Landslide Science and Practice: Claudio Margottini Paolo Canuti Kyoji Sassa
Landslide Science and Practice: Claudio Margottini Paolo Canuti Kyoji Sassa
Landslide Science and Practice: Claudio Margottini Paolo Canuti Kyoji Sassa
Landslide Science
and Practice
Volume 3
Spatial Analysis and Modelling
Landslide Science and Practice
Claudio Margottini • Paolo Canuti • Kyoji Sassa
Landslide Science
and Practice
Volume 3: Spatial Analysis and Modelling
Claudio Margottini Paolo Canuti
ISPRA - Italian Institute for ICL - International Consortium on Landslides
Environmental Protection and Research Florence, Italy
Geological Survey of Italy
Rome, Italy
Kyoji Sassa
UNITWIN Headquarters Building
Kyoto University Uji Campus
Uji, Kyoto, Japan
Associate Editors
Filippo Catani Alessandro Trigila
Department of Earth Sciences ISPRA - Italian Institute for
University of Florence Environmental Protection and Research
Firenze, Italy Geological Survey of Italy
Rome, Italy
The Second World Landslide Forum (WLF) was organized at the headquarters of the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy, on 3–9 October 2011.
WLF is a triennial mainstream conference of the International Programme on Landslides
(IPL) which is jointly managed by the IPL Global Promotion Committee consisting of the
International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations International
Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), the United Nations University (UNU), the
International Council for Science (ICSU), and the World Federation of Engineering
Organizations (WFEO).
The International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) was established by the 2002 Kyoto
Declaration “Establishment of an International Consortium on Landslides,” with the Statutes
adopted in January 2002. The Statutes defined the General Assembly of ICL: In order to
report and disseminate the activities and achievements of the consortium, a General Assembly
shall be convened every 3 years by inviting Members of the International Consortium on
Landslides, individual members within those organizations, and all levels of cooperating
organizations and individual researchers, engineers, and administrators. The General Assem-
bly will receive reports on Consortium activities and provide a forum for open discussion and
new initiatives from all participants.
The First General Assembly 2005 to the First World Landslide Forum 2008
The First General Assembly was organized at the Keck Center of the National Academy of
Sciences in Washington D.C., USA, on 12–14 October 2005. At this Assembly, the first full-
color book reporting consortium activities for the initial 3 years, 2002–2005, was published as
“Landslides-Risk analysis and sustainable disaster management” through Springer. The 2006
Tokyo Round-Table Discussion – “Strengthening Research and Learning on Earth System
Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management within UN-ISDR as Regards Landslides” –
toward a dynamic global network of the International Programme on Landslides (IPL) was
held at the United Nations University, Tokyo, on 18–20 January 2006. The 2006 Tokyo
vi Preface
Action Plan – Strengthening research and learning on landslides and related earth system
disasters for global risk preparedness – was adopted. The Tokyo Action Plan established a
new global International Programme on Landslides (IPL) including holding World Landslide
Forums. Accordingly, the Second General Assembly 2008 was replaced by the First World
Landslide Forum and held at the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan, on 18–21
November 2008.
The Second World Landslide Forum – Putting Science into Practice – was organized at the
Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on 3–9
October 2011. It was jointly organized by the IPL Global Promotion Committee (ICL,
UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UNISDR, UNU, ICSU, WFEO) and two ICL members in Italy: the
Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the Earth Science
Department of the University of Florence with support from the Government of Italy and
many Italian landslide-related organizations.
• 864 people from 63 countries participated. Attendance was larger than expected, and twice
the attendance at the First World Landslide Forum 2008 in Tokyo (430 participants: 175
from Japan and 255 from abroad).
• 25 technical sessions were held, and 465 full papers were submitted. All accepted papers
were edited in 7 volumes including this volume:
1. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning
2. Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring
3. Spatial Analysis and Modeling – this volume
4. Global Environmental Change
5. Complex Environment
6. Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation
7. Social and Economic Impact and Policies
ICL and IPL are global multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral initiatives to promote landslide
science and capacity-development to reduce landslide disasters. The core activities of ICL and
IPL are Landslides: Journal of International Consortium on Landslides, World Landslide
Forum, and IPL projects. Thanks to worldwide support of the journal, the Impact Factor of
Landslides was 2.216 for 2011 which is the highest within 30 ISI journals in category of
Engineering, Geological. The journal will develop from a quarterly journal to a bimonthly
journal from Vol. 10 in 2013. The Third World Landslide Forum – Landslide risk mitigation
toward a safer geo-environment – at the China National Convention Center, Beijing, China, on
2–6 June (conference) and 7–11 June (Field Trip) 2014. The ICL entered into the second
decade of its activities and organized a 10th anniversary Conference on 17–20 January 2012,
in Kyoto, Japan. ICL adopted the ICL Strategic Plan 2012–2021, To create a safer geo-
environment- as an outcome of this conference.
ICL is an international nongovernmental and nonprofit scientific organization promoting
landslide research and capacity-building for the benefit of society and the environment, and is
Preface vii
the thematic landslides platform in the UNISDR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.
ICL activities are supported by voluntary efforts of ICL members and supporting
organizations. All people involving in landslide research and landslide disaster mitigation
activities are requested to cooperate for the development of this initiative through its second
decade 2012–2021. ( and
We are deeply appreciative of all e Second World Landslide Forum participants and of the
contributions from our UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UNISDR, UNU, ICSU, WFEO partners and
all of our colleagues in ICL for the development of IPL up to now. Finally we address our
sincere thanks to Filippo Catani and Alessandro Trigila (the associate editors) for their
extensive efforts covering the technical sessions, and reviewing and editing the papers.
Honorary Chairpersons
x Organizational Structure of the Second World Landslide Forum
Deputy Chairpersons
Representing Organisation
Landslide Experts
Forum Chairs
Editorial Committee
Logistic Committee
Field Trips
ISPRA, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Dept. Geological Survey of Italy, Via Vitaliano Brancati, 48-00144 Rome, Italy.
xiv Contents
Introduction by Ken Ho1, Filippo Catani2, Giulio Iovine3, and Alberto Ledesma4
1) Hong Kong Geotechnical office, Hong Kong, China
2) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Firenze,
Florence, Italy
3) CNR-IRPI – U.O.S. of Cosenza, Rende, Cosenza, Italy
4) University of Catalonia, UPC, Barcelona, Spain
Slope modelling traditionally refers to the analysis of detail-scale slope stability under known
specific boundary conditions. Many methods have been proposed and used in the last 30 years
to cope with the related problems and, lately, new numerical solutions have been developed to
improve our ability to model the behaviour of a given slope, both in two and three dimensions.
However, even more recently, new advances in constitutive models and computational
methods, software engineering, field and laboratory instrumentation, quantitative geomor-
phology and hydrology seem to have set the stage for a new breakthrough in slope modelling,
making it possible to positively face the challenge of going from slope-specific to basin-scale
analysis and from limited time frames (single event approach) to continuous, real-time
applications. Recent advances in slope modelling are not confined to analysis concerning
the conditions prior to the onset of landslides or complete detachment of ground mass, but also
the simulation of post-failure dynamics. Numerical models have evolved to assess the runout
of landslide debris, which have practical applications in hazard and risk assessment.
In this context, this chapter addresses a wide range of case studies and methodological
applications on landslide modelling offering an overview of actual issues worldwide.
Slope stability modelling issues are reported under both seismic (China, Japan) and pore
water pressure stresses (Brazil, Switzerland, Italy). Run-out modelling is also treated, with
examples in China for rock slides, Hong Kong and Italy for debris flows and Mexico for mud
flows. Some interesting case studies on landslide behaviour are also included, in Russia,
Croatia, Greece, Italy and Spain.
Besides, more theoretical studies are devoted to the hydrological and geotechnical
modelling for landslide stability, to the data retrieval on important slope stability parameters
using new methods (using TLS for rock falls, modelling for soil depth, specific new devices
for roughness), to rock fall modelling in Italy (Alps and the Carrara marble basins). A final
case on mitigation measures to cope with slope instability in Italy concludes the chapter.
Geomechanical Basis of Landslide Classification
and Modelling of Triggering
A proposal to supplement existing landslide classifications with a more detailed description
of the geomechanical characteristics of the materials to include the effects of “structure”,
stress history and initial state has been developed as part of the EC sponsored SafeLand
project. This approach provides a valuable insight into and a rational basis for the
modelling of the physical mechanisms that govern landslide triggering and subsequent
development. The classification, behaviour and modelling of saturated clays and sands is
summarized here. The use of advanced strain hardening plasticity models which, where
necessary, include progressive damage to the “structure” of the material helps to replicate
mechanical weathering, delayed failure and the triggering of flows or slides, depending on
the type of material. A numerical example is presented, illustrating the different response of
sensitive clays and mechanically overconsolidated clays to rapid erosion or excavation.
More details of the proposed geotechnical classification and other numerical examples may
be found in Deliverable 1.1 of the SafeLand project.
Classification Clay Sand Modelling
Fig. 3 Revised classification of material types for the geotechnical characterization of slope movements (Rocchi et al. 2010)
material where all the microstructure has been removed. sufficient information to distinguish this type of clays
In undrained conditions, the destruction processes may and their associated behaviour from other types of clays.
lead to a substantial reduction of undrained shear For this reason these clays need to be classified also in
strengths. In the extreme case represented by “quick terms of “sensitivity”, commonly defined as the ratio of the
clays”, the remoulded material may behave as a fluid, undisturbed to the remoulded undrained shear strength, as
making these clays particularly susceptible to dramatic determined for example by in situ vane tests.
failure (Tavenas et al. 1971). Considering typical failure
and post-failure conditions and mechanisms, residual
effective strength envelopes are of secondary significance CB: Clays with Initial States Below the ICL:
in these materials. Mechanically Overconsolidated Clays
In oedometric conditions the preconsolidation pressure
s vp is due primarily, if not exclusively, to bonding, rather Clays with initial states below the ICL can be either without
than mechanical preconsolidation. It is thus better referred to (type CB1) or with (type CB2) bonding; their microstructure
as “apparent” preconsolidation pressure. It is strain rate is stable at the initial stress state in situ irrespective of the
dependent and does not reflect the “true yield” s0 vy of the presence of bonding. In their natural state type CB1
natural material, which is significantly lower than s0 vp materials have the following characteristics (Fig. 5):
(Fig. 4, Bjerrum 1967; Larsson et al. 1977). At extremely – LSS practically coincident with that characteristic of the
slow strain rates, for “ideal” truly undisturbed samples s0 vp reconstituted material.
reduces to s0 vy. – Zones around the point representing the initial effective
The behaviour of these materials can be reproduced stress state within which the behaviour is linear elastic
realistically only by means of elasto-viscoplastic constitu- (Zone 1) and non-linear elastic (Zone 2).
tive models which simulate appropriately in the time domain – Outside zone 2 up to and on the LSS, mainly plastic
the effects of progressive destruction of the microstructure behaviour. For all practical purposes visco-plastic strains
(see for example Adachi et al. 1996; Rocchi et al. 2003; and strain rate dependency can be considered negligible.
Hinchberger and Qu 2009). The volumetric component of the plastic strains result in a
In relation to the overburden and degree of bonding, these moderately contractive or dilatant behaviour depending
clays may appear either as ‘soft clays’ or as ‘stiff/hard clays’ on the distance of the current state from the ICL. The
as defined by common classifications. The use of this behaviour becomes progressively more dilatant as this
terminology in the classification of Fig. 2 does not convey distance increases, implying a greater development of
6 G. Rocchi and G. Vaciago
Dsi ¼ changes of total principal stress
a, b ¼ excess pore pressure parameters
In rapid excavation (artificial or natural), there is a
decrease in pore pressure (development of negative excess
pore pressure) associated with a reduction in mean total
stresses (Leroueil 2001).
In heavily overconsolidated clays of the type CB,
the parameter a is negative and the shear stresses
generate additional negative excess pore pressure in
such a way that the difference in pore pressure between
the end of excavation and the steady state condition is
On the other hand, in clays of the type CA the parameter a
is positive and the shear stresses generate positive excess
pore pressure, compensating to some extent the negative
excess pore pressure due to the change in mean total stresses.
In these conditions, the resulting overall changes in pore
pressure due to excavation can be quite small and dissipate
Back analyses of the pore pressure variation with time
such as those reported in Laflamme and Leroueil (1999),
where the excavation at Saint Hilaire has been simulated by
finite element analyses assuming linear elasticity (a ¼ 0),
result in the need to assign unnecessarily high values of
stiffness to the soil to match the observed rapid equilibration
of excess pore pressures.
This example shows how the use of appropriate constitu-
tive models in numerical FEM analyses is sufficient to
replicate realistically the overall behaviour of the two
Fig. 7 Numerically simulated distributions of excess pore pressures clays, including the pore pressure responses.
for a 1(v): 3(h), 10 m high slope at 10 days in (a) CA clays (Ko ¼ 0.6)
and (b) CB1 clays (Ko ¼ 1) (Rocchi et al. 2010) Conclusions
The classification of materials described here, based on
relating the combination of void ratio and effective
– Permeability characteristics of the clay which may vary geostatic stresses of saturated soils to “reference
with time as a consequence of variation of void ratio; conditions”, provides a rational basis for refining land-
– Geometry of the slope (height and inclination). slide predictions, associating the type of movement that
The very short time necessary to reach pore pressure can be expected to the classification of the soils involved.
equilibrium observed in material type CA compared to that In association with advanced constitutive and
necessary to reach similar conditions in material type CB1 numerical modelling, for the given boundary conditions,
can be well understood in the light of the general behaviour this approach can provide quantitative predictions of the
described above for the different materials and of the triggering and subsequent development of landslides,
following relationship proposed by Henkel (1960) for overcoming the limitations of LEM methods of analysis.
determining initial excess pore pressure (Du) as a function
of stress changes:
Acknowledgments The work summarized here was carried out as
part of the SafeLand project, funded by the EC 7th Framework
Ds1 þ Ds2 þ Ds3 Programme (Grant Agreement No. 226479). The Authors are grateful
Du ¼ b þa
3 to colleagues and partners in the Project for valuable discussion. The
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi numerical models were developed with the assistance of Ing.
ðDs1 Ds2 Þ2 þ ðDs2 Ds3 Þ2 þ ðDs31 Ds1 Þ2 Maurizio Fontana of Autosoft, whose contribution is gratefully
Geomechanical Basis of Landslide Classification and Modelling of Triggering 9
Mountain deformation and fracture as a result of earthquakes is a complicated
evolution process. We need to take advantage of geomechanical simulation and
shock effects to reproduce the mountain deformation process based on the understand-
ing and conceptual model through geological analysis, in order to verify and disclose
the facts. The author has chosen a certain typical landslide-type geomechanical model
of consequent rock slope under earthquake effect, and carried out the simulation
testing study for the geomechanical mechanism under the vibration conditions. This
paper introduces the methods of model preparation, the test plan design and testing
methods, and studies the testing results, from the vibration trace and deformation and
fracture evolution process, deformation and fracture evolutionary process and vibra-
tion acceleration time-history changes, vibration intensity and deformation and frac-
ture evolution of different geological structures, so some useful results and new
knowledge are reported.
Vibration test Geomechanical simulation mechanism Shock landslide-type
geomechanical model for rock slopes dip toward excavation Deformation and fracture
evolution of mountains
Picture 1 Model of block structure of bonding by the clay Analysis of Testing Results
A2 Complete collapse
A0 moment
a Vibration trace
Displacement 5cm
A2 moment, sliding-rupture deformation and fracture is maximized
Complete collapse
A0 A1 A2 A3 Trace
C Trace-displacement curve
A3 moment
Fig. 3 Contrast diagram of shock instability evolution process for consequent slope model
separate from the intact mass, and sliding-rupture deforma- the stratum structure rocky slope produces only overall
tion, facture or instability will be caused, and trigger effects vibration, without noticeable damages. For the consequent
will come out. When the displacement is accumulated to a slope, when the vibration level acceleration is greater than
certain critical value, a certain through face will be formed, 0.4 g (equivalent to the design basic earthquake acceleration
and landslide will be caused. value at the seismic intensity of Magnitude 9), deformation
The test also shows that the vibration of the elliptic orbit and fracture will begin to appear and the extent of damage is
has greatest impact on the slope deformation and fracture, associated with amplitude, the initial motion direction,
followed by horizontal vibration trace and inclined vibration vibration trace, rock structural strength and other factors.
trace. The vertical vibration trace has no obvious deforma- The damage extent deteriorates gradually with the increase
tion or fracture. Generally, the damage and instability in the vibration acceleration. As the vibration level acceler-
appears in the 2nd or 3rd recycle movement, and that is to ation is close to 0.8 g (equivalent to the design basic earth-
say, the damage and instability movement of the first deflec- quake acceleration value at the seismic intensity of
tion point after the first peak acceleration and a circulation Magnitude 10), the consequent slope will show the extensive
direction changes will stop after the 4th to 6th movement overall instability. The shear-tension and pull-tension will
cycle trace. further extend to a deep extent, and the layers become
staggered and displaced obviously, which is mainly
represented by sliding-rupture deformation and cracking,
Analysis of Deformation and Fracture and the slope with low structural strength will cause land-
Evolutionary Process and Vibration Acceleration slide (see Picture 3). The slope with strong rock mass struc-
Time-History Variance ture strength will be subject to milder damages, but it will
cause deep shear-tension and pull-tension fractures (see
Comparing the deformation and fracture process and vibra- Picture 4) and some interlayer displacement or sliding.
tion trace with acceleration time-history, the results show The deformation and fracture process also shows that
that when the vibration level acceleration is less than 0.4 g, when rock structure of the model has certain bonding
Study of Shock Landslide-Type Geomechanical Model Test for Consequent Rock Slope 15
Picture 3 Third level sliding face destabilization occurs on the conse- Picture 5 Polished surface and scrapes cinch marks clearly shown on
quent slope the top slickenside
Picture 4 Tension crack and sinking zone occur at the trailing edge of
the consequent slope
Analysis of Vibration Intensity and Deformation
and Fracture Evolution of Different Geological
strength, only deformation fracture accumulated displace- Structures of the Mountain
ment is produced in the 1st peak acceleration of the vibration
acceleration time-history process, and pull-tension and The above test results show that:
shear-tension cracks (see Picture 4) will appear. When the 1. Relationship with amplitude, the pull-tension cracks occur
displacement is accumulated to a certain level, once again, in the slope and back edge at the horizontal amplitude of
the direction of the acceleration changes from up to down 2.5 cm. When the horizontal level is 3.5 cm, obviously
and instability damage will be generated. pull-tension and shear-tension cracks will occur (see Pic-
In a vibration, deformation and fracture extent of the ture 4), and apparent tension cracks and settlement zones
mountain is proportional to vibration duration. The occur at the back (see Picture 5). When the horizontal
accumulated displacement of the mountain deformation amplitude is 5 cm, shear-tension and pull-tension cracks
and fracture displacement is also proportional to the vibra- extend to the deep extent, the layers become staggered and
tion duration, i.e. the longer the vibration is, the larger the displaced obviously, and sliding-rupture deformation and
generated displacement will be, and thus sliding damage will cracking will occur (see Picture 6). The slopes with small
be likely to occur to the rock masses of the slope. structural strength will be causing the landslide.
16 X. Xiangning et al.
2. Compared with the relationship of initial motion orienta- 4. The steeper the outward tilted dip of the stratum, the more
tion, both in consequent slope and countertendency slope, obvious sliding-rupture deformation and fracture will be,
the indication and extent of deformation and fracture in and the starting acceleration will be small.
right side slope are singly than left side (see Picture 3).
Generally, the right side slope becomes unstable while the
left slope is only subject to slope deformation and fracture.
3. The deformation and fracture of the inclined external
stratified slope is controlled by the structural surface, Wang Lansheng, Li Tianbin et al (2000) Landslide and environmental
which will cause serious shear-tension and pull-tension protection of Diexi Jiaochang earthquake for Minjiang river in
cracks at the moment of vibration starting and gradually Sichuan. Geol Hazard Environ Prot 11(3)
Wang Sijing (1987) Dynamic stability study for slope rock masses.
extend to the deep extent (see Picture 4). Meanwhile,
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of
layers become staggered and cause accumulated dis- Sciences. Geomechanical issues of rock engineering, vol 2. Science
placement, which shows obvious sliding-rupture fracture Publishing House, Beijing
and becomes unstable as a result of landslides.
Landslide Processes in the Urbanized Moscow Area
Valentina Svalova
Landslides process is one of the most widespread and dangerous processes in the urbanized
territories. In Moscow the landslips occupy about 3 % of the most valuable territory of the
city. In Russia many towns are located near rivers on high coastal sides. There are many
churches and historical buildings on high costs of Volga River and Moscow River. The
organization of monitoring is necessary for maintenance of normal functioning of city
infrastructure in a coastal zone and duly realization of effective protective actions. Last
years the landslide process activization took place in Moscow.
Landslides Activization Monitoring
V. Svalova (*)
Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS, Ulansky per., 13, Moscow
101000, Russia
e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 1 Landslides danger places in Moscow (in red) Fig. 3 Andreevsky monastery and new buildings on landslide slope
Fig. 2 Vorob’yovy mountains. Landslide slope Fig. 4 Presidium of RAS, Andreevsky monastery and new buildings
on landslide slope
Landslide Processes in the Urbanized Moscow Area 19
f II
gII 160
dpIV J3v3
J3k 80
300 200 100
Kutepov VM, Sheko AI, Anisimova NG, Burova VN, Victorov AS
et al (2002) Natural hazards in Russia. Exogenous geological
hazards. KRUK, Moscow, 345p
Osipov VI, Shojgu SK, Vladimirov VA, Vorobjev Yu L, Avdod’in VP
et al (2002) Natural hazards in Russia. Natural hazards and society.
KRUK, Moscow, 245p
Postoev GP, Svalova VB (2005) Landslides risk reduction and
monitoring for urban territories in Russia. In: Proceedings of the
first general assembly of ICL (International Consortium on
Landslides) “Landslides: risk analysis and sustainable disaster
Fig. 8 Museum – reserve “Kolomenskoye”. The church of beheading management”. Springer, Washington, DC, pp 297–303
of the honest head of Iowan Predecessor Svalova V, Postoev G (2008) Landslide process activization on sites of
cultural heritage in Moscow, Russia. In: Proceedings of the first
world landslide forum 2008. United Nations University, Tokyo, 4p
Landslide Hazard Assessment Based on
FS3D Combined with an Infiltration Model
Studies assessing landslide hazards have become increasingly common in recent years.
They provide information that guides decision-making and the adoption of preventive and
mitigation measures for control and protection. The aim of this study was to develop a set of
procedures for the prediction of landslides from the results of geotechnical mapping at
scales larger than 1:10,000. A methodology based on geotechnical parameters using the
calculation of three-dimensional (3D) safety factor combined with an infiltration model it
was developed. This set of procedures was applied to pre-defined areas in the city of
Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil. These areas were chosen based on geomorphic variability of
geological materials and size criteria. The results from these areas are very promising and
reflect the geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions in each area.
Landslide Hazard Three-dimensional safety factor Infiltration model Campos do
Jordão Brazil
map and the basic characterization of unconsolidated mate- The 3D safety factor is calculated based on the cohesion
rial, including a map of unconsolidated material, the index of and the friction angle of the rupture surface depth. We
physical data, hydrological characterization and the resis- determined the correlation between the maximum and mini-
tance parameters for each material. mum values of these parameters in relation to the degree of
With this information, the potential rupture surfaces are saturation (Sr) of the point in question (the desired depth).
defined mainly based on the geomorphic features of the area With the volumetric moisture value at depth z – y (z)
(type of slope, declivity and direction of the strands), the and with the porosity (n) of the respective unconsolidated
variability of unconsolidated material and the size of the material, we obtained the saturation at a given depth with
area. correlations among the physical indices.
An analysis of the rainfall data is carried out indepen- The last step before calculating the FS3D is the definition
dently. The quality of pluviometric data is also crucial of grid sizes for the selected areas. Because the initial 3D
because, in addition to the duration and amount of total safety factor analysis is in conducted by columns, the area
precipitation of the rain events, information regarding the must be divided into regular grids to complete the calcula-
behaviour of rain throughout the event is necessary. The tion. Based on the area size, the volume of necessary infor-
chosen pluviometric events are used as input data in the mation and the feasibility of the calculation, it was
infiltration model in the next step, and the likelihood of determined that the grid should be 10 m wide or 100 m2 in
similar event(s) occurring over time is calculated. The prob- surface area.
ability distribution used is the Poisson distribution with T1 The three-dimensional analysis model of slope stability
representing the time of recurrence of the desired event, as adopted in this work is that proposed by Hovland (1977),
expressed by the following equation: modified by Xie et al. (2003) and again adapted by Silva
(2009). Equation 2 shows the calculation of the FS3D by
FT1 ðtÞ ¼ PðT1 tÞ ¼ 1 evt (1) Silva (2009) used in this work.
Where, t ¼ time; v ¼ average rate of occurrence; and e ¼ cA þ g Zij zij þ ðgM gi Þ Zij zij a2 cosatanf
FS3D ¼ I
PJ P i
Neperian base. The average rate of occurrence is simply the J gi Zij zij þ ðgM gi Þ Zij zij a sinaP
ratio between the number of events and the time frame (2)
Once information about selected rain events is gathered, where FS3D ¼ 3D Safety Factor; c ¼ total cohesion (kN/
the infiltration model can be initiated. The influence of rain m2); A ¼ area of the rupture surface (m2); Zji ¼ ground
on landslides is known and has been observed in numerous surface elevation (m); zji ¼ elevation of the rupture surface
studies (e.g., Gasmo et al. 2000; Wilkinson et al. 2002). (m); gM ¼ average specific weight of the soil (kN/m3); gi ¼
Studies on shallow landslides show that they are the result initial specific weight of the soil (kN/m3); a ¼ grid size (m);
of water infiltration into the geological material. Thus, in a ¼ dip angle of the rupture surface ( ); f ¼ angle of total
predicting slope stability, conceptual and physical models friction ( ); aP ¼ dip angle of the main landslide direction
must be considered that simulate the hydro-geological and ( ); and J and I ¼ the total rows and columns in the interval
the geotechnical transients responsible for their stability. of the rupture area, respectively.
The infiltration model in this study aims to determine volu-
metric moisture: the average volumetric moisture (yM) of the
soil profile and the desired volumetric moisture at a specific
depth (y (z)), after a rain event. To meet these objectives, the Application in Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil
HYDRUS 1D version 3.0 program was used (Simunek et al.
2005). In Brazil, the increasing incidence of natural disasters, espe-
The HYDRUS 1D model is a finite-element numerical cially shallow landslides and floods, is considered to be due to
model for the unidirectional simulation of water, heat and the intense urbanization processes occurring in the country in
multiple solutes flowing in a saturated or unsaturated condi- recent decades, with the unplanned growth of cities in areas
tion. The program numerically solves the Richards equation unsuitable for occupancy because of unfavourable geological
for the variable flow of water in soil and the advection and and geomorphological characteristics. The city of Campos do
the dispersion equations for heat and the transport of solutes. Jordão in the state of São Paulo is located in Serra da
Based on the average volumetric moisture data, yM, Mantiqueira. This area was selected for the present study
obtained in the previous step and the dry unit weight (gd) because of the history of landslide incidents and the need for
and specific weight of water (gw) for each unconsolidated data from an engineering geological map at a 1:2,000 scale
material, the corresponding average specific weight is (Ahrendt 2005) (Fig. 1). The area ranges across UTM 23 K
obtained from correlations of the physical indices to calcu- coordinates 438.010/438.330 W and 7.485.390/7.485.110 S
late the 3D safety factor. and covers approximately 90,000 m2. The results for four
Landslide Hazard Assessment Based on FS3D Combined with an Infiltration Model 23
Table 1 Physical indices, thickness, strength parameters and Van Genuchten parameters of unconsolidated material existing in the study areas
Unit Materials Thickness (cm) gs (kN/m3) gd (kN/m3) nMed ycc (cm/min) c (kN/m2) cs (kN/m2) j ( ) j s ( ) yr ys a (cm1) n
U2 I-R 50 26.71 13.5 0.55 0.15 5.56E-01 9.8 1.68 28.5 29.5 0.035 0.550 0.115 1.474
II-R 100 27.89 14.3 0.48 0.25 2.11E-01 20.0 0.20 26.0 30.0 0.109 0.485 0.034 1.168
III-S 27.51 12.8 0.49 0.30 6.00E-04 30.0 0.20 30.0 35.0 0.075 0.490 0.039 1.194
U4 I-R 50 26.71 13.5 0.55 0.15 4.67E-01 10.0 0.40 26.0 33.5 0.035 0.550 0.115 1.474
II-R 50 27.89 14.3 0.48 0.25 5.89E-01 20.0 0.20 26.0 30.0 0.109 0.485 0.034 1.168
V-S 27.70 12.5 0.52 0.10 6.00E-05 50.0 0.20 35.0 40.0 0.020 0.520 0.138 1.592
U6 VI-A 20 27.50 11.6 0.55 0.15 9.12E-01 20.0 0.61 26.0 31.3 0.020 0.550 0.138 1.592
I-R 20 26.71 13.5 0.55 0.15 3.38E-01 10.0 0.40 26.0 33.0 0.035 0.550 0.115 1.474
II-R 10 27.89 14.3 0.48 0.25 5.89E-01 20.0 0.20 26.0 30.0 0.109 0.485 0.034 1.168
V-S 27.70 12.5 0.52 0.10 6.00E-05 50.0 0.20 35.0 40.0 0.020 0.520 0.138 1.592
U6a VI-A 20 27.50 11.6 0.55 0.15 6.00E-02 20.0 0.61 26.0 31.3 0.020 0.550 0.138 1.592
I-R 20 26.71 13.5 0.55 0.15 5.56E-01 10.0 0.40 26.0 33.0 0.035 0.550 0.115 1.474
V-S 27.70 12.5 0.52 0.10 6.00E-05 50.0 0.20 35.0 40.0 0.020 0.520 0.138 1.592
U8 VII-A 100 28.00 11.8 0.54 0.20 1.26E + 00 10.0 0.60 26.0 31.0 0.028 0.540 0.130 1.700
V-S 27.70 12.5 0.52 0.10 6.00E-05 50.0 0.20 35.0 40.0 0.020 0.520 0.138 1.592
U9 V-S 200 27.70 12.5 0.52 0.10 6.00E-04 50.0 0.20 35.0 40.0 0.020 0.520 0.138 1.592
U10 VIII-T 100 31.04 11.0 0.50 0.20 6.00E-02 10.0 0.40 26.0 33.0 0.078 0.500 0.036 1.500
gs specific weight of solid particles (kN/m3), gd dry unit weight of the soil (kN/m3), nMed average porosity, ycc field volumetric moisture capacity, Ksat saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/min),
c total cohesion (kN/m2), cs saturated total cohesion (kN/m2), ’ angle of total friction ( ), ’s angle of saturated total friction ( ), yr residual volumetric moisture, ys saturated volumetric moisture,
a inverse value of the air-entry (cm1), n a shape form
A. Silva and L. Zuquette
Table 2 Volumetric moisture values at depth z, degree of saturation at depth z, average volumetric moisture, average specific weight, total cohesion and total friction angle for 120 min (for the
2000 and 2001 events) and 48 h (for the 1995 event)
1995 event 2000 event 2001 event
gM c gM c gM c
Sr(z) (kN/ (kN/ Sr(z) (kN/ (kN/ Sr(z) (kN/ (kN/
Unit z (cm) yZ (%) yAve m3) m2) j ( ) yZ (%) yAve m3) m2) j ( ) yZ (%) yAve m3) m2) j ( )
U2 50 0.4424 80.44 0.2978 16.478 3.27 29.30 0.2905 52.82 0.1977 15.477 5.51 29.03 0.2904 52.80 0.3172 16.672 5.51 29.03
150 0.2714 55.96 0.3163 17.463 8.92 28.24 0.2547 52.52 0.2321 16.621 9.60 28.10 0.2547 52.52 0.2733 17.033 9.60 28.10
U4 50 0.4201 76.38 0.2988 16.488 2.67 31.73 0.2863 52.05 0.1975 15.475 5.00 29.90 0.2863 52.05 0.3170 16.670 5.00 29.90
150 0.3723 76.76 0.3487 17.787 4.80 29.07 0.1003 20.68 0.1826 16.126 15.91 26.83 0.2554 52.66 0.2849 17.149 9.57 28.11
U6 20 0.4568 83.05 0.3170 14.770 3.90 30.4 0.1855 33.73 0.2565 14.165 13.46 27.79 0.4425 80.45 0.3443 15.043 4.40 30.26
40 0.5500 100.00 0.4176 17.676 0.40 33.00 0.2082 37.85 0.2842 16.342 6.37 28.65 0.2843 51.69 0.3559 17.059 5.04 29.62
50 0.5200 100.00 0.4325 18.625 0.40 33.00 0.2553 49.10 0.2162 16.462 9.58 28.11 0.2554 49.12 0.3379 17.679 9.57 28.11
U6a 20 0.5500 100.00 0.4106 15.706 0.61 31.30 0.1661 30.20 0.2360 13.960 14.14 27.60 0.1661 30.20 0.2511 14.111 14.14 27.6
40 0.5500 100.00 0.4752 18.252 0.40 33.00 0.2291 41.65 0.1956 15.456 6.00 28.92 0.3195 58.09 0.2046 15.546 4.42 30.07
Landslide Hazard Assessment Based on FS3D Combined with an Infiltration Model
U8 50 0.2611 48.35 0.2109 13.909 5.45 28.42 0.201 37.22 0.2448 14.248 6.50 27.86 0.3569 66.09 0.3198 14.998 3.79 29.30
100 0.5400 100.00 0.3336 15.136 0.60 31.00 0.213 39.44 0.2227 14.027 6.29 27.97 0.2006 37.15 0.2842 14.642 6.51 27.86
U9 50 0.1003 19.29 0.1405 13.905 40.39 35.96 0.1003 19.29 0.1035 13.535 40.39 35.96 0.1003 19.29 0.1115 13.615 40.39 35.96
100 0.1003 19.29 0.1206 13.706 40.39 35.96 0.1003 19.29 0.1019 13.519 40.39 35.96 0.1003 19.29 0.1060 13.560 40.39 35.96
U10 50 0.3871 77.42 0.3730 14.730 2.57 31.42 0.2001 40.02 0.2359 13.359 6.16 28.80 0.2005 40.10 0.2526 13.526 6.15 28.81
100 0.2005 40.10 0.3480 14.480 6.15 28.81 0.2001 40.02 0.2182 13.182 6.16 28.80 0.2005 40.10 0.2268 13.268 6.15 28.81
z depth (cm), yZ volumetric moisture at a specific depth z (), Sr(z) degree of saturation at depth z (%), yAve average volumetric moisture (), gM average specific weight (kN/m3), c total cohesion
(kN/m2), f total friction angle ( )
26 A. Silva and L. Zuquette
representing the first geotechnical discontinuity of each events similar to the 2001 event occurring (approximately
unconsolidated material unit. The second level of rupture 4 %); on the other hand, there is a nearly a 30 % probability
(SP2) was defined for the second geotechnical discontinuity, of occurrence of an event similar to the 1995 event over the
somewhat deeper. The FS3D was calculated using a cohesion course of a year. Over 10 years, this value approaches 100 %.
value determined from the volumetric moisture at the depth of An analysis of the FS3D values observed in the study areas
the rupture level in consideration (called the natural cohesion results between the first and second rupture surfaces reveals a
in Table 3). Additionally, the FS3D was calculated using a decrease of approximately 17 %, 30 %, 25 % and 48 % in
minimum cohesion value (0.1). For the 2000 and 2001 events, areas A, B, C and D, respectively. In terms of the findings
the security factor was calculated for a period of 120 min, and based on the minimum values of cohesion (0.1 kN/m2), when
for the 1995 event, it was calculated for a period of 48 h. compared to the first scenario (natural cohesion), there was a
Table 3 shows the 3D security factor values obtained in areas decrease of approximately 53 %, 56 %, 49 % and 59 % in
A, B, C and D under the four conditions tested. areas A, B, C and D, respectively, thus validating the influence
of cohesion in the calculation of the safety factor. However,
despite its great influence, this parameter is not solely respon-
Analyses sible for the process, because there were cases in which the
FS3D did not approach a 1.0 value. This is justified in areas
Choosing and delimiting areas for the FS3D calculation is a that have grids with a low slope and/or a high standard devia-
fundamental step because the size, geomorphic features and tion in relation to the dip direction of the slopes.
geological materials involved all directly affect the final
result. The method presented here is most effective when the
bounded area is part of a hillside with a small surface area. Conclusion
When large areas are chosen, two kinds of problems can Existing methodologies can analyze the stability of
occur: the presence of valleys, which implies the presence of slopes, forecast the occurrence of shallow landslides
grids with very low slope, and the presence of grids with dip and consider conditions of rainfall and infiltration. One
directions (direction of slope) that are very different from the of the highlights of the methodology presented here is
general inclination of the slope. Both of these situations con- that the steps are closely related and the determination of
tribute to increases in the general security factor of an area. any parameter depends on the other parameters; no
The chosen rupture surfaces represent geotechnical parameter is considered as a fixed or constant value in
discontinuities between the different types of unconsolidated calculating the safety factor. By incorporating this type
materials. By using volumetric moisture and depth graphics of infiltration analysis, including variation of soil mois-
obtained by HYDRUS-1D, it is possible to observe that, ture with depth, the portion of increased soil weight
where these contacts occur, especially in materials with caused by the amount of infiltrated water after the rain-
saturated hydraulic conductivities with different orders of fall event and the shear strength parameters considered
magnitude, there is an increase in the volumetric moisture in the calculation of the FS3D for the potential rupture
because of this natural hydraulic barrier. surface are directly related to the degree of saturation,
Regarding the moistening front in the unconsolidated these changes represent an improvement in the field of
material profiles after pluviometric events (obtained from landslide prediction. The final FS3D results were consis-
the HYDRUS-1D program), there was a significant differ- tent with the geological, hydro-geological and geotech-
ence in the results because of the difference in the selected nical settings considered, and they suggest a promising
rainfall events, with two short-duration and high-intensity future for the study.
events and one low-intensity and long-duration event.
With regards to the most extreme events studied (of highest Acknowledgments The authors thank all those who contributed to this
and lowest intensity), there is a low annual probability of work in any way and those who work for the advancement of science.
Landslide Hazard Assessment Based on FS3D Combined with an Infiltration Model 27
Lantau Island is located at the south-western part of Hong Kong. Over 75 % of its areas are
natural hillsides and approximately one third of the hillsides are sloping at 30 or above.
The geology comprises tuff and granite. On 7 June 2008, a severe rainfall with a return
period of 1,100 years occurred over the western part of Lantau Island. This triggered over
2,400 landslides, about 900 of which were debris flows. Some of these were sizeable and
mobile, involving active debris volumes and travel distances in excess of 10,000 m3 and
1,700 m respectively. This paper examines the runout characteristics of selected mobile
debris flows. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional dynamic models developed by the
Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO), Civil Engineering and Development Department
were used to back analyse the long-runout debris flows, taking into account the complicated
geometry of the runout paths. The findings and their engineering implications are presented
in the paper.
Landslide Debris flow Numerical modelling
Historical Landslides (only include those >200 m) 2008 Landslides (only include those >200 m)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Travel Distance (m)
Mobility of Landslides
2dDMM and 3dDMM
Over the years, the GEO has continued with the updating of
the Enhanced Natural Terrain Landslide Inventory based on Both 2dDMM and 3dDMM consider debris flow as a contin-
aerial photography interpretation (API), which contains uum material, and the dynamic characteristics are assumed
records of more than 110,000 historical landslides. to be governed by modified shallow water equations.
The GEO has completed mapping of the June 2008 natu- The major modifications involve (1) inclusion of the base
ral terrain landslides in Lantau Island using satellite images friction as determined using either a frictional or Voellmy
as well as vertical and oblique aerial photographs, from rheology, and (2) incorporation of the Savage-Hutter theory
which about 2,400 landslides were identified and mapped. to calculate the internal pressure within the debris mass.
Detailed field mapping has also been carried out for the more 2dDMM is an enhanced version of the DAN model pro-
mobile CDFs (i.e. runout distance >200 m) and landslide posed by Hungr (1995). It solves the shallow water equation
clusters. In total, more than 130 landslides were mapped in using a Lagrangian framework and is capable of simulating
the field. debris flows travelling along a pre-set runout path with
The June 2008 landslides predominantly involved shal- trapezoid cross-sections. Details of the formulation of the
low failures (typically within 1–2 m of the surface mantle), 2dDMM are presented by Kwan and Sun (2006).
Modelling the Motion of Mobile Debris Flows in Hong Kong 31
Volume:3 C CH 30
Simulated debris depths are exaggerated by 10 times for clarity ~257m
CH 3
CH 80
CH e
on e
25m slide nZ
12 land n sitio
10 760 3
15m slide
8 land ne
6 tio
4 860 cu
2 900
CH 920
0 CH
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 40
Distance Travelled (m) CH
Fig. 4 2dDMM results: debris profile and debris frontal velocity
Fig. 6 Layout plan of Shek Mun Kap debris flow
Voellmy coefficient of 500 m/s2, for the prediction of runout are potentially conducive to give rise to such mobile
characteristics of sizeable CDFs under the following adverse CDFs are also given.
site settings as diagnosed by Wong (2009):
• Sizeable debris flow at a major drainage line e.g. sites Acknowledgements This paper is published with the permission of
with a large catchment and a long flow path where a large the Head of the Geotechnical Engineering Office and the Director of
Civil Engineering and Development, Government of the Hong Kong
amount of surface runnoff and entrainable materials may
Special Administrative Region.
be available for mixing with the landslide debris.
• Sizeable debris flow along a major drainage line into
which many tributaries are feeding, i.e. possible sudden
increase in the water content of the moving debris when- References
ever the debris passes through a confluence point.
Hungr O (1995) A model for the runout analysis of rapid flow slides,
• Discharge of debris to a pool of water on the drainage line debris flows and avalanches. Can Geotech J 32:610–623
or debris from a small drainage line onto a major drainage Hungr O, Morgenstern NR, Wong HN (2007) Review of benchmarking
line where there is potential for a large amount of running exercise on landslide debris runout and mobility modelling.
In: Proceedings of the international forum on landslide disaster
storm water.
management, vol 2, Hong Kong, pp 945–966
Ko FWY (2005) Correlation between rainfall and natural terrain land-
Conclusions slide occurrence in Hong Kong, GEO Report No. 168. Geotechnical
This paper presents the natural terrain landslides, Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 77p
Kwan JSH, Sun HW (2006) An improved landslide mobility model.
including four sizeable, long-runout debris flows, trig-
Can Geotech J 43:531–539
gered by a severe rainstorm in Hong Kong on 7 June Kwan JSH, Sun HW (2007) Benchmarking exercise on landslide
2008. mobility modelling – runout analyses using 3dDMM.
Two dimensional and three dimensional analyses of In: Proceedings of the international forum on landslide disaster
management, vol 2, Hong Kong, pp 945–966
the debris flows have been carried out using the 2dDMM
Lo DOK (2000) Review of natural terrain landslide debris-resisting
and 3dDMM programmes developed by the GEO. The barrier design, GEO Report No. 104. Geotechnical Engineering
above long-runout CDFs were more mobile than the Office, Hong Kong, 91p
predicted using the prevailing recommendations on rheo- McDougall S, Hungr O (2005) Dynamic modelling of entrainment in
rapid landslides. Can Geotech J 42:1437–1448
logical parameters for mobility analyses. Based on
Wong HN (2009) Rising to the challenges of natural terrain landslides.
the field mapping and back analyses, the rheological In: Proceedings of the HKIE Geotechnical Division annual seminar
parameters for such mobile CDFs involving watery debris on natural hillsides: study and risk management measures. Hong
have been updated. The corresponding site settings that Kong Institution of Engineers, Hong Kong, pp 15–53
Modeling Potential Shallow Landslides over Large
Areas with SliDisp+
The deterministic model SliDisp+ calculates the potential detachment zones of shallow
landslides. It is a grid-based model using an infinite slope analysis to calculate the safety
factors F (ratio of retaining and driving forces) for each cell.
The input data consists of the slope topography, soil strength parameters, depths and
shapes of potential shear planes, and the hydraulic behavior. The variables are derived from
a digital elevation model (DEM), geological, geotechnical, and pedological documents, or
field investigations. From this data the soil is classified over large areas. For each cell, the
critical slope angle as well as the soil cohesion is determined.
Studies in several test areas showed that pedological aspects as well as joint water-input
from underlying rock must be taken into account. Combined with the run-out model
SliDepot, SliDisp+ calculates the extent of potential landslides over large areas and thus
can be applied for spatial planning and optimized positioning of protection measures.
Shallow landslide modeling SliDisp+ SliDepot
Stability Calculation in SliDisp sources. If more than 90 % of the F-values are <1, a medium
to large chance of a potential landslide is expected. The data
SliDisp is a deterministic model which calculates the land- preparation as well as its visualization is carried out by
slide susceptibility of slopes. The calculation of stability is means of a geographic information system (GIS). The
based on the formula of Selby (1993), whereas the charac- calculation of the stability factors is implemented by a
teristic soil-physics, the thickness of subsoil, the ground C-application and then integrated into the GIS.
water level, the slope, and the force of roots are taken as
determining parameters (Fig. 1, Formula 1).
For the model calculation a term for root cohesion (WK) Model-Parameter SliDisp
has been added to the original formula of the factor of safety
F (Formula 1). This empirical adjusted parameter takes the Deterministic models based on the infinite slope analysis
roots-retaining forces of the vegetation layer into account (cf. Formula 1) call for strongly simplified model parameters
(Schmidt et al. 2001; Chok et al. 2004; Hales et al. 2009). (Dahal 2008). Concretely these are: soil thickness, slope
angle, ground water level, shear strength, cohesion, and root
WK þ c0 þ ðg z cos2 b gw m z cos2 bÞ tan’0 strength. The parameters are derived from the variable mor-
F¼ phology, the geology, and the geotechnical characteristics of
g z sinb cosb
the loose rock and vegetation cover (Guzzetti et al. 2006; cf.
Fig. 1). The different parameters and their determination are
described in the following sections.
The safety factor F is calculated for each cell of the grid,
Therefore the three main data sources are the digital eleva-
based on the data from the digital elevation model (DEM). If
tion model (DEM), geological and geotechnical information
F < 1, the cell is potentially instable, and the material can be
(maps, laboratory data, results from field investigations) and
set into motion by triggering factors. The total of all instable
pedological datasets (type of soil). Figure 2 demonstrates the
grid elements equals the maximum detachment area
relationship or derivation of the different datasets used in
(¼ landslide susceptibility).
The normal variation of shearing parameters is acknow-
ledged by a Monte-Carlo simulation (Kalos and Whitlock
1986). By applying this method, 100 random values are Morphological Variables
chosen from the deviation of the shearing parameters to Digital elevation models (DEM) are of central significance
calculate the factor of safety (F). With this random combi- as database to assess morphological variables. They serve
nation of parameters, the factor of safety is calculated as basic information to calculate the slope angle and the
100 times for each cell. We assume that both the cohesion topographically induced water saturation potential of each
and the friction angle show a normal distribution and do not grid cell (topographic-index, Beven et al. 1995; Liener et al.
correlate with each other (Lacasse and Nadim 1996). 1996). The topographic index corresponds to the natural
Areas with more than 60 % of the parameter combination logarithm of the ratio of drained area of the cell to slope
showing a safety factor F < 1 are indicated as potential angle b of the cell (cf. Formula 2, Fig. 3). The hydrologically
Modeling Potential Shallow Landslides over Large Areas with SliDisp+ 39
Geotechnical Parameters
topography Depending on the local geology and the subsoil type, the
geotechnical characteristics (such as permeability, angle of
Soil Thickness According to Hölting and Enke (1996), the permeability of
There are different ways to gain data about the thickness of loose rock can be estimated approximately, depending on
the soil coverage: from existing datasets (boreholes, the distribution of the grain size. Six different permeability
soundings, field mapping), from field investigations, and ranges are generally considered, from gravel to mid-size
from model calculations (Godt et al. 2008). Today, different sand to clay (Table 2).
models exist – but all are based on the derivation from the The classification adopted in SliDisp considers six classes
slope gradient (Seconi and Catani 2008). (according to VSS 1999 and Wittke 1984). For each class, a
Therefore, according to DeRose (1996) and Salciarini permeability number from 1 to 6 is designated. Within the
et al. (2006), the correlation between the soil thickness z model, this number is translated into a coefficient
and the slope angle b (Formula 3) is given as an exponential (m ¼ 0.15–0.9) and is taken as the basis for calculating the
function, where groundwater level.
Areas with different grain sizes and different permeabil-
z ¼ 7:72 e0:04 b : (3) ity may constitute hydraulic barriers and are more common
40 D. Tobler et al.
Table 2 Derivation of the permeability coefficient “m” from different clay silt sand gravel
USCS (SN 670008a, 1998):
grain sizes (VSS 1999; Riner 2009). Example from Lauterbrunnen case 100 SC
study, Switzerland (GEOTEST AG 2011) 80
Percent passing
70 Clayey sands with or
Respective grain Permeability Permeability 60 without gravel
Class size (k-values) coefficient m 40
1 Pure gravel <108 0.15 30
2 Sand 107 bis 108 0.30 10
Grain size
106 bis 107
0,002 0,006 0,02 0,06 0,2 0,6 2 6 20 60 [mm]
3 Fine sand 0.45
104 bis 106 Φ
WL IP P W e0 ' c' cu Cc Cs k Wopt Pdopt
4 Silty sand 0.60 [%] [%] [t.m–3] [%] [-] [°] [kN.m–2] [kN.m–2] [–] [–] [m.s–1] [%] [t.m–3]
where z ¼ soil thickness, m ¼ permeability coefficient, and According to the calculation of the saturated zone in SliDisp,
t ¼ empiric index for topographic influence. There is a the ground water level is proportional to the soil thickness
hydrological condition for m: 0 < m 1.0. Negative values (Lineback Gritzner et al. 2001). Therefore the proportion of
will be corrected to 0, values >1 to 1.0 (complete saturated material (m + t)*z (Formula 4) referring to the
saturation). total thickness of subsoil z remains constant. This is formally
not correct. Then shallow layers may show a proportionally
higher ground water level than thicker soils (Sidle and
Upgrade from SliDisp to SliDisp+ Ochiai 2006).
With SliDisp+ the ground water level (m + t)*z is
The process model SliDisp has been upgraded with two adjusted by using an empirically determined height, which
important new features. The approach to calculate the varies depending on the thickness of the soil. Following this
ground water level in the subsoil or in debris has been calculation, the water saturated zone may be enlarged in
changed and the impact of joint water (KW) has been con- shallow soils (thickness of 0.3–1 m) by maximally 20 cm;
sidered by implementing a correction value to the stability it may be lowered by maximally 70 cm in deep soils of
formula (Formula 5, red circles for new features). Both 1–3 m. The corrected ground water level is implemented as
features are described in the following two sections. a parameter called “gw” in the stability formula (Formula 5).
42 D. Tobler et al.
Fig. 11 Section of the actual hazard map for shallow landslide pro-
cesses of Lauterbrunnen with hazard levels (blue and yellow areas;
green ¼ investigation area; GEOTEST AG 2011). The numbers indi-
cate the field in the intensity-probability diagram (AGN 2004)
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Rio Aguas catchment, SE Spain. Q J Eng Geol Hydrogeol 35:9–18
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investigations has to be on the determination of subsur- Gomes RA (2003) Parameterization of soil properties for a model
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heavy rainfall events in the Lauterbrunnen valley lead to Guzzetti F, Reichenbach P, Ardizzone F, Cardinali M, Galli M (2006)
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and ecologic controls on root reinforcement. J Geophys Res 114:
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Hulbert to improve the manuscript.
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Three Dimensional Stability Analysis of the Grohovo
Landslide in Croatia
The Grohovo Landslide, situated on the north-eastern slope in the central part of the
Rječina River valley, is the largest active landslide along the Croatian part of the Adriatic
Sea coast. The Grohovo Landslide is also a key pilot area for implementation of the
monitoring activities of the Japanese-Croatian joint research project on “Risk identification
and land-use planning for disaster mitigation of landslides and floods in Croatia”. This
complex retrogressive landslide was reactivated in December 1996. It is considered that the
basal failure surface is positioned at the contact between the slope deposits and the flysch
bedrock. Based on the data from boreholes, geological mapping, geophysical surveys and
the geological cross-section of the slope, the three dimensional shape and the position of the
sliding surface were simulated using the inverse distance weighted interpolation. Using 3D
extended Janbu’s simplified method, global stability of the Grohovo Landslide and stability
of 12 separate landslide bodies were analyzed.
Grohovo landslide Slip surface Interpolation 3D stability analysis
where M1 is the number of sample points when there is no 3D Extended Janbu’s Simplified Method
dip or dip direction; M2 is the number of sample points when
there are dip and dip direction; M1 + M2 ¼ N; Ai, Bi and Ci Three dimensional limit equilibrium approaches are widely
are coefficients; R is the max search radius in the calculated used for three dimensional slope stability analyses. Duncan
spatial region; ri2 ¼ ðx xi Þ2 þ ðy yi Þ2 þ ðz zi Þ2 ; ri is (1996) and Chang (2002) reviewed the main aspects of
50 C. Wang et al.
Table 2 Physical and geotechnical parameters Table 3 3D safety factors of the global landslide and 12 separate
landslide bodies
r (kN/m )
C (kN/m )2
f( )
Upper part 20 7.5 25 Landslide body Sliding direction ( ) SF3D
Lower part 20 16 16 Slide_global 52 1.35
Bedrock 21 25 32 Slide_1 60 1.38
Slide_2 60 1.54
Slide_3 30 1.02
to be 1~3 m above the contact between the bedrock and the Slide_4 25 1.36
Slide_5 30 1.12
overlying disturbed materials.
Slide_6 30 1.37
Using the adopted parameters, the 3D slope global safety
Slide_7 52 1.40
factor of the complex landslide and 12 separate local land-
Slide_8 52 1.11
slide bodies were calculated (Table 3). The calculations
Slide_9 45 1.56
indicate that No. 3 landslide body, located at the upper part Slide_10 45 2.11
of the slope, has the lowest factor of safety. It is a key unsafe Slide_11 45 1.70
block, such that in this part of the slope new displacements Slide_12 45 1.35
can be expected in the future, e.g. triggered by heavy rainfall
and unfavorable hydrogeological conditions or strong earth-
quake. The 3D safety factor of No. 10 landslide body, unique base slip surface. It is considered that the basal
located at the middle of the landslide, is greater than 2.1 failure surface is at the contact between the slope deposits
due to gently inclined base slip surface. The global safety and the flysch bedrock. In order to determine the hazard
factor of the complex landslide is 1.35, which is greater and risk of possible future landslide occurrences, 3D
than that obtained by the 2D slope stability analysis (Benac landslide stability analyzes were performed.
et al. 2005). In the past, location of critical 3D slip surface is mainly
The distinction in results between 2D and 3D analyses is confined to spherical and ellipsoidal shape and random
not unexpected; it seems very clear that the safety factor for failure surface is seldom considered. Based on the borholes
3D analyses is greater than the safety factor for 2D analyses data, geological mapping, geophysical surveys and
(Hungr et al. 1989; Duncan 1996). Other reasons for greater adopted geological cross-sections of the slope, the three
3D safety factors are: using of the soil strength parameters dimensional shape and the position of the slip surface are
obtained from 2D back analyses; and using geometry of simulated using a revised inverse distance weighted inter-
landslide obtained from present landslide topography, i.e., polation method. Using the 3D extended Janbu’s
landslide reached stable position after sliding. There is also simplified method, the global 3D factor of safety of the
present a lack of groundwater level data that can be crucial complex landslide and factors of safety of 12 separate
for calculation of the present state of the slope stability. landslide bodies were analyzed. The stability analysis
indicates that No. 3 landslide body, located at the upper
Conclusions part of the slope, is a block with the lowest safety factor,
The Grohovo Landslide on the north-eastern slope of the such that in this part of the slope new displacements can be
Rječina River valley is the largest active landslide along occurred in the future, especially triggered by heavy rain-
the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea coast. Recently, field fall and unfavorable hydrogeological conditions or strong
investigation, monitoring and basic research were earthquake.
conducted by the Croatian researchers. Many individual As a part of the joint research activities in the
movements indicated that there are 13 separate landslide Japanese-Croatian scientific project on “Risk identifica-
bodies. Among them, 12 landslides bodies have the tion and land-use planning for disaster mitigation of
52 C. Wang et al.
landslides and floods in Croatia” which was launched in Chang M (2002) A 3D slope stability analysis method assuming paral-
2008, a comprehensive integrated real-time monitoring lel lines of intersection and differential straining of block contacts.
Can Geotech J 39:799–811
system will be installed in the Grohovo landslide. The Cheng YM, Liu HT, Wei WB, Au SK (2005) Location of critical three-
monitoring system will consist of geodetic and geotech- dimensional non-spherical failure surface by NURBS functions and
nical monitoring. More attention should be given to the ellipsoid with applications to highway slopes. Comput Geotech
movements of the upper part of the Grohovo Landslide. 32:387–399
Duncan JM (1996) State of the art: limit equilibrium and finite-element
A part of the geotechnical monitoring will be permanent analysis of slopes. ASCE J Geotech Eng 129(2):577–596
measuring of pore pressures in the slope that will provide Feng S, Feng D, Ge X, Gu X (1999) 3D limit equilibrium method for
better understanding of groundwater variations in the slope stability and its application. Chin J Geotech Eng 21
slope and enable more accurate slope stability analyses. (6):657–661
Giger MW, Krizerk RJ (1975) Stability analysis of vertical cut with
variable corner angle. Soils Foundat 15(2):63–71
Acknowledgments This research was performed as a part of Hungr O, Salgado FM, Byrne PM (1989) Evaluation of a three-
Japanese-Croatian joint research project on “Risk Identification and dimensional method of slope-stability analysis. Can Geotech J
Land-Use Planning for Disaster Mitigation of Landslides and Floods 26:679–686
in Croatia”, which was funded by JST-JICA Science and Technology Jiang Q, Wang X, Feng D, Feng S (2003) A three-dimensional limit
Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Project equilibrium method analysis software for slope stability and its
(SATREPS). application. Chin J Rock Mech Eng 22(7):1121–1125
Mihalić S, Arbanas Ž (2013) The Croatian–Japanese joint research
project on landslides: activities and public benefits. In: Sassa K,
Rouhban B, Rouhban S, McSaveney M, He B (eds) Landslides:
References global risk preparedness. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp
Arbanas Ž, Benac Č, Dugonjić S (2010) Dynamic and prediction of Thomaz JE, Lovell CW (1988) Three-dimensional slope stability anal-
future behavior of the Grohovo landslide. In: Proceedings of the 1st ysis with random generation of surfaces. In: Proceedings of the 5th
workshop of the project risk identification and land-use planning for international symposium on landslides, Lausanne, July 1988, vol 1.
disaster mitigation of landslides and floods in Croatia, Dubrovnik, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 777–781
Nov 2010 Yamagami T, Jiang JC (1997) A search for the critical slip surface in
Benac Č, Arbanas Ž, Jardas B, Jurak V, Kovačević SM (2002) three-dimensional slope stability analysis. Soils Foundat 37
Complex landslide in the Rječina River valley (Croatia): results (3):1–16
and monitoring. In: Landslides, Proceedings of the 1st European Zhang X (1988) Three-dimensional slope stability analysis of concave
conference on landslides, Prague, June 2002. A. A. Balkema, Lisse/ slopes in plan view. ASCE J Geotech Eng 114(6):658–671
Abingdon/Exton/Tokyo, pp 487–492 Zhang JM (1995) Design and display of three-dimensional geological
Benac Č, Arbanas Ž, Jurak V, Oštrić M, Ožanić N (2005) Complex model. Advancement of Chinese mathematical geology. Press of
landslide in the Rječina River valley (Croatia): origin and sliding Geology, Beijing, pp 158–167
mechanism. Bull Eng Geol Environ 64(4):361–371
Mass Movement Classification Using Morphometric
Parameters (Puebla, Mexico)
The Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexico) is a tropical mountain frequently affected by torrential
rains induced by depressions and hurricanes. In October 1999 and 2005, intense precipita-
tion triggered hundreds of landslides and caused heavy human losses and material damages.
All the landslides surveyed in the field and their traces extracted from the satellite images
have been analyzed by using morphometric parameters in order to characterize and to
classify them. The spatial distribution of observed landslides types is not random but
responds to both regional structural features and material nature involved in the movement.
It is particularly important to establish these close relationships in order to assess landslide
hazards by using different factors and methods and the approach proposed in this paper
seems to be very useful to do that.
Morphometric parameters Landslide classification Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexico)
Studied Area
Methodological Approach
Width (pixels)
that efficiently draws a convex contour (Fig. 3).
The surface of the convex zone Sc (or the total number of
pixels Ntc of this zone) and its perimeter Pc calculated in 20
pixels or in meters allows calculating several parameters: the 10
ratio S/Sc or the relation Nbp/Ntc that both correspond to two
convexity indices based on the surface, the ratio Pc/Pp 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(perimeter convexity or external roughness index) or Ph/Ntc
Length (pixels)
(porosity inside the convex zone). b
Results 80
Pc / Pp
The morphometric parameters as well as the relationships
between each other allow defining accurately the 40
characteristics of the different extracted traces produced in A
the landscape by slope movements. Only two diagrams are 20
reported here in order to illustrate some of the characteristics
of these traces. The graph width versus length (Fig. 4a) reveals 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
that, except for two items, small landslides essentially form a
Surface (S)
dense group of linear type; the relation width/length ranges
from 0.2 to 0.8 with an average of 0.55; 40 % of the traces Fig. 4 Two examples of parameters correlation
display a relation equal or inferior to 0.5 % and 24 % of them
are inferior or equal to 0.4.
Two bigger landslides are present. The first one (symbol
A in the Fig. 6) corresponds to a rotational landslide in the
region of San Jose Chagchaltzin; it has an almost circular
form (relation width/length of 0.82) with a width size of
238 m and a length of 289 m. The second landslide (symbol
B in the Fig. 6) is located northwards the El Dos village; its
length is equal to 480 m and the width to 90 m; the ratio
width/length of this linear structure is equal to 0.18.
Figure 4b establishes the existing relation between the
external roughness index Pc/Pp and the surface S. The more
the index value decreases, the more irregular will be the
studied shape. The majority of the studied landslides are Fig. 5 Landslide classification using the diagram
grouped in the zone corresponding to small landslides hav- Pc/Pp versus the ratio perimeter/surface y ¼ Lp =S 100
ing an almost regular form; the external roughness index of
the cluster gravity center is equal to 75. Even if the large versus surface y allows classifying better the different traces
debris flow B is more elongated, it has the same Pc/Pp value. extracted from the Ikonos satellite image (see Fig. 5).
For the large rotational landslide A, even if it is almost It is then possible to define six classes taking into account
circular, the great irregularity of its contour related to the ranges of common values of these two parameters.
heterogeneous topography during the rotational sliding The parameter y in fact reflects the globularity of a shape.
implies a low value of the external roughness index. It Regardless of its length a line has a y value equal to 100. This
should be noted that the porosity parameter of this item is value decreases when this line thickens. Thus for a circle the
the highest obtained in the studied zone. size of which is greater than 150 pixels, the value y is lower or
All the possible combinations between the various equal to 10 and this value decreases when the circle is
parameters calculated in such a way have been tested; finally, growing.
because these indices present a weak correlation creating the Dividing the y axis in three groups, high, medium and low
strongest dispersion of all the points, the graph between the values, it may be noted that shallow debris slides correspond
perimeter convexity index Pc/Pp and the ratio perimeter to y values >60, debris flow developed in slope deposits
Mass Movement Classification Using Morphometric Parameters (Puebla, Mexico) 57
zones in a simple way and to characterize the type of events more difficult to classify. Even if the method needs some
susceptible to be expected in a more or less short time improvements in the definition of adaptive parameters to
according to the type of material that would be involved in avoid this weakness, the algorithm is easy to implement
the mass movement. For instance, on the main road linking and the output is obtained rapidly enough so that it can
Tlatlauquitepec and Atotocoyan (Fig. 7), shallow slides and directly be used and implemented in crisis management by
superficial debris flows triggered by 2005 rainfall took place the authorities when infrastructures and populations are
exactly at the location considered after the 1999 event as severely impacted by landslides occurrences.
an unstable hillslope covered by thick unconsolidated
colluviums. Conclusion
The soil behaviour depends on its texture, porosity and We propose here a new method for extracting landslide
mineralogical composition. In the present case, the colluvial traces from satellite images. The study area is a tropical
formation reported in Fig. 7 comes from weathering, erosion mountain frequently subjected to torrential rains, and
and degradation of the upper part of the metamorphic for- characterized by relatively dense vegetation cover and a
mation. It is a very heterometric, easily broken material with variety of geological and superficial formations. The land-
a high porosity, and it can be rapidly saturated as it was the slide traces were analyzed in using a set of morphometric
case in 1999 and 2005. parameters, including perimeter, surface, convexity,
Parrot and Ochoa-Tejeda (2009) and Ochoa-Tejeda and porosity, and defining some specific ratios. The method
Fort (2011) have recently shown the relationship existing developed here allows characterizing and classifying easily
between heavy rain periods (tropical hurricane) and the different landslide types. It appears quite robust for
hillslope behaviour, hence mass movement types. For identifying linear landslide types such as shallow debris
instance, as it occurred in 1999 (see Fig. 8), when a slides, triggered by intense hurricane rains and causing
sequence of 3 days of intense rainfall was followed by a most damages to the population and infrastructure. This
pause of 2–3 days, then by another short period of intense method appears as fairly simple and rapid to implement,
showers, the material remobilized by the mass movements and its results are robust enough, so that it can be applied in
affected not only the superficial slope deposits, but also other tropical regions as a useful tool in crisis management
uncovered rock zones. When the rainfall interruption is following landslide occurrences in areas of difficult access.
shorter as it occurred in 2005, the landslides affect mainly
superficial formations, and may reactivate previous land-
slide zones. References
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structures. In contrast the sorting out of “globular”, compact Alva-Valdivia LM, Goguitchaichvili A, Urrutia-Fucugauchi J, Ferrari L,
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The 2010 Muddy-Debris Flow of Angangueo
(Mexico): Modelling and Simulation
In tropical mountainous regions, heavy rainfalls often induce landslides and mudflows.
Mexico is continually subjected to natural hazards. In February 2010 the town of
Angangueo in the state of Michoacan was devastated by a huge muddy debris flow. Use
of morphological and climatic parameters of the affected areas can be incorporated into a
model that simulates the extension of this natural disaster. It appears that zones whose slope
aspect is against the flow direction represent the most vulnerable zones. The model
described herein can easily and rapidly be applied to any other tropical region to reliably
prevent such catastrophic phenomena. Because in many areas the colluvial slope deposits
register multiple cracks and active scars, an assessment of the risk related to slope
movements in Mexico is essential.
Mudflow Modeling and simulation Angangueo Michoacán state (Mexico)
and on the other hand, factors of climatic or anthropogenic technical means, without prior understanding of the
origin (Dikau et al. 1996; Lang et al. 1999; Dai et al. 2002; morphoclimatic and hydrological dynamics prevailing in
Glade and Crozier 2005). Despite recent significant prog- these subtropical mountains.
ress, the respective contribution of each factor to the mass The area mainly affected in February 2010 lies between
movement or its reactivation is still not well understood the two blue points (Fig. 2a, b), where there was consider-
(Guzzeti et al. 1999; Van Asch et al. 2007). able damage (Fig. 3) and the Catingon mine at the conflu-
Mexico is subjected to various natural hazards such as ence between Puerco river and Charco river (red point) was
earthquakes, floods and mass movements. Landslides newly destroyed (Fig. 4).
generated by intense precipitations caused by hurricanes or The material mobilized by the landslides corresponds to
tropical depressions constitute the most frequent hazard colluvial deposits resulting from alteration and fragmenta-
regularly affecting this country. Each year sees a drastic tion of the volcanic formation. These colluvial deposits vary
increase in the damage and number of casualties. in particle size, ranging from clay layers containing
Between 2 and 5 February 2010, continuous rains were centimetric fragments up to clusters of boulders of metric
recorded in the town of Angangueo (State of Michoacán) size (Fig. 5).
with a peak of more than 200 mm on 4 February. The town Many slopes still show dislodgement of these colluviums,
was devastated by a huge muddy debris flow causing con- and multiple cracks and active scars, foreshadowing future
siderable loss and damage (33 fatalities, 61 disappearances, mass movements. Recent accumulation areas were observed
5,000 people moved from their homes and 40 % of the urban on the river banks upstream of Angangueo. We assume that
structures destroyed or damaged). The behaviour of soil landslides are consecutive to saturation of colluvial deposits
saturation has been shaped by the pluviometry, especially through a temporary retention of water, an event followed by
with four consecutive rainy days are observed (Parrot and a sudden discharge of mud flows. The first step in the
Ochoa-Tejeda 2009; Ochoa-Tejeda and Fort 2011), following simulation is based on this observation.
Landsliding is not limited to the spread of the rock mass
on the slopes, but may also affect the valley bottoms. For
instance, landslides can cause partial or total obstruction of
the thalwegs leading to inflection of the river path or
upstream flooding. The sudden rupture of this temporary
A simulation was used to analyze the 2010 disaster, to define
dam can provoke disastrous floods carrying huge amounts
the total amount of mobilized material and to assess local
of sediment that destroy infrastructure, roads and homes in
vulnerability inside the narrow valley where the town lies.
the valley bottom where the rare flat spaces correspond to
The modeling takes into account the following considerations
alluvial terraces.
based on field observations: (1) mass movements are not
confined to the spread of the rock mass slopes, but may also
affect the valley bottom; (2) landslides occurring upstream of
Area Studied the city created a temporary dam that retained a part of the
water flux coming from mountainsides; (3) the pressure of
Angangueo is a mining city in Michoacán state (Fig. 1). The water flows breached the temporary dam and generated a
city stretches along the Puerco river, a narrow and deep large mudflow composed of a mixture of water and soils
valley between the Chincua Sierra and the Sierra Rancho derived from slope colluviums; (4) during its displacement,
Grande where the Monarca butterfly sanctuaries are located. the mudflow dislodged debris and boulders on its passage; and
From upstream to downstream, there are three Lead Zinc (5) the mudflow volume increased with contributions from the
mines (El Ventilador, Catingon and San Luis). tributary streams.
The ubiquity of landslides in the Angangueo area is Following this scenario, taking into account the total
mainly related with: (a) the Pleistocene volcanic material volume available and doing successive approximations of
that forms the basement and its geo-structural characteristics; the mudflow thickness, we could estimate the extension of
(b) frequent earthquakes in the neighboring regions of the mud and debris flow and localize the affected zones.
Tlalpujahua and Zitácuaro; (c) extraordinary and intense In assessing the risk related to muddy-debris flows in the
rainfalls inducing severe soil saturation and consequently study area, the research takes into account the following
the loss of cohesion and local failures; (d) slope disturbance three axes:
in relation with animal activity and slope excavations; (e) the – Identification of potential hazards and dangerous
rapid development of road networks carried out with minimal areas. Field study is essential to accomplish this goal.
The 2010 Muddy-Debris Flow of Angangueo (Mexico): Modelling and Simulation 63
0 100 200 300 400 AMERICA
14 kilometers
116 88
100°17’ Scale 1: 50000
0 0.5 1 2Km
Fig. 2 (a) Affected zones reported on a 3D Google earth image. (b) Drainage network.. Points 1 and 2: upper and lower limits of the area affected
by debris flow. February 2010. Point 3: confluence of the Puerco and Charco rivers
64 J.-F. Parrot and V. Ochoa-Tejeda
Fig. 3 Examples of damaged zones along the river bed and the inter-
vention of the Michoacán State Civil Protection Authority during the
Fig. 4 Lead zinc Catingon mine. (a) Google earth image acquired
September 3, 2006. (b) Mine destruction from February 2010 (Photo-
graph, June 2010)
1 m (in blue in the figure). In the last case, the flow even Chiarle M, Luino F (1998) Colate detritiche torrentizie innescate dal
reaches the city lying 5 km from the starting point. nubifragio dell’8 luglio 1996 sul M. Mottarone (VB-Piemonte).
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(c) Research of the more vulnerable points within the idrogeologiche: il contributo della ricerca scientifica”, Alba, CN,
thalweg, presumed to correspond to zones whose slope 5–7 novembre 1996. vol II, pp 231–245
aspect is against the flow direction (Fig. 10). Coe JA, Cannon SH, Santi PM (2008) Introduction to the special issue
The aspect is calculated and reported in an image that on debris flows initiated by runoff, erosion, and sediment entrain-
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kind of document. The painter palette permits a progression management: an overview. Eng Geol 64:65–87
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passing through orange tones, and then from yellow to blue tion: identification, movement and causes. Wiley, Chichester/
Royaume Uni, 274p
(240 ) passing through green tones and finally coming back Fanti R, Gigli G, Morelli S, Arreygue Rocha E (2010) The catastrophic
to the red passing through violet tones. debris-flow of Minatitlan (Colima, Mexico): description and
Zones where the slope aspect is against the flow direction modeling. In: Proceedings of mountain risks: bringing science to
decomposed in vectors are considered as particularly vulner- society, Firenze, 24–26 Nov 2010, pp 243–248
Glade T, Crozier MJ (2005) The nature of landslide hazard and impact.
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Conclusion Gregoretti C, Dalla Fontana G (2008) The triggering of debris flow
Simulations allowed assessment of the extension of the due to channel-bed failure in some alpine headwater basins of
the Dolomites: analyses of critical runoff. Hydrol
mud and debris flow observed in Angangueo according to Process 22:2248–2263
different scenarios. Such an approach permits objective Griffiths PG, Webb RH, Melis TS (2004) Frequency and initiation of
definition of the vulnerability of each point along the river debris flows in Grand Canyon, Arizona. J Geophys Res 109
in order to take measures to prevent or alleviate disaster (F04002):1–14
Guzzeti F, Carrara A, Cardinali M, Reichenbach P (1999)
effects. Landslide hazard evaluation: a review of current techniques and
The method requires a modeling that takes into their application in a multi-scale study, central Italy. Geomorphol-
account the landscape configuration, the type of material ogy 31:181–216
involved in the movement, the pluviometric rate and a Julien PY, Paris A (2010) Flow velocities for mudflows and debris
flows. J Hydraul Eng 136(9):676–679
realistic scenario. It is then possible to assess the muddy Lang A, Moya J, Coromina S, Schrott L, Dikau R (1999) Classic and
debris flow extension and localize the affected zones. new dating methods for assessing the temporal occurrence of mass
Among them, zones whose slope aspect is against the movements. Geomorphology 30:33–52
flow direction seem to be the most vulnerable zones. Mei CC, Liu KF, Yuhi M (2001) Mud flow – slow and fast. In:
Provencale A, Balmforth N (eds) Geomorphological fluid mechan-
Results obtained easily and rapidly by this method can ics, vol 582, Lecture notes in physics. Springer, Berlin/New York,
be applied in other tropical regions in order to allow crisis pp 548–577
management by the authorities. Presently, in many areas Ochoa-Tejeda V, Fort M (2011) Relation entre la pluviométrie et le
upstream of Angangueo, the colluvial slope deposits reg- déclenchement des glissements de terrain dans La Soledad, Sierra
Norte de Puebla, Mexique. Bull Assoc Géogr Fr 1:27–34
ister multiple cracks and active scars that presage future Parrot J-F, Ochoa-Tejeda V (2005) Generación de Modelos Digitales
mass movements. An assessment of the risk related to de Terreno Raster. Método de digitalizacion. Geografı́a para el
slope movements in Mexico appears essential. Siglo XXI, UNAM, 31p
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triggering factors and landslide assessment. An example from the
References Sierra Norte de Puebla, Mexico. In: 6th annual meeting AOGS,
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modelling of debris flow initiated by channel runoff. Landslides
A Rock Fall Analysis Study in Parnassos Area,
Central Greece
The paper presents the kinematics of rock instability of a high promontory, where Tithorea
village is situated, in the Central Greece peninsula. The instability phenomena pose a
significant threat on the town situated immediately down slope. Rock fall episodes occurred
in the past, as it has been noted by local authorities and published reports. A more recent
rockfall is investigated in this paper, which caused considerable damages to two village
houses. The detailed rock fall path was mapped obtaining more than 15 hit points and rolled
on different scree and vegetation material till it stopped and crushed upon the house roofs.
The predominant types of kinematic instability are of planar or wedge failure and toppling
of large blocks. In order to investigate the existing stability conditions and decide upon the
protection measures, rockfall analysis was carried out. Such an analysis can be compared in
detail with the actual situation, since the geometrical data of the recent rockfall incident are
very accurate. On the other hand, other parameters of rockfall hazard such as the run-out
distance of the boulders was examined.
Rockfall Hazard Limestone Protection measures Run-out distance Tithorea Greece
Geological Setting
The fall track of the rockfall was simulated using the Rocfall Fig. 7 Data collector located between the urban area of Tithorea and
software, which is a robust, easy to use computer program the artificial pine forest
that is available from Rocscience and performs a probabilis-
tic simulation of rockfalls and can be used to design remedial reach the urban area of Tithorea; 11 of 50 rock blocks that
measures and test their effectiveness. were used as sample in our study went beyond the data
As it was shown in several applications of this methodol- collector point. In addition, the total kinetic energy that was
ogy, the runout of a rockfall is influenced by the geological recorded at collector varies from 8,000 to 27,000 kJ and the
characteristics of the slope materials and the roughness of bounce height of the boulders was lower than 0.5 m
slope. The former influence the loss of energy during impacts (Fig. 8a–c). Thus, in case of design and construction of
and the latter the type of rockfalling. Although the fact that in remedial measures in this point, the estimated values provided
our study we simulate the fall track of a large size boulder, we by this study could be used in order to avoid future structural
took into consideration the slope roughness by employing a damages.
value of 5 in the relative field of Rocfall software.
Moreover, one of the most important and difficult issues
for the simulation of a fall track is the reliability of the Rockfall Hazard Assessment
employed material properties. Typical values for the coeffi-
cient of normal (Rn) and targential (Rt) restitution used in The rockfall hazard for the Tithorea area is examined here by
rockfall analyses range from 0.3 to 0.5 and from 0.8 to 0.95, estimating the run-out distance of the boulders Empirical
respectively (Stevens 1998). In this study, the values of Rn rockfall models are generally based on relationships between
and Rt that were used for the areas characterized as talus topographical factors and the length of the run-out zone
cover, talus with vegetation, soil with vegetation, asphalt (Dorren 2003). Usually, the parameters to describe the rock-
was taken as proposed by Rocfall software while the relative fall runout zones can be the angle or the horizontal distance
employed parameters for the limestone (clean hard bedrock) (Petje et al. 2005). In general, two methods are mainly applied
were based on the suggestions by Robotham et al. (1995). for the estimation of the maximum distance that a boulder can
The initial point in the model has been reported during the reach. The first model, Fahrboschung angle, was suggested by
field survey and was defined as a single point in Rocfall Heim (1932) and predicts the run out zone using the angle that
software. is defined by the horizontal plane and the line form the top of a
It should be noted that the output of the simulation, regard- rockfall source scar to the stopping point for any given rock-
ing the horizontal location of the craters is in agreement with fall. The second method is the model known as minimum
the observed fall track, validating our scenario. shadow angle proposed by Evans and Hungr (1993), which
Having validated the basic parameters of the fall track, were based on Lied (1977). According to them, the area
we proceeded to the estimation of the kinetic energy and the beyond the base of a talus slope that is reached by large size
bounce height of the boulders using a collector of data that is boulders is termed the rockfall shadow and the equivalent
located at the boundary between the forested and the urban shadow angle is defined as the angle between the outer margin
area (Fig. 7) of the shadow and the apex of talus scope. The distal part of
As an outcome of the simulation of the fall track, we the shadow often contains only very few boulders, which are
concluded that there is 20 % possibility for a boulder to sparsely distributed on the surface (Evans and Hungr 1993).
A Rock Fall Analysis Study in Parnassos Area, Central Greece 71
Fig. 9 Map showing the delineated shadow angle zones of 30 ,27.5
and 22
Copons R, Vilaplana JM (2008) Rockfall susceptibility zoning at a
larger scale: from geomorphological inventory to preliminary land
use planning. Eng Geol 102:142–151
Dorren L (2003) A review of rockfall mechanics and modelling
approaches. Prog Phys Geogr 27:69–87
Evans SG, Hungr O (1993) The assessment of rockfall hazard at the
Fig. 8 (a) End-points of the sample of rocks introduced to the simulated base talus. Can Geotech J 30:620–636
fall track on Rocfall, (b) total kinetic energy of the boulders as it was Ganas A, White K (1996) Neotectonic fault segments and footwall
recorded by the data collector, (c) bounce height of the boulders as it was geomorphology in Eastern Central Greece from Landsat TM data.
recorded by the data collector Geol Soc Greece Spec Publ 6:169–175
Heim A (1932) Bergsturz und menschenleben. Beiblatt zur
Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich
Evans and Hungr (1993), having investigated 16 talus slopes 77:218
Hsu KJ (1975) Catastrophic debris streams generated by rockfalls. Geol
in British Columbia, suggested that a minimum shadow angle
Soc Am 86:129–140
of 27.5 is adequate for a preliminary estimation of a rockfall Lied K (1977) Rockfall problems in Norway, Bergamo publication, vol
runout distance while Dorren (2003) having compared the 90. Instituto Sperimentale Modelli e Strutture, Bergamo, pp 51–53
72 G. Papathanassiou et al.
Meibl G (2001) Modeling the runout distances of rockfalls using a Rouiller JD, Jaboyedoff M, Marro Ch, Philippossian F, Mamin M (1998)
geographic information system. Z Geomorphol 125:129–137 Pentes instables dans le Pennique valaisan. Rapport final du
Mercier JL, Delibassis N, Gauthier A, Jarrige JJ, Lemeille F, Philip H, programme national de Recherche PNR 31/CREALP, vol 98, 239p
Sebrier M, Sorel D (1979) La néotectonique de l’Arc Égéen. Rev Stevens W (1998) Rocfall: a tool for probabilistic analysis, design of
Geol Dyn Geogr Phys 21(1):67–92 remedial measures and prediction of rockfalls. M.A.Sc. thesis, Depart-
Petje U, Ribicic M, Mikos M (2005) Computer simulation of ment of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario, 105p
stone falls and rockfalls. Acta Geographica Slovenica 45(2): Valkaniotis S (2009) Correlation between neotectonic structures and
93–120 seismicity in the broader area of Gulf of Corinth (Central Greece).
Philip H (1974) Etude néotectonique des rivages égéens en Locride Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 247p
et Eubée nordoccidentale (Grèce). Thèse doc. sp., Acad. de Varnes DJ (1978) Slope movements types and processes. In: Schruster
Montpelier, 86p RL, Krizek RJ (eds) Landslide analysis and control, vol 176, Trans-
Renz C (1940) Die tektonik der griechischen Gebirge. Pragm Akad portation research board, special report. Transportation Research
Athino 8:171s Board, Washington, DC, pp 11–33
Robotham ME, Wang H, Walton G (1995) Assessment of risk from Wieczorek GF, Morrisey MM, Iovine G, Godt J (1999) Rock-fall
rockfall from active and abandoned quarry slopes. Trans Inst Min potential in the Yosemite Valley, California, vol 99–578, USGS
Metal Sect A 104:A25–A33 Open file report. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston
SAKe: A Hydrological Model to Forecasting
Landslide Activations
Worldwide, most landslides are generally triggered by rainfalls. In this paper, the hydro-
logical model CMSAKe to forecast the timing of activation of slope movements is described.
Model calibration can be performed through an iterative algorithm (named “Cluster”): in
this way, optimal kernels can be refined from an initial tentative solution. At each iteration,
shape and base time of the tentative kernels are optimized by means of a discretized,
self-adapting approach; the fitness is computed for all the examined solutions, and new
individuals are generated starting from the best kernel obtained at the previous step.
The initial shape of the kernel can be selected among a set of standard basic types:
(1) rectangular; (2) decreasing triangular; (3) any other geometrical shape which may sound
reasonable on the base of the physical knowledge of the phenomenon. Alternatively, the
kernel can be automatically optimized based on antecedent rainfalls with respect to a given
date of landslide activation.
In this paper, a first example of application of the model to a large debris slide
threatening a village in Northern Calabria is discussed, together with the results of a
preliminary sensitivity analysis aimed at investigating the role of the main parameters.
Hydrological model Rain threshold Landslide
An application of the model to a landslide threatening Hydrological models may employ “filter functions”
the village of San Benedetto Ullano (“SBU”, in Northern (kernels) to express the influence of rainfalls on runoff
Calabria-Italia) is also discussed, together with the prelimi- and groundwater dynamics. With reference to this last
nary results of a sensitivity analysis aimed at investigating aspect, the “base time”, tb, defines the length of time during
the role of the main parameters. which rainfalls can effectively affect groundwater dynamics.
Aiming at modelling slope stability, both the shape and
the base time of the kernel must be properly selected by
Background considering, on one side, type and dimension of the investi-
gated phenomena, and, on the other, the geo-structural
Slope instability can occur when the soil shear strength and hydro-geological characteristics of the affected slopes
gets lower than a given threshold, e.g. when rain infiltration (cf. Capparelli et al. 2010). Unfortunately, in many real
leads to an increase in pore water pressure. To model the cases, simple, analytical functions do not allow to properly
relationships between rainfall and landslide occurrence, capture the observed complexity of groundwater dynamics.
two distinct approaches are generally adopted in literature: In this respect, the adoption of discretized kernels may
(1) “physically-based” (firstly developed by Montgomery offer effective solutions to relate landslide activations to
and Dietrich 1994), and (2) hydrological (cf. e.g. Campbell rainfalls.
1975; Caine 1980; Sirangelo and Versace 1996; Terranova
et al. 2007).
The hydrological approach (adopted in the present study) The Model CMSAKe
is based on a statistical-probabilistic analysis of the rainfall
series and of the dates of occurrence of landslide activation. SAKe is a new hydrological model – inspired from Sirangelo
With respect to shallow landslides, the dynamics of deep- and Versace (1996) – for predicting the activation of slope
seated slope movements generally shows more complex movements. The kernel of the model is discretized, as it is
relationships with rains: their activation commonly requires made of a set of elements, hi, defined per each time interval
greater rainfall amounts, spanned over longer periods (from (i). A linear, steady scheme is adopted: z(t) can be described
ca. 30 days to some rainy seasons). by means of an integral of convolution between the kernel,
Different hydrological mechanisms may play a significant h(t), and the rainfall, p(t). The mobility function of the
role in landslide activation. In some cases, a combination of model is defined as:
diverse mechanisms must be assumed. Therefore, efforts
aimed at generalizing the triggering thresholds – e.g. the ðt ðt
combination of intensity and duration of rains able to activate zðtÞ ¼ hðt tÞpðtÞdt ¼ hðtÞpðt tÞdt (3)
0 0
a given (type of) slope movement in a specific area – appear
to be a quite complex issue (Marques et al. 2008). ð þ1
Generally, a slope can be seen as a dynamic system for hðtÞ ¼ hðtÞdt ¼ 1; hðtÞ 0; 8t (4)
which the following reference values can be defined: (1) a
minimum threshold (zmin), below which the slope is always
stable, and (2) a maximum threshold (zmax), above which In practical applications, the lower boundary of (4) is
the slope is always unstable (Crozier 1997). Intermediate set to zero (i.e. the initial time), while the upper boundary
conditions occur for values between zmax and zmin, which is equal to the base time.
may be expressed by a probability function: In classic hydrological problems, z(t) represents the dis-
charge at the time t, and the kernel can be determined
G zðtÞ 2 0; 1 (1) through calibration, by relating discharge measurements
to rains. Unfortunately, in slope-stability modelling only
In other terms: few dates of activation are commonly available, and the
values of z(t) are unknown. Such a problem can be mathe-
PðEt Þ ¼ 0 for zðtÞ < zmin matically handled only by assuming that the timing of
PðEt Þ ¼ 1 for zðtÞ > zmax (2) the maxima of z(t) corresponds to the dates of landslide
PðEt Þ ¼ G½zðtÞ for zmin zðtÞ zmax activation; as a consequence, the shape of the kernel may
turn out highly indeterminate.
in which: P is the probability of occurrence; Et is the In CMSAKe, an approach based on the adoption of
succession of the events in time (t); z(t) is the “mobility discretized kernels, automatically calibrated through iterative
function”, i.e. the value assumed by the variable that computational techniques, was adopted. At the beginning of
expresses the condition of instability. any calibration experiment, the rainfall series and a coherent
SAKe: A Hydrological Model to Forecasting Landslide Activations 75
Table 1 Model parameters The initial shape of the kernel can be selected among
Parameter Description Value a set of standard basic types: (1) rectangular, if the oldest
tb-max Maximum base time 60 days precipitations are assumed to have the same weight as the
ws0 Initial width of the cluster 6 days most recent; (2) decreasing triangular, if the oldest
dhmax Maximum variation of hi 40.0 % precipitations have a progressively smaller weight compared
dhmin Minimum variation of hi 0.5 % to the most recent; (3) increasing triangular, if the oldest
precipitations have a progressively greater weight than
set of dates of landslide occurrence must be given as input the most recent; (4) any other geometrical shape which
to the model. Dates may either refer to a number of historical may sound reasonable on the base of the physical knowledge
re-activations of a given slope movement, or to geo- of the phenomenon (like the functions: Power, Beta,
hydrological events characterized by widespread activations Gamma, Nash, etc.).
of numerous landslides of the same type/dimension within Alternatively, the initial shape of the kernel can be
a geologically homogeneous area. The initial shape and max- selected according to the following “rain-driven” procedure.
imum base time, tb-max, of the kernel must also be specified, If only one date of landslide activation is available (e.g. in
as well as other operational parameters (cf. Table 1). case of a “first-time” landslide), a high fitness can be
The fitness function is defined as follows: obtained by simply initializing the kernel h0 by considering
(a) The N available dates of landslide activation are sorted, the series of antecedent rains of length tb-max, taken back-
in chronological order, in the vector S ¼ {S1, S2, . . ., ward from the activation date, and by normalizing the
Si, . . ., SN}; values of hi with respect to their cumulative value. On
(b) The vector of the relative maxima of the mobility the other hand, if N dates of activation are available
function Z ¼ {z1, z2, . . ., zk, . . ., zM}, where M is (e.g. re-activations of a given phenomenon), a set of differ-
the number and k is the rank of the relative maxima, ent kernels, h0j (with j ¼ 1, . . ., N) are obtained per each
is sorted in decreasing order; date: the initial kernel is therefore computed as the average
(c) The vector of the partial fitness values is defined of the N kernels. As a rule, the generic ordinate of any initial
as w ¼ {’1, ’2, . . ., ’i, . . . ’N}. kernel at the time i is given by:
The following cases can occur:
1. ’i ¼ 1 if the date of the i-th activation, Si, matches, h0j i
within a pre-fixed tolerance (D, in days), the date of a hi¼
k-th relative maximum of the mobility function, zk,
with k N; Note that, when adopting the above mentioned rain-driven
2. ’i ¼ (kN + 1)1 – i.e. it is inversely proportional to procedure, the fitness, F, related to the initial kernel may
the rank of zk in Z – if the date of the i-th activation, not be attain the maximum value; though, high values
Si, matches, within a pre-fixed tolerance (D, in days), (i.e. relative maxima) of the mobility function can be obtained
the date of a k-th relative maximum of the mobility in correspondence with the dates of landslide activation.
function, zk, with k > N; During model calibration, shape and base time of the
3. ’i ¼ 0 if the date of the i-th activation, Si, does not kernel are iteratively refined by means of a discretized, self-
match any date of the relative maxima in Z. adapting approach. For each iteration, the fitness is computed
Consequently, the fitness of a generic kernel is: for all the examined solutions, and new individuals are
generated starting from the best kernel obtained at the previ-
1 XN ous step. More in detail, once the input data are given, the
F¼ ’
i¼1 i
N initial kernel selected, and the model parameters initialized,
the fitness of the first individual can be computed. Aiming at
Furthermore, let’s define zk-min as the smallest of the
finding better solutions, the kernel is therefore subdivided
peaks of the mobility function in correspondence of one
into Nc consecutive, not overlapping, clusters; these latter
of the dates of activation. The “critical threshold” (zcr) is
are made of a number of elements, so that
defined as the value of the mobility function at the highest
peak just below zk-min. X NC
In CMSAKe, the optimizing tool designed to maximize tb ¼ s¼1
ws (7)
the value of the fitness is named “Cluster”. During a
given calibration experiment, the value of tb is allowed to where Nc is the number of clusters, and ws is the width
change in the range [1, tb-max], i.e. from few minutes to (i.e. the temporal extent) of the s-th cluster. At the beginning
some weeks for shallow landslides, up to several months of the procedure, the initial width of the cluster is given
for deep-seated gravitational phenomena. by ws0 (cf. Table 1).
76 O.G. Terranova et al.
Table 2 Rainfalls (mm) recorded at the Montalto Uffugo gauge (468 m a.s.l.) during the 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 hydrologic years.
Mean values of the 1921–2006 period are also shown (in bold, values greater than averages)
Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Year
2008/2009 174.8 89.0 216.6 524.4 647.8 335.6 417.0 142.5 26.4 77.8 0.4 0.0 2,652.3
2009/2010 141.0 247.6 129.6 350.2 575.2 592.2 130.4 90.6 126.0 139.8 5.4 1.4 2,529.4
Average 70.4 125.1 187.9 220.8 198.1 160.3 132.8 98.9 64.6 27.8 18.3 28.6 1,333.6
SAKe: A Hydrological Model to Forecasting Landslide Activations 77
measured at several sites. Significant velocities were still standalone system SQL and application process); each
observed in the following days, in coincidence with experiment lasted less than 30 min.
notable rains. In the late Spring 2009, velocities gradually The fitness reached the maximum in all the calibration
decreased down to few mm/month. Geomorphologic experiments after only few iterations. In particular, the max-
evidences and kinematic observations suggested a confined imum of F was reached at the first step of computation when
type of distribution of activity. The local road to the ceme- initializing the shape of the kernel by the RD approach; five
tery and the provincial road (SP.31) to Marri were the most steps were needed when adopting the DT; seven steps for the
damaged by the landslide activation, while only minor dam- RE; and eight steps for the IT (Fig. 2). In the same
age was recorded along the southern margin of the village experiments, after reaching the maximum of F, further
and in the cemetery. iterations allowed to refine the results by increasing the
During Autumn-Winter 2009/10, exceptional rains were value of Dzcr. The final values of Dzcr attained the values
recorded again. Between 31 January and 1 February 2010, of 36.2 %, 30.5 %, 26.1 % and 16.6 % for the RD, IT, RE,
a new phase of mobilization began. On 10–11 February, and DT, respectively.
295 mm of rain caused a new paroxysmal phase. Starting Furthermore, it can be noticed that, if the four final
from the end of March 2010, the landslide activity gradually kernels are concerned, the elements hi exceed the average
reduced to few mm/month in the late Spring. As a whole, value (i.e. 1/tb-max ¼ 0:016 – cf. height of the RE) in corre-
the 2009/2010 mobilization caused by far greater damage spondence with three main temporal windows, and approxi-
with respect to the 2008/2009 one: the local roads and mately between: 1–6, 22–24, and 47–48 days. This result is
the SP.31 were completely destroyed, great part of the independent from the initial shape of the kernel, and suggests
slope affected by the landslide was devastated, and notable a quite complex scheme of groundwater dynamics for the
damage was recorded in the cemetery and along the margin SBU case study, which seems to be affected by distinct
of the village. water contributions: a “short-term” response combines with
Aiming at refining the cited monitoring system, informa- a “middle-term” response, and with an older contribution.
tion gathered through five boreholes, drilled in Spring 2009
(equipped with one open-pipe piezometer and four Conclusions
inclinometers) were employed to perform a parametric sta- The calibration experiments of CMSAKe were performed
bility analysis (Iovine et al. 2010); moreover, a preliminary by adopting tb-max ¼ 60 days and 4 types of initial shape
hydrological analysis was carried out by adopting the FLaiR of the kernel (RD, RE, DT, IT). The fitness reached the
approach (Capparelli et al. 2010). maximum in all the calibration experiments after few
The model CMSAKe was therefore applied to the case iterations (the fastest was the RD, the slowest the IT).
study of SBU, by taking into account a period of over The final values obtained for Dzcr ranged from a maxi-
30 years (from 1 January 1970 to 30 September 2010). mum (RD) to a minimum (DT). Further improvements
In the considered period (as well as in previous years), no could still be obtained by further re-launching the model.
other reports of landslide damage could be found in the Due to the limited number of known dates of activation,
consulted archives for the study area. Therefore, for the validation could not be performed for this specific case
considered landslide, the only available dates of activation study.
were: 31 January 2009, and 1 February 2010. Obtained results could usefully be applied for early
warning purposes. In general, in such type of application,
in case two or more kernels show equivalent values of
fitness, the one characterized by the smallest tb, the
Results greatest Dzcr and/or the lowest momentum of the first
order with respect to the time origin should be employed
Based on both geomorphologic evidence and on hydrologi- (as it refers to a faster response of the slope to rainfalls).
cal knowledge on the 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 wet seasons The model is self-adaptive, but computation times can
(in which the considered landslide activations occurred), be reduced by properly initializing tb-max and the shape of
a parametric analysis was performed (Fig. 2) by assuming the kernel, based on landslide characteristics. The kernels
tb-max ¼ 60 days, and initializing the remaining model obtained by calibration constitute a family of optimal
parameters as in Table 1. solutions, characterized by the highest values of fitness.
As for the initial shape of the kernel, the following types In case the quality of input data is improved, and/or the
were considered: (1) “rain-driven” (RD), (2) rectangular number of activations increases (e.g. in case of either new
(RE), (3) decreasing triangular (DT), and (4) increasing activations or discovery of further historical dates), the
triangular (IT). The calibration experiments were performed family of solutions tends to be less numerous, and its
on a standard PC platform (CPU 3 GHz, RAM 4 GB, significance increases.
78 O.G. Terranova et al.
Fig. 2 Example of output of CMSAKe. On top, the series of daily represents the average) for each of the four different shapes considered
rainfalls (from 1 January 1970 to 30 September 2010) is shown. Two (RD, RE, DT, IT), and related mobility functions plus final values of
red stars mark the timing of landslide activations (S1 and S2). Below, Dzcr are also shown. Per each calibration experiment, evolution graphs
the kernels (initial in orange and final in green; the dashed black line of F and Dzcr are shown in red and grey, respectively
SAKe: A Hydrological Model to Forecasting Landslide Activations 79
SAKe allows to identifying distinct behaviours of CASMEZ (1967) Carta Geologica della Calabria, F.229-III-NE
groundwater dynamics, related to complex interactions “Lattarico” (in scale 1/25000). Poligrafica & CarteValori, Ercolano
Crozier MJ (1997) The climate-landslide couple: a southern hemi-
among the different infiltrated aliquots of rain affecting sphere perspective. In: Matthews JA, Brunsden D, Frenzel B, Gläser
slope stability. In the case of SBU, three main groundwa- B, Weiß MM (eds) Rapid mass movement as a source of climatic
ter contributions could be identified from the analysis of evidence for the Holocene, vol 19. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart,
the final kernels, which may never be captured by pp 333–354
Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2008) The rainfall
adopting a single analytical function (e.g. when simple intensity-duration control of shallow landslides and debris flow:
mathematical functions are adopted). an update. Landslides 5:3–17
Nevertheless, as the indeterminateness above cited Iovine GGR, Iaquinta P, Terranova OG (2009) Emergency manage-
remains, it is rather preferable to consider – instead of a ment of landslide risk during Autumn-Winter 2008/2009 in
Calabria (Italy). The example of San Benedetto Ullano.
single solution – a set of optimal kernels that, based of In: Anderssen RS, Braddock RD, Newham LTH (eds) Proceedings
available information, allows to satisfactorily simulating of the 18th World IMACS congress and MODSIM09 international
the response of the considered slope to rainfalls. congress on modelling and simulation, Cairns, pp 2686–2693. ISBN
An automated technique of calibration (based on 978-0-9758400-7-8
Iovine GGR, Lollino P, Gariano SL, Terranova OG (2010) Coupling
Genetic Algorithms) and a detailed sensitivity analysis limit equilibrium analyses and real-time monitoring to refine a
are presently being performed against a set of case studies landslide surveillance system in Calabria (Southern Italy). Nat
(of different types), characterized by a greater number of Hazards Earth Syst Sci (NHESS) 10:2341–2354
activation dates (thus also allowing for model validation). Marques R, Zêzere J, Trigo R, Gaspar J, Trigo I (2008) Rainfall
patterns and critical values associated with landslides in Povoação
County (São Miguel Island, Azores): relationships with the North
Atlantic Oscillation. Hydrol Process 22:478–494
References Monaco C, Tortorici L (2000) Active faulting in the Calabrian arc and
eastern Sicily. J Geodyn 29:407–424
Caine N (1980) The rainfall intensity-duration control of shallow Montgomery DR, Dietrich WE (1994) A physically-based model for
landslides and debris flows. Geogr Ann 62A(1–2):23–27 the topographic control on shallow landsliding. Water Resour Res
Campbell RH (1975) Debris flow originating from soil slip during 30:1153–1171
rainstorm in southern California. Q J Eng Geol 7:377–384 Sirangelo B, Versace P (1996) A real time forecasting for landslides
Capparelli G, Iaquinta P, Iovine GGR, Terranova OG, Versace P triggered by rainfall. Meccanica 31:1–13
(2010) Modelling the rainfall-induced mobilization of a large Terranova O, Antronico L, Gullà G (2007) Landslide triggering
slope movement in northern Calabria. Nat Hazards. doi:10.1007/ scenarios in homogeneous geological contexts: the area surrounding
s11069-010-9651-1 Acri (Calabria, Italy). Geomorphology 87:250–267
Shallow-Landslide Susceptibility in the Costa Viola
Mountain Ridge (Italia)
The “Costa Viola” mountain ridge (Calabria) is exposed to severe geo-hydrological risk
conditions, especially in the sector between Bagnara Calabra and Scilla. This sector has
repeatedly been affected by slope instability events in the past, mainly related to debris
slides, rock falls and debris flows.
An attempt of shallow-landslide susceptibility mapping has been performed for the
mentioned coastal sector through a logistic regression (LR) approach. LR is a multivariate
type of analysis that allows estimating the presence/absence of a phenomenon in terms of
probability (ranging between 0 and 1), on the basis of linear statistical relationships with a
set of independent territorial variables.
The adopted LR procedure consists of four steps: (1) variable parameterization,
(2) sampling, (3) fitting, and (4) application. Obtained results can be considered acceptable,
as 85.6 % of cells are correctly classified.
Shallow-landslide Susceptibility Logistic regression
Fig. 1 Location, altimetry and main infrastructures of the study area Fig. 2 Geological sketch of the study area (After modified Tortorici
1982). Key: (A) gravel, sand, silt and clay (upper Pleistocene-
Holocene), (B) terraced sand, pebble (middle Pliocene-middle Pleisto-
In the present study, the shallow-landslide susceptibility cene), (C) conglomerate, arenite, clay, and marl, with subordinate
of a sector of the “Costa Viola” mountain ridge (Calabria), evaporite (upper Miocene-middle Pliocene), (D) acid intrusive rocks
frequently struck by geo-hydrological events, was analyzed (Paleozoic), (E) middle-high grade metamorphic rocks (Paleozoic)
by means of LR. The main results of the analysis are
summarized below. strip of land between the coastline and the base of the ridge is
densely urbanized.
This sector has repeatedly been affected by slope insta-
bility events in the past, mainly related to debris slides, rock
Study Area falls and debris flows. In the last decade, the frequency of
the damaging events increased (the last one occurred in
The study area, extended approximately 82.2 km2, is located
Winter 2010/2011): in 2001 and in 2005, a couple of events
in a sector of the “Costa Viola” mountain ridge, between
severely hit the main transportation infrastructures, also
Bagnara Calabra and Scilla (Fig. 1). It is characterized by
causing the derailment of a train, and the urbanized areas
Palaeozoic metamorphic and crystalline bedrocks, strongly
(Bonavina et al. 2005).
tectonized, and deeply weathered, covered by Upper Mio-
cene to Holocene sedimentary deposits (Fig. 2). At the base
of the mountain ridge, a NE-SW trending fault, belonging to
the Calabrian-Sicilian Rift Zone (Tortorici et al. 1995), Method
marks the transition between the basement and the overlying
sedimentary terrains of the coastal plan. The methodology used to evaluate the susceptibility to shal-
From a morphological point of view, the area is low landslide in the considered sector of the Costa Viola
characterized by steep and uneven slopes, cut by deep mountain ridge is based on Logistic Regression. In LR, the
canyons; a set of marine terraces can be recognized presence/absence of a landslide can be expressed in terms of
between 100 and 600 m a.s.l. Along the coast, short high- a dichotomic dependent variable, whose probability of being
gradient torrents (the longest thereof are T. Favazzina and true is determined on the basis of linear statistical
T. Sfalassà – cf. Fig. 1) drain the western slope of the ridge. relationships with a set of independent territorial variables.
In this area, cold winter air fronts commonly approach from The probability of occurrence of the dependent variable,
NW, originating intense storms. P(y), can be calculated as follows:
The study area is crossed by the railway, the highway A3
(“Salerno-Reggio di Calabria”), and the southern Tyrrhenian 1
PðyÞ ¼ (1)
1 þ ea0 S1 ai xi
state road (SS.18) (cf. Fig. 1). The narrow and discontinuous
Shallow-Landslide Susceptibility in the Costa Viola Mountain Ridge (Italia) 83
in which ai and Xi are the regression coefficients (i.e., the part of study area (i.e. where only independent variables are
weights related to the variables), and the independent known). A grid of values, ranging between 0 and 1, is
variables, respectively. obtained as output.
The adopted LR procedure, first proposed by Greco et al.
(2007) for evaluating landslide susceptibility in the
Aspromonte Massif (southern Calabria), consists of four The Dependent Variable
steps: (1) variable parameterisation, (2) sampling, (3) model
fitting and (4) model application, as summarized below. Presence or absence of shallow landslides in the study area
was chosen as the dependent variable for susceptibility clas-
sification. The territorial distribution of the phenomena was
LR Procedure obtained from a multi-temporal landslide inventory map
(1:10,000 scale) obtained by interpreting two sets of aerial
LR analysis can be developed by using both parametric and photographs, taken in 1994–1995 and in 1990–1991, respec-
non-parametric variables. Previous studies demonstrated tively (Fig. 3). In Fig. 3a, the 181 landslides employed as
that if non-parametric variables are ranked or transformed training set during the phase of calibration are shown; in
into parametric variables (e.g. ordering their classes on the Fig. 3b, the 81 landslides employed as validation set are
basis of landslide incidence in each class) results may be shown.
improved (Sorriso-Valvo et al. 2009). In this study, the
parameterisation was performed by considering landslide
incidence in given portions of the study area, named the Independent Variables
“sampling zones”.
In sampling, the values of the independent variables are Independent variable maps were obtained from available
obtained from selected zones. This phase can be performed published maps (e.g. lithology from Burton 1971; land use
in different ways: data from the whole study area can be from European Environment Agency 2007; pedological
used to generate the fitting data set (Ohlmacher and Davis units from ARSSA 2003) or by processing other variables
2003; Ayalew and Yamagishi 2005); alternatively, data (derived from the DEM).
from a limited portion of the study area, with either equal The data set of independent variables includes the nine
proportions of 1 and 0 pixel (Dai and Lee 2002) or unequal causal factors (LU, LUS, ST, ELEV, SLO, ASP, ACUR,
proportions (Atkinson and Massari 1998), can be used. In DCUR, TWI) described below.
this study, sampling zones were obtained in the GIS envi- – Lithology: obtained by grouping, on the basis of similar-
ronment by generating a buffer around each landslide. Each ity in compositional and mechanical properties, the
cell of the data base is characterized by an id-index, cell formations of the Geological Map of Calabria (1:25,000
coordinates, and parameterized values of dependent and scale) (Burton 1971). In Fig. 4a, the territorial frequency
independent variables. of the eight lithological units (LU) outcropping in study
During model fitting, LR is iteratively performed by area is shown.
testing all the possible values for the weights of the indepen- – Land use: obtained from the digital map of the Corine-
dent variables, until the root mean square residuals are Land Cover project (European Environment Agency
minimized. The adopted software (Arc-Info, version 9.3) 2007). From the layer of highest detail, the 15 land use
provides regression weights (ai), RMSE (Root Mean Square categories (LUS) used for the analysis were extracted. In
Error) and Chi-square. Results can be considered good when Fig. 4b, LUS frequency is shown.
RMSE is minimized and Chi-square maximized. The fore- – Soil type (ST): obtained from a vector map at 1:25,000
cast capability can be evaluated, at this step, by means of the nominal scale, supplied by the Regional Agency for Agri-
ROC analysis (Receiver Operating Characteristics Analysis, culture Development and Services (ARSSA). In this map,
Hosmer and Lemeshow 1989). soil types are classified into 155 pedological units,
In model application, the logistic function obtained in the (ARSSA 2003). In Fig. 4c, the frequency of the 13 pedo-
previous step of the procedure is applied to the remaining logical units outcropping in the area of interest is shown.
84 G.G.R. Iovine et al.
Shallow-landslide susceptibility of a sector of the “Costa
Fig. 3 Landslide inventory maps of the study area: (a) training set; Viola” was evaluated by means of Logistic Regression by
(b) validation set employing nine territorial variables, considered as main
causal factors. In the adopted sampling procedure,
– Elevation (ELEV): obtained from a 20-m square-grid weights of LR models were computed by considering
DEM, it was classified into elevation classes 100 m only a portion of the study area (the sampling zone).
wide (Fig. 4d); The regression values of P(y) range from 0 % to 78 %
– Slope angle (SLO): derived by DEM, it was classified (Fig. 6a), allowing for the susceptibility classification
into seven classes (10 wide) (Fig. 4e); shown in Fig. 6b. In terms of susceptibility, the sectors
– Aspect (ASP): derived from DEM, it was classified into most threatened by shallow-landslides are located by the
eight classes (Fig. 4f); Tyrrhenian coast, as a consequence of the local structural
Shallow-Landslide Susceptibility in the Costa Viola Mountain Ridge (Italia) 85
Fig. 4 Distribution of independent territorial variables for the study forest, 31322 mixed forest, 3212 discontinuous grassland, 3231 high
area: Keys: (a) Lithological units: CL clay, LIM limestone, CON “Macchia”, 324 transitional woodland-shub, 333 sparsely vegetated
conglomerate, CD colluviums and debris, IR igneous rock, SA sand, areas; (c) Soil type: ALU Artenic-Leptic Ubrisol, CCL Cutanic Chro-
GRA gravel, MR metamorphic rock; (b) Land use categories: 112 mic Luvisols, CPL Chromi Profondic Luvisols, DCL Dystri-Cutanic
discontinuous urban fabric, 2111 intensive cultivations, 222 fruit trees Luvisol, HAU Humi-Arenic Umbrisols, HCC Haspli-Calcaric
and berries plantations, 223 olive groves, 241 annual crops associated Cambisols, HDC Hapli-Dystic Cambisols, HDL Hapli-Dystric
with permanent crops, 242 complex cultivation patterns, 243 land Leptosols, HHU Hapli-Humic Umbrisols, HP Haplic Phaeozems,
principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural PSA Pachi-Silic Andosols, SAF Skeletic-Arenic Fluvisols, UL
vegetation, 3114 chestnut forest, 3115 beech forest, 3121 coniferous Umbrihumic Leptosols
setting (cf. Fig. 2), and along the steep flanks of the major among those obtained in previous applications of the
streams (T. Sfalassà and T. Favazzina). Notable values of method in Calabria. In addition, the overlay between
susceptibility are also to be found in the middle portion of the landslide validation set (Fig. 3b) and the susceptibil-
the study area, again in correspondence of a major fault ity map (Fig. 6b) shows that 44 % of cases fall in the
belonging to the Calabrian-Sicilian Rift Zone. Medium Susceptibility class, and 56 % in the High
Obtained weights (Table 1) suggest that down-slope Susceptibility class, thus confirming the goodness of
curvature, topographic wetness index, aspect and lithology classification for the “Costa Viola” study area, where
play a primary role in favouring slope instability. Differ- the LR sampling procedure satisfactorily described the
ently from previous applications of the method (Greco probability of presence of mass movements.
et al. 2007; Sorriso-Valvo et al. 2009), pedological unit In the study area, the zones most exposed to risk from
doesn’t seem to play any significant role. This may be due shallow-landslides are quite urbanized and/or are crossed
to an even distribution of the training set among the differ- by relevant transportation infrastructures. The potential
ent types of soil considered. Further investigation is needed sources were identified in the present study, in terms of
to better understand this specific result. susceptibility, through LR. The next step, presently in
ROC analysis indicates a percentage of 85.6 % of progress, is the evaluation of the expected intensity
correctly classified cells; this is by far the best result (related to the triggering rainfalls) and potential path of
86 G.G.R. Iovine et al.
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Extraction of Rock Mass Structural Data from High
Resolution Laser Scanning Products
With the aim of extracting 3D structural information of rock masses from high resolution
remote sensing data, a Matlab tool, called DiAna (Discontinuity Analysis) has been
In particular, the proposed approach is able to semi-automatically retrieve some relevant
rock mass parameters, namely orientation, number of sets, spacing/frequency, persistence,
block size and scale dependent roughness, by analyzing high resolution point clouds
acquired from terrestrial or aerial laser scanners.
The proposed method has been applied to different case studies, and the obtained
properties have been compared with the results from traditional geomechanical surveys.
These applications demonstrated DiAna’s ability to investigate rock masses
characterized by irregular block shapes, and suggest applications in the field of engineering
geology and emergency management, when it is often advisable to minimize survey time in
dangerous environments and, in the same time, it is necessary to gather all the required
information as fast as possible.
Laser scanner Point cloud Geomechanical survey Discontinuity DiAna
Introduction of the rock mass, and usually they do not provide data for
a complete reconstruction of the full variability of a rock mass.
Traditional geomechanical surveys are performed in situ, The advantage of employing remote and high resolution
either in one dimension (scanline method) or two surveying techniques for geomechanical purposes is based
dimensions (window method), and require direct access to on the capability of performing both large scale (Oppikofer
the rock face for the collection of the relevant parameters. et al. 2008) and small scale (Lombardi et al. 2006) analyses
ISRM (1978) selected the following ten parameters for and to rapidly obtain information on inaccessible rock
the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock exposures.
masses: orientation, spacing, persistence, roughness, wall The main product of a long range laser scanning survey is
strength, aperture, filling, seepage, number of sets, block a high resolution point cloud, obtained by measuring with
size. high accuracy (millimetric or centimetric) the distance of a
For practical and safety reasons, traditional geo- mesh of points on the object, following a regular pattern with
mechanical surveys are often carried out on limited sectors polar coordinates.
During the last years many authors have been working on
the extraction of 3D rock mass properties from remotely
G. Gigli (*) N. Casagli acquired high resolution data, mainly digital photogrammetry
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Florence, Via La Pira 4,
Florence, Italy
and LIDAR (Slob et al. 2005; Jaboyedoff et al. 2007; Ferrero
e-mail: [email protected] et al. 2009; Lato et al. 2009; Sturzenegger and Stead 2009).
Fig. 6 Main joint sets extracted from the point cloud. (a) Jn1; (b) Jn2; (c) Jn3; (d) Jn 4; (e) Jn5 (FO); (f) Jn6; (g) Jn7; (h) all
With the aim of extracting 3D structural information References
from high resolution point clouds, a Matlab tool, called
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Barton NR (1973) Review of a new shear strength criterion for rock
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size) can be semi-automatically calculated with the pro- Barton NR (1976) The shear strength of rock and rock joints. Int J Rock
posed method. Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr 13:1–24
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of jointed rock. In: Proceedings of the 23rd U.S. symposium on rock
wall strength and filling) cannot be assessed from con- mechanics, Berkeley. Keynote lecture, pp 739–760
ventional high resolution point clouds, as their estimation Barton NR, Choubey V (1977) The shear strength of rock joints in
requires direct access to the rock face. theory and practice. Rock Mech 10:1–54
The presented method allows us to investigate larger Casagli N, Pini G (1993) Analisi cinematica della stabilità in versanti
naturali e fronti di scavo in roccia. In; Proceedings 3 Convegno
portions of the rock mass related to field surveys, and all Nazionale dei Giovani Ricercatori in Geologia Applicata, Potenza
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Geological and Geophysical Tests to Model a Small
Landslide in the Langhe Hills
In April 2009, North-West Italy was interested by heavy rainfalls that triggered several
landslides, especially of shallow type, and caused relevant rise of water level in many
rivers, in some cases even beyond the alert level. Particularly in the hills near Alba (NW
Italy), many landslides occurred, most of them belonging to the debris flow or soil slip
types. In this area, a small but interesting landslide involved a local road and a high quality,
recently planted, vineyard. The present study shows the use of different disciplinary
approaches focused to understand the behaviour of this landslide: in particular, besides
geological and geomorphologic studies, detailed topographic and geophysical surveys
together with an in situ geotechnical/geomechanic characterization were applied. The
combined interpretation of the different techniques and of field observations allowed to
define a geological and technical model of the landslide, both in surface than in depth, that
clarified the triggering mechanism of the landslide and allowed to perform a back analysis
on both strength and pore pressure parameters.
Heavy rainfall Heterogeneous rock masses Geophysical tests Landslide Langhe
Introduction 2009 was, in fact, the third rainiest month in the last century,
and it followed a particular rainy and a very snowy winter
The study area is located in the southern Piedmont’s hilly too. For these reasons, a remarkable rise of water level in
territory (Langhe), near Alba (Fig. 1a). The geology is most of the rivers (especially Tanaro and Po Rivers) and the
represented by sedimentary units mainly composed of ter- triggering of many landslides were observed. In this respect,
rigenous successions of interbedded layers of sandstone, Langhe hills are well known for their tendency to slide,
marls and siltstone which are shaped with a typical “cuestas” especially with planar type movements (Cruden and Varnes
morphology. 1996), that mainly occurred on the gently dipping slope, and
In this zone, between 26th and 28th April 2009 heavy are very interesting for the very low angle of the sliding
rainfall, substantially exceeding the monthly values, were surfaces (Mandrone 2004). On the contrary, steep slopes are
recorded (among 150 and 200 mm, which corresponds to mainly interested by surface phenomena connected to the
about 25 % of average annual rainfalls). Moreover, this movement of the covers, such as earth flows or rotational
event was anticipated by a particular rainy period: April earth slides.
As it can be observed in Fig. 1b, the study area is
characterized by many recent landslides related to the men-
S. Bonetto (*) C. Comina A. Giuliani G. Mandrone tioned rain event. The present study is focalized on a small
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Torino,
Via Valperga Caluso 35, Torino, Italy
failure, about 100 m long 50 m wide, involving a road and
e-mail: [email protected] a recently planted vineyard (Fig. 1b). A multidisciplinary
influenced by degree of saturation, showing a brittle to sequence; with such a sequence, it is indeed possible to
ductile transition at low lithostatic pressure. In respect to obtain a good compromise between both vertical and lateral
water circulation, this formation may be considered almost resolution. Due to the relatively shallow expected sliding
impermeable. surface, reduced arrays length were used allowing for an
From an hydrogeological point of view, a remarkable investigation depth of about 10 m. Acquired data were
water circulation takes place within the coarser levels and/ inverted by the commercial inversion code Res2Dinv®
or within those less cemented, or along the more open joints (Loke and Barker 1996).
of faults. Seismic tomographies were performed only along the
maximum slope line (B-B0 line) but, in order to retrieve
both S and P wave velocities, different sources and sensors
Geotechnical Characterization were used. For P waves, an array of 24 vertical 4.5 Hz
geophones with 2 m spacing and a vertical hammer source
Geotechnical surveys were done some days after the land- were used; for S waves, an array of 24 swyphonestm
slide event. For in situ surveys, a light dynamic penetrometer (Sambuelli and Deidda 1999) with 2 m spacing and an appro-
was used with 30 kg weight hammer falling from a height of priate SH source were adopted. Different shot positions were
20 cm. Three tests (PP1, PP2 and PP3) were carried out in the used along the survey line in order to have adequate data for
central part of the main body of the landslide, along a line tomographic interpretation. Both arrays were acquired with a
also used for geophysical surveys (Fig. 2), in order to verify Geometrics Geode Seismograph and interpreted for tomo-
the state of the subsoil (according to the mechanical resis- graphy with the commercial code Rayfract®. The use of
tance) and to obtain approximate location of the sliding swyphonestm allowed a reduced time acquisition since no
surface. inversion of the source was necessary. The measuring
The results of the three surveys are reported in Fig. 4. All techniques for S wave velocities usually require a more
tests revealed a general increase in soil density with depth. complex acquisition, which are particularly difficult to be
First change is evident at 0.8–1 m of depth, probably in attained – especially in complicated logistical conditions
correspondence of the soil-subsoil transition. However, at such as the ones that commonly characterize landslide sites.
this depth, a still low subsoil resistance is noted; an abrupt The results of the two electric tomographies are shown in
change in penetration resistance can be instead observed at Fig. 5. A very shallow (1–1.5 m) dry layer overlying a zone
about 3–3.5 m of depth, where the bedrock was probably of reduced resistivity can be noticed. This zone is located
reached. inside the sliding body and is probably related to porous wet
Since a non-standard penetrometer was used, no relations material. At the bottom of this high-conductivity zone,
are attempted of the N-value with specific soil properties, evidence of an increase in resistivity can be related to
and only qualitative profiles referred to penetration resis- the contact between the landslide body and the bedrock.
tance of the soil and subsoil were used, particularly to A very good coherence in the results of the two surveys
integrate and validate the results of geophysical tests. The can be observed, particularly in the overlapping central
grain-size distribution curve of samples of dismembered zone where both images underline a decrease in resistivity
material collected within the main landslide body was also in the central part of the slope. This can be explained by the
obtained, corresponding to weakly silty-clayey sand. presence of preferential flow path that can have favoured the
sliding movement. Indeed, field evidence underlined the
presence of a significant amount of water in this area right
Geophysical Surveys after landslide activation.
With respect to seismic tomographies, in Fig. 6 the results
Two different geophysical methods were applied: respec- of P and S wave tests are shown. From both images, a clear
tively, electric and seismic tomography (concerning both P evidence of the contact between the displaced material and
and S waves velocities) along the major and minor axis of the stable rock can be evidenced, helping to delineate the
the ellipse drawn by the border of the landslide (for location, sliding surface. The P wave tomography seems to identify
see Fig. 2). the presence of a low water table (around 15 m depth for P
Electric tomographies were acquired with two different wave velocities of 1,500 m/s). This is coherent with previous
spreads of 32 electrodes with 1.5 m electrode spacing data in the area since the tests were executed some times
deployed along the B-B0 and C-C0 lines, to provide an after the rainfall events, and a requilibration of the water
image of the slope in both directions. The acquisition used level probably occurred. In this respect, the results of the
a PASI tomograph and a Wenner-Schlumberger measuring electric tomographies can be reinterpreted by excluding the
Geological and Geophysical Tests to Model a Small Landslide in the Langhe Hills 99
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
1.6 1.6 2.4
1.9 1.9 2.8
2.2 2.2 3.2
2.5 2.5 3.6
2.8 2.8
3.1 3.1 4.8
3.4 3.4 5.2
3.7 3.7 5.6
90 -2 Slope line
depth [m]
85 -4
Resistivity [Ohm.m]
65 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
60 X [m]
40 -8
30 5
25 10
20 15
15 20
10 25
5 30
X [m
Fig. 5 Electric topographies, executed (a) longitudinal (B0 -B) and (b)
transversal (C0 -C) to the slope, and probable position of the sliding
surface (thick black line). On the right, a combined view of the two
Fig. 7 Poisson ratio map in relation to of penetrometer tests along the major axis of the landslide
with minor safety factor value 0.000 Unsaturated Unit Weight: 20 kN/m3
Saturated Unit Weight: 22 kN/m3
coherent with measured sliding 0.500 Unconfined Compressive Strength (intact): 5000 kPa
mb: 0.0963014
surface. Keys: S.S. sandstone and 1.000 s: 1.97307 e-005
a: 0.51595
siltstone, S. sandy level, M. marl, 1.500 Water Surface: Water Table
4.000 Unsaturated Unit Weight: 19 kN/m3
Saturated Unit Weight: 23 kN/m3
4.500 Unconfined Compressive Strength (intact): 50000 kPa
mb: 0.233984
5.000 s: 4.53999e-005
a: 0.511368
5.500 Water Surface: Piezometric Line 1
6.000+ METHOD
2.5 m
Field observations and geophysical investigations resistance. Moreover, a remarkable difference is observed
highlighted that the landslide probably involved also the between the different locations of penetrometer tests. In
bedrock, and that the landslide body was composed by particular, near the PP2 test, a reduced resistance zone was
silty-sand about 3–4 m thick. Coherently with field found.
observations and dynamic penetrometer tests, the sliding Different conceptual models were supposed in the pre-
surface extracted from geophysical tests seemed to have a liminary stage of the study, and numerical simulations aided
compound shape (rotational and translational). In this to select the most realistic one.
respect, in Fig. 7 a representation based on the poisson In particular, we were successful to reconstruct the
ratio extracted from the P and S wave velocity values is observed sliding surface introducing the following
used to relate the results of both seismic and penetrometer characteristics: (1) a high permeable sandy level below the
tests. A very good correspondence is observed between the landslide, were the wet level is located, implemented the
two results: particularly, the decrease in poisson ratio from simple geology of the slope; this level is probably connected
typical values of shallow unconsolidated soils to the ones of to the channel at the top of the hill thanks to the jointing of
more consistent and compacted bedrock is observed with a the rock mass in that area, (2) a free water table in the Diano
high correspondence with the increase in penetration d’Alba formation close to the surface (“w” in Fig. 8), (3)
Geological and Geophysical Tests to Model a Small Landslide in the Langhe Hills 101
a pressured fast water circulation in the sandy level (“1” in technical support in the field measurements. We are indebted with
Fig. 8) fed by waters in the channel at the top of the hill. Politecnico di Torino for the permission of using geophysical
As a matter of fact, the main triggering mechanisms for
this small landslide had both natural and man made origin.
According to field evidence and using this conceptual
model, back analysis allowed to obtain a good correspon-
dence in terms of sliding surface. Aleotti P (2004) A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow
failures. Eng Geol 73:247–265
Conclusions Bogoslovsky VA, Ogilvy AA (1977) Geophysical methods for the
The multidisciplinary approach used for this small land- investigation of landslides. Geophysics 42:562–571
Bottino G, Mandrone G, Torta D, Vigna B (2000) Recent morphologi-
slide allowed to reconstruct a detailed geological model. cal evolution and slope instability in a hilly area of piedmont (North
Figures 3 and 8 show the conceptual model of the slope Italy). In: Proceedings of the international symposium on engineer-
according to geological surveys, which was confirmed by ing. geology, hydrogeology and natural disasters, Katmandù, Nepal.
the subsurface investigations. The landslide involved a J Nepal Geol Soc, vol 22, pp 67–76
Bruno F, Marillier F (2000) Test of high-resolution seismic reflection
flysch-type bedrock; it moved – at the top – as a rotational and other geophysical techniques on the Boup landslide in the Swiss
slide, and – in the middle part – as a translational one. The Alps. Surv Geophys 21:333–348
mobilized material turned into a debris flow that swept Campus S, Forlati F, Scavia C (2000) Preliminary study for landslides
the road and part of the slope below. hazard assessments: GIS technique and multivariate statistical
approach. In: Proceedings of the 8th international symposium on
The triggering of the landslide can be attributed landslide, Cardiff, 26–30 June, vol 1, pp 215–220
mainly to the consistent groundwater incoming along a Chelli A, Mandrone G, Truffelli G (2006) Field investigations and
permeable sandy layer located 3–4 m in depth beneath the monitoring as tools for modelling the Rossena castle landslide
landslide. The water incoming was highlighted by surface (northern Apennines – Italy). Landslides 3:252–259
Crosta G (1998) Regionalization of rainfall thresholds: an aid to land-
evidence and confirmed by geophysical surveys which slide hazard evaluation. Environ Geol 35:131–145
allowed to identify a permeable level just below the Cruden DM, Varnes DJ (1996) Landslide types and processes. In:
wetlands observed at surface. This should have substan- Turner AK, Schuster RL (eds) Landslides: investigation and miti-
tially increased pore pressures and made the slope unsta- gation. Transportation Research Board, Special report no. 247,
National Research Council, Washington, DC, pp 36–75
ble, so that the “engine” of the phenomenon would be Gelati R, Falletti P (1996) The piedmont tertiary Basin. Giorn Geol
under the central part of the landslide body. 58:11–18
At moment, we have no groundwater direct Godio A, Bottino G (2001) Electrical and electromagnetic investigation
measurements to demonstrate this theory but many for landslide characterisation. Phys Chem Earth 26:705–710
Hack R (2000) Geophysics for slope stability. Surv Geophys 21:
evidences agree with our assumption: (1) very wet area at 423–448
the base of the landslide was still present several days after Hoek E, Brown ET (1997) Practical estimates of rock mass strength. Int
the slide (notable ground water flow is necessary), (2) the J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr 34(8):1165–1186
location of this wet area can not be referred to direct rain- Jongmans D, Hemroulle P, Demanet D, Renardy F, Vanbrabant Y (2000)
Application of 2-D electrical and seismic tomography techniques for
fall, but is coherent with flows coming along sandstone investigating landslides. Eur J Environ Eng Geophys 5:75–89
levels at depth, (3) the recharge area of this permeable Loke MH, Barker RD (1996) Rapid least-squares inversion of apparent
level can be placed near divide (probably just on the other resistivity pseudosections using a quasi-Newton method. Geophys
slope), through NW-SE open joints and/or faults, and (4) Prospect 44:131–152
Mandrone G (2004) Il ruolo dell’acqua nell’innesco di frane planari
numerical model confirmed this configuration. negli ammassi rocciosi eterogeneo delle Langhe (Italia nord-
The recognition of the influence of the man made occidentale). GEAM 112:83–92
channel near the divide as the main predisposing factor Mandrone G (2006) Engineering geological mapping of heterogeneous
for this landslide allowed to design effective rock masses in the North Apennines: an example from the Parma
Valley (Italy). Bull Eng Geol Env 65:245–252
countermeasures for the safety of the slope (e.g. hydraulic Marinos P, Hoek E (2001) Estimating the geotechnical properties of
insulation of the channel boundaries). heterogeneous rock masses such as Flysch. Bull Eng Geol Environ
In conclusion, this small landslide was a good test site 60:85–92
to cross-check data from various sources (geology, geo- Mauritsch HJ, Seiberl W, Arndt R, Römer A, Schneiderbauer K,
Sendlhofer GP (2000) Geophysical investigations of large landslides
morphology, topography, geotechnics and geophysics), in the Carnic region of southern Austria. Eng Geol 56:373–388
to collect them in a unique model verified by a numerical McCann DM, Forster A (1990) Reconnaissance geophysical methods
simulation that confirmed all the supposed conditions. in landslide investigations. Eng Geol 29:59–78
Sambuelli L, Deidda GP (1999) Swyphonetm: a new seismic sensor with
increased response to SH-waves. In: Proceedings of the 5th meeting
Acknowledgments We are glad to two students in Geology at Turin of environmental and engineering geophysical society, Budapest
Faculty of Science (Miss Antonietti and Potı̀) that helped in collecting Suzuki K, Higashi S (2001) Groundwater flow after heavy rain in
row data and to Dr. Sara Castagna who helped in a preliminary edition landslide–slope area from 2-D inversion of resistivity monitoring
of the paper. Many thanks also to Giorgio Carbotta and Luigi Perotti for data. Geophysics 66:733–743
Regional Distribution of Ash-Fall Pyroclastic Soils
for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment
Debris flows involving ash-fall pyroclastic soils, which mantle slopes in the mountain ranges
around the Somma-Vesuvius, represent a relevant societal risk. In the last years, many
methods were applied to evaluate susceptibility and mobility of these landslides, considering
at least two fundamental parameters: the slope angle and the thickness of the pyroclastic
mantle. Despite this understanding, the assessment of soil thickness along slopes is still a
challenging issue due to its high spatial variability and the steep morphological conditions
that limit the use of traditional exploration methods. To overcome this problem, heuristic
geomorphological methods were mostly applied up to now. In this paper, a regional-scale
model of the ash-fall pyroclastic soils distribution along slopes is proposed, considering
the isopach maps of each principal eruption. By means of field surveys, the model was
validated and an inverse relationship between thickness and slope angle was found.
Debris flows susceptibility Debris flows runout Ash-fall pyroclastic soil thickness
many researches were carried out in order to assess landslide the mountain ranges of Avella, Sarno, Lattari, Picentini and
susceptibility and mobility. The studies based on geomor- Salerno. Due to the Miocene and Pliocene tectonic phases,
phological and heuristic approaches demonstrated that the the carbonate series formed mountains and were faulted in
slope morphological conditions and the ash-fall pyroclastic monocline structures with structural slopes controlled by the
thickness along slopes were the fundamental factors recession of fault line scarps. The last extensional tectonic
controlling the instability. In detail, morphological factors, phase determined the sinking of the carbonate tectonic unit
namely morphological discontinuities along slopes and the toward the Thyrrhenian Sea and the formation of a semi-
slope angle itself were recognised as key factors for the graben structure at whose centre the volcanic activity began
assessment of the landslide susceptibility as well as for the in the late Quaternary. The structural depression was filled
slope stability modelling (Celico and Guadagno 1998; by pyroclastic and alluvial deposits mainly erupted from the
Crosta and Dal Negro 2003; Di Crescenzo and Santo 2005; Phlegrean Fields and the Somma-Vesuvius, volcanoes
Guadagno et al. 2005; Cascini et al. 2008; Perriello Zampelli forming the Campanian Plain. The explosive volcanic activ-
et al. 2011). Moreover, different scenarios of debris flows ity determined a number of Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions
runout (Corominas 1996; Budetta and de Riso 2004) were whose ash-fall products were irregularly distributed within
issued considering both the relative altitude of the landslide the Campanian Plain and on the surrounding mountain
and estimations of the potential debris volumes. The latter ranges, in accordance with the different orientation of the
were inferred by both variable scenarios of areas detached dispersal axes. Considering the principal explosive eruptions,
by shallow landslides and of pyroclastic mantle thickness the most important part of the ash-fall volcaniclastic series
along slopes. The same scenarios were considered in design- was outlined as follows (Rolandi et al. 2000).
ing of passive defence works constructed at the footslopes. The older volcanic deposits are mainly represented by the
Therefore, the distribution along slopes of ash-fall pyroclas- Campanian Ignimbrite (39 k-years), erupted from the
tic soils was considered as a fundamental factor to be Plegrean Fields, for which an ash-fall phase was recognised,
assessed. Different attempts of estimating pyroclastic soil besides of the prevalent ash-flow one. These deposits were
thickness along slopes were carried out applying geophys- named “Ancient Pyroclastic Complex” (APC) (Rolandi et al.
ical surveys in some of the initiation areas of the 5 and 6 May 2000), whose distal ash-fall tephra distribution involved a
1998 landslides and applying geomorphological heuristic wide area of the European continent (Perrotta and Scarpati
methods constrained by field measurements (Cascini et al. 2003). The younger pyroclastic products, named “Recent
2000). Pyroclastic Complex” (RPC) (Rolandi et al. 2000), were
In this paper, we propose a new approach for the assess- erupted by the Somma-Vesuvius constituting the prevalent
ment of the thickness of the pyroclastic mantle based on the deposit that cover slopes of the mountain ranges surrounding
regional distribution of ash-fall pyroclastic deposits and of the Campania Plain. The most important eruptions
their draping deposition along slopes (Fisher 1985). We constituting the RPC were: the Codola eruption, 25 k-
considered previous results (De Vita et al. 2005, 2006, years B.P. (Rolandi et al. 2000); the Sarno eruption, 17 k-
2012), obtained in three sample areas of the Sarno and years B.P. (Rolandi et al. 2000); the Ottaviano eruption,
Lattari mountain ranges, which demonstrated the existence 8.0 k-years B.P. (Rolandi et al. 1993a); the Avellino erup-
of an inverse relationship between the ash-fall pyroclastic tion, 3.6 k-years B.P. (Rolandi et al. 1993b); the Pompei
soil thickness and the slope angle for values greater than 30 , eruption, A.D. 79 (Lirer et al. 1973); the A.D. 472 (Rolandi
up to the bedrock outcropping for values greater than 50 . et al. 1998) and the A.D. 1631 eruption (Rosi et al. 1993).
According with these results, in the slope angle range lower The abovementioned eruptions have had dispersal axes
than 30 , complete volcaniclastic series and thicknesses of mainly oriented eastward and oriented southward only in
the pyroclastic mantle, correspondent to the total ash-fall the case of the Pompei eruption (A.D. 79).
deposits fallen in the area, were observed. The complete volcaniclastic series, constituted by both
the APC and the RPC, were observed in many natural and
artificial outcrops as well as boreholes in the Campania
Geologic Setting Plain. Stratigraphic correlations carried out in the alluvial
plain area showed different spatial distribution of the pyro-
The geology of the mountainous area that surrounds the clastic deposits due to the orientation of the dispersal axes of
volcanic centers of Campania is characterised by a carbonate each eruptions and the erosional action of the drainage
platform pre-orogenic sedimentary series, deposited from network. Despite the gradually variable stratigraphic setting
the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic, which was involved in the that characterises the flat areas, the volcaniclastic series were
Appennine orogenesis during the Miocene and constitute a identified as stratigraphically incomplete and reduced along
thrust tectonic unit. This unit outcrops in Campania forming the slopes due to denudational processes started since the
Regional Distribution of Ash-Fall Pyroclastic Soils for Landslide Susceptibility. . . 105
The results discussed in this paper can be considered a
further, but not ultimate, step to link the assessment of
landslide susceptibility at the regional scale to a distribu-
tion model of ash-fall pyroclastic soils in the areas
surrounding the volcanic centers of the Campania region.
The modeling of the ash-fall distribution, considering
both the thickness and the stratigraphic settings of the
pyroclastic mantle, was considered an advance for the
understanding of slope instability in volcaniclastic soil
mantled slopes. In fact the pyroclastic soil thickness
evaluation and mapping was commonly recognized as a
fundamental achievement for the assessment of landslide
susceptibility, from the preliminary to the advanced zon-
Fig. 8 Comparison between the two types of surveys applied in the ing levels (Fell et al. 2008). Regarding the zoning of
field: test pit and light dynamic penetrometer test. The logs of dynamic susceptibility at the regional scale, the discussed
resistance were used to reconstruct the thickness of the pyroclastic
mantle and the stratigraphic setting in the cases of total thickness
approach would allow identifying those slope sectors
greater than 4 m covered by ash-fall pyroclastic soils and with slope
angle values ranging from 28 to 50 as potentially unsta-
ble. Moreover, about the zoning at the site specific or
and sand from well to poor graded (GW and GP), ascribed to detailed scale, the model would permit to recognise the
the A.D. 472 eruption; (4) Bb horizon, consisting of strongly higher landslide susceptibility conditions as corresponding
weathered fine ash deposits, representing buried B, and with the pinch out of the pyroclastic horizons were pore
subordinately A, horizons, (paleosol), classified as sand pressure enhances during heavy rainstorms (De Vita et al.
with silt (SM); (5) Cb horizon, consisting of buried and 2006).
scarcely weathered pumiceous pyroclasts, classified simi- The same approach could be applied in other peri-
larly to C horizon, attributed to the Avellino eruption volcanic areas of the world, whereas ash-fall deposits
(3.6 k-years); (6) 2Bb horizon, consisting of strongly weath- distributed along slopes are prone to instability due to
ered fine ash deposits, representing buried B horizon rainfall-triggered shallow landslides.
(paleosol), classified as sand with silt (SM); (7) 2Cb horizon,
consisting of buried and scarcely weathered pumiceous Acknowledgments This research was supported by the PRIN Project
pyroclasts, classified similarly to C horizon, ascribed to the (2007) “Analysis and susceptibility and hazard zoning for landslides
triggered by extreme events (rainfalll and earthquake)” funded by the
Ottaviano eruption (8.0 k-years); (8) Bbbasal horizon, Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR-Italy).
consisting of strongly weathered and pedogenised fine
ashes wrapping the bedrock interface (basal paleosol); (9)
R horizon, consisting of fractured carbonate bedrock with
fractures filled by the Bbbasal paleosol. References
Complete volcaniclastic series were found on the Lattari
Budetta P, de Riso R (2004) The mobility of some debris flows
mountain range as similarly characterized by paleosols, but
in pyroclastic deposits of the northwestern Campanian region
with a unique C horizon ascribed to the deposits of the A.D. (southern Italy). Bull Eng Geol Environ 63:293–302
Regional Distribution of Ash-Fall Pyroclastic Soils for Landslide Susceptibility. . . 109
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Geotechnical Features of the Volcanic Rocks Related
to the Arteara Rock Avalanche in Gran Canaria
(Canary Islands, Spain)
The Arteara rock avalanche is developed in the Fataga Group which is related to the first
volcanic stage in the Gran Canaria Island (8.6–13.3 Ma). The materials of the avalanche are
mainly phonolitic ignimbrites and lava flows. We have investigated the geotechnical
quality of the five lithotypes distinguished in the area: (a) phonolitic lava, (b) phonolitic
agglomerate breccia, (c) reddish non-welded ignimbrite, (d) welded fiamme-bearing ignim-
brite, and (e) pumice tuff with lithics. The weak geotechnical properties of the reddish non-
welded ignimbrite, the pumice tuff with lithics and the agglomerate breccia, and their
location at the middle of the slope suggest that these lithotypes can be regarded as potential
sliding surfaces of the avalanche. The geomechanical features of the volcanic rocks found
in this study could be very useful for future studies concerning the modelling of the
mechanism of failure and run out of the Arteara rock avalanche.
Canary Islands Geotechnical parameter Gran Canaria Point load test Rock
avalanche Rock mechanics Schmidt hammer
The surface area of the deposit is 0.5 km2 and the estimated
volume is 3.96 hm3. A more detailed geomorphologic
description of the Artera rock avalanche can be found in
Yepes and Lomoschitz (2009). The age of the rock ava-
lanche was estimated as Holocene since it is well preserved
and it is located over a rock-slide deposit of Pliocene age.
Moreover, a pre-Hispanic necropolis (fifteenth century)
exists on the distal area that uses the fallen blocks for
building tombs. This slope instability was caused by the
collapse of a large block of the rock mass of about 300 m
high, with an estimated volume of 2.83 hm3. The energy of
impact triggered the fragmentation of the block and imme-
diately afterward the resulting granular flow of the blocks in
dry conditions.
The avalanche deposit comprises volcanic rocks related
to the substratum (Fataga Group), mainly phonolitic
ignimbrites and lavas. In general, these rocks have a
reddish-brown colour due to weathering or hydrothermal
alteration. In this study, we have distinguished five
lithotypes related to the Arteara rock avalanche: (a) massive
phonolitic lava, (b) phonolitic agglomerate breccia, (c) red-
dish non-welded ignimbrite, (d) welded fiamme-bearing
Fig. 1 Location of the Arteara rock avalanche (see the black square) ignimbrite, and (e) pumice tuff with lithics (Fig. 3).
on the Fataga ravine at the south of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands,
Geotechnical Investigations
et al. 1964; Broch and Franklin 1972; Beverly et al. 1979; The unit weight of this material ranges between 19.5 and
Read et al. 1980; ISRM 1985; Xu et al. 1990; Aggistalis 21.3 kN/m3. These values are close to the lower bound of
et al. 1996; Chau and Wong 1996; Quane and Russel 2003; unit weight (19–29 kN/m3) suggested by other researchers
Dinçer et al. 2004; Yasar and Erdogan 2004; Aydin and Basu (Rodrı́guez-Losada et al. 2009). The average Schmidt ham-
2005; Fener et al. 2005; Kahraman et al. 2005; Kiliç and mer rebound (RL) is 43 (9) and the PLT index Is(50) is 4.1
Teymen 2008; Kahraman and Gunaydin 2009). In addition, (2.3) MPa. The Is(50) value agrees with the range of
a number of available borehole samples were used to obtain 0.6–9.4 MPa found by Rodrı́guez-Losada et al. (2009). Con-
the basic friction angle by means of the tilt test (Barton sidering these data, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS)
1981). Unit weight and absorption of the rock samples of the intact rock is estimated between 62 and 108 MPa, very
were estimated using a hydrostatic balance (AENOR similar to the results (30–114 MPa) found in previous works
1994). Finally, our results have been compared with the (Rodrı́guez-Losada et al. 2009). However, the UCS of
geotechnical properties suggested by other authors for the weathered rock is significantly lower (6–28 MPa), very
main lithotypes of volcanic rocks in the Canary Islands similar to the value of 32.8 MPa estimated by del Potro
(Rodrı́guez-Losada et al. 2007, 2009; González de Vallejo and Hürlimann (2008) for weathered lavas. The UCS of
et al. 2008; del Potro and Hürlimann 2008, 2009). We have weathered rock is very close to the tensile strength value
completed the geotechnical characterisation of the materials (9–14 MPa), which is slightly lower than the suggested value
involved in the Arteara rock avalanche with additional of 19–83 MPa (Rodrı́guez-Losada et al. 2009). The basic
parameters (e.g. Poisson’s ratio and friction angle) in the friction angle ranges between 38 and 41 , being inside the
case that our investigations agree with the results of these range of 36–54 proposed by Rodrı́guez-Losada et al.
prior works. (2009). The estimated Young’s modulus is between 12 and
24 GPa, which is in agreement with the values (15–30 GPa)
suggested by González de Vallejo et al. (2008). Due to the
Massive Phonolitic Lava good correlation between our results and the values pro-
posed by Rodrı́guez-Losada et al. (2009), we have assumed
The phonolitic lavas are mainly located at the top of the a Poisson’s ratio of 0.29 (0.11) from these authors.
Fataga Group, being the most frequent lithology in the area.
These lavas flows are forming a very thick unit of
200–500 m with variable individual thickness between 5 Phonolitic Agglomerate Breccia
and 25 m. The intact rocks have the typical greenish-gray
colour of the phonolites, while the weathered rocks have a The agglomerate breccias are related to thin (1–6 m) and
significant patina of an intense reddish-brown colour. Com- isolated volcanic deposits which are intercalated between
positionally, the unit has both porphyritic and aphanitic the main succession of phonolitic lavas and ignimbrites.
textures (Fig. 3a). The rock massif has a very strong sub- This lithology is mainly composed by rounded and large
vertical jointing, typical of this type of volcanic rocks fragments of phonolitic composition with a greenish-gray
(Fig. 4). In general, the phonolitic lavas show a weathered colour, typical of phonolites (Fig. 3b). In general, the weath-
condition, which seems to be related to the rainfall infiltra- ered rocks have a brownish colour, which seems to be related
tion through the sub-vertical joints. to the rainfall infiltration. The size of the fragments is very
114 M.J. Rodrı́guez-Peces et al.
Dinçer I, Acar A, Çobanoglu I, Uras Y (2004) Correlation between geomechanics conference, vol 2. New Zealand Institution of
Schmidt hardness, uniaxial compressive strength and Young’s Engineers, Wellington, pp 35–39
modulus for andesites, basalts and tuffs. Bull Eng Geol Environ Rodrı́guez-Losada JA, Hernández-Gutiérrez LE, Lomoschitz Mora-
63:141–148 Figueroa A (2007) Geotechnical features of the welded ignimbrites
Fener M, Kahraman S, Bilgil A, Gunaydin O (2005) A comparative of the Canary Islands. In: Malheiro AM, Nunes JC (eds) Volcanic
evaluation of indirect methods to estimate the compressive strength rocks. Taylor & Francis, London, pp 29–33. ISBN 978-0-415-45140-6
of rocks. Rock Mech Rock Eng 38(4):329–343 Rodrı́guez-Losada JA, Hernández-Gutiérrez LE, Olalla C, Perucho A,
González de Vallejo LI, Hijazo T, Ferrer M (2008) Engineering geo- Serrano A, Eff-Darwich A (2009) Geomechanical parameters of
logical properties of the volcanic rocks and soils of the Canary intact rocks and rock masses from the Canary Islands: implications
Islands. Soils Rocks 31(1):3–13 on their flank stability. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 182:67–75
ISRM (1985) ISRM suggested methods. Suggested method for deter- Schmincke HU, Sumita M (2010) Geological evolution of the Canary
mining point-load strength. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 22:53–60 Islands. Görres Verlag, Koblenz, 188 pp
Kahraman S, Gunaydin O (2009) The effect of rock classes on the Xu S, Grasso P, Mahtab A (1990) Use of Schmidt hammer for
relation between uniaxial compressive strength and point load estimating mechanical properties of weak rock. In: 6th international
index. Bull Eng Geol Environ 68:345–353 IAEG congress. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 511–519
Kahraman S, Gunaydin O, Fener M (2005) The effect of porosity on the Yasar E, Erdogan Y (2004) Estimation of rock physicomechanical
relation between uniaxial compressive strength and point load properties using hardness methods. Eng Geol 71:281–288
index. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 42(4):584–589 Yepes J, Lomoschitz A (2008) Los depósitos de ladera del barranco de
Kiliç A, Teymen A (2008) Determination of mechanical properties of Fataga (Gran Canaria). Geo-Temas 10:767–770
rocks using simple methods. Bull Eng Geol Environ 67:237–244 Yepes J, Lomoschitz A (2009) Caracterización geomorfológica del
McDougall I, Schmincke HU (1976) Geochronology of Gran Canaria alud de rocas de Arteara, Gran Canaria. In: Proceedings of VII
(Canary Islands): age of shield building volcanism and other mag- Simposio Nacional sobre Taludes y Laderas Inestables, 27–30 Oct
matic phases. Bull Volcanol 40(1):57–77 2009. Barcelona, 13pp
Quane SL, Russel JK (2003) Rock strength as a metric of welding Yepes J, Lomoschitz A (2010) Geomorphology of the Arteara Holo-
intensity in pyroclastic deposits. Eur J Mineral 15:855–864 cene rock-avalanche deposit, Gran Canaria Island, vol 12, Geophys-
Read JRL, Thornten PN, Regan WM (1980) A rational approach to the ical research abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna,
point load test. In: Proceedings of 3rd Australian-New Zealand pp 12017–12018
Effects of Parameters in Landslide Simulation Model
LS-RAPID on the Dynamic Behaviour of Earthquake-
Induced Rapid Landslides
Bin He, Kyoji Sassa, Maja Ostric, Kaoru Takara, and Yosuke Yamashiki
In this study, the effects of parameters in landslide simulation model (LS-RAPID) on the
dynamic behaviour of earthquake-induced rapid landslides were examined to demonstrate
the importance of each parameter. It was applied to a case study in Suruga Bay, Shizuoka
Prefecture in Japan. The topographic data of the slope surface and sliding surface was
generated from digital elevation model (DEM). Three different real seismic records were
used as the inputs of earthquake i.e. 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Inland Earthquake, 2009
Suruga Bay Earthquake, and the latest 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Results show that
landslides can be triggered by strong seismic loading using 2011 Tohoku real seismic
records under a certain pore water pressure within LS-RAPID. The key parameters,
including shear resistance at the steady state with physical meaning were found to have
significant effect on the dynamic behaviour of these earthquake-induced rapid landslides.
Earthquake-induced landslides Parameter Simulation model Dynamic behaviour
quake and Rain-Induced Rapid and Long Travelling Flow Pv Seismic Force ¶Px
Column element Px + Dx
Fx ¶x
Phenomena – by the Special Coordinating Fund for Promot- Fv Fy
Setting of Seismic Loading case, the apparent friction angle inside mass (fia) is calcu-
lated to be 11.5 because sin fia ¼ 0.2.
In LS-RAPID, the seismic loading force can be set as an
inducement of the landslide. We can set a constant seismic
load or a fluctuating seismic load over time by choosing one Earthquake Records
of the following seismic operation methods i.e. Static,
Cyclic, and Seismic. In the Static method, the seismic coef- On 11 March 2011, the Tohoku Earthquake occurred off-
ficient varies linearly. In the Cyclic method, the seismic shore the Tohoku region of Japan. Some hundreds to a few
coefficient varies as a sine wave while the value of the thousands gal of acceleration were recorded at monitoring
amplitude changes linearly. In the Seismic method, the seis- stations in the Tohoku Region. The greatest earthquake
mic coefficient varies based on the actual seismic wave acceleration was recorded along the NS Component
form data. (2,699 gal) at station MYG004 in the Miyagi Prefecture.
The effect of seismic loading on landslide initiation
differs by frequency, length of period as well as the acceler-
Parameters ation of shaking. A great earthquake possibly triggered the
landslide in Senoumi was not the same with the Tohoku
As for the parameters necessary for the computer simulation, earthquake. However, we used the record at MYG004
most of soil parameters can be decided by the test on drilled (Fig. 2) for this computer simulation as the most practical
sample by undrained cyclic loading ring shear test, namely reference record in Japan. It has two main shocks resulting
the steady state shear resistance, the friction angle at peak, from two major ruptures in the subduction plane. A strong
and the friction angle during motion, the shear displacement and possibly long seismic shaking induced by the combined
at the start of strength reduction (DL), the shear displace- activation of Tokai (Suruga Bay area), Tonankai and Nankai
ment at the end of strength reduction (DU). Cohesion is segments of the Nankai megathrust are assumed to occur in
regarded to be small (10 kPa) assuming the shear surface Japan. In this case, two or three main shocks are possible to
was formed in a not over-consolidated sand layer like the occur and it may give a long and strong shaking which
drilled core. should have a great impact to trigger landslides.
Some parameters such as the lateral pressure ratio and As a comparison, the previous records of earthquakes in
parameters for non-frictional energy consumption are not Iwate-Miyagi (14 June, 2008) and Suruga Bay (11 Aug.,
decided by the ring shear tests. Those are decided from the 2009) were also input to LS-RAPID as seismic records.
following examinations. Lateral Pressure ratio (k ¼ sh/sv) The effects of parameters in landslide simulation model
is one of important factors. K value is expressed by the LS-RAPID on the dynamic behaviour of earthquake-induced
Jaky’s equation as the equation. rapid landslides will be analyzed for Suruga Bay (Fig. 3)
using these three actual earthquake records.
k ¼ 1 sin fia (2)
where, tan fia ¼ (c þ (s-u) tan fi)/s; tan fia : Apparent Results and Discussion
friction coefficient within the landslide mass; tan fi: Effec-
tive friction within the landslide mass, which is not always Model Application in Suruga Bay
the same as the effective friction during motion on the
sliding surface fm. In this study, we use the full mode simulation of LS-RAPID
In the liquefied state, s ¼ u, c ¼ 0, then, sin fia ¼ 0, model (Initiation + Motion + Expansion). The simulation
and k ¼ 1.0. In the rigid state, c is big enough, then sin fia is will reduce the friction coefficient and the cohesion from
close to 1.0, then k is close to 0. their peak values to the normal motion time values within
As for the sand layer in the Suruga Bay, it should have the source area in the determined distribution of the unstable
been almost fully saturated because it is a submarine slope. mass (reducing from “tanfp” to “tanfm” and from “Cp” to
Accordingly we used 0.99 as the pore pressure generation “Cm”). When the travel length becomes DL (mm), the
rate (Bss). A high pore pressure would have been generated reduction will be started. Once the travel length reaches
within the fully saturated sand layer during the motion of DU (mm), the reduction will be completed and then normal
landslides. In case of no pore pressure generation and the motion simulation will start. In this study, most of the
friction angle within the soil mass fi ¼ 30 , k ¼ 0.5. If the mechanical parameters, including DL, DU, tanfp, and
sand layer is completely liquefied and becomes a true liquid, tanfm, were decided by the test on drilled sample by
it will be 1.0. We used the in-between value of 0.8. In this undrained cyclic loading ring shear test (Sassa et al. 2011).
Firstly, we simulated the potential landslide initiation and
122 B. He et al.
EW (Kx) Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku, 14 June 2008 EW (Kx) Surugabay, 11 Aug. 2009 EW (Kx) Tohoku, 11 March. 2011
0.7 0.5 1.4
Fig. 2 Strong ground motion record of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (IMNE), 2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake (SBE), 2011 Tohoku
Earthquake (TE) monitored at MYG 004. (X axis unit: second; Y axis Unit: 1,000 gal)
motion by using three actual earthquake records. Then the the landslide motion in IMNE is larger than that in SBE
key parameters of LS-RAPID were evaluated to test their since IMNE acceleration is stronger than SBE.
effects on the dynamics of earthquake-induced rapid As for the Tohoku Earthquake (TE), the peak acceleration
landslides. was 2,699 gal. We simulated landslide motion by 0.1, 0.2,
0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0 times of monitored acceleration record
for Suruga Bay, respectively. Here, 30 s and 80 s is around
Simulation of Landslide Motion 10 s after the first main shock and the second main shock
respectively, when the effects of main shocks clearly
Firstly, the landslide initiation and motion was simulated by appeared. Results show that, two cases of 0.1 and 0.2 did
using 1.0 times acceleration of 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku not cause any motion in Senoumi area (Northern part of
Earthquake (IMNE), 2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake (SBE), Suruga Bay). But, 0.3 times of acceleration, namely 809
and 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (TE). As results, only TE can gal at peak triggered local failures in steep parts of slopes
trigger large landslide in Suruga Bay. Then, we tested stron- (Fig. 5). Thereafter, the local failures are spread to other
ger acceleration of IMNE and SBE, i.e. 2.0 and 4.0 times of areas in the progressive failure process due to strength
IMNE and SBE. As for TE, we tested for smaller seismic reduction at failed areas. It formed a landslide mass and
acceleration by using 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 times of TE. Figure 4 transported the mass into the deep sea of Suruga Bay along
presents the motion of soil mass triggered by these scenarios which the mass moved downward to the Pacific Ocean. 0.5
earthquake accelerations. It shows that the landslide motions times of acceleration, can also trigger local failures in steep
trigged by 1.0 and 2.0 times SBE are all smaller than those parts of slopes, which is slightly bigger than that triggered by
triggered by IMNE, which has only landslide motion in the 0.3 times of acceleration. Moreover, 0.7 times of accelera-
northern part of simulation area and has no initiation of mass tion (1,889 gal at peak) triggered a landslide mass at the first
movement in the southern part of simulation area. When 4.0 main shock, and thereafter, the landslide mass moved. But
times acceleration of SBE and IMNE were used, the signifi- the landslide area was not expanded until termination. 1.0
cant landslide motion has occurred in both cases, however, times of acceleration of Tohoku Earthquake triggered the
Effects of Parameters in Landslide Simulation Model LS-RAPID on the Dynamic. . . 123
Fig. 4 Simulation results of 1.0 times, 2.0 times and 4.0 times accel- critical velocity to change ball colour is set as 0.5 m/s which means the
eration of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (IMNE) and stable mass will change to the moving mass if the mass’s velocity is
2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake (SBE); and the simulation results of 0.3 bigger than this velocity. The blue ball stands for the stable mass and
times, 0.5 times and 0.7 times acceleration of 2011 Tohoku Earthquake the moving mass is depicted from orange (small velocity) to brown (big
(TE). The cell of mass is depicted as a ball with different colour. The velocity)
Fig. 5 Simulation results of 1.0 1st main shock (30 s) 2nd main shock (80 s) Stop
times acceleration of the 2011
Tohoku Earthquake. 30 s and 80 s
is around 10 s after the first main
shock and the second main shock
124 B. He et al.
Fig. 6 Simulation results of 1.0 τss =30 τss =60 τss =120
times acceleration of the 2011
Tohoku Earthquake using
tss ¼ 30, tss ¼ 60 and tss ¼ 120,
respectively. Here, lateral
pressure ratio k ¼ 0.8, peak
friction coefficient angle at
sliding surface jp ¼ 36.9
same size of landslide at the first main shock with the case of three cases (tss ¼ 30, 60, and 120) the motion of landslide is
0.7 times. However, the second main shock triggered a great apparent.
landslide involving the whole Senoumi area. The moved
landslide mass gradually flowed out through the narrow Conclusion
exit and went down along the Suruga Trough. The termina- From the above simulation results, the conditions to cause
tion of simulated motion in the case of 0.3, 0.7, 1.0 was landslides by earthquake can be summarized as:
6,021 s, 5,959 s and 6,254 s respectively. Namely the 1. 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake can initiate the
simulated soil mass movement continued for around 1.7 h. motion of landslides in 1.0 times of earthquake wave.
The toe of landslide mass is out of this simulation area. However, 2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake cannot trigger
Thus, from the simulation results, 0.7 times and 1.0 times landslides in the same conditions.
TE records can trigger very big landslide motion in Suruga 2. 2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake can cause small landslides
Bay. As an example, Fig. 5 presents the simulated landslide in 2.0 times of earthquake wave, and large landslide in 4.0
motion of Senoumi soil mass in Suruga Bay which was times of earthquake wave.
potentially triggered by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. In 3. As for 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, it can cause large land-
addition, the crossing sections A-A0 and B-B0 after termina- slide in Suruga Bay in 1.0 times of earthquake wave.
tion of motion in the case of 1.0 times of acceleration of 4. The effect of tss on the motion of potential landslide is
2011 Tohoku earthquake demonstrated that the elevation of significant in Suruga Bay area.
the sea floor after the landslide is higher than the current sea Summarily, the simulation results in this study
floor. Further downward movement of sea floor was possibly visualized that it was possible for the Senoumi topogra-
caused by other than landslides, such as submarine erosion phy in Suruga Bay to be created by the strong ground
process by the water flow provided by the Oi river which has motion record of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake or another
formed the alluvial fun in the Senoumi area. similar or even greater earthquake which possibly
occurred in this area in the past.
Effect of Parameters on Landslide Dynamics Acknowledgments The ring shear apparatus was developed by the
International Programme on Landslides (IPL) and the Science and
Based on the above simulation, we changed the values of Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development
Programme (SATREPS) of Japan Science and Technology Agency
several key parameters of LS-RAPID. As an example, Fig. 6
(JST) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). We are
shows the results of landslide motion by changing the values also grateful for the support by the Kyoto University GCOE program
of tss (steady state shear resistance at sliding surface) under “Sustainability/Survivability Science for a Resilient Society Adaptable
the condition of 1.0 times 2011 TE. When tss changed from to Extreme Weather Conditions” and JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young
Scientists (B) (90569724).
30 (obtained from ring shear test) to 60, the large landslide
motion can occur but most of the mass still remains in the
Senoumi area and the mass transported to the sea floor is less
than that under the condition of tss ¼ 30. When tss ¼ 120, References
the mass in the Senoumi area is harder to move. The motion
of landslide is terminated very soon. The mass transported Hutchinson JN (1986) A sliding-consolidation model for flow slides.
from Senoumi to sea floor is small. Therefore, the effect of Can Geotech J 23(2):115–126
Perla R, Cheng TT, McCling DM (1980) A two-parameter model of
tss on the motion of landslide is significant. But, it has no snow avalanche motion. J Glaciol 26:197–207
significant effect on the initiation of landslide since in all the Sassa K (1988) Special lecture: the geotechnical model for the motion
of landslides. In: Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on
landslides, Lausanne, vol 1, pp 33–52
Effects of Parameters in Landslide Simulation Model LS-RAPID on the Dynamic. . . 125
Sassa K, Wang G, Fukuoka H (2003) Performing undrained shear tests Sassa K, He B, Miyagi T, Ostric M, Baba T, Nagai O, Furumura T,
on saturated sands in a new intelligent type of ring-shear apparatus. Konagai K, Kaneda Y, Yamashiki Y (2011) A possible submarine
Geotech Test J 26(3):257–265 megaslide in Suruga bay in Japan – an interpretation of Senoumi
Sassa K, Wang G, Fukuoka H, Wang FW, Ochiai T, Sugiyama M, (Stony flower sea) bathymetric feature. Landslides (in submission)
Sekiguchi T (2004a) Landslide risk evaluation and hazard zoning Wang F, Sassa K (2010) Landslide simulation by a geotechnical model
for rapid and long-travel landslide in urban development areas. combined with a model for apparent friction change. Phys Chem
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Sassa K, Fukuoka H, Wang G, Ishikawa N (2004b) Undrained
dynamic-loading ring-shear apparatus and its application to land-
slide dynamics. Landslides 1(1):7–19
Different Methods to Produce Distributed Soil
Thickness Maps and Their Impact on the Reliability
of Shallow Landslide Modeling at Catchment Scale
In this paper we made a comparison between various methods to enter soil thickness as a
spatial variable in a deterministic basin scale slope stability simulator. We used a slope
stability model that couples a simplified solution of Richards infiltration equation and an
infinite slope model with soil suction effect. Soil thickness was entered in the stability
modelling using spatially variable maps obtained with four state-of-art methods: linear
correlation with elevation; linear correlation with slope gradient; exponential correlation
with slope gradient; a more complex geomorphologically indexed model (GIST model).
Soil thickness maps and the derivate Factor of Safety (FS) maps were validated. Results
confirmed that FS is very sensitive to soil thickness and showed that the same slope stability
model can be highly sensitive or highly specific depending on the input soil thickness data.
The uncertainty in the FS calculation can be reduced by applying more precise soil
thickness input data: mean error of soil thickness maps is closely related to the sensitivity
or specificity of the FS computation, while the overall performance of the stability simula-
tion depends on mean absolute error and skewness of the frequency distribution of the
errors of soil thickness maps. Despite the fact that slope-based methods are the most used in
literature to derive soil thickness, in our application they returned poor results. Conversely,
the use of the GIST model improved the performance of the stability model.
Soil thickness Soil depth Shallow landslide Factor of safety Validation Sensitivity
Infinite slope
The test site is the Armea Creek basin (Fig. 1), a mountain 73
catchment located in the Western Alps (Liguria, Northern
Italy). The area is about 37 km2 and it is dominated by Fig. 1 Location and morphology of the Armea basin (Italy)
Cretaceous Flysch (limestone and sandstone) with a com-
plex structural setting characterised by faults, thrusts, a Soil Thickness Maps
tectonic window, recumbent folds and polyphase folds
(Sagri 1984; Menardi-Noguera 1988; Merizzi and Seno To feed in the slope stability model with respect to soil
1991). The steep slopes and the high energy of relief make thickness, we used four different soil thickness maps,
the area very prone to shallow landsliding. The Armea valley obtained with the following methods.
is mainly occupied by forests and small olive groves, and the – GIST model. The “geomorphologically indexed soil
population concentrates in the village of Ceriana. thickness” (GIST) is an empirical model that combines
morphometric attributes with geomorphological and geo-
logical factors (Segoni 2008; Catani et al. 2010; Segoni
Slope Stability Model and Catani under review). The model is based on three
factors (C, P and S), whose values range from 0 to 1, and
The model used in the analysis couples a hydrological model indicate a tendency to have a thicker soil. At every pixel,
(which calculates the spatial pressure head distribution as a the value assumed by each factor depends on the
function of time and depth, and which is based on a reduced local value of the corresponding morphometric attribute
form of Richards’ equation) with an infinite slope stability (curvature, for factor C; position along the hillslope
analysis in which suction effects in unsaturated soils are also profile, for factor P; slope gradient, for factor S),
taken into account (Segoni et al. 2011). The slope stability but the relationship linking the morphometric attribute
simulator used during this study is suitable for complex with the corresponding factor is not constant over
storms characterised by different and alternating the entire test area. Factor C values were basically
intensities in both space and time. The stability simulator is assumed inversely proportional to curvature values, except
implemented in a computer code designed to be applied where geomorphologic survey highlighted a direct
in operational forecasting systems in near real time proportionality (e.g. in footslopes characterised by accu-
(Mercogliano et al. 2010, 2011), but in this work it was used mulation of loose material); the relationship linking factor
for back analysis, simulating the ground effects of a historical P and hillslope position was calibrated according to the
rainfall event. As every other model based on infinite slope toposequences characterising the hillslopes; factor S
theory, it is designed to be applied to shallow landslides reduces soil thickness values when the local gradient
wherever soil coverage, compared to the underlying bedrock, exceeds a threshold which is differentiated on a
exhibits a marked change in hydraulic properties. lithological basis. The product of the three factors is then
The model works on a pixel by pixel basis: for every translated into a soil thickness measure by means of cali-
pixel, it calculates the factor of safety at increasing depths, bration functions defined using a few in situ soil thickness
allocating the lower FS value found. The computation is measurements. For further details on this model, see Catani
automatically repeated at different time steps. et al. (2010) and Segoni and Catani (under review).
Different Methods to Produce Distributed Soil Thickness Maps and Their Impact on the. . . 129
Fig. 3 Summarising factor of safety maps. Differences depends solely Validation of Soil Thickness Maps
on the soil thickness map used as input parameter
The four soil thickness maps were validated using a number
To quantify correct predictions and errors committed by of soil thickness measures which ranges from 91 to 154,
each simulation, for every simulation we determined true depending on the number of measures required for the cali-
positives (TP; area of the correctly predicted landslides); bration of each model (Table 3 and Fig. 4).
true negatives (TN; total area of stable pixels located outside The Z and S models had the worst performance, with high
landslide polygons); false positives (FP; total area of unsta- mean absolute error, high frequency of large residuals and a
ble pixels located outside landslide polygons); and false pronounced tendency to overestimate soil thickness. The
negatives (FN; area of the unpredicted landslides). These Sexp model returned quite good results (45 cm mean abso-
statistics were combined to derive quantitative indexes lute error), but the frequency distribution of the residuals
assessing the effectiveness of the four simulations (Table 2). showed a proneness to underestimation. The soil thickness
In general, the use of the S and Z model led to overesti- map obtained with the GIST model was more reliable than
mate instability: a high percentage of landslides was the others: mean absolute error was lower (23 cm), very
correctly identified with the drawback of producing also large residuals were less frequent and no marked tendency
many false alarms (high sensitivity and low specificity). to overestimation or underestimation was revealed by the
Conversely, using the Sexp model the area was considered frequency distribution of the residuals.
stable almost everywhere: in this case, even if the false
alarms were less frequent, only a few landslides were
correctly predicted (low sensitivity and high specificity).
When the GIST model was taken into account, the derivate Discussion and Conclusions
FS map was more balanced between those two extremes,
producing the highest likelihood ratio. Likelihood ratio can Validation results confirmed that that slope stability models
be considered as the best statistics to summarise the based on the infinite slope theory are very sensitive to soil
behaviour of the models since it is less influenced by the thickness (Johnson and Sitar 1990; Wu and Sidle 1995; Van
Different Methods to Produce Distributed Soil Thickness Maps and Their Impact on the. . . 131
Table 3 Validation statistics of the four soil thickness maps. Values are expressed in meters
Z-model S-model Sexp-model GIST model
Maximum underestimation 1.18 1.16 2.04 1.30
Maximum overestimation 1.61 2.01 1.70 1.91
Mean absolute error 0.68 1.03 0.45 0.33
Mean error 0.57 0.97 0.18 0.01
Standard deviation 0.48 0.56 0.57 0.48
Skewness 0.18 1.05 0.27 0.94
Kurtosis 0.77 2.29 2.3 3.20
Table 4 Linear correlation coefficients between the validation statistics of FS and soil thickness maps (for abbreviations please refer to Tables 2
and 3)
Max und. Max ov. Mean abs err Mean error St. dev. Skew Kur
Likel. ratio 0.25 0.42 0.58 0.37 0.58 0.71 0.56
Sensitivity 0.91 0.24 0.78 0.94 0.29 0.69 0.49
Specificity 0.78 0.09 0.85 0.96 0.15 0.80 0.62
Efficiency 0.78 0.09 0.85 0.96 0.14 0.80 0.62
Misclass. rate 0.78 0.09 0.85 0.96 0.14 0.80 0.62
Pos. pred. power 0.25 0.42 0.58 0.37 0.58 0.71 0.56
Neg. pred. power 0.91 0.29 0.80 0.95 0.25 0.71 0.45
sensitivity and specificity), as it better takes into account the requirements for susceptibility and hazard assessments in a GIS
general tendency of the model to overestimate or underesti- framework. Eng Geol 102(3–4):214–226
Johnson KA, Sitar N (1990) Hydrologic conditions leading to debris-
mate soil thickness. flow initiation. Can Geotech J 27:789–801
Therefore, it can be concluded that for the calculation of Khazai B, Sitar N (2000) Assessment of seismic slope stability using
reliable FS maps, the absence of systematic errors in soil GIS modeling. Geogr Inform Sci 6(2):121–128
thickness input maps is more important than any other vali- Menardi-Noguera A (1988) Structural evolution of a brianc¸onnais
cover nappe, the Caprauna-Armetta unit (Ligurian Alps, Italy).
dation statistic. In our case study, Sexp-derived FS map J Struct Geol 10:625–637
depicted an almost uniformly stable scenario, while Z and Mercogliano P, Schiano P, Picarelli L, Olivares L, Catani F, Tofani V,
S models identified a high percentage of landslides only Segoni S, Rossi G (2010) Short term weather forecasting for shallow
because they predicted a diffused instability over the whole for landslide prediction. In: Proceedings of the “Mountain risks: bring-
ing science to society” final conference, Florence, 24–26 Nov 2010
area. Despite slope-based methods are the most used in Mercogliano P, Schiano P, Sikorski B, Tofani V, Catani F, Segoni S,
literature to derive soil thickness (De Rose 1996; Salciarini Casagli N, Rossi G, Damiano E, Picarelli L, Olivares L, Comegna L
et al. 2006; Godt et al. 2008), a linear correlation scheme (2011) Short term weather forecasting for prediction of shallow
between slope gradient and soil thickness returned poor landslides. In: Proceedings of the 2nd world landslide forum,
Rome, 3–9 Oct 2011
results. Moreover, the use of an exponential (rather than a Merizzi G, Seno S (1991) Deformation and gravity-driven translation
linear) relationship in our case study even worsened the of the S. Remo-M. Saccarello nappe (helminthoid flysch, Ligurian
results. A substantial improvement was obtained when FS Alps). Boll Soc Geol Ital 110:757–770
was derived from a soil thickness model based on geomor- Pelletier JD, Rasmussen C (2009) Geomorphically based predictive
mapping of soil thickness in upland watersheds. Water Resour
phological criteria (GIST model – Catani et al. 2010; Segoni Res 45:W09417. doi:10.1029/2008WR007319
and Catani under review). Revellino P, Guadagno FM, Hungr O (2008) Morphological methods
and dynamic modelling in landslide hazard assessment of the
Campania Apennine carbonate slope. Landslides 5:59–70
Sagri M (1984) Litologia, stratimetria e sedimentologia delle torbiditi
References di piana di bacino del flysch di San Remo (cretaceo superiore,
Liguria occidentale). Mem Soc Geol Ital 28:577–586
Begueria S (2006) Validation and evaluation of predictive models in Salciarini D, Godt JW, Savage WZ, Conversini R, Baum RL,
hazard assessment and risk management. Nat Hazards 37:315–329 Michael JA (2006) Modelling regional initiation of rainfall-induced
Blesius L, Weirich F (2009) The use of high-resolution satellite imag- shallow landslides in the eastern Umbria Region of central Italy.
ery for deriving geotechnical parameters applied to landslide sus- Landslides 3:181–194
ceptibility. ISPRS Hannover Workshop 2009, Hannover, 2–5 June Saulnier GM, Beven K, Obled C (1997) Including spatially variable
2009 effective soil depths in TOPMODEL. J Hydrol 202:158–172
Casadei M, Dietrich WE, Miller NL (2003) Testing a model for Savage WZ, Godt JW, Baum RL (2004) Modelling time-dependent
predicting the timing and location of shallow landslide initiation areal slope stability. In: Lacerda WA, Erlich M, Fontoura SAB,
in soil-mantled landscapes. Earth Surf Proc Land 28(9):925–950 Sayao ASF (eds) Landslides: evaluation and stabilisation.
Catani F, Segoni S, Falorni G (2010) An empirical geomorphology- Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on landslides.
based approach to the spatial prediction of soil thickness at catch- A.A. Balkema, London, pp 23–36
ment scale. Water Resour Res 46:W05508. doi:10.1029/ Segoni S (2008) Elaborazione ed applicazioni di un modello per la
2008WR007450 previsione dello spessore delle coperture superficiali. Unpublished
De Rose RC (1996) Relationships between slope morphology, regolith Ph.D. thesis. Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze, Department of Earth
depth, and the incidence of shallow landslides in eastern Taranaki Sciences, Florence
hill country. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie Supplementband Segoni S, Catani F (submitted 2011) General definition and site specific
105:49–60 applications of the Geomorphologically Indexed Soil Thickness
Gessler PE, Chadwick OA, Chamran F, Althouse L, Holmes K (2000) (GIST) model. Geomorphology
Modeling soil-landscape and ecosystem properties using terrain Segoni S, Leoni L, Benedetti AI, Catani F, Righini G, Falorni G,
attributes. Soil Sci Soc Am J 64:2046–2056 Gabellani S, Rudari R, Silvestro F, Rebora N (2009) Towards a
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(2008) Transient deterministic shallow landslide modeling: shallow landslides. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 9:2119–2133
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landslide modelling using reliable soil thickness maps. Nat Hazards. hydrological triggering systems in landslides. Geomorphology
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Water Resour Res 45:W10438. doi:10.1029/2008WR007474
Simulating Infiltration Processes into Fractured
and Swelling Soils as Triggering Factors of
The influence of rainfall in triggering landslides is a widely discussed topic in scientific
literature. The slope stability of fractured surface soils is often influenced by the soil
suction. Rainfall, infiltrating into soil fractures, causes the decrease in soil suction and
shear strength, which can trigger the collapse of surface soil horizons. Water flow through
fractured soils can also be affected by soil swelling and by capillary barrier effects in the
case of low permeable soil overlying a more permeable one.
These conditions are rarely investigated by the existing models, especially from the
point of view of rainfall triggering surface landslides. For this purpose, we have developed
a dual-porosity model that simulates water flow through fractured swelling soils overlying a
more permeable soil. The model has been applied to a soil profile consisting of a thin layer
of fractured loamy soil above a coarse sand layer, in order to investigate the influence of
different rainfall intensities on the infiltration process, and on the distribution of the pore
pressure that affects slope stability.
Infiltration Rainfall threshold Shallow landslides
1982; Jarvis et al. 1991). Additionally, soil swelling can distribution can be strongly affected by rainfall intensity,
cause a progressive closure of cracks and can also significantly swelling phenomena and the presence of the underlying
influence water flow (Vogel et al. 2005). The mechanisms capillary barrier, subsequently affecting the overall slope
acting in surface fine-grained unsaturated soils overlying stability.
more permeable material could also be significantly affected
by capillary barrier phenomena (Mancarella and Simeone
2007; Mancarella et al. 2012; Mancarella and Simeone
The Model
2012). Combined effects of cracks, swelling, and capillary
barriers can thus seriously influence the pressure head distri-
The model simulates water flow in swelling fractured soils,
bution, and therefore slope stability of unsaturated soils.
which are considered to be dual-porosity systems. In the
Existing models commonly do not consider all these
model. fractures represent the macroporous domain, and
conditions. A reliable study of rainfall-induced landslides
the soil matrix between them the microporous domain. The
and infiltration by means of empirical or theoretical models
rainfall intensity is assumed to be constant. The soil is
should not ignore such relevant processes, which affect the
considered to consist of a homogeneous porous medium
soil behaviour under unsaturated conditions and the pressure
with vertical fractures (Fig. 1), which become progressively
head distribution. A study of the infiltration mechanisms
narrower during the infiltration process as a result of
which considered all these conditioning factors could be
swelling of the matrix (Fig. 1a).
useful for better understanding the influence of rainfall in
The model assumes that there is no vertical flow in the
triggering landslides and for reliably defining hydrological
matrix and that all rainfall infiltrates into the fractures. Water
flows into the cracks; then, it can laterally infiltrate by
During the last few decades various empirical hydrologi-
diffusion into the matrix through the fracture-matrix inter-
cal models have been proposed (Caine 1980; Brunetti et al.
face (Fig. 1).
2009; and others; see a recent review by Guzzetti et al. 2008)
The unsaturated soil hydraulic properties are described by
that relate precipitation and landslides using empirical
using the van Genuchten (1980) and Mualem (1976)
relationships. Commonly, these models do not take into
relationships. Water transfer through the fractures-matrix
account a number of physical phenomena affecting soils
interface is modelled by the mass balance equation, which
(Picarelli and Vinale 2007). In particular, they do not con-
assumes that the matrix-fracture interactions are propor-
sider how hydrologic processes affect location, timing, and
tional to the pressure head gradient between the fractures
rates of landslides, and how land use and climate can influ-
and the matrix (Gerke and van Genuchten 1993). Water flow
ence slope stability (Iverson 2000).
in the matrix is described by the Richards equation
Recently, several theoretical models evaluating landslide
for horizontal flow and the flow rate (cm3/s) in the fractures
phenomena (Tsai and Yang 2006; Pagano et al. 2010; and
is obtained as the difference between the fracture inflow
others) have been developed, based on topographic, geo-
rate and the amount of water laterally adsorbed by the
logic, and hydrologic variables, and on changes in land
matrix (Fig. 1).
use. In addition, there is also a large number of models,
Matrix swelling is evaluated by a linear relationship
such as the HYDRUS codes (Šimůnek et al. 2008), which
between the matrix volumetric water content and the soil
simulate infiltration processes.
volume (Novak et al. 2002), assuming that the maximum
In this paper we propose a dual-porosity model (Šimůnek
swelling at full saturation is 2 % of the initial volume.
et al. 2003), in which fractures become progressively
The coarse soil underlying the fractured fine-textured
narrower during infiltration due to the increase in water
surface soil layer acts as a capillary barrier. Water
content in the swelling matrix. The presence of a coarse
accumulates in cracks and at the interface between the two
grained soil underlying the fine fractured layer, which
soil layers up to a maximum capillary height (Fig. 1b). In the
creates a capillary barrier effect at the contact between the
matrix, water is stored until the pressure head at the interface
two types of soils (Galeandro and Simeone 2010) is also
between the layers reaches a critical value, assumed to be the
water-entry pressure head of the lower coarse layer
The model is applied to a soil profile consisting of a
(Shackelford et al. 1994; Stormont and Anderson 1999).
fractured loamy soil overlying a coarse sand layer. Results
The parameters needed to parameterize the model are:
show how the infiltration process and the water content
– Rainfall intensity i and its duration T;
Simulating Infiltration Processes into Fractured and Swelling Soils as Triggering. . . 137
Table 1 Parameters describing the fractures 0.01 m. Parameters describing the fracture network are
summarized in Table 1. Soil hydraulic parameters of the
Saturated hydraulic conductivity Kfs (m/s) 1.00 103
soil matrix (the upper soil layer) are summarized in Table 2.
Spacing a (m) 0.50 The initial water content of the upper soil layer has been
Opening d (m) 0.01 assumed to be 0.1 (m3 m3); i.e., close to the residual water
Thickness (m) 2 content. A water-entry pressure head at the interface
between the two layers has been assumed to be equal to
200 mm (Stormont and Morris 1998).
– Geometry of the fracture system (depth s, opening d, and
The model has been used to simulate two rainfall events
fracture spacing a);
with intensities of 2 and 20 mm/h (Table 3) and durations of
– Hydraulic properties and material status characteristics
10 and 1 h (denoted below as events A and B), respectively,
(saturated hydraulic conductivity of fractures Kfs; matrix
i.e., with the same amount of rainfall per event of 20 mm. A
initial water content yinit, residual water content yres,
time step equal to 10 s has been used.
saturated water content ysat, saturated hydraulic conduc-
tivity Kms, and van Genuchten parameters a and n; maxi-
mum swelling percentage, and parameters relating
Simulations Results and Discussion
swelling to water content).
In order to solve the flow equations, the system needs to
The behaviour of the system has been analysed in terms of
be spatially discretized into elements of small dimensions in
water content and pressure head distributions, crack closure
the x-z plane: the third dimension (in the direction of
dynamics, and the capillary barrier breakthrough process
fractures) is assumed to be equal to 1 cm. The calculations
during the two events (Figs. 2, 3, and 4). Results allow us
are repeated at regular intervals.
to make several observations with regards to the simulated
evolution of water contents in the soil.
Application of the Model: Results Water Content and Pressure Head Distribution
and Observations Dynamics
The presence of fractures in soils and the water flow through
The Case Study them produce water content and pressure head dynamics,
along with corresponding shear strengths, in response to the
The model has been applied to a soil system involving a rainfall intensity that is different than in homogeneous soils.
loamy fractured soil layer overlying a coarse sand. The fine- Fractures significantly accelerate water flow and affect the
textured soil has been assumed to be 2 m thick, with a dynamics of the water content distribution. The storage of
fracture interspacing of 0.5 m and a fracture opening of water in the fractures and the matrix depends on the rainfall
138 A. Galeandro et al.
Table 2 Soil hydraulic parameters for the soil matrix (Data from Table 3 Parameters of two rainfall events and inflow rates into
Carsel and Parrish 1988) fractures
Upper layer (loamy soil) Rainfall Rainfall intensity Duration Inflow rate in
Saturated hydraulic conductivity Kms (m/s) 2.89 106 event (mm/h) (h) fracture (cm3/s)
Saturated water content ysat (m3m3) 0.43 A 2 10 0.0014
Residual water content yres (m3m3) 0.078 B 20 1 0.0139
a (van Genuchten 1980) (m1) 3.6
n (van Genuchten 1980) 1.56
l (Mualem 1976) 0.5
Fig. 2 Water content and pressure head distributions at the end of the rainfall (event A: 2 mm/h, 10 h)
Fig. 3 Water content and pressure head distributions at the end of the rainfall (event B: 20 mm/h, 1 h)
duration, crack opening, and functioning of the capillary fracture interface. Later, flow into the matrix depends on the
barrier. flow in the fractures, on the rainfall intensity, and on the
Initially, lateral adsorption of water into the soil matrix swelling process, which could close fractures and interrupt
involves only a few centimetres of the soil near the matrix- flow in both domains.
Simulating Infiltration Processes into Fractured and Swelling Soils as Triggering. . . 139
During low intensity rains (i.e., 2 mm/h, event A), water Cracks Closure Dynamics
flows slowly into the fractures. Infiltrated water needs sev- The process of crack closing starts at the soil surface and
eral hours to reach the maximum depth of the fractures, then propagates downwards toward the bottom of the surface
enabling the storage of water in the fractures and lateral soil layer. Simulation results show how crack closing is
inflow into the matrix. At the end of rainfall event A, there controlled by the rainfall intensity and duration. Crack clos-
is significant absorption into the soil matrix involving the ing is quite irregular for low-intensity rains (event A,
entire upper soil layer, where the soil suction becomes zero Fig. 4a). Horizontal water absorption is quite significant in
(Fig. 2). the topsoil, inducing substantial swelling and causing the
For shorter and more intense precipitations (i.e., closure of surface cracks after several hours. Deeper parts of
20 mm/h, event B), water flows fast through fractures, the loamy soil are not reached by infiltrating water and the
reaching the bottom of the surface layer quite quickly (in cracks opening at the bottom of the surface soil layer
about 20 min) and continuing to flow downwards. At the end remains equal to the initial value (1 cm). Closed cracks
of event B, horizontal water absorption involves only a thin hold infiltrating water and prevent it from moving down-
portion of the upper soil (only about 5 cm) close to the ward, producing pressure heads in the soil matrix near the
fracture surface (Fig. 3). surface, close to saturation (Fig. 2). For high-intensity
According to the performed simulations, different water precipitations (event B), the swelling process is quite
absorption into the matrix seems to depend on rainfall inten- uniform along the entire depth of the fractures. Also the
sity and on the interactions between water in the closure of the fracture is almost uniform and much less
fractures and the matrix. Different rainfall intensities pro- significant (about 1 mm) (Fig. 4b).
duced different water content distributions at the end of the
simulated rainfall events. Water tends to be more uniformly
distributed in the soil matrix for slow-intensity and longer Capillary Barrier
events than for shorter and high-intensity precipitation. The
average water content in the first 80 cm of the upper soil There is no capillary barrier breakthrough for event A either
layer is close to saturation (0.428 m3 m3) for the low- in the matrix or the fracture because of the crack closures
intensity rainfall, while for the high-intensity precipitation after about 7 h. Water cannot reach the coarse layer and
the average water content is only about 0.136 m3 m3, with break through the capillary barrier. The pressure head
the maximum value of about 0.30 m3 m3. regime does not change at the interface between the two
Accordingly, water content distributions, and correspo- layers and the eventual stability failure could involve only
nding pressure head distributions, resulted more critical for the upper fine-textured layer.
triggering surface landslide for low-intensity rains than for The breakthrough of the capillary barrier below the frac-
high-intensity precipitations. ture is quite a fast process in the case of event B when rain
140 A. Galeandro et al.
water can quickly flow down towards groundwater. The induced landslides in Italy. In: Picarelli L, Tommasi P, Urciuoli G,
breakthrough occurs already after 2 min (corresponding to Versace P (eds) Proceedings of 1st Italian workshop on landslides,
rainfall-induced landslides: mechanisms, monitoring techniques
the rainfall of 0.61 mm). The breakthrough of the capillary and nowcasting models for early warning systems, vol 1, Naples,
barrier allows water to flow quickly through the fine layer 8–10 June 2009, pp 157–161
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Dimensionless Numerical Approach to Perched
Waters in 2D Gradually Layered Soils
Aiming at better understanding the processes involved in perched water tables onset and in
their development, the case of a soil slope characterised by gradually decreasing hydraulic
conductivity at saturation with depth was numerically investigated. Different anisotropy
factors and steepness values were accounted for. The problem was led to a dimensionless
form on the basis of the Buckingham p-theorem. Coherently with a theoretical solution of
the 2D sloping case, the simulations evidenced (a) non-monotonic transverse profiles of the
pressure head within the perched water, (b) slightly lower infiltration thresholds for perched
water onset and for soil waterlogging, with respect to the 1D case. If the slope is long
enough, an almost uniform flux can be observed in a branch of its central part.
Perched water table Soil slope stability 2D modelling
non-monotonic profiles of water content. The profiles show a being x* the vertical coordinate positive downward, a
peak which onsets at the soil surface. It is then enveloped as perched water table can onset also due to internal causes
the position of the maximum moves downward and its mag- to the soil layer. Let us consider, in fact, a soil layer with
nitude increases. Therefore, after some time since the begin- finite thickness xf* characterized by monotonically decreas-
ning of the imbibition, a subsurface layer is characterized by ing Ks(x*):
a closer to saturation water content than the surface one. As
the soil saturation is reached at one point, there a perched Ks ðx Þ ¼ Ks;o f ðx Þ; (1)
water table is expected to onset.
With the aim of better understanding these phenomena in which Ks,o is the conductivity at saturation at the soil
the case of infiltration at constant rate in a 2D sloping soil surface x* ¼ 0 and f(x*) is a monotonically decreasing
layer of finite thickness, with exponentially decreasing function such that f(0) ¼ 1. Let us assume besides that the
hydraulic conductivity at saturation with depth, was numeri- underlying soil layer is characterized by higher conductivity
cally investigated by means of Hydrus-2D/3D (Simunek Ks,2 > Ks(xf*) and it is not able to exercise any retention.
et al. 1999) and the results are here presented. In order to For the sake of continuity of the total hydraulic head F ¼
extend the validity of the analyses to different soils and to x*, the tensiometer-pressure potential of the soil at xf*
guide further investigations, the problem was led to a dimen- should be null. We recall that the tensiometer-pressure
sionless form based on an application of the Buckingham potential is defined as ¼ c, i.e. the matric potential, if it
p-theorem and the results were compared with theoretical is non-positive, while ¼ h, i.e. the pressure potential, if it
ones for the 1D (Barontini and Ranzi 2010) and 2D case is positive. A perched water table onsets if at xf*, being
(Barontini et al. 2011). Since a description of the pressure ¼ 0, the gradient of is negative, i.e.:
field in case of a perched water table formation is provided,
the obtained results can contribute to better define the hydro- d
<0: (2)
logical loads of hillslope stability analyses, particularly in dx x
the framework of the undefined-length slope. After a theo-
retical recall, the adopted dimensionless approach is
The infiltration threshold if above which a perched water
presented. Then the set up of the numerical simulations
table onsets in the upper layer is given by:
and the results are introduced and discussed.
if ¼ Ks xf ; (3)
i.e. the value of Ks(xf*) is the upper boundary for the infiltra-
Perched Water Tables Formation and Properties tion rate in order not to onset a perched water table. At if, in
fact, the downward flux in xf*, expressed by the Darcy law, is
In a classical work, Zaslavsky (1964) stated that, in case of a sustained by a purely gravitational gradient. With the same
horizontal pervious soil with conductivity Ks,1 laying on an hypotheses the infiltration rate i* leading the soil layer to
impervious one with conductivity Ks,2 < Ks,1, the condition waterlogging is given by the value of the equivalent hydrau-
for a perched water table to onset in the upper layer is that lic conductivity at saturation over the interval [0, xf], i.e.:
the Darcian flux downward q, due to infiltration from the soil
surface, is q > Ks,2. When a steady condition is reached in ½0;x xf
i ¼ Ks;eq f Ks;o R x : (4)
this case, the flux in the upper soil layer takes place in the f dx0
0 f ð x0 Þ
direction of the increasing tensiometer-pressure potential,
whose maximum is reached at the bottom of the saturated
layer, at the interface with the impervious horizon. In a As the perched water table is bounded by two surfaces at
sharply layered soil, therefore, a perched water will onset ¼ 0, it is also characterized by a maximum of inside, in
within a layer (the layer 1 in the example) due to external the position x*max such that:
causes, viz the conductivity reduction at the interface
between the layer 1 and the underlying layer 2. i ¼ Ks xmax ; if <ibi : (5)
Barontini and Ranzi (2010) recently showed that in a
horizontal and gradually layered soil, with decreasing The corresponding max ¼ hmax is directly given by an
hydraulic conductivity at saturation with depth Ks(x*), integration of the Darcy law within the saturated layer:
Dimensionless Numerical Approach to Perched Waters in 2D Gradually Layered Soils 145
i ðbÞ ¼ Ks;eq f cosðbÞ; (10)
which substitutes (4). The authors proved also that the posi-
Fig. 1 Sketch of the investigated soil domain with details on the
boundary conditions tion x*max, of the maximum pressure head within the
perched water table, given by (5) does not depend, at fixed
ð xf i
thickness of the perched water table, on the soil slope b . The
hmax ¼ xf xmax þ dx0 : (6) value of the maximum h at waterlogging is given, from
xmax Kx ðx0 Þ
(6), by:
Let us consider now a finite thickness soil layer laying on hmax ðbÞ ¼ hmax cos b: (11)
a hillslope, tilted of an angle b with the horizontal as
represented in Fig. 1. Let x* be the transverse coordinate, In the investigated case the conductivity at saturation was
such that x* ¼ 0 at the soil surface and x* is positive assumed to exponentially decrease with depth with a scale of
as entering within the soil. Conversely let x be a vertical exponential decrease L. Equation 1 takes the form:
coordinate, with same origin as x*, positive downward.
From Fig. 1 one gets that: x
Ks ðx Þ ¼ Ks;o e L : (12)
x ¼ x cos b: (7)
If referred to x, (12) takes the form:
Let the soil conductivity be eventually anisotropic, with
Ks ðxÞ ¼ Ks;o eL0 ; L0 ¼ cosL b :
principal directions x* and y*. The ratio r between the lateral (13)
and transverse conductivity at saturation is usually higher
than 1. Now let i be the rainfall component normal to the soil Equations 12 and 13 allow to determine the numerical values
surface. With the same condition at the lower boundary, i.e. given by (3, 4, 5 and 6) and (9, 10 and 11) for a horizontal
(xf*) ¼ 0, but accounting for the 2D domain, a perched and a sloping soil, respectively.
water is now considered to onset if:
@ Dimensionless Approach
<0: (8)
@x x
According to Corey et al. (1965) the firsts to describe the
displacement of immiscible fluids in a porous medium by
Consistent conditions at the lateral boundary at the
means of a dimensionless approach were Leverett and
domain are a no flux entering the domain at the upstream
Coauthors in their 1942 paper (Leverett et al. 1942). Since
boundary, as for the presence of a watershed, and a seepage
then various approaches were attempted in this direction,
condition at the downstream boundary.
both at the microscale, typically in view of petrologic
Barontini et al. (2011) showed that, under the hypothesis
applications, and at a continuum scale, for hydraulic and
of undefined length of the slope, the infiltration threshold for
hydrological applications. A dimensionless approach can
condition (8) to hold is given by:
prove to be very powerful both in order to design hydraulic
models and in order to lead the parameters choices for
if ðbÞ ¼ Ks xf cos b; (9) numerical applications. One of the key aspects of a dimen-
sionless approach to the flow of immiscible fluids in a porous
which is less than the case of horizontal soil given by (3). medium is the capability of properly representing, in
This is due to the fact that the gravitational gradient sustain- dynamically coherent dimensionless form, the interfacial
ing the flux transversely to the soil layer is less effective as pressure of the fluids, viz the capillary curve in the case of
146 S. Barontini et al.
the water flow in a granular porous medium. Leverett et al. the soil–water dynamics, it is not needed to explicit any
(1942) suggested that, if expressed in a particular dimen- dependency of S on soil mechanical properties, e.g. the soil
sionless form, the capillary curves of unconsolidated sands particle density, its cohesion or its angle of internal friction.
coalesce on a single curve, the so called j function. In the Finally as the unique mass force involved in the problem is
case, instead, of an organic soil, for which the relationship the gravitational field, it is not explicitly represented in the
between the water content and its energetic state should formulation but it is implicitly included in the definition of the
account also for the effect of the organic matter content, hydraulic conductivity at saturation.
the coalescence of the retention relationship on the same In (14) there are on the whole 14 parameters which can
curve is much more difficult. Corey et al. (1965) therefore be roughly grouped as in the followings. The parameters f,
stated that a model of flow in an unsaturated soil will be ys, yr, c1, m, n, , Ks,o (8 parameters) describe the soil–water
effective only if the soil-water constitutive laws have the constitutive laws. Among these, the porosity f does not
same structure and the same values for some parameters. play here an important role as the control role on the soil
In this work we propose a parameters choice, based on an capacity of storing water is played by the effective porosity
application of the Buckingham p-theorem in the framework ys yr; f will be therefore neglected in the further analy-
of a continuum approach, in order to describe the effect of sis. Moreover Mualem’s parameter is usually set at 0.5. Its
the soil anisotropy and steepness on the following steady dependency in the dimensional analysis will be neglected
properties of the perched water tables: (a) the infiltration as well. The characterising parameters of the soil-water
threshold for a perched water table to onset, (b) the infiltra- constitutive laws are therefore reduced to the 6 parameters
tion rate to lead the soil to waterlogging, (c) the position and of the van Genuchten-Mualem framework. L0 and r
magnitude of the maximum positive pressure head at (2 parameters) describe the conductivity unhomogeneity
waterlogging. Even if the problem is characterized by a and anisotropy (L0 being introduced in [13]); xf, yv, b
transition from unsaturated to saturated soil, the proposed (3 parameters) describe the problem geometry. Finally i,
dimensionless approach is focused on steady and saturated only 1 parameter, describes the boundary conditions as the
flow conditions, which are not sensitively affected by the other boundary conditions are structural for the problem
soil-water retention relationship. The obtained results can be and will not be explicitly introduced in the dimensional
therefore reliable also for different soils with different soil- analysis. By a dimensional point of view the parameters
water constitutive laws. can be grouped into three groups. f, ys, yr, m, n, , r, b
Considering the case of a steady infiltration in an expo- (8 parameters) are dimensionless and are presented in
nentially Ks-decreasing soil, inferiorly bounded by a surface their basic form, i.e. they have not been normalized yet;
at c(xf*) ¼ c(xf) ¼ 0 and for defined initial conditions, we c1, L0 , xf, yv (4 parameters) are lengths [L]; Ks,o, i (2
can write, for any generic state property S of the soil, the parameters) are velocities [LT1].
formal dependency: As observed e.g. by Corey et al. (1965, p.7), the effective
soil porosity ys yr characterises the non-steady soil
S ¼ f ðf; ys ; yr ; c1 ; m; n; ‘; Ks;o ; L0 ; r; xf ; yv ; b; iÞ: (14) dynamics. Here, as steady conditions are focused on, it is
dropped from the dimensional analysis. Moreover as it
In (14), besides the parameters already introduced, f, ys, appears from (5, 9, 10 and 11), which hold for a sloping
yr [] are respectively the porosity, the volumetric water soil, also the other parameters characterizing the unsaturated
content at saturation, and the volumetric residual water soil flow, i.e. m, n, and c1, do not explicitly emerge from the
content; c1 [L], m [], n [] are the parameters of the theoretical framework. This fact is mainly due to the focus
soil-water retention relationship described by van on properties of saturated conditions flow. Therefore also
Genuchten’s function, with the usual constraint that m ¼ 1 these parameters are dropped from the dimensional analysis.
1/n; is the relative-conductivity function parameter, Equation 14 is rewritten as:
according to Mualem’s framework; yv is the horizontal pro-
jection of the slope length. S ¼ f ðKs;o ; L0 ; r; xf ; yv ; b; iÞ: (15)
Before analysing (14) three important remarks need to be
added. Firstly, as a continuum approach was chosen, the According to the Buckingham p-theorem, only two
dependency on the water mechanical properties, viz its den- dimensional scales are required in this case to fully express
sity, its dynamic viscosity and its capillary tension at the the problem in a dimensionless form. The set of dimensional
air–water interface, are not explicitly represented but they variables we propose is given by a scaling-length Ls ¼ xf
are implicitly accounted for in the definition of the hydraulic and a scaling-velocity Us ¼ Ks,o. In dimensionless form, and
conductivity at saturation and of the soil–water retention with the usual symbol p for the dimensionless variables, (15)
relationship parameters. Then, focusing on the description of is rewritten as:
Dimensionless Numerical Approach to Perched Waters in 2D Gradually Layered Soils 147
Numerical Experiments
The numerical experiments were designed in order to simu-
late a steady process at constant infiltration rate by means of In Figs. 4 and 5 the steady profiles of c and h in the middle
the software Hydrus-2D/3D, which numerically solves the section of the mesh are plotted, as a function of b and at
Richards equation. The dimensions of the mesh are given in r ¼ 5, for the two limit cases of infiltration rate if and i*. In
Fig. 1. In order to represent a gradually decreasing conduc- the unsaturated range a flow takes place in the direction of
tivity with depth, the 0.5 m-thick soil layer was subdivided the increasing c. The c-profiles are weakly sensitive to b
into five layers of 0.1 m, each of them with uniform conduc- and close to saturation, thus playing an important role for the
tivity at saturation, equivalent to that of the gradually vary- soil stability. At the bottom an almost vertical slope of the
ing layer over the same thickness (e.g. Barontini et al. 2007). profile is observed. The corresponding dimensionless if(b)
Ks,o was assumed to be 8.14E-04 m/s and L0 ¼ 0.19 m. A given by (17) are represented in Fig. 6. It can be seen that
coupled van Genuchten-Mualem constitutive laws model if(b) is less than that estimated for the case of b ¼ 0 ,
applied to describe the unsaturated soil-water properties. coherently with the theory. It is moreover well interpreted
c1 ¼ 0.16 m, m ¼ 0.34, n ¼ 1.51, measured for a sand, by the theoretical model both for the magnitude and for the
were chosen as retention curve parameters. As initial independence on the soil anisotropy.
conditions were required in order to perform the simulations, In Fig. 5 the pressure profiles at waterlogging are
aiming at defining steady and almost uniform conditions represented for the same case at r ¼ 5. The non-monotonic
along the slope, a 12 h preliminary simulation at low infil- patterns of h are observed. Moreover the maximum of h is
tration rate (1.4E-06 m/s) was performed. The obtained reached almost in the same position for all the curves,
initial conditions are represented in Fig. 2. Referring to accordingly with the theoretical analyses, and it is quite
(16) two dimensionless parameters were fixed (pL0 ¼ 0.38, sensitive at b, since it decreases as b increases. The
py ¼ 20); the maximum value of pi was chosen bigger than corresponding dimensionless i*(b) given by (18) are
pi*, enough to observe waterlogging; r was chosen equal to represented in Fig. 6 and compared with the theoretical 1D
1, 5, 10, and b spanning from 5 to 30 each 5 . and 2D estimate. Also in this case i*(b) is less than that
148 S. Barontini et al.
compared with theoretical analyses. In order to lead the hydraulics and hydraulic structures, Palermo, 14–17 Sept 2010,
numerical experiments and to define a methodology to pp 10
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was performed. The vertical soil depth xf and the soils. In: De Jong C, Collins D, Ranzi R (eds) Climate and hydrol-
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transform the problem in dimensionless form. Five tion. Water Resour Res 43. ISSN: 0043-1397
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cient r and the soil slope b, were addressed to describe waters in 1D and sloping 2D gradually layered soils. First numerical
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apply. ware package for simulating two-dimensional movement of water,
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IGWMC – TPS – 53. International Ground Water Modeling Center,
Acknowledgments The work was partly founded in the framework of Colorado School of Mines. Golden, 251p
European FP7 Project KULTURisk (Grant Agreement n.265280). Van Asch Th WJ, Van Beek LPH, Bogaard TA (2009) The diversity in
hydrological triggering systems of landslides. In: Picarelli L,
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References models for early warning systems. Proceedings of the 1st Italian
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in suoli gradualmente vari. In: Proceedings of 32nd congress of profile. Soil Sci 97(6):400–410
Landslide Motion Forecasting by a Dynamic
Visco-Plastic Model
To model the evolution with time of the Bindo-Cortenova translational landslide (Italian
Prealps, Lombardy, Italy), a 1D pseudo-dynamic visco-plastic approach, based on
Perzyna’s theory, has been conceived. The viscous nucleus has been assumed to be bi-
linear: in one case, irreversible deformations develop uniquely for positive yield function
values; in a more general case, visco-plastic deformations develop even for negative values.
The model has been calibrated and subsequently validated on a long temporal series of
monitoring data and it seems quite reliable in simulating the in situ data.
Visco-plasticity Delayed plasticity Dynamic model Landslide Movement prediction
C. di Prisco G. Frigerio @g
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Politecnico di Milano, e_ vp
ij ¼ g fðf Þ 0 (1)
Milan, Italy
The Bindo-Cortenova landslide is a 1.2 km2 wide transla- Fig. 1 Bindo-Cortenova failure (2004 event, Zone A) and unstable area
tional landslide located in Valsassina (Lecco province, (black lines, up to Le Gronde). Piezometers are specified by the points P1,
P2, P3 while the two considered optic devices by B1 and B17
Lombardy, Italy). The site is characterized by a large and
active slope failure occurring in a Permian conglomerate
formation. The sliding material is formed by very large In Situ Monitoring System
conglomeratic rock blocks, up to 100 m in size, immersed
in a gravely sand matrix. Various small landslide activations An in situ monitoring system is operating since May 2003
(on June 1987, November 2000, and May 2001), involving at the site. Figure 1 shows the location of the instruments,
few hundred or thousand of cubic metres of material, took consisting of a series of optical targets, monitored every 2 h
place at the slope toe. The toe of the slope underwent a through two total stations, three inclinometers and TDR
catastrophic failure in December 2002 (volume ca cables, and three open-pipe piezometers instrumented with
1.2 106 m3) after a period of extremely heavy rainfall pressure transducers. Inclinometric records have been consid-
(up to 850 mm in 14 days with respect to an annual rainfall ered to determine the depth and thickness of the sliding surface
of 1,500–2,000 mm/year). On May 2004, a second event (on average 38 and 0.3 m, respectively). In the following we
caused a new collapse (0.2 106 m3) which stepped over will consider only piezometric data and optical target
the 2002 deposit and affected part of the installed monitoring displacements for model calibration. In particular, optical
network. targets B1 and B17 (Fig. 1) were used to calibrate and validate
Slow sliding movements (about 200 mm/year on the model presented, since they are located close to piezometer
average) are still affecting the slope (about 1 km in length, P1 and thus their data can be directly correlated to water table
from the 2004 event crown to the main scarp at 1,250 a.s.l., level data.
Le Gronde in Fig. 1; mean slope angle a ¼ 28 ), on a The used dataset consists of 6–12 daily readings on a
30–50 m deep slip surface. Laboratory tests, carried out 5 years’ time span (from January 2005 to December 2009)
on samples recovered at the failure surface, provided the for which both groundwater level and displacements are
following geomechanical parameters: saturated unit weight available. Daily rainfall data are available from two rain
gsat ¼ 19.01 kN/m3, cohesion c0 ¼ 0 kPa, residual and gauge stations sited at the toe of the slope and 10 km to the
peak friction angles f0 res ¼ 33.9 and f0 ¼ 36 . Friction SE. Figure 2 shows the entire dataset, in order to underline
angle values were obtained by means of load and displace- the correlation between water table level and induced
ment controlled triaxial creep tests. Rheometer tests were displacements. Figure 3 illustrates a typical event where it
also carried out to investigate the viscous mechanical is possible to verify both the dynamic-inertial effects and the
behaviour of the material involved at different water highly viscous mechanical response of the slope. The slope
contents. motion starts after 6 days from the increase in water table
Landslide Motion Forecasting by a Dynamic Visco-Plastic Model 153
Fig. 2 Displacements at B1 and B17 and groundwater level oscillation at P1 (see Fig. 1), from Jan 2005 to Dec 2009
elevation and the system continues to accelerate also after shows that their mechanical response is very rapid but not
the peak in water level. This suggests that the deformative instantaneous. The propagation of a stress wave due to a load
reaction is delayed in time and it is not instantaneous. increment (such as the oscillation of the water table) induces
a time-dependent evolution in the soil micro-structure strictly
linked to the mechanical properties of the continuum.
The Visco-Plastic Model Hence, the stress distribution evolves, carrying to a new
non-equilibrated stress configuration. The time interval
Usually, the mechanical behavior of granular materials is assu- needed to reach a final equilibrium state can be interpreted
med as time-independent. Nevertheless, experimental evidence as the time period during which plastic deformations occur
(di Prisco and Imposimato 1996; di Prisco and Zambelli 2003) (in contrast, the elastic deformation can be assumed as
154 M.M. Secondi et al.
e_ ij ¼ e_ el
ij þ e_ ij
0 ~g1
~g g_ vp
ij ¼ y þ f if f >0
g_ vp
ij ¼ 0 fðf Þ (4) p0
p (6)
ij ¼ y þ 0 f if f b0
g_ vp
where ~g is a viscous constitutive parameter (calibrated on p
experimental data or by means of back analyses), g_ a func-
tion of the axial deformation rate x_ and of the shear band where the ~g1 replaces ~g of Eq. (4) and y0 is a new constant
thickness Ds, and p0 the isotropic pressure: parameter. The latter identifies the velocity value in
x-direction when f ¼ 0.
0 0 The f function can be put in an explicit form:
x_ 0 s þ 2sh
g_ ¼ ;p ¼ v (5)
Ds 3
f ¼ t tres (7)
The f (f) function directly governs the modulus of g_ vp ,
thus no consistency law is needed and the stress state can where t represents the effective shear stress and tres the yield
violate condition f 0. Irreversible deformations can threshold (depending on the failure criterion adopted). As
evolve for any value of the f function. As described by (4), dynamic and inertial effects must be taken into account, the
visco-plastic deformations can occur even without any load effective shear stress is composed both by the static term tstat
increment. The ~g constitutive parameter represents the (weight of the masses acting on the system), and a dynamic
velocity through which the system evolves and reaches the one (depending on the acceleration in the x-direction and on
asymptotic value of deformation. the masses per unit area m*):
In (4) hardening or softening are neglected. Either the
shape or the dimension of the yield surface are constant t ¼ tstat m x€ (8)
during the irreversible visco-plastic deformation.
By substituting (5), (7) and (8) into (6) and by introducing
the parameters in (9):
The Viscous Nucleus 8
< y ¼ y Ds
To evaluate the rate of visco-plastic deformations and, p0 (9)
: i ¼ i ¼ 1; 2
hence, of the slope displacements, an analytic expression Ds gi
for the viscous nucleus f (f) has to be assigned. The f (f)
function describes the evolution of visco-plastic deforma- the following expression for x-acceleration can be obtained
tion; it always satisfies the following condition: (where i ¼ 1 if f > 0, or i ¼ 2 if f 0):
Landslide Motion Forecasting by a Dynamic Visco-Plastic Model 155
103 m x€ þ i x_ ¼ i y þ ðtstat tres Þ (10) Table 1 Geomechanical and geometrical parameters (cohesion c0 is
neglected) of the sliding material
As is shown in Fig. 4, when the stress state lies outside the Geo-mechanical parameters Geometrical parameters
plastic surface (f > 0), an increase in 1 brings to a decrease in Stress state
Res. friction angle 33.9 Mean slope angle a [ ] 28
the visco-plastic deformations. The opposite occurs when
f0 res [ ]
f 0. Dry unit weight 15.8 Slide thickness Hun [m] 38
gd [kN/m3]
Sat. unit weight 19.0 Shear band thick. Ds [m] 0.3
gsat [kN/m3]
The Newmark Approach
Mean isotr. press. 380 Sliding length Lun [m] 100
p0 [kPa]
The limit equilibrium approaches usually suppose a rigid-
perfectly plastic behaviour for the slope. This leads to the
conclusion that the deformations start only after the failure slow movements inducing irreversible deformations due to
condition is reached. If the failure criterion is satisfied, the post-failure conditions, a residual friction angle f0 res is used:
shear resistance can be considered as constant and not
depending on the accumulated displacements. Then, in a tres ¼ N 0 tan f0res (12)
limit equilibrium condition, the resistance on the shear
band is not influenced by the slope movements and can be where N0 * is the effective force normal to the sliding plane
considered as constant (and equal to shear resistance). divided by the total contact area.
Within the same framework, in order to introduce a depen- By substituting (11) and (12) into (10), and by means of a
dence on the time factor, the Newmark pseudo-dynamic classical finite difference integration scheme (both for f > 0
approach (Newmark 1965) can be used. This model allows and f 0), it is possible to simulate the displacements for the
to introduce the acceleration term as shown in (8). By means slope.
of a finite difference method, (10) can be solved in terms of
both velocity and displacements for the landslide considered.
The slope is still considered as a non-deformable mass
Numerical Simulations
subjected to a translational motion on a stable-rigid layer. In
contrast with a classical limit equilibrium approach, the acting
In order to numerically simulate the slow motion acting
forces can be either higher or smaller than the constant
during the 2005–2009 period on the Bindo-Cortenova
resisting forces, depending on the magnitude of load incre-
slope, it is necessary to calibrate, by means of back analysis,
ment (e.g. water table oscillations). The higher is the differ-
the set of viscous constitutive parameters (1, 2 and y) using
ence between acting and resisting forces, the higher is the
the previously described displacements (B1 and B17) and
velocity of the system.
groundwater (P1) datasets. Employed mechanical, geotech-
As a pseudo-ductile mechanical behaviour is introduced
nical and geometric parameters, together with stress state
when the limit equilibrium conditions are reached, irrevers-
(isotropic pressure p0 ), are listed in Table 1. The pressure p0 ,
ible deformations can always occur.
acting at the depth of the sliding surface (38 m), has been
In the present study, the Newmark approach and the
evaluated considering a value of the mean piezometric level
Perzyna’s theory have been coupled to model the Bindo-
of 4.47 m (2005–2009 period) above the failure surface.
Cortenova landslide. The Newmark approach considers the
slope as a rigid block placed in the centre of mass. As the
available monitoring system data are referred to the toe of
The Calibration Procedure
the Bindo-Cortenova site (zone A, Fig. 1), the equations of the
model must be modified and an active force SA (divided by the
Various calibrations of the viscous parameters (y, 1 and 2),
total contact area) must be added.
based on different yearly datasets, have been compared. Here
tstat ¼ W 0 ½hðtÞ sin a þ J þ SA (11) we present the best results in terms of modelled displacements.
The slope behaviour must be defined under three different
where W0 is the immersed weight divided by the total contact mechanical conditions (stress state outside, f > 0, inside
area, J the seepage force divided by the total contact area, f < 0, or on the f surface, f ¼ 0), leading to the necessity
and h(t) the water table level (as a function of time t). for three different calibrations.
In order to solve (10), a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion The same event has been used also to calibrate the
is introduced. As the slope considered is characterised by 2 parameter (Table 2).
156 M.M. Secondi et al.
Fig. 5 2005 dataset and (green rectangle) 6/04–10/09 event, used to calibrate 1 parameter
Fig. 6 2009 dataset and (green rectangle) 27/08–30/11 event, used to calibrate y parameter
Anyway, as the displacement velocity xðf _ Þ is always linear level. The value of the rate of displacement in this condition
(Fig. 4), it is not necessary to define how much the stress state corresponds to the y parameter.
exceeds condition f ¼ 0. The 1 (f > 0) parameter has
been evaluated using the data available between April and
September 2005. During this time period an extremely regular The Simulated Landslide Displacements
oscillation in water table has been observed (Fig. 5, green
rectangle). The piezometric level always exceeds its equilib- Figure 7 illustrates a comparison between predicted and
rium level (4.47 m). Hence t always exceeds tres and measured displacements at point B17, using the pseudo-linear
then f > 0. viscous nucleus. The model predictions fit quite well the
The y parameter (corresponding to the velocity in a limit monitored data. Note that the adopted residual friction angle
equilibrium condition, f ¼ 0) has been calibrated by means was not calibrated by means of back analysis, but measured by
of the event illustrated in Fig. 6 (green dashed box), means of standard triaxial compression tests. The viscosity
characterised by a piezometric level equal to the equilibrium parameters were calibrated on small scale rheometer tests
Landslide Motion Forecasting by a Dynamic Visco-Plastic Model 157
Fig. 7 Measured and predicted displacements obtained by using the previously discussed approach
(Frigerio 2010) and only the shear band thickness (0.3 m) was 103 m x€ þ x_ ¼ htstat tres i (13)
derived by back analysis.
Calibration based on the entire displacement dataset
available for the Vallcebre landslide (Corominas et al.
Numerical Simulations on the Vallcebre 2005) allowed to obtain both the viscous parameter
Landslide ( ¼ 6.66 107 kPa. s/m) and the residual friction angle
(f0 res ¼ 11.12 ). The latter was compared to the experimen-
Many authors (Butterfield 2000; Gottardi and Butterfield tal friction angle (f0 res ¼ 11.8 , Corominas et al. 2005) in
2001; Corominas et al. 2005) adopted a typical viscous fluid order to test the capability of the proposed model to provide
type approach (Bingham model) or analytical laws (Ranalli also a calibration of geomechanical parameters, when not
et al. 2010) to model slow slope displacements. In order to test available. Figure 8 shows a very good agreement between
the capability of the previously discussed constitutive approach simulated and measured displacements.
to evaluate the deformations of a different landslide, the
Vallcebre case study (Corominas et al. 2005) is here presented. Conclusions
In this case, the viscous nucleus formulation has been In order to numerically reproduce the slow motion of slides,
simplified and the parameters 2 and y are imposed to be a visco-plastic constitutive modelling approach has been
null: the visco-plastic deformations only develop if the stress adopted and coupled to a pseudo-dynamic Newmark
state lies outside the f surface. When an instantaneous load model, to take into account the inertial effects. A pseudo-
increment is applied, the f function and the rate of irrevers- linear formulation for the viscous nucleus has been
ible deformation are set as positive. adopted. The proposed model is capable of reproducing
By means of the same procedure described for (10) and quite satisfactorily the dataset of displacements concerning
by introducing the viscous constant, the following expres- the Bindo-Cortenova case study over a long period of time
sion for x-acceleration can be obtained (about 5 years). The same constitutive approach was also
158 M.M. Secondi et al.
Gottardi G, Butterfield R (2001) Modelling ten years of downhill creep Ranalli M, Gottardi G, Medina-Cetina Z, Nadim F (2010) Uncertainty
data. In: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on quantification in the calibration of a dynamic viscoplastic model of
soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Istanbul, 27–31 slow slope movements. Landslides 7:31–41
Aug 2001, pp 1–3 Secondi M, Crosta GB, di Prisco C, Frigerio G, Frattini P,
Newmark NM (1965) Effects of earthquakes on dams and embankments. Agliardi F (2011) Forecasting landslide motion by a dynamic
Geotechnique 15(2):139–160 elasto-visco-plastic model. Geophysical research abstract 13,
Perzyna P (1963) The constitutive equations for rate sensitive plastic EGU2011-13850, European Hazards Session NH3.8, Wien,
materials. Q Appl Math 20:321–332 3–8 Apr 2011
Intelligent Analysis of Landslide Data Using Machine
Learning Algorithms
Natan Micheletti, Mikhail Kanevski, Shibiao Bai, Jian Wang, and Ting Hong
Landslide susceptibility maps are useful tools for natural hazards assessments. The present
research concentrates on an application of machine learning algorithms for the treatment
and understanding of input/feature space for landslide data to identify sliding zones and to
formulate suggestions for susceptibility mapping. The whole problem can be formulated as
a supervised classification learning task. Support Vector Machines (SVM), a very attractive
approach developing nonlinear and robust models in high dimensional data, is adopted for
the analysis. Two real data case studies based on Swiss and Chinese data are considered.
The differences of complexity and causalities in patterns of different regions are unveiled.
The research shows promising results for some regions, denoted by good performances of
Landslide susceptibility mapping Machine learning Support vector machines
Supervised Learning
Vaud Region
Finally, the Vaud landslide database is used to extract the Table 1 Percentage of support vector in the training set for Gaussian
target labels. The output has a binary formulation, 1 SVM (with standard deviation)
indicating an alleged stable sample and þ1 indicating a Points Plateau
sliding one. 500 43.72 % (5.63 %)
2,000 36.60 % (3.28 %)
Sampling and Experimental Setup Table 2 SVM performances: mean test AUC (with standard
Both linear and non-linear SVM analyses were carried out. Model Points Plateau
Linear SVM needs only tuning of the C hyper-parameter, Gaussian SVM 500 0.87 (0.010)
while non-linear SVM requires the selection of C as well as Gaussian SVM 2,000 0.88 (0.011)
of s. For both algorithms, three subsets are needed to per- Linear SVM 500 0.84 (0.020)
form the analysis. Firstly, a training set to build the classifier Linear SVM 2,000 0.88 (0.015)
(SVM training) is necessary. Then, a validation set is use to
select the best pair of hyper-parameters. Here a grid search
(scanning of different C and s values and looking for a
minimum on a validation surface error) was applied. We
allowed four values for C (1, 10, 100 and 1,000) and we
looked for the best s between 1 and 10. Finally, a test
set allows the evaluation of the model (model assessment
or the estimation of generalization error).
In addition, two-class SVM needs samples of the two
classes to be performed. Usually, alleged stable examples
can be randomly selected from the region of study. On the
other hand, the sampling of positive sample is more compli-
cated. Many questions arise from this task: the heterogeneity
of landslides zones (where to sample?) and the non-
independence of training, validation and test set in the case
of random sampling, just to mention two of them.
We proposed an object-based sampling strategy. All
landslides have been labelled, and then divided into three
groups: a training one, a validation one and a testing one.
A random sampling is performed from these groups, achiev- Fig. 4 ROC curves for 10 experiments with 2,000 samples (Gaussian
ing landslides independence in geographical space. SVM)
Different sizes of training and validation datasets have
been created, featuring 10 subsets for each size to compute Table 2 summarizes the performances of linear and non-
empirical confidence intervals of the results. A single set of linear SVM algorithms. The evaluation of models is
10,000 points is kept as test set. The performance measure performed by using the test set. Mean and standard deviation
used for model selection assessment is the Area Under the on 10 models created with the same training and validation
ROC Curve (AUC). number of data provide a solid estimation of the perfor-
mance efficiencies and their uncertainties. Very good results
are found for Plateau sub-region, motivating the application
SVM-Performances of similar approach for other zones.
It is interesting to note how linear SVM has very similar
Five hundred and two thousand sized datasets are used to performances to the Gaussian one for Plateau. The same is
analyse SVM performances. Five hundred sized datasets are proven true for Jura. The hypothesis that, including enough
a benchmark for their good quality/computational time ratio, training samples, the two-classes are linearly separable in
while 2,000-sized sets generally ensure a solid classification. these sub-regions can be advanced.
A first analysis of SVM performances considers the per- Finally, ROC curves for 2,000-sized datasets models are
centage of support vectors in the training set, presented given in Fig. 4.
in Table 1. This percentage is a good indicator of the level Performances analyses indicate that Plateau is an easy
of overfitting of the model. The latter is very satisfactory case study. The two classes are discriminated very well,
for our case, since percentages are very low for such a resulting in a mean test AUC of 0.88 using 2,000 samples.
complex task. Empirical observations underline that landslides are almost
Intelligent Analysis of Landslide Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms 165
samples, while validation and test sets include 636 examples In general, results show that SVMs can be successfully
each. In the datasets the number of landslide and alleged adopted in landslide susceptibility mapping. Future per-
stable point is the same. After the first analysis by applying spective for such approach include, besides feature selec-
SVM, an accuracy of 80.04 % is found on independent data. tion, analysis of different regions and application of other
A probabilistic map of landslide in Baiyhue area is presented machine learning algorithms (artificial neural network,
in Fig. 7. Independent data used to assess the model is added to random forest, self-organizing maps, general regression
the map (þ1 for landslide samples, 1 for stable ones). neural networks, etc.) for comparison and decision-
In general, results are satisfactory, identifying well the oriented mapping.
valley slopes known as landslide susceptible. However,
more efforts to assess the model are still in progress, as Acknowledgments This research was partly supported by Sino-Swiss
additional data and a more detailed analysis of results. cooperation project EG 42-032010, Swiss National Science Founda-
tion, project “GeoKernels: kernel-based methods for geo- and environ-
mental sciences, Phase II: 200020-121835/1” and National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40801212).
In conclusion, SVM analysis in Plateau, Vaud, Switzerland We would like to thank A. Pedrazzini and M. Jaboyedoff for their
confirms prior knowledge acquired by empirical obser- important contribution in data gathering and the indispensable knowl-
edge in the field of landslides they provided to the current research. We
vations. Good performances achieved illustrate how Support
also are grateful to L. Foresti, G. Matasci and M. Volpi for all interest-
Vector Machines could be useful for landslide susceptibility ing discussion and valuable help.
mapping. The other Vaud sub-regions can be analysed with
the same methodology. The interested reader can find insight
about this case study in Micheletti (2011). An important References
question in landslide susceptibility mapping is the feature
space construction and feature selection, especially because Brenning A (2005) Spatial prediction models for landslide hazards:
different regions can be feature specific. The first results in review comparison and evaluation. Nat Hazard Earth Syst Sci
this direction are quite promising and can be found in
Cherkassky V, Mulier F (2007) Learning from data: concepts, theory
Micheletti (2011). and methods. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
Besides being a work-in-progress, SVM analysis in the Foresti L, Tuia D, Kanevski M, Pozdnoukhov A (2011) Learning wind
Baiyhue catchment area of Gansu, China already fields with multiple kernels. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess
produced interesting new results, as illustrated by solid
Kanevski M, Pozdnoukhov A, Timonin V (2009) Machine learning
performances and a trustful landslide susceptibility for spatial environmental data: theory, applications and software.
mapping. EPFL Press, Lausanne
Intelligent Analysis of Landslide Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms 167
Micheletti N (2011) Landslide susceptibility mapping using adaptive Yao X, Tham LG, Dai FC (2008) Landslide susceptibility
support vector machines and feature selection, M.S. thesis, Univer- mapping based on support vector machines: a case study on
sity of Lausanne, Switzerland natural slopes of Hong Kong, China. Geomorphology
Vapnik V (1998) Statistical learning theory. Wiley, New York 101:572–582
Challenging Calibration in 3D Rockfall Modelling
Rock fall hazard assessment is a very demanding problem because of the complexity of the
involved physics and its intrinsic stochasticity. New powerful tools, developed in the last few
years, are characterized by different degrees of completeness, models, and algorithms. In the
following, the modelling approach developed through the years within the code Hy_Stone is
presented. Some issues related to the sensitivity to 3D topographic descriptions, the effects of
stochasticity on model results and the calibration of 3D rockfall simulation are presented.
Rockfall modelling DEM ruggedness DEM resolution Stochasticity Calibration
processes and parameters is accounted for by slope rugged- and risk zonation and interpretation should be accurately
ness, and by random sampling of most parameters. considered.
Specific model components have been implemented Two-dimensional modelling tools have been developed
allowing to explicitly, albeit simply account for the inter- on the basis of lumped mass, hybrid or rigid-body approaches
actions between blocks and countermeasures or structures. to simulate rockfall along “subjectively” predefined slope
A new elasto-viscoplastic (VPL) constitutive model profiles following the most probable fall paths. They are
(Di Prisco and Vecchiotti 2006) has been implemented into reliable tools to which a high degree of subjectivity and
Hy_Stone as a damping model to simulate the response of uncertainty can be associated. Three-dimensional effects
homogeneous granular layers of any inclination subjected to resulting from slope ruggedness, vegetation, topographic
the impact of spherical rigid boulders. The module accounts irregularities, block geometry, natural or artificial obstacles
for the time dependence of the mechanical response of soil and barriers cannot be considered.
layers due to material fabric rearrangement induced by block Three-dimensional models (Guzzetti et al. 2002; Agliardi
penetration, using coupled visco-plastic and Coulomb friction and Crosta 2003; Crosta et al. 2004; Dorren et al. 2006; Lan
mechanisms. et al. 2007; Agliardi et al. 2009) can take advantage of the
A specific module explicitly accounts for the geometric Digital Elevation Models available at different resolutions.
and dynamic effects of vegetation (Crosta et al. 2005, 2006), The quality of the results depends on the type of adopted
with different types of simulated impacts depending on the approach, the number of trajectories, the cell resolution, the
relative position of the block with respect to the obstacle, dynamic description of the motion and impact, the preva-
and a stochastic approach implemented to account for uncer- lence of physics-based or empirically-based laws, the possi-
tainty. Finally, a specific fragmentation model has been bility to introduce a probabilistic approach. In the following,
developed and included in Hy_Stone. The model detects possible approaches, problems and results are discussed by
fragmentation conditions based on a fracture energy crite- performing simulations by the Hy_Stone code.
rion. At each fragmentation point, the fragment grain size
distribution and the kinetic energy of each generated particle
are determined according to user-defined constraints. The Energy Loss Modelling
stochastic nature of this process is also accounted for and the
model allows for a complete traceability of the primary and Apart from the geometrical constrains, the block impact and
secondary trajectories. rebound are the most complex and influent processes in rock
Here the model performance is tested through the back fall propagation. Different modelling approaches have been
analysis of real, well characterised events and experimental proposed (Falcetta 1985; Bozzolo and Pamini 1986; Pfeiffer
data, and the potential of this kind of modelling for local- and Bowen 1989; Jones et al 2000; Di Prisco and Vecchiotti
scale hazard assessment and countermeasure evaluation and 2006; Bourrier et al. 2008) and require different data about
design is discussed. Analyses have been performed in a the material at the, or proximal to the surface.
complex area located in the Italian Alps (Venzone, Friuli Contact functions make use of restitution and friction
Venezia Giulia) that has been interested by two main coefficients for which empirical values are often presented
earthquakes occurred in May and September 1976. These and tabulated (Paronuzzi 1989; Pfeiffer and Bowen 1989;
earthquakes triggered hundreds of rockfalls that have been Azzoni et al. 1992; Azzoni and De Freitas 1995; Ushiro et al.
mapped soon after the event (Comunità Montana del 2000; Wong et al 2000; Chau et al. 2002; Labiouse and
Gemonese 1977; Govi 1977; Onofri and Candian 1979). Heidenreich 2009) but that can be influenced by many
variables and that cannot be unique and deterministically
More sophisticated numerical approaches based on either
Rockfall Modelling Approaches
finite element (FEM) or discrete element (DEM) methods
have been employed to simulate the impact process.
Available modelling tools can be differentiated on the basis
To improve the Hy_Stone model performance and to
of the basic assumptions, considered spatial dimensions,
accomplish a more reliable countermeasure design the
physical soundness, data analysis/exchange capabilities,
BIMPAM constitutive model (Di Prisco and Vecchiotti
and computational efficiency. It is therefore important to
2006) has been implemented in the code. The impact model
be aware of the differences among the proposed approaches
assumes a spherical rigid boulder; it neglects block spin rate
and to evaluate correctly their appropriateness for the
and fragmentation, and considers a cohesionless soil and a
planned scopes. Furthermore, the difficulty in parameteriza-
constant local value for the slope. The required input data are
tion and calibration of more recent models, and the
the local slope gradient, block size and impact velocity, and
consequences on the results in terms of susceptibility, hazard
values of the physical mechanical soil properties. The model
Challenging Calibration in 3D Rockfall Modelling 171
Dorren LKA, Berger F, Putters US (2006) Real size experiments and Lan H, Martin CD, Lim CH (2007) RockFall analyst: a GIS extension
3D simulation of rockfall on forested and non-forested slopes. Nat for three dimensional and spatially distributed rockfall hazard
Hazard Earth Syst Sci 6:145–153 modeling. Comput Geosci 33:262–279
Falcetta JL (1985) Un nouveau modele de calcul de trajectoires de blocs Onofri R, Candian C (1979) Indagine sui limiti di massima invasione
rocheux. Revue Francaise de Geotechnique 30:11–17, in French dei blocchi rocciosi franati durante il sisma del Friuli del 1976.
Frattini P, Crosta G, Carrara A, Agliardi F (2008) Assessment of Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia-Giulia: CLUET, 42pp
rockfall susceptibility by integrating statistical and physically- Paronuzzi P (1989) Probabilistic approach for design optimization
based approaches. Geomorphology 94(3–4):419–437 of rockfall protective barriers. Q J Eng Geol Hydrogeol 22:
Frattini P, Crosta GB, Agliardi F (2012) Rockfall characterization and 175–183
modeling. In: Clague JJ, Stead (eds) Landslides types, mechanisms Pfeiffer TJ, Bowen TD (1989) Computer simulations of rockfalls. Bull
and modeling. Cambridge University Press, pp 267–281. Assoc Eng Geol 26:135–146
ISBN:978-1-107-00206-7 Sappington JM, Longshore KM, Thompson DB (2007) Quantifying
Govi M (1977) Carta delle frane prodotte dal terremoto (Map showing landscape ruggedness for animal habitat analysis: a case study
the landslides triggered by the earthquake). Rivista Italiana di using Bighorn sheep in the Mojave Desert. J Wildl Manage
Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 83, Plate 1 71(5):1419–1426
Guzzetti F, Crosta G, Detti R, Agliardi F (2002) STONE: a computer Ushiro T, Shinohara S, Tanida K, Yagi N (2000) A study on the motion
program for the three-dimensional simulation of rock-falls. Comput of rockfalls on slopes. In: Proceedings of the 5th symposium on
Geosci 28(9):1081–1095 impact problems in civil engineering. Japan Society of Civil
Jones CL, Higgins JD, Andrew RD (2000) Colorado rock fall simula- Engineers, Tokio, Japan, pp 91–96
tion Program version 4.0. Colorado Department of Transportation, Wong RH, Ho KW, Chau KT (2000) Shape and mechanical properties
Colorado Geological Survey, 127p of slope material effects on the coefficient of restitution on rockfall
Labiouse V, Heidenreich B (2009) Half-scale experimental study study. In: Proceedings of the 4th North American rock mechanics
of rockfall impacts on sandy slopes. Nat Hazard Earth Syst Sci symposium NARMS 2000, Seattle, pp 507–514
A Simple Model for Passive Failure Compression
Structure at the Toe of Landslide
The toe of landslides is subject to compression stresses induced by the upward sliding
masses and often characterized by a compression structure. These structures can evolve in
passive toe thrust, which bias the geomorphologic evolution of the toe zone, particularly for
prevailing longitudinal dimension landslide. This work presents a simple analytic model of
the passive thrust at the toe of landslide based on the infinite slope approach to stability
analysis. It is based on the analysis of the state of stresses according to Mohr circle
representation and can be implemented also into a spreadsheet and making it possible to
evaluate the form of failure surface at the toe of the landslide and the shear strength
contribution to the factor of safety of a landslide.
Landslide toe Passive failure Toe landslide compression structure Passive toe
thrust Infinite slope
tS ¼ gzcosbsinb (2)
sF ¼ s0 cos2 f (6)
where gz ¼ W.
tF ¼ s0 sinfcosf (7)
Then, in a Mohr plane representation, the point
representing the state of stress along the sliding surface of
Then, it is possible to evaluate the inclination of the
the infinite slope, is on a straight line starting from the origin
passive failure surface i, which is evaluated as:
and b sloping. At the compression zone, like the toe, according
to Mohr plane circle representation of the state of stress, the
i ¼ tan1 ½ðtF tP Þ=ðsP sF Þ (8)
point S, i.e. the state of stress along the sliding surface, is on the
A Simple Model for Passive Failure Compression Structure at the Toe of Landslide 179
where tF, sF, tP and sP can be evaluated according to (3, 4, 6 layer the state of stress of the center of Mohr-plane circle
and 7). If the cohesion equals zero, moving from the sliding representation (Fig. 5) can be evaluated. For the layer num-
toward the ground surface, Mohr circle of the state of stress ber n the coordinate of the center of the Mohr circle is:
became smaller. However, the inclination of the passive
failure surface is the same. So the passive failure thrust sS;n þ csinfcosf
so;n ¼ þ
surface is a straight line with inclination i. cos2 f
In this case, starting from this analytical formulation, it is qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
c2 cos2 f þ s2S;n ð1 cos2 f=cos2 bÞ þ 2csS;n sinfcosf
also possible to evaluate the passive strength at the toe of the þ
landslide DT (Fig. 4): cos2 f
Tpass cosi þ Npass sini
DT ¼ (9) In this case the analytical coordinates of point Pn are:
cos b
where sP;n ¼ ½s0;n þ s20;n ð1 þ tan2 bÞðs20;n Rn Þ=ð1 þ tan2 bÞ
NP ¼ sF =2 Dl (10)
tP;n ¼ sP;n tanb (15)
TP ¼ tF =2 Dl (11)
and the stress state along the passive failure surface is:
sF;n ¼ spass;n ¼ s0;n Rn sinf (16)
Dl ¼ cosb (12) tF;n ¼ tpass;n ¼ Rn cosf (17)
sin i
180 A. Doglioni et al.
Fig. 7 Passive thrust failure surface as function of cohesion
Rn ¼ so;n sin2 f þ c2 cos2 f þ 2so;n csinfcosf (18)
The proposed model was applied to this case history interesting results highly fitting to the results of in situ
using the values suggested by Savage and Wasowski surveys.
(2006). The results obtained by the proposed model are The result obtained by the presented model agrees
here compared with the results, obtained from in situ survey with that obtained by Savage and Smith (1986) model,
and on the base of Savage and Smith model as reported in but using a completely different and simpler approach.
Savage and Wasowski (2006) (Fig. 9). It is noteworthy that Differently from Savage and Smith model, the proposed
the calculated failure surface fits quite well the surface approach can be implemented on a simple spreadsheet
deriving from in situ surveys as well as that by Savage and without a finite element approach, immediately returning
Wasowski. the results. The proposed model made it also possible to
evaluate the contribution of the passive toe thrust to the
Conclusions stability of the instable masses.
A simple analytical model for the evaluation of the com-
pressive passive failure surface at the toe of landslide References
modelled by infinite slope method is here presented.
The mechanical behaviour of soil is modelled according Lancellotta R (2004) Geotecnica. Zanichelli Ed, Bologna, 496p. ISBN
to a Mohr Coulomb failure criterion. 8808076539
The model is theoretically based but quite simple, then it Savage WZ, Smith WK (1986) A model for the plastic flow of
landslides: U.S. Geological Survey professional paper 1385
can be implemented into a spread-sheet and it is a useful Savage W, Wasowski J (2006) A plastic flow model for the Acquara-
support to understand the complex subsurface geometry of Valdoncello landslide in Senerchia, Southern Italy. Eng Geol
the toe passive thrust observed in landslides and to calculate 83:4–21
the shear strength at the toe of the landslide. The model Sdao F, Simeone V (1996) Fasi di attivazione e maturità
geomorfologica di due frane tipo colata nei pressi di
shows that the shape of the passive thrust failure surface is Campomaggiore vecchio (Basilicata). Geol Appl e Idrogeol
really sensitive to shear strength parameters. 21:153–168
It can be a useful tool to understand landslide Sdao F, Simeone V (1997) Activation phases and geomorphic maturity
behaviours and mechanisms and also to estimate the stress of two earth-flow slides in Southern Italy. Landslide News 10:25–27
Simeone V, Sdao F (2002) Modelling of the geomorphic characteristics
state at landslide toe, besides the contribution of the toe to of the toe accumulation zone of earth-flow landslides. In:
the safety of prevailing longitudinal dimension landslide. Proceedings of 9th congress of the international association for
To validate the model, it was used to interpret the engineering geology and environment (IAEG 2002), Durban,
results obtained in a case study, where passive failure 16–20 Sept 2002, pp 1360–1367
Urciuoli G (2002) Strains preceding failure in infinite slopes. Int J
surface at the toe of the landslide have been reconstructed Geomech 2(1):93–112
on the base of a detailed in situ survey, returning really
Recovery of Strength Along Shear Surfaces
in Clay Soils
The residual shear strength as operative strength along the shear surface is commonly used
for analyzing the stability of reactivated landslides. On this base, it is not possible to have
brittle failure or progressive failure mechanisms. In fact, these kinds of phenomena claim
for a recovery of strength along the shear surface, which is due to ageing effects during the
quiescence time. Several tests on clay samples were performed using Bromhead ring shear
apparatus to verify the presence of shear strength recovery. Tests showed that recovery
of strength are present along the shear surface. Moreover, they proved the stress-stain
behavior is characterized by a brittle failure after that the strength, along the shear surface,
falls again to the residual value.
Residual strength Ageing Recovery of strength Shear surface Quiescent
landslide Clayey soils Thixotropy
of strength along shear surfaces where residual strength has Samples were prepared using remolded clay mixed with
been reached. water, till the complete destruction of the original texture, to
Along a shear surface in clay soils, when the landslide obtain a slurry with a consistency index of about 0.5. This
movement stops, clay particles can flocculate into a more consistency is a good compromise between the workable
stable different texture with a low energy level. Flocculating exigencies of samples and the problem of avoiding excessive
clay particles evolve into a different structure, which can extrusion of material from the apparatus during the loading
have a higher value of shear strength. This allows for a phase. The normal load was gradually increased to reach the
recovery of strength along the shear surface. During the chosen value. The sample is kept under vertical load for
quiescence period arrangements of clay particles evolve 2 or 3 days. Either during its consolidation and during its
toward the minimum energy texture, which can be different shearing, the sample should always be completely saturated
with respect to the minimum strength texture, as function of and covered with water to avoid its drying. The rotation is
the clay mineralogy and of the chemistry of pore water. started with the lowest velocity enabled by the apparatus
The phenomenon of shear strength and stiffness increas- (0.024 mm/min in all the tests) and the sample has a thick-
ing with time is broadly defined as thixotropy by modern ness of 5 mm and is drained at the top and at the bottom, so
scientific literature. However, the word “age hardening” that the test can be considered fully drained and “rate
should be strictly used (Mitchell 1961; Schmertmann 1992) effects” can be avoided. After a sufficient shear movement
to describe this phenomenon. This is typical of many soils, to assure (under drained conditions) the reaching of a quite
when they have been reworked and then left resting. constant strength (residual strength or a near value) the test is
During their experimental study on thixotropic phenom- stopped and the sample left in the shearing apparatus.
ena, Osipov et al. (1984) observed recovery of strength at During this phase, the loading rings were not unloaded, so
constant volume and water content conditions in diluted that the sample kept a stress status closer to that in which it
suspensions of clay; comparing the value with the lowest finds itself during the shearing phase. This is a procedure,
strength measured when the system undergoes vibrations. which simulates what happens along the shear surface of a
Simeone (1993a, b, 2007) and Guerricchio et al. (1996) landslide movement when the movement ends. In this par-
using a Bromhead ring shear apparatus observed recovery ticular scenario, the normal stress remains as uniform as the
along shear surface in clayey soil for different clays from shear stress. After quiescence time of different durations, the
South Italy. Also Gibo et al. (2002), Angeli and Gasparetto test is restarted without modifying the frequency of measur-
(2003), Angeli et al. (2004), and Carrubba and Del Fabbro ing the strength along the shearing surface, to evaluate the
(2006) got similar behaviours in clayey samples. stress–strain behavior of clay. The test is continued until a
Aim of this work is to better evaluate this phenomenon by steady value of the shearing strength is reached again. Then,
mean of laboratory tests as well as its main variables. the shear movement is stopped again for a different time and
the test is repeated with the same approach. Then, it is
possible to evaluate the recovery of strength, related to
different periods of shear movement stop.
Testing Procedure
Stop 30' Stop 1740'
30 Stop 185'
Stop 270'
Stop 5'
Stop 3765' Stop 4170'
Stop 15'
Stop 70 '
10 Stop 840'
Stop 390'
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Displacement δ (mm)
20 17,7
Δτ/τres (%)
15 13,48
9,35 9,53
5 3,7
1 10 100 1000 10000
log t (min) Fig. 3 Recovery of strength for a blue clay for different values of the
normal stress
Fig. 2 Increase of the percentage strength recovery measured
strongly conditioned. Moreover, the influence of the electro-
that it is not possible to depute the obtained recovery of chemical forces, that made it possible the particles
strength to volume changes of the sample. It is not assum- rearrangements, has a lower influence.
able to attribute the obtained recovery of strength to density It was also investigated the stress–strain behavior after
increases or to particle arrangements, due to spacing reduc- each stop to obtain information on the brittleness and the
tion among the particles and related to secondary compres- stiffness of the material along the shear surface. The tests
sion (i.e. the solid skeleton distortion under a constant returned that for low normal stress (30 kPa) the stress-stain
effective stress). This confirms the thixotropic-ageing nature behavior is characterized by high brittleness and stiffness
of the phenomenon. Significant recovery of strength was (Fig. 4).
obtained even after very short stop times (order of minutes) For high normal stress (750 kPa) both brittleness and the
of the shear. stiffness are lower (Fig. 5).
Different specific aspects of the recovery of strength were The duration of the quiescence period does not relevantly
analyzed with different tests. At first, the influence of the affect stiffness and the stress–strain behaviour. Figure 6
normal stresses was analyzed, to consider the influence shows a comparison of the stress–strain behavior after a
of normal stress on the amount of the recovery of strength stop of about 900 min for different values of the normal
(Fig. 3). stress. Stiffness and brittleness are conditioned by the same
The blue clay was tested with three different value of the factors. For low normal stress, the stiffness and the brittle-
normal stress. Three values of the normal stress were ness are higher. When normal stress increase there is a
assumed, corresponding to surficial medium and deep-seated decrease of stiffness and of brittleness.
landslides: 30, 100 and 750 kPa. The amount of the recovery Finally the effect of the chemistry of pore water fluid is
of strength is expressed as a function the normal stress. Test investigated. The clay used for the tests is a marine clay with
results show that the amount of strength recovery is much a high content of salt and carbonates. The clay sample
more severe for low normal stress, while it is quite low when experienced prolonged leaching procedure, to remove part
the normal stress is high. of the salt and of carbonate that can relevantly affect the
This is probably due to the fact that recovery of strength is residual shear strength (Di Maio 1996; Hawkins and
related to the rearrangement of the particles. This is less easy Mc Donald 1992). The stress–strain behavior of the normal
at high normal stress and then the system of the particles is clay sample was compared with the behavior of leached clay
186 A. Doglioni and V. Simeone
Fig. 4 Stress strain behaviour for different stop period for a normal
stress of 30 kPa
Fig. 8 Recovery of strength along the shear surface for soil with different plasticity for a normal stress of 750 kPa
Analysing stress–strain behaviour after the recovery of D’Elia B, Esu F, Pellegrino A Pescatore TS (1985) Some effects on
strength, stiffness and brittleness are conditioned by the natural slope stability induced by the 1980 Italian earthquake.
In: Proceedings of the 11th international conference on soil
same variables. For low normal stress the stiffness and the mechanics and foundation engineering, vol 4, San Francisco, pp
brittleness are higher. When normal stress increase there 1943–1950
is a decrease of stiffness and of brittleness. The duration Di Maio C (1996) The influence of pore fluid composition on the
of the quiescence period does not significantly affect residual shear strength of some natural clayey soils. In: Proceedings
of the 7th international symposium on landslides, vol 2. Balkerma,
stiffness and brittleness. Trondheim, pp 1189–1194
Gibo S, Egashira K, Ohtsubo M, Nakamura S (2002) Strength recovery
Acknowledgments We wish to thank Mr. Valerio Del Prete and from residual state in reactivated landslide. Geotechnique
Mr. Emanuele Fontana, who during their master Thesis work at the 52(9):683–686
Engineering Faculty of Taranto, cooperated to arrange the tests Guerricchio A, Melidoro G, Simeone V (1996) Le grandi frane di
presented by this work. Petacciato sul versante costiero adriatico (Molise). Mem Soc Geol
Ital 51:607–632
Hawkins AB, Mc Donald C (1992) Decalcification and residual shear
strength reduction in Fuller’s Earth clay. Geotechnique
References 42(3):453–464
Lupini JF, Skinner AE, Vaughan PR (1981) The drained residual
Angeli MG, Gasparetto P (2003) Simple mechanisms for strength strength of cohesive soils. Geotechnique 31(2):181–213
regain on the slip surface of stop-start mudslides. IC-FSM2003, Mitchell JK (1961) Fundamental aspects of thixotropy in soils. J Soil
vol 2, Sorrento, 11–13 May 2003, pp 151–158 Mech Found Div Proc ASCE 126(1):1586–1620
Angeli MG, Gasparetto P, Bromhead EN (2004) Strength-regain Osipov VI, Nikolaeva SK, Sokolov VN (1984) Microstructural changes
mechanisms in intermittently moving slides. In: Proceedings of associated with thixotropic phenomena in clay soils. Geotechnique
the 9th international symposium on landslides, vol 1, Rio de 34(2):293–303
Janeiro, Brasile, June 2004, pp 689–696 Schmertmann JH (1992) The mechanical aging of soils. J Geotech Eng
Bromhead EN (1979) A simple ring shear apparatus. Ground Eng 117(9):1288–1330
12(5):40–44 Simeone V (1993a) Recovery of strength along shear surface in clay
Carrubba P, Del Fabbro M (2006) Resistenza residua alla riattivazione soils, where residual strength has been reached as a consequence of
del flysch di Cormons. Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica 1:28–51 previous movements, In: 7th young geotechnical engineer’s confer-
Cotecchia V (1986) Ground deformations and slope instability pro- ence, Böblingen,7–11 Sept 1993, pp 1.34–1.36
duced by the earthquake of 23 November 1980 in Campania and Simeone V (1993b) Recuperi di resistenza lungo superfici di taglio in
Basilicata. In: Proceedings of the international symposium on engi- terreni argillosi, Gruppo Nazionale di Coordinamento per gli Studi
neering geology problems in seismic srea, vol 5, Bari, pp 31–100
188 A. Doglioni and V. Simeone
di Ingegneria del C.N.R.- Attività di ricerca 1992–1993, pp Skempton AW (1964) The long-term stability of clay slopes.
153–156 Geotechnique 14(2):75–102
Simeone V (2007) Recovery of strength along shear surface in clay Skempton AW (1985) Residual strength of clay in landslide, folded
soils. Geophysical Research Abstract, vol 9. 2007 EGU General data and the laboratory. Geotechnique 35(1):3–18
Assembly 2007 Skempton AW, Northey RD (1952) The sensitivity of clays.
Geotechnique 14(2):77–101
Protection from High Energy Impacts Using
Reinforced Soil Embankments: Design
and Experiences
It is nowadays evident the remarkable increase of natural events such as landslides and rock
falls. This paper describes and shows how the ground reinforced soil embankments
represent an efficient solution for the mitigation of the rockfall related damage. The
advantages of these types of construction are that they can resist multiple impacts and
their downslope deformation is negligible. This means they can safely be placed close to
infrastructure and moreover, they are environmental friendly. In the last few years the
Polytechnic of Turin and Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. has developed a new approach to
design reinforced soil embankments used for rockfall applications. This approach is based
on FEM modelling, full-scale tests results and real experiences utilized to validate the
numerical analysis and modelling.
Rockfall Rockfall embankment High energy impact
Preliminary Remarks This paper will analyse this new design method in order
to define the most suitable geometry for a reinforced soil
Rockfall embankments are commonly used to stop high structure based on the energy and the trajectory parameters
energy rockfall phenomena which could damage of the falling rocks.
infrastructures, buildings, inhabited areas, etc.
The embankments built all around the world are made in
different ways: by the simple compaction of soil, from gabions,
from huge stones, but by far the most effective and reliable
Reinforced Soil Embankments
method is using reinforced soil, which represent a very good
The rockfall embankments are made as ordinary reinforced
solution from both technical and economical point of view.
soil structures (RSS).
In spite of the large amount of installations already made,
From a geotechnical point of view RSSs are composed of
only in the last few years a new approach has been
soil and reinforcing elements which help to distribute tensile
established to design these reinforced soil embankments
using the ultimate limit state and the serviceability limit stresses. These reinforcements are normally located horizon-
state philosophy. tally during the installation phases, and they are wrapped at
the edges of the structure to enclose layers of soil. The soil is
compacted in layers of nominal 300–350 mm thickness.
In this way, the stresses on the RSS, due to the increasing
A. Grimod (*) of loads, are absorbed by the tensile strength of the
Alpigeo Consultant, Via Barozzi 45, Belluno, Italy
e-mail: [email protected] reinforcements which are mobilized through the friction
with the soil. At the same time, the compacted soil can resist
G. Giacchetti
Maccaferri Technical Department, Bologna, Italy to the compression stresses linked the vertical loads. Rockfall
Table 2 Full-scale test results Impact Number of Upslope max Downslope max
Test energy impacts displacement displacement
Test 2,500 kJ 1 0.60 m 0.17 m
Test 4,500 kJ 3 0.95 m 0.80 m
2 1.30 m 1.20 m
Collapse –
Young’s modulus [kPa] Upslope penetration [m] sliding [m]
75,000 0.74 0.17
90,000 0.71 0.07
Fig. 9 Typical cross section of the rockfall embankment build in 110,000 0.62 0.17
Cogne (Aosta Valley-Ita) which is used for the back analysis
The Rockfall Embankment Design Method
0 15 30 45 60 75
The design of any rockfall embankment requires the follow-
ing checks and analyses: Fig. 11 Example of a rockfall simulation (software RocFall,
1. Definition of the rock falling data; RocScience Inc.)
2. Definition of the geometry of the embankment;
3. Structural stability checks.
The parameters of blocks during the falls can be found
with commercial software that are able to simulate their
trajectories along the slope.
These tools give the possibility to find the dynamic
parameter, by knowing the type of soil and the topography
of the slope, the mass of the unstable rocks and their
positions. Kinetic energy, velocity and height of the block
during its falling motion can be calculated at every point of
the analyzed slope, also where the embankment will be built
(Fig. 11).
By using these parameters it is possible to size the embank-
ment through the design guideline published by the Polytech- Fig. 12 Simplified cross section of the embankment geometry after the
nic of Turin and Officine Maccaferri S.p.A., according to block impact
the researches described in the previous chapter.
ULS is determined by evaluating the static stability of the
The stability checks during the design rock impact have
structure after the deformation, by simple equilibrium eval-
to guarantee that the structure does not collapse because of
uation: the projection of Block A (see Fig. 13) centre of mass
the effects of the block penetration on the upslope side and/
has to be inside the front support of Block C (see Fig. 13), or
or because of the sliding on the downslope side of the
the projection of the Block B (see Fig. 13) centre of mass has
reinforced layers involved in the impact.
to stay in equilibrium with Block A. The design at Ultimate
The design can be done at Ultimate Limit State (ULS) or
Limit State does not allow the embankment to stop other
at Serviceability Limit State (SLS) to define the geometry of
blocks with the designed energy level.
the structure able to stop the design rock masses.
SLS conditions have to permit an easy maintenance of
The maximum impact energy absorbed by the embank-
the structure, the mountain side penetration and the valley
ment (Eembankment), without any collapse, can be calculated
side displacement have to be imposed. In this way, the
taking into account the downslope sliding of the impacted
embankment will be able to stop multiple design blocks
layers (x) and the penetration of the block into the structure
impacts. Generally, the parameters mentioned above
(d) (Fig. 12).
should not exceed the following values:
– Upslope penetration: lower than 20 % of the embank-
Ee ment thickness at the impact height and not higher than
Ed 0 (2)
ge 50–70 cm. For larger displacement it is difficult to repair
the structure.
where: – Downslope sliding: lower than 30–40 cm.
– Ed ¼ design energy, calculated with the trajectory Finally, the height of the embankment has to be defined
evaluation; considering that, as discussed in the previous chapter, blocks
– Ee ¼ energy level that can be dissipated by the can overpass the structure only if they impact at the top of the
embankment; embankment; this problem can be solved by introducing an
– ge ¼ safety factor (>1.0). adequate safety factor:
Protection from High Energy Impacts Using Reinforced Soil Embankments 195
hd 0 (3)
– hd ¼ design height, calculated with the trajectory
– hi ¼ embankment interception height;
– gi ¼ safety factor (>1.0).
Finally, the last step of the embankment design
considers the analysis of the embankment from a statical
point of view: the global and the internal stability checks
have to be done.
These analyses are realized utilizing specific software
generally used for the design of Reinforced Soil Structure
(RSS) and able to define the type of reinforcement according
to the size of the structure and the type of filling ground. For
embankments designed with Green Terramesh, it is appropri- Fig. 15 Embankments built along the SR 47 (291 m and 50 m long)
ate to use designed parameters developed by Maccaferri. and fill with stones, debris and trees
196 A. Grimod and G. Giacchetti
These checks verify, both in the static and seismic collapse of large blocks. One of these blocks was used by
conditions, that the designed structure is stable (Fig. 14) the Polytechnic of Turin for the back analysis described in
and it does not provoke negatives effects on the global the previous chapter “The researches” (see Fig. 11).
stability of the entire slope (Fig. 15) which is overloaded In these last 4 years other rock falls, landslides and
by a new load. avalanches have completely fill the 50 m long embankment
on the mountain side with stones, soil, debris and tree
trunks. These events have given the possibility to under-
Experience: Cogne Case History stand that these structures are able to protect structures and
infrastructures not only from the high energy rock fall
The 5th June 2007 large blocks (larger than 30 m3) impacted impacts but also from soil landslides, avalanches and debris
on the regional road Aymavilles-Cogne (SR 47) in locality flows.
Pont Laval. The road was closed, and the town of Cogne was
isolated for few days.
Aosta Valley municipality has decided to build two rock-
fall embankments above the SR 47 road, with Maccaferri
Terramesh method. The height of both structures is 10.22 m Oggeri C, Peila D, Ronco C (2009) Analisi numerica del comportamento
and their lengths are respectively 291 and 50 m. di rilevati paramassi in terra rinforzata. Relazione finale
After a few months from the end of the construction, the
smallest embankment was impacted by a landslide with the
Quantitative Evaluation of Roughness
with a 2D Digital Instrument
Roughness of discontinuities, when clean and unfilled, has a significant impact on rock joint
mechanical behaviour and, as a consequence, of rock masses. The need to solve ambitious
rock mechanics problems encouraged research to study shear mechanism acting at the joint
level and to produce sound models to reproduce it. In this framework, roughness measure-
ment allows to gather information about shear strength of rock joints at an acceptable cost.
A brief summary of published approaches and parameters for quantitative roughness
evaluation is presented. Then, measures taken on rock samples extracted in a test site
placed in the nearby of Esino Lario, 60 km north of Milan, are shown and discussed. The
device used on-site to obtain digital replicas of profiles is a laser-camera profilometer,
developed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano. This
device, combining a digital camera and a laser source, uses the principle of laser triangula-
tion to extract a maximum of 746 points/profile. Numerical coordinates obtained by rock
joint profiles are submitted to a Matlab® script which computes geometric parameters.
Statistical analysis of gathered data was used to define a minimum number of measures
that have to be used to determine roughness of a joint set.
Roughness Shear strength Joints Rock mass
r¼ (5)
of the intersection between the laser and the rock surface below the surface (marked with letter C) and some metres
(Fig. 2). below the surface (marked with letter B). Along each rock
surface specimen we measured roughness on parallel profiles
spaced with a constant offset of about 3 mm.
Choice of a Roughness Parameter
Maximum absolute error on roughness estimation and lower limiting curve of the roughness parameter r for each
considered normal stress level. Finally, for each value of r
Maximum acceptable absolute error, err(r)
Table 1 Comparison between the global mean of measured roughness script that allowed to extract roughness parameters r. The
values and the cumulative mean of the minimum number of measures; minimum number of profiles to be measured was
the last column shows values of the relative error (assuming global
mean as the true value) computed following the approach of Hoad et al. (2010),
consisting of a continue gathering of profiles until a target
Sample N ŶN n* Ŷn* e
precision is reached.
A1 25 8.66 10 8.56 1.23 %
A2 29 8.60 16 8.97 4.28 %
Thanks to the simplicity of this procedure, it will be
A3 26 8.66 10 8.04 7.24 % included in the profilometer control program to make the
A4 26 8.15 10 8.52 4.51 % user constantly informed about precision reached by the
B1 48 5.47 8 5.79 5.78 % measurement. Currently profilometer acquisition is
B2 55 4.95 10 5.37 8.48 % governed by a button that the user pushes to scan a profile.
B3 30 4.85 10 4.77 1.60 % To make measurement more rapid the acquisition software
B4 46 4.47 8 4.52 0.99 % will be modified to let the profilometer gather a set of
C1 52 10.69 10 9.80 8.36 % profiles while the user moves it over the surface with a
C2 42 9.37 8 9.26 1.16 % previously set velocity. This will allow to substantially
C3 38 8.73 8 8.72 0.05 % increase the productivity of the laser-camera profilometer.
Sample A1 - direction 0°
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Roughness, r
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4 Cumulative mean Grasselli G (2006) Manuel Rocha medal recipient shear strength of
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Upp. conf. lim. - cum. mean
2 Rock Eng 39(4):295–314
Low. conf. lim. - cum. mean
Upp. conf. lim. - mean
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Low. conf. lim. - mean discrete-event simulation. J Operat Res Soc 61(11):1632–1644
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0 5 10 15 20 25
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Number of measures
ISRM Commission on Standardization of Laboratory and Field Tests
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corresponding roughness values, Ŷn*, and the relative morphological properties of rock fracture surfaces to their mechan-
differences between these value and those computed using ical properties. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 40(6):947–954
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Conclusions mechanics, Lisbon, pp 509–513
Tatone BSA, Grasselli G (2010) A new 2D discontinuity roughness
Rock joint surface specimens have been measured with a parameter and its correlation with JRC. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci
2D laser-camera profilometer developed by the Depart- 47(8):1391–1400
ment of Mechanical Engineering of the Politecnico di Tse R, Cruden DM (1979) Estimating joint roughness coefficients. Int J
Milano. Data points have been processed with a Matlab® Rock Mech Min Sci & Geomech Abstr 16(5):303–307
Use of SAR Interferometry for Landslide Analysis
in the Arno River Basin
Deformation data obtained by differential interferometric analysis of radar images acquired
by the satellite platform were used as a useful support in the definition of geometry and
state of activity of landslides for identifying areas at risk and defining priorities for action.
The interferometric data derived from radar images acquired by the ERS, RADARSAT and
ENVISAT satellites were processed and used for the implementation of the database of
landslides in the Arno basin (Tuscany, Italy). This database identifies some 25,500 land-
slide sites, of which about 10 % have risk elements, such as buildings, infrastructures and
so. Of these, over 90 % present information about the movements that have permitted to
perform statistical analysis of the velocity values recorded by satellites, reconstruct the
displacement vector in the EWZN plane and obtain important information concerning the
activity of landslides. The results were organized into a web-GIS project that represents a
very important tool for river basin planning.
SAR interferometry Persistent scatterers Landslides Natural hazards GIS analysis
The PS data used for landslide analysis in the Arno river basin
(Tuscany, Italy) are derived from processing of SAR images
acquired from the European Space Agency satellites ERS
1/2 in the period 1992–2000 and ENVISAT in the period
2003–2008, and from the Canadian Space Agency satellite
RADARSAT 1 in the period 2003–2006. In particular, the
ERS and ENVISAT data were developed under the Extraordi-
nary Plan for Environmental Remote Sensing (Lot 2) made by
the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (Article
27 of Law 179 of July 31, 2002), obtained by application of
PSInSAR (Ferretti et al. 1999, 2001; Colesanti et al. 2003) and Fig. 1 Coverage of the ascending and descending datasets from ERS,
PSP-DIFSAR (Costantini et al. 2008, 2009) methods. The ENVISAT and RADARSAT satellites in the catchment of the River
RADARSAT data were processed using the technique Arno
PSInSAR and collected directly by the Basin Authority as
part of a study on ground deformation at basin scale.
satellites ERS and ENVISAT, make this datum particularly
The ERS 1 satellite acquired data from July 1991 to
suitable for monitoring projects in individual areas.
March 2000, while ERS 2 has been operational since sum-
Figure 1 shows the distribution of ascending and
mer 1995. The SAR sensor (Synthetic Aperture Radar) is
descending covers of ERS, ENVISAT and RADARSAT
characterized by a frequency of 5.3 GHz or a wavelength
satellites in the catchment of the river Arno. As we can see
equal to 5.66 cm (C-band). For both ERS satellites the
the covers of the three satellites are not uniform throughout
review period is 35 days.
the territory and, even for the same satellite, there are
The ENVISAT satellite was launched in November 2002
differences, still important (ERS), between the two geometries
and replaced and expanded the functions of the satellites
of acquisition.
ERS 1 and ERS 2. It is equipped with a sensor ASAR
(Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar) that uses multiple
antennas with different polarizations and angles of inci-
dence. Also in this case, the instrument acquires data in Methods
C-band (frequency of 5.331 GHz and a wavelength of
5.63 cm) and the satellite has a revisiting time of 35 days. The Arno River Basin Authority, as part of its planning and
The RADARSAT satellite is instead a commercial satel- monitoring tasks, has used for some years the ground defor-
lite, which captures images on a commission basis and mation data obtained by differential interferometric analysis
therefore, although in operation since November 1995, the of radar images acquired by the satellite platform (Brugioni
Italian territory has been covered only since March 2003. et al. 2003, 2008a, b; Colombo et al. 2003b; Catani et al.
The sensor mounted on the satellite RADARSAT 1 is a 2006; Farina et al. 2006; Montini et al. 2007).
sensor ASAR operating in C-band, with a multibeam acqui- Within the various PS data processing performed by the
sition mode and resolution from 100 to 8 m, with coverings Arno River Basin, three reference products have been
of single cell capture from 500 km cells up to 50 km cells. identified, useful for the characterization of the phenomena
The regularity of the acquisition of RADARSAT 1 and the of deformation and of their status of activities, as well as for
time of review, amounting to 24 days instead of the 35 of the delimitation of the most affected by landslides areas.
Use of SAR Interferometry for Landslide Analysis in the Arno River Basin 205
Delimitation of Areas of PS High Density First, all PS have been classified as active or stable
(HDPSA) depending on whether, respectively, contained average annual
rate higher or lower than the instrumental error (+/ 2 mm/
It is often very difficult, if not through detailed surveys and year). For each of them was therefore found the around circle
field inspections, to understand whether the state of deforma- with a radius of 50 m and was determined the number of active
tion of the PS provided by the satellite analysis is to be put in and stable PS falling inside. The buffers obtained were then
relation to the nature of the reflective element or to a phenom- classified as areas with high density of PS (HDPSA) “active”
enon of generalized movement of the land on which that or “stable” according to the criteria shown in Table 1. These
element insists. The analysis of the distribution of PS criteria were defined on the basis of comparisons between the
velocities of displacement also allows to discriminate areas actual distribution of the deformations observed on the ground
where the movements are evenly distributed in space, and and the processing obtained by setting different values of
therefore more easily attributable to generalized deformations buffers distance, number and nature of the PS.
of the ground, from those areas where it is not possible to The classified buffers were extracted, geometrically
identify a prevailing trend of the deformation with the pres- reshaped to better approximate the distribution of PS, and
ence of PS clouds of different behaviour. In the latter case it is finally put into a single file by requiring overlapping of active
more likely to be that outliers of deformation could be related buffers on the stable ones. The polygons obtained from this
to the nature of the radar target (structural problems, the first processing were finally used to calculate the main statis-
phenomena of bedding, etc.), rather than to the presence of tical parameters of PS velocity values falling within. This
generalized deformations of the ground (gravitational insta- procedure was repeated both for ascending (asc) and
bility, areas in subsidence, etc.). descending (desc) datasets, to then merge the two pieces of
To discriminate this different behaviour in the distribu- information into a single file and classify polygons resulting
tion of deformation and, in particular, in determining the as follows:
areas most likely affected by gravitational instability, it was 1. Active areas: polygons where at least one dataset (asc or
decided to resample the PS data using a spatial density desc) identifies active HDPSA;
criterion which takes into account both the concentration 2. Stable areas: polygons where both datasets (asc and desc)
and the activity state of radar targets considered (Fig. 2). identify stable HDPSA;
206 M. Brugioni et al.
Fig. 7 Example of resampling ascending-descending with reconstruc- speeds of the PS descending dataset; (d) resampling on the common
tion of the displacement vector in the plane EWZN. (a) Display of grid for the PS descending dataset; (e, f) reconstruction of the displace-
average speeds of the PS ascending dataset; (b) resampling on the ment vector in the plane EWZN
common grid for the PS ascending dataset; (c) display of average
Use of SAR Interferometry for Landslide Analysis in the Arno River Basin 209
at greatest risk and defining the state of activity and type of images. In: Proceedings of international geoscience and remote
motion observed. Obviously, this information may provide sensing symposium, Boston, 7–11 July 2008, pp 449–452
Costantini M, Falco S, Malvarosa F, Minati F, Trill F (2009) Method of
an important support to classical geomorphological- Persistent Scatterers Pairs (PSP) and high resolution SAR interfer-
geological analysis, but can not replace it. ometry. In: Proceedings of international geoscience and remote
The use of these data has also proved particularly effec- sensing symposium, Cape Town, 12–17 July 2009
tive in identifying areas subject to very slow movements of Crosta G, Agliardi F, Frattini P, Allievi J (2009) Analisi di DGPV tramite
integrazione di monitoraggio tradizionale, PS-InSAR e modellazione
relatively deep nature, as in the case of DGPV, which are numerica. Rendiconti online Società Geologica Italiana 6:186–187
difficult to examine by traditional monitoring tools. Farina P, Colombo D, Fumagalli A, Marks F, Moretti S (2006) Perma-
nent Scatterers for landslide investigations: outcomes from the
ESA-SLAM project. Eng Geol 88:200–217
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Ambrosi C, Crosta GB (2005) Large sackung along major tectonic struction: the wavelet approach. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens
features in the Central Italian Alps. Eng Geol 83:183–200 37(2):705–715
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Gontier E, Graf K, Haeberle J, Latentin O, Manunta P, Meloni E, interferometry. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens 39(1)
Mayoraz R, Montini G, Moretti S, Pagnini M, Palazzo F, Spina D, Ferretti A, Savio G, Barzaghi R, Borghi A, Musazzi S, Novali F, Prati
Sulli L, Strozzi T (2003) Slam, a service for landslide monitoring C, Rocca F (2007) Sub-millimeter accuracy of InSAR time series:
based on EO-data. In: Proceedings of Fringe 2003, Frascati, 1–5 Dec experimental validation. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens
2003 45(5):1142–1153
Brugioni M, Menduni G, Montini G (2008a) Lo studio del bacino Ferretti A, Fumagalli A, Novali F, Prati C, Rocca F, Rucci A (2011)
dell’Arno con interferometria satellitare PSInSARTM. Special sup- A new algorithm for processing interferometric data-stacks:
plement ARPA Rivista Regione Emilia Romagna 1:26–28 SqueeSAR™. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens 49(9):3460–3470
Brugioni M, Menduni G, Montini G (2008b) Analisi dei fenomeni Hilley G, Burgmann R, Ferretti A, Novali F, Rocca F (2004) Dynamics
di subsidenza nel bacino del fiume Arno tramite l’utilizzo dell’inter- of slow-moving landslides from Permanent Scatterer Analysis.
ferometria radar differenziale da piattaforma satellitare. In: Proceedings Science 304:1952–1955
of Stato del territorio e delle risorse naturali in Toscana, Ordine dei Meisina C, Zucca F, Conconi F, Verri F, Fossati D, Ceriani M, Allievi J
Geologi della Toscana, Florence, 23–25 Oct 2008 (2007) Use of Permanent Scatterers technique for large-scale mass
Catani F, Colombo D, Farina P, Fumagalli A, Kukavicic M, Marks F, movement investigation. Quatern Int 171–172:90–107
Menduni G, Moretti S (2006) Utilizzo di dati telerilevati nella MINAMB (2009) Linee guida per l’analisi di dati interferometrici
mappatura e nel monitoraggio dei fenomeni franosi e nell’analisi satellitari in aree soggette a dissesti idrogeologici. Progetto Persis-
della suscettibilità da frana. Giornale di Geologia Applicata tent Scatterers Interferometry.
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Colesanti C, Wasowski J (2006) Investigating landslides with space- Montini G, Benvenuti L, Menduni G (2007) Analisi dei fenomeni di
borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry. Eng Geol subsidenza nel bacino del fiume Arno. In: Proceedings of 10
88:173–199 Conferenza Italiana utenti ESRI, Rome, 18–19 Apr 2007
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toring exploiting SAR Permanent Scatterers. In: Proceedings of the Scatterers SAR data: approaches at different scales. Scientifica Acta
IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium, vol 4(1):3–8
2, Toronto, 24–28 June 2002, pp 1219–1221 Notti D, Meisina C, Zucca F (2009) Analysis of PSInSAR™ data for
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identification and analysis of persistent scatterers in series of SAR ferometry. Landslides 2(3):193–201
Experimental Approach for Stability Evaluations
of Carrara Marble Basins
Because of the modern exploitation technologies for marble extraction, the open pit and
underground quarries can quickly reach impressive sizes. Moreover the selection of
exploited material or the geostructural conditions of the site can produce excavation with
unusual and irregular shapes. Also for these reasons the appropriate design of the
excavations, for quarrying activities, should require the knowledge of mechanical
behaviour of the rock mass, of geo-structural conditions and of in situ stress. The main
purpose of the quarry project should be to prevent instability of the rock mass, in every step
of the foreseen exploitation. The lack of this specific technical evaluation contributed in the
past to the development of large rock slide. The paper presents an applied approach for
enhancing stability assessment and safety controls of marble quarries.
Safety Stability analysis In situ stress Brittle structures Numerical models
In general stress state evaluation is needed in under- Fig. 2 Schematic geological-structural map of the Apuan Alps with
ground quarries in order to prevent static collapse of indication of quarry site investigated through the application of the
support structures. In surface quarries, stresses orientations presented approach (Carmignani and Kligfield 1990)
and intensities, together with the cinematic structure of the
rock mass, dominate the possibility of major induced domain of “low strain”, surrounded by main faults (border
displacements due to the deepening of the excavation and faults) to the East and West, (Ottria and Molli 2000). This
to the consequent stress re-distribution from the base to the structural frame is characterized by a not quite evolved
top of the slope. organization of the fault systems within the massif which
show a very low degree of interconnection between the
single structures.
The Apuan Alps (NW Tuscany) are the geometrically Description of Applied Approach
lowest outcropping part of the Northern Apennine
structural stacking. Their formation resulted from the origi- In order to apply an observational design method, the com-
nally sedimentary, then tectonic evolution of a sector of bined contribution of laboratory tests, in situ measurements
continental crust, pertaining to the Adria Plate, involved in and surveys, rock mass monitoring, geological observation,
an accretional/collisional system during the Upper and numerical models has been considered. Laboratory tests
Oligocene-Lower Miocene. The Apuan Unit (Fig. 2) formed were performed in order to evaluate static and dynamic
by a Hercynian basement and by a Permian-Triassic to elastic constants, uniaxial compressive strength, biaxial
Oligocene metasedimentary sequence. The structural evolution strength and indirect tensile strength. The laboratory charac-
of the Apuan Unit includes two main tectono-metamorphic terization allowed, for the intact rock, to define well fitted
events (Carmignani and Kligfield 1990). During the D1 Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek & Brown envelopes. The Hoek &
main event the major structuration takes place within the Brown empirical strength envelope for the rock mass have
metamorphic units. been calibrated through laboratory tests and geostructural
This is confirmed by penetrative axial plane schistosity scanlines: in the Monte Torrione site this criterion well
(S1) of isoclinal folds that can be observed at the kilometric simulated the strength behavior observed in situ for rock
scale as well as at the microscopic scale. The peak metamor- mass, giving reasons for superficial extension failures in
phic conditions have been estimated in approx. 450 C of some exploited underground rooms, where measured stress
maximum temperature and 0.5–0.6 GPa of pressure. The intensities are closer to the failure envelope due to the low
most recent stages of the D2 deformation, which are of a confinement.
specific interest in this study, are connected to a polyphase The rock stress was measured using commonly applied
deformation that caused the development of brittle structures methods, such as Hydraulic fracturing (HF), Biaxial C.S.I.R.
(fault and fracture systems). The Apuan Alps have a history (Doorstopper) and triaxial thin Hollow Inclusion CSIRO-
of brittle deformation which makes them a homogeneous type Cell (3D HI-Cell). HI Cells were used for the 3D
Experimental Approach for Stability Evaluations of Carrara Marble Basins 213
m 900 A A’
700 ze cs nu
m 200
or/ve: Carrara marble, “Bianco ordinario” and “Venato” varieties; nu: Carrara marble, “Nuvolato” variety; ze: Carrara marble, “Zebrino” variety; cs: Cherty metalimestone.
or/ve: marmo di Carrara, varietà “Bianco ordinario” e “Venato”; nu: marmo di Carrara, varietà “Nuvolato” ; ze: marmo di Carrara, varietà “Zebrino” ; cs: metacalcari selciferi.
a b
0 25 50 100
Fig. 10 Identification of a 3D solid: geometry, orientation of discontinuity surfaces with evaluation of his stability
Landslides may damage any human structure and may even cause the loss of lives when they
occur in a catastrophic way. In order to supply improved means of mitigation and planning to
the Organisms working in land management for landslide prevention and hazard mitigation,
the main goals of landslide runout analysis should be the assessment of future landslide
activity with a range of potential scenarios. In particular, when a potential source of instability
is identified, hazard mapping through runout analyses may contribute to define which areas
could be threatened by landslide propagation.
Two main approaches to runout analysis can be identified: qualitative and quantitative.
Numerical models are part of the latter approach and, in recent years, have particularly
emerged as a useful tool for landslide runout analysis and risk assessment. With increasing
attention and advances in computational capabilities, a large number of models have been
developed or are currently in development. Several of these models have included innovations
that have significantly advanced both the ability to simulate real events and the fundamental
understanding of rapid landslide processes. Contributions have been made by a number of
researchers with a wide variety of perspectives and goals, making this topic truly multidisci-
plinary. Still, some significant challenges remain as we move towards more accurate and
objective runout prediction using numerical models. Accordingly to this scenario, a large
number of the contributions that are part of this Chapter focus on numerical modeling.
The simplest qualitative method, which mainly consists in estimating the distal limit of
motion, the distribution of intensity within the impact area and the potential direction of motion
on a topographic map by following the direction of steepest descent from the source area
(subjectively accounting for spreading, superelevation and possible avulsion in channel bends),
is here proposed only by Lima who describes a methodology called “Relative Rapid Landslides
Analysis” for rapid evaluation of risk. This methodology is based on five different indicators of
risk. Each of these indicators is estimated based on experience, judgment and the observation of
similar landslides. The sum of these values results in an index of relative landslide risk of the area.
Quantitative runout analysis methods are less subjective and can be broadly classified as
either empirical or analytical. In regard to the analytical class, discontinuum and continuum
methods have advanced incrementally over the past three decades to the point where, when
used in combination with careful engineering and geological judgment, first-order runout
prediction appears to be possible. However, there is still room considerable for improvement.
In defining the characteristics of mathematical and numerical models for the simulation of
rapid landslides, it is important that all the key aspects that control the dynamics of a moving
mass are taken into account. As to this, Crosta et al. investigate the important role of processes
as entrainment of material located along the landslide path in changing the runout configura-
tion. Before moving to the application to real site problems, they interpret this phenomenon
referring to laboratory experiments. Similarly, Pisani et al. evidence that the rheological
parameter calibration can result altered, even in simulating laboratory experiments, if some
important factors as the centripetal acceleration are neglected in the numerical
220 Part II Rapid Runout Analysis
implementation. In this regard, it is proved that the consequence of including the centripetal
effect in the set of governing equations is a significant lowering of the dynamic basal friction
angle necessary to back-calculate some simulated experiments, this makes the value of the
friction angle much closer to the real one than if the centripetal acceleration term is neglected.
A major problem in applying numerical modeling to the study of real events is the
definition of constitutive laws and the calibration of their rheological parameters, which
cannot be measured directly and which are crucial for a realistic simulation of a landslide
behavior. Both Deangeli et al. and Quan Luna et al. focus their papers on this aspect. In
particular, Deangeli et al. analyze debris-flows and propose that the constitutive law is selected
as a function of the lithology existing in the investigated basin. They evidence that, among
others, the content of fine fraction in the flowing mass contributes in the distinction from
collisional to viscoplastic regimes. Validation of the approach is made through the application
of a Cellular Automata Model to cases of debris-flows at basins having different lithological
characteristics in North-western Alps. Quan Luna et al. aim to quantify the uncertainties in
resistance parameters and release volumes through the definition of probability distributions to
be used as input for runout modeling probabilistic methodologies.
With regard to rheological problems, laboratory experiments can give an interesting
contribution in investigating landslide dynamics from a physical point of view, in validating
a numerical model and in identifying the more appropriate rheology for an analysed event. In
particular, Cola et al. perform laboratory experiments to study the interrelations between the
grain-size composition of mud-flows and the rheological properties at different solid
concentrations. Guilhem et al. analyse in laboratory a single-particle impacts to assess
parameters to be used in the contact law adopted in a numerical model based on the discrete
element method. Once calibrated, the model allows the study of the influence of several
parameters on the propagation of a granular mass.
On the other side, Manzella et al. and Sauthier and Labiouse use laboratory experiments
specifically to study the influence of different parameters (e.g. volume, falling height, slope
angle) on the characteristics of the final deposit (e.g. runout and extension). In particular,
Manzella et al. investigate the motion of large masses with the aim of determine the reasons of
the mass high mobility, which results much greater than could be predicted using frictional
models. The same aspect is treated by Sosio et al. who replicate the motion of historical rock/
debris avalanches using a Frictional and a Voellmy models and define a range of values for the
parameters of each rheology, which best replicate the propagation.
With reference to site analysis, Marsella et al. discuss the implication of parameter choice on
maximum runout and invasion of inhabited areas in case of some pyroclastic debris-
avalanches. Similarly, Mortara et al. calibrate the input parameters for the rheological model
assumed to numerically simulate a well-documented case of ice-rock avalanche. In site
applications, Tobler et al. and Filipello and Mandrone propose the approach to runout modeling
with GIS-based models with reference to shallow landslides and rockfall, respectively.
An interesting discussion on the possible advantages of using a two-phase model respect to
the above mono-phase model, to simulate debris-flow propagation, is open by Stancanelli et al.
They underline that the calibration of a two-phase model could be easier, since parameters
have a more specific physical meaning respect to the empirical tuning of the parameters used
in a mono-phase model.
From a detailed analysis of the all the here described contributions, it emerges that
numerical models for landslide runout simulations are of wide interest given the high impor-
tance of the results they can give in respect to the territory management, however the major
problem that concerns all the approaches is the difficulty in calibrating the parameters
necessary to reproduce the real behavior of the complex type of investigated phenomena.
A consensus on the best method of determining the input resistance parameter values for
predictive runs has not yet emerged.
Runout Prediction of Debris Flows and Similar Mass
All around the world, people meet a challenge to find a balance between the risk of natural
hazards and the need for spatial developments. Densely populated hillside regions in
humid, subtropical or tropical climatic zones are often prone to various types of landslides.
The complex flow behaviour of such gravitationally driven mass movements is reflected by
inconsistent terminologies and ambiguous definitions of various landslide types in litera-
ture (Varnes 1978; Hutchinson 1988; Hungr et al. 2001). In this paper we focus on a
discussion of on runout prediction methods of flow like mass movements, particularly on
debris flows, where all transported material is generally in suspension and fluid and solid
particles of all sizes typically travel with the same velocity. The term runout refers to the
depositional part of a landslide or debris-flow event, providing information on the areas
potentially covered by the transported solid material.
Runout Debris flows Mass movements Deposition Simulation Hazard assessment
deposition area are therefore an important task for an effec- Empirical-Statistical Methods
tive hazard assessment.
For flow like mass movements, the magnitude of an event Empirically based one dimensional runout prediction
is often characterized by the potential landslide volume. methods for rock- and dense snow- avalanches and other
Several approaches were developed during the last years, flow like mass movements were first applied and further
to simulate deposition and runout behaviour of mass developed in the context of landslide hazard assessment
movements. However, the practical application, respectively (Heim 1932; Scheidegger 1973; Körner 1976), and were
the selection of adequate runout prediction models, is mainly later adapted to debris flows (Corominas 1996; Rickenmann
based on their availability and on the requirements of local 1999; Legros 2002; Toyos et al. 2008). One of the most
hazard assessments (Scheidl and Rickenmann 2011). simple empirical model model estimates the total travel
In this paper a brief overview of runout prediction distance as a function of the potential event volume and
methods is given for flow like mass movements and espe- the angle of reach, using or the longitudinal profile of the
cially for debris flows. Furthermore, examples of 2D runout expected flow path. Applying such a model to 140 debris
predictions for debris-flow events are presented, applying an flows from the Swiss Alps and 51 large landslides/rock
empirically based simulation model (TopRunDF) and a avalanches, comparatively shorter travel distances are
dynamic numerical simulation model (RAMMS). Finally observed for landslides/rock avalanches than for debris
input parameters necessary for both simulation models are flows or lahars or mud flows (Rickenmann 2005). Hence,
discussed. for a given volume, debris flows usually show a larger
mobility, or lower travel angles, than landslides and rock
falls. However, Rickenmann and Scheidl (2010) showed that
Runout Prediction Methods the uncertainties of the estimated runout distance on the fan
(the depositional part of a debris-flow event) can be high,
Griswold (2004) listed four basic principles for the develop- according to the predicted angle of reach or total travel
ment of runout prediction methods. Such methods are based distance. Prochaska et al. (2008) proposed a similar empiri-
either on (1) the use of historic and geologic evidence of past cal method, estimating the runout for non-volcanic debris
flows to estimate inundation limits of future flows, (2) the flows (ACS-model), but this method uses solely topographi-
use of physically based models that invoke conservation of cal parameters and does not account for a changing event
mass, momentum, and energy to calculate prospective inun- volume. Scheidl and Rickenmann (2010) applied the ACS
dation limits, (3) the use of statistically calibrated empirical model to a subset of observed debris-flow events and found
equations derived from analysis of inundation data, or (4) the that the ratio of predicted to observed runout lengths has a
use of statistically calibrated inundation equations that are tendency for a systematic under-prediction of runout lengths
constrained by physical scaling arguments. Chen and Lee with increasing event volumes. Cannon (1993) as well as
(2004) identified empirical, physical scale and dynamical Fannin and Wise (2001) estimated the total travel distance
approaches to model kinematic parameters and hazard based on a sediment budget along the flow path. A more
zones. Rickenmann (2005) distinguished between empirical- detailed discussion of volume-balance approaches can be
statistical and dynamical runout prediction methods for debris found in Rickenmann (2005).
flows. Many empirical-statistical methods for runout predic- However, for a more detailed delineation of potentially
tion require only a few input parameters and are easy to use. endangered areas, the runout pattern or the surface area on
However, such empirical methods should only be applied to the debris-flow fan should be known, i.e. the two-
conditions similar to those on which their development is dimensional aspect of the deposition pattern should be con-
based (Rickenmann 2005). In contrast, dynamical models sidered as well. A simple empirical model for this purpose
are independent from local conditions, since such models was first developed for lahars by Iverson et al. (1998). Based
implement physical principles like the conservation of mass, on the assumption of geometric similarity they proposed a
momentum and energy of bulk mixtures. Dynamical models semi-theoretical relationship between the planimetric depo-
are often continuum based and solved with numerical sition area, the cross sectional flow area and the total event
methods, allowing the simulation of flow and deposition volume. This approach was implemented in the program
behaviour over a complex three-dimensional topography. LAHARZ, a GIS-based simulation model (Schilling 1998).
However, the challenge with these models is the selection of Subsequently, more comprehensive observations on debris
an appropriate flow rheology or of the constitutive equations flows were used to test or modify the original approach of
of the material behaviour and the estimation or calibration of Iverson et al. (1998) in studies by Crosta and Agliardi
the key model parameters (e.g. O’Brien et al. 1993; Iverson (2003), Griswold (2004), Berti and Simoni (2007), and
and Denlinger 2001; McDougall and Hungr 2005; Medina Griswold and Iverson (2008). Scheidl and Rickenmann
et al. 2008; Pirulli 2005; Beguerı́a et al. 2009). (2010) developed the GIS-based simulation tool TopRunDF
Runout Prediction of Debris Flows and Similar Mass Movements 223
to predict deposition area as well as deposition height of a abruptly levels out; it is therefore also denoted as leading-
debris-flow event on the fan. The model combines the geo- edge or constant discharge model (VanDine 1996;
metric similarity criterion between the planimetric deposi- Prochaska et al. 2008). For a constant flow-width, the linear
tion area and the total event volume with a random walk runout distance on the fan can analytically be estimated
method for the flow path estimation, first proposed by under consideration of mass and momentum conservation.
Hürlimann et al. (2008). An example application of The constant discharge model can only yield plausible
TopRunDF to a debris-flow event in Italy is presented results (positive runout distances), if the friction slope
below. (Sfric) exceeds the average channel gradient of the fan (Sf).
The geometric similarity relationship between surface Studies of Jackson et al. (1987), Marchi and Tecca (1995),
area and debris-flow volume shows a tendency for varying Chau et al. (2000) and Rickenmann (2005) imply that gran-
mobility coefficients (reflecting varying mean deposition ular flow behaviour will lead to a higher roughness and
heights) as a function of process type. For a given event friction during depositional flow, resulting in steeper fan
volume, Scheidl and Rickenmann (2010) found smaller pla- slopes on average and in a smaller mobility. A more viscous
nimetric deposition areas for granular debris flow processes or muddy flow behaviour, on the other hand, shows higher
than for debris-floods or mudflows; this smaller mobility of mobility and results in smoother and flatter fans. Based on
the former process type may also be reflected by steeper fan five Canadian debris-flow events, Hungr et al. (1984) found
slopes. Crosta et al. (2003) proposed that the variations of reasonable agreement between observed runouts on the fan
the mobility coefficient indicate that non volcanic debris- and those predicted by the constant discharge model by
flows move less fluidly and form thicker deposits than most assuming a constant friction slope (Sfric ¼ tan 10 ¼ 0.176).
lahars. Several studies describe granular debris flows, debris Based on 14 debris-flow events at the Kamikamihori valley in
avalanches or rock avalanches as less mobile than debris- Japan (Okuda and Suwa 1984), Rickenmann (2005) reported
floods, mudflows or lahars, which show a higher concentra- better runout predictions with Sfric ¼ 1.12 Sf. He further
tion of finer material and/or water, implying a more viscous found reasonable predictions of runout length for 12 Swiss
or muddy interstitial fluid (Crosta et al. 2003; Hungr et al. debris-flow events of 1987 with Sfric ¼ 1.08 Sf.. D’Agostino
2001; Iverson 1997). et al. (2010) found Sfric ¼ 1.072 Sf., based on investigations of
six debris-flow events in the Dolomites (Eastern Italian Alps).
Based 63 on observed debris-flow runout distances in North-
Dynamical Methods ern Italy (South Tyrol) and Switzerland, Rickenmann and
Scheidl (2010) proposed a friction slope of Sfric ¼ 1.29 Sf..
Kinematic flow parameters like flow velocities or dynamic The two parameter mass-point model of Voellmy (1955),
impact forces are often needed for a more detailed hazard originally developed for snow avalanches (Körner 1980;
assessment. This typically requires to apply numerical sim- Perla et al. 1980), has been widely used to simulate the
ulation models, which represent a more physically based runout of debris flows (Rickenmann 1990; Zimmermann
description of the flow behaviour of gravitational mass et al. 1997; Gamma 2000; Hürlimann et al. 2003; Bertolo
movements of solid-water mixtures. The kinematic flow and Wieckzorek 2005; McDougall 2006; Naef et al. 2006;
characteristics of a debris flow depend for example on the Evans et al. 2007; Scheuner 2007; Revellino et al. 2008;
topographical and surface friction conditions, the water con- Hochschwarzer 2009; Stricker 2010). This model has also
tent, the sediment size and sorting and on the dynamic been applied to rock avalanches (Körner 1980; Sosio et al.
interaction between the solid and fluid phases of the debris- 2008; Hungr and Evans 1996; McKinnon et al. 2008) and
flow mixture (Iverson 1997). Therefore, dynamical models ice-rock avalanches (Knobel 2007; Allen et al. 2009).
are sometimes difficult to apply and generally require a Applications of the Voellmy approach to estimate the runout
“calibration” of rheologic or friction parameters by back- of snow avalanches can be found in Barbolini et al. (2000)
calculation of past events (Naef et al. 2006; Rickenmann and Christen et al. (2010). The Voellmy “fluid” characterises
et al. 2006; Tecca et al. 2007; Hürlimann et al. 2008; Pirulli the total resistance to flow by a basal friction coefficient
and Sorbino 2008; Hochschwarzer 2009). (Coulomb-friction) and a turbulence friction coefficient.
A simpler dynamical approach determines the kinematic The basal frictional term relates the shear stress to the
parameters of a single phase bulk mixture represented by a normal stress through the friction coefficient m. The turbu-
mass-point (often referred to as mass-point model). A one- lent term summarises all velocity-dependent factors of flow
dimensional, analytical mass-point model for debris flows resistance, and is expressed by either a Chezy coefficient C
was first proposed by Takahashi and Yoshida (1979), Hungr (used in hydraulics) or a turbulence coefficient x ¼ C2 (x is
et al. (1984) and Takahashi (1991). This one-dimensional often used in snow avalanche modelling). Figure 1 illustrates
model assumes that (1) discharge from upstream is constant, the range of best fit parameters C and m obtained from back-
and (2) deposition starts at the place where the channel calculation in different studies, typically optimizing
224 C. Scheidl et al.
Knobel (2006)
RAMMS (2007)
Christen et al. (2010)
Stricker (2010)
Hungr and Evans (1996)
this study
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
µ [-]
Fig. 1 Turbulent and coulomb friction best-fit parameters for back- The parameter domains delineated by ellipsoidal surfaces represent a
calculations of observed events with a continuum model for flow rough grouping according to process type
simulations based on a Voellmy “fluid”, as obtained in selected studies.
predicted and observed depositional area and/or flow Another rheological approach, referred to as the “qua-
velocities along the flow path. A grouping of gravitational dratic rheology” model, combines the Bagnold grain shear-
flow-like mass movements is illustrated in Fig. 1, based on ing model accounting for dispersive shear stress, the
the compiled ranges of the best fit parameters C and m. Bingham model accounting for viscous stress, and a Manning
However, this grouping shows a large variability of the coefficient accounting for turbulent stress. This rheological
parameter domain for a given process type. model is implemented in Flo2D (O’Brien et al. 1993), a
The Voellmy fluid approach is implemented in several widely used flood routing simulation tool for assessing
runout simulation tools such as DAN (Hungr 1995), mud- and debris flow behavior.
FlatModel (Medina et al. 2008), RAMMS-avalanche Another model proposed for debris flows accounts for the
(Bartelt et al. 1999; Christen et al. 2010; RAMMS 2010), interaction of solid particles and the fluid within the
MassMov2D (Beguerı́a et al. 2009) or RASH3D (Pirulli and simulated mass flux. Based on the work of Bagnold (1954),
Sorbino 2008). An example application of a runout simula- the inertial grain flow model considers interaction of
tion using the RAMMSmodel for a debris-flow event in Italy grains suspended in a fluid. Takahashi (1991) developed
is presented below. both one- and two-dimensional continuum models based
A continuum based simulation model with a viscoplastic on the Bagnold theory. A similar model for the two-
flow rheology considers a debris flow as a single phase dimensional simulation of grain-inertia debris flows in erod-
Bingham – or Herschel-Bulkley – fluid for which the nor- ible channels was proposed by Armanini et al. (2009). The
mal and shear stresses vary either linearly or as a power fluid–solid momentum transport model or mixture theory
function with shear rate (Johnson and Rodine 1984; incorporates both fluid-particle and particle-particle
Coussot 1997; Coussot et al. 1998; Kaitna and Rickenmann interactions and was proposed by Iverson (1997). Kowalski
2007). The viscoplastic model has been implemented for (2008) enhanced the mixture theory by taking into account a
example in the simulation tools DAN, FlatModel and varying, vertical distribution of mass based on possible slip
MassMov2D. between the bulk flow components.
Runout Prediction of Debris Flows and Similar Mass Movements 225
Table 1 Upper part: input parameters and back-calculated best-fit parameters for the study site. Lower part: input and back-calculated values are
related to the used simulation models in this study. A *sign denotes fixed input parameters whereas a (*)sign denotes variable parameters for back-
Vobs [m3] Bobs [m2] Sfan[] kBobs [] m [] x [m/s2]
Arundakopfbach 15,000 35,505 0.19 58 0.08 300
Seefeldbach 70,000 62,266 0.26 37 0.18 350
TopRunDF * *
RAMMS-av. * (*) (*)
Fig. 2 (Left): Best-fit simulation results of the debris-flow event at the Arundakopfbach (IT), using TopRunDF. (Right): Best-fit simulation results
of the Arundakopfbach debris-flow event using RAMMS-avalanche
Fig. 3 (Left): Best-fit simulation results of the debris-flow event at the Seefeldbach (IT), using TopRunDF. (Right): Best-fit simulation results of
the Seefeldbach debris-flow event using RAMMS-avalanche
In RAMMS-avalanche the “Voellmy” model is applied, simulation the size of the observed deposition area (but not
resulting in two variable parameters, m and x, which required its location) is used as input parameter. If TupRunDF is used
a study of multiple parameter-comparisons to obtain the for predictions, an estimated size of the deposition area is
best-fit simulations for the test-site. Table 1 gives an over- used for the simulation of its location. The deposition area of
view of the used parameters for both simulations. The upper the RAMMS simulation in Fig. 2 is related to the “final”
part refers to the documented (with Sfan the average fan simulation time step of 300 s. This time step was defined for
slope) and “best-fit” back-calculated input values for the the condition that 95 % of the total volume remained immo-
case study events. The lower part in Table 1 shows which bile or that the average velocity at the front reached a value
general input parameters of the used simulation models less of than 0.5 m/s.
remained fixed and which rheological parameters needed Generally the runout prediction of both simulation models
to be adapted for the back-calculation analysis. for the debris-flow event at the Arundakopfbach show plausi-
Figure 2 shows the best-fit results of the debris-flow event ble results as compared to the observed deposition zones. For
at the Arundakopfbach, simulated with TopRunDF and TopRunDF the starting point of the simulation was chosen
RAMMS-avalanche. For TopRunDF the average deposition near the upmost region of the observed deposition area on the
height of 0.43 m is given as input by the ratio of observed fan. The simulation results are only influenced by the topog-
event volume to observed deposition area. The average raphy on the fan and the flow path routing algorithm. Since
deposition height predicted with RAMMS-avalanche is the RAMMS model does not allow to run with an input-
0.33 m. Since the same input volume was used for the hydrograph (including debris material), the input-volume
simulations with the two models, this implies a larger was applied within a freely defined release area in the transi-
simulated total deposition area obtained with RAMMS tion zone. Assuming constant friction parameters m and x,
than with TopRunDF. However, for this TopRunDF Hochschwarzer (2009) showed that the shape and location of
Runout Prediction of Debris Flows and Similar Mass Movements 227
the selected release area does not result in variable dynamic friction parameters were held constant during the simulation.
parameters as long as the release zone is far enough from the Further research is needed to improve the “rheological”
starting point of the observed deposition area. However, the models describing the flow process and to guide the selection
results of the RAMMS simulation may be influenced by the of an appropriate model “rheology” for practical
topography near the starting point of the observed deposition applications of continuum based simulation models of grav-
area, which appears to be sensitive with regard to the deter- itational mass movements.
mination of the best-fit friction parameters. As shown for the
Arundakopfbach (Fig. 2, right), a certain amount of deposited
material lies outside the expected region, mainly because of a
deflection of the flowing mass above the start point of the
observed deposition area. The overall runout distances Allen KS, Schneider D, Owens IF (2009) First approaches towards
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tion and assessment. Italian journal of engineering geology and Voellmy A (1955) Über die Zerstörungskraft von Lawinen.
environment-book, Padua, pp 253–262 Schweizerische Bauzeitung 73(12):159–162, (15), pp. 212–217,
Scheuner T (2007) Modellierung von Murgangereignissen mit (17), pp. 246–249, (19), pp. 280–285
RAMMS und Vergleich durch GIS-basiertes Fliessmodell. Master Zimmermann M, Mani P, Gamma P, Gsteiger P, Heiniger O, Hunziker
thesis at the University of Zürich, p 106 G (1997) Murganggefahr und Klimaanderung: ein GIS-basierter
Ansatz. (Schlussbericht NFP 31, p 161), ETH, Zurich
A Ready to Use GRASS GIS Workbench for Rockfall
Open Source software is of great interest to many users and developers. One of the main
advantages is that users can develop and adapt it to suit their purposes. This work shows
modules developed into GRASS GIS for rockfall analysis. Modules examine both the
potential failure detection (rockfall susceptibility) and the area of potential propagation.
The study investigate three different mechanisms of failure: planar sliding, wedge sliding
and toppling. The modules for rockfall susceptibility are called r.SMR, r.SSPC, r.fsplanar,
r.wedgeSMR and r.wedgeSSPC according to the method of analysis adopted, while r.droka
is the name of the module developed for the propagation of the landslide. Input data are
both numbers and raster maps. GIS modules have been tested with good results in Ossola
Valley and, in general, they should be applied in geological settings where the failure
mechanism is mainly governed by discontinuity sets.
Rockfall susceptibility GIS Open source Rock mass classification Laser scanner
The main data required for the use of our modules are
physical parameters of rock masses and digital elevation
model of terrain. Both these data were acquired by tradi-
tional analysis, according to specific and well-established
techniques of acquisition (as further described) and using
innovative techniques based on remote sensing. In particu-
lar, the use of terrestrial laser scanning for engineering
geology studies is a crucial aspect of this research.
Our study enriches the examples, in strong growth, of
applications of terrestrial laser scanning to geological issues,
without neglecting the importance of the traditional topo-
graphic modeling, field surveys and interpretation of
morpho-structural evidences.
Geomechanic Parameters
Fig. 1 Example of typical landslide that can be found in the study area. Geomechanic characterization mainly consist in the defini-
The photos show the same area before and after a landslide occurred
tion of variables that influence the strength along a disconti-
near Formazza during the heavy rainfall of the 19.04.2009
nuity (dip and dip direction, persistence, spacing, roughness,
wall strength, opening, filling, presence of water and number
fast moving landslide (especially rock falling). GRASS is a
of systems). The methods for the detection and the
free and open source code that has been developed since the
techniques of analysis, processing and representation of the
mid-1980s and that knows some diffusions in the Earth
data are based on the procedures proposed by ISRM (1978)
Sciences, especially with regard to hydrologic modeling,
and PRIEST (1993).
geomorphology and remote sensing.
A Ready to Use GRASS GIS Workbench for Rockfall Analysis 233
Table 1 Modules developed in GRASS for the analysis of the suscep- A preliminary phase of the work consisted in the logical
tibility to failure for rock instability and to estimate the propagation of and mathematical validation of the modules. This phase,
which differs from the analysis of the predictive ability of
Code Kinematic Methodology the method, consisted in the use of the modules in order to
r.SMR85 Planar sliding Romana (1985)
ascertain the presence of errors. The procedure followed
r.SMR07 Wedge sliding Tomás et al. (2007)
involved the creation of a synthetic DTM, that is
characterized by a very simple geometry, but able to play
r.SSPC Planar sliding Hack (1998), Hack et al. (2003)
all the possible geometric situations of the slope. At this
Wedge sliding
point, a series of test were performed, checking the same
r.fsplanar Planar sliding Hoek and Bray (1981) operations both with modules and with commercial
r.droka Rockfall Evans and Hungr (1993) softwares (StereoNett, RocFall by rocscience inc.) or using
specific spreadsheet. Cross-checking of results allowed us to
test and validate the modules and to identify and correct any
When the logistic is complicated usually due to the steep-
ness of the slope, laser scanner represents the technique for
remote analysis of discontinuities that in recent years has
seen a growing number of applications and software
procedures (Hack et al. 2007). The techniques of processing
point cloud for the determination of geomechanics data can
It allows the evaluation of spatial distribution of susceptibil-
be automatic or semi-automatic. The approach in this study
ity to failure of a rock mass according to the SMR
is the semi-automatic one and is based on a product derived
geomechanic classification (Slope Mass Rating). The calcu-
from data supplied by the laser scanner: the solid image.
lation of correction factors is done with the equations of
This product consists in a classic digital image (RGB) added
Romana (1985) in the SMR85 module or with continuous
with a matrix containing the distance values obtained from
functions (Tomás et al. 2007) in the SMR07 module.
DDSM (Dense Digital Surface Model). Solid image is
Parameters required are (Fig. 2): DTM, dip and dip direc-
widely used, especially in geology and architecture. Main
tion of discontinuity, the F4 index (which takes into account
applications are referred to the possibility to do a variety of
the method of excavation) and BRMR index (Basic Rock
measures (angles, lines, surfaces, distances) in a
Mass Rating). The BRMR index of Bieniawski (1989) is the
georeferenced three-dimensional space. Within geological
score that is obtained assigning a numerical value to each of
applications, it has a particular meaning due to the ability
the above five parameters that characterize the rock mass,
to extract the equation of the mean plane of any point cloud,
without any correction for the relationship between design
simply by selecting the area on the solid image: this feature
and discontinuities. Regarding the BRMR index, the user
can be used to identify orientation of discontinuities.
can enter a unique numeric value or a raster map. We suggest
In this study, we used a software called Sirio (Bornaz
to use numeric value when the study area is homogeneous in
2005) that permits to identify planes on solid image using
terms of geology and morphology. On the contrary, the use
three different procedures:
of a raster map for the RMRb index allows consideration on
1. Choosing only three points;
spatial variation of rock mass quality.
2. Selecting a set of points used to calculate the equation of
a best fit plane;
3. Drawing a polygon that bounds the surface of the discon-
tinuity and the code selects all points that fall within the
polygon calculating the equation of the plan that best fits
This module allows the evaluation of spatial distribution of
this spatial position.
the susceptibility to failure on the basis of the Slope Stability
Probability Classification (SSPC). It is a geomechanic clas-
sification introduced by Hack (1998) with the aim to con-
Developed GIS Modules sider, on the basis of statistical processing, the stability of
natural and artificial slopes. Stability is estimated using
Table 1 summarizes the modules developed in GRASS for orientation dependent stability and orientation independent
this study. The suffix “r” indicates that are modules based on stability.
operations of raster calculation. The first four modules allow The module uses the equations suggested for the
analysis of susceptibility to failure, while the latter is orientation-dependent stability. The parameters that deter-
focused on a empirical study of propagation of displaced mine the failure are (Fig. 2): discontinuity and slope orienta-
material. tion and shear strength of joints. This empirical parameter is
234 A. Filipello and G. Mandrone
Fig. 2 Print screens of the proposed modules. From left to right, r.SMR, r. SSPC e r.fsplanar
provided by the TC (Total Condition), obtained multiplying terms of safety factor, but they should be considered as
the values that describe shape (Rl), roughness (Es), degree of stability indexes useful to select areas at different degree of
alteration (Al), type of filling (Im) and presence of karst. stability.
The result of the processing for each discontinuity system
consists of two raster maps: one referred to planar slide and
one to toppling. r.droka
a b
Indice SSPC
Low N
Indice SMR
0 50 100 Metri
0 600 1200 Metri
Fig. 4 Results for the for the (a) test site (eight exploitation units) and
for the (b) test site (single quarry)
Fig. 5 Comparison between the classic simulation of rock falling
trajectories (a) and the result of the r.droka module (b). Colors express
to study a larger portion of the slope, rather than only limited kinetic energy (k J): in (a) red lines show higher kinetic energy (about
periferical areas and in difficult conditions. 5,000 kJ) and in yellow lower value, in (b) color bar is in 10 kJ
From the laser point cloud a DTM was generated with
cells of 1 1 m in an area of about 5.5 ha. velocities above 20 m/s and kinetic energies greater
GIS modules were applied to all systems of discontinuity than 100 kJ.
analyzing planar slide, wedge slide and toppling. Maps
obtained for each discontinuity and for any kinematism
have been overlapped (a function in r.series), in order to Back Analysis
obtain a new map in which each cell was assigned the most
critical value for stability. Spatial forecasts provided by The study area is at Valdo (1,220 m) in the Municipality of
modules were verified and supplemented by direct analysis Formazza, famous summer and winter tourist resort along
represented by new field surveys, visual inspections by heli- Toce river. At the base of the slope, Antigorio orthogneiss
copter and analysis of laser-solid images. The empirical outcrops; they are overlapped by Mesozoic metasediments.
module r.droka was applied for the five source areas of At the top of the sequence there are conglomeratic schist of
failure that the modules r.SMR r.SSPC indicated at higher Monte Giove.
instability. A value of 35 for jp and a reduction factor of In 2009 a landslide hit the left side of the river Toce basin
0.9 fv was used in modeling. (Fig. 1). Volume of the landslide was estimated, by visual
The results of the r.droka module were compared with comparison between the images before and after the event,
two-dimensional simulation of rockfalls (RocFall by in about 350,000 m3 that partially covered a pre-existing
Rocscience). The comparison showed good consistency in alluvial fan. This case study was chosen to test and verify
terms of kinetic energy and velocity for the rock falling the reliability of the r.droka module applying to a recent
(Fig. 5). phenomenon of which there is a direct and recent knowl-
The second study area is located on the eastern slope of edge. The cells of the DTM were 10 10 m. The value of
Monte Camoscio, near major historical granite quarries, the zenith angle (jp), estimated from the volumes involved,
active since 1500. The bedrock consist in Granito dei was chosen in 26 .
Laghi, belonging to the Hercynian plutonic body of Despite the uncertainties related to the topographic base
Mottarone, Sudalpino Domain (Boriani et al. 1992). and real volumes of the landslide, it was obtained a good
The DTM used for the analysis has 2 2 m cells and was correspondence between module predictions and field
derived from contour lines and spot elevations returned from observations especially for the main debris accumulation,
a low altitude aerial photo. the one characterized by the higher destructive power
The modeling of the rockfall was done using HY-STONE (Fig. 6).
(Crosta et al. 2004), based on kinematic equations. The The module did not, however, predicted the projections
results were compared with maps obtained with the module of small fragments (decimeters in size), which reached the
r.droka. This, using an angle of jp of 35 , provides results village and generated the highest levels of risk.
more precautionary than the ones from HY-STONE and
indicates a more extensive area of propagation. Conclusions
The values of kinetic energy and velocity obtained with The study shows the development of the application of
the two methods are fully comparable. Blocks can reach GIS modules for the evaluation of relative hazard,
A Ready to Use GRASS GIS Workbench for Rockfall Analysis 237
Centro S. Franscini Monte Verità Ascona (Suisse). 22–27 maggio pp 167–184 & erratum: DOI: 10.1007/s10064-002-0171-4,
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the 2008 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Rossmann CON (eds) 11th congress of ISRM, Lisbon, Portugal,
conference, incorporating the GISSA 2008 conference, Cape Town, 9–13 July, 2007. Taylor & Francis/Balkema, Leiden. Specialised
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Chacón J, Irigaray C, Fernández T, El HR (2006) Engineering geology problems, vol 1, 9–13 July 2007, pp 299–302
maps: landslides and geographical information systems. Bull Eng Harlen J, Viberg L (1988) General report: evaluation of landslide
Geol Environ 65:344–411 hazard. In: Bonnard C (ed) Proceedings of the 5th international
Corominas J (1996) The angle of reach as a mobility index for small symposium on landslides, vol 2. Lausanne, pp 1037–1058
and large landslides. Can Geotech J 33:260–271 Hoek E, Bray JW (1981) Rock slope engineering, 3rd edn. Taylor &
Crosta GB, Agliardi F, Frattini P, Imposimato S (2004) A three-dimen- Francis, London, 358p
sional hybrid numerical model for rockfall simulation. Geophys Res ISRM (1978) Suggested methods for the quantitative description of
Abstr 6, n. 0450 discontinuities in rock masses. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech
Cruden DM, Varnes DJ (1996) Landslide types and processes. In: Abstr 15(6):319–368
Turner AK, Schuster RL (eds) Landslides: investigation and miti- Jaboyedoff M., Labiouse V (2003) CONEFALL: a program for the
gation, vol 247, Transportation research board, special report. quick preliminary estimation of the rock-fall potential of propaga-
National Research Council, Washington, DC, pp 36–75 tion zones. ( (3 Dec 2012)
Evans SG, Hungr O (1993) The assessment of rock fall hazard at the Priest SD (1993) Discontinuity analysis for rock engineering. Chap-
base of the talus slope. Can Geotech J 30:620–636 man & Hall, London, 473p
Hack HRGK (1998) Slope stability probability classification. ITC Romana M (1985) New adjustment ratings for application of
publication no 43, Enschede, Netherlands, ISBN: 90 6164 125 X, Bieniawski classification to slopes. In: International symposium
258 p on the role of rock mechanics, Zacatecas, pp 49–53
Hack HRGK, Price D, Rengers N (2003) A new approach to rock slope Tomás JR, Delgado MJ, Serón GJB (2007) Modification of slope mass
stability – a probability classification (SSPC). Bull Eng Geol Envi- rating (SMR) by continuous functions. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci
ron. Springer, vol 62: article: DOI: 10.1007/s10064-002-0155-4, 44(7):1062–1069
Runout Modelling of Shallow Landslides Over Large
Areas with SliDepot
The GIS-based model SliDepot simulates the runout zones of landslide prone areas. It was
developed by GEOTEST AG and applied during the last 10 years for numerous projects. In
combination with the SliDisp+ software (modelling of slope instabilities, cf. Tobler and
Krummenacher (Modellierung von Anrissgebieten für flachgründige Rutschungen und
Hangmuren. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Swiss geoscience meeting, Lausanne, 2004);
Tobler et al. (Modeling potential shallow landslides over large areas with SliDisp+. In:
Proceedings of the second World landslide forum, Rome, 2011) SliDepot allows to
calculate decisive parameters for the dimensioning and optimized positioning of protection
In contrast to other GIS-based models “Casadei et al. (Earth Surf Process Landf
28:925–950, 2003); Godt et al. (Eng Geol 102(3–4):214–226, 2008)”, SliDepot does not
rely on a single-flow approach, which calculates the flow direction by direct neighbourhood
relationship. The software is capable of analysing multiple cells in a 20 -sector above a
potential runout area up to the extent of four cells. The potential runout cell will only be
connected to the runout area if the mentioned 20 -sector contains an instable cell or if the
necessary initial volumes of mobilised mass are guaranteed. Furthermore the program also
considers geomorphologic phenomena like convex topography. With this approach the
runout direction is simulated fairly realistic.
The runout is based on the degradational water content of the sliding mass during its
downslope movement which finally leads to the break-off. Results from a case study in
Switzerland will be presented.
Shallow landslide modelling Runout modelling Protection measures Case study
SliDepot model
The resulting maps provide a quick identification of Detachment (Source) Zones: Model SliDisp+
endangered areas with conflicts between hazards and land
use. It is the base to set priorities for a more accurate SliDisp is a deterministic numerical model which calculates
hazard assessment. Moreover, due to the importance of cost the landslide susceptibility of slopes (Liener et al. 1996).
efficiency the planning of protection measures calls for The original model was developed by Liener (2000) at the
(more) detailed information about the intensity and probabil- University of Bern. Studies in several test areas showed that
ity of expected landslide incidents for a given area. The model the assessment of detachment zones for potential shallow
SliDepot calculates the runout of shallow landslides (the landslides must inevitably take pedological aspects as well
distance downslope that the shallow landslide will affect). as joint water-input from the underlying bedrock into
Travel distance of a debris flow once it reaches a low- account (Guimarãres et al. 2003; Rickli and Bucher 2003;
gradient surface is a function of its volume and viscosity Dahal 2008). During the last 5 years different alterations
(Wakatsuki and Matsukura 2008; DeRose 1996). The solid were carried out and the program advanced to SliDisp+
volume of a debris slide or flow deposit is a function of soil (Riner 2009).
depth, distance traveled down the hillslope, and the gradient The model SliDisp+ determines the stability of the slope
of the traveled path. The proportion of water is the main for each cell within the grid by applying the Infinite-Slope-
control on viscosity. Several studies have suggested a rela- Analysis, using the simplified safety factor F (Selby 1993,
tionship between runout distance and the angle of internal see Fig. 1). F will be calculated to describe the ratio of
friction of shallow landslides (Corominas 1996; Griffiths retentive and impulsive forces. Fundamental basic data are
et al. 2002). Others predict a simple volumina-depending the slope angle, derived from the DEM (cf. Legorreta Paulin
relationship of the maximal runout distance. Hayashi and and Bursik 2009) from which the thickness of soil will be
Self (1992) or Legros (2002) for example postulate: deduced and the geology which allows to determine friction
angle and cohesion (VSS 1998) as geotechnical parameters
Lmax ¼ 15:6V0:36 ; (1) (Meisina and Scarabelli 2007). To consider the high natural
variability of the sheering parameters these values are not
where Lmax is runout distance and V is the volume of the described as single values per geological class but as normal
landslide. Clearly this relationship is sufficiently strong to distribution, calculated with randomly chosen values.
form the basis of a runout distance calculation, but it requires For the model calculation a term for root cohesion (WK)
that a landslide volume be derived. This is problematic as it has been added the original formula of the factor of savety F.
requires a calculation of both the surface area of the land- This empirical adjusted parameter takes the roots retaining
slide and its depth, neither of which are easy. Intensive field forces of vegetation layer into account (Schmidt et al. 2001;
investigations are necessary to determine the required Chok et al. 2004; Hales et al. 2009; see formula [2]).
parameters (Salciarini et al. 2006).
The model SliDepot calculates runout distances of shallow W K þ c0 þ ðg z cos2 b gw m z cos2 bÞ tan j0
landslides within a given area efficient and fairly realistic. The g z sin b cos b
above mentioned relationships between runout distance and (2)
volume, viscosity of the subsoil, roughness of subsoil, vege-
tation and slope gradient are summarized in an empirical WK: Root cohesion [kN/m2]
parameter. With this simplification an implementation of the c0 : cohesion [kN/m2]
complex thematic in a GIS is possible – modeling of runout g: specific bulk density [kN/m2]
distances from potential landslide detachment zone of large z: soil thickness [m]
investigation areas are easy to handle. b: slope angle [ ]
gw: specific bulk density of the saturated zone [kN/m2]
m* z: height of the water table [m]
Shallow Landslide Modeling j: friction angle [ ]
General Remarks The safety factor F is calculated for each cell of the grid,
based on the data from the digital elevation model (DEM). If
The process of shallow landslides has to be divided into two F < 1, the cell is potentially instable, and the material can
sub processes – the detachment- and the runout process be set into motion by triggering factors. The total of all
(Lourenco et al. 2006; Rickli 2001). Both processes can be instable grid elements equals the maximum detachment
modeled with different approaches. area (¼ landslide susceptibility).
Runout Modelling of Shallow Landslides Over Large Areas with SliDepot 241
c’ + ( g ∗ z ∗ cos b -u) ∗ tanF’
g ∗ z ∗ sinb ∗ cosb
r tab
te 2
Wa u = g w ∗ m ∗ z ∗ cos b
surf z
la ne
nd ep
ou Sli
Gr m .z F = factor of safety [ - ]
Uptrust = c’ = effective cohesion [ kN/m ]
g w. m. z. cos b
Φ’ = angle of friction [º]
z = soil thickness [m]
u = pore-water pressure [kN/m ]
Downslope Overburden Normal Stress
t = g . z . sinb . cosb = g .z z . m = watertable above the
σ = g . z . cos b
slideplande [-] 10
β = slope [º] m
γ = weight desity [kN/m ]
Fig. 1 Principle for the calculation of the factor of safety F for every
raster cell (Selby 1993). Indication of all parameters needed for the
calculation, except the root cohesion (WK, see formula [2])
The normal variation of shearing parameters is acknowl-
edged by a Monte-Carlo-Simulation. By applying this
method, 100 random values are chosen from the deviation
of the shearing parameters to calculate the factor of Fig. 2 Three analyzed grid cells of the sector for cell exposition from
210 to 230 (example: 5 m cell ! radius of red circle ¼ 20 m)
safety (F). With this random combination of parameters,
the factor of safety is calculated 100 times for each cell.
We assume that both – the cohesion and the friction angle – reduced during the natural process. Finally the lack of pro-
show a normal distribution and do not correlate with each cess water will determine the point where the distribution of
other (Lacasse and Nadim 1996). material stops. In contrary to many other GIS applications
Areas with more than 60 % of the parameter combination for runout calculations (Lineback Gritzner et al. 2001;
showing a safety factor F < 1 are indicated as potential Zolfaghari and Heath 2008), the model does not use a
sources. If there are more than 90 % of the F-values <1, “single-flow” approach to calculate the flow direction. This
a medium to large chance of a potential landslide is expected. model bases on a complicate, advanced nearest neighbor
The data preparation as well as its visualisation is carried out analysis.
by means of a geographic information system (Liu and Wu For the modeling, the runout movement of a shallow
2008). The calculation of the stability factors is implemented landslide has to be divided in two different parts: the calcu-
by a C-application and then integrated in to the GIS. lation of the flow direction and the calculation of the maxi-
If there are only fragmentary or rough digital input data mal flow distance. For the flow direction, several cells within
available (geology, underground data) the model output will a 20 -section above (inverse direction to the cell exposition)
be insufficient. In that case the source zones should be a potential distribution cell and up to an extension of four
defined from a simple slop-analysis. The slop-analysis grid cells are analyzed (Fig. 2). For the focused grid cell the
should be based on the nationwide available event statistic distribution will be calculated if (a) there is a detachment
(AGN 2004) for a certain underground. For such cases it is cell respectively a cell with sufficient water saturation and
recommended to let field experts map the detachment zones. (b) when the topography of the section is strongly convex.
On that base the run out zones of shallow landslides can be The SliDepot approach allows a far better prediction of the
calculated with SliDepot. distribution direction than the ‘single-flow’ approach.
The quality of the results correlates directly with the For the calculation of the maximal runout distance the
quality of the input parameters in SliDisp+. The better the water content of the sliding mass is the most important
knowledge of the underground, the hydrogeological system parameter (Hölting and Enke 1996). With every distribution
and the soil cover, the better the results for the detachment step the neighboring cells up to a distance of 20 m (for grid
zones will be. cells of 5 5 m) will be analyzed. By using a local reduc-
tion parameter the quantity of starting water (i.e. 1.0) respec-
tively the remaining actual amount of water is reduced. This
Runout: Model SliDepot parameter is mostly determined by the local slope gradient,
the type of underground as well as the vegetation (e.g.
SliDepot is an absolute GIS modeling. Starting with the data forest). The term underground summarizes the soil type,
from the defined source zones the distribution of material in the terrain roughness and the topography itself. The avail-
downhill flow direction is calculated. The model focuses on ability of accurate data finally determines the reducing
the amount of water within the shallow landslide that will be parameters. Hungr (1995) as well as Hancox and Wright
242 D. Tobler et al.
Table 1 Possible reduction factors for the runout calculations with SliDepot. Note influence of slope gradient and vegetation (grassland, forest,
cf. Hancox and Wright 2005)
Reduction parameters according to distribution step number
Slope gradient (Maximal runout distance)
g: grass 1 2 3 4
f: forest Original starting value (20 m) (40 m) (60 m) (120 m)
>25 (g) 1.0 0.85 0.72 0.61 ...
>25 (f) 1.0 0.60 0.36 0.22
17–25 (g) 1.0 0.75 0.56 0.42 ...
17–25 (f) 1.0 0.50 0.25 0.13
10–17 (g) 1.0 0.65 0.42 0.27
10–17 (f) 1.0 0.40 0.16
<10 (g) 1.0 0.45 0.20
<10 (f) 1.0 0.20
(2005) describe a possible way of the implementation of a source locations for shallow landslides with SliDisp+,
reduction parameter. The distribution stops if either a pre- cf. Tobler and Krummenacher 2004; Tobler et al. 2011)
defined number of distribution steps (i.e. 8) achieved or if the the run out zones are calculated. The starting amount of
calculated water amount drops below a pre-defined threshold water is reduced within eight steps each of 20 m. Usually
(i.e. 0.1). As an example Table 1 shows a typical reducing the final number of necessary discharge steps and therefore
parameter and the maximum range of a hypothetical distri- the maximal distribution range is calibrated with the event
bution under stable conditions (slope angle, forest). register or silent witnesses.
With the above mentioned parameters the average angle
of reach lies between 25 and 30 in grassland areas. In the
forest the average angle is around 20 . These values corre-
late with the AGN recommendations (2004) as well as the Case Study, Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
investigation of Dai and Lee (2002).
Investigation Area
Combined Results SliDisp+ and SliDepot In 2010 model calculations with SliDisp+/SliDepot
(runout) have been carried out within the settlements
Figure 3 shows the results of a runout calculation from (approx. 30 km2) of the community of Lauterbrunnen during
shallow landslides. Starting at the dark red areas (calculated a review of the existing hazard map (GEOTEST AG 2003).
Runout Modelling of Shallow Landslides Over Large Areas with SliDepot 243
There are a lot of uncertainties not considered in the study
Fig. 5 View from the South through the Lauterbrunnen valley with the of calculating the runout areas. These uncertainties
steep cliffs of limestone and landslide susceptible deposits in the valley underlying the model may include the type of material,
mechanism of failure, groundwater, the volume of failure
and the geology. The parameters obtained are applicable
Lauterbrunnen is situated in central Switzerland at an to predict the travel distance on regional scales, and
altitude of 800–1,500 m a.s.l (Fig. 4). The bedrock consists provide an effective means for the assessment of runout
mainly of schist and sandstones of the Aalenien and the distance of landslide mass when incorporated into a map
Bajocien (Dogger), sandstones of the Oxfordien and showing slope instability and the digital elevation model
Callovien, as well as compact Malm lime and sediments (DEM) within GIS.
from the Tertiary (Günzler-Seiffert 1962). The rock is folded With a sophisticated GIS approach it is possible to
in a large scale and disrupted by several steep tectonically produce innovative runout maps. The comparison with
displacements. The weathering resistant lime and the silent witnesses and the event register indicate that the
sandstones form striking steep rock walls falling towards model is useful and suitable for the scale adopted in this
the valley bottom (Fig. 5). The schists of the Aalenien are study (hazard indication map) For a hazard map addi-
very susceptible to landslides (GEOTEST AG 2007) tional field investigations have to be done.
On both sides of the valley the rock is covered by silty With SliDepot it is possible to calculate and indicate
moraines, dislocated slope debris and historic deposit from slopes with a higher disposition for shallow landslides
rock falls. The bottom of the valley consists of fine-grained over large-scale areas (several km2). The calculation
flood sedimentation from the river and shows a heteroge- helps to identify conflict zones between damage potentials
neous layering of material. and process areas, which again enables efficient spatial
244 D. Tobler et al.
planning or the definition of measurements to protect be used for hazard indication maps. With additional field
human lives and the infrastructures. investigation hazard map quality will be achieved.
In future it will be a challenge to implement
water content of the sliding mass and detailed underground
Acknowledgments We would like to thank GEOTEST AG for
conditions into the reduction parameter of the runout supporting the development of the model. Thanks also to all persons
model. At the actual state the model SliDepot may involved in the technical discussions.
Runout Modelling of Shallow Landslides Over Large Areas with SliDepot 245
Large debris avalanches are characterized by extremely rapid, flow-like motion of large
masses and they travel extremely long distances showing much greater mobility than could
be predicted using frictional models. In order to investigate the mechanisms involved and the
reasons for the large propagation of these phenomena a discrete element model (DEM) and a
combined finite and discrete element one (FEM/DEM) are used to simulate small-scale
laboratory experiments carried out by Manzella “Manzella and Labiouse (Rock Mech Rock
Eng 41(1):133–151, 2008, Eng Geol 109(1–2):146–158, 2009, Landslides, 2011 submitted);
Manzella (Dry rock avalanche propagation: unconstrained flow experiments with granular
materials and blocks at small scale. Ph.D. n 4032, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, CH, 2008)”. The combined use of different models produces a more complete study
of the phenomena since each model can fill certain gaps of the other; they also help in a better
understanding of some mechanisms and factors, which are important in the longitudinal
propagation of granular and block flows, such as the progressive failure, the initial block
packing and the topographical characteristics of the slope break.
Large debris avalanches Granular flows Block flows Runout DEM FEM/DEM
to decide, which is the most significant one and how it parameters such as avalanche volume, number of consecu-
controls the dynamics of the flow. Because of the complex tive releases, initial arrangement of the blocks, fall height,
behaviour of these geophysical flows, it is important to slope, basal friction and topographical features. In the pres-
derive an empirical understanding of the effects of material ent article some of these tests, which gave particularly inter-
and topographic characteristics on mobility and granular esting results are considered for numerical simulations.
flow mechanisms. Tests consisted of triggering an unconstrained granular
In this framework experiments and numerical simulations flow on a slope ending with a slope break and a horizontal
are of great importance because conditions are known and accumulation zone (see Fig. 1). The characteristics of the
consistent and accurate measurements can be performed. tests considered here are the following:
Models of this type of phenomenon exist, which consider – Constant slope: 45 and fall height: 100 cm
the mass of the debris avalanche as concentrated in a point – Materials: gravel of D90 ¼ 0.4 cm (Gr, see Fig. 2a) and
and the dynamic of its propagation as governed by frictional blocks (Br), i.e. terracotta bricks of 1.5 cm 3.1 cm 0.8
law, and energy dissipation at the sliding surface. These are cm.
called sled block models and they are often used in literature – Arrangement of the blocks: initially randomly poured
to understand the basic processes, e.g. (Heim 1932; Hsü into the releasing container (BrR) or piled orderly one
1975; Davies 1982; Van Gassen and Cruden 1989). When on top of the other (BrP) as shown in Fig. 2b, c
the mass is not considered as a unique body but as composed respectively
of several particles and the dynamics is considered as – Number of consecutive releases: 40,000 cm3 in one or in
governed by friction and interaction not only with the sliding two pulses of 20,000 + 20,000 cm3
surface but also between the particles, we talk about discrete – Slope break: sharp or curved (see Fig. 3), i.e. the sharp
element models; e.g. (Bagnold 1954; Drake 1990, 1991). angular slope break between the two panels has been
Because of the flow-like behaviour of large debris replaced by a smooth curve. The radius of the arc is
avalanches, continuum mechanics models are also often approximately 0.5 m.
use to model their propagation, e.g. (Pirulli and Mangeney The runout, i.e. the distance travelled by the front of the
2008; Manzella et al. 2008; Naaim et al. 1997; Hungr 2009). mass on the horizontal accumulation zone (see Fig. 1), of the
In the present article, laboratory unconstrained granular and tests considered here is reported in Table 1. The values
block flows (see Manzella and Labiouse 2008, 2009, 2011) are reported are an average of three different tests with the
simulated with different models, i.e. a discrete element model same initial conditions.
(DEM) and a combined discrete and finite element one (FEM/ In the progressive failure experiments considered here
DEM), which combines discontinuum and continuum (series B in Table 1) one first volume of 20,000 cm3 is
mechanics analysing discontinuum behaviour by discrete released and, only after it has come to a complete stop, the
elements while continuum behaviour is modelled through next one of 20,000 cm3 is also released. As shown in Table 1,
finite elements. This allows one to highlight the characteristics when 40,000 cm3 are released at once (series A) they reach
of each of these numerical approaches and how they can be longer runout than when released in two pulses (series B). In
useful in the simulation of the propagation of real events. the latter case, it is the first release that determines how far the
entire volume will travel, i.e. the runout does not change from
20,000 cm3 (series C)to 20,000 + 20,000 cm3 (series B).
Experimental Framework When the mass is initially packed and structured (Piled
Bricks, series E) it reaches longer runout than if it is loose
Manzella (2008) carried out several small-scale granular and (Gravel and Random Bricks, series A and D respectively).
block flow experiments at the Rock Mechanics Laboratory Even longer runout are reached when the mass is structured
of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne varying (Piled bricks) and the slope break is curved, (series F).
DEM and FEM/DEM Modelling of Granular Flows to Investigate Large Debris Avalanche. . . 249
Fig. 3 Changes at the slope break (From Manzella and Labiouse 2011)
Fig. 2 Used materials: (a) gravel, Gr; (b) bricks randomly poured into
the container, BrR; (c) bricks piled orderly into the container, BrP
(From Manzella and Labiouse 2009)
Table 1 Characteristics and average values of runout on the horizontal accumulation zone of the tests considered in the present article
Series Total volume (cm3) Release number (1 or 2) Material (Gr, BrR, BrP) Slope break (sharp or curved) Runout (cm)
A 40,000 1 Gr Sharp 85
B 40,000 2 Gr Sharp 73
C 20,000 1 Gr Sharp 73
D 40,000 1 BrR Sharp 85
E 40,000 1 BrP Sharp 115
F 40,000 1 BrP Curved 180
(Schindler et al. 1993). It is the largest rock avalanche in do they lose their structure and energy is then mainly
Switzerland since the Goldau event in 1806 but because of dissipated through friction/collisions between the blocks.
the fact that the volume has not failed at once but progres- When the slope break is smoother, the structure is
sively, divided into two main events, the runout distance was maintained and less energy is dissipated at the impact with
significantly shorter than the one observed for other large the horizontal.
rockslides of comparable volume. This is in agreement with Both simulation types put into evidence the combined
what was observed in granular flow experiments by effect of the structure of the mass flowing relative to the
Manzella and Labiouse (2008): if the mass falls all at once regularity of the pathway, i.e. if the mass is composed by
it reaches longer runout than if it is released at different loose material, such as in the case of DEM granular flow and
times and equal quantities. Present Discrete Element FEM/DEM random blocks, it is the size of the single ele-
Simulations highlighted that even if the first pulse is much ment compared to the size of the irregularities that it is
smaller than the second one there is an influence on the total important in the mobility of the flow, i.e. irregularities,
final runout because even if the small deposit cannot stop the even if small compared to the total mass, but of size compa-
particles approaching, it decelerates them. The first deposit rable to the one of the grains, affect the mobility leading to
at the base constitutes an irregularity on the pathway of the shorter runout. On the other hand, if the mass is structured it
granular mass of the second pulse. This irregularity is com- is not the size of the single blocks that has to be taken into
posed by particles of the same size as the ones approaching account, but the size of the internal structures formed by
which partly or totally mobilize the deposit at the base. This packed blocks within the flowing mass compared to the size
process is energy consuming and as a consequence can of the irregularities. In this case packed elements work as a
decelerate or completely stop the granular flow mass of the single block of larger size compared to the one of the
second pulse. irregularities and as a consequence the mobility of the
The irregularity of the pathway affects energy loss within mass is less or not affected. This puts into evidence how
the mass flowing and as a consequence shorter runout results the actual combination of the size of the topographic
compared to flows on more regular pathways. This has been irregularities of the pathway and of the size of the internal
pointed out by Heim (1932) and (Friedmann et al. 2006) and structure of the flowing mass influences the mobility of the
by the experiments with a curved slope break by Manzella flow. If the material is loose, i.e. no major internal structure
and Labiouse (2011). These experiments are particularly are formed within the mass, the size of the structure is
interesting since the effect of the regularity of the pathway reduced to the size of a single block, which becomes
is combined with the initial packing of the material. FEM/ important.
DEM simulations allowed us to observe the behaviour of the
structure before and after the impact with the slope break
confirming the intuitive considerations made by Manzella Conclusions
and Labiouse (2009), i.e. blocks randomly poured into the The reasons of the high mobility of large debris
box behave as a loose material and energy is dissipated from avalanches are not completely understood. In order to
the beginning through both friction and collision at the base investigate the mechanisms involved and the reasons of
and within the mass. When blocks are initially structured, the large propagation of these phenomena, a discrete
they remain packed together on the inclined slope where element code and a combined finite and discrete element
energy dissipation takes place mainly through friction at one are used to simulate small-scale laboratory
the base. Only after the impact with the horizontal panel, experiments (Manzella and Labiouse 2008, 2009, 2011).
252 I. Manzella et al.
phenomena since each one can highlight different aspects Mahabadi OK, Grasselli G, Munjiza A (2010a) Y-GUI: a graphical user
of the same process. Specifically, it is possible to take into interface and pre-processor for the combined finite-discrete element
code, Y2D, incorporating material heterogeneity. Comput Geosci
account the interactions between blocks and between 36(2):241–252. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2009.05.010
blocks and topography; simulations highlighted the Mahabadi OK, Lisjak A, Grasselli G, Lukas T, Munjiza A (2010b)
importance of the relative size of the topographic Numerical modelling of a triaxial test of homogeneous rocks using
irregularities of the pathway compared to the one of the the combined finite-discrete element method. In: Zhao J, Labiouse
V, Dudt J-P, Mathier J-F (eds) Rock mechanics in civil and envi-
internal structure of the mass flowing and pointed out ronmental engineering. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton
how this is likely to affect the mobility of debris Manzella I (2008) Dry rock avalanche propagation: unconstrained flow
avalanches. experiments with granular materials and blocks at small scale. Ph.D
n 4032, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, CH
Manzella I, Labiouse V (2008) Qualitative analysis of rock avalanches
Acknowledgments Dr. Manzella would like to thank “Fondation propagation by means of physical modelling of non-constrained
Ernst and Lucie Schmidheiny” for funding and Professor John gravel flows. Rock Mech Rock Eng 41(1):133–151
Williams and Professor Costanza Bonadonna for fruitful discussions. Manzella I, Labiouse V (2009) Flow experiments with gravel and
Dr. Grasselli’s work has been supported by the National Science and blocks at small scale to investigate parameters and mechanisms
Engineering Research Council of Canada in the form of Discovery involved in rock avalanches. Eng Geol 109(1–2):146–158.
Grant No. 341275. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.11.006
Manzella I, Labiouse V (2011) Empirical and analytical analyses of
laboratory granular flows to investigate rock avalanche propagation.
Landslides (submitted)
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Davies TRH (1982) Spreading of rock avalanche debris by mechanical Francis, Boca Rato, pp 835–841
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Bull Volcanol 70:1169–1187. doi:10.1007/s00445-008-0201-6 contact problem. Arch Comput Methods Eng 6(4):279–304
Assessment of Discrete Element Modelling
Parameters for Rock Mass Propagation
The efficiency of a numerical model depends on both the realism of the assumptions it is
based on, and on the way its parameters are assessed. We propose a numerical model
based on the discrete element method which makes possible, thanks to the definition of
an appropriate contact law, to simulate the mechanisms of energy dissipations by friction
and shocks during the propagation of an avalanche of granular material on a slope. The
parameters of the contact model are obtained from laboratory experiments of single impacts.
A particular attention was paid to the values of the run-out, the morphology of the deposit,
the proportions of energy dissipations by impacts or friction, and the kinetic energies of
translation and rotation. The results of this numerical study provide valuable information on
the relevance of some usual assumptions of granular flow continuous models.
Discrete element method Rock avalanches Dissipative contact law Parameter
identification Experimental validation
Numerical Model
Fig. 4 Layout of the experimental device used in Manzella and Labiouse (2009)
material density of 17kN/m3, apparent density of 10 kN/m3), bricks corresponds to a rough estimate of the one used
launched on a 45 slope from a height of 1 m. The bricks and in the actual experiment. The simulation starts when the
support were identical to the ones used for the identification lower face of the box is deleted. Figure 5 shows several
of the contact parameters in the previous section. The stages of the simulated avalanche with a time step of
layout of the experiment is represented in Fig. 4, as well 300 ms. The results of the simulation are compared with
as some of the measurements performed on the material the experimental ones in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6a, the shapes of
deposit : length L, runout R, width W, height H, travel the numerical and experimental deposits are compared in
angle fCM (related to the centre of mass before and after terms of their contour in a horizontal and a vertical plane.
the flow), and Fahrböschung fap (related to the extremity A very satisfying correspondence appears for the horizon-
of the deposit as defined by Heim 1932). tal contour and this correspondence is a bit less accurate
This experiment is reproduced numerically with 6,300 bricks for the vertical contour, the numerical deposit having a
randomly poured in the starting box. This number of larger height than the experimental one.
Assessment of Discrete Element Modelling Parameters for Rock Mass Propagation 259
Fig. 7 Interpolated fields inside the flow; (a) Velocity magnitude; (b) Angular velocity magnitude; (c) Average stress
Manzella I, Labiouse V (2009) Flow experiments with gravels and Tommasi P, Campedel P, Consorti C, Ribacchi R (2008) A discontinu-
blocks at small scale to investigate parameters and mechanisms ous approach to the numerical modelling of rock avalanches. Rock
involved in rock avalanches. Eng Geol 109:146–158 Mech Rock Eng 41(1):37–58
McDougall S, Hungr O (2004) A model for the analysis of rapid Van Den Bergen G (2003) Collision detection in interactive 3D
landslide motion across three-dimensional terrain. Can Geotech environments (The Morgan Kaufmann series in interactive 3D
J 41:1084–1097 technology). Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco
On Controls of Flow-Like Landslide Evolution
by an Erodible Layer
The role played by the presence of erodible material along the path of flow-like landslides is
analyzed. The effects of type and physical mechanical properties of materials, thickness
and slope geometry on the runout and the deposit geometry are investigated. Fully 2D
and 3D numerical simulations have been performed representing small scale laboratory
experiments and large scale field examples. The properties adopted for the erodible material
strongly control the evolution of the landslide and the type of occurring mechanisms. These
aspects have a major influence on the results and on the hazard zonation and should be taken
into account.
Rock avalanches Erosion Entrapment Modeling FEM 3D Granular flow
Introduction Crosta et al. (2006) show this features and behavior by some
illustrative numerical models evidencing the occurrence of
Flow-like landslides (e.g. debris flow, debris avalanches, shallow erosion, local deposition and ploughing of impacted
flow-slides and rock avalanches) are characterized by high structures and/or obstacles.
velocity and mobility, extremely variable properties and, The material (e.g. soil partially or fully saturated,
frequently, an extreme erosion capability. The result of rock, ice) forming the surface over which the rock/debris
such an erosive power that has been most frequently reported avalanche moves can influence the emplacement
is the increase in volume. Nevertheless, on the basis of field mechanisms and the observed runout distances. The material
and experimental observations, the role of material located can be characterized by different thickness (up to tens or
along the landslide path (substrate material) or temporarily hundreds of meters), physical mechanical properties (e.g.
above the topographic surface (e.g. snow, ice or water) frictional, cohesive, with constant or variable strength, high
in controlling the dynamics of rock- or debris-avalanches or low permeability), and characterized by different mechan-
has been suggested (Hungr and Evans 2004; Crosta 1992; ical behaviour (e.g. collapsible, liquefiable, dilatant). These
Crosta et al. 2006, 2009; Dufresne et al. 2010; Mangeney physical mechanical parameters control, together with those
et al. 2010). The influence on simulation results has been of the moving mass, if the basal material can be entrained,
suggested by various authors (Pitman et al. 2003; Crosta dragged, sheared, ploughed, bulldozed or remain unaffected
et al. 2006, 2009; Chen et al. 2006; Mangeney et al. 2010). by the landslide motion.
Field evidence has been presented for rock and debris
avalanches under different geological and environmental
G.B. Crosta (*) P. Frattini conditions, and entrained volumes have been quantified
Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Geotecnologie, Università
degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
(e.g. McDougall 2006: shallow flows/debris avalanches in
e-mail: [email protected] pyroclastic deposits, erosion rate of 0.010.1 m1; Nomash
S. Imposimato D. Roddeman
river rock slide, erosion rate 1.9 * 103 m1; Zymoetz
FEAT, Maaierhof 27, 6418 JL Heerlen, The Netherlands River: 500,000 m3 at an erosion rate of 3.3 * 104 m1;
Hungr and Evans 2004, suggest total entrainment values up et al. 2009) demonstrates that dragging occurs at the base of
to 10 times the original failure volume; Crosta et al. 2004, the moving material and that no real mixing between the two
for the Val Pola rock avalanche report an entrainment of materials occurs along the contact surface.
about 8 Mm3 or 20 % of the initial volume; Chen et al. 2006
estimate an increase in volume of more than 10 times for
shallow debris avalanches along alpine slopes). Rock slide/ Numerical Models
avalanche processes along steep rocky cliffs have been
observed to trigger large slumping/entrainment within the To validate the model and to extend the analysis to materials
talus slopes. Crosta (1992) observed a 0.15 * 106 m3 rock with different shear strength, we modelled the collapse of a
slide/avalanche which entrained 0.25 * 106 m3 of preva- granular column with variable aspect ratio (height/width,
lently dry material while moving along a 35 inclined scree 0.6–20) and variable friction angle and thickness of the
slope deposit. Similar processes have been observed for erodible layer. The internal friction angle of the basal erod-
snow avalanches ible layer was varied (from 10 to 30 ), as well as thickness
We studied the influence of these controlling charac- (0.2–0.5 m) and initial column height (0.6 m). We use a
teristics by running a series of fully 2D and 3D simulations particular combination of Eulerian–Lagrangian methods
to get a more complete understanding of the processes (Roddeman 2008; Crosta et al. 2003, 2005, 2009) which
and local effects on material spreading and redistribution. does not distort the FE mesh and guarantees accurate calcu-
Laboratory scale experimental tests with granular columns lation results. The code can describe the large deformations
on erodible layers and a real case study have been simulated and sliding of landslide material, filled or not filled with
to calibrate and validate the finite element modeling code. groundwater. We neglect nonlinear soil behaviour, cracking
phenomena and partial groundwater saturation.
The numerical model uses isoparametric finite elements
Materials and Methods for space discretisation. We typically apply three-noded
triangles in 2D, and eight-noded hexahedrals in 3D. For
Laboratory Experiments the 2D calculations we used 40.000 to 150.000 triangular
three-node elements to discretize the 2D space with a mean
The collapse of a granular column has been recognized as a element size ranging between 0.004 m and 0.01 m. An
phenomenon useful for studying transient granular flow implicit Euler time stepping, with automatic time step
conditions at the laboratory scale. This process is similar to adjustment is adopted. The initial equilibrium stress state is
the well known dam break problem but involves a granular reached through quasi-static time stepping. The initial move-
material. Well detailed experiments performed by releasing ment is triggered by either lowering cohesion in time or
different types of granular materials on inclined channels/ imposing an external perturbation, or deleting a lateral con-
slopes, and adopting different geometries have been described strain (as for the granular column). A predefined failure
in the literature (Lajeunesse et al. 2005; Lube et al. 2004, surface (as for the Arvel case study) is not always required.
2005, 2007; Balmforth and Kerswell 2005; Mangeney- We assume an elasto-plastic material and a Mohr-Coulomb
Castelnau et al. 2007). The results of these tests have been yield rule.
compared both with qualitative and theoretical models, aimed In the case of an erodible layer characterized by a low
at finding general scaling laws or at testing depth averaged internal friction angle (10 ) the front of the advancing mate-
shallow water and particle mechanics models. rial is thinner than for the case of spreading on a hard smooth
To generalize the adopted approach and test its validity frictional surface.
for real case studies it is necessary to consider the presence Initially, the collapsing material sinks within the erodible
of an erodible layer along the spreading surface. Few tests of bed, without evident differences for the different layer
this type, performed at different scales and under different thicknesses (20 or 50 cm), and successively it slightly runs
conditions, have been published (Mangeney-Castelnau et al. up and over the material removed from the erodible layer
2007; Crosta et al. 2008a, b, 2009; Mangeney et al. 2010; and pushed at the flow front.
Iverson et al. 2011). Sinking and ploughing tend to disappear with increasing
Experimental results demonstrate the effect of an erodible internal friction angle values. For a 30 material no sinking
basal layer in reducing generally the material runout. and erosion are observed and no material is pushed in the
Measured runout distances (Crosta et al. 2009) are always front (Fig. 1). No migration of the interface between static
shorter than for the case of smooth basal surface and shorter and flowing material is observed for the case of a basal layer
also for the case of a rough channel base, this last case being with low values of internal friction angle. On the contrary,
characterized by a strong agitation, bouncing and projection the migration of the interface is observed when no scouring
of the particles at the front. Particle velocimetry (PIV, Crosta and ploughing occurs along a layer characterized by higher
On Controls of Flow-Like Landslide Evolution by an Erodible Layer 265
The maximum erosion depth is the lowest among the In general, the results show that:
values from the different models. – The thickness of the alluvial layer is inversely related to
– Saturated materials (Crosta et al. 2008b): the deposit is landslide runout; for the 100 m thick layer most of the
thick but the upper surface is concave. The model is in landslide material stops at the slope toe;
good agreement with field observations in terms of – The deposit area increases for decreasing thickness of the
erosion, maximum debris distance and longer alluvial erodible layer;
deposit remobilization. – The maximum deposit thickness does not depend on the
The maximum velocities (from 24 to 26 m s1) are alluvial layer thickness (e.g. for the 10, 25 and 100 m
computed for all the simulations at the toe of the rocky layers, the maximum thickness values are 36, 34 and
cliff and along the initial part of the alluvial deposits. In all 36 m respectively);
the simulations we observe a rapid freezing of the moving – The deformation is more spread within thicker and more
mass and a final pattern of the velocities showing a sub- frictional materials, resulting in smaller changes in eleva-
circular front instability. This seems comparable with field tion of the initially flat valley surface;
observations of secondary slope instabilities within the land- – The radial pattern of deformation is well developed
slide deposit. The analysis of the velocity distribution within through all the models;
the landslide and alluvial materials shows that the moving – The maximum elevation is observed, for the cohesive
mass is sheared at its interior and that in the later stages tends model, before the final arrest of the landslide mass and
to move “rigidly” shearing at the contact with the alluvial subsequent readjustments at the propagating front control
mattress. the final topography.
Fully 3D simulation of the avalanche and basal layer
interaction is an innovative and open research topic.
Fig. 4 Velocity field (m s1) for three models considering different The same approach can been applied to estimate the
thickness of the alluvial layer: 25 m cohesive, 25 m frictional and 100 m
frictional (from top to bottom). Radial propagation of the deformation spreading of an expected rock avalanche for hazard zon-
within the alluvial material is evident. A sort of wedge is raised in front ing. The advantages of the proposed approach consist in:
of the landslide for the first case of thinner layer. A more spread and the capability to directly simulate internal deformation,
wavy pattern is observed for more frictional and thicker layers the interaction with structures and other materials, the use
of standard and advanced geomechanical models and
alluvial deposits moves farther to the front of the parameters. This is an interesting step forward in numeri-
rock-fall–avalanche debris (Crosta et al. 2008b). cal modelling of such phenomena, where depth averaged
The excess pore pressures generated within the allu- models adopt entrainment models based on empirical and
vial deposits, and computed by considering volumetric semi-empirical laws without directly considering physi-
compression, moves rapidly at the front of the moving land- cal and mechanical properties and the modes of interac-
slide mass. tion between flowing and static materials.
Observed differences between 2D and field evidences can The success at modelling granular flows has been
result by neglecting the role of 3D effects and the local demonstrated (see also Crosta et al. 2009). This is partic-
variability of alluvial properties. This 3D variability is ularly clear when considering for example that the flow
suggested by data presented by Choffat, which shows spatial following the collapse of a granular column has been
variability of deposit thickness, shape and deformation. simulated directly using the material properties without
On Controls of Flow-Like Landslide Evolution by an Erodible Layer 269
Fig. 5 Velocity field (m s1) for 2 models considering different alluvial material and the consequent formation of a frontal bulge/
thickness and mechanical properties of the alluvial layer: (top) 25 m, wedge. The second model demonstrates the possible folding of the
only cohesive (bottom) 100 m, frictional. The first model puts in alluvial material and the deformation distributed within the entire layer
evidence the thrusting action played by the landslide mass on the
Crosta GB, Chen H, Lee CF (2004) Replay of the 1987 Val Pola Jaboyedoff M (2003) The rockslide of Arvel caused by human activity
Landslide, Italian Alps. Geomorphology 60(1–2):127–146 (Villeneuve, Switzerland): Summary, partial reinterpretation and
Crosta GB, Imposimato S, Roddeman D, Chiesa S, Moia F (2005) Small comments of the work of Choffat, Ph. (1929): L’écroulement
fast moving flow-like landslides in volcanic deposits: the 2001 Las d’Arvel (Villeneuve) de 1922. Bull. SVSN 57, 5–28. Quanterra
Colinas Landslide (El Salvador). Eng Geol 79(3–4):185–214 OPEN-FILE REPORT3
Crosta GB, Imposimato S, Roddeman DG (2006) Continuum numerical Lajeunesse E, Monnier JB, Homsy GM (2005) Granular slumping on a
modelling of flow-like landslides. In: Evans SG, Scarascia horizontal surface. Phys Fluids 17:103302
Mugnozza G, Strom A, Hermanns R (eds) NATO ARW, landslides Lube G, Huppert H, Sparks S, Hallworth M (2004) Axisymmetric
from massive rock slope failure, vol 49, NATO science series, earth collapse of granular columns. J Fluid Mech 508:175–199
and environmental sciences. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 211–232 Lube G, Huppert H, Sparks S, Freundt A (2005) Collapses of two-
Crosta GB, Imposimato S, Roddeman DG (2008a) Approach to dimensional granular columns. Phys Rev E 72:041301
numerical modelling of long runout landslides. In: Proceeding Inter- Lube G, Huppert H, Sparks S, Freundt A (2007) Static and flowing
national forum on landslide disaster management, landslide runout regions in granular collapses down channels. Phys Fluids
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modelling of entrainment/deposition in rock and debris-avalanches. (2010) Erosion and mobility in granular collapse over sloping beds.
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2-D granular step collapse on erodible and nonerodible surface. Bouchut B (2007) Avalanche mobility induced by the presence
J Geophys Res 114:F03020 of an erodible bed and associated entrainment. Geophys Res Lett
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path material on emplacement of the round top rock avalanche New McDougall S (2006) A new continuum dynamic model for the analysis
Zealand. Earth Surf Proc Land 35:190–201 of extremely rapid landslide motion across complex 3D terrain.
Hungr O, Evans SG (2004) Entrainment of debris in rock avalanches; Ph.D. thesis, The University of British Columbia, 253p
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(9–10):1240–1252 (2003) A numerical study of granular flows on erodible surfaces.
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(2011) Positive feedback and momentum growth during debris-flow Roddeman DG (2008) TOCHNOG user’s manual. FEAT, 255p,
entrainment of wet bed sediment. Nat Geosci 4:116–121
Influence of Bed Curvature on the Numerical
Modelling of Unconstrained Granular Materials
This paper deals with the theoretical-numerical and experimental analysis of dry rock
avalanches moving down a chute.
Depth-averaged field equations of balance of mass and momentum as prescribed by
Savage and Hutter (1991) are implemented in the RASH3D code. They describe the temporal
evolution of the depth averaged velocity and the distribution of the avalanche depth. A
Coulomb-type mechanical behavior of the mass is assumed. To incorporate the curvature
effects of the bed, the centripetal acceleration term has been here implemented in the code.
Carried out experiments consist in the release of granular material on an inclined plane
that is connected to a horizontal run-out zone through a sharp transition. Comparison
of the experimental findings with the computational results proved that neglecting the
centripetal acceleration term can have the effect of leading to errors in the determination of
the well fitted friction angle. In particular, an overestimation of the computed dynamic
friction angle respect to its measured value is observed.
Granular flow Runout Numerical modelling Physical experiments Centripetal
The real heterogeneous mass is compared to an incom- the curvature effect has been recently implemented in
pressible equivalent fluid whose behaviour is described by RASH3D (Pisani et al. in prep.) by adding a term involving
balance equations of mass and momentum. By assuming that the curvature radius of the bed profile R in the momentum
the flow thickness is much smaller than its characteristics equations, that is modifying (4) as follows:
length, the code integrates the balance equations in depth
obtaining the so-called depth-averaged continuum flow vi
tziði¼x;yÞ ¼ mr h gz þ ac;i (5)
model (Savage and Hutter 1989), and the general system of kvk
equations to be solved, written in a reference frame linked to
the topography, becomes as follows: where ac,i is the centripetal acceleration in the considered i
@h Due to topographic deflection (i.e., changing in bed
þ divðh
vÞ ¼ 0 (1)
@t slope), the apparent weight of the moving mass increases
0 and the resistance due to basal sliding friction is modified.
@ ðhvx Þ @ hv2x @ hvx vy A Where the bed slope decreases (i.e., in the curved transition
r@ þ þ between the inclined and the horizontal planes), the external
@t @x @y
reaction force provided by the underlying surface (assumed
@ ðhsxx Þ
to be infinitely massive and immobile) increases the bed
¼ þ tzx rgx h (2) normal stress by an amount of rhv2i =Ri , where v2i =Ri ¼
ac;i (see (5)).
0 1
In the analysed experiment (see } Experimental set-up),
@ hv @ hv v @ hv2y
r@ A
y x y the local curvature radius in the y direction tends to infinity
þ þ
@t @x @y and the y component of bed curvature consequently tends
to zero, i.e. (5) simplifies to (4) in the limits Ry ! 1 and
@ hsyy ac;y ! 0, that is applicable to planar beds.
¼ þ tzy rgy h (3)
The first set of analyses was carried out neglecting the 1.0
centripetal acceleration term, that is (4) is adopted in the a
resolution of the implemented balance equations. 0.8
The best fit results in terms of deposit shape and longitu-
dinal profile was obtained assuming a dynamic friction angle 0.6
equal to 34.5 .
Obtained results evidence that the model has some 0.4
problems in fitting the shape of the deposit in plan view
even if the position of the rear and of the front are quite 0.2
respected (Fig. 2a). On the contrary, if the longitudinal
Y [m]
profile is analysed a good distribution of the thickness can 0.0
be observed together with a quite good approximation of the
centre of gravity position (Fig. 2b). -0.2
Moving to the version of RASH3D in which the centripe-
tal acceleration is implemented, that is (5) is adopted, the -0.4
above mentioned geometry and mesh characteristics were
used. But, in this case the calibration of the dynamic friction -0.6
angle evidenced that the best fit result is obtained with a
value of j ¼ 23 .
Obtained results evidence that the model fits quite well
the shape of the deposit in plan view (Fig. 2a) but some
problems emerge if the longitudinal profile is analysed 0.2
Z [m]
(Fig. 2b). In fact, the centre of gravity does not coincide 0.1
with the measured one and the deposit proximal part par- 0
tially deposits on the inclined surface. -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Comparison between numerical results obtained with and X[m]
without the centripetal acceleration term has evidenced that Fig. 2 Comparison between numerical and experimental results. Black
when the centripetal acceleration term is not taken into line and black circle: experimental data; Blue line and blue symbol:
account, i.e. when the topography shape does not slow numerical results obtained with ac ¼ 0, j ¼ 34.5 ; Red line and red
down the granular material, a higher value of the friction symbol: numerical results obtained with ac 6¼ 0, j ¼ 23
angle is necessary to correctly stop the mass.
As a consequence, dropping its effect can lead to unveri- The RASH3D code is based on Savage and Hutter’s
fiable error in the determination of the well fitted friction equations and the moving mass behavior can be described
angle because the tuned parameter obtained for fitting a using a Coulomb-type friction law with a constant friction
runout distance may be dependent on these local effects angle, j.
(Mangeney-Castelnau et al. 2003). The comparison between numerical and laboratory
The present work has particularly evidenced that, using results has evidenced that the calibrated friction angle is
the centripetal acceleration term, the value of the computed close to the value of the dynamic friction angle measured
friction angle is close to the value of the dynamic friction in laboratory when the centripetal acceleration term is
angle measured in laboratory (Table 1). This physical mean- considered in the implemented equations. On the con-
ing disappears if centripetal acceleration is neglected (i.e. trary, if the centripetal acceleration term is neglected,
j ¼ 34.5 ). the value of the friction angle necessary to properly stop
the mass has to be higher since it has to take also into
account the energy dissipation that in reality is due to the
Conclusions above mentioned term.
In the present paper the effect of centripetal acceleration Based on these observations the current work is
in a flow dynamics and consequently in the calibration of intended to extend the application of the numerical
the parameter of a selected rheology is investigated. model to a larger number of laboratory tests. In particular,
To this aim the numerical model RASH3D has been it is expected that a change in the laboratory apparatus
used to numerically simulate results obtained in a labora- geometry (i.e. a different volume, falling high or
tory test where a granular mass is released on a 45 surface slope angle), released material and cover of the
inclined plane that, in the lower part, is joined to a runout surface being unchanged, the value of the dynamic
horizontal surface through a sharp transition. friction angle should remain the same.
Influence of Bed Curvature on the Numerical Modelling of Unconstrained Granular. . . 275
However, some problems still remain and are based on Saint Venant equations using a kinetic scheme. J Geophys
evidenced by the impossibility of simulating the deposit ResSolid Earth 108(B11):2527
Manzella I (2008) Dry rock avalanche propagation: unconstrained flow
profile in a correct way (Fig. 2b). This aspect has to be experiments with granular materials and blocks at small scale. Ph.D.
further investigated and some considerations on the role thesis 4032, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
of the “shock” effect for the particular geometry consid- Switzerland
ered are still necessary. Manzella I, Labiouse V (2008) Qualitative analysis of rock avalanches
propagation by means of physical modelling of not constrained
gravel flows. Rock Mech Rock Eng J 41(1):133–151
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Anne Mangeney Manzella I, Labiouse V (2009) Flow experiments with gravel and
(IPGP, France) and Marie-Odile Bristeau (INRIA, France) for having blocks at small scale to investigate parameters and mechanisms
offered the use of the SHWCIN code and for having helped to solve involved in rock avalanches. Eng Geol 109(1):146–158
some fundamental numerical problems. McDougall S (2006) A new continuum dynamic model for the analysis
of extremely rapid landslide motion across complex 3D terrain. Ph.
D. dissertation, University of British Columbia, Canada
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INRIA report 3989, National Institute for research and computa- JA, Mira P (2004) Modelling of landslides: (II) propagation,
tional sciences and control, Le Chesnay degradations and instabilities in geomaterials. In: Darve, F.,
Bristeau MO, Coussin B, Perthame B (2001) Boundary conditions for Vardoulakis, I (eds) CISM courses and lectures No. 461, Springer
the shallow water equations solved by kinetic schemes. INRIA Pirulli M (2005) Numerical modelling of landslide runout, a continuum
report 4282, National institute for research and computational mechanics approach. Ph.D. dissertation, Politecnico di Torino,
sciences and control, LeChesnay Italy, 204pp
Chen H, Lee CF (2000) Numerical simulation of debris flows. Can Pisani G, Pirulli M, Labiouse V, Scavia C (in prep.) The role of the
Geotech J 37:146–160 centripetal acceleration on the propagation of flow-like landslides
Denlinger RP, Inverson RM (2004) Granular avalanches across irregular on a complex topography
three-dimensional terrain: 1. Theory and computation. J Geophys Res Savage SB, Hutter K (1989) The motion of a finite mass of granular
109: F01014, 14pp, doi:10.1029/2003JF000085 material down a rough incline. J Fluid Mech 199:177–215
Mangeney-Castelnau A, Vilotte JP, Bristeau O, Perthame B, Bouchut Savage SB, Hutter K (1991) The dynamics of granular materials from
F, Simeoni C, Yerneni S (2003) Numerical modelling of avalanches initiation to runout. Acta Mech 86:201–223
Single or Two-Phase Modelling of Debris-Flow?
A Systematic Comparison of the Two Approaches
Applied to a Real Debris Flow in Giampilieri
Village (Italy)
A comparison between the performances of two different debris flow models has been
carried out. In particular, a mono-phase model (FLO-2D) and a two phase model
(TRENT2D) have been considered. In order to highlight the differences between the two
codes, the alluvial event of October 1, 2009 in Sicily in the Giampilieri village has been
simulated. The predicted time variation of several quantities (as the flow depth and the
velocity) has been then analyzed in order to investigate the advantages and disadvantages
of the two models in reproducing the global dynamic of the event. Both models seem
capable of reproducing the depositional pattern on the alluvial fan in a fairly way.
Nevertheless, for the FLO-2D model the tuning of the parameters must be done empiri-
cally, with no evidence of the physics of the phenomena. On the other hand, for the
TRENT2D, which is based on more sophisticated theories, the parameters are physically
based and can be estimated from laboratory experiments.
Debris flow Numerical model FLO-2D TRENT2D
been analyzed. Giampilieri has been settled in the Middle flow resistance coefficient; g ¼ gravitational acceleration; mB ¼
Ages and nowadays presents peculiarities in terms of Bingham viscosity; n ¼ pseudo-Manning’s resistance coeffi-
geomorphological and urban configuration. Therefore, the cient which accounts for both turbulent boundary friction and
debris flow analysis in this particular type of settings is internal collisional stresses. In particular, the yield stress tB, the
of particular interest. Regarding the geomorphology, the dynamic viscosity mB and the resistance coefficient n are
village is settled on a steep hillslope. Upstream of Giampilieri, influenced by the sediment concentration relationships that can
three different little basins, with an extension less than be described by the following equations:
1 km2, generated debris flows that propagated across the
village and eventually run into the Giampilieri river. Regard- t y ¼ a 1 e b1 Cv (4)
ing the urban configuration, it is worth to point out that the
little village has a population of about 1,800 inhabitants, and mB ¼ a2 eb2 Cv (5)
it is characterized by high density and narrow streets. This
makes the emergency management and the planning of n ¼ nt 0:538 e6:0896 Cv (6)
evacuation operations particularly difficult.
where Cv is the volumetric concentration and a1, b1,
a2 and b2 are empirical coefficients defined by laboratory
Models Description experiments (O’Brien and Julien 1988) and nt is the turbu-
lent n-value (Julien and O’Brien 1998).
FLO-2D To solve the momentum equation FLO-2D considers, for
each cell, the eight potential flow directions. Each velocity
FLO-2D is a commercial code worldwide adopted for debris computation is essentially one-dimensional and solved inde-
flow phenomena modelling and delineating flood hazards, pendently from the other seven directions (FLO-2D User’s
developed by O’Brien in 1986. The model is two- Manual 2007).
dimensional in space and adopts depth-integrated flow
equations. Hyper concentrated sediment flows are simulated
considering a mono-phase approach, based on empirical TRENT2D
quadratic rheological relation developed by O’Brien and
Julien (1985). Trent2D is a numerical code, developed by Armanini et al.
The basic equations implemented in the model consist (2009), for the simulation of debris flows and hypercon-
mainly in the continuity equation: centrated sediment transport.
Its mathematical model is based on the assumption of a
two-phase mixture of sediments and water, with rheological
@h @ ðhvx Þ @ hvy
þ þ ¼i (1) model based on the physically grain inertial method of
@t @x @y
and the equation of motion (the dynamic wave momentum Since the reference model is biphasic, the bed is movable
equation): (contrary to the FLO-2D model). Moreover, the dynamics of
the mixture and the morphological evolution of the bed are
@h vx @vx vy @vx 1 @vx solved in a completely coupled way. This is quite important
Sfx ¼ Sox þ þ (2) because wave celerities change noticeably from the fixed to
@t g @x g @y g @t
the movable bed case.
where: Sox ¼ the bed slope; h ¼ flow depth; vx, vy ¼ depth- The depth-averaged PDEs of the model are derived from
averaged velocities; i ¼ excess rainfall intensity (assumed the conservation balances of mass and momentum (for solid
equal to zero in the present application). and mixture):
Since the model is mono-phase, the bed variation term, 8
> @ @ @
i.e.: the bed evolution is not considered. >
> ðzB þ hÞ þ ðhvx Þ þ hvy ¼ 0
> @t @x @y
The total friction slope can be expressed as follows: >@
> @ @
< @t ðcB zB þ chÞ þ @x ðchvx Þ þ @y chvy ¼ 0
tB KmB V n2 V 2 >
> @ @ gh2 @ @zB
Sf ¼ þ þ (3) >
> @t ½cD vx h þ @x cD vx h þ 2
þ cD vx vy h þ cD gh ¼ Fvx
> @y @x
rgh 8rgh2 h4=3 >
> @ @ @ gh2 @zB
: cD vy h þ cD vx vy h þ cD v2y h þ þ cD gh ¼ Fvy
@t @x @y 2 @y
where tB ¼ Bingham yield stress; V ¼ mean flow velocity
along the flow direction; r ¼ mixture density; K ¼ the laminar
Single or Two-hase Modelling of Debris-low? A Systematic Comparison. . . 279
Geometry Data
Fig. 3 Inundated area as observed for the scenario simulated with the Fig. 6 Maximum velocity as observed for the scenario simulated with
FLO-2D the FLO-2D
from 1.5 m/s to 5 m/s, although some peaks over 10 m/s are
also observed.
Fig. 7 Maximum flow depth as observed for the scenario simulated Fig. 9 Maximum velocity as observed for the scenario simulated with
with the TRENT2D the TRENT2D
shows an orthophoto of the urban area of Giampilieri with Considering maximum flow depths (hmax), FLO-2D
the positions where measurements have been gathered on predicted values are in general higher than those observed.
purpose for the inherent study. This can be explained by considering that buildings cannot
In particular, two field data are available: the values of the store debris flow volume and the uncertainty relative of
maximum flow depth reached during the event (hmax) and the magnitude event. On the other side, TERNT2D results
the values of the thickness of the sediment deposit left by the are slightly smaller than those observed, with more accurate
debris flow (dzb). In Table 1, field data are reported, along results along the main paths and greater deviations in the
with the corresponding predicted data obtained from FLO- smallest streets.
2D and TRENT2D. In the table we have reported only the With regard to the deposition depths (dzb), it must be
points for which both flow depth and deposit data are noted that, given the monophasic approach of FLO-2D the
available. whole fluid stops when the threshold bed stress is reached,
Single or Two-hase Modelling of Debris-low? A Systematic Comparison. . . 283
Table 1 Measured and predicted values of maximum flow depths and of the phenomena. On the other hand, since the parameters
final sediment deposition for the Giampilieri event of the TRENT2D model have a more specific physical
Survey meaning, it is easier to identify the acceptable physical
POS. Data FLO-2D TRENT2D range for the values.
hmax dzb hmax hfinal vmax hmax dzb vmax
The time variation of several quantities has been
[no.] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m/s] [m] [m] [m/s]
analyzed in order to highlight the performances of the
1 2.4 2 1.41 0.40 3.15 1.8 1.48 1.53
two models as well as their differences. The results show
2 1.75 1 2.74 0.78 1.43 1.67 1.46 1.77
that both models seem capable of reproducing the depo-
3 1.5 1 3.86 0.92 2.39 1.27 0.85 1.02
4 1.7 1.5 4.37 1.12 4.11 1.20 0.98 1.14
sitional pattern on the alluvial fan. In particular, FLO-2D
5 2 2 4.52 1.12 4.31 1.63 1.44 1.8 tends to overestimate the flow depths for the reasons
6 3.3 2 4.50 1.12 4.43 2.18 1.74 1.29 previously explained, while Trent2D slightly under-
11 2.83 2 1.76 0.06 5.73 1.50 0.03 1.50 estimates them. As for the final depositions, they are
13 2.05 1 1.99 0.69 1.72 1.86 0.85 2.52 slightly underestimated by both models. Finally, FLO-
15 1.26 2 2.45 0.21 3.15 1.96 1.89 2.13 2D velocities are generally higher than those predicted by
23 2.04 0.5 2.28 0.46 1.38 1.47 0.34 1.50 Trent 2D, due to the different rheological models.
24 2.78 0.5 2.13 0.35 0.58 1.91 0.52 0.93
25 2.3 1.2 2.17 0.35 1.21 1.95 1.1 2.34 Acknowledgments All consultants of the OPCM 10th October 2009
26 1.93 1.8 2.09 0.05 3.21 2.05 1.98 2.19 n 3815 are greatly acknowledged for the support demonstrated and for
27 1.95 1.2 3.98 1.01 1.13 1.80 1.12 1.32 the useful information provided.
We would like to thank the Public Civil Engineering Works Office
28 5 0.4 2.81 0.10 2.47 1.01 0.24 1.17
of Messina and the Department of Civil Defence of Sicilian Region for
30 2 1 1.7 0.68 0.90 1.40 0.57 0.84 providing important data.
Mean errors: 1.17 0.73 – 0.74 0.36 –
Among all kinds of landslides, rock avalanches are characterized by exceptional mobility
and destructiveness. Their mobility is well larger than explained by the real material
properties and it is usually expressed by means of an “apparent” friction angle which is
a-priori unpredictable. We replicate the motion of historical rock/debris avalanches
evolved in glacial and volcanic environments. The modelled events involved variable
volumes (ranging from millions of m3 to km3) which are well preserved so that their
main features are recognizable from satellite images. Within each class of events, and
irrespective of the variety of conditions in which they occurred, the best fitting parameters
span in a narrow interval. The bulk basal friction angle ranges within 3 and 7.5 for
volcanic debris avalanches, within 6 and 12 for ice-rock avalanches. These values are
significantly lower than other rock avalanches which require values as high as 11 to 31 .
The consistency of the back-analyzed parameters is encouraging for a possible use of the
model in the perspective of hazard mapping while set of calibrated values can help the
selection of model input parameter values for prediction and for definition of uncertainty on
Rock avalanche Numerical modelling Forward prediction Rheological parameters
Pacaya Guatemala Unknown Basalt Gravitational Debris >0.60 Pumice Unknown Vallance et al. 1995
collapse avalanche (0.85?) km3
Bering glacier Alaska Nov. 3, 2002 Granite Denali earthquake Ice-rock 11.8 M m3 Snow/ice Icy basal Jibson et al. 2006
avalanche material
Black Rapids Alaska March 27, Anchorage Ice-rock 10–14 M m3 Snow/ice Icy basal Post 1967
Glacier (2) 1964 earthquake avalanche material
Martin River Alaska March 27, Anchorage Ice-rock 4–18 M m3 Unknown Icy basal Post 1967
Glacier (4) 1964 earthquake avalanche material
Illiamna, Red Alaska July 25, 2003 Andesite Intraglacial sliding Ice-rock 5 M m3 Snow/ice Icy basal Huggel et al. 2007
Glacier planes avalanche material
Mount Munday Canada Unknown Gneiss Unknown Ice-rock 3 M m3 Unknown Icy basal Delaney and Evans 2008
avalanche material
Shattered Peak Alaska March 27, Sandstone Anchorage Ice-rock 10 M m3 5–30 M m3 Icy basal Shreve 1966
1964 argillite earthquake avalanche snow/ice material
Mount Steller Alaska September 14, Tertiary Permafrost Ice-rock 10–20 M m3 Snow/ice Icy basal Huggel et al. 2008
2005 rock, ice degradation avalanche material
288 R. Sosio et al.
(Chen and Lee 2000). Both the models assume a fixed fric- influenced the propagation and the final distribution of the
tional internal rheology, which is governed by an internal deposit. The proper reconstruction of the pre-slide topogra-
friction angle, and alternative rheological kernels to describe phy in the source and in the deposition area is one of
the basal rheology. The two models differ in the approach used the main elements of uncertainty together with the exact
to solve the constitutive equations numerically (i.e. SPH in the volumes involved during the propagation.
DAN-3D model, finite element in the MADflow model). Modelling volcanic debris avalanches requires the removal
Debris avalanches evolving from collapse of volcanic of large volumes of deposited material and, eventually, of
edifices were modelled assuming frictional, Voellmy, and other volcanic products ejected successively to the collapse.
plastic basal rheologies. The use of the frictional and In these latter cases, the exact proximal limit of the deposit is
Voellmy rheologies is well established for this kind of phe- either undefined or difficult to recognize from the present
nomena and a number of back-analysed historical events are topography because of possible post-collapse phenomena
available in the literature. The plastic rheology was first (e.g. dome extrusion, effusion of volcanic products), addi-
adopted by Kelfoun and Druitt (2005) which successfully tional sector collapses of the edifice associated to the aval-
replicates the Socompa debris avalanche. Rock avalanches anche (e.g. toreva blocks), or obliteration of the deposit itself.
running onto glaciers were modelled assuming frictional and Modelling ice-rock avalanches the local morphology of the
Voellmy basal rheologies. glacier strongly influences the propagation due to the low
Internal friction angle is held constant (fi ¼ 35 ) for all the basal resistance. The local micromorphology is only partly
models. The bulking process is not simulated by the model. To captured by the 30 m cell-size grid available.
take it into account we increased the detached volume by
20 %, so that the source volumes include the volume incre-
ment undergone during propagation by fragmentation. Volcanic Debris Avalanches
Entrainment data are only seldom available for ice-rock
avalanche events, as an estimation of the total volume We simulate the propagation of ice-rock avalanches adopting
admixed to the detached mass. Without more information the frictional, Voellmy and plastic rheologies in the DAN 3D
available (i.e. locally eroded depths, erosion rates), we code. Several events are modelled with the Madflow model
assumed uniform entrainment rates along the entire ice- adopting the frictional and Voellmy rheologies (e.g. Figs. 2a
covered path as to obtain the final volume estimated for the and 3a). None of the adopted rheologies completely capture
deposit. Changes in material density due to the presence of the variety of volcanic debris-avalanches considered and their
amounts of ice and snow do not affect significantly the final whole propagation dynamics. The frictional rheology gener-
results, so they will be not discussed further. ally provides the best estimates of the deposit extents, with
The rheological parameters required for the back analyses differences within about 9 % with respect to the observed
(i.e. basal frictional angle, j, for the frictional rheology, events.
frictional, m, and turbulent, x, coefficients for the Voellmy The Voellmy and plastic models fail to replicate the
rheology, shear strength for the plastic rheology) were lateral expansion and the initiation of the deposition in
adjusted to match (1) the total runout distance reached by many cases, which overestimate deposit areas up to 26 %
the debris avalanche (i.e. the horizontal distance between the and 35 %, respectively. Adopting the DAN 3D model,
scar highest point to the furthest point of deposit), (2) the values of m ¼ 0.003–0.08 and x ¼ 500–1,200 ms2 provide
aerial extent of the propagation and debris distribution within the best results. The friction angle, which is the sole param-
the deposit, and (3) other information quantitatively available eter required by the frictional rheology, varies within the
(i.e. flow velocity, deposit thickness, run-up against obstacles, range 3 –7.5 . The shear strength required by the plastic
etc.). The parameters are selected by trial and error and rheology varies within 45 and 100 kPa (Table 2). The
adjusted in fixed intervals. In the Voellmy rheology, the Madflow model requires higher resistance parameters than
frictional coefficient is selected first as to reach the proper the DAN 3D code (Table 3).
distal end of deposition; then, the turbulent coefficient is
adjusted which controls the proximal end limit of the depo-
sition, the flow velocity and the overall propagation path. Ice Rock Avalanches
Fig. 2 Examples of application of the DAN 3D numerical model to replicate: (a) the Pacaya debris avalanche event and (b) the Sherman ice-rock
avalanche. The deposition extents resulting from different rheologies are superimposed to the observed ones
Fig. 3 Examples of application of the MadFlow numerical model to replicate: (a) the Pacaya debris avalanche event and (b) the Sherman ice-rock
avalanche. The deposition extents resulting from different rheologies are superimposed to the observed ones
the distribution of the deposit and the areas interested by DAN 3D code. In both the codes, Voellmy rheology achieves
propagation. Adopting the DAN 3D model, values of better results than the frictional rheology at recognizing the
m ¼ 0.03–0.1 and x ¼ 1,000–2,000 ms2 provide the best area involved by the propagation and initiation of the deposi-
results. The friction angles vary within the range 5.5 –10.5 tion, whereas the frictional rheology better replicates the high
(Table 2 and Fig. 4). The Madflow code requires higher flow velocities suggested for some of the modelled cases.
resistance parameters and produce thicker deposits than the
290 R. Sosio et al.
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deposit thickness, lateral extent, and flow velocities) which Hewitt K (1999) Quaternary Moraines vs Catastrophic rock avalanches
slightly vary among each others, particularly for unconfined in the Karakoram Himalaya, Northern Pakistan. Quaternary Res
paths. On the other hand, the calibrated parameters vary Huggel C, Caplan-Auerbach J, Waythomas CF, Wessels RL (2007)
depending on the origin of the adopted topographic data Monitoring and modeling ice-rock avalanches from ice-capped
(i.e. ASTER and SRTM-derived terrain data). Lower values volcanoes: a case study of frequent large avalanches on Iliamna
of the rheological parameters are required for modelling on Volcano, Alaska. J Volc Geoth Res 168(1–4):114–136
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offered by the material by means of its rheological properties Mexico. J Volc Geoth Res 170:99–110
serves to balance the reduced resistance offered by the more Hungr O, Evans SG (1996) Rock avalanche runout prediction using a
dynamic model. In: Senneset (ed) Proceedings, 7th international
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Conclusions avalanches triggered by the M 7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska, earthquake
In this work we demonstrate that, irrespective of the of 3 November 2002. Eng Geol 83:144–160
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triggering conditions, events evolving in similar environ- Socompa rock avalanche, Chile. J Geophys Res 110:B12202.1–12202
mental conditions (e.g. type of material involved in the McDougall S (2006) A new continuum dynamic model for the analysis
detachment, type of basal material, role of fluids, etc.) can of extremely rapid landslide motion across complex 3D terrain.
be replicated assuming similar values for the flow- Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
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resistance parameters. In particular, we propose the landslide motion across three-dimensional terrain. Can Geotech
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from the collapse of volcanic edifices and for ice/rock avalanches and associated eruptions in the Holocene eruptive
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mobility of granular flows of similar origin. tion by edifice collapse. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 105:77–105
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Physical Modelling of the Propagation of Rock
Avalanches: Recent Developments and Results
Rock avalanches are studied at the Laboratory for Rock Mechanics of EPF Lausanne by
means of unconstrained flow experiments of dry granular material. Tests aim at studying
the influence of different parameters on the propagation and deposition mechanisms as well
as on the characteristics of the final deposit. The existing measurement system, based on the
fringe projection method, was improved in order to increase the quality and the reliability
of the volume measurement and the computation of the centre of mass of the final deposit.
The latest developments allow using this method to follow the mass during its motion.
Additionally, a new technique that allows tracking the mass front was set up and compared
to previous results gathered with the commercial software WINAnalyze. Results of
experiments carried out with a gravel supposed to have the same characteristics as the
one used in a previous research study Manzella (2008 Dry rock avalanche propagation:
unconstrained flow experiments with granular materials and blocks at small scale. Ph.D.
thesis 4032, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) showed some
differences, suggesting that the grading of the material has a certain influence on the runout
and the position of the centre of mass of the final deposit. A more significant difference is
related to the state of the propagation surface. Recent experiments with a curved transition
at the bottom of the slope and a larger volume lead to new results. Contrary to previous
observations, for a given falling height of the source base, the distance travelled by the
centre of mass on the horizontal panel increases with the volume. This leads to discuss
further some conclusions previously drawn.
Rock avalanches Physical modelling Runout Fringe projection method Mass front
Introduction their path and are important in terms of life loss and eco-
nomic impact (Hungr 1990). The management of this kind of
Rock avalanches are extremely rapid events involving a natural hazard requires the identification of potential sources
great amount of materials (106 m3). Although they are and their monitoring as well as the prediction of runout
very infrequent, rock avalanches cause total destruction in areas. One way to progress in the understanding of the
propagation and energy dissipation mechanisms of such
natural hazard is to perform physical modelling, although
C. Sauthier (*) V. Labiouse laboratory similitude requirements are not easy to fulfil.
Laboratory for Rock Mechanics (LMR), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale The Laboratory for Rock Mechanics of EPF Lausanne is
de Lausanne (EPFL), EPFL-ENAC-LMR, Station 18, CH-1015
Lausanne, Switzerland
performing unconstrained flow experiments on an inclined
e-mail: [email protected] panel by releasing dry frictional materials. It aims at studying
Fig. 3 Direct measurements of the final deposit characteristics i.e. where Dp is the difference between pp the distance
runout R, length L and width W separating the two projected lines and pa the distance
between these two lines as seen by the camera with an
angle of incidence a (Cochard and Ancey 2007). This rela-
Measurement System tionship is only valid in a telecentric system. The height
information can be retrieved at each line position but is
Direct Measurements lost in-between. So, to retrieve this lost information, fringes
with a cosine profile are preferably projected. Specific
After each test, runout R, length L and width W of the final algorithms have been designed to retrieve the shape of the
deposit are measured with a ruler. The runout is measured from object in a Cartesian framework from the images captured
the intersection between the inclined and the horizontal panels. with a camera (Cochard and Ancey 2007; Manzella and
When the entire mass does not pass the curved transition, the Labiouse 2008; Sauthier in progress).
length corresponds to the projection of the final deposit on a
horizontal plane (Fig. 3).
Mass Front Detection and Tracking
Fringe Projection Method In a previous research study (Manzella 2008) the mass front
was detected and tracked, its velocity and acceleration were
Indirect measurements of the final deposit as well as of the computed by means of the commercial image analysis software
mass in motion are obtained by means of the fringe projec- WINAnalyze. This program mainly works on the contrast to
tion method. This non-destructive measurement technique track points. The projection of fringes during the propagation
has already been used in a previous research study for of the mass makes such software useless.
retrieving the morphology of the final deposit and for com- A new technique was developed, using the Empirical
puting the position of the centre of mass (Manzella and Mode Decomposition EMD. The EMD was developed by
Labiouse 2008). Recent works allowed improving the qual- Huang et al. (1998) to process non-stationary signals by
ity and the reliability of the final deposit measurement and to decomposing them into their intrinsic oscillation modes. The
extend the technique to the measurement of the mass during standard algorithm is iterative and the final result depends on
its motion (Sauthier in progress). several parameters and choices leading to a non-unique solu-
The principle of the technique is to project a fringe tion. Recently, Equis and Jacquot (2009) proposed a new
pattern with an angle of incidence onto an object. Those implementation of the EMD. If specific experimental
fringes appear distorted due to the object topology when conditions are fulfilled, a single iteration produces a zero-
seen from a different direction. The measurement of the mean centred signal, leading then to a straightforward phase
296 C. Sauthier and V. Labiouse
a b
c d
e Propagation direction
Fig. 5 Detection of the mass front. (a) Final deposit without fringes.
(b) Central section of 5 pixels of the final deposit without fringes. (c)
Final deposit with fringes. (d) Results of the EMD applied on a section
of 5 pixels. (e) Derivative of the mean value of the intensity, front and
rear detection on the image of the final deposit without fringes and after Fig. 6 Comparison between the mass front velocities computed by the
removal of the fringes commercial software WINAnalyze and the new technique. (a) Mass
front velocity over runout. (b) and (c) Front velocity over time. The
regression line in (c) points out the deceleration on the horizontal plane,
extraction. This latter version of the EMD was used to com- related to the transfer of momentum between the rear and the front parts
pute the mean value of the signal and thus to eliminate the of the mass
This technique is applied on a strip of 5 pixels along the second derivative computations to obtain mass front velocity
direction of propagation. The result is smoothed with a sine and acceleration a smoothing step must be carried out. Good
cosine filter (Aebischer and Waldner 1999). The mean value results were obtained with the following processing scheme.
over the 5 pixels is computed and differentiated. The deriva- From the n sets of down sampled by n versions of the
tive has a positive peak representing the mass front (Fig. 5). raw data, shifted by one between each other, we build n
The error in the front detection can reach 5 pixels i.e. smoothed signals by interpolation with a cubic spline kernel.
approximately 2.5 cm. The precision of the new technique The last step consists simply in averaging those n samples.
is thus similar to the previous one of 2–3 cm (Manzella and This method leads to better results than those obtained with a
Labiouse 2009). In theory, the detection of the rear part is moving average window of length n.
also conceivable, but less accurate due to the unavoidable This method, starting from the front detection, was applied
shadow at the rear part of the mass when it propagates on the on a series of images without fringes (Manzella 2008) and
horizontal panel. Applying this method on an image compared to the result given by the commercial software
sequence allows the automatic detection and tracking of WINAnalyze (Fig. 6). The results are not strictly identical
the mass front. After calibration, the distance travelled by because of different smoothing techniques and assumptions
the front along the slope is computed. Prior to first and on the calibration. However, the maximal velocities are
Physical Modelling of the Propagation of Rock Avalanches: Recent Developments and. . . 297
Comparison Between Previous and Fig. 7 Comparison between previous and recent results. Tests
Recent Results performed with gravel Gr2_Old (Manzella 2008) and gravel Gr2
(Sauthier in progress). Experimental conditions: V ¼ 40 l, H ¼ 1.0 m,
b ¼ 45 , RC ¼ 0.5 m, smooth surface
For the purpose of comparing results obtained in the frame-
work of two Ph.D. theses (Manzella 2008; Sauthier in prog-
ress) and to extend the conclusions obtained so far, a series
of experiments was performed again. Volumes of 20 and 40 l
of gravel Gr2 were released from 1 m height on a panel
covered with forex, inclined at 45 and with a radius of
curvature at the bottom of the slope of 0.5 m. Figure 7
presents the obtained results for a volume of 40 l. Firstly,
improvements in the delineation of the final deposit can be
noticed. Noise was removed and waves, due to harmonics
resulting from an imperfect cosine profile of fringes, were
smoothed. Secondly, it can be observed that the results are
rather different. The experiments performed recently give a
longer runout and distance travelled by the centre of mass on
the horizontal panel. On the other hand, the length and the
width of the final deposit are a bit smaller.
A first reason for explaining such differences is the use of Fig. 8 Comparison between final deposit characteristics of gravel Gr2
different released materials. To assess the influence of the and Gr2_Old (Sauthier in progress). Experimental conditions: V ¼ 40 l,
H ¼ 1.0 m, b ¼ 45 , RC ¼ 0.5 m, smooth surface
type of gravel, experiments were performed again with the
old gravel Gr2_Old. They confirmed that different gravels
provide some differences in terms of runout, and position of Due to these differences in characteristics of the released
the centre of mass. The length and the width of the final material and experimental conditions, the results of the two
deposit are quite similar (Fig. 8). The gravel Gr2_Old research studies are not strictly comparable from a quantita-
contains more fine particles, which can be the source of an tive point of view. Nevertheless, conclusions drawn from
artificial cohesion due to electrostatic forces developing each experimental campaign about the influence of the vari-
when the material is in motion (Iverson et al. 2004). ous parameters on the final deposit characteristics can be
The second and main reason of the differences observed compared and discussed.
when comparing previous and recent experiments (Fig. 7) is
related to the state of the propagation surface. The inclined
panel is covered with forex plates which were replaced Influence of the Volume on the Final Position
before starting the new experiments. The old plates were of the Centre of Mass
rather scratched, and this most probably led to an increase of
friction at the interface between the basal surface and the The increase in volume range tested in the recent experiments
sliding material. Moreover, a small gap between two of the leads to discuss further some conclusions drawn in the frame-
three plates was filled up in time with released material work of a previous research study (Manzella 2008; Manzella
creating an obstacle to the gravel flow. and Labiouse 2009). Volumes up to 100 l of gravel Gr2 were
298 C. Sauthier and V. Labiouse
Fig. 9 Influence of the volume on the distance travelled by the centre Fig. 10 Influence of the volume on the distance travelled by the centre
of mass on the horizontal panel XCM, for a constant falling height of of mass on the horizontal panel XCM for a constant falling height of the
the source base H. Experimental conditions: V ¼ 40 l, H ¼ 1.0 m, source base H as well as for a constant initial height of the centre of
b ¼ 45 , RC ¼ 0.5 m, smooth surface mass HV. Experimental conditions: V ¼ 40 l, b ¼ 45 , RC ¼ 0.5 m,
smooth surface
released from 1 m height on a panel covered with forex,
inclined at 45 and with a radius of curvature at the bottom The travel angle of the centre of mass fcm, i.e. the angle
of the slope of 0.5 m. Contrary to what was stated, for a given connecting the initial and final positions of the centre of
falling height of the source base, the volume has some influ- mass, is constant for volumes of 20 and 40 l and slightly
ence on the distance travelled by the centre of mass on the increases by 1 for a volume of 100 l.
horizontal panel (Fig. 9).
Manzella and Labiouse (2009) drawn their conclusion Conclusions
from experiments performed with a sharp transition at the In order to study rock avalanches, unconstrained flow
bottom of the slope and extended it to the few experiments experiments are performed at the Laboratory for Rock
carried out with a curved transition. Nevertheless, it is pos- Mechanics at the EPF Lausanne (LMR-EPFL). Those
sible that the type of transition plays a role in the propagation laboratory tests aim at assessing the influence of different
of the centre of mass. Moreover, the increase in volume parameters and at studying mechanisms of propagation
range leads to a straightforward and unambiguous assess- and energy dissipation.
ment of the influence of this parameter. Indeed, the variation A few years ago, the LMR developed a measurement
with volume of the final position of the centre of mass is system, based on the fringe projection method, for
above the range of variation of three experiments performed retrieving the morphology of the final deposit and com-
in the same conditions. puting the position of its centre of mass. The mass front
However, this way of analysing the results is too trivial was tracked and its velocity and acceleration were
and may mislead. In fact, due to the geometry of the source, computed using the software WINAnalyze. Recent
an increase of volume leads to a higher position of the initial works allowed improving the quality and the reliability
centre of mass. This raises the following questions: Is the of the final deposit measurement and to extend the tech-
longer distance travelled by the centre of mass on the hori- nique to the measurement of the mass during its motion.
zontal panel due to an increase of volume or due to a higher Due to the projection of fringes during the whole experi-
position of the centre of mass of the source? Is there any ment, the use of a commercial software to track the mass
interaction between these two parameters? front is not possible anymore. A new implementation of
To answer these questions, some experiments were the empirical mode decomposition EMD was used to
performed, keeping a constant initial position of the centre remove the fringes and keep the background intensity.
of mass and using different volumes. An increase of volume This technique is applied on a strip of 5 pixels along the
from 20 to 40 l leads to a slight and insignificant increase of direction of propagation. The signal is then smoothed
the distance travelled by the centre of mass on the horizontal with a sine cosine filter, averaged over the 5 pixels and
panel. Unexpectedly, the distance travelled by the centre of derived to detect the mass front. After calibration, the
mass is lower for a volume of 100 l than for volumes of 20 distance travelled by the front along the slope is
and 40 l (Fig. 10). This probably results from the fact that, computed and smoothed by cubic spline interpolation.
given the geometry and confinement of the source, a part of The first and second derivatives give the mass front
the energy is dissipated by friction along the sides of the box. velocity and acceleration, respectively.
Physical Modelling of the Propagation of Rock Avalanches: Recent Developments and. . . 299
The aim of this study is the development of an integrated approach for definition of scenarios
of debris flow deposition. The approach has been applied to basins located in the North-
western Alps. Firstly the basins are classified on the basis of the bedrock lithology. Hence the
features of debris flows are related to different bedrock lithologies: basin area/fan area ratios,
alluvial fan architectures, depositional styles and triggering rainfall characteristics. This
method permits to capture the essential features of flow phenomena and to address the choice
of proper constitutive laws for the numerical modelling of debris flow propagation and
deposition. The numerical model calibration is based on the observed styles of deposition
of debris flows and architecture of the alluvial fans (shape, slope, grain-size distribution, etc.).
The simulations do not match the deposit of a given past event, but the results are in terms of
scenarios and supply a more realistic tool for risk mitigation.
Catchment lithology Sedimentary processes North-western Alps Numerical
modelling Cellular Automata
Table 1 Characteristics of the three catchment lithology groups in the Western Alps (Modified after Tiranti et al. 2008)
Basin group Fan/basin area (%) Dominant processes Main depositional style
1 >20 CDF Rudavoi
2 5< CDF Grand Vallon
3 10< N-CDF Inferno – Grotto
Basin group Triggering recurrence (years) Minimum triggering rainfall type Main triggering season
1 4 Storms of high intensity (>30 mm/h) Late spring
2 1 Storms of moderate intensity (>20 mm/h) Summer
3 >10 Alluvial events or supercell storms (>50 mm/h) Autumn and spring (rarely in summer)
Fig. 2 G1 (e.g. Rio Fosse), G2 (e.g. Rio Saint Draia), G3 (e.g. Rio Secco) alluvial fan geometry plans. The increase of fan slope is shown by the
arrow length (Tiranti 2008)
the apex. The transition from levees-rich area to lobes-rich minerals in loose material. The prevalent sedimentary pro-
area is underlined by a gradual decrease of the fan slope from cesses are linked to N-CDF phenomena and to “Inferno” type
apex to toe (Fig. 2). depositional style with high magnitude, even if, without
The G2 basins consist primarily of metamorphic rocks extreme rainfall, the examined torrents are characterized
(foliated, fine-grained and phyllosilicates-rich), with average by prevailing “Grotto” type depositional style (bedload
slope of 30 ; they are characterized by an excellent produc- e watersheet deposits). G3 basins, characterized by prevalent
tion of clay or clay-like minerals in loose material and the Inferno type depositional style, have a relative small alluvial
surficial deposits cover approximately the 60 % of the total fan lobe-shaped (fan area/basin area <10 %), with high slope
area of the basin. The prevalent sedimentary processes are particularly in apex zone. A sharp change of debris size is
linked to CDF phenomena and to “Grand Vallon” type depo- evident from apex to central and distal fan area. Indeed, the
sitional style. The G2 alluvial fans are much smaller than larger boulders are concentrated in the apex as lobes and
the feeding basins (average <5 %) and are characterized by subordinated boulder-trains. From apex to toe, the boulders
moderate slope and an irregular geometry. In non-anthropized decrease while the heterogeneity of debris size increases in
alluvial fans it is possible to observe the occurrence of a correspondence to more or less evident morphologic scarps
higher number of levees than lobes. The former are regularly (Fig. 2).
distributed from apex to toe, near the main channel. As for the
G1 alluvial fans, the longitudinal cross-section is regular
(Fig. 2). The high cohesion of DF in the G2 is responsible Numerical Modelling of Debris Flows
of the small, starved-shape fans. In fact, it has been noted that
thick DF deposits are present along and near the main channel The propagation and deposition of debris flows in upper
at the high and intermediate sections of G2 basins. Susa Valley are simulated by a 3D numerical code based
The G3 basins consist primarily of massive and coarse- on Cellular Automata Method (Segre and Deangeli 1995;
grained metamorphic rocks, with intermediate slope values Deangeli 2008).
between G1 and G2 basins (about 35 ); cover deposits are The numerical code was originally generated to analyze
smaller than in G2 (about 55 % of basin area). They are DFs in the inertial regime (Segre and Deangeli 1995) according
characterized by a poor production of clay or clay-like to the solution of Takahashi (1978, 1991), based on the dilatant
304 C. Deangeli et al.
This model was successfully applied to analyse the
evolutive behaviour of several actual granular flows, occurred
in different settings and contexts (Deangeli and Grasso 1996;
Deangeli and Giani 1998; Deangeli 2008).
In the present study the code has been improved and 4993000
choice of the constitutive law is still an open problem. 4992500
The behaviour of debris flow depends on many factors
and the coexistence for a given event of different regimes
during the runout phase has been observed (Deangeli 2008).
316000 316500 317000 317500 318000
The simulation of real cases suffers from the lack of direct
observations and flow parameters measurements. Insights
can be derived from the observations of flume experiments
[m] 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.05 1.25 1.45
under controlled conditions. However these tests generally
refer to idealized conditions. Fig. 3 Results of the numerical analysis of debris flows in the Rio
According to the geological classification we have sup- Fosse basin. The blue line represents the contour of the watershed; the
posed different rheologies: if CDF are predominant we adopt red line represents the contour of the alluvial fan
a visco-plastic rheology, where we consider the mixture to
behave as a Bingham fluid; if N-CDF are the main processes The surface layer is somehow armoured through the
we assume the granular material to behave as a dilatant fluid presence of winnowed partially open-work deposit that
in the grain inertia regime of Bagnold (1954). The initial covers a clast-supported deposit formed by blocks and
volumes of loose material do not refer to a particular occurred boulders in a gravel, sand, clayey-silt matrix. The mobiliza-
event, but they have been estimated for each catchment on the tion of coarse sediments in the surface layer triggers the
basis of several past events, excluding very small phenomena. debris flow and the entrainment of underlying deposits is
The values are hence representative of the investigated area responsible of the cohesive behaviour of debris flows.
and are free from subjective interpretations of an occurred The simulations have been performed considering a
phenomenon. The model parameters are then calibrated on saturated material and a mixture of mud and water as embed-
the depositional style and fan architecture. ding fluid.
Exclusively for this basin, both the previously introduced
rheologies have been adopted in the CA model. As a matter
Results of Debris Flow Simulations of fact, DFs along Rio Fosse could be characterized by a
by CA Model coexistence of different flow regimes, being the basin inter-
mediate between Group 2 and Group 3 (respectively CDF
The Cellular Automata (CA) model has been used to simulate and N-CDF) (Deangeli et al. 2011).
debris flows in three different basins belonging to the three The results of the two types of simulations seem to
different groups: Rio Fosse (Bardonecchia)-Group 1, Rio indicate that the most appropriate constitutive law is the
Frejus (Bardonecchia)-Group 2 and Rio Secco (Salbertrand)- visco-plastic one as reported in Figs. 3 and 6a. In fact the
Group 3. modelling output shows a good agreement with the deposi-
tional style and the geometrical characteristics of alluvial fan
typical of the Group 1 basins (wide and regular fan with a
Rio Fosse gradual decrease of the slope from apex to toe).
5001000 0
4996000 0
4997000 4994000
[m] 0.15 0.55 0.95 1.35 1.75 2.15 2.55 2.95 3.75 4.55
[m] 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.65 1.85 2.05 2.25 2.45 2.65
Fig. 5 Results of the numerical analysis of debris flows in the Rio
Fig. 4 Results of the numerical analysis of debris flows in the Rio Secco basin. The blue line represents the contour of the watershed; the
Frejus basin. The blue line represents the contour of the watershed; the red line represents the contour of the alluvial fan
red line represents the contour of the alluvial fan
sometimes involving whole slopes (deep-seated gravita- excellent production of clay or clay-like minerals which
tional slope deformations). The high frequency of debris should give rise to a more “viscous” DF than Group 1 ones.
flow phenomena is due to the debris abundance deposited As for the previous case the modelling results (Figs. 4 and
in the stream channels. 6b) seems to fulfil the deposition style observed in the
The basin of the Rio Frejus is very extended and involves geological classification, especially with respect to the allu-
several tributaries in both right and left bank. The numerical vial fan geometry and the accumulated debris thickness.
modelling has considered only the contribution of Rio A very good agreement between numerical results and in
Gautier, because, historically, the highest number of DFs situ observations has been obtained for the strong deposition
was originated along this basin. The watershed between the of debris along the channel.
Rio Merdovine basin and the Rio Gautier basin exhibits large,
mixed debris accumulations at the base of cliffs. These cliffs
are affected by a high degree of fracturing and alteration. Rio Secco
Along less steep slopes there are modest quantities of
eluvial-colluvial cover (usually <2 m), where extensive shal- The Rio Secco is located in Salbertrand municipality and
low landslides and erosive phenomena can be observed extends over about an area of 4.85 km2.
(widespread rill erosion). Even inside the main channel bed It is characterized by a catchment lithology mainly
there are large quantities of preserved debris flow deposits. formed by gneiss and massive micashists, and, very subordi-
The numerical simulations have considered a saturated nate dolostones and calc-schists. The source areas were
material. The basins of Group 2 are characterized by an identified with the abundant talus deposits distributed at
306 C. Deangeli et al.
a b c
[m] 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.05 1.25 1.45 [m] 0.15 0.55 0.95 1.35 1.75 2.15 2.55 2.95 3.75 4.55
Fig. 6 Fan depositional areas of three test-basins obtained from numerical modelling ((a) Rio Fosse; (b) Rio Frejus; (c) Rio Secco)
basin head. These main source areas are characterized by a The initial volumes of loose material, used in the numeri-
high presence of very coarse debris deposits, with open work cal models, do not refer to a particular occurred event, but
structure, resting on very steep slopes. The mobilization they have been estimated for each catchment on the basis of
of coarse sediments is possible only in presence of very several past events, excluding very small phenomena. The
extreme rainfalls. values are hence representative of the investigated area and
The basins of Group 3 produce less fine fraction com- are free from subjective interpretations of an occurred phe-
pared to Groups 1 and 2. The embedding fluid in this case is nomenon. The model parameters have been then calibrated
clear water. The material is assumed fully saturated. on the depositional style and fan architecture.
A value of the friction angle between 30 and 40 has The results show a relatively good agreement with the
been adopted, being the Group 3 basins characterized by observed debris flows events. Therefore the attempt of
very coarse particles. adopting a link between the bedrock lithological charact-
The results of the CA modelling (Figs. 5 and 6c) have eristics and sedimentary processes of the basins with a propa-
emphasized again the similarities among the estimates of the gation model has supplied encouraging outcomes. The
geological model, the in situ observations regarding to the proposed methodology seems to be an appropriate tool for
depositional style along the channel and the alluvial fan the set up of debris flow scenarios devoted to risk mitigation.
geometry (high slope particularly in apex zone).
Acknowledgments This research was supported by PARAmount
project of Alpine Space Programme of European Union (2-2-2-AT) –
Concluding Remarks
triggering to deposition. In: Proceedings of 5th international confer- Takahashi T (1991) Debris flow, IAIIR monograph. Balkema,
ence on debris-flow hazards mitigation: mechanics, prediction and Rotterdam
assessment, University of Padua, Italy, 14–17 June 2011, pp 661–668, Tiranti D (2008) The sediment gravity flows triggering mechanisms,
Moscariello A, Marchi L, Maraga F, Mortara G (2002) Alluvial fans in evolution and sedimentary processes in Western Italian Alps. Ph.D.
the Alps: sedimentary facies and processes. Spec Publ Int Assoc thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Torino (Italy)
Sedimentol 32:141–166 and the Cambridge Quaternary, Department of Geography, Univer-
Segre E, Deangeli C (1995) Cellular automaton for realistic modelling sity of Cambridge (UK), pp 100
of landslides. Nonlinear Processes Geophys 2(1):1–15 Tiranti D, Bonetto S, Mandrone G (2008) Quantitative basin character-
Takahashi T (1978) Mechanical characteristics of debris flow. ization to refine debris-flow triggering criteria and processes: an
J Hydraul Div 104(8):1153–1169 example from the Italian Western Alps. Landslides 5(1):45–57
Stability Conditions and Evaluation of the Runout
of a Potential Landslide at the Northern Flank of
La Fossa Active Volcano, Italy
This paper focuses on the quantitative investigations carried out to evaluate stability conditions
of the northern flank of the La Fossa cone (Vulcano Island) and the consequent runout of the
debris avalanche that would be generated by a possible failure. The contribution describes first
the geological setting and the typical instability phenomena of the area. Then it illustrates how
the global morphology of the flank was reconstructed by combining aerial photogrammetry
and high resolution 3D surveying techniques such as terrestrial laser scanner. The resulting
digital elevation model (DEM) permitted us to extract and measure structural and morpholog-
ical elements that drive and influence past and potential instabilities. These elements were used
to constrain limit equilibrium analyses (LE) that were used to estimate the volume of soil mass
susceptible of failure. Strength parameters at large scale were obtained from laboratory tests,
described in previous studies, and back analyses of a past failure whose geometry was
reconstructed from the DEM. Finally, results of runout analyses of the debris avalanche are
presented and discussed. Analyses were conducted by using DAN-W and DAN-3D codes
which allowed an estimate of the maximum runout distance and extension of the accumulation
zone with respect to the inhabited area.
Active volcano Landslide Debris avalanche Runout
Introduction if the area has been inhabited in recent times or erosion has
been so fast and intense to cancel signs of instability.
Instability phenomena frequently affect the flanks of active Major slope failures usually occur at the onset of volca-
volcanic edifices. In many cases inhabited areas have pro- nic phenomena and can be much faster and more unex-
gressively approached active unstable slopes, overlooking pected than lava flows. Nevertheless, also during quiescent
that the effects of the runout of the landslide mass on popu- phases probability of failure is significant, especially when
lation, infrastructures and buildings can be even more degassing activity increases (unrest periods) and contributes
significant than those of volcanic activity. In this respect to weaken the volcano flanks. At coastal volcanoes a further
failures are often missed in the record of event, especially risk is related to the tsunami waves that can be generated by
the propagation of the landslide mass into the sea.
All these sources of hazard can be found at the active
La Fossa cone in the northern part of the Island of
M. Marsella (*) A. Salino S. Scifoni A. Sonnessa Vulcano (Fig. 1). The last eruption was in 1899 while
Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
at present the activity is essentially hydrothermal with
an intense degassing. On the contrary, during the last
P. Tommasi
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Geologia Ambientale
30 years, the flanks of the cone were involved in a number
e Geoingegneria, Rome, Italy of landslides.
Fig. 2 3D view of the La Fossa cone with the geological units pro-
posed by De Astis et al. (2006). Label “gp1” indicates varicoloured
pyroclastites forming the FG crater margin
20 24 28 32 36
shear strength angle(°)
Runout Analyses
Fig. 6 Shaded relief view of DEM from 2001 photogrammetry survey
and GPS points that identify tension fractures
Once the potential slide volume had been determined,
dynamic analyses were carried out to evaluate maximum
Strength properties of the material introduced in LE runout distance and path of the debris avalanche after failure.
analyses for estimating the potential critical failure surface Analyses were conducted both in two and three
were derived from laboratory tests on the varicoloured dimensions using the DAN-W and DAN3D codes which
pyroclastites and on the basis of a back analysis of an old assimilate the avalanche mass to a fluid and are based on
slump at the FG crater rim recognised by aerial photo the integration of the St. Venant equation according to the
interpretation. Its geometry was reconstructed by the formulations proposed by Hungr (1995) and McDougall and
Stability Conditions and Evaluation of the Runout of a Potential Landslide at the. . . 313
Fig. 9 Area invaded by slide debris using a Voellmy model with (a)
200 m ¼ 0.12 and x ¼ 500 m/s2 or (b) m ¼ 0.15 and x ¼ 1,000 m/s2. On
the left thickness in metres of the final landslide deposit are displayed.
The source area is marked with an “S”
top of the main crater. This entails that runout estimate is time for alerting authorities in charge of civil protection
the main concern. procedures.
A major improvement in the quantitative description
of the slope surface, to be utilized in stability and runout References
analysis, has been introduced by increasing the quality of
the photogrammetric digital model by merging it with a Ayotte D, Hungr O (2000) Calibration of a runout prediction model for
terrestrial laser scanner survey. This allowed: (1) the debris-flows and avalanches. In: Wieczorek GF, Naeser ND (eds)
recognition and exact location of structural and morpho- Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on debris-flow
hazards mitigation, Taipei, pp 505–514
logical evidences of past and possible failures (which Baldi P, Bonvalot S, Briole P, Marsella M (2000) Digital photogram-
aided back- and predictive slope stability analyses); (2) metry and kinematic GPS applied to the monitoring of Vulcano
a better definition of morphology for runout analyses. In Island, Aeolian Arc, Italy. Geophys J Int 142:801–811.
particular the first issue was instrumental in evaluating doi: 10.1046/j.1365-246x.2000.00194x
De Astis G, Dellino P, La Volpe L, Lucchi F, Tranne CA (2006) Carta
operative strength of a partially and not homogeneously Geologica dell’Isola diVulcano 1:10000. De Astis G, La Volpe L
altered pyroclastic material and in assessing the volume (eds) Litografia Artistica Cartografica. Firenze
of the potential critical failure at the slope top. Dellino P, La Volpe L (1997) Stratigrafia, dinamiche eruttive
Major uncertainties remain on the evaluation of the e deposizionali, scenario eruttivo e valutazioni di pericolosità a La
Fossa di Vulcano. In: La Volpe L, Dellino P, Nuccio PM, Privitera
maximum runout distance even though DAN3D analyses E and Sbrana A (eds), Progetto Vulcano – Risultati delle attività di
were conducted with rheological parameters obtained by ricerca 1993–1995, Felici Editore, Pisa, pp 214–237
other Authors from back analyses of avalanche/flows in Hungr O (1987) An extension of Bishop’s simplified method of slope
volcaniclastic materials. In particular the choice of the stability analysis to three dimensions. Geotechnique 37:113–117
Hungr O (1995) A model for the runout analysis of rapid flow slides,
rheology is determinant for assessing if the avalanche debris flows and avalanches. Can Geotech J 32(4):610–623
may reach or not the inhabited area. An aid to switch Keller J (1980) The island of Vulcano. Rendiconti Società di
from frictional to Voellmy rheology could come from Mineralogia e Petrologia 36(1):369–414
investigation on thickness and moisture conditions of McDougall S, Hungr O (2004) A model for the analysis of rapid
landslide motion across three-dimensional terrain. Can Geotech J
the debris deposit filling the FG crater. 41(6):1084–1097. doi:10.1139/t04-052
These considerations deserve further runout analyses Tommasi P, Graziani A, Rotonda T, Bevivino C (2007) Preliminary
with other methods and highlight the importance of a analysis of instability phenomena at Vulcano Island, Italy. In:
continuous monitoring of the source area in order to Malheiro AM, Nunes JC (eds) Volcanic rocks. Taylor & Francis,
London. ISBN 978-0-415-45140-6, pp 147–154
detect acceleration of deformations at the slope top in
Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification
of Dynamic Run-Out Model Parameters
for Landslides
The main goals of landslide run-out modeling should be the assessment of future landslide
activity with a range of potential scenarios, and the information of the local populations
about the hazards in order to enable informed response measures. In recent times, numeri-
cal dynamic run-out models have been developed which can assess the velocity and extent
of motion of rapid landslides such as debris flows and avalanches, flow slides and rock
avalanches. These models are physically-based and solved numerically, simulating the
movement of the flow using constitutive laws of fluid mechanics in one or two dimensions.
Resistance parameters and release volumes are crucial for a realistic simulation of the
landslide behavior, whereas it is generally difficult to measure them directly in the field.
Uncertainties in the parameterization of these models yield many uncertainties concerning
their frequency values, which must be addressed in a proper risk assessment. Based on
the probability density functions of release volumes and friction coefficients of a given
landslide model, this work aims to systematically quantify the uncertainties in the run-
out modeling. The obtained distributions can be used as an input for a probabilistic
methodology where the uncertainties in the release volume and friction coefficients (rheo-
logical parameters) inside the dynamic models can be addressed. This will improve the
confidence of the dynamic run-out model outputs such as the distribution of deposits in
the run-out area, velocities and impact pressures, important components for a risk analysis
and regulatory zoning.
Run-out Uncertainty Landslides
of debris flows which are confined in gullies. In this case force (m) and the other of viscous type, in which the drag
the 1-D flow path is well known. The 2-D models are able is assumed proportional to the velocity squared (x). The
to simulate unconfined debris flows and to predict the 2D friction slope for a Voellmy fluid is (1):
extension on alluvial fans. The 2-D models can route the
flow over irregular topographic terrains. They need however U2
Sf ¼ mcosc þ (1)
an accurate and detailed digital elevation model (DEM) xh
(Hürlimann et al 2007). Most 2-D models are based on
a “continuum approach” where the bulk behavior of the where, Sf is the friction slope, m is the apparent friction
simulated flowing mass can approximate to the expected coefficient, f the friction angle, U is the flow velocity
bulk behavior of the real mixture of the solid and fluid phases and x is the turbulent coefficient (m/s2). The parameters
(Hungr and McDougall 2009). Continuum models solve m and x are constants whose magnitudes depend, respec-
the conservation equations of mass and momentum and tively, on the flow properties and the roughness of the
are often applied through a depth-averaged approach that flow surface (Christen et al. 2010). Revellino et al. in 2004
integrates the internal stresses in either vertical or bed-normal gives a thorough explanation of the advantages of using the
directions to obtain a form of Saint-Venant equations (shallow Voellmy model for analyzing flows. The model treats the
water assumption) (van Asch et al. 2007). The depth-averaged liquefied granular material is treated as a frictional fluid with
shallow water equation approach using different solvers has a constant pore-pressure ratio. This assumption produces the
been applied commonly for numerical simulations of rapid first term, the friction constant m, being the tangent of the
mass movements over complex topographies (e.g., Iverson dynamic effective friction angle. The second term accounts
and Denlinger 2001; Pitman and Le 2005; Pudasaini and for an expected increase of the resisting stress as a result
Hutter 2007). Depth averaging allows representing the rheol- of increasing velocity. The velocity value is squared, similar
ogy of the flow as a single term that expresses the frictional as in a flow which is rheologically similar to a turbulent
forces that interact at the interface between the flow and flow. The use of the turbulent coefficient can be explained
the bed path. One of the most common type of rheology by the experimental finding of Bagnold in 1954 where the
frequently used in the dynamic models is the frictional- resisting shear stress in a fully inertial flow of grain disper-
turbulent “Voellmy” resistance proposed initially for snow sion at constant volume varies with the square of velocity.
avalanches (Voellmy 1955) and used for granular cohesion- Various authors have used the Voellmy model to simulate
less material with or without the presence of a pore fluid. the run-out from extreme avalanches and have calibrated the
This model predicts a terminal velocity that scales as the friction coefficients for past events (Hungr and McDougall
square root of the flow height. 2009; McKinnon et al. 2008; McDougall and Hungr 2005).
The goal of this study was to analyze the previous Their findings shows that the Voellmy model gives better
work done by other authors regarding the calibration of the results in terms of velocity distributions and the location and
Voellmy model according to past events of different types thickness of deposits than other rheologies normally used in
of rapid gravity flows that can hint a range of values modeling flows (i.e. Bingham, Frictional).
of the rheological parameters. This can be defined by proba-
bility density functions that can be later used for further
stochastic analysis of the models. Database Compilation and Parametric
Analysis of the Voellmy Model
The Voellmy Rheology To model and simulate flow behavior and physical
characteristics of an event and the different phenomena
This model features a velocity-squared resistance term that happen during the occurrence of an event (i.e. erosion,
(turbulent coefficient x) similar to the Chezy resistance for layering) can be a difficult task. The complexity of the flow
turbulent water flow in open channels and a Coulomb-like processes and its activity are tried to be characterized by
friction (apparent friction coefficient m). Today, the values a rheological model; that generalizes the flow as a
of these parameters are still the subject of research. The single phase mixture with representative friction parameters.
model assumptions are incompressibility of the flow along Currently, there is no standard procedure to determine the
the whole path; constant discharge and small variations rheological parameters that can characterize the solid-fluid
of flow height along the track; and non-steady quasi-rigid mixture. Dynamic model friction coefficients can not or
body movement both in the starting and the run-out zone. are very cumbersome to be measured directly in the field.
Voellmy (1955) established this model using a fundamental They are usually determined by back-calibration to repro-
hydraulic theory with two resistive force contributions, duce a well documented past event run-out. The resulting
one in which the shear force is proportional to the normal modeled velocities and depths can be used to calculate
Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification of Dynamic Run-Out Model Parameters for. . . 317
Fig. 1 Best-fitting gamma functions for the friction coefficients of Voellmy model regarding the type of movement (debris
events in the four environmental classes flows and rock avalanches) and their environment (alpine,
glacial, tropical/subtropical and volcanic.
in detail the impact pressures in the run-out zone. Back-
analyses of past-events are the most common practice for
estimating friction coefficients. The parameters are itera-
tively altered until the model results demonstrate a fit with Probability Density Functions
the past field observations. A further source of uncertainties
arises from the back analysis itself, whereas existing Numerous studies on the statistical properties of landslide
models use different numerical schemes to approximate a inventories have demonstrated that the probability distribu-
solution of the governing equations. Back-analysis can be tion of landslide areas and volumes can be approximated
problematic in many cases where there is no information by heavily-tailed PDFs (e.g. Hovius et al. 1997; Malamud
on the behavior of the flow, making difficult to define and et al 2004; Guzzetti et al. 2002; Antiano and Gosse 2009;
select the correct rheological parameters. Another approach Stark and Guzzetti 2009; Brunetti et al. 2010). Power
for estimating friction coefficients can be obtained from law distributions of those parameters can be observed for
modeling flows in similar or close by topography. Uncer- historical inventories as well as for event-based inventories
tainty in the release mass and friction coefficients can be mapped directly after regional triggering events.
simulated with dynamic models, improving confidence Assuming that power-law scaling may determine the prob-
in the runout, impact pressures and return intervals. Also, ability distribution of other physical factors in a similar fash-
various scenarios can be modeled to see which yields reli- ion it was investigated if the turbulent coefficient and the
able impact pressures for a given position in the runout zone. friction coefficient can be approximated with heavily-tailed
This can be the starting point to establish probability-density PDFs. Thirty-three different functions including Weibul,
functions that may provide a starting point to better estimate Frechet, Levy, Pareto, Burr and Gamma and other commonly
ranges where the data situation is poor (Brunetti et al. 2010). used PDFs were tested approximate probability distributions
As a first step towards a stochastic analysis of ranges of the coefficients in the database. The underlying physical
and uncertainties of model parameters and their effects model constrains the coefficients to positive values and
on run-out modeling we began with the compilation of a suggests sharply decreasing probabilities for very small fric-
database from past-analyzed events. At present it includes tion and turbulent coefficient approaching zero. All PDFs
a number of 270 past events, with observations on process which were not fulfilling those criteria were disregarded and
types, volumes, run-out behaviors, rock-types, etc. and the remaining solution where compared according to their
rheological parameters derived from model back-calibration goodness of fit.
of past events. The database was compiled from peer- Figures 1, 2, and 3 shows a family of Gamma functions
reviewed literature and unpublished material of all collabo- which consistently provided a reasonable approximation
rators. The database was divided in simulations using the of the probability distributions. In most cases the generalized
318 B.Q. Luna et al.
Antiano JL, Gosse J (2009) Large rockslides in the Southern Central
Andes of Chile (32–34.5 S): tectonic control and significance for
quaternary landscape evolution. Geomorphology 104(3-4):117–133
Bagnold RA (1954) Experiments on a gravity-free dispersion of large
solid spheres in a Newtonian fluid under shear. Proc R Soc Lond Ser
A 255:49–63
Brunetti MT, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Luciani S, Valigi D, Guzzetti F
(2010) Rainfall thresholds for the possible occurrence of landslides
in Italy. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 10(3):447–458
Christen M, Kowalski J, Bartelt P (2010) RAMMS: numerical simula-
tion of dense snow avalanches in three-dimensional terrain. Cold
Reg Sci Technol 63:1–14
Guzzetti F, Malamud BD, Turcotte DL, Reichenbach P (2002) Power-
law correlations of landslide areas in central Italy. Earth Planet Sci
Lett 195(3–4):169–183
Hovius N, Stark CP, Allen PA (1997) Sediment flux from a mountain
belt derived by landslide mapping. Geology 25(3):231–234
Hungr O, McDougall S (2009) Two numerical models for landslide
dynamic analysis. Comput Geosci 35:978–992
Hürlimann M, Medina V, Bateman A, Copons R, Altimir J (2007)
Fig. 3 Comparison between the best-fitting gamma functions for the Comparison of different techniques to analyse the mobility of
turbulent coefficients and friction coefficients of debris flows and rock debris flows during hazard assessment-Case study in La Comella
avalanches within the data base catchment, Andorra. In: Chen C-I, Majors JJ (eds) Debris-flow
hazard mitigation: mechanics, prediction and assessment. Millpress,
Netherlands, pp 411–422
Iverson RM, Denlinger RP (2001) Flow of variably fluidized granular
form of the gamma function demonstrated better fit than masses across three-dimensional terrain. 1. Coulomb mixture the-
the closely related Inverse Gamma function, whereas the ory. J Geophys Res 106:537–552
Inverse Gamma function can be adopted if the generalized Malamud BD, Turcotte DL, Guzzetti F, Reichenbach P (2004) Land-
slide inventories and their statistical properties. Earth Surf Proc
form returns non-zero probability densities for coefficient Land 29(6):687–711
values equal zero (Fig. 2). McDougall S, Hungr O (2005) Dynamic modelling of entrainment in
rapid landslides. Can Geotech J 42:1437–1448
McKinnon M, Hungr O, McDougall S (2008) Dynamic analyses of
Canadian landslides. In: Locat J, Perret D, Turmel D, Demers D and
Conclusions Leroueil S (eds) Proceedings of the 4th Canadian conference on
geohazards: from causes to management, Presse de l’Université
Uncertainty in the calculation of run-out estimates Laval, Québec, 594p
from dynamic models are mainly due to simplifications Pitman BE, Le L (2005) A two-fluid model for avalanche and debris
and uncertainty involving equations of flow including flow. Phil Trans R Soc A 363:1573–1601
Pudasaini SP, Hutter K (2007) Avalanche dynamics – dynamics of
depth averaging, and the friction coefficients. Some of rapid flows of dense granular avalanches. Springer, Berlin
the uncertainty can be simulated, increasing the confi- Revellino P, Hungr O, Guadagno FM, Evans SG (2004) Velocity and
dence in estimates of extreme runout. The resulting prob- runout simulation of destructive debris flows and debris avalanches
ability density functions obtained can be used as an input in pyroclastic deposits, Campania Region, Italy. Environ Geol
for a probabilistic methodology where the uncertainties in Stark CP, Guzzetti F (2009) Landslide rupture and the probability
the release volume and friction coefficients (rheological distribution of mobilized debris volumes. J Geophys Res 114
parameters) inside the dynamic models can be addressed. (F00A02), doi:10.1029/2008JF001008
This will improve the confidence of the dynamic run-out van Asch TWJ, Malet J-P, van Beek LPH, Amitrano D (2007)
Techniques, issues and advances in numerical modelling of land-
model outputs such as the distribution of deposits in the slide hazard. Bull Soc Géol Fr 178(2):65–88
run-out area, velocities and impact pressures, important Voellmy A (1955) Uber die Zerstorunskraft von Lawinen (On breaking
components for a risk analysis and regulatory zoning. force of avalanches). Schweizerische Bauzeitung 73:212–285
Effects of Grain-Size Composition Examined in
Laboratory and Numerical Tests on Artificial
This paper deals with a laboratory and numerical research on mudflows performed in with
the aim to study the interrelations between the grain-size composition of the mud and its
rheological properties at different solid concentrations. Furthermore, the predicting capa-
bility of a new numerical model in reproducing the flow of viscous materials is evaluated.
Mudflows Viscous materials Run-out model Grain-size composition
tc ¼ 0:268e17:5cv (1)
Sample A
Sample C
Passing material, %
Sample B
Original soil
n.40ASTM Seive
n.7ASTM Seive
Coarse fraction Fine fraction
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001
Diameter, mm
Fig. 2 Grain size distribution of sample collected in Tessina earth-flow and of recomposed samples
Soil sample
0,07 m
80 m 0,
0,5 14
0 ,1
40 1m
0 0 .7
Viscosity, μ d (Pa.s)
μd =0.00056.e
0.04 30
Fig. 4 Set up of equipment for mud-flow test
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Solid concentration, cv =Vs/V Experimental Results
Fig. 3 Bingham yielding stress and viscosity versus solid concentra-
tion for the fine fraction of mud (data from two soils)
The run-out of soil downhill the rough plane was always
very rapid: after only 10–3000 the material reduced signifi-
cantly its displacement rate. The Fig. 5 shows two typical
final configurations of the mud tongue. The composition and
Since the water content affects both the matrix and global solid concentration strongly affected the distance covered by
consistences, the samples A, B and C were prepared at a the mass, varying from some centimetres to more that 75 cm.
54–70 % of the fine fraction or matrix water content Wf, The Fig. 6 shows the evolution of the tip maximum
defined as: displacement and tongue spreading observed with time dur-
ing the tests with sample A. Analogous trends were obtained
PW with other mixtures, even if they are not here reported for
Wf ¼ 100 (4)
Ps;FF brevity.
As noticed above, the phenomenon developed very
where PW is the water weight and Ps,FF the dried weight of quickly: it came to a halt in about 1 s. We can identify
the fine fraction. an initial stretch with a parabolic course and constant
322 S. Cola et al.
0 1 2 3 4
Time, s Run-Out Mathematical Model
Fig. 6 Tip displacement and tongue width versus time in some tests
with sample A
The depth-averaged model derived from the Biot–Zienkiewicz
equations for non-linear materials and large deformation
problems, i.e. the balance of mass and the balance of linear
acceleration, then a deceleration phase up to the mass stop. momentum for the mixture soil skeleton–pore fluid:
The inflection point of the curve points out the instant
(breaking time) at which the velocity is maximum. The Ds r
lateral spreading showed the same trend, even if its variation þ rdivvs ¼ 0 (5)
is smaller, since the width of the tongue increased from 15 to
24–25 cm only. Ds vs
Both the total displacement and the tongue width r ¼ rb þ divs (6)
increased consistently with the water content, therefore
greater is the water content more deformable is the soil where Ds refers to a material derivative following the soil
mass. The breaking time also increased with water content. particles, r is the density of the soil and vs the velocity of soil
Effects of Grain-Size Composition Examined in Laboratory and Numerical Tests on. . . 323
a b
30 40 50 60 70 60 70
Global water content, W (%) Matrix water content, Wf (%)
skeleton, b the body forces and s the Cauchy stress tensor. normal to the base. The mobilized shear stress related to a
The integration of the above equations along the vertical axis depth z is:
taking into account the Leibniz’s rule in a Lagrangian form
is difficult, because the integration is not performed in a t ¼ rgðh zÞseny (9)
material volume. T avoid this difficulty the model refers to
an equivalent 2D continuum in which each moving point The general rheological law is:
represents a column of material, extending from the bottom
to the free surface and travelling with the depth-averaged @vx
t ¼ c þ sn tgf þ m
velocity. @x3
This is not an exact Lagrangian formulation, because the @vx
moving points have no connection with material particles, ¼ c þ rgðh zÞcosytgf þ m (10)
but it can be denominated either ‘quasi-Lagrangian’ or arbi-
trary Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation. Its main advantage where c is the cohesion, sn the normal stress and f the fiction
is a consistent reduction of the calculation time compared to angle. By combining the three contributions in (10) it is
a standard finite element code based on an Eulerian possible to extract different rheological models (Newtonian
approach. model, frictional model, and so on).
The depth-integrated relations derived from (5) and (6) in In this study, we have considered the mud behaving as a
the quasi-Lagrangian formulation result: Bingham fluid, since the Bingham model is suitable for
flows with high water content and clay percentages greater
@ @h than 10 %. The rheological relations become:
vj Þ þ ¼0 j ¼ 1; 2 (7)
@xj @t
@vx @vx
t¼cþm for 6 0
@ @ @ @x3 @x3
r ðh
vj Þ þ vi vj Þ ¼
ðh ðh
sij Þ þ tAj þ tBj þ rbj h (8) (11)
@t @xj @xj @vx
t bc ¼ t c for ¼0
where h is the landslide thickness, vj the depth averaged
velocity and the terms tjA and tjB are the normal stress acting where the second hypothesis implies that for t < tc there is
on the surface and bottom respectively. no reciprocal motion and the material moves as a rigid block
The above results depend on the chosen rheological (plug zone).
model, which, relating the stress tensor to the rate of Finally, (7) and (8) are solved with the method known as
strain tensor d and, consequently, to the velocity field vs, Smoothed Particle Hydro-dynamics or SPH, a particle
ij .
influences the basal friction and depth integrated stresses s method in which the flow domain is represented by nodal
In the analysis of flow-like landslides the instantaneous flow points that move with the flow and are scattered in space
at a given point may be studied as a uniform steady-state with no definable grid structure. Each nodal point carries
flow. Considering a 1D flow along a channel dip with a scalar information, such as density, pressure, velocity
constant angle y, the only no-null velocity component is components, etc. Interaction between the nodal points and
vx ¼ u parallel to the base, which varies along the axis interpolation from a set of N nodes to find the value of a
324 S. Cola et al.
Numerical Tests
Fig. 11 Tongue configurations in the experimental and numerical tests for (a) A–W ¼ 57 % and (b) A–W ¼ 67 %.
Andrea Tamburini, Fabio Villa, Luzia Fischer, Oldrich Hungr, Marta Chiarle,
and Giovanni Mortara
The Monte Rosa east face (Macugnaga, Italian Alps) is one of the highest flanks in the Alps.
Steep hanging glaciers and permafrost cover large parts of the wall. Since the end of the
Little Ice Age (about 1850) the Monte Rosa east face is undergoing a progressive reduction
of its ice cover; moreover new instability phenomena related to permafrost degradation and
rapid deglaciation have been occurring since over a decade ago. The progressive destabili-
zation of high-mountain faces is a consequence of many factors, such as topography,
geological and structural conditions, intense freeze-thaw activity and oversteepened slopes
from glacial erosion.
Two major events, an ice avalanche occurred in August 2005 and a rock avalanche
occurred in April 2007 are briefly described in this paper. In both cases, the accumulation
area was located on the Belvedere Glacier at the foot of the Monte Rosa east face.
A 3D dynamic model (DAN3D) was applied in order to back analyze the runout of the
events, enabling the calibration of the input parameters for the assumed rheological models.
High mountain rock walls Permafrost degradation Rock avalanche Runout
modelling DAN3D
Fig. 1 Detachment and accumulation areas of the August 2005 ice avalanche and April 2007 rock avalanche
and after the events provided detailed maps of the accumu- A description of the above mentioned events follows. A
lation area. complete and detailed study of the evolution of the Monte
Two years later, another major event occurred in the same Rosa east face was carried out by Fischer et al. (2011)
area. In April 2007, a rock avalanche of about 300,000 m3 through the comparison of high-resolution DTMs, providing
detached at an elevation of 4,000–4,200 m a.s.l., following a quantitative assessment of the topographic changes of the
the same runout-path with about the same spreading area slope over the last 50 years.
(Fig. 1). According to the available temperature records,
April 2007 was the warmest during the last 150 years in
Western Alps. The August 2005 Ice Avalanche
Helicopter-borne and ground-based lidar surveys helped
in calculating the volume of the detachment area and In August 2005 an ice avalanche detached from the Monte
performing a geomechanical characterization of the rock Rosa east face at an elevation between 3,580 and 3,820 m a.
mass by properly processing the laser point cloud, without s.l., involving an ice volume of about 1.1 million m3.
need to access the rock slope. Seismic and meteorological stations next to the area
These events are particularly significant, as occurred in a provided useful data for a more exhaustive interpretation
glacial basin which is under observation since autumn 2001, of the event.
because of a distinctive surge-type phenomenon of the Bel- The event was recorded by the EMSC European Mediter-
vedere Glacier, combined with a generalized instability of ranean Seismological Centre, the Swiss Seismological
the Monte Rosa east face due to rapid deglaciation. Service (SED, Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst) and the
Slope Instabilities in High-Mountain Rock Walls. Recent Events on the Monte Rosa. . . 329
Italian Seismological Service (INGV, Istituto Nazionale di August 25th 2005 ice avalanche represents one of the
Geofisica a Vulcanogia). The origin time of the event was major ice fall events documented in the Alps over the past
assumed as the starting phase of the avalanche: 25th of 100 year (Tufnell 1984,;
August 2005 at 02 h 36 m 54 s (GMT).
The seismograms were analyzed as tectonic earthquakes
by EMSC and SED and the hypothesis that an earthquake
induced the avalanche was taken into account as a first The April 2007 Rock Avalanche
hypothesis. After a more accurate analysis of the recorded
signals (Mortara and Tamburini 2009) the possibility that a This event is less documented than the previous one, as it
tectonic earthquake triggered the avalanches was excluded was not possible to obtain seismic data and the AWS station
because of the absence of characteristic phases in the was no longer active when the rock avalanche occurred.
seismograms. Nevertheless some pictures taken before, during and after
An automatic weather station was located close to the the event are available. Before the main event, on April 17th
right margin of the accumulation area. A peak of 38.7 m/s 2007, a skier descending along Canalone Marinelli observed
(140 km/h) was recorded by the anemometer between 2 and the deposit of a small ice and rockfall probably detached a
3 a.m. GMT. This peak, which, according to the AWS few days earlier from the same detachment area as the
configuration, represents the highest value recorded within subsequent main event. During the main event, occurred on
the interval between two subsequent acquisitions, was April 21st at about 10 a.m. a sequence of pictures was taken
associated to the blow of the ice avalanche, and confirmed by an observer (Fig. 3); moreover some pictures taken the
the arrival of the ice avalanche in the spreading area. day after the event by an alpine guide (Michele Cucchi from
The overall runout of the landslide was more than 3 km, Alagna Valsesia) descending along Canalone Marinelli were
the extent of the accumulation area, including the avalanche helpful in delimiting the accumulation area with a good
blow, was estimated in about 110 ha. approximation.
Thanks to the availability of multi temporal photogram- The source area is located at an altitude of 4,000–
metric surveys, it was possible to compute the volume of the 4,200 m a.s.l., not far from the detachment area of the
ice avalanche by comparing before and after DTMs. Values August 2005 ice avalanche (Fig. 4).
of 1.1 and 1.4 million m3 were respectively estimated for the This can be considered a quite exceptional event, both for
detachment and the accumulation area. A thickness map was the elevation of the detachment area and the epoch of the
also performed (Fig. 2). According to literature, the year, probably related to the exceptionally high temperatures
330 A. Tamburini et al.
Fig. 3 April 2007 rock avalanche (Picture taken during the event)
recorded in April 2007, the warmest recorded in Western Fig. 4 Detail photograph of the Monte Rosa east face (2007, CNR-
Alps over the last 150 years (Mortara and Tamburini 2009). IRPI, Turin) showing the detachment area of the April 2007 rock
An helicopter-borne Lidar survey of the Monte Rosa east avalanche (red polygon)
face was carried out in September 2007 and compared with a
previous aerial lidar survey taken in October 2005. The
a rough estimation of the accumulation volume in about
location of the detachment area was clearly identified and a
300,000 m3, which seem to be consistent with the initial
volume of about 150,000 m3 was estimated (Fischer et al
volume and the entrainment of ice and debris occurred
2011; Mortara and Tamburini 2009).
during the runout.
A ground based lidar survey was carried out in August 2010
on the lower part of the Monte Rosa east face, in order to
extract data regarding the attitude of geological discontinuities
and perform a kinematic slope stability analysis (Goodman Runout Back-Analyses
1989). A stereoplot of the main discontinuities identified after
the lidar point cloud processing is shown in Fig. 5. According A back-analysis of the described events is currently ongoing
to the local orientation of the slope, most probably a planar using DAN3D (McDougall and Hungr 2004), a model based
sliding along set 1, laterally constrained by subvertical set 3 on the “equivalent fluid” approach, as defined by Hungr
occurred. (1995). DAN3D is a dynamic model, controlled by a small
As topographic surveys of the glacier surface were not number of adjustable parameters, which enables a simula-
available, the extent of the accumulation area was estimated tion of the event in terms of flow distance, velocity and
by comparing pictures taken from the top of the east face distribution of deposits. Three grid files, describing the
immediately after the event with aerial pictures taken after initial elevation of the sliding surface, the initial depth of
the August 2005 ice avalanche. Punctual landslide deposit the source failure and the distribution of the different
thickness measurements, taken after the event, enabled rheologies, has to be provided as input to the model.
Slope Instabilities in High-Mountain Rock Walls. Recent Events on the Monte Rosa. . . 331
Fig. 6 Back analysis of the April 2007 rock avalanche: the runout distance and the average deposit thickness are consistent with the observed
ones, while the spreading area is shifted to the NW, probably due to the lack of an up-to-date DTM of the glacier surface
unavailability of an up-to-date DTM of the glacier sur- Kääb A, Huggel C, Barbero S, Chiarle M, Cordola M, Epifani F, Haeberli W,
face. The rheological parameters assumed for the back Mortara G, Semino P, Tamburini A, Viazzo G (2004) Glacier hazard at
Belvedere Glacier and the Monte Rosa east face, Italian Alps: processes
analysis are within the range proposed by literature on and mitigation. In: Proceedings of the international symposium
similar cases. interpraevent 2001, Riva del Garda, Trento, pp 67–78
McDougall S, Hungr O (2004) A model for the analysis of rapid
References landslide motion across three-dimensional terrain. Can Geotech J
McDougall S, Boultbee N, Hungr O, Stead D, Shwab JW (2006)
Deline P, Alberto W, Broccolato M, Hungr O, Noetzli J, Ravanel L, The Zymoetz Rivel landslide, British Columbia, Canada: descrip-
Tamburini A (submitted to NHESS) The December 2008 tion and dynamic analysis of a rock slide-debris flow. Landslides
Crammont rock avalanche, Mont Blanc massif area, Italy 3(3):195–204
Fischer L, Eisenbeiss H, Kääb A, Huggel C, Haeberli W (2011) Moni- Mortara G, Tamburini A, (eds) (2009) Il ghiacciaio del Belvedere
toring topographic changes in a periglacial high-mountain face e l’emergenza del lago Effimero. Ed. Società Meteorologica
using high-resolution DTMs, Monte Rosa East Face, Italian Alps. Subalpina, Castello Borello, Bussoleno. ISBN 978-88-903023-5-0.
Permafrost Periglac Process 22(2):140–152 191p
Goodman RE (1989) Introduction to rock mechanics. Wiley, New York Sosio R, Crosta GB, Hungr O (2008) Complete dynamic model cali-
Haeberli W, Kääb A, Paul F, Chiarle M, Mortara G, Mazza A, Deline P, bration for the Thurwieser rock avalanche (Italian Central Alps).
Richardson S (2002) A surge-type movement at Ghiacciaio del Eng Geol 100:11–26
Belvedere and a developing slope instability in the east face of Tamburini A, Mortara G (2005) The case of the “Effimero” Lake at
Monte Rosa, Macugnaga, Italian Alps. Nor J Geogr 56:104–111 Monte Rosa (Italian Western Alps): studies, field surveys, monitor-
Hungr O (1995) A model for the runout analysis of rapid flow slides, ing. In: Proceedings of the 10th ERB conference, Turin, 13–17
debris flows, and avalanches. Can Geotech J 32:610–623 Oct 2004, UNESCO, IHP-VI Technical Documents in Hydrology,
Hungr O, Evans SG (1996) Rock avalanche runout prediction using a 77, 179–184
dynamic model. In: Senneset K (ed) Proceedings of the 7th interna- Tufnell L (1984) Glacier hazards. Longman, London/New York, 97p
tional symposium on landslides, vol. 1. Trondheim, pp 233–238
New Approach to Rapid Risk Evaluation
in Disasters Related to Landslides-Brazil
In the last 3 years Brazil was hit by the most important group of accidents related to
landslides in the history of the country. The biggest accidents affected the States of Santa
Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Alagoas and Paraná. We estimated more than
20,000 landslides in these most important disasters and around 2,000 victims dead or
disappeared. The effects of these accidents are enormous and in many cases the community
will be paying the costs for long time. The group of CENACID-UFPR, Federal University
of Paraná, responded to almost all of these accidents and developed a new approach to face
the challenge of fast evaluation of risk in these events. This new approach is proposed as a
tool to rapid and systematic evaluation of groups of landslides, which we call “landslides
systems”. This methodology is called “Relative Rapid Landslides Analysis” and is based in
five different indicators of risk.
Rapid risk evaluation of landslides Landslides in Brazil Landslide indicators
The study was based in two different approaches. The first Easiness of Experience
Indicator Risk component evaluation required
was to register the disasters in order to facilitate the under-
Phase of Susceptibility Medium High
standing about the types, geographic distribution and fre- dangerous
quency of the events. As a result we have a data bank with all process
this information. Possible Susceptibility High Medium
The second approach was developed as a field activity volume and losses
related to each disaster situation. Considering that the
Velocity and Susceptibility Low Medium
purpose of the CENACID is to offer scientific knowledge distance and losses
to reduce the suffering and the losses of community in Impact probable Losses High Low
disasters situations, a CENACID team was moved to the Aggravation Vulnerability Medium Medium
disaster areas. The objective is to study, to recognize factors and both above
the dangerous geological process or processes and to evalu-
ate the evolution of the mass movements systems and the
Table 2 Significant natural disasters by region in 2010, Brazil
possible effects of this evolution, namely, the risk.
Taking into consideration experiences in successive field Region S SE W N NE
activities analysing susceptibility to landslides at emergency Disasters 23 55 14 14 19
Percentage 18.4 44.0 11.2 11.2 15.2
response and possible effects associated to them, we select
five important indicators of the risk.
To choose the indicators we took into consideration the natural disasters landslides disasters X 10 deaths
following criteria: 1000
significant disasters
very important.
60 During the evaluation the observer will analyze the five
40 selected indicators: (a) phase of the dangerous process
(based in Chacon 2008); (b) possible volume of the expected
mass movement; (c) velocity and distance to be reached; (d)
probable impact; (e) factors of aggravation.
2008 2009 2010 Each one is estimated from one to five following the
Fig. 3 Comparative evolution of floods, storms and landslides
criteria explained in the form (see Table 3) and based on
associated with significant disasters in Brazil experience, judgment and the observation of the similar
landslides in the system. The sum of these values resulting
in the index of relative landslide risk of the area.
It is a risk mapping and it is important to develop the
more disasters and more deaths. The figures of CENACID
studies searching for a prognosis, not only analyzing the
indicate that floods and rain storms are the most important in
past, but developing a prediction of the geologic process
terms of frequency (Fig. 3), but the group landslides causes
the growing number of deaths. Also it is clear that disasters
The last will be to fill in the RRLA format as a result of
related to landslides are growing, and specially the number
the geological analysis in the field.
of deaths related to them is growing faster than the number
of accidents. The catastrophic event in the State of Rio de
Janeiro (January-2011) results in the exceptional growing of
Registering the Results
deaths in the first half of this year.
This information from cenacid database (CENACID
During the field and at the end of day, in the office, the
2011) indicates that landslides are affecting more populated
geologist will register the results in a map. If necessary this
areas and, probably, the human activity is an additional
can be done at the same time in the field, in order to make
controller of these dangerous processes.
possible to initiate with urgent actions for disaster response
All this information supports the necessity of develop-
(evacuations, etc.).
ment and applying of fast and easy methodologies to analyse
The plotted results, as a direct result of the methodology
risk related to landslides in areas affected by major disasters
will present the affected areas in a relative order of priority
as presented.
of risk. This map showing the analysed areas and relative
risk we call “emergency map of geological risk”.
This mapping offers to the disasters managers a tool to
Applying the RRLA Analysis coordinate the capacity for response with the necessities.
The environment of the disaster normally shows the list of
Preparing necessities bigger than the response possibilities.
Actions like evacuation of people, choosing of safety
Normally the group will be prepared to the emergency areas for shelters, priority in clean up of roads can be decided
mapping applying RRLA methodology before the accident. considering the priorities indicated by the RRLA analysis.
336 R.E. Lima
Table 3 RRLA form to classification of emergency risk and prioritize actions for disaster response
Result of
Rank indicator Low (1) Medium (2) Hight (3) Dangerous (5) evaluation
PHASE of the (Advanced or (Preparatory or advanced) (Development) (Beginning or development)
dangerous process finished) or Apparent equilibrium or Indicators of Indicators of movement and
with no very slow motion (mm- moderate motion acceleration, possibility of
perspectives cm/year) (m/year) iminency (m/month or >)
of evolution
VOLUME probable 50 m3 ex. 500 m3 ex. (surface of ~5,000 m3 ex. ~50,000 m3 ex. (surface of
(surface of 10 50 m) (surface of 100 500 m)
10 5 m) 100 50 m)
VELOCITY and Velocity Velocity moderate and Fast and short Fast and long distance
DISTANCE moderate and long distance distance
antecipated if short distance
deflagrated Moderate: Fast: falls and flows Short ¼ up to Long ¼ more than 50 m
landslides 50 m
IMPACT Soil use at Natural Edifications for temporary Low density High density edification, people
the probable affected (woods, etc.) use (roads, walls, etc.) edification for permanency (residential area high
area permanency like density, schools, etc.)
houses, etc.
Aggravation factors Geological or Ex. water in the masses, Maximum ¼ 5 (five)
(to describe) antropic favorable foliations,
overload, fragile building,
It is important to provide the most correct information for in 40 municipalities partially destroyed and enormous eco-
decision makers like civil defence, mayors, governors and nomic losses. Many municipalities declared “State of Emer-
ministers. Also the community needs to receive the informa- gency” and 14 declared “State of Calamity”. The number of
tion about the immediate risks. registered deaths is 135 and 6 disappeared.
For both it is necessary to make clear that this is an Almost all of the deaths were caused by gravitational mass
emergency evaluation and there will be necessary to provide movements and also the economic losses were related to these
complete studies in the next months. geological process. We estimate more than 10,000 landslides
related processes in this event, including rotational and trans-
lational movements, flows and mixed phenomena.
After the Emergency Phase Most of the landslides affected rural areas, but in other
cases urban areas were strongly impacted, as Blumenau and
When the emergency phase is over it is important to re- region.
analyse the results, including new field activities, detailed
geological mapping, collect of samples and field and labora-
tory tests to provide a definitive risk map. RRLA Application in Santa Catarina
It is also the opportunity to compare the results of RRLA
analysis with the immediate evolution (approximately 3 or 4 CENACID sent three missions to the affected area to support
months) of the geological processes studied. the local authorities with scientific information, especially to
This final review will permit to the team to improve the provide rapid risk analysis (Lima 2010).
capacity to apply the methodology in the next situations. There were more than 40 municipalities affected, proba-
bly 1,000/2,000 landslide systems and a lack of previous
knowledge about landslide risk in the region.
Santa Catarina Disaster – Example of the Use of It was a big challenge to evaluate the risk and offer
RRLA Methodology appropriate information to decision makers in short time as
requested in that situation.
The Disaster To deal with this situation the group of CENACID
applied the RRLA approach and performed many emer-
In November and December 2008 the State of Santa gency maps of geological risk and many others punctual
Catarina in South Brazil was affected by continuous raining evaluations. This rapid risk analysis supported the various
with a peak in November-23. This climatic extreme resulted levels of decision in the following actions:
New Approach to Rapid Risk Evaluation in Disasters Related to Landslides-Brazil 337
In the last 3 years the disasters related to landslides are
growing in number and human and economic losses.
The methodology RRLA (Rapid Risk Landslides
Analysis) was applied and useful in Santa Catarina State
of Brazil where more than 40 municipalities were
affected by probably 1,000/2,000 landslide systems.
The RRLA approach was applied in some other major
disasters situations in Brazil and provided important
information for disaster response.
The essential aspect of the proposed methodology
RRLA is to provide a tool to rapid analysis of danger
situations, with no need of testing, sampling, detailed
mapping, etc.
Fig. 4 RRLA emergency map of geological risk (2008) of Blumenau- The proposed methodology includes the terms
SC, Brazil (red colour hight risk)
favourability to the geological process and the term pos-
• Decision for areas to be evacuated and areas to be moni- sibility of losses, both composing the risk equation.
tored. In this event more than one million people were This methodology can be useful in reducing the depen-
affected by the disaster and it was very difficult to provide dency on individual experience and facilitates the com-
the required information for the entire region affected in parison with others groups working in the same region.
Santa Catarina State.
• Priority for clean up streets and roads to facilitate the Acknowledgments The proposed methodology results of many
evacuation of people from dangerous areas, choosing missions to disaster areas with the group of scientists of the Center
for Scientific Support in Disasters (CENACID). I would like to
the safety routes and considering the communities in acknowledge with gratitude all the CENACID geologists that
highest dangerous situation. participated in these missions. It is also important to thank the Federal
• To evaluate and select appropriate shelter areas to receive University of Paraná and Araucaria Foundation for support this
the dislocated people. initiative.
• To check and authorize the running of important services
and community functions in hill sides not affected by
visible movements. References
CENACID (2011) CENACID. Accessed
Results of the Study in Santa Catarina 20 July 2011
Chacon J (2008) Los conceptos actuales de susceptibilidad,
peligrosidad y riesgo, en la prevención de movimientos de ladera,
CENACID performed hundreds of specific evaluations
con ejemplos de aplicaciones practicas. In: Proceedings of the
and 12 emergency maps as the example of Fig. 4 for geolog- XLIV Brazilian geological congress, Special Publication – Roteiro
ical risk. de Excursão Técnica. Curitiba-PR, Brazil, 24–31 Oct 2008,
All these evaluations were produced in very short time pp 17–60
Lima RE (2010) Considerações sobre o desastre geoambiental em
and using a common criteria for emergency analysis. The
Santa Catarina 2008. In: Proceedings of the symposium on geo-
approach RRLA was useful to offer a scale of risk and to technical and geoenvironmental cartography, ABGE. Maringa-PR,
permit the production of comparable information within the Brazil, 18–22 Aug 2010, pp 2–10
products of different groups.
Part III
GIS Application and Developments
The L.08 session titled “GIS application development” took place within the Second World
Landslide Forum from Thursday 10th March p.m. and 11th March a.m. It was introduced by a
presentation of the received posters and followed by a series of oral presentations. Session
activities were coordinated by Raffaele De Amicis (Fondazione Graphitech), Esther Hliðar
Jensen (Icelandic Meteorological Office), Serafino Angelini (Litografia Artistica Cartografica,
The GIS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENTS session aimed at including research and
development work regarding computerised techniques supporting geographic information so
as to correctly manage and store data, even historical, and consequently identify new data
analysis systems and discuss proposals supporting applied research in these fields.
Fifteen researches have been presented and these entirely fulfilled expectations. Since the
subject was transversal, researches ranged in different fields although aspects related to
geomatic were central. The last aspects seemed to be the main reason for the speaker to
choose this session; after perusal of hundreds of researches presented during the Second World
Landslide Forum it appears that the Geographical Information Systems currently involve
every aspect of slope instability studies as well as geotechnical geology-engineering. It also
appears that many other researches would have had an appropriate place in this session since
there is a number of aspects currently related to geomatic.
Geographical information applied to Earth Sciences and thematic Cartography paves a new
way in the management of events related to slope instability, landslide risks and mass
movements sensu latu both in identifying the causes, reducing the risk and managing the
consequences even in emergency situations through real time analysis and actions of civil
In this perspective some actions concentrated on criticalities causes and a classification of
the events was drawn to be used in the future for comparison and/or analysis; new techniques
have also been considered for storing data close to applicative reality; other presentations
described a detailed study of these events, based on new models of deterministic type and care
was taken in assessing weather theory corresponded to the real development of the specific
event; other researches focused on the effects that occur on the territory and its anthropic
action when morphological instability occurs.
Some interesting considerations derived from this session; according to the presentations
and related observations it appears that:
– Database implementation concerning landslide hazard improves the assessment of the
consequence of every factor in the slope instability processes and provides a more objective
– When planning a dedicated database, the geological and engineering factors must be
considerably taken into consideration since these make the theoretical models more
340 Part III GIS Application and Developments
– The majority of slope instability phenomena are in constant development and continuously
modify the surrounding conditions: the assessment of new scenarios is essential when
modifications occur;
– Choice of the model type and of the appropriate sliding surface is an essential aspect in
every risk analysis; assessment of local conditions must be necessarily a priority followed
by the approach type,
– When assessing the risk, morphodynamical features of a landslide or of a debris flow are
extremely important (e.g. expected distance of debris propagation, mass movement speed
and depositional area);
– All efforts must be made so as to compile base geological cartography – which is
increasingly accurate and reliable – for identifying potential areas of risk: this cartography
is still considered the best tool for a specific analysis;
– The use of LiDAR technology for producing high resolution DEM and the importance of
these supports enable to remarkably accelerate a detailed field survey without influencing
data quality;
– The frequency analysis of landslide phenomena on a regional or national scale through the
Land Information Systems is an essential tool for funds allocation aimed at prevention and
mitigation actions.
Different Approaches of Rockfall Susceptibility
Maps in Lower Austria
Within the frame of the ongoing project MoNOE (Development of Methods for Modelling
Natural Hazards in the Province of Lower Austria) the generation of an indicative multi-
hazard map to be used as a scientific reference for regional policies of land use management
is one of the main objectives. The applicability and reliability of two relatively simple
GIS-based approaches have been analysed aiming at the identification of areas which are
potentially endangered by rockfall in a fast and cost-effective manner.
Rockfall LiDAR data Source zone Runout zone modelling
Fig. 2 Rockfall source zones in a forested area in the southern part of based on the 1 m LiDAR DTM. The same parameters and slope
the study area: the left image displays source zones based on a 10 m threshold values were used for both maps. The hillshade background
Digital Terrain Model (DTM), the right image shows source zones is based on the 1 m LiDAR DTM in both images
Fig. 3 Identification of tree tops by means of automatic single tree Fig. 4 Surface roughness in a rockfall prone area in the southern part
detection from LiDAR DSM data overlaid on Vegetation Height Model of the study area based on local variability of vector orientations of
(dark areas representing low vegetation, bright areas representing high LiDAR DTM data (window size 5 5 cells, spatial resolution 1 m)
direction like the centre cell was entered (Wichmann and Surface roughness is calculated by measuring the vari-
Becht 2006). ability in slope and aspect in local patches of the LiDAR
The process-based calculation of the runout distance Digital Terrain Model (DTM, see Fig. 4). In this approach,
permits the input of a friction coefficient which depends unit vectors are constructed perpendicular to each cell in the
on surface cover characteristics, i.e. material properties, DTM. The vectors are defined in three dimensions using polar
micromorphology and obstacles (vegetation) on the slope. coordinates by their direction cosines. Local variability of
This model therefore allows for the high potential of the vector orientations is then evaluated statistically (McKean
LiDAR data. and Roering 2004). Different window sizes (3 3 to 9
Forest parameters include vegetation height as well as 9 pixels) and different DTM resolutions were applied to
density of vegetation by means of automatic single tree obtain optimum results as compared to field verifications.
detection from LiDAR Digital Surface Model (DSM, see Based on these inputs a friction map was compiled
Fig. 3). displaying five classes of friction.
344 H. Proske et al.
Fig. 5 Modelling of rockfall runout zones by means of the empirical eastern part of the study area without considering effects of vegetation
CONEFALL method (left image) and the process-based SAGA Rock and surface roughness (transparaent areas: no hazard; 1 hazard not to
HazardZone method (right image) in a partly forested area in the be excluded; 2 hazard to be expected; 3 high hazard to be expected)
Fig. 6 Modelling of rockfall runout zones by means of the process- hazard; 1 hazard not to be excluded; 2 hazard to be expected; 3 high
based SAGA Rock HazardZone method (right image) in a partly hazard to be expected). The left image displays the LiDAR based
forested area in the eastern part of the study area under consideration vegetation height model clearly showing the consequences of vegeta-
of effects of vegetation and surface roughness (transparent areas: no tion gaps with regard to the rockfall runout zones
works the results improved significantly using the Jaboyedoff M (2003) CONEFALL 1.0: a program to estimate propaga-
LiDAR data. However additional efforts have to be tion zones of rockfall based on cone method. Quanterra. www. Accessed 15 May 2011
made with regard to the generation of more detailed McKean J, Roering J (2004) Objective landslide detection and surface
and reliable geological base maps for the identification morphology mapping using high-resolution airborne laser altimetry.
of potential source areas. This work step has to be Geomorphology 57:331–351
attached high importance to, as the whole propagation Meißl G (1998) Modellierung der Reichweite von Felsstürzen.
Innsbrucker Geographische Studien 28:249p
modelling procedure is based on the results of the source Scheidegger AE (1975) Physical aspects of natural catastrophes.
area identification. Elsevier Scientific, Amsterdam, 289p
The protective functions of forests can be demon- Toppe R (1987) Terrain models – a tool for natural hazard mapping. In:
strated by taking into account different forest scenarios, Salm B, Gubler H (eds) Avalanche formation, movement and
effects, vol 162, IAHS Publication. IAHS, Wallingford, pp 629–638
e.g. reduced forest cover in rockfall prone areas. Van Westen CJ (2004) Geo-information tools for landslide risk assess-
ment: an overview of recent developments. In: Lacerda WA,
Ehrlich M, Fontoura AB, Sayo A (eds) Landslides evaluation and
stabilization. Balkema, Leiden, pp 39–56
Acknowledgments The project MoNOE is funded by the Geological Wichmann V (2006) Modellierung geomorphologischer Prozesse in
Survey and the Department of Spatial Planning and Regional Policy of einem alpinen Einzugsgebiet – Abgrenzung und Klassifizierung
the federal state government of Lower Austria. der Wirkungsräume von Sturzprozessen und Muren mit einem
GIS. Eichstätter Geographische Arbeiten, 15. Profil Verlag,
München/Wien, 231p
Wichmann V, Becht M (2006) Rockfall modelling: methods and model
References application in an alpine basin (Reintal, Germany). In: Böhner J,
McCloy KR, Strobl J (eds) SAGA – analysis and modelling
Gamma P (2000) dfwalk – Ein Murgang-Simulationsprogramm zur applications, vol 115, Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen.
Gefahrenzonierung. Geographica Bernensia G66, 144p Goltze, Göttingen, pp 105–116
Mathematical and GIS-Modeling of Landslides
in Kharkiv Region of Ukraine
In view of the acute need to solve a problem related to a landslide hazard at local and regional
levels, the system-based tool, which integrates a mathematical modeling and GIS
technologies, has been developed. A mathematical model of landslide process was devel-
oped based on the theoretical grounds of statics of granular medium and the most frequently
used calculation methods of slope stability coefficient by Maslov-Berer and Shakhunyants
and value of landslide pressure by Shakhunyants. Presented model underlies design of
software for modeling slopes stress condition given engineering-geological changes (LAND-
SLIP07). This software is used for analysis of landslide processes. These research activities
have been carried out in the framework of the Institute of Telecommunications and Global
Information Space of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the IPL-153 Project
“Landslide hazard zonation in Kharkov region of Ukraine using GIS”.
Landslide Landslide slope Mathematical model Stability coefficient Groundwater
level Software LANDSLIP07
The displaying of landslides in slopes with slope angle Complex mathematical models in mechanics of
equal to 5º was registered in Kupiansk district of Kharkiv deformed medium have been developed by such authors as
region. One of these landslides is situated near the cemetery. I. I. Lyashko, V. S. Deyneka, I. V. Sergienko, O. P. Vlasiuk
This indicates the geo-mechanical degradation of losses as a and others.
result of global climate changes. The parts of landslide sites The principal methods of landslide hazard determina-
in Kupiansk district are presented at the photos below. tion are the methods of slope stability assessment. The
Solving the problems concerning landslide hazard, modi- methods of landslide hazard calculation have been devel-
fication and specialization of existing calculation methods, oped by such authors as N. M. Gersevanov, N. N. Maslov
designing of effective software are essential for making a (1949), G. M. Shakhunyants (1953), L. K. Ginzburg (1979),
decision about using ground areas with complex relief and M. N. Golshtein, O. I. Bileush, M. G. Demchishyn.
hydrological conditions. The main goal of the article is to develop a tool for the
landslide hazard forecasting at regional and local levels on
the basis of system integration of mathematical modeling
and GIS technologies.
Main Part
N Landslides
Administrative districts
25 12,5 0 25 Kilometers
1 2 E R
3 i
Depressed surface a
Surface of sliding
ypi a
Ri Ei
Maslov-Berer Method X
Els ¼ ½ðKst3 1ÞPi tgai þ Pi tgðai cpi Þ (8)
N – reaction force on the sliding surface provided j ¼ 0,
c ¼ 0; However, apart from the physical-mechanical character-
N’ – reaction force (P – weight) provided j 6¼ 0, c 6¼ 0; istic, the impact of groundwater, saturated soils, seismic
j – angle of internal friction; forces and weight of building structures were also taken in
cp – angle of shearing resistance; consideration.
H – pressure on a vertical wall below located cell provided According to these complement:
f ¼ 0, c ¼ 0; • Maslov-Berer formulae:
R – pressure on a vertical wall provided j 6¼ 0, c 6¼ 0; – Subject to seismic forces:
E – active pressure.
Pi ½tgai tgðai cpi Þ
Kst ¼ P (9)
9 ðPi tgai þ Qci Þ
H ¼ P tga >
= X
E ¼ P tg a cp (3) Els ¼ Kst3 1 Pi tgai þ Kst3 Qci þ Pi tg ai cpi
R ¼ H E ¼ P tga tg a cp (10)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66
Fig. 4 Sliding surface: (a) landslide calculation diagram with landslide array on a vertical line (). (b) Landslide pressure diagram
modeling of buildings as tightening weights in the case of total water corresponding to initial slope geometry. A horizontal axis is an extent
saturation of soils, LANDSLIP07-assisted. A horizontal axis is an of landslide array in a plan (). A vertical axis is a landslide pressure
extent of landslide array in a plan (). A vertical axis is a depth of (104 N)
10. Planning work should be carried out by means of layer- Maslov NN (1949) Soil mechanics. Publisher of Ministry of construc-
by-layer rolling of soils. It prevents from rain and melt tion of mechanical engineering enterprises, Moscow, 328p, in
water infiltration, evolution of erosive processes and Shakhunyants GM (1953) Roadbed of railways. Tranzheldorizdat,
nonuniform self-packing of banked earth. Moscow, 827p, in Russian
Sokolovsky VV (1942) Statics of loose medium. Academizdat,
Moscow, 460p, in Russian
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thanks the Ukrainian
Trofymchuk OM, Hlebchuk HS, Kalyukh YuI (2008a) Mathematical
State Leading Research and Industrial Institute of Engineering, Tech-
modeling of change of stressed-deformed condition of landslide
nical and Ecological Researches; Institute of Geological Sciences of
mass in presence of building and developing a foundation pit
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
under conditions of underflooding. Building constructions No 71.
pp 95–104, in Russian
Trofymchuk OM, Hlebchuk HS, Polevetsky VV (2008b) On stability of
slopes under changes of seismic conditions. Building constructions
References No 69, pp 304–311, in Russian
Trofymchuk OM, Kalyukh YuI, Hlebchuk HS (2008c) Mathematical
Ginzburg LK (1979) Landslide-protective and retention constructions. modeling of landslide slope stability under rising the underground
Stroyizdat, Moscow, 80p, in Russian waters’ level. Ecology and Resources No 18, pp 51–58, in Russian
Evaluation and Zonation of Landslide Hazard
of Northern Tehran District
Tehran is the country’s most densely populated district which is located on the southern part
of Alborz Mountains. Many sensitive infrastructures such as dams, roads, power lines and
housing complexes are located within the area. In this paper the potential of landslide hazard
for North Tehran is evaluated and a hazard zonation map based on ARC-GIS method is
prepared. Several parameters such as lithology, slope angle, slope direction, distance from
faults and seismicity (earthquake deduced acceleration) are considered as main factors. The
quality parameters of the defined effecting factors are quantified by the above named
software where the data layers are divided into smaller classes. In the next stage, specific
weights are assigned to each class and the hazard potential values are determined. Finally
they are presented as a landslide hazard zonation map of the area. It was found that slope
angle of 16–35 , slope direction from 40 to 140 , lithology of tuffacious rocks, distance of
fewer 2 km from fault and seismicity of over 0.5 g has great effect on the distribution of
landslide in the area.
Landslide evaluation Landslide hazard zonation mapping
Fig. 2 An example of local road in Alborz Mountains Digital elevation model (DEM) is a three dimensional repre-
sentation of a terrian’s surface created from elevation data.
A digital elevation model (DEM) of the study area is shown
Tehran General Geology on Fig. 4. The DEM map was built on the base of datasets
of aerial photographs using remote sensing techniques in the
North region of Tehran is part of Alborz Mountains and form of a raster model with a grid of squares of 50 m in
consists of a series of stratigraphic units. The units are dimension. The DEM maps have a wide range applications
classified, according to the age of deposition, into four in earth science studies including landslide hazard map
groups as follows: evaluation. In this paper, the DEM map is used as a base
Unit 1: Consist of a sequence of sedimentary rocks dated map to plot the locations of landslides and to plot the
from Pre-Cambrian to mid Triassic which includes sev- information layers related to the landslide’s inflouencing
eral geologic Formations and many unconformities factors.
indicating land-forming movements.
Unit 2: Contains a series of coal bearing shale and sandstone
(Shemshak Formation, mid Jurassic), Marine Carbonate Landslide Influencing Factors
rocks (Dalichie and Lar Formations, mid and upper Juras-
sic, respectively) and Marl-Carbonate complex (Tizkoh Landslide influencing factors in the region are defined on the
Formation, lower Cretaceous). These units form the bases of is expert evaluation and consideration the past
highest part of Alborz Mountains in the region. history of landslide events in the region.
Evaluation and Zonation of Landslide Hazard of Northern Tehran District 355
Fig. 5 Lithological division of the study area Fig. 7 Slope direction map of the study area
Fig. 6 Slope angle map of the study area Fig. 8 Buffer zones of fault distance of the region
be accounted as a main influencing factor. Normally the Seismicity: According to the Iranian Seismic Code (standard
slopes facing the south direction are in more stable con- no. 2800), Tehran is located in a region with relatively
dition than those directed towards the north. The slope high seismic hazard. Therefore the seismic factor is
directions are presented in angle and their orientation are identified as an essential parameter for developing slope
measured from the north position. The details of slope instabilities in the region. According to the rate of the
direction divisions are presented in Table 1 and the plot of ground acceleration generated by the active faults, Tehran
these data are shown on Fig. 7. is located between two seismotectonic provinces, i.e.,
Fault distance: The study area is located in an active tec- Alborz and Central Iran with acceleration rate of 0.5 and
tonic zone which contains numbers of mainly reverse and 0.3 g, respectively (see Fig. 9). The effect of seismicity is
normal faults. The faults are mainly high-angle with large assisted regarding ground acceleration rate which is
dip-slip movements. The reserve faults are dominantly divided into five categories are shown in Table 1.
oriented in E-W trend (Abbassi and Shabanian 2011).
Therefore distance from fault is taken into account as to
be one of the main influencing factors. Division of Landslide Hazard Zonation
2,000 m interval, as shown in Table 1, is considered for
this factor. Over 55 % of the study area is located within Landslide hazard zonation mapping is an empirical approach
the distance 4 km from the main faults. The buffer zone to divide the land surface into zones of varying degree of
map regarding the fault distance is presented on Fig. 8. stability on the bases of their relative hazard vulnerability.
Evaluation and Zonation of Landslide Hazard of Northern Tehran District 357
slope direction are not too obvious. Slope angel of 16–35 highland-Gua Musang road Kelantan, Malaysia. J Sains Malays 38
and slope direction between 66 and 140 from the north (6):827–833
Ghafoori M, Sadeghi G, Lashkaripour GR (2006) Landslide hazard
are more susceptible to landsliding. The effect of the third zonation using the relative effect method. In: Proceedings of the
factor, distance from fault, is not clear but the closest 10th IAEG international congress, paper no 474, Nottingham, UK,
distance shows lager number of landslide events. The 6–10 Sept 2006
rate of seismicity indicates direct effect on landslide Ghayomian J, Fatemi Aghida SM, Maleki Z, Shoaei Z (2006) Engi-
neering geology of quaternary deposits of Greater Tehran, Iran. In:
occurrences so by the increase of ground acceleration Proceedings of the 10th IAEG international congress, paper no. 248,
rate the potential of landslide is increasing too. Nottingham, UK, 6–10 Sept 2006
Guzzetti F, Carrara A, Cardinali M, Reichenbach P (1999) Landslide
hazard evaluation: a review of current techniques and their applica-
tion in multi-scale study, Central Italy. Geomorphology 31:181–216
References Ramakrishnan SS, Sanjeevi Kumar M, Zaffar Sadiq M, Venugopal K
(2002) Landslide disaster management and planning- a GIS based
Abbassi MR, Shabanian E (2011) Evaluation of the stress field in approach, Indian Cartographer, MFDM-05, pp 192–195
Tehran region during the Quaternary. http/ Rieben EH (1966) Geological observations on alluvial deposits in
Accessed 6 Aug 2011 northern Tehran. Geological Survey of Iran, report no 9, 39p
Anbalagan R, Chakraborty D, Kohli A (2008) Landslide hazard zona- Takada S, Kuwata Y, Mahdavian A, Rasti R, Imai T (2004) Dislocation
tion (LHZ) mapping on meso-scale for systematic town planning in and strong ground motion zoning under scenario faults for lifelines.
mountainous terrain. J Sci Ind Res 67:486–497 In: Proceedings of the 13th world conference on earthquake, paper
Asghari E, Toll DG, Haeri SM (2004) Effect of cementation on the no 125, Vancouver, BC, 1–6 Aug 2004
shear strength of Tehran gravelly sand using triaxial tests. J Sci Uromeihy A, Fattahi M (2011) Landslide hazard zonation of Babolrood
Islam Repub Iran 15(1):65–71 watershed, Iran. In: Proceedings of 2nd international conference on
Berberian M, Qorashi M, Arzang-Ravesh B, Mohajer-Ashjaee A environmental sciences and technology (ICEST), vol 2. Singapore,
(1985) Siesmotectonic and earthquake-fault hazard investigations 26–28 Feb 2011, pp 318–321
in Tehran region. Geological Survey of Iran, report no 56 (in Uromeihy A, Mahdavifar MR (2000) Landslide hazard zonation of the
Persian), 58p Khoreshrostam area, Iran. Bull Eng Geol Environ 58(3):207–213
Gahgah MM, Akhir JM, Rafek AG, Abdullah I (2009) GIS based Varnes DG (1984) Landslide hazard zonation: a review of principles
assessment on landslide hazard zonation: case study of Cameron and practice. UNISCO, France, 63p. ISBN 92-3-101895-7
Three-Dimensional Modelling of Rotational Slope
Failures with GRASS GIS
Landslides starting from unstable slopes threat people, buildings and infrastructures all
over the world and are therefore intensively studied. On the one hand, engineers use
sophisticated models to identify hazardous slopes, mostly based on longitudinal sections.
On the other hand, less sophisticated infinite slope stability models are used in combination
with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in order to cover larger areas. The present
paper describes an attempt to combine these two philosophies and to come up with a
spatially distributed, three-dimensional model for slope stability going beyond the widely
used infinite slope stability concept. Both models are applied to artificial topographies in
order to compare the outcomes of different slip surface assumptions and to benchmark the
validity of the infinite slope stability model. It was found out that the resulting factor of
safety is highly sensitive to the type of model used and to the slip surface geometry. In
complex terrain, the performance of the infinite slope stability model strongly depends on
the specific situation, particularly on slope curvature and slip surface depth.
Slope stability models Factor of safety GRASS GIS
Fig. 3 Hypothetic topographies used for the tests (1) and (2)
regolith depth, 10,000 truncated ellipsoidal random slip The ratio a/b of the tested ellipsoids has no significant
surfaces are tested. The longest axis of the ellipsoid is influence on the resulting safety factor. In general, the
constrained with 20–100 m, the shortest axis with ellipsoids with the lowest safety factors are those with rather
2–40 m. The lengths of the three axes and the coordinates long a axis and short c axis. When reducing the length of the
of the centre point of the ellipsoid are varied randomly a axis at constant depth, FOS3d increases considerably due to
whilst zb is set to 0. The longest axis of the ellipsoid is the increased importance of the support by the slope below
always directed along the steepest slope. For each pixel, (Fig. 5b). The small circles and ellipsoids identified as most
the lowest factor of safety among the values for all slip critical for shallow regolith as shown in Fig. 4 may be the
surfaces touching the respective pixel is applied as consequence of an insufficient number of tested random
FOS3d. In addition, the infinite slope stability model is ellipsoids and a too coarse spatial resolution. Also the dif-
applied for each pixel and FOSinf is computed for the ference between the two ellipsoids identified as most critical
bedrock surface. for 40 m regolith depth (which should actually be identical)
could be eliminated by a much larger number of random
In this case of a quasi-infinite slope, assuming spherical or Figure 6 illustrates the ratio FOS3d/FOSinf for five different
ellipsoidal slip surfaces makes sense for cohesive material assumptions of regolith depth for the v-shaped valley
only. Technically, such assumptions are also applicable to described above. The general patterns show that in rather
cohesionless material, but from a physical point of view, plane areas, the ratio is above 1 (FOS3d > FOSinf), a phe-
rotational failures in slopes with a constant inclination can nomenon which was explained in detail in the previous
only occur in cohesive material. section. In areas with pronounced curvature, the ratio is
The factor of safety FOS3d yielded for the most critical below 1 (FOS3d < FOSinf). Two types of curvatures have
condition strongly depends on the regolith depth and the to be discussed:
geometry of the assumed failure plane. Figure 4 shows 1. Moderate curvature in x direction without change of
longitudinal sections through the slope for all tested cases. direction of steepest slope: the curved areas for all five
In general, FOS3d decreases with increasing regolith depth. assumptions of regolith depth are characterized by lower
However, the decisive slip surface for a regolith depth of FOS3d/FOSinf ratios than the plane portions of the slope –
40 m does not reach the bedrock surface, but only a maxi- for deep bedrock surfaces, this effect is partly offset, but
mum depth <30 m. Support by the underlying slope seems still clearly visible in principle. The reason for this phe-
to counterbalance the effect of decreasing stability with nomenon is that for each pixel, the lowest (and therefore
increasing slip surface depth, as it is also shown in Fig. 5a. relevant) value of FOS3d belongs to an ellipsoid which
It becomes obvious from Fig. 4 that it makes no big differ- covers mainly the steeper portion adjacant to the curved
ence in FOS3d whether 20 or 40 m regolith depth is assumed. area than the flatter one, with a lower factor of safety.
This means that, whilst the truncated ellipsoidal slip surface FOSinf, in contrast, is only influenced by the slope of the
yields the most critical factor of safety in shallow regolith, respective pixel and not by its geometric environment.
the truncated ellipsoid is not relevant any more when assum- 2. Sharp curvature in y direction with change of direction of
ing deeper regolith. steepest slope (valley bottom): except for the pixels
For all assumed regolith depths, the most critical factor of directly at the bottom, the influence of the sharp terrain
safety yielded with the three-dimensional model is very bend is relatively small. The reason for this phenomenon
close to FOSinf. This is not surprising for shallow regolith is that the most critical slip surface will hardly touch both
where most of the truncated ellipsoid slip surface is formed sides of the valley (the slope would be smoothed out and
by the regolith bottom also relevant for the infinite slope FOS3d would be high), but only one side.
stability model (see Fig. 4). However, it is also true for However, the ratio FOS3d/FOSinf is higher very close to
deeper regolith where the three-dimensional slip surface is the valley bottom due to the lower probability of this zone to
much shallower than the regolith bottom. be included in the most critical slip surface (vicinity of the
The safety factors yielded for the different slip surface opposite slope). Similarly, the anomalies at the fringes of the
geometries vary much more for shallow than for deep rego- calculation area are caused by the lower number of relevant
lith. The spherical slip surfaces – and for rather shallow ellipsoids there. Both effects would probably be removed (or
regolith also the ellipsoidal slip surfaces – produce signifi- at least reduced) by considerably increasing the number of
cantly higher safety factors than the truncated slip surfaces. random simulations.
Three-Dimensional Modelling of Rotational Slope Failures with GRASS GIS 363
spherical slip surface ellipsoidal slip surface truncated ellipsoidal slip surface
60 60 60
0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
regolith depth = 5 m
60 60 60
0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
regolith depth = 10 m
60 60 60
0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
regolith depth = 20 m
60 60 60
0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
regolith depth = 40 m
60 60 60
0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 120 160
Fig. 4 Longitudinal sections through the most critical slip surfaces for different regolith depths and assumed slip surface geometries. Regolith is
shown in green, length units are given in metres
364 M. Mergili and W. Fellin
Fig. 5 Variation of FOS3d as a response to slip surface parameters D and L assuming an ellipsoidal potential failure plane, and comparison with
slip surfaces yield higher safety factors. Particularly for rotational failures rather occur in cohesive material.
shallow regolith, the critical factor of safety yielded by the The suitability of each model for a given problem
infinite slope stability model or the truncated ellipsoidal slip therefore also depends on the properties of the rock
surface differs considerably from the critical factor of safety or debris involved.
derived with spherical slip surfaces. The choice of the appropriate model type and the appro-
For more complex topographies, the infinite slope sta- priate slip surface geometry is therefore an essential step of
bility model does not necessarily provide the most conser- each hazard analysis which – in the impression of the
vative results: particularly in curved areas, the factor of authors – is too often governed by the background of the
safety yielded with the truncated ellipsoidal slip surface investigator and the software and data available rather
may be significantly lower. More tests with different slip than by the so important local conditions. Particularly the
surface geometries and with a variety of terrain geometries relatively easy application of infinite slope stability models
are required to get a deeper insight into the problem. The with GIS attracts a lot of research. A sensible choice of the
findings presented here are valid only for the assumed appropriate model is essential for the outcome of each
conditions. The suitable assumption of sliding surface slope stability analysis. The work presented here is under-
geometry to be applied to a specific real-world problem stood as an attempt to facilitate such a choice and to bring
strongly depends on the local conditions. forward GIS-based model development beyond the infinite
Furthermore, in-depth analyses of the minimum num- slope stability concept. However, it has to be emphasized
ber of random slip surfaces to be tested in order to get that the results of the present study are only valid for the
reliable results as well as of the suitable raster cell size in parameter combinations tested, and more work is required
relation to the slip surface dimensions are required. in order to achieve a more comprehensive picture on the
The evaluation of the test results has to consider that suitability of the different methods and geometry assum-
the infinite slope stability model and three-dimensional ptions for slope stability calculations.
models working with spherical or ellipsoidal slip surfaces
are not fully comparable:
1. The infinite slope stability model follows a pixel-based
approach, whilst the three-dimensional model works
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et al. (2011), however, used a two-dimensional model. shear strength reduction technique. Soils Found 32(1):59–70
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given its landslide length assumption? Geophys Res Abstr 13:
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Xie M, Esaki T, Zhou G, Mitani Y (2003) Three-dimensional stability based computational implementation and application of spatial three-
evaluation of landslides and a sliding process simulation using a dimensional slope stability analysis. Comput Geotech 33:260–274
A GRASS GIS Implementation of the Savage-Hutter
Avalanche Model and Its Application to the 1987
Val Pola Event
Computer models play an increasing role for the understanding of the dynamics of granular
flows (rock avalanches, debris flows, snow avalanches etc.). Simple empirical relationships or
semi-deterministic models are often applied in GIS-based modelling environments. However,
they are only appropriate for rough overviews at the regional scale. In detail, granular flows are
highly complex processes and deterministic models are required for a detailed understanding
of such phenomena. One of the most advanced theories for understanding and modelling
granular flows is the Savage-Hutter model, a system of differential equations based on the
conservation of mass and momentum. The equations have been solved for a number of
idealized topographies, but not yet satisfactorily for arbitrary terrain. Not many attempts to
integrate the model with GIS were known up to now. The work presented is seen as an
initiative to integrate a fully deterministic model for the motion of granular flows, based on the
Savage-Hutter theory, with GRASS, an Open Source GIS software package. The potentials of
the model are highlighted with the Val Pola rock avalanche as test event. The limitations and
the most urging needs for further research are discussed.
Granular flows Physically-based modelling GRASS GIS Val Pola rock avalanche
by ¼ e cos zKy : (7) r.avalanche was developed as a raster module for GRASS
GIS, using the C programming language. The implementa-
Kx and Ky are the earth pressure coefficients in downslope tion of the Savage-Hutter model and its solution by Wang
and cross-slope directions: et al. (2004) into GIS raises two issues: (1, 2, 3) provide
dimensionless values whilst the description of phenomena in
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi nature requires dimensional values, and the solution is valid
Kx;act=pass ¼ 2 1 1 cos2 ’=cos2 d sec2 ’ 1; (8)
for a curvilinear reference system only, in contrast to GIS
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi which usually use a rectangular system.
1 The first issue concerns the non-dimensionalization of the
Ky;act=pass ¼ Kx þ 1 ðKx 1Þ2 þ 4 tan2 d : (9)
2 governing parameters. Pudasaini (2003) describes a way to
convert the dimensionless variables into dimensional ones,
’ is the angle of internal friction, and d is the bed friction using the typical avalanche length L, the typical avalanche
angle. Active stress rates (subscript act) are connected to depth H, the typical radius of curvature R and gravitational
local elongation of the flowing mass, passive stress rates acceleration g. The implemented model computes the
(subscript pass) are connected to local shortening – it dimensionless variables and converts them to dimensional
depends on acceleration or deceleration of the flow whether values according to Pudasaini (2003) for output. The scaling
active or passive stress rates are applied. Equations 8 and 9 parameters L, H, and R are set to 1 in this paper. The factors
are valid only as long as the flow moves predominantly in e ¼ H/L and l ¼ L/R are therefore 1 as well. However, the
downslope direction. choice of the scaling parameters does not influence the
The system of equations described above is only valid for numerical results since (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8)
the shallow flow of cohesionless and incompressible granu- and (9) are scale invariant.
lar materials which can be considered as continuum. The The solution of Wang et al. (2004) is formulated using a
curvature of the terrain has to be relatively small. All curvilinear coordinate system based on a talweg which shall
variables are dimensionless, meaning that the model is be the predominant flow direction (see Fig. 1). The original
scale-invariant and small-scale laboratory tests can be used rectangular coordinate system of the input raster maps has to
as reference for large-scale problems in nature. be converted into the coordinate system for the simulation:
first, the coordinate system is rotated around the z axis so
that the direction of the main flow line is aligned with the
Numerical Solution of the Equations new x (down-slope) direction. The main flow line is based on
two user-defined pairs of coordinates. A reference surface is
Equations 1, 2 and 3 were solved using a Non-Oscillatory then created, defined by the given talweg and an inclination
Central Differencing (NOC) Scheme, a numerical scheme of zero in y (cross-slope) direction. Based on this reference
useful to avoid unphysical numerical oscillations. Cell surface, the offset b (m) – defined as the distance between
averages of h, u and v are computed using a staggered grid: terrain surface and reference surface perpendicular to the
the system is moved half of the cell size with every time step, reference surface – and the initial avalanche thickness h are
the values at the corners of the cells and in the middle of derived.
the cells are computed alternatively. The NOC Scheme After completing the simulation, the entire system is
devised by Wang et al. (2004) was used for r.avalanche. reconverted into the rectangular coordinate system used in
The degree of diffusion of the flow material is governed by the GRASS GIS mapset.
using slope limiters, restricting the gradients of flow depth to
a certain range. The minmod limiter was already used by
Wang et al. (2004) and also for the present work since it is
Study Area and Data
known as the most diffusive one, reducing numerical
The 1987 Val Pola Rock Avalanche
The simulation is run for a number of time steps until a
pre-defined break condition is fulfilled. The time steps have
The Val Pola rock avalanche (Valtellina, Lombardy Region,
to be kept short enough to fulfil the Courant-Friedrichs-Levy
Northern Italy; Fig. 2), like most large mass movements, has
(CFL) condition required for obtaining smooth solutions
been subject of numerous detailed studies. A review with the
(see Wang et al. 2004).
relevant references is provided by Govi et al. (2002).
370 M. Mergili et al.
Granular flow modelling was already applied there (e.g. by Simulation with Published Friction Parameters
Crosta et al. 2003, 2004).
The event occurred on July 28, 1987 after a period of The model was first run at a cell size of 20 m (according to
heavy and persistent rainfall. Preceded by the opening of a the DEM resolution) with ’ ¼ 35 and d ¼ 22 (Simulation
prominent crack, a block of highly fractured and faulted 1; see Table 1). This simulation can be considered as a blind
igneous and metamorphic rocks detached and rushed into validation with the parameters used by Crosta et al. (2004).
the valley. The volume of the released mass was estimated Figure 3 illustrates the distribution of flow depth at selected
to 34–43 million m, the entrainment by the resulting rock time intervals from the onset (t ¼ 0) to t ¼ 300 s, when the
avalanche to further 5–8 million m (Crosta et al. 2003), the flow is assumed having stopped. 86 % of the modelled
maximum velocity to 76–108 m/s (see Crosta et al. 2004). deposit coincide with the observed area of deposition, and
Govi et al. (2002) distinguished six phases of the movement, 79 % of the observed deposition area are occupied by the
with a duration of the main avalanching phase of 8–12.5 s. modelled deposit (considering only those areas with depth of
The mass moved up 300 m on the opposite slope. In the main deposition >1 m; Table 2). The travel distance modelled for
valley, it continued 1.5 km downstream and 1.5 km upstream, the central part of the deposit corresponds very well to the
with a maximum thickness of 90 m. The river Adda was observation.
dammed, and an artificial drainage was constructed rapidly However, the measured maximum depth is approx. 90 m
in order to avoid an uncontrolled sudden drainage of the (Govi et al. 2002) and the model yields a maximum depth of
rising lake. The event claimed 27 human lives and caused 75 m only. Furthermore, some portions of the lateral (N and
high economic costs (Crosta et al. 2003). S) parts of the modelled deposit deviate from the observed
deposit. There, the travel distance is rather underestimated.
The implementation of the model used for the present study
Data does not allow for a reliable simulation of the very lateral
(in this case, N and S) parts of the deposit.
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) before and after the event, Already shortly after the onset of the flow (t ¼ 10 s), the
geotechnical parameters of the sliding mass and the sliding simulation predicts a degree of lateral spreading of the flow
surface, and reference information on the distribution of the beyond the observed extent. As a consequence, part of the
deposit were obtained. The affected area was mapped from material crosses the delineation of the catchment and follows
Landsat TM imagery and verified with the Italian Landslide gullies N and S, a behaviour not at all observed in reality.
A GRASS GIS Implementation of the Savage-Hutter Avalanche Model and Its Application. . . 371
r.avalanche represents a first attempt to implement a fully
deterministic granular flow model with Open Source GIS.
With respect to travel distance and impact areas, the
model seems potentially suitable for Class A predictions:
the observed patterns were well reconstructed without re-
calibration of the input parameters. In contrast, the maxi-
mum depth of the deposit was rather underestimated. The
Fig. 4 Longitudinal profiles of the flow at different time steps with modelled flow velocity corresponds well to published
’ ¼ 35 : comparison of the results with d ¼ 18, 22 and 26 with a cell estimates (Crosta et al. 2004) which, however, appear
size of 20 m – the flow depth for d ¼ 18 is also shown proportionally
to the terrain; (b) flow depth distribution after t ¼ 300 s, computed with high when compared to those specified for other rock
three different assumptions of d avalanches. The quality of the results may be limited by
uncertainties in the governing parameters and their spatial
patterns. However, some drawbacks are also prescribed
by the design of the model.
r.avalanche is only applicable to granular flows with
approximately straight flow lines, as this was a basic
assumption in the derivation of the equations for flows
over complex terrain by Gray et al. (1999) on which the
here used numerical scheme is based. Pudasaini (2003)
has solved the Savage-Hutter model for curved and
twisted channels, but this approach is hardly applicable
to raster-based GIS.
Furthermore, entrainment of regolith during the flow is
disregarded – in the case of the Valpola rock avalanche,
entrainment was not extremely significant, but other cases
were reported where entrainment has played a major role
for the travel distance of granular flows (McDougall and
Hungr 2005).
The role of pore water for the motion of the flow is
Fig. 5 Longitudinal profiles of the flow at different time steps with
neglected, but many granular flows in nature are a mix-
d ¼ 22 : comparison of the results with ’ ¼ 35, 40 and 45 with a cell ture of solid and fluid components and should be consid-
size of 20 m – the flow depth for ’ ¼ 35 is also shown proportionally ered as such. Another issue is the assumed independence
to the terrain of the bed friction angle d from earth pressure – a more
A GRASS GIS Implementation of the Savage-Hutter Avalanche Model and Its Application. . . 373
realistic account of this relationship could improve the Gamma P (2000) Dfwalk – Murgang-Simulationsmodell zur Gefahren-
quality of the model. zonierung. Geographica Bernensia G66, 144pp
Govi M, Gullà G, Nicoletti PG (2002) Val Pola rock avalanche of July
Attacking the limitations in a comprehensive way will 28, 1987, in Valtellina (Central Italian Alps). In: Evans SG, Degraff
at least require the following steps: JV (eds) Catastrophic landslides: effects, occurrence, and mecha-
1. To select and adapt a sound method for modelling rapid nism, Geological Society of America reviews in engineering
granular flows over arbitrary topography, using and geology. Geological Society of America, Boulder, pp 71–89
Gray JMNT, Wieland M, Hutter K (1999) Gravity-driven free surface
extending the existing theories. Such an approach would flow of granular avalanches over complex basal topography. Proc R
have to build on the latest extensions of the Savage- Soc Lond A 455:1841–1874
Hutter model (e.g. Luca et al. 2009; Pudasaini 2011), Hungr O (1995) A model for the runout analysis of rapid flow slides,
incorporating particle entrainment and the role of pore debris flows, and avalanches. Can Geotech J 32:610–623
Hungr O, Corominas J, Eberhardt E (2005) State of the art paper:
fluid; estimating landslide motion mechanism, travel distance and veloc-
2. To devise an appropriate numerical scheme (including ity. In: Hungr O, Fell R, Couture R, Eberhardt E (eds) Landslide risk
shock capturing) for solving the differential equations management. Proceedings of the international conference on land-
derived in (1). Numerical solutions of the analytical slide risk management, Vancouver, BC, 31 May–3 June 2005,
pp 129–158
model for arbitrary topography would have to be Iverson RM (1997) The physics of debris flows. Rev Geophys
elaborated, following e.g. Bouchut and Westdickenberg 35:245–296
(2004); Luca I, Tai YC, Kuo CY (2009) Modelling shallow-gravity driven
3. To perform more tests with well-studied granular flow solid-fluid mixtures over arbitrary topography. Commun Math Sci
events. McDougall S, Hungr O (2004) A model for the analysis of rapid
Since no user-friendly Open Source software for the landslide motion across three-dimensional terrain. Can Geotech J
motion of granular flows fully incorporating the relevant 41:1084–1097
physical processes is available at present, further devel- McDougall S, Hungr O (2005) Dynamic modeling of entrainment in
rapid landslides. Can Geotech J 42:1437–1448
opment of r.avalanche in terms of the above points would Mergili M, Fellin W, Moreiras SM, Stötter J. Simulation of debris flows
be highly relevant for reliable process modelling and for in the Central Andes based on open source GIS: possibilities,
the delineation of hazard zones. limitations, and parameter sensitivity (Submitted to Natural
O’Brien, JS (2003) FLO-2D Users’ manual version 2003. 06 July 2003.
FLO-2D Software Inc., Nutrioso, Arizona, 232pp
Acknowledgments The work was supported by the Tyrolean Science Perla R, Cheng TT, McClung DM (1980) A two-parameter model of
Funds. Special thanks for fruitful discussions go to Kolumban Hutter, snow avalanche motion. J Glaciol 26:197–207
Jean F. Schneider and Mechthild Thalhammer. Pudasaini SP (2003) Dynamics of flow avalanches over curved and
twisted channels. Theory, numerics and experimental validation.
Dissertation, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Pudasaini SP (2011) A general two-fluid debris flow model. Geophys
References Res Abstr 13:EGU2011-4205-1
Revellino P, Guadagno FM, Hungr O (2008) Morphological methods
and dynamic modelling in landslide hazard assessment of the
Bouchut F, Westdickenberg M (2004) Gravity driven shallow water
Campania Apennine carbonate slope. Landslides 5(1):59–70
models for arbitrary topography. Commun Math Sci 2(3):359–389
Rickenmann D (1999) Empirical relationships for debris flows.
Cannata M, Molinari M (2008) Natural hazards and risk assessment:
Nat Hazards 19:47–77
the FOSS4G capabilities. In: Academic proceedings of the 2008
Sampl P, Zwinger T (2004) Avalanche simulation with SAMOS. Ann
free and open source software for geospatial (FOSS4G) conference,
Glaciol 38:393–398
Cape Town, 29 Sept–3 Oct 2008, pp 172–181
Savage SB, Hutter K (1989) The motion of a finite mass of granular
Christen M, Kowalski J, Bartelt B (2010) RAMMS: Numerical simula-
material down a rough incline. J Fluid Mech 199:177–215
tion of dense snow avalanches in three-dimensional terrain. Cold
Scheidegger AE (1973) On the prediction of the reach and velocity of
Reg Sci Technol 63:1–14
catastrophic landslides. Rock Mech 5:231–236
Corominas J, Copons R, Vilaplana JM, Altamir J, Amigó J (2003)
Vandre BC (1985) Rudd creek debris flow. In: Bowles DS (ed) Delin-
Integrated landslide susceptibility analysis and hazard assessment
eation of landslide, flash flood and debris flow hazards in Utah, Utah
in the principality of Andorra. Nat Hazards 30:421–435
Water Research Laboratory, pp 117–131
Crosta GB, Imposimato S, Roddeman DG (2003) Numerical modelling
Voellmy A (1955) Über die Zerstörungskraft von Lawinen.
of large landslides stability and runout. Nat Hazard Earth Sys Sci
Schweizerische Bauzeitung 73:159–162, 212–217, 246–249,
Crosta GB, Chen H, Lee CF (2004) Replay of the 1987 Val Pola
Wang Y, Hutter K, Pudasaini SP (2004) The Savage-Hutter theory: a
landslide, Italian Alps. Geomorphology 60:127–146
system of partial differential equations for avalanche flows of snow,
De Ferranti J (2005–2010) Digital elevation data. www.viewfinderpa
debris, and mud. J Appl Math Mech 84:507–527
Proposed Landslide Susceptibility Map of Canada
Based on GIS
Landslides are especially damaging in Canada and despite their extensive occurrence, the
exact location of instability is not homogeneous across the country and depends on several
factors. Based on clear evidence it is known that there is a wide range in the scale and
diversity of landslide environments, especially as they pertain to landslide problems.
A proposed 1:6 million scale landslide susceptibility map of Canada is presented in this
study as a first approximation for those individuals interested in pursuing more detailed
investigations. The final map has been constructed based primarily on GIS, by considering
digital layers of relevant national information including: slope angle, aspect, precipitation,
permafrost, surficial geology, vegetation, distance to rivers, distance to coast (lakes and
oceans) and bedrock lithology. These variables have been categorized into several classes
depending on their greater or lesser favourability to influence slope instabilities. The values
assigned to each class are not equal for the whole country and vary depending on the region
considered (Canadian Shield, Hudson Bay Lowlands, or the remaining area).
Landslide Susceptibility Canada GIS
susceptibility map of Canada. The map is based on multiple Derived Digital Terrain Models Creation
data layers (e.g. geology, relief, etc.) within a GIS platform
and tailored by reliance on expert knowledge. The GIS platform allows one to generate other digital
models from the DEM by using different mathematic
algorithms. For example, a Digital Slope Model (DSM)
(Fig. 2a) and a Digital Aspect Model (DAM) (Fig. 2b),
have been constructed through GIS based on the original
DEM. Both of these derivative maps have the same resolu-
The methodology used in this work includes the following
tion (1 km2 pixel value) as the original DEM upon which
several steps: (1) GIS database creation and digital data
they are based.
layers collection, (2) derived Digital Terrain Models crea-
tion, (3) relief differentiation of large areas in the country,
(4) landscape reclassification, (5) assignment of susceptibil-
Relief Differentiation of Large Areas in the
ity ranking for each data layer based on large areas and
variable distribution, and (6) final data information analysis,
cross correlation and construction of the susceptibility
Existing knowledge of slope instability type, style and dis-
tribution for all of Canada suggests that for this analysis we
can distinguish a few large areas by considering regional
variations in landslide attributes. For the purposes of this
GIS Database Creation and Digital Data Layers work, four substantially large regions are recognized: (1) the
Collection vast territory (> 4 millions km2) occupied by the Canadian
Shield (CS), a very stable environment where instability
A digital database was created with a Geographical Informa- problems are not as abundant as in other areas; (2) an area
tion System (GIS) (ArcGIS v. 9.2 ESRI), which allows one up to 300,000 km2 located in the middle of the country,
to organize information in georeferenced shapes and rasters. directly south of the Hudson Bay (Hudson Bay lowlands,
Vector data stored in the database consist of several HBL). Finally, the remaining terrain has been distinguished
thematic layers (Fig. 1a–h) comprising precipitation, perma- between: (3) the areas where the slope is less than 1 as
frost distribution, surficial geology, vegetation, bedrock interpreted by 1 km2 pixels (low relief areas, L) and (4) those
lithology, rivers and coasts (lakes and oceans). These data parts of the country where the slope is greater than 1 are
represent parameters that influence slope stability in Canada considered as high relief areas (H).
to varying degrees. Unfortunately the accuracy, precision
and reliability of the data used are not equal, not systematic
and cannot be evaluated for reliability. For example, the Landscape Reclassification
surficial geology database was published at a large scale
with detailed polygonal information and is therefore quite After compiling information for all of the mentioned
useful. This contrasts for instance to the permafrost layer variables into the GIS, it is possible to classify the Canadian
which is published at a smaller scale and the information landscape by taking into account the different distribution of
contained therein is quite generalized. We were not able to terrain elements across the country. For example, when
check the integrity of each data layer and simply relied on considering Precipitation, three classes were established:
the efforts of the original data compiler to ensure that the >3,000, 2,700–3,000 and <2,700 mm annual precipitation
best effort was put forward to release reliable information. (see Table 1).
Raster data consisted of a 1 km pixel value Digital Eleva- Five classes were distinguished for Permafrost: Contin-
tion Model (DEM) and other digital derived models. To uous, Extensive Discontinuous, Sporadic Discontinuous,
construct the final susceptibility map it was also necessary Isolated Patches and No Permafrost.
to transform the vector layers to raster format (1 km preci- Surficial Geology is divided into: Alluvial, Colluvial,
sion). This transformation to raster format facilitated faster Glacial, Glaciers, Glaciofluvial, Glaciolacustrine and lacus-
data manipulation, analysis and interpretation. trine, Glaciomarine and marine, Lacustrine, Marine, Rock
All of the data layers used in this synthesis were and Water. The original detailed landform classification
obtained from various agencies, departments and ministry used by the authors was simplified into these categories to
websites hosted in Canada. Several of the sources are open facilitate GIS manipulation and generalization.
to public access, whereas some of the information resides With respect to Vegetation cover data layer, 11 classes
within the data confines of the Geological Survey of have been distinguished: Broadleaf Forest, Coniferous For-
Canada. est, Cropland, Forest land/Shrub land, Grassland, Mixed
Proposed Landslide Susceptibility Map of Canada Based on GIS 377
Fig. 1 Layers stored in the GIS database: (a) precipitation, (b) permafrost distribution, (c) bedrock geology, (d) surficial geology, (e) vegetation,
(f) rivers, (g) coast (oceans and lakes) and (h) elevation
378 M.J. Domı́nguez-Cuesta and P.T. Bobrowsky
Table 1 Susceptibility values applied to the Canadian landscape (H highlands, L lowlands, CS Canadian Shield, HBL Hudson Bay Lowlands)
(see text for explanation of acronyms)
Susceptibility ranking
1 2 3 4 5 6
Slope <1 L
1 –18 H
18 –30 H
>30 H
Aspect North HL
South HL
Flat HL
Total annual PPT >3,000 mm HL
2,700–3,000 HL
<2,700 HL
Permafrost Continuous HL
Extensive discontinuous HL
Sporadic discontinuous HL
Isolated patches HL
No permafrost HL
Surficial geology Alluvial HL
Colluvial HL
Colluvial deposits HL
Glacial deposits HL
Glaciofluvial deposits HL
Glaciolacustrine and lacustrine deposits CS HBL H L
Glaciomarine and marine deposits CS HBL H L
Lacustrine deposits CS HBL H L
Marine deposits CS HBL H L
Rock L H
Broadleaf forest HL
Coniferous forest HL
Vegetation (e.g. Landuse) Cropland HL
Forest land/Shrub land HL
Grassland HL
Mixed forest HL
Tundra HL
Urban and built-up HL
Wetland/Shrubland HL
Distance from rivers <1 km HL
1–3 km HL
3–5 km HL
Distance from coast <1 km HL
1–2 km HL
2–3 km HL
Distance from lakes <1 km HL
1–2 km HL
2–3 km HL
ranking by experts was generally low (for example 2 or less for scale but was considered. The only other data layer of signifi-
Aspect, and 3 or less for the other categories). Distance from cance according to the experts was Surficial Geology where
rivers, coast and lakes was too small to be illustrated at this HBL and CS would score 3 or greater.
380 M.J. Domı́nguez-Cuesta and P.T. Bobrowsky
scale map and therefore more diligent study and interpretation inventory of Canada and therefore are not suitable for any
on a case by case basis is advised for detailed needs. model validation efforts. Moreover, most studies employing
From a methodological point of view, the procedure validation tests are not actually testing the predictability of
applied in this work is based considerably on expert knowl- their models but rather the accuracy of their auto-correlated
edge. The quality assessment of collected data is essential in algorithms.
a susceptibility model based on GIS (Trigila et al. 2010).
Most of the problems or inconsistencies detected on the final Conclusions
map are due to errors and inaccuracies of the original data The methodology and baseline digital data layers (avail-
layers. For example, the limits of the coast, lakes and rivers ability, quality, resolution) employed in any susceptibil-
are different in each layer. This discrepancy could result in a ity map strongly influence the final product. Different
red susceptibility color appearing in the middle of a lake. methods will generate different final maps using the
The same problem appears related to presence/absence and same primary data. With respect to the present suscepti-
position of glaciers or water bodies. In the final map several bility map it is important to highlight that much of the
known large glaciers are not shown because they were not Cordillera, parts of prairies and the St. Lawrence River
part of the original database. valley support the most landslide susceptible terrains.
The current landslide inventory of Canada comprises That area corresponding to the Canadian Shield and the
some 22,000 unverified points collected with bias. These Hudson Bay Lowlands supports the lowest landslide
data are not statistically representative of the true landslide susceptibilities.
382 M.J. Domı́nguez-Cuesta and P.T. Bobrowsky
Acknowledgments The authors are very grateful to the Geological Grignon A, Bobrowsky P (2005) Empowering scientists, planners and
Survey of Canada landslide specialists who participated in the process the public to reduce landslide losses: a simplified web interface to
of classifying the various data layers and Andrée Blais-Stevens for access a national landslide database in Canada. Geophys Res Abstr
critical review. This activity was supported by the Public Safety Geo- 7:05511, European Geosciences Union
science Program of NRCan. This is GSC Contribution #20110109. Grignon A, Bobrowsky P, Coultish T (2004) Landslide database man-
agement philosophy in the Geological Survey of Canada. Geo-
engineering for the society and its environment. In: Proceedings
of the 57th Canadian geotechnical conference and the 15th joint
References CGS-IAAH conference, Québec, 24–27 Oct 2004
Jaboyedoff M, Couture R, Locat P (2009) Structural analysis of Turtle
Blais-Stevens A, Hermanns RL, Jermyn C (2011) A 36Cl age determi- Mountain (Alberta) using digital elevation model: toward a progres-
nation for Mystery Creek rock avalanche and its implications in the sive failure. Geomorphology 103(1):5–16
context of hazard assessment, British Columbia, Canada. Quinn PE, Hutchinson DJ, Diederichs MS, Rowe RK (2010) Regional-
Landslides. doi:10.1007/s10346-011-0261-0 scale landslide susceptibility mapping using the weights of evidence
Clague JC, Bobrowsky PT (2010) Natural hazards in Canada. Geosci method: An example applied to linear infrastructure. Can J Civil
Can 37(1):17–37 Eng 37(8):905–927
Evans S (1999) Landslide disaster in Canada 1840–1998, Geological Trigila A, Iadanza C, Spizzichino D (2010) Quality assessment of the
Survey of Canada, Open File no 3712. Geological Survey of Italian landslide inventory using GIS processing. Landslides
Canada, Ottawa 7:455–470
Statistic Versus Deterministic Method for Landslide
Susceptibility Mapping
The present work aims to assess the landslide susceptibility of a hilly area, using two
methods: the weight of evidence statistical method (WOE) that is based on bivariate
statistical analysis and the deterministic approach based on the infinite slope model.
To document the efficiency of this quantitative methods, a landslide prone area along
Prahova Subcarpathian Valley was chosen, where landslide hazard interacts with human
settlement and activities.
The Landslide susceptibility map derived from the WOE method has been compared
with that produced from the deterministic method and the results analyzed. The values
obtained were also in good agreement with the field observations.
Results show that the main controlling factors in the evolution of landslides are the slope
gradient, saturation condition and lithology. Beside these, factors like morphography (slope
aspect and flow direction) or human intervention (land use, roads, buildings) can interfere.
Landslide susceptibility map GIS Weight of evidence statistical method Infinite slope
model Romanian Subcarpathian area
Study Area
In this research, we applied a quantitative ‘data driven’ In this research, the infinite slope model, based on an
method used to combine datasets, known as weight of infinite slope form of the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion,
evidence (WOE) modeling method. This is a statistical was integrated with a raster-based GIS (ILWIS) (1). An
approach that compares the spatial distribution of landslides infinite slope is any line that stays fixed at one constant
with the predictive variables that are being considered to be x-axis coordinate, making the change along the x-axis 0.
important and mutually independent for the occurrences of
past events. c0 þ ðg þ mgwÞz cos2 b tan j
FS ¼ (1)
In this study, we used the log–linear form of the Bayes- gz sin b cos b
ian probability model because weights are easier to under-
stand and interpret compared to the probability where FS is the factor of safety, c’ is the effective cohesion
expression. Relevant thematic maps representing various (N/m2), g is a unit weight of a soil (N/m3), m is the ratio
parameters (e.g., slope, aspect, lithology, groundwater between the underground water level and the effective soil
table, soil texture, distances from built environment, depth (zw/z), gw is a unit weight of water (N/m3), z is the soil
land use and geotechnical background) that are related to depth (m), zw is the underground water level (m), b is the
landslide activity have been generated using GIS slope surface inclination ( ), and ’ is the effective angle of
techniques. Based on the chi-square test, the selected shearing resistance ( ).
independent predictive variables were slope gradient, The outcomes were maps of factor of safety (FS) on a
slope aspect and soil thickness. Soil thickness was resample 10 m pixel level. Soil properties were represented
measured through 36-detailed point measurements uni- by soil thickness, unit weight density, and cohesion and
formly distributed in the research area (Parichi et al. friction angle. Adding the depth of the piezometric line
2006). The WOE method was applied on active, rotational and applying the stability model in different scenarios of
landslides (see Fig. 3). hydrological conditions extended the analysis.
For a particular landslide susceptibility predictive factor Figure 2 shows the methodological flowchart of the two
weights were calculated based on: methods.
• The probability of the known predictive factor being
present with landslide events
• The probability of the known predictive factor being
present without landslide events Analysis and Results
• The probability of the known predictive factor being
absent with landslide events Table 1 shows the weights and contrast for the selected
• The probability of the known predictive factor being variables units included in the WOE approach.
absent without landslide events. As higher value for W+, as stronger is the positive
The final susceptibility logit map was obtained by correlation between landslide occurrence and the selected
combination of weights of selected conditionally indepen- predictive factor. High positive correlations to landslides are
dent predictive factors. obtained for 15–25 slope angle class. This category has also
The causes of many landslides and related types of down- a greater predictive power (C > 1). When C is approxi-
slope movement can be examined by studying relations mately 2, the correlation is very significant (Barbieri and
between driving forces and resisting forces. Cambuli 2009). The final weight for each variable was given
Deterministic framework involves analyzing specific by the sum of the positive weight and the negative weights of
sites in engineering terms. Slope stability is evaluated by the other classes. In this case, the most susceptible areas are
computing a safety factor – named also index of stability, the northern slopes with a 15–25 gradient, and 1 m soil
and defined as the ratio of the resisting forces to the driving thickness. From a geomorphological point of view, the most
forces. The index of stability is based on the appropriate susceptible sectors correspond to the scarp of terrace II and
geotechnical model. The calculation of the safety factor, F, the slopes of the upper terraces (Fig. 3).
requires topographical data, data on shear strength The landslide susceptibility deterministic approach was
parameters (cohesion and angle of internal friction) and tested on two simulated situations: when the ratio between
information on underground water table. Decisions must be the underground water level and the soil depth was 0 and 1
made on whether to use peak shear strength values or (e.g., under dry and saturated conditions, see Fig. 4).
residual shear strength values (or values in between) for As a general aspect, safety factor is decreasing when
specific parts of the slip surface (Chowdhury 1976; slope gradient gets higher and when assuming fully saturated
Chowdhury and Bertoldi 1977). soil. The morphological levels act as stability factors.
386 I. Armas et al.
Fig. 2 Methodological
flowchart: (a) The weight of
evidence (WOE) method and
(b) the deterministic method
Table 1 The weights and contrast values calculated for the selected predictive factors
Classes of predictive factors Weight Weight + Contrast value (C)
Slope gradient
0–3 0.49 2.34 2.83
3–7 0.13 0.60 0.73
7–15 0.27 0.58 0.85
15–25 0.31 1.42 1.73
25–35 0.05 1.22 1.27
35–45 0.007 0.82 0.83
45–55 0.0001 0.13 0.13
55–65 0.0001 2.28 2.28
65–75 0.00008 4.31 4.31
75–90 0.00001 2.77 2.77
Slope aspect
NE 0.16 0.36 0.52
E 0.08 0.10 0.18
SE 0.06 0.44 0.51
S (+flat) 0.09 1.63 1.72
SV 0.02 5.47 5.49
V 0.01 1.68 1.69
NV 0.006 0.32 0.32
N 0.01 0.87 0.89
Soil thickness
0.6 m 0.0003 0.17 0.17
1m 0.74 0.55 1.29
1.6 m 0.08 0.22 0.31
2m 0.17 2.19 2.37
>2.6 m 0.08 7.65 7.74
Statistic Versus Deterministic Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping 387
Cioaca A, Balteanu D, Dinu M (1996) Studiul unor cazuri de risc latest natural disasters-new challenges for engineering geology,
geomorfologic ı̂n Carpaţii de la Curbură, SCGGG - Geogr., XL geotechnics and civil protection. Organized by Bulgarian Nationl
Cruden DM, Varnes DJ (1996) Landslide types and processes, Chapter 3. Group of IAEG, Abstract Book, p 93, printed on CD section 20-6-p,
In: Turner AK, Schuster RL (eds) Landslides-investigation and Sofia
mitigation, Transportation research board special report 247. Terzaghi K (1950) Mechanism of landslides. In: Paige S (ed)
National Research Council, Washington, DC, pp 36–75 Application of geology to engineering practice. Geol Soc Am 83–123
Grecu F (1999) Potential land uses in the Prahova Subcarpathian area. Thomson S, Turk T (1997) Introduction to Phisical Geologi, Landslides
In: Geography within the context of contemporany development, and relatid phenomena, chapter 5, pp 11–126
Cluj University Press, Cluj Napoca, 6–7 june 1997 Turner AK, Schuster RL (1996) Landslides: investigation and
Grecu F (2002) Risk-prone lands in hilly regions: mapping stages, mitigation. Transport Research Board Special Report 247. National
applied geomorphology: theory and practice. Wiley, London Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, pp 36–75
Highland LM, Bobrowsky PT (2008) The landslide handbook – a guide Varnes DJ (1978) Slope movements: types and processes. In: Schuster
to understanding landslides. USGS Circular 1325, 129 p RL, Krizek RJ (eds) Landslides analysis and control, Transportation
Parichi M, Armaş I, Vartolomei F (2006) Evaluari pedologice şi research board special report 176. National Research Council,
morfodinamice pe valea Prahovei subcarpatice. An Spiru Haret 9:103–111 Washington, DC, pp 11–33
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area on Prahova valley. In: Proceedings of international symposium on and practice. UNESCO, Paris
Two Integrated Models Simulating Dynamic Process
of Landslide Using GIS
Two major movement modes of slope failures: landslides and debris-flows are simulated by
two integrated models using GIS to represent the dynamic process across 3D terrains.
Landslides occur when earth material moves downhill after failing along a shear zone.
Debris flows can be differentiated from landslides by the pervasive, fluid-like deformation
of the mobilized material. The formation of debris flows most often occurs as a result of a
landslide partially or completely mobilizing into a debris flow. GIS-based revised Hovland’s
3D limit equilibrium model is used to simulate the movement and stoppage of a landslide.
The 3D factor of safety will be calculated step by step during the sliding process simulation.
Stoppage is defined by the factor of safety much greater than one and the velocity equal zero.
GIS-based depth-averaged 2D numerical model is used to predict the runout distance and
inundated area of a debris flow. The simulation displays the propagation and deposition and
deposition of a debris flow across the complex topography. The two GIS-based integrated
models are able to provide effective tools for hazard mapping and risk assessment.
Landslide Debris flow 3D limit equilibrium model Depth-averaged GIS Simulation
and momentum equations are solved numerically using the Fig. 1 Possible sliding directions
135 90
finite difference method. The simulation displays the in a cell 45
propagation and deposition and deposition of a debris
180 0
flow across the complex topography. The two GIS-based i
integrated models are able to provide effective tools for
hazard mapping and risk assessment. 225 315
2D Depth-Averaged-Model-Based Flowing
Simulation Using GIS
22 kN/m3, respectively. In the sliding simulation, the friction and the 2D equations of motion
angle of the slip surface is assumed to be unchanged, but the
slip surface is assumed to be non-cohesion (cohesion ¼ 0) @M @ ðMU Þ @ ðMV Þ
þa þa ¼
except in the initial 3D slope safety factor calculating @t @x @y
2 (3)
process. The initial 3D slope safety factor is 0.85, after @H @ M @2M
16 steps sliding (one step ¼ one raster cell size), its 3D gh þ ub þ 2 gh cos yx tan x
@x @x2 @y
factor of safety is 1.02 and the landslide mass becomes
392 C. Wang et al.
@N @ ðNU Þ @ ðNV Þ
þa þa ¼
@t @x @y
2 (4)
@H @ N @2N
gh þ ub þ gh cos yy tan x
@y @x2 @y2
Numerical Scheme
and extend ArcGIS using Visual Basic. All the input and
output data are processed in ArcGIS. Table 1 Material properties and parameters for simulation
r (kg/m3) a b m (Pa·s) g (m/s2) tan ’
2,200 1.25 1.0 0.11 9.8 0.6
Flowing Simulation of Minamata-Hougawachi
Debris Flow
2003). The disaster killed 15 people, and more than
On July 19–20, 2003, a short duration, high intensity rainfall 14 houses were either damaged or destroyed.
impacted Minamata City, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan. Based on a 1:2,500 scale topographic map a vector
This rainstorm triggered many landslides and debris flows contour line file is generated, with vertical spacing of 2 m.
(Nakazawa et al. 2003; Iwao 2003; Taniguchi 2003). The This file is converted to a Triangulated Irregular Network
slope failure and resultant debris flow at Hogawachi in (TIN) and subsequent DEM. The roads and streams are
Minamata was the largest and most damaging (Fig. 5). The drawn as polylines, and the homes as polygons (Fig. 6).
debris flow occurred 4.3 hours after the beginning of the In the simulation, as the square grid mesh is Dx ¼ Dy
rainstorm, at 4:20 a.m. on July 20, 2003, during the period of ¼ 2 m and the depth-averaged velocities are considered as
highest intensity. A moderately-sized landslide triggered the blunt, therefore, we have set a ¼ 1, b ¼ 1. Before running
debris flow about 1.5 km upslope of where the casualties the simulation, based on field investigation, the inundated
occurred. The maximum depth of the landslide is 9 m. area is 0.15 km2 and the average thickness of deposits is
The volume of sediment discharge plunging into the village assumed to be 3.5 m. Using these data and through iterative
of Hougawachi-Atsumari district, Minamata City, was calculations, the best-fit pair of tan x ¼ 0.4 and m ¼ 0.11
estimated to be 68,000 m3, and the velocity of debris flow are selected (Table 1).
was estimated to range from 2.9 to 23.5 m/s (Taniguchi
394 C. Wang et al.
Fig. 7 Debris flow developing and affected regions at different times ((a) 30s; (b) 50s; (c) 90s; (d) 110 s; (e) 150 s; (f) 170 s; (g) 190 s; (h) 210 s; (i) 230 s)
Two Integrated Models Simulating Dynamic Process of Landslide Using GIS 395
A time-lapse simulation of the dynamic progression and maps and improve ways for dealing with the risk of
deposition of the debris flow over 3-D terrain is illustrated landslides.
in Fig. 7. The simulation results show that it took about
170 s for the debris flow to travel 1,500 m along the References
channel, and the average flow velocity was 8.8 m/s. The
affected region can be displayed dynamically at different Chen C (1988) Generalized viscoplastic modeling of debris flow.
times. The simulation result is in good agreement with field J Hydraul Eng 114(3):237–258
observation. There are 15 homes inundated in the simula- Hovland HJ (1977) Three-dimensional slope stability analysis method.
J Geotech Eng. Division Proceedings of the American Society of
tion, which agrees with field observations. This means that Civil Engineers. 103(GT9):971–986
the numerical approach proposed here can be used to simu- Huang X, Garcia MH (1997) A perturbation solution for Bingham-
late the debris flows triggered by landslides and rainstorms plastic mudflows. J Hydraul Eng 123(11):986–994
in the study area. Hungr O (1987) An extension of Bishop’s simplified method of slope
stability analysis to three dimensions. Geotechnique 37(1):113–117
Hungr O, Salgado FM, Byrne PM (1989) Evaluation of a three-
Conclusions dimensional method of slope stability analysis. Can Geotech
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Hunt B (1994) Newtonian fluid Mechanics treatment of debris flows
categories of methods have been used for assessing the and avalanches. J Hydraul Eng 120:1350–1363
mobility of landslide debris: a single body model and a Iverson RM, Denlinger RP (2001) Flow of variably fluidized granular
continuum model. The single body model idealises the masses across three-dimensional terrain 1. Coulomb mixture theory.
motion of a debris-slide as a single whole-body and have J Geophys Res 106:537–552
Iwao Y (2003) Slope hazard induced by heavy rain in 2003, Minamata
a limition in being unable to account for internal defor- city, Kumamoto (in Japanese). J Jpn Landslide Soc 40:239–240
mation. The GIS-based revised Hovland’s 3D limit equi- Johnson AM (1970) Physical processes in geology. Frccman, San
librium model is used to simulate the movement and Francisco
stoppage of the single whole-body landslide named Laigle D, Coussot P (1997) Numerical modeling of mudflows.
J Hydraul Eng 123:617–623
Maoping landslide located in Geheyang Hydropower McDougall S, Hungr O (2005) Dynamic modelling of entrainment in
reservoir, China. The continuum model is more reliable rapid landslides. Can Geotech J 42(5):1437–1448
and is associated with distinct rheological formulations. Nakazawa T, Saito M, Taguchi Y (2003) Geologic and hydrologic
The 2D depth-ageraged equations as a continuum model background of slope failure and debris-flow disaster in Atsumari
River Basin, Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture on July
using GIS is a useful tool for simulating the dynamic 20,2003. Bull Geol Surv Jpn 55:113–127, in Japanese
flowing of debris flow. A debris flow mobilizaton Pastor M, Quecedo M, Gonzalez E, Herreros MI, Fernandez Merodo JA,
from rainfall induced landslide occured in Minamata- Mira P (2004) Simple approximation to bottom friction for Bingham
Hougawachi, Japan was simulated. This simulation fluid depth integrated models. J Hydraul Eng 130(2):149–155
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displays the propagation and depostion across the com- down curved and twisted channels. J Fluid Mech 495:193–208
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Taniguchi Y (2003) Debris disaster caused by local heavy rain in
propagation extent of the moving debris mass, the veloc- Kyushu area on July 20th, 2003 (prompt report), Minamata debris
ity of the mass, and the area of deposition is of great disaster. J Jpn Soc Eros Control Eng 56:31–35, in Japanese
importance in landslide risk assessment. The GIS-based Trunk FJ, Dent JD, Lang TE (1986) Computer modeling of large rock
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processing will help increase the acceptance of hazard 33(4–5):260–274
Using the Information System and Multi-Criteria
Analysis in the Geological Risk Management
in São Paulo
Since 1980s the surveys space could not definitely follow the growth and the density
of favelas, and some communities started to trigger the first records of accidents in areas
hitherto stable. The mapping made in 2010 is today the largest geological-risk database
in the country. Today, all these information are included in the “Habisp”. Habisp is a
mapping system of precarious settlements in the city of Sao Paulo, which contains valuable
information to face the urban poverty. Poverty which is materialized in Sao Paulo in many
ways of informal settlements: slums, irregular settlements, tenement housing, temporary
housing and degraded sets. The Habisp stores, organizes, processes and produces high
quality geographic information, which serves as support for the technicians of the Housing
department in making decisions. The results have been making possible reassessment
and adjustment of the low-income intervention projects by the government, prioritizing
housing, social-educational infrastructure, and basic-sanitation actions in areas of greatest
Mapping Susceptibility Geographic information Priority
The Risk of Landslides in Large Urban Centers be occupied without the appropriate planning, and the
growing number of people affected by the landslides
Mass movement processes are natural and a part of the revealed that there was a considerable part and parcel of
cycle/depositional erosion responsible for determining the population living in risky settlements.
the scenery of the Earth’s surface. Nevertheless, when as In the city of São Paulo, the first tales of accidents of this
the result of a geological process there is an impact on nature are directly linked to the urban expansion recorded
human beings or their property, what comes to light is the since the beginning of the 1930s. According to Nogueira
concept of a geological accident, implying that besides (2002), the urban spot in the city grew from 355 to
the physical process some causes of instability also lead 1.370 km2 in approximately five decades. Due to the method
to the consequences observed. The first tales of accidents adopted by real estate speculation when it came to dividing
of this sort in the city of São Paulo relate to urban expansion. the land in the city, “urban vacuums” were generated and
More fragile areas, such as slopes and river banks began to subsequently occupied by shanty towns and irregular land
occupation. Areas of greater environmental fragility, such as
slopes and banks of streams also began to be occupied,
E. Coelho (*) above all at the end of the 1970s. At the end of the 1980s,
PMSP, São Paulo City Hall, Habisp, Sao Paulo, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]
there exists a record of the first accidents on slopes and in
the mid 1990s, these become ever more frequent and
L. Pascarelli
Consultancy Services and Technical Works Department, Sao Paulo less localized, revealing that a considerable part of the
City Hall, 425, Rua Libero Badaro, Brazil population occupies these areas of risk (Brasil 2007).
Table 1 Criteria to rank the degree of risk (simplified from the IPT – 2006)
Degree of
probability Description
R1 Slopes with little inclination (<17º), natural and on stable soils with low probability of having landslides. Absence of
indices of instability. This is the least critical condition
R2 Slopes with slight inclination with a medium probability of having a landslide. There is evidence already of incipient
instability. If the existing conditions are maintained, there is a slight probability that there will be destructive episodes
occurring during intense rainfall
R3 Inclined slopes (>30º) point towards a high potential for developing landslide processes. There is a large amount of
evidence regarding instability (cracks on the soils, levels of subsidence of the soil, etc.)
R4 Evidence of instability is expressive (quantity and magnitude). This is the most critical condition. Under such conditions, it
is highly probable that there will be destructive events during intense episodes of rainfall
Table 2 Basic objectives of the phases proposed by the characterization, classification, eligibility and prioritization system. Own draft (Coelho
and Pérez Machado 2009)
Characterization Classification Eligibility Priorization
Characterize the precarious Classify these areas into groups Select the areas that will undergo Prioritize the activities in
settlements in the that will guide the type of intervention, already establishing at this those areas that fulfil the
municipality of São Paulo intervention that is needed phase a cut-off for the actions eligibility criteria
consequently, this means scant opportunities to have access to benefitted from the use of spatial analytical instruments of
the formal funding initiatives and their own housing. proven efficacy, and it became necessary to build a model that
Furthermore, the real estate market in São Paulo has could guide decision making, based on the existing data.
attained surreal levels of appreciation. The steep prices are The path chosen was to set forth indicators that could be
mainly due to the scarcity of supply or land at compatible evaluated individually and offer immediate responses, such
prices and locations. For those who are poor in São Paulo as: degree of urbanization of a settlement, the population’s
(families generally with incomes falling below three vulnerability, geological conditions etc., and that could be
minimum wages), there are few opportunities, and those combined into a single index. Through this procedure, the
that exist at present arise precisely in precarious housing. intention was to attain a goal to set up a decision making
What can be observed as a result of this informality, is the model that would take into account the large diversity of
greater occupation of areas that are subject to environmental variables that existed in the context, and mainly the multiple
restrictions, areas of risk with steep slopes or subject to objectives that had to be reached. Four stages were created to
flooding, contaminated soils, areas close to sanitary landfills define the priority to service a specific settlement through a
or garbage deposits, among others, besides the concentration specific housing program: characterization, classification,
of a large number of social problems, especially those linked eligibility and prioritization, each with its own objective,
to unsanitary conditions resulting from the absence of as can be observed in Table 2.
basic infrastructure, aggravated vis-à-vis the vulnerability The first and foremost stage in the system is that of
of its inhabitants, caused by factors relating to informal characterization, as the results found in future stages will be
employment, school abandonment or drop outs, early ramifications of the information collected herein. Subse-
pregnancy, domestic violence and drug trafficking. quently the work of updating the data began, as well as the
If, for the low income population, there are few alter- conceptual definition of the types of settlements that would be
natives and choosing becomes truly difficult, for public serviced by the housing policy, described in Table 3 below.
management, this problem is further aggravated, making The principle adopted was simple: according to the
intervention policies ever more complex. To have an anchor objective of the action, the SEHAB defined the focus of
for public policies, what is needed, in the first place, is prioritization. For urbanization projects, the focus of the
detailed knowledge of which are the problems that will be action was the most precarious areas in all of the issues
faced, in the quest to qualify and quantity the true needs. analyzed. However, for the regularization of shanty towns,
What does it mean to understand each of these low-income as in principle the program cannot regularize precarious
occupations in their totality, but also in terms of their situations, the focus shifted to acting upon areas with the
specificities, evaluate the resources that are necessary to best indices (COELHO and PÉREZ MACHADO 2009).
invest in each of the housing projects or programs, so as to The report “Characterization, Classification, Eligibility
select those which will make it possible to optimize public and Prioritization System for Interventions in Precarious
investment and attain the greater number of people possible Settlements in the Municipality of São Paulo/ Brazil (2007)”
among the destitute population. (Coelho 2007) highlights two principles set forth for the selec-
For the Sehab, the intervention strategies were clear, since tion of indicators and indices that jointly make up the prioriti-
work began to draft the MHP: urbanization and regularization zation index: (1) protection of the population’s life and the
of shanty towns and irregular land plots occupied by low- enhancement of livability conditions to acceptable levels; and
income populations. However there existed the need to (2) protection of the most vulnerable population socially. The
particularize that extensive universe of settlements, to know same report points out that the first formulations carried out by
where to truly begin each of the actions: that is to say, which the Sehab divided the priorities stepwise into three levels:
slums to urbanize in the coming years? In the coming month? high, medium and low, an approach that proved to be lacking,
With resources available at present? Because of this it was as the universe of settlements demands a much larger scale,
necessary to have surveys and more concrete data, besides which led to the creation of a “prioritization index”,
using analytical instruments with the ability to offer more that attributes a score between 0 and 1 to each settlement,
precise answers on where and how this housing precarious- being that 0 is the absence of precariousness and 1 maximum
ness manifests itself. The geographical aspect of the problem precariousness based on a multi-criteria analysis model.
Using the Information System and Multi-Criteria Analysis in the Geological Risk. . . 401
Table 3 Precarious settlements in the city of São Paulo: conceptualization. Own draft (Altered by the City Hall of the Municipality of São Paulo;
Alliance of Cities (2008), p 50)
Favelas Informal occupations, self-built on the fringe of urban legislation, predominantly disorderly and with a highly precarious
infrastructure. Occupied by low-income families that are social vulnerable
Irregular Irregular occupations where the division of land presents a layout that allows for the identification of a plot in comparison to
settlements a route of access. These are done mainly on land that is predominantly privately owned and acquired through some sort of
marketing and may encompass all of the family income brackets
Tenements Multi-family collective housing made up of one or more buildings subdivided into several rooms. Sanitary facilities,
circulation and precarious infrastructure, and generally overcrowded
Being that: Being that: Treatment of the Landslide Risk Index in the
IF ¼ urban infrastructure index nf ¼ weight of the urban Prioritization System
infrastructure index
IR ¼ index for risks of bank nr ¼ weight of the washout The risk of washouts and landslides is founded on survey
washouts and landslides and landslide index
carried out by the Foundation for Support to the University
IV ¼ social vulnerability index nv ¼ weight of the social
vulnerability index of São Paulo (FUSP), through a partnership with the Institute
IS ¼ health index ns ¼ weight of the health for Technological Research (IPT), under the title of
index “Mapping the risks associated to washouts and landslides
Y ¼ priority ordainment factor (of growing order ¼ 1) (if decreasing in slope areas and washout of banks in streams in the shanty
order ¼ 0) towns of the municipality of São Paulo, 2003”, in which the
Housing Secretariat participated in indicating those areas
that should be subject to analysis by the IPT team, along
with the technical people (geologists, engineers and
402 E. Coelho and L. Pascarelli
architects) from the sub districts (UNESP/FUSP/IPT 2003/ risks only in the year 2016 may seem an unpromising sce-
2004). nario, the recognition of this critical situation is optimistic
The Risk Index for the precarious settlements neverthe- because it drives the municipality in search of more
less was conceived in the context of the prioritization sys- resources and appropriate technical solutions that allow
tem, and is calculated for each settlement by using overlay shortening the schedule.
operations (Figs. 3 and 4). The Habisp identifies, for each
settlement, the percentage of its area (m2) that lies within
each risk area and then, through a calculation formula (2), References
which attributes a weight to each degree of risk, presenting
the risk index for wash outs and landslides for the specific BARBOSA GR (2003) Sistemas de Apoio a Decisão sob o en foque de
Profissionais de Tecnologia da Informação e Decisores. Dissertação
de Mestrado, PPGEP, UFPE
Considering that the geological risk is a determinant Bidgoli H (1989) Decision support systems: principles and practice.
factor to grant that condition of livability to an area, the West Publishing, St. Paul
use of Habisp as an aid in the new mapping has offered not Brasil (2007) Ministério das Cidades/Instituto de Pesquisas
Tecnológicas – IPT. Mapeamento de Riscos em Encostas
only the possibility to create a consistent data base on the
e Margem de Rios. Carvalho CS, Macedo ES, Ogura AT (org).
risks in the city , but has also allowed for the speedy transfer Ministério das Cidades; Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT,
of that knowledge. Nowadays, delimiting the areas surveyed Brası́lia
and the main attributes that were part of the evaluation Coelho ECR (2007) Sistema de Caracteização, Classificação
Elegibilidade e Priorização de Intervenções em Assentamentos
is information that can be accessed by technicians, as well
precários no municı́pio de São Paulo/ Brasil. Prefeitura do
as managers of municipal administration. The location of Municı́pio de São Paulo. São Paulo, p 181. Disponı́vel em: http://
the risk sectors and the degree of probability that there will
be a landslide is also available to universities, research PDF. Acesso em 20 Jan 2011
Coelho ECR, Pérez Machado RPO (2009) Sistema de Priorização do
centers, non-government organizations (NGO’s) and other
Habisp: um estudo de caso. 12 Encontro de geógrafos da América
stakeholders of this issue, through Habisp. Latina. Montevidéo: [s.n.]. p 15. Disponı́vel em: http://egal2009. Acesso em 12 Mar 2011
ðPrb nrb Þ=100þðPrm nrm Þ=100þðPra nra Þ=100þðPrma nrma Þ=100 Davis M (2006) Planeta Favela. Tradução de Beatriz Medina.
IR ¼ Boitempo, São Paulo, 272p. ISBN 85-7559-087-I
(2) IPT/SMSP (2010) Análise e mapeamento de riscos associados a
escorregamentos em áreas de encostas e solapamentos de margens
de córregos em favelas do municı́pio de São Paulo. Laboratório de
Riscos Ambientais (LARA/Cetae/IPT) e Assessoria Técnica de
Being that: Being that:
Obras e Serviços (ATOS/SMSP/PMSP)
Prb ¼ % low risk nrb ¼ weight of low risk Nogueira FR (2002) Gerenciamento de Riscos Ambientais Associados
Prm ¼ % medium risk nrm ¼ weight of medium risk à Escorregamento: Contribuição às Polı́ticas Municipais Para Áreas
Pra ¼ % high risk nra ¼ weight of high risk de Ocupação Subnormal. Rio Claro, São Paulo, 269p. Tese
Prma ¼ % very high risk nrma ¼ weight of very high risk (Doutorado em Geociências) – UNESP
Prefeitura do Municı́pio de São Paulo. Plano Municipal de Habitação
The result of using HABISP can already be seen in the PMH 2009–2024: documento para debate público. Disponı́vel em
major of government programs in progress. The main one is Acesso em 06 Jun 2011
the Municipal Housing Plan which can be retrofitted quickly Prefeitura do Municı́pio De São Paulo; Cities Alliance (2008)
Habitação de interesse social em São Paulo: desafios e novos
and the interventions, could be reordered according to the instrumentos de gestão. Janeiro Projetos Urbanos, São Paulo, 96p
risk areas in order to include the elimination of the most UNESP/FUSP/IPT (2003/2004) Mapeamento de risco associado a
serious risks by 2016 (including also the provision of finan- áreas de encosta e margens de córregos nas favelas do Municı́pio
cial resources for such actions). Although the elimination of de São Paulo
Maps of Landslide Areas with Technical G.I.S.:
The Use of High Resolution DTM
Mauro Palombella
This work describes an organizing of landslides data and proposes to develop research in
information technology with the aim to improve the analysis and representation of the
landslides areas.
Geological Information System (GIS) techniques were used in a ‘test area’, by a play of
transparency on the layer of orthophotos and of hillshade, to underline physiographic
aspects of the area and to map the landslides. Moreover, it is shown that the use of high-
resolution DTM in the mapping of landslide hazard, improves the visual interpretation to
give a useful contribution to the analysis and photo interpretation.
G.I.S. Landslides DTM Hillshade
Landslide Data
Fig. 1 Schematic structural-geological map of the study area: Following an analysis of instability phenomena observed in
(a) thrust front; (b) main tectonic stress direction the study area was identified a GIS filing system.
The Geological Information System combines the
The present undulations of the Apennine belt are mainly a geometric primitives, points and lines with tables of
product of Late Cretaceous to recent deformations, which attributes to describe all the features of graphic data,
severely modified the shape of this margin by continental as follows:
collision and by subsequent development of back-arc Type of graphic item: points (Tables 1 and 2).
features. Type of graphic item: lines (Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
Different models have been suggested for the evolution of The polygon objects were distinct, respectively, only for
this area with different shapes of continental margins; the the landslide bodies, and for the common areas of disruption
majority infers the impingement of an African promontory, or erosion gullies.
the Adriatic block, into the European continental mass. Type of graphic item: polygons.
The area of study (Fig. 2) is included in the municipality The body landslide: (Tables 8, 9 and 10).
of Alberona, section of “Foglio IGMI at scale 1: 50,000 San Areas of surface deformation: (Tables 11 and 12).
Bartolomeo in Galdo” (Pieri et al. 2011). The geometric data, such as area, dimensions, coping and
The spread and extent of landslide areas in the Apennines nail, are obtained by using appropriate tools and automatic
find their justification in the primary lithology of the outcrop- procedures of the DTM.
ping formations but are also determined by the fracturing of
the sequences limestone-marly-arenaceous and schistosity of
the pelitic sequences; and also to be considered the contribu- Maps of Landslide
tion of the recent uplift of the Apennine chain during the
Quaternary. Once implemented the information system, the instability
The technical characteristics of these soils consist of can be mapped in different ways.
susceptible pelitic sediments to the action of water infiltra- Below we show some ways of mapping that allow you
tion makes them particularly susceptible to instability. to highlight the phenomenon through GIS processing
On almost all the area there are forms evident of techniques. As you can see, the use of a high resolution
instability of the surface portion of the slope represented DTM allows you to better highlight the places morphology
by creep, by slow evolving, compatible with agricultural (Fig. 3).
Maps of Landslide Areas with Technical G.I.S.: The Use of High Resolution DTM 405
Table 1 Domain values for the field “type” Table 6 Domain values for the field “movement”
Code type Code Type
1 Flow 1 Rotational
2 Rock fall 2 Translational
3 Rotational rockslide
4 Translational rockslide
5 Counterslope Table 7 Domain values for the field “edge of the landslide”
code type
0 No
Table 2 Domain values for the field “activity” 1 Yes
Code Type
1 Active
2 Inactive Table 8 Domain values for the field “type”
3 Quiescent Code Type
1 Of genesis complex, phenomena including mass transit
2 Flow
Table 3 Domain values for the field “type” 3 Rock fall
Code Type 4 Creeping
1 River bed with a tendency to deepening
2 Area of calanque
Table 9 Domain values for the field “movement”
3 Area affected by surface deformation
4 Area affected by diffuse runoff Code Type
5 Potential flood areas 1 Rotational
6 Landslide body 2 Translational
7 Edge of escarpment of landslide
8 Edge of the escarpment, locally active for processes different
Table 10 Domain values for the field “activity”
from those that have originated it
9 Furrow erosion concentrated Code Type
1 Active
2 Inactive
3 Quiescent
Table 4 Domain values for the field “activity”
Code Type
1 Active
Table 11 Domain values for the field “type”
2 Inactive
3 Quiescent Code Type
2 Area of bad-lands
3 Area affected by surface deformation
4 Area affected by diffuse runoff
Table 5 Domain values for the field “typebody”
Code Type
1 Of genesis complex, phenomena including mass transit Table 12 Domain values for the field “activity”
2 Flow Code Type
3 Rock fall 1 Active
4 Creeping 2 Quiescent
The Geographic Information Systems allow you to per- understand the phenomenon to decision makers who are
form operations overlay, so you can easily represent the often non-experts in the field.
same landslide bodies of a DTM (Fig. 4).
Through a play of transparency on the topographic map, Conclusion
you can view the morphology (Fig. 5). The purpose of this study was to propose a structure of
And, through a play of transparency on the orthophotos, storing GIS geographic data for the types of instability
you can view the morphology and land use of the area present in the study area. The second purpose was to show
(Fig. 6). different types of mapping, highlighting the usefulness of
These geographical analysis tools allow a more immedi- high resolution DTMs for the visual understanding of the
ate visual perception of thematic mapped and help you specific phenomenon.
406 M. Palombella
Fig. 3 Topographic map Fig. 5 Overlay of the topographic map on the Hillshade
Landslides and floods are widespread and recurrent in Italy, where they cause damage and
pose a threat to the population. To estimate geo-hydrological risk in Italy, catalogues of
landslide and flood events that have caused damage to the population were compiled from a
variety of sources. The catalogues covers the 1,943-year period from 68 A.D. to 2010, and
list 3,310 landslide events and 2,624 flood events that have resulted in deaths, missing
persons, injured people, and homeless. For each event in the catalogue, different types of
information were collected and organized in a database. We describe the Spatial Data
Infrastructure (SDI) we have implemented to collect, store, analyze, and disseminate the
historical information, and results of the analysis of landslide and flood risk to the
Landslide Database SDI
Fig. 2 Logical framework adopted for the Spatial Data Infrastructure used to manage information on historical landslide and flood events with
human consequences to the population of Italy
412 P. Salvati et al.
using the client application VMware vSphere Client To guarantee the long-term integrity of the data, storage
(C1 in Fig. 2). is performed on a Raid 1 disk array, and daily backups are
A dedicated VM hosts the RDBMS (S2 in HOST A in performed on a Network Area Storage system (NAS, N1 in
Fig. 2), which represents the data core of the SDI. In the SDI, Fig. 2).
the RDBMS software is PostgreSQL 9.0, an open source,
licensed, enterprise-class SQL database server that can
manage geospatial (vector) information using the spatial
extension postGIS 1.5. We exploit the PostgreSQL 9.0 Results
capability of “master-standby” replication that allows design-
ing efficient load balancing systems based on replicated The SDI was designed to be efficient and functional for
servers. Compliance to the 2008 SQL standard revision different classes of users, including administrators, users
guarantees interoperability with others database clients. that store, edit and update the information, and users that
In the HOST A (S2 in Fig. 2), the PostgreSQL-PostGIS query the data and visualize maps. For this purpose, the SDI
server runs in a read/write mode, managed by the database allows for segmenting access to different users, based on
administrator (C2 in Fig. 2) using alpha-numeric clients, user type, network of origin, and user permissions. In Fig. 2,
PgAdmin 1.12.1 SW, and GIS clients, e.g. QGIS 1.6. the main virtualization server (S1), the pool of virtual servers
In the HOST B, two VMs (S3 and S4 in Fig. 2) host “hot- (S2 to S15), and the storage and backup systems (N1), are all
stanby” (slave) read-only nodes of a streaming replication located in a private network (intranet). Access to the data is
system (Riggs 2010) performed by the PostgreSQL RDBMS provided through specific requests to the OGC services
server in HOST A. Changes made to the master server (Internet users, C6-C7 in Fig. 2), and through direct access
databases (S2 in Fig. 2) are seamlessly replicated into the to the databases (extranet users, C4-C5 in Fig. 2).
two slave servers (S3 and S4 in Fig. 2). A load balancer External users are granted open access to WMS and
(a “pooler” implemented with pgpool-II, S5 in Fig. 2) WebGIS services. Access to WFS is restricted to a pool of
manages the requests and distributes the load between the authorized users. Web access to the OGC and the WebGIS
two slave servers. (Fig. 3) services is through a dedicated portal (http://giida.
Standard OGC services are generated using GeoServer
2.0.2, an open source web application for the publication of Extranet users can connect remotely to the system through
geographical information as Web Mapping Services (WMS), a virtual private network (VPN). Some of the users are
Web Feature Services (WFS), and Web Coverage Services authorized to read and/or copy the entire set of data (C4 in
(WCS). In the SDI, GeoServer is managed remotely using a Fig. 2). Other users (C5 in Fig. 2) can perform data entry and
web browser. A set of six GeoServer nodes (S6 to S11 in editing operations. In the databases, landslide and flood sites
Fig. 2) accesses the data through the pooler. Two of the six affected by the damaging events are located (1) entering new
nodes are dormant, and become active should a problem arise point geometries from a GIS client (e.g. Quantum GIS), or
in one or more of the active nodes. Each GeoServer is (2) manually adding coordinates in specific database tables
installed on an Apache Tomcat 7 servlet container. The six and fields. To guarantee conformity between geometries
GeoServer nodes share the same configuration files, shared and geographical coordinates, specific triggers calculate the
through a dedicated Network File Server (NFS, S12 in Fig. 2). correct geometry when the geographical coordinates are
The OGC services administrator (C3 in Fig. 2) performs inserted or updated. Quantum GIS and pgAdmin III are used
changes to the GeoServer nodes configuration files through a to edit geometries and alphanumeric data. Microsoft Access
dedicated VM (S13 Fig. 2) running GeoServer management can also interact with the master database via ODBC (Open
SW and sharing the same configuration files. For the changes Database Connectivity). Reuse of preexisting Microsoft
to become effective, a restart of the six GeoServer nodes is Access SQL queries has allowed users to adapt quickly to
required. the new system.
A load balancer (using Apache 2.2.14, S14 in Fig. 2) The SDI allows the different classes of users, including
distributes the external requests to the six GeoServer internet and extranet users (C6-C7 and C4-C5 in Fig. 2) to
nodes. External requests are generated by desktop GIS have access data that are always updated in the databases.
clients (C6 in Fig. 2), and by a specific WebGIS interface This is a significant advantage that reduces the complexity
(S15 in Fig. 2) written exploiting GeoEXT, OpenLayers, and and unnecessary redundancy in the data, and avoids
ExtJS Javascript libraries, and accessed by individual users problems related to the use and exchange of data of different
through a simple web browser (C7 in Fig. 2).
A New Digital Catalogue of Harmful Landslides and Floods in Italy 413
versions, and with different levels of completeness and load between the master server (for “insert” and “update”
correctness. types queries) and the slave servers (for “select” type queries).
The information stored in the databases is geographic,
and publication of the information occurs through geograph-
ical representations i.e., digital maps showing the informa-
Discussion and Conclusions
tion on historical harmful landslides and floods, and related
products (Fig. 1). For the purpose, we adopted a technologi-
To manage the digital catalogues of historical landslide and
cal solution based on a redundant system of multiple
flood events with human consequences to the population
GeoServer nodes. The software was selected for the simplic-
of Italy, we selected a SQL database server. The adopted
ity in the implementation of new services, and the compli-
technology guarantees the necessary independence of the
ance with the latest OGC standards.
data from the HW and SW infrastructure, and further
The described SDI is complex (Fig. 2), and problems
guarantees proper authentication and authorization policies
exist for its management and maintenance. The (relatively)
and management, concurrency control, and semantic and
large number of VMs (14) requires a constant survey of the
referential integrity. To identify the most appropriate techno-
individual VMs, and of the necessary connections between
logical solution, we considered the following user and system
the VMS. In case of power failure, network or HW
requirements: (1) ability of the infrastructure to manage
problems, reboot of the SDI requires a specific procedure,
geographical (geospatial) information, in vector format,
including steps to detect and resolve inconsistencies between
(2) reliability, in terms of data loss and security,
the replicated database nodes. To implement the SDI we
(3) improved replication and loading balancing capabilities,
selected SW components that are robust and well tested.
(4) the licensing scheme, that should be permissive, (5) the
Despite, bugs or unresolved problems exist in the SW. As
cost of the system, and for its maintenance and update,
an example, Geoserver does not allow granting access to a
and (6) the level of compliance with the latest SQL standards.
specific OGC service on a specific data layer, limiting the
PostgreSQL 9.0, an open source, enterprise-class SQL
functionality of the SDI. Pgpool-II is not trivial to configure,
database server, best matches the listed requirements. With
and proves highly sensitive to minor changes in the configu-
the new replication functionalities PostgreSQL 9.0 allows for:
ration parameters, with unpredictable consequences to the
(1) creating redundant systems, greatly limiting the chances of
performance of the cluster of GeoServer nodes.
data loss, (2) distributing queries and associated processing
414 P. Salvati et al.
Acknowledgments We thank G. Tonelli, for many years of manage- Proceedings of the international symposium on geo-information for
ment of the databases on historical landslides and floods in Italy, disaster management (Gi4DM), Torino, Italy. Geomatics for Crisis
and the GeoSDI team ( for their strategic and Management. ISPRS. ISBN 978-88-903132-3-3, 2–4 Feb 2010
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Petley DN, Dunning SA, Rosser NJ (2005) The analysis of global
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Application of the Computerised Cartography to
the Territory Management: The Geomorphological
Map of Palaeolandslides in the Velino River Valley
(Central Apennines, Italy)
The geomorphological cartography explained in this work is the result of a process of
synthesis resulting from detailed geological and geomorphological and hydrogeological
researches and from numerous land surveys carried out during the past ten years. The
choice of the study area can be explained by the presence of important and complex
phenomena involving the upper course of the Velino river, such as palaeo-landslides,
mass-movements and debris flows, subsidence phenomena, etc. In particular, these
phenomena involve several towns (Posta, Micigliano, Sigillo, Villa Camponeschi), as
well as a fundamental route (State Road 4), following the ancient consular road, named
Salaria, roman in age.
The informations deriving from the land surveys has been integrated and controlled by
photo-interpretation (related at 1982 and 2000 aero-photographs). The result has been
implemented by the 2006 cartography, which was obtained from the ortho-rectified images,
subject to a “spreading” over the digital model of the terrain that was obtained from the
regional topographical cartography at a scale of 1:10,000, promoted by the Lazio Region.
Even if they have well-known limits of representation that derive from the approximate
restoration of the basic regional maps that were realised in the 1980s, the latter represent a
very up-to-date control instrument, depending on a critical analysis of the information.
All the data have been computerised by exploiting the tools made available by the ESRI
platform, through the development of an innovative logical pattern for the geomorphology,
since the aforesaid data were treated by considering forms, processes and deposits on the
basis of the prevailing morphogenetic agent. In this way, the problems deriving from the
contiguity and superimposition of several polygonal forms in logical contrast and topologi-
cal conflict have been overcome.
S. Angelini (*)
Litografia Artistica Cartografica S.r.l., via del Romito, 11-13R,
50134 Florence, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Farabollini
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Camerino,
Camerino, Italy
R.M. Menotti
IFAC – CNR, Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy
F. Millesimi
ARPA – LAZIO, Rieti, Italy
M. Petitta
Earth Sciences Department, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Hopefully, several representational limits will be overcome once the set-up valid for the
published printing has been made ready, since the instruments currently available have
several technical limitations in the raster process and, in spite of the information present is
correct, it does not yet respect several qualitative standards typical of Italian graphic
Several graphic improvements typical of the Italian publishing language and carto-
graphic tradition will be the topic of the subsequent phase.
Despite Italian tradition imposes extreme attention on the graphic aspect, it is very
important to note that the territorial computer-related systems facilitate an analysis of the
coverings, depending on the substrate on which they are imposed, and make it possible to
define a model according to which the forms, processes and deposits evolve over time,
infact the whole upper valley of the Velino river is annually subjected to deep changes due
to the high energy of relief and extreme weather conditions: knowledge and proper analysis
of these phenomena can contribute significantly to the right land management, giving due
importance to the prevention and the screening to be daily carried out.
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Servizio Geologico d’Italia (1994) Quaderno 4: Carta geomorfologica Servizio Geologico d’Italia (2008) Banca dati CARG integrata,
d’Italia, Guida al rilevamento, Quaderni del Servizio Geologico Quaderni del Servizio Geologico d’Italia. Ed. ISPRA
d’Italia. Ed. ISPRA Van Oosterom P, Zlatanova S, Fendel E (2005) Geo-information for
disaster management. Ed. Springer
Database of Unstable Rock Slopes of Norway
The Geological Survey of Norway is currently developing a database for unstable rock
slopes in Norway. The database is intended to serve three main purposes: (1) to serve as a
national archive for potential unstable slopes for use in hazard and risk analysis, aerial
planning and mitigation work as well as research; (2) to serve as a robust and easy to use
database during field mapping of unstable rock slopes; (3) provide a public available
database accessible through an online web map service. The database structure contains
several feature classes storing both raw and processed data, including structures,
lineaments, displacement measurements, run-out areas and other observations. All feature
classes are linked to one main point which holds a general summary for each unstable slope.
Database structure Unstable slopes Online web service National data archive
Database Structure
Fig. 2 Structure of the database with feature classes, tables and entry. Also shown is an example of the feature class “SlideLineaments”
relations. Feature classes store spatial information with attributes. with a few of the attributes and the associated drop-down list for the
Tables are used when many-to-one relations are needed for data attribute “LineamentType”
user. This strengthens the homogeneity of the database con- “AnyOtherRegistration”. The feature class “UnstableSlope-
tent and the possibilities to execute effective searches. MainPoint” also includes some 1st order data.
Detailed data are stored in the feature classes for geometric The feature class “Observation points” contains all
objects, and plain tables for other related information linked observations made in the field (e.g. orientation and displace-
to the main point. Additional data such as bathymetry, high ment measurements on fractures, faults and sliding surfaces,
resolution DEMs, InSAR data and/or TLS data and more are sink holes or any other structural or morphologic point data).
also stored with links as attributes to the main point object. Tables such as e.g. “Structures” are used when the collected
The three tables linked to the main point (Fig. 2) include data data need to be stored in a one-to-many relation, such as
from analysis of the unstable slope in general. Analysis of when measuring numerous orientation data at one specific
georadar, seismic surveys, resistivity, hydrological studies point in space. Data input for attributes in the tables are also
and climatic surveys are examples of this. There is also a constrained by drop-down lists where found useful. The
table for the analysis results of the movement of the unstable feature class “Slide lineaments” contains structural or mor-
slope. The table for URL documentation provides links to phological lineaments within the slide area or in its vicinity.
additional data, such as geological reports, journal papers, The feature class “MeasuringStations” contains data from
online map services etc. dGPS measurements, extensometers, TLS data and more.
The feature class “AnyOtherRegistration” is intended for
First Order Data storing data temporarily in the field that do not naturally
All data that are collected in the field, from remote sensing belong in any other feature class. This feature class may
or by displacement measurements are regarded as 1st be removed in the future, when the current database
order data. These data are stored in the feature classes “Observ- structure by experience has matured to a final well working
ationPoints”, “MeasuringStations”, “SlideLineaments” and structure.
426 H. Bunkholt et al.
Table 1 Content of the “UnstableSlopeMainPoint” attribute table. The use of drop-down lists ensures a consistent data entry
Attribute Description
UnstableSlopeID Manually assigned according to local number system
UnstableSlopeName Defined by nearest place name from 1:50,000 national map series
MappingLevel Drop-down list. See legend Fig. 1
CommentField Any site-specific general comments
MeasuringMethod Drop-down list. Describe how the object is mapped or digitized
dGPS surveillance Yes/no
Terrestrial laser scanning Yes/no
Terrestrial radar surveillance Yes/no
Recognizable Drop-down list. Describes how visible the object is in the field or on aerial photos.
DipDirectionSlope Drop-down list. N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, Varying
DipDirectionLandslide Drop-down list. N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, Varying
SlideRelief Vertical height from run-out area to back scarp in meters
SlopeDipAvg Average dip of unstable slope in degrees
SlopeDipMax Steepest dip of unstable slope
SlopeDipMin Least dip of unstable slope
CommentSlope Descriptive comment field
MainRockType Drop-down list of pre-defined rock types from bedrock database
VolumeMax Maximum estimated volume of unstable area
VolumeProbable Probable (mean) estimated volume of unstable area
VolumeMin Minimum estimated volume of unstable area
MovementType Drop-down list of different movement types (planar, wedge, toppling, rotation, creep, unknown)
CommentMovement Comment field to enter additional text for each object if needed.
MovementTypeFailure Drop-down list of movement types during failure (planar, wedge, toppling, rotation, creep, flow, fall)
CommentMovementTypeFailure Comment field to enter additional text for each object if needed.
DeformationType Drop-down list (undulating, stepwise, open cracks, talus)
CommentDeformationType Comment field to enter additional text for each object if needed.
DeformationAmount Drop-down list (No deformation, small, medium, large, very large)
CommentDeformationAmount Comment field to enter additional text for each object if needed.
RunOutMax Maximum assumed run-out distance (meters)
RunOutMean Intermediate assumed run-out distance (meters)
RunOutMin Minimum assumed run-out distance (meters)
SecondaryEffectType Drop-down list (tsunami, damming, dam breach/flood, none)
ImpactAreaType Drop-down list (water, land)
HazardDegree Drop-down list (very high, high, moderate, small, very small, not estimated). According to return period
thresholds given in the Norwegian Building Act ranging from <100 years to >10,000 years
Consequence Drop-down list (Extreme, very high, high, medium, small to none)
CommentConsequence Comment field to enter additional text for each object if needed.
References Text field. May be linked to table for multiple references.
Documentation Text field. May be linked to table for multiple documents.
Illustration Text field. May be linked to table for multiple documents.
DEM_link Text field. Hyperlink to map view of unstable slope visualized within digital globe
Date Date of discovery
County County where the unstable slope is located
Municipality Municipality where the unstable slope is located
Geologist Geologist responsible for detection and mapping of the unstable slope
Fig. 3 Screen shot from, the national web page for box displays a selection of the content of the attribute tables of the
online access to the Norwegian landslide database (Skrednett 2011). feature classes. The planned online web service for the unstable slopes
The displayed map shows all registered landslides in the selected area database will provide similar services
subdivided by landslide type. By clicking on the main point, a pop-up
RunOutArea feature class. Information is mainly added by purposes, both 1st and 2nd order data are available. On the
use of pre-defined drop-down lists to ensure consistent data online web service that will be made available from the
entries. Comment fields are made available to provide space website of the Geological Survey of Norway with the main
for additional information. Data such as type of area, proba- purpose to serve municipalities and the ordinary citizens,
bility, hazard level, tsunami and damming analysis are only the feature classes “UnstableSlopeMainPoints” and
added. For areas exposed to threats by secondary effects “UnstableArea” will be available for display on screen.
such as e.g. dam breach, air pressure waves and tsunamis,
polygons are created and stored in the SecondaryEffectArea
feature class. The main results from the 2nd order feature
classes are also included in the attribute table of “Unstable- Field Database
SlopeMainPoint” (Table 1).
For field mapping purposes a reduced version of the database
structure with easy to use drop down menus has been
Practical Use extracted from the structure of the full database. The field
database consists of the 1st order data feature classes. Experi-
National Archive ence has shown that the drop-down lists and attribute tables
for each feature class should not be too comprehensive, as
The database is designed to store a comprehensive dataset very large tables or drop-down lists make the work flow in
from each unstable slope. The input data include all field less smooth and reduces the effective time spent for
registered field data and all processed data, both 1st and measuring and registering of data. To enhance the fieldwork,
2nd order data. The content of the database will be public background information such as e.g. high-detailed orthophoto
available. The amounts of data that will be presented differ of the field area, DEMs, bathymetric and seismic fjord data,
depending on the purpose of the request. For aerial planning, InSAR data and more are made available in a package with
risk and hazard analysis, mitigation work and research the data model.
428 H. Bunkholt et al.
This paper presents the first relevant results of the project BRISEIDE – BRIdging SErvices,
Information and Data for Europe. BRISEIDE aims at providing operators with a time-aware
extension of data models and value added services for spatio-temporal data management,
authoring, processing, analysis and interactive visualization in several emergency-related
scenarios including, most notably, landslides. Within this context a number of WPSs devoted
to spatial analysis have been developed and integrated within existing open source
frameworks. Spatio-temporal processing services are exposed via the web and are made
available through compatible WebGIS applications. Through BRISEIDE, operators can
access processing services through an interactive web-based 3D GeoBrowser capable to
allow management, authoring, interaction, filtering of existing data. The 3D GeoBrowser
allows interactive orchestration of spatio-temporal WPSs providing support to chaining of
required processing units. This ensures interactive access to datasets and asynchronous
processing at the server side. The project mobilizes a value-chain of stakeholders to validate
the pilots from a technical, organizational and legal standpoint.
Simulation Spatio-temporal analysis GIS SDI 3D geobrowser
within a single interface and to be able to invoke, in a user- the current models has been preformed to ensure a complete
friendly manner, processing functionalities that can help description of the different types of time properties by
them infer the knowledge required to better understand the extend the INSPIRE metadata profile (for both data and
phenomena and take the most appropriate decision. services), considering the elements contained in the ISO
However this requires reconsidering standard data and 19115 specifications.
metadata models, in order to be able to account for time as The second pivotal issue is related to the process
one of the main variables within a multi-fold representation functionalities involving time as dimension. In particular
of all three aspects of the geographical data: thematic, tem- BRISEIDE has developed a number of processing features
poral and spatial. that can be used to process or relate time with space features.
This goal has been at the basis of the project BRISEIDE – This has required considering both time as a magnitude, for
BRIdging SErvices, Information and Data for Europe, a instance the time required to move along a path, and as a
Pilot B project, funded by the ICT Policy Support Programme temporal series, for instance when considering changes in
(ICT PSP). BRISEIDE extends the standard concept of Spa- observations over time. The resulting BRISEIDE infrastruc-
tial Data Infrastructure (SDI) to provide operators with more ture includes: ingestion services (necessary to automatically
complete and adequate data and processing tools capable to populate data repositories, define relevant metadata and
handle the time dimension in several emergency-related ensure proper cataloguing), dissemination and portrayal
scenarios including, most notably, landslides. To do so the services (for feature, coverage and raster data access via,
project has developed a number of Web Processing Services respectively WFS – Web Feature Service, WCS – Web
(WPS) for spatial analysis and it has integrated them within an Coverage Service and WMS – Web Map Service protocol),
extended SDI to be used by civil protection operator to better sensor enablement services (providing observation and
asses risks related to landslides. measurements via standard protocol SOS – Sensor Observa-
tion Service), and eventually processing service (as WPS –
Web Processing Service).
State of the Art The latter have been divided into processing services
providing topological, statistical, change detection, transfor-
Never before has been so much focus and attention on the mation (e.g. re-projection) and raster algebra features.
movements of the Earth and natural hazards these produce. It should be noted that support for time as dimension has
The need to better understand the effects of anthropic activities required development of specific software components capa-
on the natural environment is nowadays a very urgent matter. ble to provide support to the features, already included
In environmental hazard monitoring and risk management this within the WMS, WCS and WFS standards, necessary to
task requires a broad-scale process analysis in order to better manage time and space information.
understand the phenomena and the related risks. From many The last issue regards the visualization of the results. This
years several models for landslide hazard prediction has been has required development of a 4D framework capable
developed (Brenning 2005) also considering the GIS analysis to provide access to advanced representations of temporal
(Dai and lee 2002; Xie et al. 2009). In the last years with the analysis through Geovisual Analytics tools. To do so a
spread of the broadband technology and of the SDI the double approach has been considered. On the one hand the
capabilities to allow the access of these analyses is increased project has foreseen the deployment of a ready-to-use SDI
(Ambrosanio et al. 2009). These models and infrastructures are platform, which could be used to quickly validate and access
in substantially static, in other words they tend to photograph a existing data. On the other hand the project has carried on a
situation in a specific instant. However many studies and comprehensive development activities that has brought to
models has been proposed in order to manage the spatio- the development of a powerful 3D Client capable to provide
temporal complexity of the natural phenomena (Peuquet and access to the aforementioned spatio-temporal services.
Duan 1995). The capability to transports these theory models
into a services oriented architecture applied to the landslide
analysis is the aim of this work.
Overall Approach Used
This way the operator can perform complex processing goal is to identify the portions of the transportation network
operation by invoking processing functionalities at the potentially affected by a landslide and to identify, if any,
server side. This approach, based on Web Process Service alternative routing solutions to be adopted by emergency
(WPS) protocol, ensures maximum flexibility as the vehicles during a crisis or in the aftermath of a landslide.
processing features are centralised and can be managed
consistently at the server level. Being this done in an inter-
operable manner, any processing functionalities can be Information Used for the Analysis
accessed by any GIS or Web GIS application complying
with the given standard adopted (in this case WPS from The data which the operators need to access include: the IFFI
OGC – Open Geospatial Consortium). dataset (the Italian landslides inventory), the Digital Terrain
Model (DTM) at 20 m resolution, the road network (as
OpenStreetMap), the railway network, water pipelines, cen-
The Use Case Addressed sus data as well as several Corine Land Cover (CLC)
datasets at different time series (code 1.1.1: Artificial
The typical actor of the use case analyses is a civil protection surfaces, Continuous urban fabric; code 1.1.2: Corine Land
operator who needs to be able to access, via interoperable Cover – Artificial surfaces, Discontinuous urban fabric; code
web-services, to a wide range of resources, stored within 1.2.1: Corine Land Cover – Artificial surfaces, Industrial,
federated databases, relative to a selected NUTS3 area, and commercial and transport units; code 122: Corine Land
to run a simulation/calculation on top of them. Cover – Artificial surfaces, Road and rail networks and
In particular, as visible in Fig. 1, which shows one of the associated land).
examples of use cases identified modelled in UML, these
regard the assessment of landslide risk through use of geo-
processing tools. Data Preparation
This assessment is to be performed on two time scales:
short-term assessment, typical of Civil Protection situations, After starting a 3D client, the operator selects the area of
in order to assess and possibly reduce the impact of a interest and then visualises the layers containing the infor-
landslide (in terms of life claimed, damages created etc.), mation needed. The operators then can adapt existing
and long-term assessment, in order to provide information datasets through the use of specific services for instance to
useful for planning purposes, based on data elaboration and perform format translation, data re-projection etc. Following
analysis. The use case has essentially to goals. The first is to this the user has to select, in a very interactive manner from a
create a landslide risk map through the intersection of areas library containing geo-processing functionalities, the simu-
potentially affected by landslides with the areas where ele- lation and processing tools needed either for tasks in the
ment of risks are located (houses, roads etc.). The second context of an emergency or to run a simulation.
432 R. De Amicis et al.
Identification of Transport Infrastructure at Risk the operators, after selecting the routing functionality, clicks
on two points of the scene corresponding to the two
As soon as the user starts the 3D BRISEIDE client he/she locations. The system calculates the route and shows in on
flies to the area of interest (a NUTS3 area). The operator then top of the current scene. The user can also connect the areas
activates a number of layers corresponding to other subject to landslides to the routing algorithm to specify the
resources representing infrastructure potentially subject of areas to be avoided during the routing. The final result (if
risk including main railways and road networks. The user available) is then rendered on top of the scene.
then selects a processing feature responsible for buffering to
create a buffer area (e.g. 100 m) surrounding roads and
railways. The resulting geometries are again shown as a The Front-End System
further layer and stored within the repository.
After activating the layer containing the landslide area, as From a user perspective the operator can use a 3D client
a further step, the operator selects the processing functional- which has been developed on top of uDig, which in turns is
ity responsible to calculate geometrical intersections among built over the Eclipse Framework. uDig is an advanced and
areas and it connects the simulation component to the complete desktop GIS for data access, editing and viewing,
landslides areas and the buffer zones. The resulting integrating advanced GIS capabilities through the well-
intersections are the areas potentially subject to risk. The known Geotools library. uDig provides a user friendly
user can eventually pick on the various segments of road or graphical desktop environment to manage GIS data with a
railways, within the areas at risk, and identify the attribute of web oriented vocation compliant with well-established OGC
interest that are shown within a table. standards like WMS, WFS, WCS as well as geoRSS, KML
etc. More specifically the client has been developed follow-
ing a plug-in approach, whereby each is an extension points
Identification of Urban Area at Risk which define possibilities for functionality contributions
(code and non-code) by other plug-ins. Each plug-in has an
The operator then selects the relevant CLC resources at associated view, in particular a component of the Graphical
different time series from a table of content (TOC). Through User Interface. By default the client shows the central area
the use of a web-processing service the operator identifies where the 2D and 3D views are available.
the boundaries of continuous or discontinuous urban areas as At the bottom of the page a panel providing logging
well as commercial or industrial areas. This first dataset functionalities is provided. On one of the sides of the inter-
represents the first element of risk, which are then structured face it the user can access the resources available to the
within a new layer and saved to the repository. It should be system. These include available data and services, table of
noted that, in order to improve system performances, the content, access to metadata information through tables etc.
feature extraction process could be performed off-line as A further section will be devoted to service orchestration.
pre-processing step. Through the use of the aforementioned As illustrated in Fig. 2, this approach allows different graph-
intersection operator, the operator can easily identify those ical components to be plugged together. Each service can be
urban areas which are subject to risk. These areas are shown rendered as a graphical component, formatted according to
within a new layer and then stored within the database. the type of service (e.g. WPS, WFS etc.), to the input
required as well as to the output provided.
Most notably the operator can access processing func-
Identification of People at Risk tionality in a graphical manner by connecting server-side
processing units at the client side. In fact the user is able to
The user then selects a web-processing service that connect graphically compatible input and output which will
calculates the number of people potentially living within be snapped by the system automatically (if compatible data-
the areas at risk starting from census data according to the wise), whenever the user drags them close to one another.
percentage of census area subject to risk. The final result is This way it is possible to create complex service chains in a
shown as chart or table. very user friendly manner without the user being forced to be
aware of the underlying infrastructure. The user can then run
the corresponding processing sequence, while the orchestra-
Reachability Assessment tion components take care of all the overhead and underlying
The operator finally assesses the connectivity (in terms of Finally the remaining part of the interface is devoted to
road) between any two points within the road network (e.g. the different software components responsible for
two villages) that can be affected by the landslide. To do so, visualizing different data patterns.
Landslides and Spatio-Temporal Processing of Geographical Information 433
Historic, post-eruptive debris flows of remobilised volcanic ash are rare in Iceland, being
restricted to explosive eruptions. Volcanic ash slurry from the southern slopes of the ice-
capped Eyjafjallajökull volcano on 19 May 2010 is the first lahar observed in Iceland since
the 1947 Hekla eruption. This study focuses on the volume of sediment transported, the size
and hydrological behavior of watersheds, and the resulting erosion. The analysis is based
on: (1) direct measurements of the 19 May lahar; (2) direct measurements of ash fallout; (3)
aerial and ground-based imagery; (4) topographic data from an airborne LIDAR survey; (5)
airborne synthetic-aperture radar; and (6) precipitation data. The volume of the lahar in the
Svaðbælisá channel was estimated at 200,000 m3. This flow originated from crown and
flank failures, similar to slab avalanches, with water-saturated, fine-grained ash as the slip
surface. Several ash-laden floods occurred in Svaðbælisá and neighboring channels during
the summer of 2010. None, however, were as saturated as the 19 May lahar. An increased
number of small debris flows were also recorded some blocking roads to farms. Precipita-
tion during the summer of 2010 was not higher than average and therefore does not explain
this increased erosion. Large quantities of volcanic ash mantle the lower slopes of the ice-
cap. Ash in the ablation zone is expected to be transferred down-slope in the next few years
inducing the erosion to the root of the mountain endangering homes and infrastructure.
Fieldwork during the summer of 2010 has resulted in a map showing the volume of ash
above and below the ablation zone of the main catchments and recorded erosion events.
This data was used to assess the hazard and the need for immediate actions.
Volcanic eruption Lahar Debris flows Floods Ash volume LIDAR Radar imagery
Fig. 2 Is taken after the flow had receded and diluted to muddy stream flow. The photo is overlain by a schematic drawing of the lahar deposit
Fig. 3 The image shows several sliding areas on the south slopes of the observed and the aforementioned air photos taken in July
glacier. The red lines show contours of these areas, but the blue one reviled traces of the many additional small slab avalanches
delineates the area later verified to have fed the Svaðbælisá lahar flow within the catchments of Svaðbælisá Holtsá.
Evidence of the lahar and mud flows can also be seen
observed. The pile contained four different layers: the top clearly in digital elevation model made with a laser mea-
layer was beaten wind shell (~4 cm thick), layer two was surement (LiDAR) from an airplane in August 2010 (Fig. 4).
rough granular, and also contained a high permeability Sheet wash erosion is a common landform on the slopes of
(~20–25 cm thick). Layer 3 (~16 cm thick) was fine-grained, volcanoes after eruptions fine grained ash forming of imper-
completely saturated with water and liquefied during the meable layers in the pile or on the surface of the tephra
smallest agitation. The fourth and bottom layer (~10 cm stratum (Manville et al. 2000). This was the case close to
thick) was slightly tougher than layer 3, but fine grained the bottom of the pile in the southern Eyjafjallajökull
anyway, but little or no water saturated. This stratification (referred to as layer 3 above).
was seen on the whole southern part of the glacier in the During the field expedition in May 2010 it was also found
catchments of Holtsá, Svaðbælisá and Kaldaklifsá (the river that many channels had formed and material had
Lambafellsá does not enter the glacier and is not involved accumulated along them, forming levee’s, similar to what
here) (Helgason and Oddsson 2010). happens during debris flows (Selby 1993). These channels
Precipitation and stream erosion has washed ash, to a large were mostly rather narrow, or an average of 4 m wide, but
extent, of vast areas on the glacier’s ablation area. There the grew moving further down. A closer examination of air
glacier has deep crevices and channels and is difficult to pass. photos showed that the channels formed two patterns.
In other areas the ash was so thick that it insolated the snow East of the gorge that formed in a glacial outburst on 14
and prevented melting during the summer resulting in less April. (Figs. 4 and 5a, b) are many small channels could be
stream erosion. There thick layers of ash cover the winter seen that were merged into larger channels lower down the
snow of 2010. This ash is partly undisturbed dense fine layers slopes forming a dendritic pattern similar to braided rivers
that water seeps through. These layers can act as slip surface (Fig. 4). West of the canyon where the flank ruptured the
triggering lahars similar to the one that occurred on May 19th circuits are larger and denser, lying parallel to each other and
2010, however, the risk of such flooding is probably much forming a parallel pattern. This type of channels has been
lower than during the summer of 2010. observed were ash slab avalanches have occurred (Manville
et al. 2000). It is expected that these channels had formed
from water erosion, but as described by Austin (1984) on
Aerial and Ground Based Imagery erosion after the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens in 1980,
channels of this type can also occur when the instability of
In the southern part of the glacier extensive evidence of volcanic ash pile causes a chain reaction and collapse within
stream erosion, on the tephra layers was observed during the stack and a retrogressive erosion occurs.
the field trip. Aerial photographs of Samsýn taken in July Density and pattern of channels is determined by how
2010 (Fig. 5e) cast a further light on the status of the tephra much the underlying deficit, namely the density of channels
in the slopes of the glacier. Major changes had occurred becomes greater as the deficit is greater and the slopes are
between May and July. The radar images taken in mid- longer (Tamio Chine 1986). The formation of channels will
May were a few traces of tephra slab avalanches were be influenced by roughness of the tephra, but commonly this
Lahar, Floods and Debris Flows Resulting from the 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull... 439
pattern occurs where tephra grain size is similar to sand. blown off or washed out to sea. Something in the range of
Channels of this nature are usually formed a few days after 400,000 m3 has been bulldozed out of river channels of
the ash fall (Manville et al. 2000). The SPOT satellite image Svaðbælisá and Holtsá. Excavation by contractors in the
taken on 16 September 2010 (Fig. 5f) shows the significant area is about 4 % of the tephra that fell below the ablation
changes had occurred from July (Fig. 5e) to September zone the aforementioned rivers.
despite the unusually low rainfall during the summer. A The next years ash on the glacier’s ablation areas will
satellite image from 2003 was used for comparison be eroded relatively quickly by streams. As mentioned
(Fig. 5d). One can see that the drainage channels at the above, there are about 16 mi. m3 of material on the south
glacier had reached in some places up to 10 m wide and side and about 9 mi. m3 of which are within the ablation
eroded into glacial ice. Commonly, the channels reduce as area of the catchments Holtsá, Svaðbælisá, Laugará and
they become larger and the size is determined partly by the Kaldaklifsá.
number of precipitation days (Selby 1993; Horton 1945). The thickest ash layers are high up on the glacier and are
SPOT image shows that much material was washed from covered with snow. Ashes that fell above the equilibrium
the bottom of the glacier below the current equilibrium line line about 1,200 m.a.s.l. will submerge into the glacial ice. It
to the west, northeast and south. passes down to the ablation zone by moving ice over a long
period of time, and when it arrives there it will be eroded by
melt water. This process takes decades. The volume of this
Results tephra is about 38 mi. m3 and it is estimated that about
8 mi. m3 thereof have fallen in the drainage basin of Holtsá,
It is clear that large amount of material is still on the moun- Svaðbælisá, Laugará and Kaldaklifsá.
tain and the foothills. Photos taken before and after the
eruption tell more than thousand words (Fig. 5c). Erosion,
transport and accumulation of tephra during extreme precip- The Lahar Hazard
itation as well as ordinary precipitation events will transport
the ash steadily down to the lowlands. It is difficult to There less danger of lahar in winter when the ash layers are
estimate how much material has washed down and deposited frozen. The hazard has also decreased due to channel
in the channel controls, as well as part of the material has forming in the ash pile disturbing the layering. Historical
440 E.H. Jensen et al.