3.conveyor Belt Selection-Design For High Speed Conveyors
3.conveyor Belt Selection-Design For High Speed Conveyors
3.conveyor Belt Selection-Design For High Speed Conveyors
SYNOPSIS TITLE OF PAPER: CONVEYOR BELT SELECTION/DESIGN FOR HIGH SPEED CONVEYORS The demand for raw materials is growing and so mine operators are calling for ever more costeffective conveyor systems that can run at high speeds. Designing units of this kind requires precise calculation of all belt tensions during steady and non-steady conditions and of the additional stresses that occur, for instance, in the trough transition zones and on curves. The belts have to be designed and manufactured to the highest standards so as to ensure trouble-free running. Detailed calculation work on belt splices followed by their testing on test benches gives an accurate indication of their strength. References will be made to mining projects that use high-speed belts. AUTHOR OF PAPER: Andreas Ullmann Senior Engineer - Conveyor Belt Application Department Mining Group Continental AG, W. Germany CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. 5.1 Summary Introduction Classification of belt speeds Design factors relating to high-speed belts Elongation properties - modules of elasticity (dynamic ply modules) Rubber covers Belt strengths Belt widths Straightness of steel cable belts Designing conveyors Designing conveyors with the lowest belt tensions possible
5.1.1 Calculating the required power 5.1.2 Determining the belt tensions 5.2 Additional belt stresses 5.2.1 Trough-to-flat transition
5.2.2 Flat-to-trough transition 5.2.3 Vertical curves 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 1. Summary To ensure that a high speed conveyor remains cost-effective and reliable, careful and detailed work is necessary from the planning stage right through to the commissioning phase. Calculation of the belt tensions and other stresses must keep pace with the changes in conveyor belt technology. Particular attention must be paid to the dynamic processes involved in conveyor operations. At the manufacturing stage, raw materials have to be used that will withstand the high dynamic stresses to which the belt will be subjected. The belt itself must be manufactured absolutely straight in order to be perfectly straight-running when in operation. The splices have to be suitable for the particular belt system and should be calculated in detail and be tested exhaustively. The maximum belt speeds have certainly not yet been reached in the case of many conveyors. However, belt speeds considerably higher than 7.5 m/s will remain an exception. 2. Introduction Mine operators are facing a range of interrelated problems: the demand for raw materials is growing constantly; those materials are available either in low-yielding or geologically difficult deposits. Conveyor systems have to be ever more cost-efficient, and so belts must have ever greater conveying capacities to move both - overburden and materials. In the lignite mines of W. Germany, conveyor units with capacities of 37,500 tonnes per hour have been in action since the mid-70s. Conveyors with capacities on this scale have to be equipped with belts that meet very high technological standards, for they run at very high speeds, and have a variety of other stress factors to cope with. 3. Classification of belt speeds Splicing systems Static conditions Dynamic conditions Splice configurations Testing procedures Results of splice research Examples of high-speed conveyors Palabora Mining Company, RSA - St 6600 Prosper Haniel - Underground mine, W. Germany - St 7500 Rheiniche Braunkohle Werke - lignite mines, W. Germany - St 4500 Selby coalfield, England - St 6950
The belt speed is a key factor in the design of a conveyor unit. in general, belts run at the following speeds: * Special operations (process related)..................................< 0.5 m/s e.g. cooling conveyors * Sensitive-material conveying..................................0.5 - 1.5 m/s e.g. coke bench conveyors * Standard applications..................................1.5 - 3.5 m/s e.g. gravel conveyors * Large quantities of materials long conveying distances..................................3.5 - 8.5 m/s e.g. overburden conveyance * special conveyors..................................> 8.5 m/s e.g. thrower belts It can generally be said that the faster a belt runs, the more economic it is. Obviously, this is especially significant in the case of long-distance conveyors. Such units are always operated at the highest speeds possible. Naturally, higher speeds make greater conveying capacities possible. This means that with a specific flow of materials, it may be possible to use a narrower belt or one with a simpler trough design. Moreover, lower working tensions may result and the whole unit can quite often be built on a smaller scale and thus overall costs can be reduced. 4. Design factors relating to high-speed belts 4.1 Elongation properties - modulus of elasticity (dynamic ply modulus) In addition to conveyor unit parameters, such as loading conditions, a number of other important factors have to be considered. Fast belts with long centre distances should have a high modulus of elasticity, i.e. low elongation values - permanent and elastic.(Fig. 1) When belts are started up or braked, additional stresses occur that are difficult to calculate: knowledge of the conveyor parameters and dynamic ply modulus is essential. Even with continuos conveying, a belt unit can not be said to be in a quasi-stationary condition, as belts are stressed dynamically at the drive pulleys. Moreover, dynamic processes occur when a belt is started up or braked. The lower the modulus of elasticity is, the more difficult it is to prevent uncontrolled vibration. Only steel cables have this high dynamic ply modulus and are therefore ideal as tension members for long-distance belts. Naturally, the design of the cable tension members is also very important if the belt is to perform efficiently. 4.2 Rubber covers Higher speeds mean greater wear. If no material acceleration equipment such as acceleration belts or specially designed chutes are available, the material has to be accelerated on the belt itself to the belt speed. Depending on the type of material conveyed, the covers have to be wear, cut and age-resistant in order to prevent damage occurring.
Furthermore, high adhesive values and shear strengths down to the core rubber are essential for transmitting the high drive forces from the pulley to the belt. Ideally, covers for belts carrying normal bulk materials should have the following characteristics - the minimum values according to the German standards DIN 22102 ( fabric belts ) and DIN 22131 ( steelcable belts - Nov. 88 ) Grade X * low abrasion * high tensile strength high breaking * elongation max. 120mm3 min. 25 N/mm2 min. 450%
Not only does abrasion play a role in wear. An ideal combination of abrasion resistance, tensile strength, breaking elongation and hardness leads to optimum, wear resistant covers. If resistance to hot materials, oils, greases or other substances is not required, covers made of a mixture of natural rubber (NR) and synthetic rubber (SBR) are usually the best. 4.3 Belt strengths Belts conveying large quantities of materials over long distances must have a high breaking strength. Belts of St 10000 i.e. a breaking strength of 10000 N/mm are theoretically possible, but the upper limit is around 7000 - 8000 N/mm, for a number of reasons: o o o o o o o Belts over St 7500 require steel cable tension members at least 14 mm thick and thus a drive pulley diameter of over 2000 mm The belt thickness for cables of this diameter is at least 35 - 40 mm, and so the ratio of dead load/working load rises considerably The part-lengths can only be about 150 - 250 m long because of the belt thickness, weight and the resulting roll diameter Splice lengths have to be over 6 m long, and so are time-consuming and costly. More part-lengths mean more splices The efficiency does not increase in direct relation to the belt strength The troughability will be reduced in the case of small belts
Even belts up to this strength are difficult to manufacture; they need highly accurate processing. To ensure the steel cables in the belt are parallel and to prevent them moving sideways during vulcanisation, the cables have to be pretensioned. Production facilities must be designed to pretension cables of these strengths and diameters. 4.4 Belt widths The conveyors used in the open pit lignite mines in Germany with a conveying capacity of 37500 t/h incorporate steel cable belts of 2800 to 3200 mm in width. The widest belt ever installed - 6400 mm - operates in one of these lignite mines. It, too, has set new standards. 4.5 Straightness of steel cable belts Steel cable belts that are used in such high-performance conveyors have to be made in production facilities where continuos individual cable pre-tensioning is possible. During
manufacture, in order to achieve uniform pretensioning, the cables must under no circumstances be relaxed. Any irregularities in the manufacturing process, such as unequal cable pre-tensioning, can lead, especially in high-strength belts, to mistracking, causing automatic switch offs and leading to faults affecting the whole system. 5. Designing conveyors 5.1 Designing conveyors with the lowest belt tensions possible There are various ways of attaining large conveying capacities. The trend is towards belts units operating at high speeds. A higher speed means that while the same capacity is achieved the load per meter is reduced and so a narrower belt can be used. So the design of a conveyor is crucial. Even if the belt tensions are reduced by only 10 %, great savings can be made in the case of a long-distance belt system. Various methods can be used to determine the drive power and the belt tensions. German standard DIN 22101, drawn up back in 1942 and completely revised in 1982, has played a vital role here; it provided the basis for Continental's first computerised calculations (CONTI-COM) in this field. However, calculation of the dynamic processes is not covered by this particular standard and so it has not been possible to calculate accurately the belt tensions that occur during start-up and braking. This shortcoming has been compensated for by applying suitably high safety factors. The safety factor is calculated from a series of reductions, one of which - the basic reduction ro - takes into account the belt's dynamic fatigue strength for finite life, among other factors. At the design stage these days, less emphasis is placed on the supposed highest belt tension T1 on the drive pulley when the belt is starting up or running. Instead, a comprehensive analysis of the belt tensions at all points along the conveyor is made. Belts that operate on uneven terrain as well as go up and down gradients often have their greatest belt tensions at various points along the conveyor. (Fig. 2) Part-length calculation is a must today when a conveyor is designed. This procedure determines both locally occurring maximum belt tensions and critical belt tensions, which, for instance, can occur when the belt is braked and may cause a complete tension relief. 5.1.1 Calculating the required power All part-lengths with their different lifts have to be recorded in detail. Beside the normal operating conditions, i.e. empty belt or fully loaded belt, all other loading conditions have to be considered, i.e. transport starting, transport ending, part-lengths loaded on uphill or downhill gradients which will lead to the smallest (negative) or largest motional resistances. The installed power must be sufficient to handle such conditions. (Fig.3) 5.1.2 Determining the belt tensions The belt tensions can be accurately calculated once the motional resistances affecting each part-length have been ascertained. Additionally, the mass moments of inertia of idlers, belt, pulleys and drive units as well as the conveyed material are taken into account.
The belt tensions can be reduced significantly by changing the drive configuration, varying the angle of wrap, modifying the start up characteristics or tensioning systems. An optimum design will thus be obtained. Of course, doing design work of this sophistication and thus achieving the ideal solution is only possible with support of computer programs. In view of the amount of calculation work involved, only a computer will identify the unfavourable conditions and secure reliable conveyor operations. Important parameters such as o o o o limitation of slip on driven or braked pulleys limitation of belt sag along the installation constant total stretch of belt with fixed take-up pulley limitation of the stopping time or of the stopping distances
are subject to constant checks by Conti's computer programs (CONTI-COM). (Fig. 4) 5.2 Additional belt stresses When selecting a belt, calculation of the belt tension is only one important factor among several that have to be considered. Computer- aided calculations generally indicate only the mean belt tension; however, this is then regarded as being constant right across the width of the belt. In the flat-to-trough or trough-to-flat zones, on vertical curves and belt turnovers the belt geometry has to be checked carefully to make sure that no impermissible tension peaks occur. Detailed research is especially important in the case of fast-running conveyors because changes in belt tension take place very quickly. A good example of this phenomenon is the belt tension characteristic for a trough-to-flat zone which is followed by a drive pulley. 5.2.1 Trough-to-flat transition (Fig. 5) The trough-to-flat transition is the length between the last fully troughed idler set and the pulley. Due to the deformation of the belt in this zone the belt edges will get more stretched than the belt middle. If the conveyor runs horizontally or ascends, the belt tension at the discharge pulley is considerably higher than at the loading station. In such cases, extra stressing at the belt edges can be expected. But it will not be excessive if the transition zone has been well designed. 5.2.2 Flat-to-trough transition (Fig. 6) The belt undergoes the same changes in its geometry at the loading station. Normally, the belt tensions in this area are rather low, and so a pulley elevation is often considered. However, if the transition length is too short, and depending on the degree of belt tension in this area, only the belt edges will be subjected to tension, whereas the belt middle will be compressed. In such cases, there is a great risk of troublesome "omega" folds occurring. This will not happen if the correct pulley elevation is used. In any case, accurate calculation work is necessary.
5.2.3 Vertical curves Concave and convex curves must also be carefully analysed in order to minimise tension peaks. Vertical curves and transition zones often overlap causing an accumulation of stress and leading to excessive tension at the belt edges. Thorough calculation work is necessary here, too. Continental provides computer calculations (CONTI-COM) for dealing with all such cases. The programs ensure that belts operating at low safety factors will be trouble free and exceed their life expectancy. 6. Splicing Systems The drive power of the motors is transmitted to the belt via the drive pulleys using the well known Eytelwein formula. The high belt tensions resulting from this, however, have to be transmitted by both the belt and the splices. On the assumption that a belt is manufactured without defects, its splices must then be regarded as the weakest links in transmitting the belt tensions. Fast conveyors with their high revolution values and high dynamic stresses require special splicing systems and these will vary depending on the belt in question. 6.1 Static conditions Even today, many belt units are still being designed without much attention being given to the splice configuration. Static splice strengths are frequently overemphasised. It's an approach that is totally inadequate, especially in the case of high-speed conveyors. In the above-mentioned standard, DIN 22101, static breaking strength losses of 0% are specified for one and two-step splices. Safety factors for stationary and non-stationary conditions are then related to the residual breaking strength of the splice. Safety factors between 6.7 and 8 are laid down for stationary conditions if the conveyor is a modern one. 6.2 Dynamic conditions In DIN 22101, the losses in breaking strength resulting from constant reduction are described as 'favourable', 'normal' or 'unfavourable'. Key aspects such as o o o o the differences between the various tension members (fabric/steel cables) the differences between high-strength and low-strength belts with the same kind of tension member (St 1000 - St 6600) changes in the splice configuration the progress achieved and still to be achieved on the dynamic fatigue strength of splices
are not taken into consideration. With conveyors that run at high speeds and which are subject to high belt tensions, the dynamic effects which occur in the splicing zone have to be taken into account. When the belt runs round the pulley, the belt tension goes from a high level to a low level very rapidly. Dynamic stress becomes very great, especially in fast-running conveyors, and so most suitable rubber compounds need to be chosen.
The relatively high safety factors in a static design (S = 6.7 - 8) can, under certain circumstances, be considerably reduced by taking account of the dynamic conditions and, if necessary, on the basic of static calculation, be reduced to a safety factor of about 5. If measures of this kind are taken, lower-strength belts can be used or greater centre distances are possible or higher conveying capacities can be achieved - even though the belt tensions remain the same. 6.3 Splice configuration Splices nowadays are made either as recommended by the belt manufacturer or else based on standards in which splice designs are specified, such as DIN 22131. However, research has shown that such splice designs, especially in the high-strength range, where three or four-step splices are necessary, do not always produce ideal results. It is possible nowadays to design in advance an optimum splice by referring to the rubber characteristic values of the belt and the physical data of the tension member. To do this, it should be remembered that the tensile forces are only transmitted through the core rubber from one cable to the next and thus all in all from one part length into the next. (Fig. 7) When designing a splice, two objectives are essential: o o the breaking strength of the steel cables must be used to the maximum the shear deformation of the intermediate rubber must be used to the maximum
During a dynamic splice fatigue test, depending on a splice design, either the breaking strength of the steel cables will be exceeded or the shear stress in the intermediate rubber will lead to splice failure. In the former the splice tears; in the latter, the cables are pulled apart lengthwise. 6.4 Testing procedures Both the Institute for Conveying Technology of the University of Hannover (IFH) and Continental have conveyor belt test stands for checking the dynamic fatigue strength of conveyor belts. (fig. 8) The revolution test stands are comparable to the conditions that the belts operate in. With a standard conveyor belt, the belt tension increases steadily from the tail up to the head station and then decreases very quickly during the run over the drive pulley. On the test stands, the increasing belt tension is achieved by slowly moving the pulleys apart. After reaching the peak loads, which are much higher than field values, the pretensioning is reduced rapidly by moving the pulley into the opposite direction and a new cycle begins. If the belt splice exceeds more than 180, 000 revolutions it is judged to have reached the "fatigue strength". The research is based on destructive testing of belt splices. A fatigue strength curve is derived from a specific number of belts, each with the same kind of splice. The test starts with the first belt at a very high peak load, and continues until the splice breaks. The second specimen is subjected to a lower peak load etc. A test series
involving splices of the same kind generally produces a curve which is similar to that shown in (Fig. 9). Splice research on the test stands is very time-consuming and costly because each test series includes up to 6 belts. The aim of the testing is to verify the theoretical values and to increase the dynamic splice strength. Different splice designs, e.g. o o o o the individual step lengths the number of steps radically new splicing configurations varying intermediate rubber thicknesses
lead to different fatigue strength curves. Fatigue strength has also been significantly increased due to improvements in the core rubber compounds. The Institute of Conveying Technology (IFH) recommends that the local momentary highest tension on a belt, e.g. at the belt edges in the trough-to-flat transition, should be not higher than 50 % of the achieved fatigue strength, i.e. that a safety factor of at least 2 in relation to the dynamic fatigue strength can be permitted. 6.5 Results of splice investigations Continuous research and development together with comprehensive testing procedures have enabled Continental to attain values of approx. 50 % of the nominal belt strength, even with high strength steel cable belts. These are values which until recently were only achieved by one or two-step splices in the low-strength range. (Fig. 10) The St 6600 that was installed at Palabora attained, with 50 % of the nominal belt strength or 3300 N/mm, the highest fatigue strength in absolute terms ever recorded at the Institute of Conveying Technology. 7. Examples of high-speed conveyors Depending on the type of material being transported, it is possible to classify belts that run at more than 4 m/s as 'high-speed conveyors'. 7.1 Palabora Mining Company, RSA - St 6600 Surface-mined copper ore is transported out of the pit via a tunnel on a Continental steel cable belt, St 6600, 1800mm wide, with a capacity of around 6500 t/h. The centre distance is 1100 m and the lift is about 300m. Belt speed is slightly over 4 m/s. The belt has been in operation since 1988. 7.2 Prosper Haniel - underground mine, W. Germany - St 7500 Coal is transported on a steel cable belt, St 7500, 3700 m long with a lift of approx. 800m. A single pulley head drive with an installed power of 2 x 3100 kW was chosen to drive the conveyor. The belt is 1400 mm wide and conveys 1800 t/h of coal to the surface, and on the return side 1000 t/h of overburden into the pit at a belt speed of 5.5 m/s. The belt was installed 1986. 7.3 Rheinische Braunkohle Werke - Ugnite mines, W. Germany - St 4500
Steel cable belts of St 4500 and 2800 mm width are used to move overburden from the Hambach open pit to the Fortuna open pit. The longest conveyor has a centre distance of approx. 5600m. 12,000 kW of power is necessary to convey 37,500 t/h. The belts were installed between 1983 and 1986. Continental and other W. German belts are in use here. The speed of the conveyors is 7.5 m/s. 7.4 Selby Coaffield, England - St 6950 In Selby, two parallel conveyors have been installed. One is fitted with a Cable-belt system, while the other, the South drift conveyor is equipped with a steel cable belt, St 6950. With a centre distance of 12,200m, and a lift of approx. 800m, a maximum of 2400 t/h of coal can be transported on a belt 1300 mm wide. With 10,100 kW of power, the belt is run at speeds up to 8.4 m/s. The unit was installed in 1982/83. References: [1] Alles, R.: Conveyor Belt System Design, Continental AG, 3. Revised Edition 1988 [2] Alles, R.: Stressing of rubber conveyor belts and its mathematical treatment; bulk solids handling, volume 2, Number 1, March 1982 [3] Beckmann, D. and Alles, R.: Calculation of transition lengths for flat-to-trough and trough-to-flat sections of belt conveyors; bulk solids handling, volume 8, number 1, February 1988 [4] Flebbe, H.: Dynamic splice strength - design criteria for conveyor belts?; bulk solids handling, volume 8, number 5, October 1938
Figure 1: Elongation of various tension members, as exemplified by a belt with a strength of 1000 N/mm
Figure 8: Test stand at the Institute for Conveying Technology, University Hannover (IFH)
Figure 9: Determining the fatigue strength of a splice with four samples of the same kind