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4 CE201 Mix Design v4

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Concrete Mix Design

• Mean compressive strength?

• Design compressive strength of concrete
– Or Specified Design strength (US)
– Or Specified Characteristic strength (UK)
– Minimum requirement of strength from structural
analysis and design
• Concrete mix design aims at a mean strength
• Mean strength > Design strength
– So that most of the concrete strength become
stronger than design strength

• Design Engineer tells you Design Strength
necessary for the construction
• You need to find Target Mean Strength = ? To
design the mix
• You need to use standard deviation to find the
mean strength
• Standard deviation comes from previous
experience of mix design and/or test results of

Quality Control of Concrete by Testing

• The ACI code specifies that a pair of cylinders must

be tested for each 150 yd3 of concrete or for 5000 ft2
of surface area actually placed, but not less than
once a day.
• To ensure adequate concrete strength in spite of
such scatter, the ACI code stipulates that concrete
quality is satisfactory if
– (1) no individual strength test result (the average of a pair
of cylinder tests) falls below the required fc’ by more than
500 psi when fc’ is 5000 psi or less or by more than 0.10 fc’
when fc’ is more than 5000 psi, and
– (2) every arithmetic average of any three (pair) consecutive
strength tests equals or exceed fc’ 3

Non-destructive test of concrete (NDT)

• Example – 1: design compressive strength of

concrete of a structure is 4000 psi. the test
results of concrete are as follows:
– Day 1: (2500 psi, 4500psi), (3000 psi, 4680 psi),
(4200 psi, 4520 psi)
– Day 2: (3500 psi, 4050 psi), (3800 psi, 3900 psi)
– Day 3: (4100 psi, 4360 psi)
– Day 4: (4500 psi, 4150 psi)
Are these results satisfactory?

Mix Design as per ACI 211.1-91
• ACI = American Concrete Institute
• ACI 211.1-91 is part of ACI Manual published by American
Concrete Institute.
• Standard practice for selecting proportions for normal, heavyweight
and mass concrete is described here.
• Guide for selecting proportions for high-strength concrete is
described in ACI 211.4R-93.
• Mean target strength upto 6000 psi (41 MPa) is considered as
normal strength concrete and mean target strength above 6000 psi is
considered as high-strength concrete.
• Smaller size aggregates have been shown to provide higher strength
Mix Design as per ACI 211.1-91

• Exposure condition of concrete limits the w/c ratio to

ensure durability of concrete in adverse

• Slump value of concrete should be selected based

on scope of compaction during casting, for example,
to make flowing concrete slump should be in the
range of 100 – 150 mm, concrete for cast in situ piles
should have slump value in the range of 150-175
mm. In addition, ACI recommended slump values
are given below.

Table 6.3.4(b) – Maximum permissible water-cement or
water-cementitious material ratios for concrete in severe
Types of structure Structure wet Structures exposed to
continuously or sea water or sulfates
frequently and
exposed to freezing
and thawing*
Thin sections (railings,
curbs, sills, ledges, 0.45 0.40**
ornamental work) and
Sections with less than 1”
clear cover over steel
All other structures 0.50 0.45**
*Concrete should also be air entrained
**If sulfate resisting cement (Type II or Type V of ASTM C 150) is used,
permissible water-cement ratio may be increased by 0.05
Table 6.3.1 – Recommended slumps
for various types of construction

Types of construction Slump, in.

Maximum Minimum
Reinforced foundation 3 1
walls and footings
Plain footings, caissons 3 1
and substructure walls
Beams and reinforced 4 1
Building columns 4 1
Pavements and slabs 3 1
Mass concrete 2 1
* For cast in situ concrete piling, slump value is 6” to 8”
Mix Design Example

¾ACI method
¾Composite cement
¾Ready mixed concrete will be cast by pumping
¾Admixture (Super Plasticizer) will be used to make flowing
¾Concrete will remain under sea water (i.e. offshore
¾Design strength of concrete is 35 MPa
¾All necessary data are given in the following tables
Table 1: Properties of fine aggregate

No. Property Test Method Value Unit
Bulk Specific Gravity (OD
1 basis) ASTM C127 2.54 -
Apparent Specific Gravity
2 (OD basis) ASTM C127 2.60 -
3 Absorption Capacity ASTM C127 1.34 %
4 Dry Rodded Unit Weight ASTM C29 1590 kg/m3
Moisture Content of FA in
5 Laboratory - 4.00 %
6 Fineness Modulus (FM) ASTM C136 2.62

Table 2: Properties of coarse aggregate

No. Property Test Method Value Unit
Bulk Specific Gravity (OD
1 basis) ASTM C127 2.66 -
Apparent Specific Gravity
2 (OD basis) ASTM C127 2.68 -
3 Absorption Capacity ASTM C127 0.69 %
4 Dry Rodded Unit Weight ASTM C29 1550 kg/m3
Moisture Content of CA in
5 Laboratory - 0.38 %
6 Maximum Size - 20 mm

Table 3: Propertie of cement

Sl. Test
No. Property Method Value Unit
1 Brand name (composite) -
2 Clinker 80 %
3 Fly ash 20 %
4 Compacted Unit Weight 1400 kg/m3
5 Loose Unit Weight - 1100 kg/m3
6 Specific gravity of clinker 3.15
7 Specific gravity of fly ash 2.40

Table 4: Properties of water reducing admixture

Sl. Test
No. Property Method Value Unit
1 Brand name Megaflow230 -
500-1500 ml
per 100 kg
2 Recommended dose cement
3 Expected water reduction 15-20 %
4 Specific gravity 1.2 -

Table 5: ACI recommended w/c ratio for normal
strength concrete

Mean target strength

psi MPa w/c ratio
6000 41 0.41
5000 34 0.48
4000 28 0.57
3000 21 0.68
2000 14 0.82

w − 0.0259 f c '
= 1.1734e
c f in MPac’
Table 6: ACI recommended dry rodded bulk volume of
coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete

max size
of agg FM of fine aggregate
mm 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00
9.5 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
19 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
37.5 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
50 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
75 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
Table 7: First estimate of density of fresh concrete

nominal Density of fresh concrete

max size (kg/m3)
9.5 2280
12.5 2310
19 2345
25 2380
37.5 2410
50 2445
75 2490
150 2530

Table 8: ACI recommended mixing water content
for 1 m3 fresh concrete

Max size of
(mm) 10 12.5 20 25 40 50 70 150
Slump value
(mm) Amount of mixing water in kg per 1 m3 concrete
25 to 50 207 199 190 179 166 154 130 113
75 to 100 228 216 205 193 181 169 145 124
150 to 175 243 228 216 202 190 178 160 -
Entrapped air
(%) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2

Table 9: Properties of aggregates in site

Sl. Test
No. Property Method Value Unit
Moisture content of fine
1 aggregate 5.0 %
Moisture content of
2 coarse aggregate 1.0 %
Loose Unit Weight of
3 fine aggregate 1280 kg/m3
Loose Unit Weight of
4 coarse aggregate 1330 kg/m3
Loose Unit Weight of
5 Cement 1100 kg/m3

Table 10: First trial mix result

0.3 kg more water was added

than calculated for first trial
Water added mix
measured 100 mm
density of fresh
concrete 2390 kg/m3

Step 1: Selection of slump value
To make flowing concrete, slump = 100 – 150 mm

Step 2: Selection of maximum size of coarse

(a) Nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate should be
the largest possible which is economically available.
(b) Maximum size of coarse aggregate should be less than
• One-fifth of the narrowest dimension of the structure
• One-third of the depth of slab
• Three-fourth of minimum clear spacing between bars
• Clear cover
Here, we have no information about size of structure and
maximum size of available aggregate is 20 mm.
So, maximum size of CA = 20 mm
Step 3: Estimation of mixing water content and
air content

Super plasticizer Megaflow230 will be used to
increase workability. Megaflow230 can reduce mixing
water content upto 20% depending on its dose.
If we use the dose of Megaflow230 = 1000 ml per
100 kg cement and assume that it would reduce water
content by 15%,
So, Mixing water = 210.5 x 0.85 = 179 kg per 1 m3
fresh concrete

Step 4: Selection of w/c ratio

or , to avoid interpolation or w − 0.0259 f c '
extrapolation, we can use following = 1.1734e
formula to get w/c ratio c 26
Step 5: Calculation of cement content and

Step 6: Estimation of coarse aggregate content

Step 7: Calculation of fine aggregate content
Fine aggregate content can be calculated using mass
method or volume method.
(a) Mass method

(b) Volume method
Total volume of concrete is 1 m3 which must be equal to sum of
solid volumes of all ingredients.
W C FlyAsh FA(OD) CA(OD) Adm A
+ + + + + + (1) = 1
1000 (3.15)1000 (2.40)1000 ( BSGFA−OD )1000 ( BSGCA−OD )1000 (SG)1000 100

175 377 94 FA(OD ) 992 3.956 2

+ + + + + + (1) = 1
1000 (3.15)1000 ( 2.40)1000 (2.54)1000 (2.66)1000 (1.2)1000 100

Volume method does not require assumption of density

of fresh concrete, so it is more rational than mass
So, FA (OD) = 686 kg
FA (SSD) = 695 kg 30
Basic mix design is complete here.
Mix proportion for 1 m3 fresh concrete
Water = 175 kg
Cement = 471 kg
FA (SSD) = 695 kg
CA (SSD) = 999 kg
Megaflow230 = 3.956 kg
Total = 2344 kg

Step 8: Adjustment and First Lab Trial Mix

Adjusted mixing water = 175 – 18.2 – ( - 3.1)

= 159.9 kg = 160 kg
Adjusted FA = 695 + 18.2 = 713.2 kg = 713 kg
Adjusted CA = 999 – 3.1 = 995.9 kg = 996 kg
Mix proportion for 1 m3 fresh concrete 32
SSD mass Adjusted wet
(kg) mass (kg)
Water 175 160
Cement 471 471
Fine Aggregate 695 713
Coarse Aggregate 999 996
Megaflow230 3.956 3.956
Total 2344 2344

Mix proportion for 0.02 m3 fresh concrete

Adjusted wet Adjusted wet

mass (kg) mass (kg)
Water 160 x 0.02 = 3.20
Cement 471 x 0.02 = 9.42
Fine 713 x 0.02 = 14.26
Coarse 996 x 0.02 = 19.92
Megaflow230 3.956 x 0.02 0.079

All the ingredients as calculated above are mixed in mixer
machine. From visual observation it seems that more water
is necessary to get required slump. 0.3 kg more water is
added and concrete is mixed again. Freshly mixed concrete
is taken out of mixer machine and slump test is performed.

Slump value = 100 mm found from slump test.

To measure density of fresh concrete, 3 empty cylinders

are weighed, filled with concrete, compacted, leveled and
cleaned outside of mold. Then filled up molds are weighed.
Density of concrete is calculated as follows.

Measured density of fresh concrete = 2390 kg/m3
Mass of water added = 3.20 + 0.30 = 3.50 kg
Mass of ingredients mixed
= 3.50 + 9.42 + 14.26 + 19.92 + 0.079
= 47.179 kg

Step 9: Revision of mix proportion based on
First Lab Trial Mix result
ACI suggests that if the slump of the trial mix does not satisfy
the requirement, increase or decrease the re-estimated water
content by 2 kg/m3 for each increase or decrease of 10 mm

To get target mean strength or same durability, we have to

keep the w/c ratio constant as calculated in step 4, 38
Mixing water = 202 – 4 = 198
Mixing water in adjusted wet masses
= 198 – 16 + 3
= 185
Modified mix proportion for 1 m3 fresh concrete
after first lab trial

SSD Adjusted wet

mass (kg) mass (kg)
Water 198 185
Cement 532 532
Fine 644 660
Coarse 1012 1009
Megaflow230 3.956 3.956
Total 2390 2390

Step 10: Final trial mix to confirm strength and

Consider 25% loss during handling,

Volume of fresh concrete needed for final trial mix
= 1.25*0.0141 = 0.0176 m3

This is very small amount of mix which may lead to

significant errors due to errors in measurement and loss in
mixing. For this reason, it is wise to make at least 0.025 m3
concrete for final trial mix. 42
Mix proportion for 0.025 m3 fresh concrete

Adjusted wet Adjusted wet

mass (kg) mass (kg)
Water 185 x 0.025 = 4.63
Cement 532 x 0.025 = 13.30
Fine 660 x 0.025 = 16.50
Coarse 1009 x 0.025 = 25.23
Megaflow230 3.956 x 0.025 = 0.099

Step 11: Adjustment for casting in site
From table 9,
Moisture content in FA = 5%
Moisture content in CA = 1%
FA (OD) = 635 kg,
CA (OD) = 1005 kg

Adjusted mixing water

= 198 – 23.2 – 3.1 = 171.7 kg = 172 kg
Adjusted FA = 644 + 23.2 = 667 kg
Adjusted CA = 1012 + 3.1 = 1015 kg 45
Mix proportion for 1 m3 fresh concrete in site

SSD Adjusted wet

mass mass (kg)
Water 198 172
Cement 532 532
Fine 644 667
Coarse 1012 1015
Megaflow230 3.956 3.956
Total 2390 2390

Step 12: Conversion to volumetric ratio

Note that generally

1 bag cement
= 50 kg cement mass
= 1.25 cft compacted bulk volume of cement
= 1.60 cft loose bulk volume of cement
However, among practicing engineers in Bangladesh, 50 kg
cement = 1.25 cft bulk volume of cement is known and
used for calculating volumetric ratio.

Volumetric ratios like 1:1.5:3 or 1:2:4 which are very

familiar to practicing engineers in Bangladesh have no
rational basis. This kind of ratios should not be used any


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