Application Form MPSSIRS 2014

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Application format for Registration as a Sick Unit and for availing

Relief and concessions under Scheme known as
''M.P. Small Scale Industries Revival Scheme 2014''
(To be submitted in 3 copies)

1. Name of the unit ___________________________________

Address of the Unit ___________________________________
Address for correspondence ___________________________________
Chief Executive
Name ___________________________________
Address ___________________________________
Phone No. (O)__________(R)___________
E-mail _____________________________

2. (i) Date of establishment ___________________________________

(Relevant certified copies to
be enclosed)
(ii) Date of Commencement of __________________________________
Commercial production

3. Entrepreneurs Memorandum No., _______________________________

date (Under MSMED Act 2006)
and issuing Authority _______________________________
(Relevant certified copies to
be enclosed)

4. Application Fee of `1000.00 (Rupees One thousand only), receipt should be

attached : MPTC/Treasury Challan No. _____________, Date ______________

......... 2

5.1 (i) Product manufactured and its annual capacity (Please mention No. of shifts)
Name of the product : __________________________________________
Capacity per annum : __________________________________________
5.2 Performance of the unit for last three years (as certified by CA/Auditor)
(Year) (Year) (Year)
( ________ ) ( ________ ) ( ________ )
(i) Production :
(During last 3 years)
Quantity : __________ _________ __________
Value : __________ _________ __________
(ii) Sales :
(During last 3 years)
Quantity : __________ _________ __________
Value : __________ _________ __________
(iii) Gross Profit/Loss ______________________________
(iv) Net Profit/Loss ______________________________
(after deduction and taxation)
(v) Accumulated loss ______________________________

6.1.1 Balance Sheet (As approved by the Chartered Accountant /Statutory Authority)
Sources of Funds
Paid up capital _____________________________________
Reserve and Surplus _____________________________________
Term Loan _____________________________________
Deposits _____________________________________
Any other loan/ _____________________________________
unsecured loan
Total _____________________________________
6.1.2 Less
Liabilities _____________________________________
Provisions _____________________________________
Net current assets _____________________________________
Investment if any _____________________________________

......... 3

Loss _____________________________________
Total _____________________________________
6.2 Net worth
(Year) (Year) (Year)
( _______ ) ( _______ ) ( _______ )
Paid up capital _________ ________ _________
Reserve and Surplus _________ ________ _________ excluding revaluation
Total _________ ________ _________

7. Whether any legal actions are initiated ______________________

by any creditor
If yes, please give details __________________________________________

8. Investments, if any please provide details :

In companies __________________________________
Fixed Deposits __________________________________
In others __________________________________

9. Statutory Liabilities :
(a) Commercial Tax __________________________
(b) Electricity Duty __________________________
(c) Excise Duty as on __________________________
(d) Provident fund as on __________________________
(e) ESI __________________________
(f) Any other liability __________________________
(Please specify)
10. (a) If unit is in production please give __________________________
month-wise production and power
consumption of last one year and
copy of last power bill

(b) Whether the unit holder is willing __________________________

to pay the cost of study report to
the Appraisal agency

(c) Promoters share towards revival __________________________

purpose should be indicated

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11. (a) If unit is closed, please give the __________________________

date of closure and reason to close __________________________
down the unit __________________________

(b) Whether power connection is __________________________


(c) Whether labour/workers are __________________________

retrenched, if not

(d) How the unit can be revived __________________________

Arrangement for requirement of __________________________
funds to restart the production __________________________

(e) Is it proposed to include new __________________________

promoters to revive the unit,
if yes, on what conditions __________________________

(f) Arrangement for marketing of __________________________

the product

12. Assistance/ relief proposed from banks/financial institutions/Govt. Departments

S. Name of Bank/Financial institution/ Assistance/ relief proposed

No. Govt. Department

1. Bank/MPFC _____________
(Financial institutions)

2. Commercial Tax Department _____________

3. M.P. Electricity Distribution Company _____________

4. Any Other _____________

13. Details of proposed Expansion/Diversification/Modernization as part of the revival

(i) Whether it is for Expansion/ __________________________
(ii) Name of item __________________________
(iii) Project cost __________________________
(iv) Means of Finances __________________________

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(v) Registration of items, if any __________________________

(vi) Manufacturing process __________________________
(vii) Detailed list of proposed __________________________
machinery with value
(viii) Proposed increase in production __________________________
and profitability


Application should be accompanied by the audited accounts for the preceding two years.
The auditors remarks accompanying the accounts have to be fully dealt and complied
with. Application should be accompanied by a proposed rehabilitation scheme that
envisages full repayment of loans and interest to the banks/financial institutions as well
as dues of the State Govt./ Commercial Tax for which, separate sheet should be attached.

Date :
Signature of the Authorized Person


I, ____________________________________ do solemnly hereby declare that to the

best of my knowledge and belief, what is stated above is correct, complete and is truly
stated by me.

Place : Signature of the Authorized Person

Date : (Seal)

Authorized Signatory :
Name of the person making Declaration _____________________________
Position held ________________________________________________
Name of the unit ________________________________________________
Office Address ________________________________________________
(TO be certified by CA/Auditor/BM)

Note : Filled in application should be submitted to concerning District Trade &

Industries Centre of Madhya Pradesh.

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