The Concealed Abbey of The Dragonfly Horde

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The Concealed Abbey of the Dragonfly Horde

A strange buzzing rises in the ears

of travelers near the mist-shrouded
swamp, and feverish dreams of gold
and amber haunt their sleep...

Hungry croakfolk have invaded the C

hidden abbey of the dragonfly cultists!
The patron being who resides within 3
now calls for help, tempting mortals
with visions of gleaming riches. C
d4 Details Up
A vine-snake (cobra) falls from
above onto a random character
Down S
2 A giant dragonfly approaches C C

A wounded dragonfly cultist C
stumbles into the room 4 5
4 1d4 croakfolk hop into sight C C
The Buzzing. A buzzing throughout
Areas 2-5 grows louder over time. DC
12 WIS check each time a PC enters a
new room or they lose their next action Shadowdark RPG

to disorientation. The Buzzing stops S Secret door: Rising tunnel visible at bottom of pond 3rd-Level

whenever the light source goes out. K. Dionne, 2023

1. Deadfall. A misty, narrow canyon. 4. Inner Sanctum. 30’ sheer shaft leads
Rolling fog conceals a 60’ drop into a up to a ledge and hallway. Body of a
boggy cave lined in a thick nest of vines. frog-like man lies twisted at the bottom.
• Drop. Ragged vines cloak a wet, • Body. Looted. 1:6 chance of having
narrow set of stairs spiraling down treasure (roll on Level 0-3 table).
the wall of the cave to the floor (60’). • Altar Room. Beyond ledge, airy room
▶ Stairs. Slippery, worn steps. Moving with six leathery, frog-headed people
lounging on reed mats and bickering.
quickly requires DC 12 DEX or else
A prominent altar covered in vines
fall the rest of the way.
and dried flowers sits at the rear.
▶ Vines. Bristling with purple and
▶ Croakfolk. Gambling with slimy,
crimson flowers. Reach 60’ to floor.
glass beads and swigging out of
1:6 chance they break per round.
jars of dead flies in swamp water.
2. Foyer of Offerings. A wrought iron
▶ Altar. Glossy slab of amber with
gate blocks an alcove with a cracked,
an ancient, wagon-sized dragonfly
stone fountain. A carved dragonfly as
encased in it. This is Anizoptera
big as a horse rests atop the fountain. Its
Zizhek, a patron being.
eyes are multi-faceted, red gemstones!
5. Grand Hall. Spacious, towering room
• Gate. Faint, broken warning carved
held up by lofty pillars (two coated
onto the gate: “Don’t touch the—” DC
in runnels of ichor). Three headless
12 STR to break open (but very noisy).
croakfolk lie around a person on the
• Fountain. Mud-streaked gold coins floor who is breathing raggedly.
fill the bowl. Leaving a gold offering
• Pillars. Arched. At top where two
of 10+ gp grants 1 XP or a luck token meet, five dragonfly cultists are
(once per PC). There is 100 gp total. glued to the ceiling, merging into
• Dragonfly Statue. Eyes are two large mindless dragonfly avatar leaking
rubies (100 gp/each). Taking them ichor. They reach apotheosis in 3
rounds and then attack all in sight.
turns gold coins into acid (stored
gold destroys 1d4 carried items, • Person. Dying dragonfly cultist
touching it causes 1d4 damage/rd). (Katrathis, stubborn, apocalyptic).
Dies in 1d4 rounds. Praises arrival
3. Dragonfly Hatchery. Arched passage of dragonfly avatar. Offers self as
opens into a high room with a glassy, sacrifice to it (distracts it for 1 round).
algae-choked pond that smells of
• Secret Door. Leads to Area 3.
rain on stone. Dozens of Iridescent
dragonflies flit and whirl over the water. • Treasure. Fleshy, ichor-smeared
bladder glued to ceiling. Contents:
• Croakfolk. Two croakfolk floating just
below pond’s surface. Overly full on ▶ 300 gp in gold dragonfly icons.
dragonflies. Shocked at newcomers. ▶ Dragonfly Eye Diadem. Amber;
• Pond. Green, murky. 15’ deep. Helm set with six, multi-faceted rubies.
of Humming in mud at bottom. Destroy a ruby to summon a loyal
giant dragonfly for 5 rounds.
Monsters and Treasure
Croaking, frog-headed people with Cloaked humans with patches of
moist green skin and sticky bulbs metallic green scales and wide eyes
on their fingers and toes. with multi-faceted irises.
AC 13 (leather), HP 10, ATK 1 AC 11, HP 9, ATK 1 bite +1 (1d6) or 1
shortsword +0 (1d6) or 1 tongue spell, MV near, S +0, D +1, C +0, I +0,
(near) +2 (1d4 + grab), MV near W +2, Ch +1, AL C, LV 2
(climb, swim), S +0, D +2, C +1, I +0, W Hover (WIS Spell). DC 13. Fly a near
+0, Ch -1, AL N, LV 2 distance for 5 rounds.
Grab. Target must pass DC 12 DEX or
croakfolk steals 1 piece of gear.
Sticky Fingers. Can climb and stick
A whirling, metallic-green dragonfly
on sheer, vertical surfaces.
large enough to carry a human.
AC 15, HP 19, ATK 2 bite +4 (1d8), MV
DRAGONFLY AVATAR double near (fly), S +1, D +4, C +1, I -3,
An insectoid golem of blue-green W +1, Ch -4, AL N, LV 4
chitin standing as tall as two
people. Four translucent wings
hum on its back and ruby-like eyes
dominate its entire head. A silvery helm with a curled tail,
four long wings, and clusters
AC 15, HP 33, ATK 2 bite +6 (1d8 +
of emeralds that form a pair of
rend) and 1 buzz, MV double near
bulbous, multi-faceted eyes. It hums
(fly), S +3, D +4, C +2, I -4, W +2, Ch +1,
quiet, sweet tones when held.
AL C, LV 7
Benefit. Wearing the helm grants
Rend. Deals an extra die of damage
you a +1 bonus to your AC. Once per
if it hits same target with both bites.
day, you can fly a near distance. You
Buzz. All enemy creatures in near are immune to The Buzzing caused
DC 12 WIS or disoriented for 1 round. by Anizoptera Zizhek.
Anizoptera Zizhek
A prehistoric apex predator from an DRAGONFLY
epoch when mega-beasts roamed Cultists who revere Anizoptera
the sweltering jungles that were Zizhek cluster inside the secret
newly risen from the primordial abbeys their forebears built in
seas. Anizoptera seeks the hunt and jungles, bogs, and sea caves. Vicious
the precise letting of blood. dragonflies as large as songbirds
populate these areas.
The cult has long since diminished.
As creatures draw closer to
Now, its ways are handed down
Anizoptera, a maddening buzzing
among the people of remote
fills their ears that can shatter the
swamp hamlets whose obscure
minds of the weak-willed.
traditions are impervious to the
outside passage of time.
Petitioners must be able to endure
The Buzzing in order to earn
Anizoptera’s favor. Those who
overcome The Buzzing and please
Anizoptera with their deeds and
offerings might receive a patron
boon as a gift.


2d6 Effect (2 repeat = +5 rounds/day total, 10-11 repeat = +1 use/day)
2 You sprout wings and can fly near for up to 5 rounds a day total
3-7 You deal +2 damage with finesse weapons
8-9 +2 to Dexterity or Wisdom stat
10-11 1/day, inflict The Buzzing on all near enemies (DC 15 WIS to resist)
12 Choose one option or 2 points to distribute to stats

Dragonfly art by Yevheniia Lytvynovych /

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