness stone specified in clause (3) below. The stone
shall be obtained from the quarry specified.
4. The stones shall be laid closely in position on the prepared bed and firmly set
with their broadest end downwards. The stones shall be laid breaking joint so far
as possible in the direction of the flow of water. The stones are to be placed
perpendicular to the finished surface i.e., perpendicular to the slope for
5. Interstices between adjacent stones shall be filled in with stones of the proper
size, well driven in with crowbars to ensure -tight packing and complete filling
of all interstices. Such filing shall be carried on simultaneously with the placing
in position of large stones and shall in no case be permitted to fall behind. The
final wedging shall be done only after obtaining the orders of the Project
Manager. The final wedging shall be done with the largest sized chip practicable,
each chip being well driven home with a hammer so that no chip is possible of
being picked up or removed by hand.
6. Profiles of strings and pegs are to be put up to ensure that the pitching is done
true, straight and to the proper slope throughout and revetments are in all cases to
be built up from the foot of the bund to be riveted. Care is necessary that a strong
toe wall or other protection is always given to the revetment which protective
measures shall be shown on the plans.
Measurement and payment for rough stone dry packing for apron and revetment
will be in the units of cubic metres.
The rate provided in BOQ for rough stone dry packing include all costs for labor,
material, T &P, machineries equipments and consumables required for completing
the following operations as per specification .
h) Any other incidental cost to complete the items of work as per specification and
direction of Project Manager.
6.6. Turfing
Slope protection of dam embankment will be done with turfing where stone packing
is not provided the sequence of work is described below.
a) The slope to receive turfing shall first be prepared to proper line and passed by
Project Manager.
b) Before the turf is laid, the slope shall be saturated with sprinkling of water.
Care is to be taken to see that the soil particles on slope are not eroded or
disturbed due to excessive application of water.
c) Over saturated slope grass sods is to be laid and compacted with a light wooden
compactor in order to make the roots of grass in full contact with soil .
d) After the grass is laid and compacted, watering with water sprinkler is to be
done repeating several times a day till survival of sods and development of
green turf slope
e) Also the degree of compaction for placement of selected top layer soil for grass
planting/turfing on earth dam d/s slope need not be as high as 95% to facilitate
grass growing. The sodding soil is normally tamped to provide some degree of
compaction and minimize risk of erosion. Typically, degree of compaction is
less than 80%.
The measurement of turfing will be recorded in sq met. of turf area after survival of
sods and this includes all costs for labor, material, T & P machineries equipments
and consumables required for completing
a) Preparation of Slope
e) Any other incidental expenditure to complete the work as per specification and
direction of Project Manager
7.1.1. General
The items in the BOQ for concrete in the structures includes all cast-in-place
concrete in the structure.
The structures shall be built to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
drawings. The dimensions of each structure as shown on the drawings will be
subject to such modifications as may be found necessary by the Project Managerto
adopt the structure to the conditions disclosed by the excavation or to meet other
conditions. Where the thickness of any portion of a concrete structure is variable it
shall vary uniformly between the dimensions shown. Where necessary, as
determined by the Project Manager, the contractor shall be furnished additional
detail drawings of the structures to be constructed. The contractor will not be
entitled to any additional allowances above the price bid in the bill of quantities by
reason of the dimensions fixed by the Project Manageror by reasons of any
modifications or extension of a minor character to adopt a structure at site, as
determined by the Project Manager.
The cost of furnishing all materials and performing all work for installing timber,
metal and other accessories for which specific price are not provided in the BOQ,
shall be included in the applicable prices bid in the BOQ for the work to which such
items are appurtenant.
Concrete shall be composed of cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water admixtures (if
any) as specified and all well mixed in batching & mixing plant by weight or by
concrete mixture by volume / weight and brought to the proper consistency. Batching
plant, if deemed required for large volume of concrete work, shall conform to I.S
code No. 4925. For works in which water tightness is required the specification in IS
3370 shall be applied. Concrete shall be mixed in a fully automatic batching plants. In
the works involving very small quantities of concrete, Project Manager may allow the
use of proper mechanical mixer for the production of concrete. No other mixers shall
be allowed for concrete mixing. The concrete batching plant shall have the cloud
based memory for accessing the production data in real time. The batching plant shall
be able to produce concrete as per 3 to 4 types of mix. Output from batching plant
shall be as dense as possible, plastic enough to consolidate well and stiff enough to
stay in place on the slopes. Mixing shall be continued until there is a uniform mixing
of the materials and the concrete is uniform in color and consistency. The time of
mixing shall be as shown in Table 1 of IS 457 and reproduced in the table below.
b) Mix proportions
volume in calibrate tanks or weighed. Batching plant shall confirm I.S 4925.
{Indian Standard Specification for batching and mixing plant). All measuring
equipment shall be maintained in a clean serviceable condition and their
accuracy periodically checked. The acceptance or rejection of concrete shall
be as per the acceptance criteria laid down in clause 16 of I.S. 456-2000.
The net water cement ratio exclusive of water absorbed by the aggregate shall
be sufficiently low to provide adequate durability in concrete. The water-
cement ratio shall normally be governed by Table 5 of IS 456:200, reproduced
below, and firmed up by the trial mix designs, which shall be intimated to the
Contractor by the Project Manager.
The water cement ratio for various grades of concrete shall be as determined and ordered
by the Project Engineer.
c) Consistencies:
whenever concrete of such lesser slump can be consolidated readily into place
by means of vibration specified by the Project Manager. To maintain concrete
at proper consistency, the amount of water and sand batched for concrete shall
be adjusted to compensate for any variation in the moisture content or grading
of the aggregates as they enter themixer. Addition of water to compensate for
stiffening of the concrete after mixing but before placing will not be
permitted. Uniformity in concrete consistency from batch to batch shall be
7.3. Concrete Quality Control Measures and Concrete Quality Assurance Test
a) Test specimen
Three test specimens shall be made from each sample for testing at 28 days.
Additional cubes may be required for various purposes, such as to determine the
strength of concrete at 7 days or at the time of striking formwork, or to determine the
duration of curing or to check the testing cubes cured by accelerated methods as
described in IS: 9013. The specimen shall be tested as described in 1S:516.
a) The test strength of the sample shall be the average of three specimens.
Individual variation shall not be more than 15 percent of the average.
b) Testing shall be carried out at the testing laboratories set up at the site or at any
other laboratory that the Project Managermay decide upon and the results given
thereby shall be considered as correct and authentic and acceptable to the
c) Acceptance criteria
Acceptance criteria will be as per clause 16 and clause 17 of IS: 456-2000 and as per
Table 11 of IS 456-2000, which is reproduced below.
Note: the above criterion is as per Amend No.3 to IS 456:2000 (Fourth Revision,
April 2007)
7.5. Cement
Cement shall conform to relevant clause 5 of IS. 456:2000 and include 33 Grade
ordinary Portland cement (IS 269); 43 Grade ordinary Portland cement (IS 8112); 53
Grade ordinary Portland cement (IS 12269); Portland pozzolana cement (fly ash
based) conforming to IS 1489 (Part I); Portland slag cement (IS 455); Low heat
Portland cement (IS 12600); and Sulphate Resisting cement ( IS 12330). Cement to
be used shall be with the prior approval of Project Manager.
The provisions of this paragraph apply to cement for use in cast-in-place concrete
required under these specifications.
The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurement of cement to
specifications required for the works. Transportation from the place of supplying to
the batching plant shall be in any weather tight means which will protect the cement
completely from exposure to moisture. Cement bags shall not be stacked more than
1.5 m high. Each shipment of bagged cement shall be stored separately so that it
may readily be distinguished from other shipment and shall be stored in a dry
enclosed area protected from moisture. Storage of materials shall be as described in
I.S. 4082 (I.S. recommendation on stacking and storage of construction materials at
site). To prevent under aging of bagged cement after delivery, the contractor shall
use bags of cement in the chronological order in which they were delivered to the
job site. All storage facilities shall be subject to approval of the Project Manager.
The manufacturer test certificate of cement must show that the alkali content is less
than 0.6 % and should also show the chloride content.
7.6. Admixtures
When only deemed necessary, the contractor shall use Accelerating, retarding, water
reducing and Air entraining agents & other admixtures like —Polypropylene Fiber as
directed by the Project Manager. Admixtures shall be of uniform consistency and
quality and shall be maintained at the job site at uniform strength of solution. An
admixture's suitability and effectiveness shall be verified by trial mixes with the other
materials used in the works. If two or more admixtures are to be used simultaneously
in the same concrete mix, their interaction shall be checked and trial mixes done to
ensure their compatibility. There should also be no increase in risk of corrosion of
reinforcement or other embedment’s. Admixtures shall be batched separately in
liquid form in containers capable of measuring at one time the full quantity of each
admixture required for each batch. Chemical admixtures which harm the quality and
strength of concrete shall not be used in the concrete.
a) Chemical Admixtures:
The first three types (MLS, SNF, SMF) are conventional super plasticizers and the
last one, PCE is considered to be the state-of-art new generation super plasticizer.
MLS, SNF and SMF types of super plasticizers give water reduction from about 15
The ab`ove illustrates that with the addition of 3.75 litres of chemical admixture, the
slump of M30 concrete mix has increased from 55 mm to 140 mm without addition
of any extra water what so ever while maintaining the same specified water-cement
ratio (W/C) of 0.57 as is of M30 concrete mix without any admixture. Thus, super
plasticized concrete allows concrete of high workability with very low water-cement
ratio, excellent homogeneous & cohesive mix and easy placement in congested
reinforcement affording very good finish.
b) Mineral Admixtures:
(a) Fly ash. It is the by product from the coal-based thermal power plants. It is
used to manufacture Portland Pozzolana Cement (fly ash based) with fly ash
content ranging from 20 % to about 25 %. Fly ash improves cohesiveness of
(b) Silica / Micro silica. It is the by product in the production of ferro- silicon
alloys or silicon from quartz & carbon in an electric arc furnace. It contains 85 %
to 90 % Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 ). It is an extremely fine powder and is a highly
reactive pozzolana having particles of an average diameter of 0.1 micron. The
average specific surface area of silica fume is as much as about 20,000 m2 / kg
to 25,000 m2 / kg compared to about 250 – 275 m2 /kg fineness of Ordinary
Portland cement. Thus, micro silica particle is about 100 times finer than the
cement particle and imparts high strength to the concrete mix.
(C) Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (ggbs). It is the byproduct of steel plants
manufacturing pig iron. It is used in the manufacture of Portland Slag Cement
(IS 455) and the slag content varies from 50 % to 70 %. Use of Portland Slag
Cement with at least 50 % slag in the cement concrete offers many advantages,
such as (a) significantly decreases the permeability of concrete, there by,
increasing its durability (b) increases resistance to corrosion of steel
reinforcement resulting in longevity of structures (d) Lowers heat of hydration,
there by minimizing thermal cracking (e) provides increased resistance to ASR
(Alkali Silica Reaction). Slag content in the Portland Slag Cement (IS 455) can
be increased to as much as 70 %.
When only deemed necessary, steel Fibres are used in Concrete and Shotcrete.
Advantages of Steel Fibres. Specifications of Steel Fibres. Addition of steel fibres in
concrete and shotcrete mixes gives the following advantages:
- Steel Fibres Reinforced Concrete offers better resistance against abrasion &
The most important aspects that control the performance of steel fibres in concrete
and shotcrete are:
- Tensile strength.
- Geometrical Shape.
- Fibre Network.
The higher the aspect ratio and fibre network of a high strength fibre, the better the
performance of “High Strength Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete” / “Steel Fibre
Reinforced Shotcrete (SFRS)”. Aspect Ratio of 60 to 80 is considered to be good.
With smaller diameter fibres, , the number of fibres per unit weight increases which
densify the fibre network, thereby, making the concrete / shotcrete more efficient.
Two types of steel fibres are tabulated below for illustration:
Usually, steel fibres of 36 mm length and 0.45 mm diameter (Aspect Ratio of 80) are
used in the High Strength Fibre Reinforced Concrete Mix.
Shape of Fibres. The steel fibres shall have “hooked ends” to provide superior
anchorage. Glued steel fibres bundled together with a water soluble glue have now
been developed which afford much better mixing and their uniform dispersion
throughout the entire concrete matrix / shotcrete matrix instead of using loose fibres
which pose mixing problem and do not spread evenly/uniformly in the concrete mix /
shotcrete mix. Steel fibres of reputed manufacturer shall be used. DramixR steel
fibres are considered to be of high quality. Such steel fibres are depicted in Annex 2
for illustration.
Tensile Strength of Steel Fibres. The tensile strength of steel fibres shall be higher
than 900 MPa (900 N/mm2 ). It should preferably be 1000 MPa (1000 N/mm2). The
fibres shall not be galvanized.
Dosage of Steel Fibres. Dosage of steel fibres may vary from about 5 % to 6 % of
the cement content used in the Concrete mix / Shotcrete mix.
The fibre should be as per guidelines of ASTM C 1116 ( Type III) or equivalent.
The Polyfin( Polypropylene and Polyethylene) fibres should have the following
Absorption - Nil
7.10. Water
The water used in making and curing of concrete, mortar and grout shall be clean and
free from objectionable quantities of silt, organic matter, injurious amounts of oils,
acids, salts and other impurities. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for
mixing concrete. However, water shall be tested and shall conform to the following
acceptable limits. At least 3 tests shall be conducted for all period of concreting and
one test every 3 months for grouting work.
Acceptable Limits:
(i) pH 6.0 -8.5. (ii) Sulphates (as SO3 ) = 400 ppm max. (iii) Organic impurities =
200 ppm max
(ii) (Chloride 250 ppm max (v) Total dissolved solids = 1000 ppm max. (vi) Total
hardness= 500 ppm max.
a) General
(i) Sand shall be from approved sources of natural deposit and must be free from
silt, organic impurities and other deleterious materials as per I.S.383 &
(ii) Sand as collected for concrete, shall have a uniform and stable moisture content.
Determination of moisture content shall be made as frequently as possible, the
frequency for a given job being determined by the Project Manageraccording to
weather conditions, (I.S. 456 - 2000).
(iii) Sand may be rejected if it fails to meet any of the following quality
(iv) The Contractor shall carry out tests on sand at periodic intervals for the
presence of any inorganic impurities (silt, clay) and the presence of any organic
impurities. These tests shall be duly documented in a register and copy of tests
shall be furnished to the Project Manager.
(v) For every 500 m3 of sand, Soundness Tests on sand shall be conducted by the
Contractor. Soundness after 5 cycles by Mg SO4 (Magnesium Sulphate) shall
be less than 15 % and Soundness after 5 cycles by Na2 SO4 (Sodium
Sulphate) shall be less than 10 % for the acceptance of sand.
b) Specific gravity:
Sand shall be screened before use. If sand brought to site is not clean it must be
washed clean in water, Fine draft sand or sea sand or sand containing saline
impurities shall on no account to be used.
c) Grading
The sand as batched shall be well graded and when tested by means of standard
sieves shall confirm to the limits given in I.S. 383 and shall be described as fine
aggregates, grading zones I,II, III and IV. Sand complying with the requirements of
any of the four grading zones is suitable for concrete. But, sand confirming to the
requirements of grading zone -IV shall not be used for reinforced cement concrete
a) General
For the purposes of these specifications, the term “Coarse Aggregate” designate clean
well graded aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75 mm I.S. Sieve and
containing only so much finer material as permitted for various types described under
relevant clause of I.S. 383. Coarse Aggregate for concrete shall be furnished by the
Contractor from the approved quarries.
b) Quality
The coarse aggregate shall consist of naturally occurring stones, and shall be hard,
strong, durable, clear and free from veins and adherent coating, and free from
injurious amounts of disintegrated pieces, alkali, vegetable matter and other
deleterious materials. Coarse aggregate will be rejected if it fails to meet any of the
following requirements:
The abrasion value of Aggregates when tested in accordance with the method
specified in I.S 2386 (Part -IV) using Los-Angles machine shall not exceed 30%
for Aggregates to be used in concrete for wearing surface and 50% for aggregate
to be used in other concrete.
Aggregate crushing value, when determined in accordance with I.S. 2386 (Part-
IV) 1 963 shall not exceed 45 % for aggregate used for concrete other then
wearing surface and 30 % for wearing surfaces. As an alternative to the crushing
strength test, aggregate impact value shall be found out with the method specified
in I.S. 2386 (Part - IV) 1 963. The aggregate impact value shall not exceed 45 %
by weight for aggregates used for concrete for other then wearing surfaces, and 30
% by weight for concrete for wearing surfaces.
The coarse aggregate to be used for all concrete works shall pass a sodium-or
magnesium sulphate accelerated soundness test specified in I.S. 2386 (Part - V) 1
963 and the average loss of weight after 5 cycles shall not exceed the limits
specified in clause 3.6 of I.S. 383-1970.
For every 500 m3 of coarse aggregate, Soundness Tests on coarse aggregate shall
be conducted by the Contractor. Soundness after 5 cycles by MgSo4 (Magnesium
Sulphate) shall be less than 18 % and Soundness after 5 cycles by Na2 SO4
(Sodium Sulphate) shall be less than 12 % for acceptance of the coarse aggregate.
No separate payment will be made for tests of materials. If sand and coarse
aggregate are to be obtained from a deposit not previously tested and approved by
the Project Manager, the contractor shall submit representative samples for pre-
construction test and approval, well in advance before the sand and coarse
aggregates are required for use. Each sample shall approximately consist of 100
Kg. of material. In addition to pre-construction tests, the approval of deposits, the
Project Managermay test the aggregates for their suitability during their
processing. The contractor shall provide such facilities as may be necessary for
procuring representative samples free of cost at the aggregate processing plant
and at the batch plant. Final compliance of aggregates will be based on the
samples taken from the batch plant or mixing platform.
Use and development of any such deposit shall be subject to the approval by the
Project Manager. Any royalties (or other charges) required for materials taken
from deposits either owned by the State Government or controlled by the
Department of Mines and Geology, Government of India or owned by any other
person shall be paid by the Contractor.
National Council of Cement & Building Materials, Ballabgarh (under Govt. of India)
or CSMRS (Central Soil & Materials Research Organization, Delhi under GOI).
d) Preventive Measures
In case, the aggregates are determined to be reactive, alternate sources / quarries shall
be explored for obtaining non reactive aggregates. If still not possible, preventive
measure / measures for controlling Alkali-Silica Reaction shall be taken. A practical
and result-oriented measure is to use “fly ash” in the design of concrete mixes.
Inclusion of fly ash substantially reduces the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR), there by,
protecting the concrete (and the steel reinforcement) from deterioration which results
from the expansion. Decrease in ASR comes from the fact that fly ash reacts
chemically with and absorbs Alkalies in the cement, there by, making these
unavailable for reaction with reactive aggregate.
Production of concrete shall be done with fully automatic intelligent concrete batcher.
All the production data of batcher should be program in the plan. The computer of
plant shall be protected from password, once the mix ratio has been program.
Password of plant shall be kept with Project Manager. All the data of production of
concrete shall be stored in memory of batcher and also stored in cloud through
internet. This will facilitate the employer to access the production data from remote.
Contractor shall submit hard copy of batching details along with the running bills.
The contractor shall notify the Project Manager24 hours before batching concrete.
Unless inspection is waived in each case, batching shall be performed only in the
presence of an Engineer authorized by Project Manager.
The contractor shall provide, maintain and operate the equipment as required to
accurately determine and control the prescribed amounts of the various materials
entering the concrete mixers. The quantities of cement sand and each size of coarse
aggregate entering each batch of concrete shall be determined by individual weight.
Cement has to be weighed separately from the aggregates. Sand and coarse aggregate
may be weighed with separate scales and hoppers.
7.13.1. Mixing
a) General
I.S. 1791-1985 (I.S Specifications for batch type concrete mixers). Where small
quantities of concrete are involved and work sites are fairly scattered, Project
Manager may allow use of standard mechanical mixers for the production of
concrete. The mixers shall be fitted with water measuring (metering) devices. In the
absence of the metering device, it shall be ensured by the Contractor that measured
quantity of water is added to the concrete mix ingredients with calibrated transparent
buckets / transparent plastic mugs duly calibrated in order to strictly maintain the
specified water-cement ratio. Also, proper “gauge boxes” shall be used for specified
proportioning of cement, sand, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. Mixing time of
the concrete mix ingredients shall be at least 2 minutes to ensure that there is a
uniform distribution of materials and the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. If
any ‘segregation’ is observed in the concrete mix after unloading from the mixer, the
concrete shall be remixed. Workability (slump) shall be checked at frequent intervals.
The concrete as discharge from the mixer, shall be uniform in composition and
consistency from batch to batch. Workability shall be checked at frequent intervals as
per I.S. 1199-1959. Mixers shall be examined regularly by the Project Manageror his
authorized Engineer for changes in condition due to accumulation of hardened
concrete or mortar or to wear of blades. The mixing shall be continued until there is a
uniform in color and consistency and to the satisfaction of the Project Manager. If
there is aggregation after unloading the concrete should be remixed.
b) Temperature Of Concrete
Fresh structural concrete and fresh dam lining concrete shall be placed at temperature
of between 1 5° C to 30° C. During hot or cold weather, the concreting should be
done as per the procedure set in I.S. 7861- (Part -D-1975 or I. S 7861 (Part – II).
The temperature of concrete at the batch plant shall be adjusted to assure that the
specified concrete temperature is attained at the placement. The contractor shall not
be entitled for any additional compensation due to the foregoing requirements.
a) General
Form shall be used wherever necessary, to confine the concrete and shaping it to the
required lines. If a type of form does not consistently perform in an acceptable
manner, as determined by the Project Manager, the type of form shall be changed and
method of erection shall be modified by the Contractor subject to approval of the
Project Manager.
Plumb and string lines shall be installed before, and maintained during concrete
placement. Such lines shall be used by the Contractor's personnel and by the Project
Managerand shall be in sufficient number and properly installed as determined by the
Project Manager. During concrete placement, the contractor shall continuously
monitor plumb and string line, form positions and immediately correct deficiencies.
Forms shall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from
placement and vibration of the concrete and shall be maintained rigidly in position.
Where form vibrators are to be used, forms shall be sufficiently rigid to effectively
transmit energy from the form vibrators to the concrete, while not damaging or
altering the positions of forms. Forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent of loss of
mortar from the concrete. Chamfer strips shall be placed to produce beveled edges on
permanently exposed concrete surfaces. Interior angle of intersecting concrete
surfaces and edges of construction joints shall not be beveled except where indicated
on the drawings.
Suitable struts or stiffeners or ties shall be used for the form work wherever
necessary. All supports shall be braced and cross braced into two directions. All
splices and braces shall be secured by bolting unless specially intended otherwise. All
struts shall be firmly supported against settlement and slipping, by suitable means as
directed. All supports shall be cut square at both ends and firmly supported against
settlement and slipping. When the form work is supported on soils, sleepers etc,, shall
be used to properly disperse the loads. In case, the supports rest on already,
completed beam or slab, suitable props shall be provided under the latter.
d) Suitable inserts for blackouts for electrical and other service fixtures where
necessary shall be provided in the required locations as specified.
e) Cleaning and oiling of Forms:- At the time the concrete is placed in forms, the
surfaces of the forms shall be free from encrustations of mortar, grout or other
foreign material. Before concrete is placed, the surface of the forms shall be
oiled with commercial forms of oil.
f) Removal of Forms:
The stripping of form work shall conform to relevant clause of I.S 456-2000. The
Contractor shall be liable for damage and injury caused by removing forms before the
concrete has gained sufficient strength. Forms on upper sloping faces of concrete
such as forms on the water sides of warped transitions, shall be removed as soon as
the concrete has attained sufficient stiffness to prevent sagging. Any needed repairs or
treatment required on such slopping surfaces shall be performed atone and be
followed immediately by the permitted curing.
To avoid injury appearance of concrete that might result from swelling of forms,
wood forms for wall openings shall be loosened as soon as the loosening can be
accomplished without damages to the concrete. Forms for the opening shall be
constructed as to facilitate such loosening. Forms shall be removed with care so as to
avoid injury to concrete and any concrete so damaged shall be repaired.
g) Cost
The cost of furnishing all materials and performing all work for constructing forms,
including any necessary treatment or coating of forms will be paid at applicable
prices bid in the schedule.
The formwork will be measured in Sqm. of surface area of concrete surface to which
forms are necessary.
Payment for formwork in BOQ includes 1) all costs for supplying labor, materials,
T&P, machineries and consumables required for erecting the forms to line, level and
plumb as per approved drawing and all such costs necessary for removing the forms
after the concrete has hardened, 2) all other costs necessary for carrying out formwork
operation mentioned, 3) All costs for carrying out repair of hardened concrete 4) any
other incidental expenditure to complete the finished item of work as per specification
and direction of Project Manager.
a) General
Tolerances are defined as allowable variations from specified lines, grades, and
dimensions and as the allowable magnitude of the surface irregularities. Allowable
variations from specified lines, grades and dimensions are listed as given under sub
paragraph {b) below.
The intent of this paragraph is to established tolerances that are consistent with
modern construction practice that is governed by the effect that permissible variations
may have upon a structure. The Project Managerreserves the right to diminish the
tolerances set-forth herein if such tolerances impair the structural action, operational
function or architectural appearance of a structure or position thereof.
Concrete shall be within all stated tolerances even though more than one tolerance
may be specified for a particular concrete structure. Provided that the specified
variation for one element of the structure shall not apply when it will permit another
element of the structure to exceed its alterable variation. Where tolerances are not
specified for particular structure, tolerances shall be those specified for a similar
work. As an exception to the general provisions, specific tolerances shown herein in
connection with any dimension shall govern. The Contractor shall be responsible for
finishing the concrete forms within the limits necessary to insure that the completed
work will be within the tolerance limits specified. The defective work where the
tolerance limit is exceeded shall be remedied in accordance with the provisions
mentioned under Concrete surface irregularities” in succeeding paragraphs.
Hardened concrete structure shall be checked by the contractor and will be subject to
such inspection and measurement as needed to determine that the structures are
within the tolerance specified in the table below.
Variation is defined as the distance between the actual position of the structure or any
element of the structure and the specified position in plan for the structure or the
particular element. Plus or minus variations shown indicate a permitted actual
position up or down and in or out from the specified position in plan. Variations not
designated as plus or minus indicate the maximum deviation permitted between
designated successive points on the completed element of construction.
Specified position in plan is defined as the lines, grade and dimensions described in
those specifications or shown on the drawings or as otherwise prescribed by the
Project Manager.
b) Eccentricity = (±) 0.02 times width of footing in the direction of deviation but not
more than 50 mm.
Note: Tolerances apply to concrete dimensions only, but not for positioning of
vertical reinforcing bars or dowels.
Abrupt surface Irregularities are defined herein as offsets such as those caused by
misplaced or loose forms, loose knots in form, or other similar forming faults. Abrupt
surface irregularities are measured using a straight edge held firmly against the
concrete surface over the irregularity and the magnitude of the offset is determined by
direct measurement
Gradual surface irregularities are defined herein as bulges and depressions resulting
in gradual changes on the concrete surface. Gradual surface irregularities are
measured using a suitable template conforming to the design profile of the concrete
surface being examined. The magnitude of the gradual surface irregularities is defined
herein as measures of the rate of change in slopes of the concrete surface.
The surface irregularities shall not exceed 6 mm for bottom slab and 12 mm for side
slopes when tested with a straight edge of 1.5 meter in length.
Hardened concrete which is not within specified tolerances shall be repaired to bring
it within those tolerances. Such repair shall be in accordance and shall be
accomplished in a manner approved by the Project Manager. Concrete repair to bring
concrete within the tolerances shall be done only after consultation with a
representative of Project Managerregarding the method of repair. The Project
Managershall be notified as to the time when repair will be performed.
Concrete shall be finished in a manner which will result in concrete surface with a
uniform appearance. Any rough projections can then be rubbed down and the whole
surface brought to an even finish by rubbing with a wooden float using a mortar of
one part cement by two parts of coarse sand as an abrasive, the mortar at the same
time filling the voids. A neat cement wash shall than be applied to give a smooth
surface. If the concrete has set hard, the fins and rough projections, if any, shall be
removed by using carborandum brick or a paved grinding machine by chipping,
before finishing off with the smoothing wash. If the work of chipping is not done with
care or if the surface exposed after removal of the forms cannot be satisfactorily dealt
with in this manner due to bad work or for other reasons, a coat of cement plaster of
1:2 of thickness as ordered by the Project Managershall be applied.
No extra payment will be given for finishing concrete surface as instructed above
in this clause.
When concrete placements result in hardened concrete that does not meet the
specified tolerances, the contractor shall submit to the Project Manageran outline of
all prevention actions such as modification to form, modified procedure for setting
The Project Managerreserves the right to delay concrete placement until the
contractor implements such preventive actions which are approved by the Project
7.16.1. General
Reinforcing bars shall be placed in the concrete as shown in the approved drawings or
as directed. For anchoring the concrete to the Hard rock contractor shall place the
anchor rods to the spacing and depth shown in the drawings.
7.16.2. Materials
Unless shown otherwise on the drawings the reinforcement to be used shall be High
yield strength deformed bars of grade Fe 415 conforming to I.S 1786-1985
specification for high yield strength deformed steel bars and wire for concrete
7.16.3. Placing
Reinforcement shall be bent and fixed in accordance with the procedure specified in
I.S. 2502-1963 code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete
reinforcement. All reinforcement shall be placed and maintained in the position
shown in the drawings. Splices shall be located where shown in the drawings,
provided that the location of the splice may be altered subject to written approval of
the Project Manager.
Subject to the written approval the Project Manager, the contractor may, for his
convenience, splice bars at additional locations other than those shown on the
drawings. All additional splices allowed shall be at the expense of the contractor.
Unless otherwise prescribed, placement dimensions shall be to the center line of the
bars. Reinforcement will be inspected for compliance with requirement as to size,
shape, length, splicing, position and amount after it has been placed, but before being
embedded in concrete
Before reinforcement is bent and fixed, the surface of the bars shall be cleaned of
heavy flaky rust, loose scale, dirt grease or other foreign substances which in the
opinion of the Project Managerare objectionable. Heavy flaky rust that can be
removed by firm rubbing is considered objectionable.
Reinforcement shall be securely held in position so that it will not be displaced during
the placing of the concrete and special care shall be exercised to prevent any
disturbances of the reinforcement in concrete that has already been placed. Welding
of bars shall be done as directed by the Project Managerand in conformity with the
requirements of I.S 456-1978. Chairs, hangers, spacers and other supports for
reinforcement shall be of concrete, metal or other approved material. Concrete cover
shall be as shown on the drawings.
The Project Managershall supply drawings of reinforcement details and bar bending
schedules for adoption.
Measurement for payment of reinforcement bars will be based on the weight of the
bars placed in the concrete in accordance with the drawings supplied by the Project
Manager. The total weight of bars placed as reinforcement in concrete shall be arrived
at by adding the products of lengths of each size and mass per meter (vide Table 1
and Para 6.2.1 of IS 1786-1985) of that size of rod. Payment for furnishing and
placing reinforcing bars will be made at the unit price bid in the bill of quantities for
furnishing and placing reinforcement bars. Unit price shall include the cost of labor,
materials T & P, machineries, equipments and consumables for completing the
following items.
b) No separate payment will be made for lap length, splices, ties, chairs, spacers and
binding wire used in the work.
f) Any other incidental cost to complete the items of work as per specification and
direction of Project Manager.
7.16.6. Dowels
The dowels shall be of same HYSD bars of grade Fe 415/500 conforming to I.S 1786-
1985 as used for reinforcement.
Details for dowels shall be as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Project
Manager. Dowels shall be placed in the concrete where shown on the drawings or
where directed and will be inspected for compliance with requirements as to size,
shape, length, position, and amount after they have been placed but before being
covered by concrete.
Before the dowels are embedded in concrete, the surfaces of dowels be cleaned of all
dirt, grease or other foreign substances which in the opinion of the Project
Managerare objectionable.
The dowels shall be accurately placed and secured in position so that they will not be
displaced during the placing of the concrete.
Measurement for payment of dowels will be made only on the weight of the dowels
placed in the concrete in accordance with the drawings or as directed.
Payment for furnished and placing of dowels will be made at the unit price bid in the
bill of quantities for furnishing and placing of reinforcing bars which unit price shall
included the cost of furnishing all the materials and for placing the dowels as
a) General
No concrete shall be placed until all form work installation of items to be embedded
and preparation of surface involved in the placement have been approved.
The contractor shall supply concrete placement checkout cards (Placement Register)
satisfactory to the Project Managerand shall provide a water tight container for such
cards at the convenient location near each individual concrete placement site. The
cards shall list all the various work items for example "cleanup" and "embedded
items" required prior to placement of concrete. After each work item for an individual
placement has been completed that item on the cards shall be signed by contractor or
his representative signifying completion of the required work. Engineer authorized by
the Project Managerwill inspect the work during and after completion of each phase
of the preparation and if the work is satisfactory will sign the check- out card
(placement register). Approval of preparation for placement will not be complete until
the contractor or his representative and above authorized Engineer have approved by
signature all applicable, items for the placement.
All surfaces of forms and embedded materials shall be free from curing compound,
dried mortar from previous placements and other foreign substance before the
adjacent or surrounding concrete placement is begun.
Prior to beginning concrete placement, the contractor shall make ready a sufficient
number of properly operating vibrators and operators and shall have readily available
additional vibrators to replace defective one during the progress of the placement.
The Engineer's representative at the placement may delay the start of the concrete
placement until the number of working vibrators available is acceptable.
b) Foundation surfaces
All surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be free from frost,
ice, water, mud and debris.
a) Rock surface shall be free from oil, objectionable coatings, and loose semi-
detached and unsound fragments. Immediately prior to placement of concrete,
surfaces of rock shall be-washed with an air water jet and shall be brought to
uniform surface dry condition.
a) General
The contractor shall notify the Project Managerbefore batching begins for placement
of concrete. Placing shall be performed only in the presence of Project Manager's
representative. Placement shall not begin until after preparations are complete and the
concrete placement check out card has been signed by the contractor or his
representative and the authorized representative of the Project Managersubstantiating
completion of all preparation for that placement.
b) Transportation
Concrete shall be deposited as near as practical to its final position. The use of
Aluminum pipe or Aluminum chutes for delivery of concrete will not be permitted.
Concrete buckets shall be capable of promptly discharging concrete of the specified
mix design and the dumping mechanism shall be capable of discharging at one
location, Medium portions of concrete from a full bucket.
c) Placing
The placing of concrete shall be in accordance with relevant clause of I.S 456-2000.
Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practical in its final position and shall not be
allowed to placed in running water and placed concrete shall not be subjected to
running water until the concrete has hardened.
Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practical in its final position and shall not be
allowed to flow in such a manner that the lateral movement will cause segregation of
the coarse aggregate from the concrete mass. Methods and equipment employed in
depositing concrete in forms shall minimize clusters of coarse aggregates, clusters
that occur shall be scattered before the concrete is vibrated.
Forms shall be constantly monitored and their position adjusted as necessary during
concrete placement in accordance.
All concrete except dam lining shall be placed in approximately horizontal layers.
The depth of layers shall not exceed 45 cm. The Project Managerreserves the right to
require lesser depths of layers where concrete cannot otherwise be placed and
consolidated in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. All
contraction joints which intersect exposed concrete surface shall be made level and
straight to plumb except as shown otherwise on the drawings.
A cold joint is an unplanned joints resulting when a concrete surface hardens before
the next batch is placed against it, cold joints would be allowed only in the event of
equipment breakdown or other unavoidable prolonged interruption of continuous
placing. If such unavoidable delays in placing occur which make it appear that
unconsolidated concrete may harden to the extent that later vibration will not fully
consolidate it, the contractor shall immediately consolidate such concrete to a stable
and uniform slope. If delay of placement is then short enough to permit penetration of
the underlying concrete placement shall resume with particular care being taken to
thoroughly penetrate and re vibrate the concrete surface placed before the delay. If
concrete cannot be penetrated with vibrator, the cold joint shall be then treated as a
construction joint.
Care shall be taken to prevent cold joints when placing concrete in any part of the
work. The concrete placing rate shall ensure concrete is placed while the previously
placed adjacent concrete is plastic so that the concrete can be made monolithic by
normal use of vibrators / tamping.
Concrete shall not be placed in rain sufficiently heavy or prolonged to wash mortar
from concrete. A cold joints may necessarily result from prolonged heavy rainfall.
The contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment, over the unit price bid
in the scheduled for concrete by reason of any limitation in the placing of concrete,
required under the provisions of this paragraph.
Forms shall be constantly monitored and their position adjusted as necessary during
concrete placement in accordance.
All concrete except dam lining shall be placed in approximately horizontal layers.
The depth of layers shall not exceed 45 cm. The Project Managerreserves the right to
require lesser depths of layers where concrete cannot otherwise be placed and
consolidated in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. All
contraction joints which intersect exposed concrete surface shall be made level and
straight to plumb except as shown otherwise on the drawings.
A cold joint is an unplanned joints resulting when a concrete surface hardens before
the next batch is placed against it, cold joints would be allowed only in the event of
equipment breakdown or other unavoidable prolonged interruption of continuous
placing. If such unavoidable delays in placing occur which make it appear that
unconsolidated concrete may harden to the extent that later vibration will not fully
consolidate it, the contractor shall immediately consolidate such concrete to a stable
and uniform slope. If delay of placement is then short enough to permit penetration of
the underlying concrete placement shall resume with particular care being taken to
thoroughly penetrate and re vibrate the concrete surface placed before the delay. If
concrete cannot be penetrated with vibrator, the cold joint shall be then treated as a
construction joint.
Care shall be taken to prevent cold joints when placing concrete in any part of the
work. The concrete placing rate shall ensure concrete is placed while the previously
placed adjacent concrete is plastic so that the concrete can be made monolithic by
normal use of vibrators / tamping.
Concrete shall not be placed in rain sufficiently heavy or prolonged to wash mortar
from concrete. A cold joints may necessarily result from prolonged heavy rainfall.
The contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment, over the unit price bid
in the scheduled for concrete by reason of any limitation in the placing of concrete,
required under the provisions of this paragraph.
The Contractor shall introduce strict supervision and ensure that the reinforcement is
erected as shown in the drawings and, that, the ‘Nominal Cover’ is within the
tolerance levels specified in IS:456-2000 to the effect that actual concrete cover shall
not deviate from the required nominal cover by + 10 mm & minus 0 mm. The
’Minimum Nominal Cover’ to meet Durability Requirements shall be as indicated
below, as per IS:456-2000:
Mild 20 mm
Moderate 30 mm
Severe 45 mm
Very Severe 50 mm
Extreme 75 mm
cover of reinforcement bars is much less than the designed / specified cover, the
deleterious environmental elements will quickly reach the bars and shall initiate the
corrosion there-of. Subsequently, in few years time, steel bars shall suffer heavy
corrosion. Product of corrosion being almost two times that of the original volume of
steel, bursting pressure shall cause cracking & spalling of concrete making the RCC
structure suffer severe premature deterioration and damages.
Monitoring Of Nominal Cover with Logging Cover Meter. In order to ensure that
the Contractor erects the reinforcement strictly adhering to the designed / specified
Nominal Cover within the tolerance levels and, that, the reinforcement does not get
displaced during concrete placement, Project Manager or his Representative shall
check the actual nominal cover after the concrete is placed in the respective lifts
through deployment of ‘Logging Cover Meter’. It is a device which measures the
depth of concrete cover over the reinforcement bars. A pre set value of Nominal
Cover (viz designed cover/specified cover) is entered into the ‘Data logger’ and the
head of the Logging Cover Meter is moved over the concrete surface. All values of
Nominal Cover less than the pre-set value are recorded automatically. Also, an
audible alarm signal is given by the device. This device is battery operated and all
data can also be downloaded to any PC-Compatible computer. In case, scanning of
the concrete surface of a particular lift indicates the actual cover to be less than the
designed/specified cover, Project Manager can direct the contractor to dismantle the
particular lift and re-do the job at his expense itself. Thus, monitoring by the Logging
Cover Meter shall act as a big deterrent and make the Contractor do the job correctly.
When the work has to be resumed on a surface which has hardened, such surface shall
be roughened. It shall then be swept clean & thoroughly wetted. For vertical joints
neat cement slurry shall be applied on the surface before it is dry. For horizontal
joints the surface shall be covered with a layer of mortar about 10 to 1 5 mm thick
composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as the cement and sand in concrete
mix. This layer of cement slurry or mortar shall be freshly mixed and applied
immediately before placing of the concrete.
Where the concrete has not fully hardened all imperfections shall be removed by
scrubbing the wet surface with wire or bristle brushes, care being taken to avoid
dislodgement of particles or aggregate. The surface shall be thoroughly wetted end all
free water removed. The surface shall then be coated with neat cement slurry and
fresh concrete laid.
Immersion type vibrators shall be operated at speeds of at least 7000 revolutions per
minute when immersed in concrete. Form vibrators shall operate at speeds of at least
8000 revolutions per minute when being used to consolidate concrete. The Contractor
shall immediately replace improperly operating vibrators with acceptable vibrators.
Form vibrators shall be used in conjunction with slip form lining machines to
consolidate concrete in dam linings. Such vibrators shall be arranged for effective
uniform consolidation of the concrete. The Project Manageror his representative may
remove samples of the hardened concerns for testing and examination, and the
Contractor shall repair, at no cost to the Government, concrete from which such
samples are removed.
Interior surface shall be sloped for drainage where shown on the drawings or as
directed. Surfaces which will be exposed to the weather and which would normally be
level, shall be sloped for drainage.
Floating may be performed by use of hand or power driven equipment. Floating shall
be started as soon as the screened surface has stiffened sufficiently and shall be the
minimum necessary to produce a surface that is free from screened marks and is
uniform in texture. Joints and edges shall be tooled where shown on the drawing or as
After the surface of road way slabs of concrete bridges, have been wood floated, the
surfaces shall be given a broom finish. The finish shall be applied when the water
sheet has practically disappeared. The broom shall be drawn transversely across the
pavement with adjacent strokes slightly overlapping. The brooming shall be
completed before the concrete is in such condition that the surface will be torn or
unduly roughened by the operation. The finished surfaces shall have a uniform
appearance and shall be free of corrugations exceeding 1.5 millimeter in depth.
Broom shall be of quality, size and construction be so operated as to produce a
surface finish satisfactory to the Project Manager.
The contractor shall protect all concrete against damage until final acceptance by the
Project Manager.
When precipitation appears imminent, the contractor shall immediately make ready at
the placement site all materials which may be required for protection of fresh
concrete. The Project Manager may delay placement of concrete until adequate
provisions for protection against weather are made.
All fresh concrete surfaces shall be protected from contamination and from foot
traffic until the concrete has hardened. Hardened concrete surfaces which have to
receive finish shall be protected against damage from foot traffic and the construction
activity by covering with protective mats, plywood, or by other effective means.
Method of protection shall be subject to approval by the Project Manager.
7.24. CURING
a) General
The contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all work required for curing
concrete. All concrete including bed and sides of dam lining shall be cured by water
curing for 28 days.
The uniformed top surfaces of bridges decks shall be cured for 28 days with a damp
sand cover or curing mat cover. The sand or curing mats shall not be kept so wet as to
allow water to drain from them and stain other concrete. The sand or curing mats
shall be removed after the expire of the curing period.
All concrete surfaces shall be treated as specified to prevent loss of moisture from the
concrete until the required curing period elapsed or until immediately prior to
placement of other concrete or backfill against those surfaces. Only sufficient time to
prepare construction joint surfaces and to bring them to a surface dry condition shall
be allowed between discontinuance of curing and placement of adjacent concrete.
Forms shall be removed after the concrete has hardened sufficiently conforming to
clause 11.3 of I.S 456-2000 to prevent structural collapse or other damage by careful
form removal. Where required, repair of all minor surface imperfection shall be made
immediately after form removal and prior to curing, minor surface repair shall be
completed within 2 hours after form removal and shall be immediately followed by
the initiation of curing by the applicable method specified herein. Concrete surfaces
shall be kept continuously moist after form removal until initiation of curing.
In case, the Project Manager finds that the curing arrangements mobilized by the
Contractor are deficient and, that, he is not doing efficient curing of concrete, the
Project Manager shall have the right to direct the Contractor to undertake curing of
concrete with ‘Membrane-Forming Curing Compound.
there by, minimizing the evaporation of water from concrete / shotcrete surfaces.
Contractor shall procure the Curing Compound from a reputed supplier. The Curing
Compound shall meet the requirement of the ‘water-retention test’ as per ASTM – C-
156-80 which specifies that the loss of water is to be not more than 0.55 kg/m 2 of the
surface area in 72 hours. The Curing Compound shall also conform to the ASTM – E
– 97 test to the effect that the ‘day light reflectance’ of the Curing Compound is not
less than 60 % of that of Magnesium Oxide (MgO 2 ). The Curing Compound shall be
sprayed mechanically with a power nozzle uniformly on the concrete surface as soon
as the bleeding water or shine disappears. A dosage of one litre of Curing Compound
for covering 4 m2 surface area of concrete is O.K. to provide effective curing
b) Materials
Concrete cured with water shall be kept wet for at least 28 days from the time the
concrete has attained sufficient set to prevent detrimental efforts to the concrete
surfaces. The concrete surfaces to be cured shall be kept wet covering them with
water-saturated materials by using a system of perforated pipes, mechanical
sprinklers or porous hose, or by other methods which will keep all surface
continuously (not periodically) wet. All curing methods are subject to approval of
Project Manager.
The cost of furnishing all materials and performing all work for curing concrete shall
be included in the price bid in the bill of quantities for the concrete on which the
particular curing methods are required.
Repairs to concrete surfaces and addition where required shall be made by cutting
regular opening into the concrete and placing fresh concrete to the required lines. The
chipped openings shall be sharp and shall not be less than 70 mm. in depth. The fresh
concrete shall be reinforced and chipped and toweled to the surface of the openings.
The concrete shall be placed in layers not more than 20 mm, in thickness after being
completed each layer shall be compacted thoroughly. All exposed concrete surfaces
shall be cleaned of impurities, lumps of mortar or grout and unsightly stains.
7.25.2. COST
The cost of furnishing all materials and performing all work required in the repair of
concrete shall be borne by the contractor.
Measurement for payment of concrete will be made to the neat lines of structures
constructed as shown on the approved drawings and prescribed in the specification.
The unit of measurement will be cubic meter. In measuring concrete for payment, the
volume of all opening, fixtures, embedded pipes and metal work, each of which is
larger than 0.1 square meter in cross section will be deducted.
Concrete works of different grades and specifications are to be executed as per items
of BOQ. The measurements for these items will be recorded in cubic meter basing on
dimensions of concrete as per execution with reference to approved drawings. The
item rates for different concrete items includes all costs for labor, material, T&P,
machineries, equipments and consumables required for carrying out the following
(i) Carrying out all necessary operations for setting out works, clearing, preparation
of beds, removal of silt etc. described under Technical Specifications..
(iv) Batching, mixing, laying of concrete, vibrating and curing as per Specifications.
(v) Erection of gangways, scaffolding, chutes and dismantling the same after
completion of work.
time, and all mobilization and demobilization cost to complete the above
(ix) Provision of contraction joints and provision for embedment of items as per
approved drawings.
(xi) Any other incidental cost to complete the items of work as per specification and
direction of Project Manager.
(xii) Measurement & Payment will be made as per BOQ regardless of methods and
type of equipments used for execution of the work.
The cost of concrete used in (1) wasted concrete, (2) in replacement of damaged or
defective concrete, (3) in extra concrete required as a result of over excavation, (4) in
concrete placed by the contractor in excavations intentionally performed to facilitate
the contractor's operations, and (5) Extra concrete due to tolerance in concrete finish
shall be borne by the contractor. No extra payment shall be made to contractors for
such additional quantity.
The P.V.C. water stops conforming to the above requirements shall be placed in the.
joints where shown in the drawings. The contractor shall furnish an I.S.I Test
certificate for the P.V.C. he proposes to use. The unit price bid in the bill of quantities
for this item shall include the cost of all materials and labor involved in the
The top surface of the masonry / concrete piers and abutments should be leveled and
painted with brush, with asphaltic emulsion of 20/30 grade, such that the bearing
surface is perfectly smooth and uniform. Over this surface, Craft paper of approved
quality should be placed and the top painted with asphaltic emulsion of 20/30 grade
The unit price bid in the bill of quantities for this item shall include the cost of all
materials and labor involved in the operations.
a) Supply of Pipes
Work shall be done as per IS 783. Reasonable care shall be exercised in loading,
transporting and unloading of concrete pipes. Handling shall be such as to avoid
impact. All pipes shall be inspected thoroughly before being laid. Broken or defective
pipe shall not be used. Trench shall be of sufficient width to provide for free working
space in minimum 30 cm. on either side of the pipe. Pipes shall be lowered into the
trenches by use of standard appliance. Pipe shall be laid true to line and as specified
on the construction drawings. Laying of pipes shall be along proposed grade of the
slope. The socket ends of pipe shall face upstream. The connections of the pipes shall
be jointed together in such a manner that these shall produce perfect even surface
along the inside of the pipe.
c) Joining Pipes
Semi flexible type spigot and joint as per IS 783 and as shown on the construction
drawing shall be provided. The rubber sealing rings used in the joining shall confirm
to IS:382. A rubber ring shall be placed on the spigot which shall be forced into the
socket of pipe already laid. This shall compress the rubber ring as it fills in to the
annular space formed between the two surfaces of the spigot and socket so as to form
a flexible and watertight joint. The recess at the end of pipes shall be filled with
cement mortar 1:2. Every joint be kept wet for about fourteen days
a) Trenches shall be kept free form water until the material in the joints has hardened
Walking or working on the completed pipe shall not be permitted until the trench
has been back filled to a height of at least 45 cm. over the pipe except as may be
necessary for back filling and compaction.
b) Trenches shall be backfilled after pipe has been laid subject to the condition that
jointing material has hardened. Only selected materials shall be used for
backfilling, Filling of the trench shall be carried out simultaneously on both sides
of pipe in such a manner that unequal pressure does not occur.
Measurement for payment shall be on running meter basis on the pipe line laid
including joints. The rate per pipe in bill of quantities shall include the cost of pipes
including loading unloading, hauling, handling, storing, laying in position, cost of
rubber rings, jointing and curing including back filling and other operations to
complete the work as per the specification.
8.1. BRICK
b) The bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be
uniform in color.
c) Compressive Strength The bricks, when tested in accordance with the procedure
laid down in IS 3495 (Part I ) : 1992 shall have a minimum average compressive
d) The compressive strength of any individual brick tested shall not fall below the
minimum compressive strength specified for the corresponding class of brick.
e) The lot shall be then checked for next lower class of brick.
f) Water Absorption The bricks, when tested in accordance with the procedure laid
in IS 3495 ( Part 2) : 1992 after immersion in cold water for 24 hours, water
absorption shall not be more than 20 percent by weight up to class 12'5 and 15
percent by weight for higher classes.
g) The bricks when tested in accordance with the 9.1.1 The manufacturer may also
use the procedure laid down in IS 3495 ( Part 3 ) : 1992the rating of
efflorescence shall not be more than 'moderate' up to class 12·5 and 'slight' for
higher classes.
8.2. COST
The cost of collecting the bricks for masonry will not be paid separately and their cost
including the cost of Kiln, transporting, stacking, royalty charges and labor charges
shall be included in the unit price per cubic meter bid there for in the relevant item in
the bill of quantities.
The sand shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone or crushed gravel sand, or a
combination of any of these.
The sand shall be hard, durable, clean and free from adherent coatings and organic
matter and shall not contain clay balls or pellets as specified further below ;
The sand shall not contain any harmful impurities, such as iron pyrites, alkaline, salts,
coal, mica shale or similar laminated or other materials in such form or in such
quantities as to affect adversely the hardening, the strength, the durability or the
appearance of the mortar applied.
Clay, fine silt and fine dust Not more than 5 per cent by weight.
(determined in accordance with
Appendix of I.S 386, 1 963 and
also I.S 2386 (Part II) 1963.
Sand shall generally conform to specification except that the sand for mortar shall
confirm to the grading as given in clause 4 of I.S. 2116-1980.
A sand whose grading falls out-side the specified limits due to excess or deficiency of
coarse or fine particles, may be processed to comply with the standard by screening
through suitably sized sieves and /or blending with required quantities of suitable
sized sand particles.
If the sand brought to site is not clean, it must be washed clean in water. Fine dirt
sand, or sea sand, or sand containing saline impurities shall on no account be used.
9.2. Cost
The cost of sand for masonry shall not be measured and paid separately and the cost
of the sand including the cost of collection / stripping and transporting and storing
and royalty all labor charges shall be included in the unit price per cubic meter bid
there for in the relevant item of work in the bill of quantities for which this sand is
The specifications and conditions specified for supply of cement shall be applicable
here also.
Ordinary Portland cement conforming to I.S. 269-1976 shall be used for Masonry
work. Portland Pozzoiana cement conforming to I.S. 1489-1 976 may also be used for
masonry work, in the event of non-availability of ordinary Portland cement with the
approval of Project Manager.
9.4. WATER
The specifications and conditions specified for procuring water shall be applicable
here also.
Unless otherwise specified the cement mortar used in masonry work shall be cement
mortar mix 1:4 (one cement four sand by volume).
Mixing shall be done thoroughly preferably in a mechanical mixer. In such case the
cement and sand in the specified proportion shall be mixed dry thoroughly in the
mixer operating manually or by power.
Water shall then be poured gradually and wet mixing continued at least for 2 minutes.
Water should not be more than that required for bringing the mortar to the required
working consistency of 90 to 1 30 millimeters as required in clause 9:1.1 of I:S. 2250-
1981. The mix shall be clean and free from injurious kind of soil, acid, alkali, organic
matter or deleterious substances.
Cement mortar shall be used as soon as possible after mixing before it has begun to
set, within 30 minutes after the water is added to the dry mixture.
Mortar unused for more than 30 minutes should not be used and shall be removed
from the site of work. The cost of such wasted mortar shall be borne-by contractor.
Mortar test cubes shall be cast for the mortar used on the work and shall be tested in
accordance with Appendix-A of I.S. 2250-1965 code of practice for preparation and
use of Masonry mortar. Such cubes shall develop a compressive strength of at least
75 Kgs. / square meter for mortar mix 1:4.
Mortar not conforming to the specifications will be rejected and-the cost of such
wasted mortar shall be borne by the contractor.
i. General
Laterite Stone masonry in General shall conform to the requirements of I.S. 1129-
1972 specification for dressing natural building stones.
Fine tooled dressing or fine dressing means the finest surface which can be given to a
stone with a chisel and without rubbing.
ii. Mortar
Mortar shall be prepared as specified in Para 6.2. Should the mortar perish i.e.,
become dry, white or Powderly through neglect of watering, the work shall be pulled
down and rebuilt at the contractor's expense or should the contractor fail to cure the
work to the satisfaction of the Project Manager, the latter shall get the work done at
the risk and cost of the contractor.
‘All masonry shall be washed clean on completion and all stains-due to cement or
other materials shall be removed from the face.
If it is necessary to move a brick after it has been placed on the mortar bed, it should
be lifted clear and reset. Attempt must never be made to slide it over brick already
laid. Care must be taken not to disturb joints already laid when handling or moving.
10.5. CUING
All masonry surface shall be treated as specified to prevent loss of masonry or mortar
until the required curing period is elapsed or until prior to placement of other masonry
or concrete or back fill against surfaces. The contractor shall make his own
arrangements to procure and convey water for curing.
All masonry built with cement mortar shall be kept watered continuously for a
minimum period of two weeks from the date of construction. Watering shall be done
carefully so as not to wash out the mortar, joints or disturb the masonry in any
If the Contractor fails to do curing to the satisfaction of the Project Managerof the
work, the latter will either make arrangement to cure the masonry at the risk and cost
of the contractor or order the masonry to be pulled down. The masonry so pulled
down should be rebuilt by the contractor at his own cost.
The measurement for brick masonry shall be to the lines shown in the drawings. The
measurement will be in cubic meter.
Payment for brick masonry in cement motor in specified cement mix shall be paid as
per item of BOQ, the unit price bid in the bill of quantities shall include cost of all
labor, material, T & P, machinery ,equipments and consumable for the following
4) Laying and compacting of moorum below BRICK for slope protection work as
per approved drawing including procurement of moorum.
8) Any other cost incidental to complete the items of work as per specification and
direction of Project Manager.
11.1. Materials
Sand for preparation of Mortar for plastering and pointing shall conform to the
gradation, as per I.S 1542-1977. The procurement of sand for usage for plastering and
pointing shall confirm to the specifications.
The cost of procurement of sand for mortar for plastering and pointing will not be
measured for payment and shall be included in the unit price per cu. meter bid in the
relevant item of work in the bill of quantities for which this sand is required.
Ordinary Portland cement conforming to I.S 269-1976 shall normally be used for
preparation of mortar for plastering, pointing and for masonry work. In the event of
non-availability of ordinary Portland cement, Portland Pozzolana cement conforming
to IS 1489-1976 may be used with the approval of Project Manager.
The cement mortar used in plastering work shall be as per specifications of approved
The other specifications and conditions shall apply for the mortar for plastering work
The cement mortar used in pointing work shall be cement mortar mix 1:4 { One
cement four sand by volume).
The other specifications and conditions shall apply for this mortar for pointing work
a) Preparation of Surface
The roughening of the background improves the bond of plaster. All joints shall be
thoroughly raked. After roughening the surface, care shall be taken to moisten the
surface sufficiently before plastering as otherwise freshly exposed surface may tend
to absorb considerable amount of water from the plaster. The surface shall be wetted
evenly before applying the plaster. Care shall be taken to see that the surface is not
too dry as this may cause lack of adhesion or excessive suction of water from the
plaster. A fog spray may be used for this work. As far possible, the plaster work shall
not be done under hot sun.
The mortar used for plastering shall be stiff enough to cling and hold when laid. To
ensure even thickness and true surface, plaster shall be applied in patches of 150 mm
x 150 mm of the required 12 mm thickness at not more than 2 metres intervals
horizontally and vertically over the entire surface to serve as guides. The surface of
these guides shall be truly in the plane-of the to be finished plaster surface and truly
in plumb. The mortar shall then be applied to the surface to be plastered between the
guides with a trowel. Each trowel full of mortar shall overlap and sufficient pressure
shall be used to force it into thorough contact with the surface. On relatively smooth
surfaces, the mortar shall be dashed on with the trowel to ensure adequate bond. The
mortar shall be applied to a thickness slightly more than that specified, using a string,
stretched out between the guides. This shall then be brought to a true surface by
working with a long wooden float with Medium motion. The surface shall be
periodically checked with a string stretched across it. Finally the surface shall be
rendered smooth with a Medium wooden float, over working shall be avoided, All
corners, edges and junctions shall be brought truly lo a line with any necessary
rounding and chambering.
If it is necessary to suspend the work at the end of the day, it shall be left in a clean
horizontal or vertical line not nearer than 150 millimeters from any corner or edges or
on parapet tops or on coping etc. When recommencing the work, the edges of the old
work shall be scraped clean and treated with cement slurry before the new plaster is
laid adjacent to it. After the first coat is done it shall be kept undisturbed for the next
24 hours and thereafter kept moist and not to be permitted to dry until the final
rendering is applied.
After the plaster has sufficiently hardened cement slurry with cream like consistency
shall be applied as thinly and evenly and rubbed to a fine condition.
The finished surface shall be cured with water for a minimum period of 14 days.
Should the mortar crack or perish, the plastering shall be removed and redone at the
contractor's expense or should contractor fail to cure the work to the satisfaction or
the Project Managerthe later may cure the work at the risk and cost of the Contractor.
All portions which sound hallow when tapped or found to be soft or otherwise
defective shall be cut out in regular shape and redone as directed by the Project
Managerat the contractor's expense.
The joints in the masonry shall be raked out to a depth not less than the width of the
joint or as directed when the mortar is green. Joints shall be brushed clean of dust and
loose particles with a stiff brush. The area shall then be washed and the joint
thoroughly wetted before pointing is commenced.
Flush pointing with cement mortar for coursed Rubble / Laterite Masonry
The pointing to be done shall be flush pointing with cement mortar. The mortar shall
be pressed into the raked out joints according to the type of pointing required. The
mortar shall not be spread over the corners, edges or surface of the masonry. The
pointing shall then be finished as detailed below. The mortar shall be finished off
flush and level with the edges of the stones, so as to give a smooth appearance. The
edges shall be neatly trimmed with a trowel and a straight edge. When finished the
mortar pointing shall be restricted to the width of the joints and all superfluous mortar
shall be removed with a trowel. The work shall be executed as rapidly as possible
(and not again touched after it has begun to set) and kept wet for a minimum period
of 14 days thereafter. The pointing shall also be cured for 14 days.
11.3. Measurement
The measurement of plastering and pointing shall be in units of square meters and it
shall be paid at the relevant unit price bid per square metres of plastering / pointing in
the bill of quantities.
11.4. Payment
The item of BOQ provides unit rates for payment of plastering which includes all
costs for labor, material, T & P machineries, equipments and consumables required
for carrying out the following items .
7. Any other cost incidental to complete the items of work as per specification and
direction of Project Manager.
12.1. General
1. Road shall be constructed to the lines, level and grade with sand and moorum fill
having desired parameters of density cohesion, etc. so as to ensure the designed
stability and performances of the whole road. The Quality Control Organization
of the project may carry out requisite test for the suitability of construction
materials well in advance and the contractor shall ensure that only approved
materials are brought to place of fill and used for construction of Road.
and shall adhere to the agreed sequence after modification if any by the Project
4. Placing of the layers for the road portion program for construction in the season
shall be continuous and approximately horizontal. In case the whole length of
road is not constructed simultaneously, the incomplete end of the road shall be
kept at slope not steeper than 1 in 4.
5. No materials shall be placed in any section of the road until the road seat for that
section has been dewatered, suitably prepared and approved by the Project
Manager. All portions of excavation made for test pits or other sub-surface
investigations, all holes, hollows, and all other existing cavities found within the
area to be covered and which extend below the established lines of excavation
for road seats, shall be filled with suitable earth fill of the corresponding zone of
the road and suitably compacted.
6. Pools of water shall not be permitted in the foundation for road and such water
shall be drained and cleared prior to placing the first layer of road materials.
7. The contractor shall construct and maintain good diversion in case the existing
communication are disturbed. Precautionary measures such as night lamp,
danger facing signals, diversion signals etc. shall be provided by the contractor at
his cost to avoid accidents on the communication lines because of contracts
8. Proper care shall be taken to avoid any interference with or damage to works of
other discipline such as water supply, sewerage, electricity etc. approval of
Project Manager
9. The Contractor shall at all time carry out work in a manner creating least
interference to the traffic during execution. The Contractor shall provide and
maintain during execution a passage for traffic either along or as part of existing
way under construction or a separate diversion road at his own cost.
11. Construction traffic shall not be allowed to use the newly prepared surface
without prior permission from Project Manager. Any damage arising out of such
use shall however be made good by the Contractor at his own cost.
12. All measurements unless otherwise indicated shall be recorded / computed to the
following limit
(ii) Height, depth or thickness of earthwork, Sub base and base course- 5mm.
14. Complete stacking of materials like sand, moorum, H.G. chips as per
requirement shall be carried out in 2Km. length before spreading, The collection
shall always commence at one end and be carried continuously towards the other
unless the Project Managerdirects otherwise.
1. Before starting any work and during execution (if required) the contractor shall
erect reference Bench Marks, reference lines and check profiles at convenient
locations as per the direction of the Project Manager. The centre line of the road
and the reference line for all alignments for demarcation purpose shall be laid by
properly dug-belling on the ground.
2. The Check profiles shall be located at 30M. apart or closer as directed by the
Project Managerso as to ensure execution of all slopes, steps and elevations, to
the profile as indicated in the approved drawings. All important levels and all
control points with respect to Bench Marks and reference lines shall be fixed and
co-related by the Project Manager.
3. To ensure correctness of execution the edges of cutting, the lines of the road and
those of spoil bank shall be marked carefully with pegs at close intervals. The
pegs shall then be connected by stretching string from peg to peg and dug belling
into ground along the strings. The lines so connected shall be corrected whenever
necessary to provide a stream lined plan of the features. Special care shall be
taken at curves to ensure uniform curvature of the alignment. The layout of the
structures shall have to be given in appropriate manner with pegs & pillars.
4. All materials and labor for settings out works including construction of reference
Bench Marks, reference lines check profiles and surveys, as may be required at
various stages of the construction, shall be supplied by the contractor at his own
cost. The cost of such works shall be deemed to have been included in the
costs of items for road work in schedule.
The contractor shall clear of all tree stumps, bushes, roots, brushwood, rubbish of all
kinds, loose stones and all other objectionable materials in the entire area required for
setting out. The ownership of all the useful materials so removed from clearing site
and or excavation shall rest with the department. The roots of the trees shall be
grubbed to full depth. The contractor shall dispose off all such materials as directed
by the Project Manager.
a) Soil Foundation
Soil foundation under the seat of road shall be scarified and loosened by means of a
plough or other means to a depth of about 15 cm .to 20 cm .to the satisfaction of the
Project Manager. Roots and other debris turned up during scarifying shall be removed
from entire foundation area for the fill. Before placing of fill materials, the stripped
surface of the road is to be initially compacted. The first layer of fill for the road shall
be of depth of 10 cm to 15 cm and shall be carefully placed, ensuring uniform
compaction and a satisfactory intimate bond between the foundation soil and fill
materials. Heavy rubber type rollers or vibratory rollers may be used for compaction.
Power Road Rollers shall be used for compaction of impervious soil and preferably
vibratory type roller shall be used for compaction of all other soil.
a) General
All materials required for the construction of road shall be obtained from borrow
areas duly approved by the Project Manager. The contractor has to arrange borrow
area for necessary testing and approval of Project Managerto borrow sandy soil, sand
&moorum. Borrow pits shall be operated so as not to disfigure/disturb the appearance
of any part of the work or any other property.
All areas required for borrowing sand / sandy soil / moorum for road shall be cleared
of all tree stumps, roots, bushes, rubbish and other objectionable materials. Borrow
areas shall be stripped of top soil, and any other objectionable materials to the
required depth as directed by the Project Manager. The work may be done manually
or with suitable machine. Stripping operations shall be limited only to designated
borrow areas. Materials from stripping shall be disposed of in exhausted borrow areas
or in the approved adjacent areas as directed. Particular care shall be taken to exclude
all organic matter from the materials. The cleared areas shall be maintained free of
vegetable growth during the progress of the work.
No extra payment shall be admissible for preparation and stripping the borrow
area, as this is deemed to have been included in the unit bid price.
Construction and maintenance of approach roads and haulage roads will be the
responsibility of the contractor. The department will have full right of way to those
roads for inspection purposes. Proper road sign as directed have to be provided for
safety. For haulage of road materials, the contractor shall construct ramps and haul
roads of sufficient width along the shortest but most practical route and shall maintain
and illuminate them to a satisfactory manner. Watering of the haul road shall be done
by the contractor as often as necessary to prevent raising of dust, formation of cuts
and consequent deterioration of the surface. Whenever service roads meant for public
thorough fare traverse through or run close to the borrow areas, the contractor shall
direct his excavation and haulage operation in such manner as to ensure uninterrupted
use of the service road and safety to the public. At the haul road and the service road
crossing, the contractor shall install necessary check gates and road signs.
No extra payment for haul road and approach road is admissible as this is deemed to
have been included in the unit bid price for the earth work item being contingent to
the main work.
d) Weatherconditions :
Road materials shall be placed only when the weather conditions are satisfactory to
permit accurate control of the moisture content in the road materials. Before closing
work on road, the top surface shall be graded and rolled with a smooth wheeled roller
to facilitate run off. Prior to resuming work, the top surface shall be scarified and
moistened or allowed to dry as necessary and approved by the Project Managerfor
resumption. The contractor shall provide suitable protection works to protect the
slope from erosion due to rainwater. No payment whatsoever shall be made for
providing such protection work and rectifying of monsoon damages.
e) Watering
Adequate watering to the sand fills are to be done to facilitate proper compaction.
Similarly water content to moorum is to be controlled for proper compaction. No
compensation will be made to the contractor due to held up of work for rain, fog and
moisture content in the working process.
f) Compaction
(a) Having decided on the filling materials to be used, standard compaction test
shall be made on the materials proposed for road to indicate broadly which are
the most suitable type of equipment to be used and the moisture content at
which compaction should be undertaken and also to determine the effects of
soil moisture content, thickness of layer and number of passes.
(b) Having decided on the thickness of layer and range of moisture contents, tests
should be made with different types of equipments available and the required
number of passes should also be determined.
(c) In all this work, the state of compaction should be measured in terms of dry
(d) Density tests if felt necessary by Project Managershall be made after rolling.
Standard proctor density test shall be carried out at regular intervals to account
for variations in the borrow area materials as well as that in situ excavated
(e) The contractor shall supply all materials labor machinery and equipment at his
cost for the work.
(f) No extra payment shall be made for compaction operations as this shall be
deemed to have been included in the price bid in schedule of Quantities for the
respective item of work.
12.6. Rolling
When each layer of materials has been prepared so as to have the proper moisture
content uniformly distributed throughout the materials it shall be compacted by
passing the vibrating roller or P. R .R .The exact number of passes for each layer to
obtain specified density shall be designed by the field laboratory after necessary test.
The layers shall be compacted in strips overlapping not less than 0.6 m. Rolling shall
commence at edges and progress towards centre longitudinally. The rollers of loaded
vehicle shall travel in a direction parallel to the axis of the road. Turns shall be made
carefully to ensure uniform compaction. Rollers shall always be pulled. Density tests
shall be made after rolling and dry density attained shall satisfy the compaction
standards specified in relevant I.S. Codes.
Where compaction of cohesion less free draining materials such as sand and gravel is
required, the materials shall be deposited in horizontal layers and compacted to the
relative density specified. The excavation and placing operations shall be such that
the materials when compacted shall be blended sufficiently to secure the highest
practicable unit weight and best stability. Water shall be added to the materials as
may be required to obtain the specified density by method of compaction being used.
The thickness of the horizontal layers after compaction shall not be more than 10 cm,
if compaction is performed by tampers and not more than 15cm, if by rollers.
The slopes of road shall be neatly dressed to lines and grade as shown on the drawing
as the placing of fill progress, compaction shall extend over the full width of the road
and materials in slopes shall be compacted as for the rest of the road. To ensure
proper compaction of the edges, the cross section of the fill during construction shall
be kept wider as directed by the Project Managerand cross section shall be dressed to
the designed requirement after compaction for which no extra payment shall be made
as it is deemed to have been included in unit bid price for item of schedule of
Quantities. Materials used to fill depression shall be of same type as used in the road
and shall be thoroughly compacted and bonded to the original surface. Slopes shall be
maintained until final completion and acceptance. Any material that is lost by rains,
weathering or other causes shall be replaced at the cost of the contractor till
completion of the works and taking over by the department.
If the road is raised in more than one season, provision for settlement shall be made in
the last season's construction as described above.
(b) For payments the level books, field books, the cross section sheets and
calculations sheets shall be treated as adjuncts to the measurement books. The
quantities between the levels taken after stripping and cross sectional levels
taken after construction of consolidated road will be recorded for payment. It
shall be clearly understood that construction of road to extra width/height for
settlement allowance as specified earlier will not include for payment. The
measurement will be limited to the design section.
(c) Final measurement and levels shall be taken at the cross sections of the
completed compacted bank design section after the slopes dressed to ensure
that work is completed as shown in the drawing plus settlement allowances.
The Unit rate for different items for Construction of road shall include all costs for
labor, materials, tools and plants, machinery, excavation, transportation and incidental
operations required for carrying out and completing the item of work in accordance
with the specification, drawing and as directed by the Project Managerincluding all
costs for (i) Site clearance (ii) Setting out works (iii) Marking out, providing and
forming model section with strings and stakes as may be considered necessary by the
Project Managerto guide the contractor in road construction (iv) compacting the
original ground including preparation of seat under road (v) Scarifying and benching
etc. (vi) Clearing trees stumps and bushes, stripping of the borrow area up to required
depth including cost of arranging borrow area (vii) Maintaining borrow area free from
vegetation growth, drainage arrangement and moisture control including watering
(viii) Loading, conveyance from designated borrow area, unloading and spreading of
suitable materials including rehandling (ix) Construction and maintenance of
approach roads and haul roads, site illumination and borrow area illumination (x)
Cutting and trimming as specified in dressing of slopes (xi) Restricted working near
sites of structures (xii) Settlement allowance (xiii) Spreading in thinner layers at
required places (xiv) Compaction with suitable compactors (xv) Removal of materials
like bushes, roots, sods, other perishable materials and pebbles etc. from the fill
materials (xvi) Providing labor for recording of levels and testing charge for testing of
samples (xvii) All drainage and dewatering as required (xviii) The section of all work
to be maintained in good order during execution and also in rainy season (xix) All
safety measures.(xx) All taxes, royalties of materials (xxi) any other incidental
expenditure to complete the work including mobilization and demobilization as per
drawing, specification and direction of Project Manager.
12.11. Materials
The moorum shall have plasticity index not less than 6 as determined in accordance
with I.S. 2720. It shall be free from all rubbish, dust and organic materials as well as
clods of clay / black cotton soil. The moorum should be granular and gritty.
Sand shall consist of hard, dense, durable and uncoated siliceous gritty materials.
Sand to be used shall be natural as obtained from river bed from specified quarries. It
shall be free from all rubbish, dust and organic materials as well as clods of earth
loam and other deleterious substances.
(a) METAL: The hard granite crusher broken stone metal shall be obtained from
quarries containing hard, tough, sound, durable stone of close texture, free from decay
and weathering. Pieces of the stone shall be angular and roughly cubical in shape.
Round, elongated or flaky materials shall be rejected. The size of the metal shall be
(b) Sample metals, collected from the quarries shall be got tested by the
Contractor at his cost in the laboratory. The test results shall conform to the standard
requirement laid down for metal to be used for this work.
The physical requirement for standard size metal shall conform to the test results as
per IS:2386.The grading requirement of coarse aggregates shall confirm to IRC
c) Chips
Stone chips shall consist of regular fragments of clean hard, tough and durable rock
of uniform quality throughout by crushing granite rock, and shall be free of
elongated and flaky pieces, soft and disintegrated materials, and vegetable or
deleterious matter. They shall satisfy the physical requirements set-forth as under.
(i) For premix carpet 20mm to 12mm size: Passing 20mm sieve and retained on
10 mm sieve.
(ii) For pre-coated seal coat 6mm and downgraded size: passing 10mm sieve and
retained on 2.36mm. sieve.
(iii) Samples of stone chips collected from the quarries shall be got tested by the
Contractor at his cost in laboratory. The test results shall confirm to the
standard requirement as per BIS.
d) Measurements:
The materials such as sand, moorum , and crusher broken granite metals are to be
separately stacked at approved stack yard beyond trafficable berm in standard stacks
of 1.5mX1.5mX1m. Accounting deduction of voids, each such stack is to be
measured and paid as 1 cum.
e) Payment:
Rate for collection of materials under item provides all costs for labor, material, T&P,
machineries, excavation, transportation and incidental operations required for
carrying out and completing the items of work with specification and includes all
costs for 1) selection and permission for quarry operation, 2) all required tests for
selection of materials as per BIS / IRC / MORTH, 3) Quarry operation and
procurement of approved materials at approved stack yard and stacking, 4) Royalties
of material and all other taxes pertaining to the operations, 5) storage charge and
watch & ward of materials and machineries, 6) all wastages during operations, 7) all
safety operations, 8) insurance and compensation of labor, 9) any other incidental
expenditure to complete the finished item of work.
(i) Moorum and sand stacked separately shall be conveyed and mixed properly to
make an admixture of moorum and sand in proportion as per direction of Project
(ii) The formation after excavation or trimming shall be dressed to required camber
and grade.
(iii) The admixture of moorum shall be spread in sub base and also side shoulders in
layers not exceeding 15cm. in thickness and should be adequately watered.
(v) The rolled surface to be checked transversely and longitudinally and any
irregularities, ruts and soft yielding places be corrected by loosening surface,
adding or removing amount of admixture moorum and rolling entire surface to
confirm desired grade and camber of 1 in 50 (not flatter than 1 in 72).
(i) I.R.C. Grade-III metal (size 40mm to 25mm .) shall satisfy criteria described
under sub-head criteria “materials" in preceding paragraph
(ii) Stacking for Gr.-III shall be done after the spreading of Gr.-I metal.
(iii) The surface to receive I.R.C. Gr-I or Gr.-III water bound macadam course
(metaling) shall be made free from dust and other extraneous material.
(iv) The respective grade metals shall be spread uniformly to achieve compacted
nominal thickness of 11.5cm. and 10 cm for I.R.C. Grade-1 and I.R.C Grade-III
metaling respectively.
(v) The spreading shall be done from stacks along the side of the roadways or
approved stock yards. In no case shall aggregates be dumped in heaps directly on
the surface prepared for the metaling nor shall hauling over un compacted or
partially completed base be permitted. No segregation of large or fine particles
shall be allowed. The surface of the aggregates shall be carefully checked with
Templates and all high or low spots remedied by removing or adding aggregates
as may be required by hand packing the same to proper grade and camber.
(vi) The bunds of earth or moorum one on either side shall be made along the outer
edge of metaling prior to or simultaneously with spreading of metal. In addition
wherever required turf edging are to be provided. These bunds and turf edging
are required to prevent loose metal from spreading out beyond width of road to
be metalled. No extra payment will be made for the bunding or turf edging as the
same are deemed to be included in the unit rate of respective items.
(vii) Spreading of metal shall proceed only 200m. in advance of rolling operation.
(i) Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregates, rolling shall be
started with three wheeled power roller of 8 to 10 tone capacity or equivalent
vibratory roller. The weight of the roller shall depend upon the type of the
aggregate and shall be as indicated by Project Manager.
(ii) Except on super elevated portions where the rolling shall proceed from inner
edge to outer, rolling shall begin from the edges gradually progressing towards
the centre. First the edge/edges shall be compacted with roller moving forward
and backward. The roller shall then move inwards parallel to the centre one half
wheel width.
(iii) Rolling shall continue until the aggregate is thoroughly keyed and the creeping
of the aggregate ahead of the roller is no longer visible. During, rolling slight
sprinkling of water may be done, if necessary. Rolling shall not be done when
the sub-grade is soft or yielding or when it causes a wave like motion in the sub-
grade or sub-base course.
(iv) The rolled surface shall be checked transversely and longitudinally with
Templates and any irregularities corrected by loosening the surface, addition or
removing necessary amounts of aggregates and re rolling till the entire surface
conforms to desired camber and grade. In no case shall use of screenings be
permitted to make up depression.
(v) Moorum as blinding material shall be applied, successively in two or more thin
layers at a slow and uniform rate. After each application, the surface shall be
copiously sprinkled with water, the resulting slurry swept in with hand brooms or
mechanical brooms to fill the voids properly, and rolled, during which water
shall be applied to the wheels of the rollers, if necessary to wash down the
blinding materials sticking to them. These operations shall continue until the
resulting slurry after filling the voids, forms a wave ahead of the wheels of the
moving roller.
(vi) After final compaction of water bound macadam course, the road shall be
allowed to dry overnight. Next morning hungry spots shall be filled with
screenings or binding materials as directed, lightly sprinkled with water, if
necessary &rolled .No traffic shall be allowed on the road until the macadam has
set. The Project Managershall have the discretion to stop hauling traffic from
using the completed water bound macadam course if in his opinion it would
cause damage to the surface.
(viii) It shall be ensured that shoulders are built up simultaneously along with water
bound macadam courses.
Consumption Of Materials
Note : Quantity of metal and moorum is after deduction of void from stacked
c) Measurement :
Spreading of admixture of moorum and sand or Gr-I & Gr-III metals are to be
measured on level sections as indicated vide clause 8.7 in preceding paragraph. The
volume quantities of different items calculated from level sections are totally with the
corresponding stack measurement quantities computed vide items of BOQ
d) Payment :
Rate for conveying from stacks and spreading different items as per of BOQ provides
all costs for labor, T&P, machineries, transportation and incidental expenditure
required for carrying out and completing the items of work with specifications and
includes all costs of labor, materials, machineries T&P, equipment and consumables
for (a) operations described for conveying from stacks and spreading moorum sand
admixture / metal IRC Gr-I / metal IRC Gr-III, compaction and watering (b) cost of
road diversion and road signaling & safety precautions (c) cost of procurement /
storage and application of water and any other incidental expenditure required to
complete the finished item of work.
13.1. General
The Contractor shall ensure that certain requirements are satisfied for the repair works
to be executed efficiently. The following requirements are necessary for the proper
execution of the works: -
ii. Safety measures taken to avoid unnecessary damage to the existing structures. -
Sequence and methodology of work adopted.
In repairing the damaged works, the Contractor shall use simple hand tools, light
devices and if necessary, mechanical means as may be required and approved by the
Project Managerto avoid damages to existing structures and its surroundings.
Damaged parts shall be removed with care to avoid causing vibrations and
movements of the works under repair that may cause a threat to the existing
structures or its surroundings. Use of explosives shall not be allowed.
The Contractor shall explore the Site conditions and identify the nature and scope of
the works under this Contract, its limitations and risks. The procedures and
measures to be adopted in carrying out the repair works and handing over the site
clean and neat shall be decided in consultation with the Project Manager. The
provisions of clauses in earlier sections of this Specification shall apply in regard to
safety measures needed for this kind of work. Temporary supports, scaffolding and
all required shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost to carry out the
works efficiently and safely and finish the same in good condition. The Contractor
shall safely dispose of all refuse matter within the haul distance as directed by
Project Manager.
The Contractor shall strictly follow the adopted procedures and accepted practices
related to the methodology of works and sequential execution of the different
activities pertaining to repair works. Repair woks shall have the following sequential
The method of work, and sequence of implementing the works under repair shall be
finalized by the Project Managerand shall be strictly followed by the Contractor. No
permission shall be granted by the Project Managerto the Contractor to proceed from
one stage of work to the next unless the previous works are inspected and accepted by
the Project Manager.
The Contractor shall furnish all materials and supplies and complete works required
for repair works under this Contract in accordance with this Specification described
herein and referred to elsewhere in the Specifications.
In carrying out repair works the contractor shall use the most efficient method that is
suitable to remedy a specific damage.
- Jacketing.
- Injection
The location, extent and type of major repair works are indicated on the Drawings.
The contractor shall resort to the appropriate type of repair technique shown on the
Drawings and shall strictly follow the procedures stipulated in the specifications to
carry out the works under this item as described in the Bill of Quantities.
In carrying out of repair work in concrete, the Contractor shall follow the stages
explained below:
1. The Contractor shall demolish and chip away the damaged parts of the
2. Chipping away the concrete surface shall be done to the levels required to
remove the damaged, rusted reinforcement. The Contractor shall remove the
damaged steel parts and ties and replace them with new ones of the same
diameter or higher.
3. The existing sound steel parts and ties shall be cleaned from rust by use of
mechanical steel brushes or sand gun.
4. The new reinforcement and ties shall be welded to the existing sound
reinforcement and ties to restore the reinforcement level to its original
condition before the damage as per the direction of Project Manager.
5. Prior to concreting, the rough surface shall be cleaned from dust and loose
materials and shall be treated with suitable and approved bonding epoxy resin
glue paint (NITOBOND or equivalent) to achieve bond between the old and
new works. Applying cement mortar on the surface may be used as another
option as per approval of the Project Manager.
6. Formwork for the concrete shall be placed to restore the shape, lines and
dimensions as shown on the Drawings. Formwork shall comply with the
relevant clauses in earlier sections.
When rendering and/or repair work is required along existing masonry structure all
loose stones and defective joints shall be thoroughly raked out and cleaned back to
expose a sound base for application of the repair work. All such exposures shall be
inspected by the Project Manager. The Contractor shall not commence any repair
work before the Project Manager's approval is obtained. The stone and mortar mix
used for remedial works should be consistent with the general clauses of the
Specifications described earlier and also with the general color and appearance of
the existing structure.
II. Clean out all cracks with water. Remove old mortar from any masonry joints
and clean the joints.
IV. The contractor shall fill the cracks with mortar and finally fill the joints with
mortar to replace the old mortar that has been removed from the joints. Then
the mortar shall be trowelled smoothly after the cracks have been filled, and
the joints treated.
V. The Contractor shall remove all loose stones and rack defective joints using
compressed air or a water spray, hammer and chisel. The Contractor shall
clean all cavities defective joints of old mortar to establish a sound base for
formation of the new repair works.
The surface under repair shall be moistened with spray water, and the Contractor
shall place a new mortar bed to receive the masonry stones, and shall also apply
fresh mortar to the joints between the new stones and the old ones, and filling all
space available, compacting with a suitable tamping tools. The joints shall be
smoothened with suitable tool. The joints width shall be within 10 – 20mm.
In carrying out this type of repair technique, the contractor shall follow the
procedures set below:
The Contractor shall remove the loose concrete and chip away the concrete cover
manually or with suitable mechanical equipment under the supervision of the
Project Managerwithout damaging portion of the structure in good condition. For
protecting the edges where required, M.S. angles of suitable size (not less than
50X50X5 ) shall then be fixed in position by welding them to exposed
reinforcement with due care to achieve the correct finished lines as per the drawing.
Formwork shall be placed as required confirming to the design profile
complying to the requirement of levant clauses of section-4 of the specification.
The concrete and steel surface shall then be cleaned properly and a layer of
suitable grade of Epoxy resin adhesive shall be applied, and concrete of
suitable grade poured. The concrete to be used for repair shall be of at least one
grade higher than the old concrete.
For major repair works, where excessive stones is required to be removed, many
repair operations are involved; strengthening the wall by steel jacketing;
reconstruction of the damaged portion of the wall; filling the cavities inside the wall
by grouting. The Contractor shall proceed as follows as per the direction of Project
- The Contractor shall rack the joints, repair/remove the surface boulders and
prepare surface to accommodate the new works.
- Vertical reinforced steel wire mesh comprising welded steel wire fabric shall be
put in position close to the wall by 12/16 mm Dia anchors fixed in masonry at 75
to 100 cm apart. Form work shall be placed in position along-with arrangement of
edge protection and concreting done.
13.11. Injection
Resin or cement grout injections are to be applied only for works with slight cracks,
without damaging concrete or reinforcement.
Where felt necessary the old and distressed masonry works shall be grouted. After
completion of the works in the manner described, a number of holes are drilled in
the masonry wall at the rate of 1 holes per square meter taking care to drill the hole
centrally. First water is injected in order to wash the wall inside and to improve the
cohesion between the grouted mixture and the wall elements. Then cement grout
and (1 cement; 1 water) shall be grouted at low pressure of 1 to 2kg/cm 2 in the
holes. In most cases the pressure needed for grouting can be obtained by gravity
flow of the grout from supper elevated tanks.
Supply and installation of all incidentals not specified but necessary for the proper
completion and satisfactory functioning of works and guarantee of the permanent
equipment, along with all auxiliary equipment in the designated location of the
project as specified in the technical specifications or BOQ, shall also be in the scope
of work.
The scope of work shall include all tools and devices including lifting devices, ropes,
etc. necessary for total assembly and disassembly (If required) of all parts of the
supplied Works or for repairing / replacement. The scope of work shall also include
dismantling of existing equipment as necessary complete in all respect, for erection of
new equipment, transportation of dismantled/non usable parts to specified storage
location for proper facilitation of erection Works. Painting of all (newly supplied as
well as already installed (except the dismantled items) Hydro mechanical equipment
shall be carried out as per specification.
The Contractor shall ensure that certain requirements are satisfied for the
rehabilitation works to be executed efficiently. The following requirements are
necessary for the proper execution of the works: -
ii. Safety measures taken to avoid unnecessary damage to the existing structures.
- Sequence and methodology of work adopted.
Steel Work
Work shall conform to the requirement hereinafter specified, unless otherwise called
for in these specifications or on the drawings. Finished members shall be free from
twists, bends and open joints. Compression joints shall have surfaces truly faced so as
to have full contact bearing when aligned and welded or bolted.
Straightening of materials:
Before being laid off or worked, rolled material shall be straightened and shall be
cleaned of all rust and dirt. If straightening is necessary, it shall be done by methods
that will not be cause for rejection of the material.
Shearing and cutting by torch shall be performed carefully and in all work which will
be exposed to view after completing shall be finished neatly. Sheared or cut edges of
plates more than 16mm thick, which carry computed stresses shall be planed to a
depth of 6mm. Re-entrant cuts shall be filleted before cutting.
Holes shall be punched so accurately that after assembling the component parts of a
member, a cylindrical pin 3mm smaller in diameter than the nominal diameter of the
punched hole may be entered
perpendicular to the face of the member without drifting in not less than 75 per cent
of any group of continuous holes in the same plane. All holes shall punch a pin 5mm
smaller in diameter than the nominal diameter of the holes.
Reamed holes shall be cylindrical, perpendicular to the member, and not less than 1.5
mm or more than 2.5 mm than the nominal diameter of the bolts. Built up members
shall be assembled and firmly bolted together before any reaming is done. Reamed
parts shall not be interchanged. Burrs and savings from reaming shall be removed
and, if necessary, reamed pieces shall be taken apart before being joined and the
shavings removed.
Drilled holes shall be cylindrical perpendicular to the member and 1.5mm larger than
the nominal diameter of the rivet/bolt.
Holes shall be drilled and reamed so accurately after assembly that not less than 85
per cent of any group of continuous holes in the same plane shall show no off-set
greater than 0.8mm between adjacent thickness of metal.
Removal of burrs
Burrs resulting from reaming or drilling shall be removed with a tool making a
1.5mm level.
a) Finished Surfaces
Where the finish is not indicated or specified, the type of finish shall be provided as
per Indian standard most suitable for the required function of surface and shall be
consistent. Surface finish shall be indicated on the shop drawings by symbols.
Compliance with the specified surface shall be determined by the sense of feel and by
visual inspection of the facility compared to applicable "Standard Roughness
Specimens", or with roughness filler gauge instruments. Both "Standard Roughness
Specimens" and filler gauge instrument shall be provided by the Contractor at the
request of the Engineer.
b) Unfinished Surfaces
As far as practicable, all facility shall be laid out to secure proper matching of
adjoining unfinished surfaces. Where there is a large discrepancy between adjoining
unfinished surfaces, they shall be chipped and ground smooth, or machined to secure
proper alignment.
Unfinished surfaces shall be true to the lines and dimensions shown on the drawings
and shall be chipped or ground free of all projections and rough spots. Depressions or
holes not affecting the strength or usefulness of the parts shall be filled in a manner
approved by the Engineer.
13.13.3 Fasteners
They shall have standard threads and be of high quality steel. All standard size bolts,
studs, nuts and screws (including their washers) shall be supplied in 5 % extra
quantity and heavily protected against corrosion or made of stainless steel if so
specified in the technical Specifications. Nuts and bolts heads shall be hexagonal in
shape & truly faced. Nuts & bolts and screws, which might become loose during
operation, shall be locked in fastened position by means approved by the Project
All bolts shall have unified threads. Bolts in tension shall have a net section at root of
thread, 15 percent in excess of the net section required in tension.
b) Field Jointing
All fasteners for field joint shall be supplied 5 per cent in excess of actual
requirements. This should be indicated in the drawings/bill of material
13.13.4 Welding
Members to be joined by welding shall be cut accurately to size, and where required,
shall be rolled or pressed to proper curvature in accordance with the approved
drawings. Flattening of curvature along edges by blows for correction will not be
permitted. The dimensions and shape of edges to be joined shall be such as to allow
thorough fusion and complete penetration and plates shall be planed if necessary and
edges to be formed/prepared properly, to accomplish this result. Members to be
welded together shall be in sufficient intimate contact at the time of welding so that
members will not be forced more closely together with the cooling of the weld, thus
setting up additional strains and distortions in the weld and parent metal.
The cut surface shall be free from all visible defects such as lamination, surface
defects caused due to shearing or cutting or flame cutting operations. The surfaces of
plates to be welded shall be free from dust, grease and scale for a distance of 12 mm
from the welding edge at the time of welding. Flame cutting may be used in the
preparation of the various members provided the operation is performed carefully and
the edge so cut are cleaned thoroughly after being cut so as to expose clean metal.
Any contour irregularities at points of critical stress shall be removed by grinding.
When the welding process has been approved by the Engineer, the contractor shall
produce a record drawing to show the approved process. The drawing shall include
details such as the form of edges to be welded, electrodes and other welding
materials, welding sequence etc. Changes in the welding process after the welding
method has been approved shall require the consent of the Engineer.
Additional copies of all records of all welding procedures, including preheating and
stress relieving, chemical analysis and physical properties, shall be made available to
the Project Manager upon request.
Unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer all welded parts to be welded shall be
manufactured of steel produced by open-hearth or electric furnace with carbon
content not more than 0.20% and a Phosphorous content not more than 0.05%.
All welding shall be done by the electric arc method or by a process, which will
exclude the atmosphere from the molten metal, except where otherwise specifically
permitted. The welding electrodes shall be heavily coated type designed for all
position welding. Welding electrodes to be used in welding shall be of reputed
/standard certified make and make shall be got approved before its use. In assembling
and during welding, the component parts of built up members shall be held in place
by sufficient number of clamps or other adequate means to keep all parts in proper
The strength of welding of all equipment subject to high and/ or alternating stresses,
vibrations etc. shall be at least equal to the strength of the parts being welded.
Between plates and other sections where such stresses are to be transmitted only butt
welds shall be permitted. At welded butt joints, where the weld material is required to
be deposited on both sides of the joints, the weld shall be chipped thoroughly to
obtain a clean surface prior to the application on the first run of the welding on the
opposite side of the joint. Where fillet welds are used, the lapped sections shall fit
closely and shall be held together during the welding operation. Surfaces to be welded
shall be cleaned of loose scale, slag, rust, paint and other foreign matter, except that a
thin coat of linseed oil need not be removed before welding. When weld metal is
deposited in two or more layers, each layer shall be brushed with a wire brush or
otherwise cleaned before subsequent layer is deposited. In welding precautions shall
be taken to minimize stresses due to expansion or contraction by peening the welds
while hot, or by other satisfactory methods. After welding is completed and the place
is cold, correction of distortion by blows will not be permitted. Upon completion, the
welds shall be brushed with wire brushes and shall show uniform section, smoothness
of weld metal, feather edges without excessive overlaps and freedom from porosity
and clinkers. Visual inspection at edges and ends of fillets and butt joints welds shall
indicate good fusion and penetration into base metals.
All shop and field welding performed on the facility shall be subject to inspection by
Project Manager when welding plates, of which one or both exceed 25 mm in
thickness. Contiguous areas of plates around the welding operation shall be preheated
to not less than 70º C and kept at a substantially uniform temperature throughout the
process. The temperature shall be measured by Tempil sticks or other approved
means. Low hydrogen electrodes shall be used wherever necessary, particularly if the
temperatures are below 10º C. Peening of multiple pass welds to control distortion or
to minimize residual stresses may be carried out with light blows from a power
hammer using an elongated round nosed tool. Peening shall be done after the weld
has cooled to a temperature warm to the hand. Care shall be exercised to prevent
scaling, flaking or rupturing of weld and base metal from over peening. Neither the
first nor the last pass of a multiple pass weld shall be peened.
The welding sequence shall be planned to control and minimize distortion and, where
necessary, shall include stress relief to minimize residual stresses. Minimum stress-
Welded components subject to vibration and stress reversals shall be fabricated with
full-penetration welds.
For welding of principal stress carrying parts the standards of welding procedures,
qualification of welders and welding accessories shall conform to relevant Indian
Standards or equivalent to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and pressure vessel
codes section VIII and IX, or DIN EN 287. All welders assigned to the facility shall
have passed a performance qualification test. If more than one year has elapsed since
the welder passed his last test, then he shall be tested and qualified again. The
required certificates for welder qualifications shall be submitted to Project Manager
prior to start of welding.
The post weld thermal stress relieving shall be part of approved welding procedure
and shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provision ASME boiler and
pressure vessel code section VIII division–2 or IS: 2825. The method statement
procedure for conducting thermal stress relieving shall depend upon the particular
structure, grade and composition of steel and thickness involved. The contractor shall
obtain prior approval regarding the above from Project Manager.
Stress relieving of the parts where required shall be accomplished by heating the
member in closed stress relieving furnace to a temperature of 580 º C to 620 º C for
one hour for each 25 mm of metal thickness and allowing the member to cool slowly
in the furnace. Below 315º C, the member may be removed from the furnace and
allowed to cool in still air.
All plates to be welded above the thickness of 28mm shall be stress relieved except if
specified otherwise. All forgings shall be normalised and all castings shall be
The manufacturer shall provide as part of his work/supply the surface treatment,
priming, corrosion protection and painting of the equipment furnished. Such work
shall include the coating and painting work at the workshop and at the site unto and
including the finish painting. Unless otherwise specified the coating and painting
shall be carried out in accordance with the latest Indian Standards or International
All primer and painting material shall satisfactorily fulfill the requirements imposed
by the site conditions, as well as the stresses to which the respective equipment is
subjected during operation of the facilities. Shades of the finished coatings shall be as
approved by the Project Manager.
Only primer coating shall be carried out in shop and finished coat shall be applied at
site after erection of parts.
Surfaces shall be prepared and accepted as per standards (SA 2.5) before application
of paints.
Each coat of primer and paint shall be compatible with the previous and subsequent
coats. All pigmented primers and paints which will be used for primer and painting at
the site shall be delivered in original and sealed containers packed by the
manufacturer bearing brand name, colour designation, storage and handling
The manufacturer shall supply full details regarding the extent to which sand-blasting,
primer and paintings will be carried out in his workshops (or his sub-contractors, as
the case may be) at the site and after erection. A properly equipped paint shop shall
be set up at the site using a specialist organization , experienced and skilled in the
preparation and application of protective coatings at the conditions prevailing at the
Each coat shall be free from runs, drops, pinholes, waves, laps, sags and unnecessary
brush marks and shall be allowed to dry or to harden before the succeeding coat is
For removing rust and mill scale from structural steel, plate sheets, piping and other
steel surfaces, as well as from other parts blast cleaning shall be carried out to clean
bare metal. The average surface roughness after sand blasting shall not exceed 40
microns. Sand blasting shall be performed with corundum or sand of type approved
by Project Manager. Parts which cannot be blast- cleaned shall be cleaned free from
rust and scale by power tool cleaning to the highest possible degree.
Stainless steel and bronze surfaces shall only be cleaned but not painted. All surfaces
of the embedded parts, which are to come in contact with concrete, shall be cleaned
as mentioned above and given two coats of cement latex to prevent rusting during
shipment and while awaiting installation. All finished surfaces of the gates and stop
logs that will be exposed to atmosphere during shipment or while awaiting
installation shall be given a coat of gasoline soluble rust preventive compound. For
preservation of hydraulic cylinders during shipment and while awaiting installation
these shall be filled minimum 10% with hydraulic oil suited to temperature range for
the particular Project, and 2% VSI or equivalent corrosion inhibitor shall be added
prior to dispatch to site .The grade of oil shall be got approved from employer.
All precautions and requirements as per IS: 14177 shall be followed. The paints used
shall be of reputed “make” and the “make” shall be got approved from Project
Manager prior to painting. The paints should be consumed within its validity period
as per standard norms and paint manufacturer’s recommendations.
b) Painting Systems
Perfect cleaning of all surfaces which are not to be covered with concrete shall be
carried out by sand blasting to the requirements of SA 2½ of Swedish Standard.
Over the prepared surfaces one coat of inorganic zinc rich primer by spray (preferably
airless spray) should be applied giving a dry film thickness of 70 ± 5 microns.
The interval between surface preparation and painting shall be as short as practicable
and in no case longer than 4 hours. Over the primer, two coats of solvent-less coaltar
epoxy paint shall be provided at an interval of about 24 hours. Each coat shall give a
dry film thickness of 150 microns. The total dry film thickness of all the coats shall
not be less than 350 microns.
Embedded Parts
a) Structural components:
Cleaning of all the surfaces shall be done by sand blasting to SA 2½. In such areas
where it is not possible the parts shall be cleaned by brushing and scraping.
The parts after surface preparation shall be given one coat of zinc silicate / zinc
chromate primer paint in the shop before dispatch. One further coat of primer shall be
applied after erection. The primer coats shall give a minimum dry film thickness of
40 microns per coat. The finish paint shall consist of coats of micaceous iron oxide
paint or synthetic enamel paint. Each coat of paint shall give a dry film thickness of
50 microns. The interval between coats of micaceous iron oxide paint or synthetic
enamel paint shall be 24 hours. The total dry film thickness should not be less than
175 microns.
b) Machinery:
Machined Surfaces
Machined surfaces shall be protected with adhesive tapes/or other suitable means
during the cleaning and painting operations. All machined surfaces of ferrous metal
including screw threads, which will be exposed during shipment or while awaiting
installation, shall be cleaned with solvent and coated with a gasoline soluble rust
preventive compound.
Colour Scheme
Rubber seals shall be of the moulded type only. The materials used for rubber seals
shall be compound of neoprene rubber, a copolymer of butadiene and styrene, or a
blend of both, and shall contain reinforcing carbon black, zinc oxide, accelerators,
anti-oxidants, vulcanizing agents and plasticizers. For Clad seals, sheath of cladding
material with rubber shall be inserted in mould with raw non vulcanized rubber
compound and then moulded and vulcanized. The thickness of clad sheath shall be in
the range of 1.0 mm to 1.5 mm and will have good bonding strength with rubber.
Fluoro carbon sheath shall have minimum tensile strength as 13.7 MPa and minimum
elongation as 250 %. The contractor shall provide all seal with adequate temperature
and age resistant properties which will provide, in the moulded form, suitable sealing
All corners shall be remoulded and have a suitable radius on the inside edge. All
joints, shop and field, shall be located at reasonable distance from the corners and
shall meet the following requirements:
- Vulcanized joints shall not break on tear when bent 1800 around a
mandrel of a diameter equal to the maximum cross section thickness of the
the midpoint of the test specimen and its strength determined in accordance
with ASTM D 412.
- The joints in the rubber seal shall be vulcanized butt joints and at right
angle to the rubber seal. Oblique joints at the corner shall not be permitted in
the rubber seal. Vertically placed strips of rubber seals shall be formed in one
piece and no joints of any sort shall be permitted.
- Joints shall be water tight and seal materials shall have following
physical properties as determined by tests made in accordance with the relevant
Property Limits
a) General
Six (6) nos. ( 1 no. per gate ) of Screw hoist shall be provided for operation of 6 nos.
slide type Gate at 3 nos. sluices .. The gate shall be opened and closed by means of
electrically operated double acting type screw spindle hoist under unbalanced water
pressure. The scope of supply shall also include dogging devices , covers and position
transmitter with indicator for each gate.
Under normal operation the gate will be designed for raising under maximum water
head at the upstream side and be lowered under maximum flow condition design.
Indian standard IS:11288 (latest vesion) shall be followed for design . selection of
material , manufacture and installation of screw hoist.
For inspection and repair, the design of screw hoist shall be such that facilitate the
gate to lifted above the deck level by lifting devices such as Gantry cranes /mobile
crane etc. following the dismantling of the screw hoist, lifting rods & couplings etc.
Electric Screw Hoists shall be from the reputed and experienced manufacturer as
approved by Engineer/Purchaser. The hoists shall be operated both manually and
electrically. The hoists shall be installed on base frame suitably anchored at deck
level. The stem of the screw hoist shall be supported intermediately with the help of
removable support brackets bolted with steel plate anchored on the downstream
concrete wall.
General design of the Electric Screw Hoist involves design of its components viz:
Stem, Nut, Gearing, Shafts, Keys and keyways, coupling, Bearings, Pedestal, Gate
Position Indicator and Electrical System. The determination of hoist capacity,
design of the Hoist components and the principal requirements shall be as per IS:
The hoist screw shall be connected to a rigid lifting rod. The lifting rod shall be
connected to the gate. Both connections shall be designed and manufactured to allow
dismantling and reassembling of the hoist equipment if required in the future. The
connections shall be able to withstand the driving forces resulting from the gate
operation and double-acting hoist (tension and compression) under all possible load
conditions. The supply includes also the necessary accessories, frames, fixed or
movable pieces, even if not mentioned above, required for warranting a trouble-free
and safe operation, inspection, maintenance of the gates and control / monitoring by
the control system.
b) Hoist Capacity
The hoists capacity shall be determined by taking into consideration the following
forces which might be required to be overcome:
- Weight of the gate along with all its components including the weight
of stem and intermediate stem, if any.
- All frictional forces comprising of Guide friction, Seal friction
including friction due to initial interference,
- Any hydrodynamic load, like down pull force/uplift, etc.
- Silt load wherever encountered
- Minimum Seating pressure as prescribed in IS: 11228 ( or 2.5 KN/M
length of seal)
- Any other consideration specific to a particular site.
The worst combination of the above forces, during either lowering cycle or raising
cycle, shall be considered. The hoist capacity thus arrived at shall be increased by 30
percent to cater for the reserve hoist capacity unless otherwise specified by the
Engineer/Purchaser. The gates shall be designed for the downward forces closing the
gates while lowering shall be at least 20 percent higher than the frictional or other
forces opposing the downward motion. The necessary closing/seating load shall be
calculated considering the net cross-sectional area of the bottom seal. However, The
usual operating speed for raising and lowering of such hoists shall be 500 mm per
c) Lifting Rod/Stem
The stem shall normally be made of mild steel. It shall be galvanized in the
unthreaded portion. The stem shall be provided with standard metric thread
conforming to IS: 4218 (latest revision) at one end for connection with the gate. It
shall be connected to the horizontal girders and shall be required to be tightened
against a minimum of two girders. The bottom end shell be provided with an
additional lock nut. In case the gate does not require positive thrust for closing, pin
jointing the stem to the gate shall be considered. Standard square threads conforming
to IS: 4694 (latest revision) or acme threads shall be cut on the stem at the other end
for transmission of power. The minimum length for which the threads may be
provided shall be the sum of the following:
More than one start of the screw threads shall be provided in order to achieve quick
linear movement. The screw stem rod shall be designed for direct torsional
compressive load by taking the root diameter at the minimum cross-section. The
diameter so arrived at shall be checked for torsional shear stress, buckling and for
combined maximum shear and maximum tensile compressive stresses. Suitable
supports shall be provided at intermediate points, if required.
The maximum length and weight of the lifting rod shall be such, that it can be
properly handled at deck level by means of mobile / Gantry crane and/or personnel.
The lifting rod shall be of corrosion resistant material and the coupling or connections
shall be made of corrosion-resistant steel. The lifting rod shall be designed and
manufactured to withstand the compression and tension forces during operation
without any possible instability. The rod shall be guided as required, to provide
proper slenderness and to guarantee a free-trouble operation mechanism.
d) Nut
The nut, through which the power is to be transmitted to the stem, shall generally be
of a material having lesser wear resistance than the material of the stem. Square or
acme threads matching with those provided on the screw stem shall be provided on
the inner surface of the nut. The total number of threads to be cut on the nut shall be
calculated on the basis of the total bearing area to be provided. The bearing pressure
on the threads of phosphor bronze nut shall not exceed 0.04 UTS. The total length of
the nut shall also be governed accordingly. The number of threads provided on the
basis of the bearing stress shall be checked for shear stress at the threads cross
section. The minimum outside diameter of the nut shall be at least twice the
minimum inside diameter.
e) Gearing
Standard helical reducer shall be used for the first stage reduction at the drive unit and
it shall be of high grade suitable for the service intended. Rating and efficiency of the
reducer used in calculation shell be as per manufacturer's recommendations. Bevel
gears as the second stage reduction shall be used for electric screw hoist. Worm and
worm wheel gearing shell be used for manual screw hoist.
Design of Gears shall be as per the relevant IS codes (latest revision). The allowable
stress shall be taken as 20 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of material used for
the manufacture of the gear for the normal operating condition.
For breakdown torque condition, the allowable stress shall be taken as 80 percent of
the yield point stress of the materiel. Manual drive system shall be provided in case of
power failure/emergency. Rating and efficiency of the reducers used in calculations
shall be according to the manufacturer's recommendation.
Gear boxes shall be of rigid construction fitted with inspection covers and lifting
handles. The gear boxes shall be so designed that the gears can be easily removed or
replaced and shall be such that the gears are suitably lubricated. Facilities for oil
filling and draining, connection for oil level indication and adequate breathing shall
be provided where necessary. Allowable stresses for hoists supporting structure shall
be in accordance with IS 800 (latest revision) and an impact factor of 1.1 shall be
considered. For breakdown torque condition, the allowable stress shall be taken as
80% of the yield point stress of the material. The shafts shall be designed for
appropriate load/torque that is being transmitted. Shafts shall have ample strength and
rigidity and adequate bearing surfaces.
The shafts shall be designed for appropriate load/ torque that is being transmitted.
Shafts shall have ample strength and rigidity and adequate bearing surfaces. They
shall be finished smoothly and provided with suitable changes of cross-section for
easy assembly and disassembly.
In dimensioning the shafts with ratio of length/diameter greater than 50, the angle of
twist and the revolutions/minute shell be taken into account, in addition to simple
bending , pure torsion, or the combined effect of bending end torsion. The twist that
shall be permitted is 1/4 0 to 1/3 0per meter. Linear deflection in the shaft shall not
exceed 1.0 mm/m length.
g) Bearings
All the running shafts shall be provided with either roller bearings or ball bearings or
sleeve type removable bronze bushings with flanges at both ends. Bearings shall be
easily accessible for lubrication & or replacement. In case of more than one bearing
on one shaft, every bearing shall be provided with separate & individual lubrication
arrangements. The minimum thickness of bronze bush shall be calculated by formula
given in IS: 6938 (latest revision).
The special thrust bearings required for taking the entire hoisting/lowering load shall
be provided between the nut and the pedestal body.
h) Couplings
All couplings shall be of forged steel or cast steel designed to transmit torque which
may develop. Solid couplings shall be aligned in such a way that they meet
accurately. The flexible couplings shall be initially with the same accuracy as solid
couplings. Flexible couplings shall be fitted between motor shafts and extension
i) Pedestal
The pedestal shall be fabricated or cast and shall be mounted on hoisting platform.
The pedestal shall be designed as a column against crippling due to total hoist end
shall preferably have tapered sides in order to achieve greater stability.
j) Manual Operation
The manual operation arrangement shall be so designed thet the continuous effect per
man does not exceed a crank force of 100 N at 400mm crank radius at a continuous
rating of 24 revolutions per minute. Suitable electrical interlocks shall be provided to
prevent operation by electrical power when the manual drive is engaged.
A mechanical gate position indicator shall be installed on each hoist. Its dial shall
have a minimum diameter of 300 mm and shall be easily readable . It shall be
graduated in meters and centimeters end shall indicate the position of the bottom of
each gate above the sill up to its highest position.
Devices shall be provided to dismantle the lifting rod, to bring the gate in its highest
position (above deck) for repair. The lifting rod may be stored temporarily in the
nearby facilities.
m) Control Equipment
The gate operation will be from existing control panel and the Contractor shall
furnish the required cabling for connection to the control system. Cables shall be laid
in covered ducts or installed in PVC conduits. The gate opening at deck elevation
shall be covered by heavy duty galvanized steel gratings. The gratings shall be
designed for a load of 5.0 kN/m2
Contractor shall carry out the general repair. Oiling, greasing and maintenance of all
spillway/overflow and sluiceVertical gates as necessary including electrical for safe
and proper functioning of equipment. The roller wheels / guide wheels in the gates
shall be lubricated through the grease nipple provided. Gear box in the hoist assembly
shall be topped up with additional gear oil up to the maximum level as recommended
by the manufacturer. The gear assembly and plumber blocks in the transmission shaft
shall be cleaned to remove old spoiled grease and then new good quality grease shall
be applied. The ropes in the hoist and cranes shall also be cleaned of dust and other
foreign particles using water jet cleaning machine and then new lubricant oil shall be
applied. The gates and associated steel structure / embedded parts shall be inspected
for any erosion / corrosion and then it shall be cleaned properly and thoroughly. The
drain holes in the stiffeners in the rear side of the gates shall be cleaned for easy
draining of water. The rubber seals shall be inspected for any foreign particles and
then cleaned thoroughly. All fasteners shall be checked for its effectiveness. Steel
structural if found damaged or corroded, shall be suitably replaced or got corrected as
approved by dam authority. The details indicated herein are the minimum guidelines
Thorough Inspection with maintenance of all gates and hoists/crane as per relevant
Indian standard including ropes and hoisting mechanism , bearings , shafts, sheaves,
couplings, gearing arrangement, oil , seals , brakes, motors, pump , valves gate
position indicator, limit switches, control panels, cables and wiring , covers, manual
operating arrangements, trestles, hoist housing, foundation anchors, ladders, walk
ways, (chequered plates, grating and removable hatch covers) hand railings,
instrumentation and control system shall be carried out for their good condition with
smooth, safe and trouble free operation.
The for the dismantling items required for execution of rehabilitation work will be
measured under Item of BOQ. The payment for the items includes all cost for labor,
materials, T & P, Machinery, equipments and consumables required for carrying out
the following operations.
3) Removing dismantled debris away from work site and stacking useful materials
for reuse.
12) Any other incidental cost to complete the items of work as per specification
and direction of Project Manager.
To ensure the quality standards of the work to be executed a Third Party will be
engaged to do testing and submission of reports in light of the IS standards.
14.1. General
(i) For all field test contractor shall established a fully equipped field laboratory at
site at his own cost with all testing equipment, laboratory personnel as desired
by Project Managerfor smooth working of quality control lab. The Contractor
will maintain the record of testing.
(ii) Also the contractor will provide all necessary laboratory personnel labor, tools,
equipment etc for observing the testing of material and other as and when
demand at site at his own level.
(iii) Any test / periodically test which are being conducted time to time outside
field laboratory will be got conducted by contractor at his own cost, as per
direction of Project Managerfrom recognized laboratory.
(iv) The quality control manual and relevant IS Code shall be basis of conducting
all such tests.
(iv) The sample of each specimen shall be preserved under the sealed cover duly
signed by the site Engineer and Authorized representative of contractor. The
sample shall be preserved and deposited in the office of the executive wing by
the Contractor.
(vi) The contractor shall have to exercise quality control measures and frequency
of testing as defined in the specification.
(viii) The Quality control of the department and relevant specification and IS Code
shall be basis for testing of materials, Civil work and required testing after
completion of the work in case of any discrepancy relevant IS Code shall be
The actual frequencies shall be determined by the Project Manager to suit the nature
and variability of material placed and the rate of fill placement with the objective of
ensuring best quality control and quality construction.
A Central Quality Control Laboratory and field labs with requisite equipments as per
requirement satisfactory to the Project Manager, to be established by the contractor at
convenient location as per direction of Project Manager, along with the required
number of mobile testing units with requisite testing equipment relevant to the tests
required to be performed in the Package. vehicles and personnel regarding testing of
material and other test concerning with specification of work, shall be arranged by the
bidder. Tests which cannot be conducted at central laboratory will have to be got
done at ID&R Raipur or at such other laboratory of repute as directed by Project
Manager by the bidder at his own cost. No separate payment will be made to the
bidder on this account by the Department.
O.K. cards shall have to be maintained by contractor for each major activity specified
in bid document, bidder shall get it issued from Project Manager. The O.K. cards
contain important entries/ information during execution of work at all stages and
liable to be referred/ perused at a later stage also.
The O.K. card is condensed form of specifications and essential requirement for
achieving specified workmanship and quality level of output. Each work is sub
divided into various construction activities in proper sequence/order methodology for
construction of work.
Besides the location and type of work, the first column of O.K. card is to be filled by
the construction agency (Contractor) by preparing each feature and making it ready
for inspection by project construction engineer who okay through his signatures and
then puts up to Q.C. engineer for his final O.K. If. Q.C. Engineer is not available at
site then O.K. given by construction engineer will be treated as final, if anything
otherwise is not observed. If anything otherwise be found, the O.K. card shall not be
signed by him and ask the construction engineer/Agency for necessary rectification
before start the work.
Subsequently, O.K. card should refer to defects removed, if pointed out previously in
O.K. card and counter reference to the previous check and should be singed of
The O.K. cards shall be maintained in triplicate in three colors. After processing
through various levels and entering observations and rectification. O.K. card will be
closed at the time of taking measurement for releasing payment to the contractor.
Confirmation regarding rectification of defects be obtained from Q.C. unit before
making payment once in three bills and final bill of contractor.
Specimen of O.K. cards for various work such as embankment, concrete masonry etc.
have been enclosed herewith. However O.K. cards other then above if found
necessary during course of execution will be prescribe in consultation with Q.C. unit
of W.R. Department. Shall have to be maintained by the contractor.
Note: All expenditure towards testing before commencement of work, doing work
and after completion to test finished section shall have to be borne by bidder. The
expenditure towards laboratory testing, transportation of samples, vehicles requires
for supervision of work etc. shall have to be borne by bidder. The bidder should quote
his rate accordingly. Separate payment for their activity shall not be payable.
(a) Cement
(b) Sand
(c ) Water
(a) Mortar
Name of Division:-
Name of work :
Agreement No.
Name of Agency :
Date :
Location :
S. Agg Agg Wate AEA /
Cement Sand Sig. Remarks
No 10mm 20mm r Other
Name of Division:-
Name of work :
Agreement No.
Name of Agency :
Date :
Location :
Source-------------------------- Sample No.-----------------
Note : Specimen of course aggregate form query & form site shall be preserved as per
instruction of Project Manager/ Project Manager.
Name of Division:-
Name of work :
Agreement No.
Name of Agency :
Source-------------------------- MDD------------------ OMC-------------------------
Site Description---------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------
Sample No.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date of Receipt-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date of Testing-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Wt. of Core cutter (gm) W1
2. Wt. of Cutter + Wt. of Soil (gm) W2
3. Wt. of wet soil ( gm) W2 - W1 = W3
4. Volume of Core Cutter (cm3)V1
5. Field Density v = W3 / V1 g/cm3
Results :
Comments if any :
Test Performed by :
Checked By : Assistant Engineer
Name of Division:-
Name of work :
Agreement No.
Name of Agency :
Date -----------------
Location : ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Ope Bill No. Vehic Closin
S. Sig. of re of
ning R.R.No le No. g Signature Remar
N Date Receipt Issue Agenc Project
Bala . Batch & Balan of officer ks
o. y Manag
nce No. Type ce
Da Location Compressive
te of Sample Strength Dated
S. Speci Mark W/C Sig. of
of Bloc RL Proporti Slu 7 28 initial
No men on the Rati Site in-
cas k on mp days days of QC
. no. Cube o charge
tin RD unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Note :
1. Three specimen shall be tested after 7 days and three after 28 days as per
frequency specified in specification.
2. One specimen from each sample shall be preserved duly signed by bidder for
his authorized representative & Project Manageror his authorized
representative duly marked with date.
C Stockpile
15 Name and Location
Whether sample taken for testing and results are
17 Moisture Content checked at the stockpile
D Embankment
Whether the foundation preparation for the
embankment is approved
19 Whether the filter is required
20 Are filter criteria fulfilled
23 % Compaction of filter
24 % FMC
Thickness of loose layer in different zones for
raising the embankment
26 Thickness of layer after compaction
Whether the required watering and compaction
28 Insitu bulk density
29 Insitu Dry Density
30 Compaction Efficiency (%)
31 Specified Compaction (%) of Proctor
32 Re-Rolling/Re-compaction if required
33 Insitu Dry Density after Re-Rolling
( for Departmental Officer’s)
Name of Division:-
Name of work :
Agreement No.
Name of Agency :
( for Contractor)
Name of Division:-
Name of work :
Agreement No.
Name of Agency :
Dated initial
Name and
of bidder of is Signature
S. Remark of Designation Compliance Dated
authorize of
No Department of Date made by initial of
representative accepting
. Officers Department bidder bidder
as a token of officers
Supplementary Information
These General Conditions of Contract (GCC), read in conjunction with the Particular
Conditions of Contract(PCC) and other documents listed therein, should be a complete
document expressing fairly the rights and obligations of both parties.
These General Conditions of Contract have been developed on the basis of considerable
international experience in the drafting and management of contracts, bearing in mind a trend
in the construction industry towards simpler, more straightforward language.
7.4 The Contractor shall not be required to obtain any consent from
the Employer for:
8. Other 8.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other
Contractors contractors, public authorities, utilities, and the Employer
between the dates given in the Schedule of Other Contractors, as
referred to in the PCC. The Contractor shall also provide
facilities and services for them as described in the Schedule. The
Employer may modify the Schedule of Other Contractors, and
shall notify the Contractor of any such modification.
9. Personnel and 9.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personnel and use the
Equipment equipment identified in its Bid, and referred to in PCC, to carry
out the Works or other personnel and equipment approved by the
Project Manager. The Project Manager shall approve any
proposed replacement of key personnel and equipment only if
their relevant qualifications or characteristics are substantially
equal to or better than those proposed in the Bid.
9.2 The Project Manager may require the Contractor to remove from
the Site of Works, a member of the Contractor’s staff or his work
force, who:
(a) persists in any misconduct or lack of care,
(b) carries out duties incompetently or negligently,
(c) fails to conform with any provisions of the Contract, or
(d) persists in any conduct which is prejudicial to safety,
health, or the protection of the environment.
9.3 If the Employer, Project Manager or Contractor determines,
that any employee of the Contractor be determined to have
engaged in Fraud and Corruption during the execution of the
Works, then that employee shall be removed in accordance with
Clause 9.2 above.
9.4 In all the above cases, the contractor shall ensure that the
person leaves the site within seven days and has no further
connection with the work in the contract. The Contractor shall
point of time.
9.9 The Contractor shall duly comply with the provisions of the
Apprentices Act 1961 (III of 1961) and the rules made there
under, and comply, failure or neglect to shall be subject to all
liabilities and penalties provided in the said Act and Rules.
10. Employer’s 10.1 The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are
and Employer’s risks, and the Contractor carries the risks which this
Contractor’s Contract states are Contractor’s risks.
11. Employer’s 11.1 From the Start Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has
Risks been issued, the following are Employer’s risks:
(a) The risk of personal injury, death, or loss of or damage to
property (excluding the Works, Plant, Materials, and
Equipment), which are due to
(i) use or occupation of the Site by the Works or for the
purpose of the Works, which is the unavoidable result
of the Works or
(ii) negligence, breach of statutory duty, or interference
with any legal right by the Employer or by any person
employed by or contracted to him except the
(b) The risk of damage to the Works, Plant, Materials, and
Equipment to the extent that it is due to a fault of the
Employer or in the Employer’s design, or due to war or
radioactive contamination directly affecting the country
where the Works are to be executed.
11.2 From the Completion Date until the Defects Liability
Certificate has been issued, the risk of loss of or damage to the
Works, Plant, and Materials is an Employer’s risk except loss or
damage due to
(a) a Defect which existed on the Completion Date,
(b) an event occurring before the Completion Date, which was
not itself an Employer’s risk, or
(c) the activities of the Contractor on the Site after the
Completion Date.
12. Contractor’s 12.1 From the Starting Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has
Risks been issued, the risks of personal injury, death, and loss of or
damage to property (including, without limitation, the Works,
20. Possession of 20.1 The Employer shall give possession of all parts of the Site to
the Site the Contractor. If possession of a part is not given by the date
stated in the PCC, the Employer shall be deemed to have
delayed the start of the relevant activities, and this shall be a
Compensation Event.
21. Access to the 21.1 The Contractor shall allow the Project Manager and any
Site person authorized by the Project Manager access to the Site and
to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being
carried out or is intended to be carried out.
22. Instructions, 22.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Project
Inspections Manager which comply with the applicable laws where the Site is
and Audits located.
22.2 The Contractor shall keep, and shall make all reasonable
efforts to cause its Subcontractors and sub-consultants to keep,
accurate and systematic accounts and records in respect of the
Works in such form and details as will clearly identify relevant
time changes and costs.
22.3 Pursuant to paragraph 2.2 e. of AppendixA to the General
Conditions, the Contractor shall permit and shall cause its
subcontractors and sub-consultants to permit, the Bank and/or
persons appointed by the Bank to inspect the Site and/or the
accounts and records relating to the procurement process,
selection and/or contract execution, and to have such accounts
and records audited by auditors appointed by the Bank if
requested by the Bank. The Contractor’s and its Subcontractors’
and sub-consultants’ attention is drawn to Sub-Clause 25.1(Fraud
and Corruption) which provides, inter alia, that acts intended to
materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit
rights constitute a prohibited practice subject to contract
termination (as well as to a determination of ineligibility pursuant
to the Bank’s prevailing sanctions procedures).
23. Appointment 23.1 The Adjudicator shall be appointed jointly by the Employer
of the and the Contractor, at the time of the Employer’s issuance of the
Adjudicator Letter of Acceptance. If, in the Letter of Acceptance, the
Employer does not agree on the appointment of the Adjudicator,
the Employer will request the Appointing Authority designated
in the PCC, to appoint the Adjudicator within 14 days of receipt
of such request.
23.1.1 The Adjudicator should be in position before “notice to proceed
with work” is issued to the Contractor and an agreement should
B. Time Control
26. Program 26.1 Within the time stated in the PCC, after the date of the
Letter of Acceptance, the Contractor shall submit to the Project
Manager for approval a revised Program showing the general
methods, arrangements, order, and timing for all the activities in
the Works along with monthly cash flow forecasts.
26.2 An update of the Program shall be a program showing the
actual progress achieved on each activity and the effect of the
progress achieved on the timing of the remaining work,
including any changes to the sequence of the activities.
26.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for
approval an updated Program at intervals no longer than the
period stated in the PCC. If the Contractor does not submit an
updated Program within this period, the Project Manager may
withhold the amount stated in the PCC from the next payment
certificate and continue to withhold this amount until the next
payment after the date on which the overdue Program has been
26.4 The Project Manager’s approval of the Program shall not
alter the Contractor’s obligations. The Contractor may revise
the Program and submit it to the Project Manager again at any
time. A revised Program shall show the effect of Variations and
Compensation Events.
27. Extension of 27.1 The Project Manager shall extend the Intended Completion
the Intended Date including milestones if a Compensation Event occurs or a
Completion Variation is issued which makes it impossible for Completion to
Date be achieved by the Intended Completion Date as per the agreed
milestones without the Contractor taking steps to accelerate the
remaining work, which would cause the Contractor to incur
additional cost.
27.2 The Project Manager shall decide whether and by how much
to extend the Intended Completion Date/ milestones within 21
C. Quality Control
32. Quality 32.1 The Contractor shall institute Quality Assurance (QA) and
Assurance Quality Control (QC) systems in accordance with Quality
Assurance Plan to demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of the Contract as approved by the Project
32.2 Compliance with the QA/QC systems shall not relieve the
Contractor of any of his duties obligations or responsibilities
under the Contract.
33. Tests 33.1 The Contractor shall provide all apparatus, assistance,
documents and other information, electricity, equipment, fuel,
consumables, instruments, labour, materials, and suitably
qualified and experienced staff, as are necessary to carry out the
specified tests efficiently.
33.2 If the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to carry out a
test not specified in the Specification to check whether any
work has a Defect and the test shows that it does, the Contractor
shall pay for the test and any samples. If there is no Defect, the
test shall be a Compensation Event.
34. Identifying 34.1 The Project Manager shall check the Contractor’s work and
Defects and notify the Contractor of any Defects that are foundspecifying a
Correction of time by which it should be corrected. Such checking shall not
Defects affect the Contractor’s responsibilities. The Project Manager
may instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and to
uncover and test any work that the Project Manager considers
may have a Defect.
34.2 The contractor shall permit the Employer’s Technical
auditor to check the contractor’s work and notify the Project
Manager and Contractor of any defects that are found. Such a
D. Cost Control
36. Contract Price 36.1 The Bill of Quantities shall contain priced items for the
Works to be performed by the Contractor. The Bill of Quantities
is used to calculate the Contract Price. The Contractor will be
paid for the quantity of the work accomplished at the rate in the
Bill of Quantities for each item.
37. Changes in the 37.1 If the final quantity of the work done differs from the
Contract Price quantity in the Bill of Quantities for the particular item by more
than 25 percent, provided the change exceeds 1 percent of the
Initial Contract Price, the Project Manager shall adjust the rate
to allow for the change.
(a) If the quantity of work executed exceeds the quantity of the
item in BOQ beyond the higher specified limit the Project
Manager shall fix the rate to be applied for the additional
quantity of the work executed.
(b) If the quantity of work executed is less than the quantity of the
item in BOQ and is lesser than the lower specified limit, the
stated in GCC 41.1 above, from the date upon which the
increased amount would have been certified in the absence of
41.3 Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been
entered in shall not be paid for by the Employer and shall be
deemed covered by other rates and prices in the Contract.
42. Compensation 42.1 The following shall be Compensation Events:
(a) The Employer does not give access to a part of the Site by
the Site Possession Date pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause
(b) The Employer modifies the Schedule of Other Contractors
in a way that affects the work of the Contractor under the
(c) The Project Manager orders a delay or does not issue
Drawings, Specifications, or instructions required for
execution of the Works on time.
(d) The Project Manager instructs the Contractor to uncover or
to carry out additional tests upon work, which is then
found to have no Defects.
(e) The Project Manager unreasonably does not approve a
subcontract to be let.
(f) Ground conditions are substantially more adverse than
could reasonably have been assumed before issuance of
the Letter of Acceptance from the information issued to
bidders (including the Site Investigation Reports), from
information available publicly and from a visual
inspection of the Site.
(g) The Project Manager gives an instruction for dealing with
an unforeseen condition, caused by the Employer, or
additional work required for safety or other reasons.
(h) Other contractors, public authorities, utilities, or the
Employer does not work within the dates and other
constraints stated in the Contract, and they cause delay or
extra cost to the Contractor.
(i) The advance payment is delayed.
(j) The effects on the Contractor of any of the Employer’s
in the PCC.
56.2 If the Contractor does not supply the Drawings [including a
compact disk containing digitized drawings] and/or manuals by
the dates stated in the PCC pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 56.1,
or they do not receive the Project Manager’s approval, the Project
Manager shall withhold the amount stated in the PCC from
payments due to the Contractor.
57. Termination 57.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if
the other party causes a fundamental breach of the Contract after
giving fourteen (14) days written notice.
57.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not
be limited to, the following:
(a) the Contractor stops work for 28 days when no stoppage of
work is shown on the current Program and the stoppage has
not been authorized by the Project Manager;
(b) the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to delay the
progress of the Works, and the instruction is not withdrawn
within 28 days;
(c) the Employer or the Contractor is made bankrupt or goes
into liquidation other than for a reconstruction or
(d) a payment certified by the Project Manager is not paid by
the Employer to the Contractor within 84 days of the date
of the Project Manager’s certificate;
(e) the Project Manager gives Notice that failure to correct a
particular Defect is a fundamental breach of Contract and
the Contractor fails to correct it within a reasonable period
of time determined by the Project Manager;
(f) the Contractor does not maintain a Security, which is required;
(g) the Contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by
the number of days for which the maximum amount of
liquidated damages can be paid, as defined in the PCC; or
(h) if the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer has
engaged in Fraud and Corruption, as defined in paragrpah
2.2 a of the Appendix A to the GCC, in competing for or in
executing the Contract, then the Employer may, after
1. Purpose
1.1 The Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines and this annex apply with respect to procurement
under Bank Investment Project Financing operations.
2. Requirements
2.1 The Bank requires that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank financing);
bidders(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors and suppliers; any sub-contractors,
sub-consultants, service providers or suppliers; any agents (whether declared or not); and
any of their personnel, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement
process, selection and contract execution of Bank-financed contracts, and refrain from
Fraud and Corruption.
2.2 To this end, the Bank:
a. Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
i. “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another
ii. “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including misrepresentation, that
knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain
financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
iii. “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to
achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of
another party;
iv. “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm,
directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence
improperly the actions of a party;
v. “obstructive practice” is:
(a) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence
material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in
order to materially impede a Bank investigation into allegations of a
corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, or collusive practice; and/or threatening,
harassing, or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its
knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the
investigation; or
(b) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank’s inspection
and audit rights provided for under paragraph 2.2 e. below.
b. Rejects a proposal for award if the Bank determines that the firm or individual
recommended for award, any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-consultants,
sub-contractors, service providers, suppliers and/ or their employees, has, directly or
indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices in competing for the contract in question;
c. In addition to the legal remedies set out in the relevant Legal Agreement, may take
other appropriate actions, including declaring misprocurement, if the Bank
determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of any
part of the proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive,
or obstructive practices during the procurement process, selection and/or execution
of the contract in question, without the Borrower having taken timely and
appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices when they
occur, including by failing to inform the Bank in a timely manner at the time they
knew of the practices;
d. Pursuant to the Bank’s Anti- Corruption Guidelines and in accordance with the
Bank’s prevailing sanctions policies and procedures, may sanction a firm or
individual, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, including by publicly
declaring such firm or individual ineligible (i) to be awarded or otherwise benefit
from a Bank-financed contract, financially or in any other manner; 0 (ii) to be a
nominated0 sub-contractor, consultant, manufacturer or supplier, or service provider
of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Bank-financed contract; and (iii) to
receive the proceeds of any loan made by the Bank or otherwise to participate further
in the preparation or implementation of any Bank-financed project;
e. Requires that a clause be included in bidding/request for proposals documents and in
contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring (i) bidders(applicants/proposers),
consultants, contractors, and suppliers, and their sub-contractors, sub-consultants,
service providers, suppliers, agents personnel, permit the Bank to inspect0 all
accounts, records and other documents relating to the procurementprocess, selection
and/or contract execution, and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the
For the avoidance of doubt, a sanctioned party’s ineligibility to be awarded a contract shall include, without limitation, (i) applying for
pre-qualification, expressing interest in a consultancy, and bidding, either directly or as a nominated sub-contractor, nominated
consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider, in respect of such contract, and (ii) entering into an
addendum or amendment introducing a material modification to any existing contract.
A nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated service provider (different
names are used depending on the particular bidding document) is one which has been: (i) included by the bidder in its pre-
qualification application or bid because it brings specific and critical experience and know-how that allow the bidder to meet the
qualification requirements for the particular bid; or (ii) appointed by the Borrower.
Inspections in this context usually are investigative (i.e., forensic) in nature. They involve fact-finding activities undertaken by the
Bank or persons appointed by the Bank to address specific matters related to investigations/audits, such as evaluating the veracity of
an allegation of possible Fraud and Corruption, through the appropriate mechanisms. Such activity includes but is not limited to:
accessing and examining a firm's or individual's financial records and information, and making copies thereof as relevant;
accessing and examining any other documents, data and information (whether in hard copy or electronic format)
deemed relevant for the investigation/audit, and making copies thereof as relevant; interviewing staff and other relevant
individuals; performing physical inspections and site visits; and obtaining third party verification of information.
i. safety officer: number days worked, number of full inspections & partial
inspections, reports to construction/project management;
ii. number of workers, work hours, metric of PPE use (percentage of workers
with full personal protection equipment (PPE), partial, etc.), worker violations
observed (by type of violation, PPE or otherwise), warnings given, repeat
warnings given, follow-up actions taken (if any);
f. worker accommodations:
i. number of expats housed in accommodations, number of locals;
ii. date of last inspection, and highlights of inspection including status of
accommodations’ compliance with national and local law and good practice,
including sanitation, space, etc.;
iii. actions taken to recommend/require improved conditions, or to improve
g. Health services: provider of health services, information and/or training, location of
clinic, number of non-safety disease or illness treatments and diagnoses (no names to
be provided);
h. gender (for expats and locals separately): number of female workers, percentage of
workforce, gender issues raised and dealt with (cross-reference grievances or other
sections as needed);
i. training:
i. number of new workers, number receiving induction training, dates of
induction training;
ii. number and dates of toolbox talks, number of workers receiving Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS), environmental and social training;
iii. number and dates of communicable diseases (including STDs) sensitization
and/or training, no. workers receiving training (in the reporting period and in
the past); same questions for gender sensitization, flag person training.
iv. number and date of SEA prevention sensitization and/or training events,
including number of workers receiving training on Code of Conductfor
Contractor’s Personnel (in the reporting period and in the past), etc.
j. environmental and social supervision:
i. environmentalist: days worked, areas inspected and numbers of inspections of
each (road section, work camp, accommodations, quarries, borrow areas, spoil
iii. quarries, borrow areas, spoil areas, asphalt plants, batch plants: identify major
activities undertaken in the reporting period at each, and highlights of
environmental and social protection: land clearing, boundary marking, topsoil
salvage, traffic management, decommissioning planning, decommissioning
iv. blasting: number of blasts (and locations), status of implementation of blasting
plan (including notices, evacuations, etc.), incidents of off-site damage or
complaints (cross-reference other sections as needed);
v. spill clean-ups, if any: material spilled, location, amount, actions taken,
material disposal (report all spills that result in water or soil contamination;
vi. waste management: types and quantities generated and managed, including
amount taken offsite (and by whom) or reused/recycled/disposed on-site;
vii. details of tree plantings and other mitigations required undertaken in the
reporting period;
viii. details of water and swamp protection mitigations required undertaken in the
reporting period.
n. compliance:
i. compliance status for conditions of all relevant consents/permits, for the
Work, including quarries, etc.): statement of compliance or listing of issues
and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach compliance;
ii. compliance status of C-ESMP/ESIP requirements: statement of compliance or
listing of issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach compliance
iii. compliance status of SEA prevention and response action plan: statement of
compliance or listing of issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach
iv. compliance status of Health and Safety Management Plan re: statement of
compliance or listing of issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach
v. other unresolved issues from previous reporting periods related to
environmental and social: continued violations, continued failure of
equipment, continued lack of vehicle covers, spills not dealt with, continued
compensation or blasting issues, etc. Cross-reference other sections as
Except where otherwise specified, all Particular Conditions of Contract should be filled in
by the Employer prior to issuance of the bidding document. Schedules and reports to be
provided by the Employer should be annexed.
A. General
GCC 1.1 (d) The financing institution is: The World Bank
GCC 1.1 (r) The Employer is Chief Engineer, Water Resources, _____________,
_______ 302017
GCC 1.1 (v) The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be 36
months after commencement date
GCC 1.1 (aa) The Site is located at near town _____ and is defined in drawings No. …
GCC 1.1 (dd) The Start Date shall be 10 days after the date of issue of notice to proceed
with works to the contractor.
GCC 1.1 (hh) The Works consist of Rehabilitation, Improvement and Basic Facility at
______ Dam
Identification number of Contract is………………..2020/21
Sexual assault is defined as sexual activity with another person who does not
GCC 5.1 The Project manager may not delegate any of his duties and responsibilities.
GCC 7.1 The ceiling for sub-contractor is 25% [This is in addition to what was stated
9.1 Key Personnel are the Contractor’s personnel named in this GCC 9.1
of the Particular Conditions of Contract. The Contractor shall employ
the Key Personnel and use the equipment identified in its Bid, to carry
out the Works or other personnel and equipment approved by the
Project Manager. The Project Manager shall approve any proposed
replacement of Key Personnel and equipment only if their relevant
qualifications or characteristics are substantially equal to or better
than those proposed in the Bid.
The Contractor shall also ensure that the Code of Conduct is visibly
displayed in multiple locations on the Site and any other place where
the Works will be carried out, as well as in areas outside the Site
accessible to the local community and project affected people. The
posted Code of Conduct shall be provided in languages
comprehensible to Contractor’s Personnel, Employer’s Personnel and
the local community.
[insert the name/s of each Key Personnel agreed by the Employer prior to
Contract signature, Schedule of Key Personnel and equipment as indicated
in accepted bid & construction methodology].
GCC 9.2 The following is inserted as GCC 9.2 (e), (f), and (g):
“(e) based on reasonable evidence, is determined to have engaged in
Fraud and Corruption during the execution of the Works;
(f) has been recruited from the Employer’s Personnel without due
(g) breaches the Code of Conduct for the Contractor’s Personnel
GCC 13.1 The minimum insurance amounts and deductibles shall be:
GCC 20.1 The Site Possession Date(s) shall be: Within 10 days from issuance of letter
of acceptance.
GCC 24.3 Daily rate and types of reimbursable expenses to be paid to the Adjudicator:
Rs 10000 /- per day with overall payment not more than Rs 50000/- and
reimbursable expenses – boarding / lodging / travel etc as applicable to the
designation as per Government of _____________ travelling allowance rules
amended up to date of uploading of tenders.
B. Time Control
GCC 26.1 The Contractor shall submit for approval a Program for the Works within
14 days of delivery of the Letter of Acceptance.
[This program should be in adequate detail and generally conform to the
program submitted along with bid. Deviations if any from that should be
clearly explained and should be satisfactory to the Project Manager]
C. Quality Control
GCC 34.3 The Defects Liability Period is: 365 days.
D. Cost Control
GCC 38.2 In GCC 38.2, add the following after the first sentence:
“The Contractor shall also provide a description of the varied work
performed or to be performed, including details of the resources and
employees or associates will have access to the Project Account or the funds
therein. The Contractor shall report monthly on the status of this account
including actual bank account statements. The Contractor shall provide all
Account statements as requested by the Employer.” [delete this clause if
Escrow Account is not to be used]
GCC 46.1 The proportion of payments retained (Retention Money) shall be 6% from
each bill subject to the maximum of 5% of final contract price.
GCC 47.1 The liquidated damages for the whole of the Works are [0.05% of the final
Contract Price] per day. The maximum amount of liquidated damages for
the whole of the Works is [10 percentage] of the final Contract Price.
For milestone 1 Rs. _____ per day
For milestone 2 Rs. ______ per day
For milestone 3 Rs. _______ per day
All works Rs. ________ per day
GCC 48.1 Provisions related to Bonus do not apply.
GCC 50.1 An Environmental and Social (ES) Performance Security shall be provided to
the Employer.]
“GCC 50.1 is replaced with the following:
The Performance Security and an Environmental and Social (ES) Performance
Security shall be provided to the Employer no later than the date specified in
the Letter of Acceptance and shall be issued in the amounts specified in the
PCC (for GCC 50.1), and shall be issued by a Nationalized or Scheduled
bank in India. The Performance Security including additional security for
unbalanced bids, and the ES Performance Security, shall be valid until a date
28 days from the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion.”
GCC 50.1 The Performance Security amount is 5 percent of Contract Amount plus
additional security for unbalanced bids [in terms of ITB Clause 41.2], and
Environmental and Social (ES) Performance Security amount is 1 percent of
Contract Amount The standard forms of Performance Security and if
applicable ES Security acceptable to the Employer shall be unconditional
Bank Guarantees from Scheduled or Nationalized banks in India of the types
as presented in Section X of the Bidding Document.
(Notes: The Bank Guarantees shall be unconditional (on demand) (see
Section X, Contract Forms).
Throughout this bidding document the term ’performance security’, unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise, means and includes both ‘the
performance security and the ES performance security’ to be submitted by
the successful bidder in the amounts specified above.
GCC 56.2 The amount to be withheld for failing to produce “as built” drawings and/or
GCC 57.2 (g) The maximum number of days is: 200 days after commencement of work
GCC 57.2(l) Hiding any information regarding changes in roles and responsibilities of JV
members, which is not authorized by the Employer, shall also be treated as
violation of Appendix A to General Conditions (Fraud and Corruption)
GCC 58.1 The percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed, representing
the Employer’s additional cost for completing the Works, is 20%.
Appendix 1
Salient Features of Labour & Environment Protection Laws0
(a) Employees Compensation Act 1923: The Act provides for compensation in case
of injury, disease or death arising out of and during the course of employment.
(b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act
on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an employee has completed 5
years’ service or more or on death at the rate of 15 days wages for every
completed year of service. The Act is applicable to all establishments employing
10 or more employees.
(c) Employees P.F. and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952 ( since amended): The
Act provides for monthly contribution by the employer plus workers @ 10% or
8.33%. The benefits payable under the Act are:
(i) Pension or family pension on retirement or death, as the case may be.
(ii) Deposit linked insurance on the death in harness of the worker.
(iii)Payment of P.F. accumulation on retirement/death etc.
(d) Maternity Benefit Act 1961: The Act provides for leave and some other benefits
to women employees in case of confinement or miscarriage etc.
(f) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970: The Act provides for certain
welfare measures to be provided by the Contractor to contract labour and in case
the Contractor fails to provide, the same are required to be provided, by the
Principal Employer by law. The Principal Employer is required to take
Certificate of Registration and the Contractor is required to take license from the
designated Officer. The Act is applicable to the establishments or Contractor of
Principal Employer if they employ 20 or more contract labour.
This list is only illustrative and not exhaustive. Bidders and Contractors are responsible for
checking the correctness and completeness of the list. The law as current on the date of bid
opening will apply.
(g) Minimum Wages Act 1948: The Employer is supposed to pay not less than the
Minimum Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act if
the employment is a scheduled employment. Construction of Buildings, Roads,
Runways are scheduled employments.
(h) Payment of Wages Act 1936: It lays down the mode, manner and by what date
the wages are to be paid, what deductions can be made from the wages of the
(i) Equal Remuneration Act 1976: The Act provides for payment of equal wages for
work of equal nature to male and female workers and for not making
discrimination against Female employees in the matters of transfers, training and
promotions etc.
(j) Payment of Bonus Act 1965: The Act is applicable to all establishments
employing 20 or more employees. Some of the State Governments have reduced
this requirement from 20 to 10. The Act provides for payments of annual bonus
subject to a minimum of 8.33% of the wages drawn in the relevant year. It applies
to skilled or unskilled manual, supervisory, managerial, administrative, technical or
clerical work for hire or reward to employees who draw a salary of Rs. 10,000/- per
month or less. To be eligible for bonus, the employee should have worked in the
establishment for not less than 30 working days in the relevant year. The Act
does not apply to certain establishments.
(k) Industrial Disputes Act 1947: the Act lays down the machinery and procedure
for resolution of Industrial disputes, in what situations, a strike or lock-out
becomes illegal and what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the
employees or closing down the establishment.
(l) Trade Unions Act 1926: The Act lays down the procedure for registration of
trade unions of workmen and employers. The Trade Unions registered under the
Act have been given certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.
(m) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986 : The Act prohibits
employment of children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and
processes and provides for regulation of employment of children in all other
occupations and processes. Employment of Child Labour is prohibited in the
Building and Construction Industry.
(o) The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and the Building and Other Construction Workers
Welfare Cess Act, 1996 (BOCWW Cess Act) : All the establishments who carry on
any building or other construction work and employ 10 or more workers are
covered under these Acts. All such establishments are required to pay cess at the
rate not exceeding 2% of the cost of construction as may be notified by the
Government. The Employer of the establishment is required to provide safety
measures at the building or construction work and other welfare measures, such
as Canteens, First –Aid facilities, Ambulance, Housing accommodations for
workers near the work place etc. The Employer to whom the Act applies has to
obtain a registration certificate from the Registering Officer appointed by the
(p) Factories Act 1948: the Act lays down the procedure for approval of plans before
setting up a factory engaged in manufacturing processes, health and safety
provisions, welfare provisions, working hours, annual earned leave and rendering
information regarding accidents or dangerous occurrences to designated
authorities. It is applicable to premises employing 10 persons or more with aid of
power or 20 or more persons without the aid of power.
(r) Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976: The Act provides for the abolition
of bonded labour system with a view to preventing the economic and physical
exploitation of weaker sections of society. Bonded labour covers all forms of
forced labour, including that arising out of a loan, debt or advance.
(s) Employer’s Liability Act, 1938: This Act protects workmen who bring suits for
damages against employers in case of injuries endured in the course of
employment. Such injuries could be on account of negligence on the part of the
employer or persons employed by them in maintenance of all machinery,
equipment etc. in healthy and sound condition.
(t) Employees State Insurance Act 1948: The Act provides for certain benefits to
insured employees and their families in case of sickness, maternity and
disablement arising out of an employment injury. The Act applies to all
employees in factories (as defined) or establishments which may be so notified by
the appropriate Government. The Act provides for the setting up of an
Employees’ State Insurance Fund, which is to be administered by the Employees
State Insurance Corporation. Contributions to the Fund are paid by the employer
and the employee at rates as prescribed by the Central Government. The Act also
provides for benefits to dependents of insured persons in case of death as a result
of an employment injury.
(u) The Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1963: This Act provides for
the employer’s liability and responsibility to pay compensation to employees
where workmen sustain personal injuries in the course of employment.
1. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and as amended: This provides for the protection
and improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith, and the prevention of
hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plants and property. ‘Environment’
includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists among and between
water, air and land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and
2. The Forest Conservation Act, 1980, as amended, and Forest (Conservation) Rules, 1981 as
amended: These provides for protection of forests by restricting conversion of forested areas
into non- forested areas and prevention of deforestation, and stipulates the procedures for
cutting any trees that might be required by the applicable rules. Permissions under the Act
also stipulates the norms and compliance requirements of the employer and any contractor
on behalf of the employer.
3. State Tree Preservation Acts as may be in force: These provide for protection of trees of
important species. Contractors will be required to obtain prior permission for full or partial
cutting, uprooting, or pruning of any such trees.
4. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, and as amended: This provides for protection of
wildlife through notifying National Parks and Sanctuaries and buffer areas around these
zones; and to protect individuals of nationally important species listed in the Annex of the
5. The Biological Diversity Act, 2002: This provides for conservation of biological diversity,
sustainable use of components of biological diversity, and fair and equitable sharing of the
benefits arising out of the use of biological resources, knowledge and for matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto.
6. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 as amended and The Public Liability Insurance
Rules, 1991 as amended: These provide for public liability insurance for the purpose of
providing immediate relief to the persons affected by accident occurring while handling
hazardous substances and for mattes connected herewith or incidental thereto. Hazardous
substance means any substance or preparation which is defined as hazardous substance
under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986, and exceeding such quantity as may be
specified by notification by the Central Government.
7. The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 and the Ancient
Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010,
the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Rules, 1959 amended 2011,
the National Monuments Authority Rules, 2011 and the similar State Acts: These provide
for conservation of cultural and historical remains found in India. Accordingly, area within
the radii of 100m and 300m from the “protected property” are designated as “protected area”
and “controlled area” respectively. No development activity (including building, mining,
excavating, blasting) is permitted in the “protected area” and development activities likely to
damage the protected property is not permitted in the “controlled area” without prior
permission of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or the State Departments of Art and
Culture or Archaeology as applicable.
8. The Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and as amended: This provides
for prior environmental clearance for new, modernization and expansion projects listed in
Schedule 1 of the Notification. Contractors will be required to ensure that no work starts
until applicable clearances under the Notification is not available. Contractors will be
responsible for implementation of any environmental management plan stipulated as per the
permission under this Notification; and will be required to prepare and submit to the
employer and compliance report stipulated in the permission under the Notification.
9. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as amended, and the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1975 as amended: These provide for the
prevention and control of water pollution and the maintaining and restoring of
wholesomeness of water. ‘Pollution’ means such contamination of water or such alteration
of the physical, chemical or biological properties of water or such discharge of any sewage
or trade effluent or of any other liquid, gaseous or solid substance into water(whether
directly or indirectly) as may, or is likely to, create a nuisance or render such water harmful
or injurious to public health or safety, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural or
other legitimate uses, or to the life and health of animals or plants or of aquatic organisms.
Contractors will need to obtain consent for establishment and consent for operation of any
item of work or installation of equipment that generates waste water, and observe the
required standards of establishment and operation of these items of work or installations; as
well as install and operate all required waste water treatment facilities.
10. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 and The Water (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Cess Rules, 1978: These provide for the levy and collection of a
cess on water consumed by persons carrying on certain industries and by local authorities,
with a view to augment the resources of the Central Board and the State Boards for the
prevention and control of water pollution under the Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974.
11. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 as amended, and the Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1982: These provides for prevention, control
and abatement of air pollution. ‘Air Pollution’ means the presence in the atmosphere of any
‘air pollutant’, which means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance (including noise) present
in the atmosphere in such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings or
other living creatures or plants or property or environment. Contractors will need to obtain
consent for establishment and consent for operation of any item of work or installation of
equipment that generates air pollution such as batching plants, hot mix plants, power
generators, backup power generation, material handling processes, and observe the required
standards of establishment and operation of these items of work or installations.
12. Noise Pollution (Control and Regulation) Rules, 2000, and as amended: This provides for
standards for noise for day and night for various land uses and specifies special standards in
and around sensitive receptors of noise such as schools and hospitals. Contractors will need
to ensure compliance to the applicable standards, and install and operate all required noise
control devices as may be required for all plants and work processes.
13. Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996: This
provides for Requirement of preparation of on-site and off-site Disaster Management Plans
for accident-prone areas.
14. The Explosives Act 1884 and the Explosives Rules, 2008: These provide for safe
manufacture, possession, sale, use, transportation and import of explosive materials such as
diesel, Oil and lubricants etc.; and also for regulating the use of any explosives used in
blasting and/or demolition. All applicable provisions will need compliance by the
15. The Petroleum Rules, 2002: This provides for safe use and storage of petroleum products,
and will need to be complied by the contractors.
16. The Gas Cylinder Rules 2004 and amendments: This provides for regulations related to
storage of gas, and possession of gas cylinder more than the exempted quantity. Contractors
should comply with all the requirements of this Rule.
17. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules of 1989 and as amended:
These provide for use and storage of hazardous material such as highly inflammable liquids
like HSD/LPG. Contractors will need to ensure compliance to the Rules; and in the event
where the storage quantity exceeds the regulated threshold limit, the contractors will be
responsible for regular safety audits and other reporting requirements as prescribed in the
18. Hazardous & Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016:
These provide for protection of general public from improper handling storage and disposal
of hazardous waste. The rules prescribe the management requirement of hazardous wastes
from its generation to final disposal. Contractors will need to obtain permission from the
State Pollution Control Boards and other designated authorities for storage and handling of
any hazardous material; and will to ensure full compliance to these rules and any conditions
imposed in the permit.
19. The Bio Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016: This provides for control, storage,
transportation and disposal of bio-medical wastes. As and where the contractor has any first
aid facility and dispensaries, established in either temporary or permanent manner,
compliance to these Rules are mandatory.
20. Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016: This provides for
management of construction and demolition waste (such as building materials possible to be
reused, rubble and debris or the like); and applies to all those waste resulting from
construction, re-modelling, repair or demolition of any civil structure. Contractor will need
to prepare a waste disposal plan and obtain required approval from local authorities, if waste
generation is more than 20 tons in any day or 300 tons in any month during the contract
period; and ensure full compliance to these rules and any conditions imposed in the
regulatory approval.
21. The E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016: This provides for management of E-wastes (but
not covering lead acid batteries and radio-active wastes) aiming to enable the recovery
and/or reuse of useful material from e-waste, thereby reducing the hazardous wastes destined
for disposal and to ensure the environmentally sound management of all types of waste of
electrical and electronic equipment. This Rule applies to every manufacturer, producer,
consumer, bulk consumer, collection centers, dealers, e-retailer, refurbisher, dismantler and
recycler involved in manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, collection, storage and processing
of e-waste or electrical and electronic equipment listed in Schedule I, including their
components, consumables, parts and spares which make the product operational.
22. Plastic waste Management Rules, 2016: This provides for control and management of the
plastic waste generated from any activity. Contractors will ensure compliance to this Rule.
23. The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules 2001: This provides for ensuring safe
disposal and recycling of discarded lead acid batteries likely to be used in any equipment
during construction and operation stage. Rules require proper control and record keeping on
the sale or import of lead acid batteries and recollection of the used batteries by registered
recyclers to ensure environmentally sound recycling of used batteries. Contractors will
ensure compliance to this Rule.
24. The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 and as amended:
This provides for regulation of production and consumption of ozone depleting substances in
the country, and specifically prohibits export to or import from countries not specified in the
Rules, and prohibits unless specifically permitted, any use of ozone depleting substance.
25. The Coastal Regulation Zone Notifications, 1991 and as amended: This provides for
regulation of development activities within the 500m of high tide line in coastal zone and
100m of stretches of rivers and estuaries influenced by tides. Contractors will be required to
ensure that no work starts until applicable clearances under the Notification is not available.
Contractors will be responsible for implementation of any plan stipulated as per the
permission under this Notification; and will be required to prepare and submit to the
employer and compliance report stipulated in the permission under the Notification.
26. The Motor Vehicle Act 1988 as amended (and State Motor Vehicle Acts as may be in force)
and the Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989, and as amended (and State Motor Vehicle Rules as may
be in force): To minimize the road accidents, penalizing the guilty, provision of
compensation to victim and family and check vehicular air and noise pollution. Contractors
Appendix 2
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
% % % % % % % % %
Note: (a) Fixed element is normally 15%; (b) Employer to fill-up above Table.
[The following Schedules are for example only. The schedules may be modified and
specified as appropriate for each work]
Table 2: Cost Indices and Reference Prices (applicable for specific items) for adjustment in contract
prices [as per GCC 45].
WPI with base 2004-2005 = 100 on the Base Date
Base Date = Deadline for submission of bids
S. Cost Sym Indices or Cost on Index for adjustment Sources of Index
No. Element bol the Base Date
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
1. Fixed a
2. Labour b Lo- all India Ln-CPI for the month for Labour Bureau,
average Consumer which the IPC is related Ministry of Labour
Price Index(CPI) and Employment,
Number for Government of India.
Industrial Workers
for ….. centre0
(Base 2001 = 100)
on the base date.
3. Steel c So – Whole-sale Sn-WPI for the month which Economic Advisor,
Price Index (WPI) is two months prior to the Ministry of Commerce
for Steel [Steel month to which IPC is and Industry,
Long] related Government of India.
4. Cement d Co-WPI for Grey Cn-WPI for the month which Economic Advisor,
Cement the cement is brought to site Ministry of Commerce
or one month prior to the and Industry,
month to which IPC is Government of India
related, whichever is less
5. Plant & e Eo-WPI for En – WPI for the month to Economic Advisor,
Equipme “Construction which IPC is related Ministry of Commerce
nt spares machinery ” and Industry,
Government of India
6. Diesel f Do-Unit Cost from Dn-Unit Cost for on the first From the ……….
the identified depot day of the month to which Depot
on the base date the IPC relates
7. Bitumen0 g Bo-Unit Cost from Bn- Cost per unit quantity on From …. Refinery
the identified the first day of the month in
refinery on the base which the material is brought
date to site or two months prior to
the date to which IPC is
8. Others h Oo- All India On- All India WPI for all Economic Advisor,
Wholesale Price commodities for the month to Ministry of Commerce
Index(WPI) for all which IPC is related and Industry,
commodities Government of India
IPC – Interim Payment Certificate
The Centre to be specified should be the relevant one for which CPI is published by the Labour Bureau.
The PCC specifies the identified depot for the rate of diesel for the base date and the applicable date for
price adjustment.
The PCC specifies the identified refinery for the rate of Bitumen for the base date and the applicable date
price adjustment.
Appendix -30
Appointment of Adjudicator
We hereby confirm your appointment as Adjudicator for the above contract to carry out the
assignment specified in this Letter of Appointment.
The Adjudicator shall visit the worksite once in 3 (three)months till the completion of the
work indicated above or as specifically requested by Employer/ Contractor for the period
upto the end of defects liability period with prior intimation to the Employer and the
contractor. The duration of each visit shall ordinarily be for one day only. These durations
are approximate and (Name of the employer and Name of the Contractor) may find it
necessary to postpone or cancel the assignment and/or shorten or extend the duration.
The appointment will become effective upon confirmation of letter by you. The appointment
of Adjudicator shall be liable for termination under a 30 (thirty) days written notice from the
date of issue of the notice, if both Employer and the Contractor so desire. Also the
appointment shall automatically stand terminated 14 days after the defect notice / correction
period as stated in Clauses 23 and 24 of the Conditions of Contract is over.
The Adjudicator will be paid a fee of Rs.______ (Rupees ____________only) per each day
of visit at the worksite. The actual expenses for boarding and traveling in connection with
the assignment will be reimbursed to the Adjudicator. The Adjudicator will submit a pre-
receipted bill in triplicate to the employer indicating the date of the visit, fees for the visit and
a proof in support of the actual expenditure [only for items valued above Rs. 200 each]
incurred by him against boarding, lodging and traveling expenses after performing the visit
on each occasion. The Employer will make the admissible payment (both the Employer’s
and the Contractor’s share) to the Adjudicator within 30 days of the receipt of the bill. The
If ITB 51makes provision of an Adjudicator from list provided by an institution, kindly modify Appendix
3 to state that the fee and reimbursable payable to the adjudicator shall be as per the rules of the Institution.
Contractor’s share on this account (half the paid amount) will be recovered by the Employer
from the Contractor’s bills against the work.
In accepting this assignment, the Adjudicator should understand and agree that he is
responsible for any liabilities and costs arising out of risks associated with travel to and from
the place of emergency repatriation, loss or damage to personal/professional effects and
property. The Adjudicator is advised to effect personal insurance cover in respect of such
risks if he does not already have such cover in place. In this regard, the Adjudicator shall
maintain appropriate medical, travel, accident and third-party liability insurance. The
obligation under this paragraph will survive till termination of this appointment.
The Adjudicator will carry out the assignment in accordance with the highest standard of
professional and ethical competence and integrity, having due regard to the nature and
purpose of the assignment, and will conduct himself in a manner consistent herewith. After
visiting the worksite, the Adjudicator will discuss the matter with the Employer and if
necessary with the Contractor before arriving at any decision.
The Adjudicator will agree that all knowledge and information not within the public domain,
which may be acquired while carrying out this service shall be all time and for all purpose,
regarded as strictly confidential and held in confidence, and shall not be directly or indirectly
disclosed to any party whatsoever, except with the permission of the employer and the
contractor. The Adjudicator’s decision should be communicated in the form of a speaking
order specifying the reasons.
The Adjudicator will agree that any manufacturing or construction firm with which he might
be associated with, will not be eligible to participate in bidding for any goods or works
resulting from or associated with the project of which this consulting assignment forms a part
Name of Employer
Signature of authorized representative of Employer
Attachment: Copy of contract document between the employer and contractor and format
for recommendation.
The Adjudicator has the following principal responsibilities:
4. When a dispute is referred to it, conduct a hearing (no legal presentation), complete
its deliberations, and prepare a recommendations in a professional and timely manner
(as per sample format)
Contractor’s Position
Employer’s Position
The Adjudicator’s specific recommendation for settlement of the dispute. (The recommended
course is consistent with the explanation).
(This section could also be called Considerations, Rationale, Findings, Discussion, and so
Respectfully submitted,
This Section contains forms which, once completed, will form part of the Contract. The
forms for Performance Security, ES performance security if applicable, and Advance
Payment Security, when required, shall only be completed by the successful Bidder after
contract award.
Letter of Acceptance
[on letterhead paper of the Employer]
[The Letter of Acceptance shall be the basis for formation of the Contract as described in
ITB Clause 47. This Standard Form of Letter of Acceptance shall be filled in and sent to the
successful Bidder only after evaluation of bids has been completed, subject to any review by
the World Bank required under the Loan Agreement.]
. . . . . . . [date]. . . . . . .
This is to notify you that your Bid dated . . . . [insert date] . . . . for execution of the . . . . . .
. . . .[insert name of the contract and identification number, as given in the PCC].
. . . . . . . . . for the Accepted Contract Amount of . . . . . . . . .[insertamount in numbers and
words], as corrected and modified 0 in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders is hereby
accepted by our Agency.
You are requested to furnish the Performance Security, plus additional security for
unbalanced bids in terms of ITB Clause 41, and ES Performance Security[Delete ES
Performance Security if it is not required under the contract]in the form detailed in ITB
Clause 50 for amounts0 of Rs. …….., and Rs. ……. specified therein, within 21 days of the
receipt of this letter of acceptance, and visit this office to sign the contract, failing which
action as stated in ITB Clause 50.2 will be taken in accordance with the Conditions of
Contract. The securities shall be valid upto 28 days from the date of completion i.e. upto
…………. and shall be as per the Performance Security Form and the ES Performance
Security Form[Delete reference to the ES Performance Security Form if it is not required
under the contract],included in Section X -Contract Forms, of the bidding document.
We note that as per your bid, you do not intend to subcontract any component of work.
We note that as per your bid, you propose to employ M/s. ………………… as sub-contractor
for executing ……………………..
We have reviewed the construction methodology submitted by you alongwith the bid in
response to ITB Clause 16 and our comments are given in the attachment. You are requested
to submit a revised Program including ES requirements as per Clause 26 of General
Conditions of Contract within 14 days of receipt of this letter of acceptance.
To be used only if the Contractor disagrees in the Bid with the Adjudicator proposed by the Employer in
the ITB, has accordingly offered another candidate, and the Employer does not accept the
_________ (date)
Dear Sirs:
Pursuant to your furnishing the requisite securities as stipulated in ITB clause 50.1,
insurance policy as per GCC 13, construction methodology as stated in letter of acceptance
and signing of the contract agreement for the construction of______________@ a Bid Price
of Rs.___________, you are hereby instructed to proceed with the execution of the said
works in accordance with the contract documents.
Yours faithfully,
Contract Agreement
WHEREAS the Employer desires that the Works known as . . . . . [name of the
Contract]. . . . .should be executed by the Contractor, and has accepted a Bid by the
Contractor for the execution and completion of these Works and the remedying of any
defects therein,
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Contract documents referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part
of this Agreement. This Agreement shall prevail over all other Contract documents.
(i) This Agreement
(ii)the Letter of Acceptance
(iii) the Contractor’s Bid including completed schedules and priced bill of
(iv) the addenda Nos ________(if any)
(v)the Particular Conditions
(vi) the General Conditions of Contract, including appendix;
(vii) the Specification
(viii) the Drawings
(ix) Construction Program, Methodology, Quality Assurance Program, ES
Management Strategies and Implementation Plans, and Code of Conductfor
Contractor’s Personnel (ES)
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
in accordance with the laws of Indiaon the day, month and year specified above.
in the in the
presence of: presence of:
Witness, Name, Signature, Address, Witness, Name, Signature, Address, Date
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Applicant
shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein
as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Applicant such a Bank Guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to
you, on behalf of the Applicant, up to a total of ____________________ [amount of
guarantee0] ___________________________ [in words], such sum being payable in the
types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake
to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of ____________________ [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without
your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified
In the case of a JV, insert the name of the Joint Venture
An amount shall be inserted by the Guarantor, representing the percentage of the Contract Price specified
in the Contract less provisional sums, if any, plus additional performance security for unbalanced bids if
any, and denominated in Indian Rupees.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Applicant
before presenting us with the demand.
This guarantee shall be valid until ……… 0, and any demand for payment under it
must be received by us at this office on or before that date.
Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted
from the final product.
Insert the date twenty-eight days after the expected completion dateas described in GC Clause 53.1. The
Employer should note that in the event of an extension of this date for completion of the Contract, the
Employer would need to request an extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be
in writing and must be made prior to the expiration date established in the guarantee. In preparing this
guarantee, the Employer might consider adding the following text to the form, at the end of the penultimate
paragraph: “The Guarantor agrees to a one-time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed
[six months][one year], in response to the Employer’s written request for such extension, such request to
be presented to the Guarantor before the expiry of the guarantee
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Applicant
shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein
as security for compliance with his Environmental and Social (ES) obligations in accordance
with the Contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Applicant such a Bank Guarantee;
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to
you, on behalf of the Applicant, up to a total of ____________________ [amount of
guarantee0] ___________________________ [in words], such sum being payable in the
types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake
to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of ____________________ [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without
your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified
In the case of a JV, insert the name of the Joint Venture
An amount shall be inserted by the Guarantor, representing the percentage of the Contract Price specified
in the Contract less provisional sums, if any, and denominated in Indian Rupees.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Applicant
before presenting us with the demand.
This guarantee shall be valid until ……… 0, and any demand for payment under it
must be received by us at this office on or before that date.
Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted
from the final product.
Insert the date twenty-eight days after the expected completion dateas described in GC Clause 53.1. The
Employer should note that in the event of an extension of this date for completion of the Contract, the
Employer would need to request an extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be
in writing and must be made prior to the expiration date established in the guarantee. In preparing this
guarantee, the Employer might consider adding the following text to the form, at the end of the penultimate
paragraph: “The Guarantor agrees to a one-time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed
[six months][one year], in response to the Employer’s written request for such extension, such request to
be presented to the Guarantor before the expiry of the guarantee
In the case of a JV, insert the name of the Joint Venture
An amount shall be inserted by the bank representing the amount of the Advance Payment, and
denominated in Indian Rupees.
Applicant, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby
waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance
payment under the Contract until _________________________ [name of Employer]
receives full repayment of the same amount from the Applicant. Consequently any demand
for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date.
Yours truly,
Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted
from the final product.
Date: ____________________________
We have been informed that ______________ [name of contractor0] (hereinafter called “the
Applicant”) has entered into Contract No. _________________ [reference number of the
contract] dated ______________________ with you, for the execution of
__________________ [name of contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called
“the Contract”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, when the
Taking-Over Certificate has been issued for the Works and the first half of the Retention
Money has been certified for payment, payment of ___________ [insert the second half of
the Retention Money] is to be made against a Retention Money guarantee.
In the case of a JV, insert the name of the Joint Venture
The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the second half of the Retention Moneyor
if the amount guaranteed under the Performance Guarantee when the Taking-Over Certificate is issued is
less than half of the Retention Money, the difference between half of the Retention Money and the amount
guaranteed under the Performance Security.
It is a condition for any claim and payment under this guarantee to be made that the payment
of the second half of the Retention Money referred to above must have been received by the
Applicant on its account number _________ at ___________ [name and address of Bank].
This guarantee shall expire, at the latest, 21 days after the date when the Employer has
received a copy of the Defects Liability Certificate issued by the Project Manager.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this
office on or before that date.
[Signature(s) and seal of the guarantor]
Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted
from the final product.