Recommendations For Machine Design: Content
Recommendations For Machine Design: Content
Recommendations For Machine Design: Content
for machine design
Conveyor and processing belts
Drum diameter
Drum diameters should always be as large – the flexural properties of the belt type
as possible. The minimum admissible used (see under dmin in product range)
diameter is determined by
– the flexural properties of the lateral and
– the effective pull to be transmitted longitudinal profiles welded onto the
(see method for calculating drive belt (see Belt Preparation and Finishing
drum diameter). brochure)
I 1-ply belts 0.5 0.8 1.0 The drive drum may be cylindrical if
II 2-ply belts 0.7 1.3 1.5 tracking devices are installed.
NOVO, E10/M, E15/M, E20/M
III 3-ply belts 1.0 1.6 2.0
Conveyor and processing belts
Conveyor and processing belts
Take-up devices
Conveyor and processing belts
Belt support
Skid plate
Skid plates should be set approx. 2–3 mm It is important that skid plates be thor-
lower than the belt and must be aligned oughly cleaned before the conveyor is
precisely since they have a profound effect commissioned since remnants of pro-
on belt tracking as a result of sliding tective lacquer coatings or other types of
friction. Their edges should be chamfered. contamination can cause considerable
difficulties (e.g. tracking problems, belt
Materials such as sheet steel, hard plastics
damage, increase in underside coefficient
laminates (Resopal, Duropal etc.) and
of friction).
laminated wood panels are generally used
for skid plates. In conjunction with the Slatted supports should be avoided if
low-friction undersides of Transilon belts, possible as a means of belt support since
these materials ensure favourable frictional they often unnecessarily increase operating
properties, though these can be affected by noise and wear and tear on the belt.
surface finishes and operating conditions.
Support rollers are required to have Tubular plastic support rollers are also
Support roller design low rotational resistance and balanced used (because of their corrosion resistance
running. For this reason, support rollers and low degree of soiling. N.B. Electro-
using roller bearings with low seal friction static build-up is possible).
are almost exclusively used. In order to
Support roller pitch is determined by the
maintain a low centrifugal momentum,
unit length of the conveyed goods. If the
their walls are usually made of precision
support roller pitch is ≤1/2 unit length, the
steel tubing or steam tubing (see DIN
weight of goods will always be borne by 2
Conveyor and processing belts
≥ 10 mm
Support roller configurations and dimen- With 2-piece forms where there is no
sions are specified in DIN 22107/ISO 1537. overlap, the gap between the support
Form M (as designated by DIN) is used rollers should be kept as small as possible
to support the tight and return sides ≤ 10 mm so as to prevent creasing and wrinkling.
of a flat running belt and the return side
of a troughed conveyor. The tight side
of a troughed belt is supported by form N
or P support rollers.
Form N 2-piece
Conveyor and processing belts
Snub rollers are used if: If belts with a textured surface are in use,
Snub rollers we recommend lagging snub rollers to
– the arc of contact between the belt and
reduce noise.
the drive drum must be increased.
– the distance between the upper and
return sides must be small for design or
constructional reasons.
Transition lengths
The upper edges of the end drum and of The following nominal values for the
the central troughing rollers must lie in the transition length Is should therefore be
same plane. observed:
In the transition area of the troughed belt Note:
from the drum to the belt support roller To ensure proper belt tracking it is
set (and vice versa) the edges are subjected recommended that the end drum be of
to increased elongation. tapered/cylindrical design.
Conveyor and processing belts
Knife edges
Energy consumption by the belt rises when If the knife edge belt only operates in one
it runs over knife edges. At the same time, direction, a gravity take-up can be installed
belts running at high speed can be sub- after the drive drum instead of the usual
jected to a substantial temperature increase screw tension take-up to ensure correct
because of friction in the knife-edge zone. belt tension. This movable tension roller
reduces belt tension at the knife edge and
For this reason, the arc of contact should
can considerably reduce the frictional force
be kept to a minimum (to reduce energy
at the knife edge by comparison with the
consumption, heat build-up and initial
fixed screw tensioning system.
Conveyor and processing belts
Belt tracking
The conveyor should be as rigid as possible. Another method is first to align the drive
It must not be distorted by the forces drum using a set square and then to adjust
exerted by the belt. the end drum until the centre distances 1
are equal.
All drums and rollers, especially the drive
drum, must be clean. Remove It is then possible, starting from one of the
anticorrosion coatings, oil and dirt deposits end drums, to align each support roller or
from skid plates, drums and rollers. skid plate section individually such that the
Replace damaged or heavily worn parts. axes are parallel.
Align knife edges, drive and end drums, Goods should always be loaded onto the
and support rollers such that they are centre of the belt in the direction of travel.
parallel. Large drops should be avoided if at all
To do this, first align the end drums such
that they are parallel to each other and at Attention should be paid to the surface
right angles to the conveyor frame by quality of the drums.
adjusting the drums until each centre
distance 1 and each diagonal 2 are equal.
< 90 ° 90 °
Drums whose axes are not at right angles to Straight running due to right-angled
the running direction of the belt will cause alignment of drum.
Conveyor and processing belts
Conveyor and processing belts
Conveyor and processing belts
A B Belt tracking
with tapered/cylindrical drums
Initial tracking
– Fit the belt and tension drums A + B
such that their axes are parallel until
the required working elongation at
fitting is attained.
– Belt tracking can be adjusted by
tensioning or slackening one end of
the tensioning drum A. The belt will
End drum Drive drum move towards the slacker belt edge.
– It may be necessary to install a belt
Tapered/cylindrical drive drums should be If tapered/cylindrical drums do not guidance system near the end drum
adjustable in order to be able to provide sufficient belt tracking, angled (e.g. with short, wide belts).
compensate for production tolerances in rollers or automatic tracking devices can
the conveyor and belt. be used.
With conveyor lengths of ≥ 5 m both
terminals should be tapered/cylindrical.
Initial tracking
2 – Locate all drums/rollers in their
1 initial positions such that their axes
are parallel.
– Fit the belt and adjust the tensioning
drum B, ensuring that it remains
parallel to the other drums, until the
required working elongation at
fitting is attained.
– Adjust belt tracking using roller C or
The tracking effect is particularly marked The greatest tracking effect is always D, as appropriate. It may be
when snub rollers C, D are used, especially provided by the snub roller contacted by necessary to install a belt guidance
if they are in contact with a coated belt face the belt immediately prior to the end system using roller C or D as the
(giving a high friction coefficient). drum, i.e. by snub roller D when the belt is tracking roller.
running in direction 1, and by roller C in
direction 2.
Conveyor and processing belts
Initial tracking
– Locate all drums/rollers in their
initial positions such that their axes
are parallel.
– Fit the belt and adjust the tensioning
drum E, ensuring that it remains
parallel to the other drums, until the
required working elongation at
fitting is attained.
– Adjust belt tracking using snub roller
C, and correct if necessary using The snub roller G and F and the tensioning Please refer to the previous and following
deflection rollers G and F or plate H. drum E are adjustable in the direction of pages for details of the configuration,
It may be necessary to install a belt the arrow. The tensioning drum can also finish and tracking properties of drums A,
guidance system here too. operate as the drive drum. B, C and D.
One simple design solution is for drums G,
F and E to be mounted on a plate H as a
single unit which is then adjustable in the
direction of the arrow.
Reversible conveyors
Initial tracking
– Locate all drums/rollers in their 2
initial positions such that their axes 1
are parallel.
– Fit the belt and adjust the tensioning
drum B, ensuring that it remains
parallel to the other drums, until the
required working elongation at
fitting is attained.
– With reversible conveyors belt
tracking should be adjusted at the The important factor with conveyors It takes some time until the snub rollers are
tapered/cylindrical terminals, not at which can reverse their direction of travel correctly adjusted. A belt guidance system
the snub rollers. is the precision with which the conveyor is recommended for very short and wide
and the belt have been manufactured. conveyors.
Initial tracking of belts for reversible
conveyors is not entirely straightforward.
Once belt tracking has been achieved in
one direction, it is often found that the belt
mistracks when the direction is reversed.
Conveyor and processing belts
Knifeedge conveyors
Initial tracking
– Locate all drums/rollers and the
knife edge in their initial positions
such that their axes are parallel.
– Fit the belt and adjust the tensioning
drum C, until the required working
elongation at fitting is attained.
Ensure that the operating tension is
as low as possible in order to avoid
unnecessarily high mechanical and
thermal (as a result of friction)
Relatively short knife edge belts can be Belt tracking ist registered by belt edge loading on the knife edge.
tracked as shown above. The drive drum A sensors.
should be tapered/cylindrical, while – Adjust belt tracking using rollers B,
Drums C, D and E can be mounted on an C, D and E and/or plate H. A belt
deflection drums B, D and E and the
adjustable plate H, as also described on tracking system may be
tensioning drum C should be cylindrical
page 14. advantageous.
and adjustable in the direction of the arrow
for tracking purposes.
Automatic belt guidance systems are
generally used with lengthy knife edge
conveyors (e.g. cooling tunnels).
Conveyor and processing belts
Conveyor and processing belts
= 18002 N 80 · FR . I3
yTr = ____________ [mm]
E . d4 . π . 96
80 . 18002 . 26003
yTr = _________________________
96 . 2.1 . 105 . (1504 - 1304) . π
Tubular drum
yTr 1,81 > 0,35 mm = fzul d
80 . FR . I3
Reinforced by central brace yTr = _________________ [mm]
E (da4 – di4) . π . 96
80 . 9001 . 13003
yTr = _________________________
96 . 2.1 . 105 . (1504 - 1304) . π
yTr = 0.23 mm < 0.35 mm da
Conveyor and processing belts
Conveyor and processing belts
Cleaning devices
b c a b c
There are a number of methods of Steel scrapers (c) can be used to keep
removing material which has stuck to a unlagged drums clean. These scrapers can
conveyor belt. The effectiveness of such be mounted flush with the drum surface,
methods, however, depends very largely on matching the shape of the drum (e.g.
the particular circumstances. trapezoidal).
In many instances, one or more scrapers When cleaning devices are used, allowances
with plastic or rubber blades mounted in a must be made in drive power calculations:
frame made of flat or profile-section steel
set at right angles to the direction of belt
FA = contact force
travel will suffice. The right blade material
(not from an old conveyor belt, since this
FUR = peripheral force
unnecessarily increases belt wear) should
of cleaning device
be carefully selected.
The belt scraper (a) should be placed as PR = Power requirements
close as possible to the belt or touch it for cleaning device
lightly. Since the blade is subject to wear,
an adjustment method (e.g. by means of FUR = FA . µ
slots) must be provided.
Plough-type scrapers (b) are frequently FUR . V
PR = ________
installed close to the end drum on the 1000
return side to prevent any material which
has dropped off the belt getting between
the drum and the belt. There should only
be light contact with the belt.
Conveyor and processing belts
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