Laboratory Manual - Tre - 2019-20

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(IS: 2386 PART -5)


To determine the hardness of the sample aggregate by testing for abrasion value
using Los Angles Testing Machine.


Due to the move meat of traffic, the road stones and used in the surfacing course
are subjected to wearing action at the top Resistance to wear or hardness is hence an
essential property of road aggregate, especially when used in wearing course. Thus road
stones should be hard enough to resist the abrasion due the traffic. When fast moving
traffic fitted with pneumatic tyres move on the road, the sod particles present between the
wheel and road surface causes abrasion on the road stone. Steel tyres of the animal drawn
vehicles which rub against the stones can cause considerable abrasion of the stones on the
road surface Hence in order to tests are carried out in the laboratory.


The principle of Los Angeles Abrasion Test is to find the percentage wear due to
the relative rubbing action between the aggregate and steel balls used as abrasive charge,
pounding action of these balls also exist while conducting the lest. Some investigators
believe this test to be more dependable as rubbing and pounding action simulate the field
conditions where both abrasion and impact occur. Los Angeles Abrasion Test has been
standardized by the ASTM, AASHTO and also by the IS. Standard specifications of Los
Angeles Abrasion Values are also available for various types of pavement constructions.


(i). Los Angeles Machine should have essential characteristics as under: The
machine has hollow steel cylinder 700 mm in dia, and 500 mm in side length. A
steel self 88 x 25 x 500 mm is projecting radially. It can be mounted on inside of
the cover plate.
(ii). Sieve 1.70 mm and as given in Table 1. for different grades of aggregates
(iii). Abrasive charge: It consists of cast iron spheres or steel sphere app 48 mm in dia
and weighing 390 to 446 gm No of spheres are chosen from Table - 2 as per the
grade of aggregates.
(iv). Oven and accurate balance.

Fig 1. Loss Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine


Sieve the sample of aggregate and refer to the "Grades of Test sample" to decide
the grade and the weight of the aggregate to be taken. Take little пюге than the required
quantity and pH it in the oven at 105 °C to 110 °C for 24 hours for drying. Allow it to
cool to room temperature. From this sample, weigh the required quantity for the test
Clean aggregate dried in oven at 105° С to 110 °C to constant weight, confirming
to any one of the grading A, to G, as per Table 1 is used for the test. The grading or
grading used in the test should be nearest to the grading to be used in construction
Aggregates weighing 5 kg for grading А, В, С or D and 10 kg for grading E, F or G may
be taken as test specimen and placed in the cylinder. The abrasive charge is also chosen in
accordance with Table 1 depending on the grading of the aggregate and is placed m the
cylinder of the machine. The cover is then fixed dust sight. The machine is rotated at a
speed of 30 to 33 revolutions per minute. The machine is rotated for 500 revolutions for
grading А, В, С and D. For grading E, F and G, it shall be rotated for 1000 revolutions.
The machine should be balanced and driven in such a way as to maintain uniform
peripheral speed.
After the desired number of revolutions, the machine is stopped and the material is
discharged from the machine taking care to take out entire stone dust. Using a sieve
coarser than 1 70 mm IS sieve, the material is first separate into two parts and the finer
portion is taken out and sieved further on a 1.7 mm IS sieve. The portion of material
coarser than 1.70 mm size is washed and dried in an oven at 105 °C to 110 °C to constant
weight and correct to one gram


Sr. No. Description Sample -1 Sample - II

1. Original weight of aggregate
W1 gms.
2. Weight of material retain on
1.70 mm IS-sieve after test
3. Weight of passing (W1 - W2)
4. Abrasion Value in % =
W1 - W2 x 100
5 Avg. Abrasion value in %


Los Angeles Abrasion test is very widely accepted as suitable test to asses the
hardness of aggregate used in pavement construction. Many agencies have specified the
desirable limits of the test, for different methods of pavement construction. The maximum
allowable Los Angeles Abrasion values of aggregates as specified by Indian Roads
Congress for different methods of construction are given below:

Sr. Type of surface Max. Los Angeles
No. Abrasion Value %
1. Water Bound Macadam and surface treated 40
WBM (Wear at 500 revolutions)
2. Bituminous surface dressing 25
3. Bituminous penetration macadam 40
4. Bitumen Bound Macadam 50
5. Bituminous concrete 30
6. Cement Concrete 16*


The difference between the original and final weights of the sample expressed as a
percentage of the original weight of the sample is reported as the percentage wear.

TABLE : 1 (Specification for Los Angeles Test)

Grad Weight in grams of each lest sample in the size range mm (passing No. of Weight of
–ing and retained on square holes) spheres charge
80-63 63-50 50-40 j 40-25 25-20 20- 12.5- 10- 6.3- 4.75-
12.5 10 6.3 4.75 2.36
A - - - 1250 1250 1250 1250 - - - 12 5000±25
В - - - - - 2500 2500 - - - 11 4584±25
С - - - - - - - 2500 2500 - 8 3330±20
D - - - - - - - - - 5000 6 2500+15
E 2500' 2500» 5000 - - - - - - - 12 5000+25
F - - 5000" 5000* - - - - - 12 5000±25
G - - - 5000* 5000 - 1- - - 12 5000+25

• Tolerance of ±2 percent is permitted

• Let the original weight of aggregate = W1 gm
• Weight of aggregate retained on 1.70 mm IS sieve after the test = W2 gm
• Loss in weight due to wear = (Wl- W2) gm
• Percentage wear = (Wl – W2) x 100


It may seldom happen that the aggregates desired for a certain construction project
has the same grading as any one of the specified grading. In all cases the standard grading
or gradings nearest to the gradation of the selected aggregates may be chosen.

Different specification limits may be required for grading E, F and G when
compared with А, В and D. Further investigations are necessary before any such
specifications could be made.

Los Angeles Abrasion Test is very commonly used to evaluate the quality of road
aggregates, especially to decide the hardness of stones. However, this test may be
considered as one in which resistance to both abrasion and impact of aggregate may be
obtained simultaneously, due to the presence of abrasive charge. Also the test condition is
considered more representative of field conditions The result obtained on stone aggregates
are highly reproducible.


1 Original Wt Of aggregate, W1 = _________ gms

2 Weight of material retained

1.7 mm IS Sieve after test, W2 = _________ gms.

3. Weight of passing, W1 -W2 = _________ gms.

4 Abrasion value in % = W1-W2 x 100 = %



Average Abrasion value in % =




(IS: 2386 PART -4)

To determine the impact value of given sample using Aggregate Impact Testing

Toughness is the property of a material to resist impact. Due to traffic loads the
road stone are subjected to the pounding action of impact and there is possibility of
breaking into smaller pieces. The road stone should therefore be tough enough to resists
fracture under impact. A test designed to evaluate the toughness of stones i.e. the
resistance of the stones to fracture under repeated impacts may be called an impact test for
road stones.
The aggregate impact value indicates a relative measure of the resistance of an
aggregate to a sudden shock or an impact, which differs from its resistance to a slow
gradually increasing compressive load. The method of test covers the procedure for
determining the aggregate impact value of course aggregate.
The apparatus consists of an impact testing machine, a cylindrical measure,
tamping rods, IS sieves, balance and oven.
• Impact Testing Machine :
The machine consists of a metal base with a plan lower surface, supported well on
firm floor, without rocking. A detachable cylindrical steel cup of internal diameter 10.2
cm and depth 5 cm is rigidly fastened centrally to the base plate A metal hammer
cylindrical m shape, 10 cm in diameter and 5 cm long, with 2 mm chamber at the lower
edge is capable of sliding freely between vertical guides, and fall concentric over the cup.
There is an arrangement for raising the hammer and allowing is to fall freely between
vertical guides from a height of 38 cm on the test sample in the cup, the height of fall
being adjustable upto 0.5. A key is provided for supporting the hammer while fastening or
removing the cup. Refer Figure.
• Measure:
A cylindrical metal measure having internal diameter 7.5 cm and depth 5 cm for
measuring aggregate.
• Tamping Rod :
A straight metal temping rod of circular cross section 1 cm diameter and 25 cm
long, rounded at one end.
• Sieve:
IS sieve of sizes 12.5 mm, 10 mm, and 2.36 mm for sieving the aggregates
• Oven:
A thermostatically controlled drying oven capable of maintaining constant
temperature between 100° C and 110° C.

• Balance:
A balance of capacity not less than 500 gm to weight accurate to 0.1 gm

Fig 1. Aggregate Impact Testing Machine


The test sample shall consist of aggregate passing through 12.5 mm IS sieve and
retained on a 10 mm IS sieve.
The metal measure shall be filled about one third full with the aggregate and
tamped with 23 stocks of the rounded and of the tamping rod A further similar quantity
of aggregate shall be added and procedure repeated. The measure shall finally be filled
to overflowing capacity and after tamping surface material is struck off using temping
rod weight of aggregate in the measure is determined and same weight is taken for
duplicate test.
The test sample consists of aggregates passing 12.5 mm sieve and retained on 10
mm sieve and dried in an oven for four hours at a temperature 100° C to 110° C, and
cooled. Test aggregates are filled upto about one third full in the cylindrical measure and
tamped 25 times with rounded end of the tamping rod. Further, quantity of aggregates m
then added upto about two third full m the cylinder and 25 stroked of the tamping rod are
given. The measure is now filled with the aggregates to over flow, tamped 25 times.
The surplus aggregates are struck off using the tamping rod as straight edge. The
net weight of the aggregates in the measure is determined to the nearest gram and this
weight off the aggregates is used for earning out duplicate test on the same material.

The Impact machine is placed with its bottom plate flat on the floor so that the
hammer guides columns are vertical. The cup is fixed firmly in position of the base of
the machine and the whole of the test sample from the cylindrical measure is transferred
to the cup and compacted by tamping rod with 25 strokes.

The hammer is raised until its lower face is 38 cm above the upper surface of the
aggregates in the cup, and allowed to fall freely on the aggregates. The test sample is
subjected to a total of 15 such blows, each being delivered at an interval of not less than
one second. The crushed aggregates are than removed from the cup and the whole of its
sieved on the 2.36 mm sieve until on further significant amount passes. The fraction
passing the sieve is weighted accurate to 0.1 g. The fraction weight of the fractions
passing and retained on the sieve is added is should not be less than the original weight of
the specimen by more than one gram, if the total weight is less than original by over one
gram the result should be discarded and a fresh test made.

The above test is repeated on fresh aggregate sample.


Sr. Description Sample Sample -

No. -I II
1. Original weight of the aggregate passing through 12.5
mm IS sieve and retained on 10 mm IS sieve
i.e. weight ->W1
2. Weight of the aggregate passing through 2.36 mm IS
sieve after the test
i.e. weight -> W2
3. Weight of the aggregate retained on 2.36 mm IS sieve after
the test
i.e. weight ->W3 = W1 - W2
4. W2 + W3
5. Impact Value = W2 100 %
Aggregate Impact Value = _______ % =

TABLE NO : 1 (Aggregate Impact Values)

Sr. Aggregate Impact Value Type of aggregate

1. Up to 10 % Exceptionally strong (Too strong)
2. 10% to 20% Strong
3. 20% to 30% Satisfactory for road surface
> 35 % Weak for road surface
Max. Permissible Aggregates Values for the different types of pavements)
Sr. Types of pavements Avg. Aggregate Impact
(IRC Recommendations)
1. Bituminous surface dressing, Penetration macadam, 3 0 %
concrete and cement concrete wearing
2. Bituminous 1 bound macadam 35%
3. Cement - Concrete base course 45 %

For deciding the suitability of soft aggregates in base course construction, this test
has been commonly used. A modified impact test is also often carried out in the case of soft
aggregates to find the wet impact value after soaking the rest samples Based on work
reported by different agencies, the following recommendations have been made assess the
suitability soft aggregates for road construction.


Sr. No. Condition or sample Maximum Aggregate Impact Value

Sub base & base Surface base

1. Dry condition 50% 32%
2. Wet condition 60% 39 %


The aggregate impact value is expressed as the percentage of the fines formed
in terms of the weight of sample.

Let the original weight of the oven dry sample be = W1, g and the weight of
fraction passing 2.36 mm IS sieve be W2 g.

Aggregate impact value = W2 ×100 %



The mean of the two or more results is reported as the aggregate impact value
of the specimen to the nearest whole number.
Aggregate impact value is used to classify the respect of their toughness
property- as indicated below:


Chief advantages of aggregate impact test are that it determined the resistance
to impact of stones simulating field condition. The test can be performed in a short
time oven at construction site or at stone quarry, as the apparatus is sample and

Well shaped cubical stones provided higher resistance to impact when

compared with flaky and elongated stones.



(Faculty Advisor)
Date :



(IS: 2386 PART -4)

To determine the crushing value of the given sample of aggregate with the
help of compression testing machine.


The principal mechanical properties required in road stones are:

• Satisfactory resistance to crushing under the roller during construction and
• Adequate resistance to surface abrasion under traffic. Also surface under rigid type
of heavily loaded drawn vehicles are high enough to consider the crushing
strength of road aggregates as an essential requirement in India

Crushing strength of road stone may be determine either on aggregates or on

cylindrical specimen cut out of rocks. The two tests are quite different in not only the
approach but also in the expression of the results.

Aggregate used in road construction, should be strong enough to resist crushing under
traffic wheel loads. If the aggregates are weak the stability of the pavement structure is
likely to be adversely affected. The strength of coarse aggregates is assessed by aggregate
crushing test.
The aggregate crushing value provides. a relative measure of resistance to crushing under
gradually applied compressive load. To achieve a high quality of pavement, aggregates
low aggregate crushing value should be preferred.


• Steel Cylinder with open ends, and internal diameter 15.2 cm, circular base plate,
plunger having a piston of diameter 15 cm with a hole provided across the stem of
the plunger so that a rod could be inserted for lifting or placing the plunger in the
• Cylindrical measure having internal diameter of 11.5 cm and height 18 cm
• Steel tamping rod with one rounded end, having a diameter of 1 6 cm and length 45 to
60 cm
• Balance of capacity 3 kg with accuracy up to 1 g.
• Compression testing machine capable of applying load of 40 tones, at a uniform rate of
loading of 4 tones per minute.

Fig 1. Aggregate Crushing Value Test Setup

Fig 2. Aggregate Crushing Test Machine


The aggregate comprising the test sample shall be dried in an oven at a

temperature 100°C - 110°C for four hours and cooled. The aggregates should pass the
12.5 mm IS sieve and retained on the 10 mm IS test sieve. The measure shall be filled
about one third full of aggregate and temped with 2 strokes of the temping rod. A further
similar quantity of aggregate shall be taken and a further temping of 25 strokes is given,
the measure shall finally be filled to overflowing, temped 25 times and the surplus
aggregate stuck off. The net weight of the aggregate in the measure shall be determined
and this weight of sample shall be used for duplicate on the same material.


The aggregate passing 12.5 mm IS sieve and retained on 10 mm IS sieve is

selected for standard test. The aggregate should be in surface dry condition before testing.
The aggregate may be dried by hearing at a temperature 100° С to 110° С for a period of 4
hours and is tested after being cooled to room temperature.

The cylindrical measure is filled by the test sample of aggregate in three layers of
approximately equal depth, each layer being tamped 25 times by the rounded end of the
tamping rod. After the third layer is tamped, the aggregates at the top of the cylindrical
measure are leveled off by using the tamping rod as a straight edge. About 6.5 kg of
aggregate is required for preparing two test samples. The test sample thus taken is then
weighted. The same weight of the sample is taken in the repeat test.

The cylinder of the test apparatus is placed in position on the base, one third of the
test sample is placed in this cylinder and tamped 25 times by the tamping rod Similarly,
two parts of the test specimen is added, each layer being subjected to 25 blows. The total
depth of the material in the cylinder after tamping shall however be 10 cm The surface of
the aggregates is leveled and the plunger inserted so that it rests on this surface in level
position The cylinder with the test sample and plunger in position is placed on
compression machine. Load is then applied though the plunger at a uniform rate of 4 tone
per minute until the total loads is 40 tone. Aggregates including the crushed portion are
removed from the cylinder and sieved on a 2.36 mm IS sieve. The material which passes
this sieve is collected.

The above crushing test is repeated on second sample of the same weight in
accordance with above test procedure. Thus two tests are made for the same specimen for
taking an average value



Sr. No. Crushing value Classification

1. < 10 % Exceptionally strong

2 > 35 % Weak for road surface


Sr. No. Description Maximum crushing value

1. Aggregate used for pavement as surface as 30%
a wearing course
2. Aggregate used for other than wearing 45%


Sr. No. Description Test -1 Test-П

1. Weight of oven drying aggregate passing

12.5 mm IS sieve and retain on 10 mm IS
sieve. W1

2. Weight of sample passes 2.36 mm IS

sieve after test W2

3. Weight sample retain 2.36 mm IS sieve

after test W3

4. Aggregate crushing value = W2x 100 %


5. W1=W2+ W3

6. Avg. aggregate crushing value

Total weight of dry sample taken = W1 g

Weight of the portion of crushed material passing 2.36 mm IS sieve = W2 gr.

The aggregate crushing value is defined as a ratio of the weight of fines passing the specified IS
sieve to the total weight of the sample. Expressed as a percentage The value is usually recorded up
to the first decimal place.

Aggregate crushing value = 100 × W2



In general, larger size of aggregates used in the test results in higher aggregate crushing value. The
relationship between the aggregate sizes and the crushing values will however vary with the type
of specimens tested. When non-standard sizes of aggregates are used for the crushing test, (i.e.
aggregate larger than 12.5 mm or smaller than 10 mm) the size of the cylinder, quantity of
material for preparation of specimen, size of IS sieve for separating fines and the amount and rate
of compaction shall be adopted as given in table 1.


Details for Aggregate Crushing Test with Non-standard Sizes of Aggregates

Aggregate size Diameter of Quantity of Loading Size of IS

cylinder to be material & sieve for
used CM. preparation of separating
test samples fines.

Passing sieve Retained of

size mm sieve size,

25 20 ♦15 **Standard +Standard 4.75 mm

Method loading

20 12.5 *15 **Standard +Standard 3.35 mm

Method loading

10 6.3 7.5 Metal Rate of 1.70 mm

measure 6 cm loading 1
dia. & 9 cm tone per min.
height up to total
tamping rod 8 load of 10
mm dia. 30 tones.
cm long.
Depth of
material in
7.5 cm
Cylinder after

tamping 5 cm

6.3 4.75 7.5 As above As above 1.18 mm

4.75 3.35 7.5 As above As above 850 microns

3.35 2.36 75 As above As above | 600 microns

* Standard cylinder as given as figure
** Standard method of preparing sample as given in procedure
+ Standard loading as given in procedure.
When aggregate are not available, crushing strength test may be carried out on cylindrical
specimen prepared out of rock sample by drilling, sawing and grinding. The specimen may be
subjected to a slowly increasing compressive load until failure to find the crushing strength in
kg/cm2. However, this test is seldom carried out due to difficult in preparing specimens and not
getting reproducible results. On the contrary the aggregate crushing test is simple rapid and given
fairly consistent results.


The aggregate crushing value is an indirect measure of crushing strength of the

aggregates. Low aggregate crushing value indicates strong aggregates, as the crushed fraction is
low. Thus the test can be used to assess the suitability of aggregates with reference to strengthen
for various types of pavement components. The aggregates used for the surface course of
pavement should be strong enough to withstand the high stresses due to wheel loads, including the
steel types of loaded bullock carts. However as the stresses at the base course are low, aggregates
with low crushing strength may be used at the lower layers of the pavement.

The aggregate crushing value of the coarse aggregates used for pavement at surface
should not exceeds 30 percent. For aggregates used for other than wearing surfaces the aggregate
crushing value shall not exceed 45 percent, according to the ISS, IRC specifications do not
indicate the acceptable aggregate crushing value. A value of less than 10 signifies an exceptionally
strong aggregate. Values about 35 would normally be regarded as weak aggregates.








(IS: 2386 PART -3)


To determine the specific gravity and water absorption of aggregates by using



The specific gravity on an aggregate is considered to be measure of strength or quality of

the material. Stones having low specific gravity are generally weaker than those with
higher specific gravity values. The specific gravity test helps in the identification of stone.

Water absorption gives an idea of strength of rock. Stones having more water absorption
are generally considered unsuitable unless they are found to be acceptable based on
strength, impact and hardness tests.


(a) Pycnometer bottle

(b) Balance: A balance of capacity not less than 3 kg. And accuracy to 0.5 gm.
(c) Oven - A well ventilated oven, thermostatically controlled, to maintain a
temperature of 100°C to 110°C.


A sample of 3 kg. of the aggregate is used. It is oven-dried for 24 hours in a well-

ventilated oven.


Coarse aggregate upto 10 mm is size and fine aggregates test of size less than 4.75mm.


Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of weight of a given volume of a substance to the
weight of an equal volume of water; at the same temperature.

Specific gravity may

(i)Absolute specific gravity

(ii)Apparent specific gravity

The significance of water absorption test is the measurement of the amount of pores in
rock and hence some way a measure of the weakness of rock.


A sample of about 1 kg For 10 mm. to 4.75 mm or 500 gms. If finer than 4.75 mm is
taken. The pycnometer bottle should be well washed, cleaned, dried and weighed
accurately on a sensitive balance. It should then be filled with water to the top of the hole,
so that surface of water in the hole is flat. The pycnometer than shall be dried on the
outside and weighed accurately. About 500 gms. of the above sample shall than be
transferred to the pycnometer and weighed. The pycnometer shall then be filled with
water and dry air entrapped in the aggregates shall be topped with water to the level or
the hole in the cone as before and all the front removed from the surface. The
pycnometer shall then be dried on the outside and weighed accurately.

The dry aggregate in the next case is replaced by surface dried aggregates.

In the case of sand, about 500 gms. of dry, clean sand is filled in pycnometer, and
weighed. TI1e pycnometer shall then be filled with water and air bubbles are eliminated.
The pycnometer should be cleaned from outside and weighed accurately.


SR. No MATERIAL Wt. of empty Wt. of Wt of bottle Wt of Dry Wt of Wt of equal vol

Pycnometer bottle + +2/3 of bottle Agg. of water (W2-
bottle (W1) 2/3 of Agg. Agg+ +Water (W2-W1) W1)-(W3-W4)
(gm) (W2) (gm) Water (W4) (gm)
W3) (gm)


1) Specific gravity = (dry weight of the aggregate / Weight of equal volume of


= D/(A-(B-C))

2) Apparent specific gravity = (dry weight of the aggregate / Weight of equal volume
of water excluding air voids in aggregate)

= D/ (D-(B-C))
3) Water absorption = Percentage by weight of water absorbed in terms of aggregates.
= (A-D)/D x 100

Where : A = weight in gms of saturated surface dry sample

B = weight in gms of pycnometer containing sample and
filled with distilled water
C = Weight in gms of pycnometer filled completely with
distilled water
D = Weight in gms of oven dry sample
E = Weight in gms of pycnometer bottle (empty)
F = weight of pycnomter + aggregates (half)



The specific gravity of aggregates nominally used in road construction ranges from about
2.5 to 3.0 with an average value of about 2.68 though high specific gravity of an aggregate
is considered as an indication of high strength, it is not possible to judge the suitability of
a sample of road aggregate without finding the mechanical properties such as aggregate
crushing, impact and abrasion values.

Water absorption of an aggregate is accepted as a measure of its porosity. But sometimes

this value is even considered as a measure of its resistance to frost action, though this has
not yet been confirmed by adequate research.

Water absorption value from 0.1 to about 2 percent for aggregates normally used in road
surfacing. Stones with water absorption upto percent have been used in base courses.
Generally a value of Jess than 0.6 percent is considered desirable for surface course,
though slightly higher values are allowed in bituminous constructions. Indian roads
Congress has specified the maximum water absorption value as 1 percent for aggregates
used in bituminous surface dressing.



• A wire basket of not more than 6.3mm mesh or a perforated container of

convenient size with thin wire hangers for suspending it from the balance.
• A thermostatically controlled oven to maintain temperature of 100° to 110°C.
• A container for filling water and suspending the basket.
• An airtight container of capacity similar to that of the basket.

• A balance of capacity about 5 kg. to weigh accurate to 0.5 g. and of such a type
and shape as to permit weighing of the sample container when suspended in
• A shallow tray and two dry absorbent clothes, each not less than 750 X 450 mm.

Fig 1. Specific Gravity and Water Absorption Test Apparatus


(i) About 2 kg of aggregate sample is washed thoroughly to remove fines, drained and
placed in wire basket and immersed in distilled water at a temperature between 22-
32º C and a cover of at least 5cm of water above the top of basket.
(ii) Immediately after immersion the entrapped air is removed from the sample by
lifting the basket containing it 25 mm above the base of the tank and allowing it to
drop at the rate of about one drop per second. The basket and aggregate should
remain completely immersed in water for a period of 24 hour afterwards.
(iii) The basket and the sample are weighed while suspended in water at a temperature
of 22° – 32°C. The weight while suspended in water is noted =W1g.
(iv) The basket and aggregates are removed from water and allowed to drain for a few
minutes, after which the aggregates are transferred to the dry absorbent clothes.
The empty basket is then returned to the tank of water jolted 25 times and weighed
in water= W2g.
(v) The aggregates placed on the absorbent clothes are surface dried till no further
moisture could be removed by this cloth. Then the aggregates are transferred to the
second dry cloth spread in single layer and allowed to dry for at least 10 minutes
until the aggregates are completely surface dry. The surface dried aggregate is then
weighed =W3 g

(vi) The aggregate is placed in a shallow tray and kept in an oven maintained at a
temperature of 110° C for 24 hrs. It is then removed from the oven, cooled in an
air tight container and weighted=W4 g.


Weight of saturated aggregate suspended in water with the basket = W1 g

Weight of basket suspended in water = W2 g

Weight of saturated aggregate in water = (W1-W2) =Ws g

Weight of saturated surface dry aggregate in Air = W3 g

Weig11t of water equal to the volume of the aggregate = (W3-Ws) g

Dry weight of aggregate = W4 g

(a) Specific gravity = dry weight of aggregate / weight of equal volume of water

(b) Apparent specific gravity = (dry weight of the aggregate / Weight of equal volume of
water excluding air voids in aggregate)

(c) Water absorption = Percentage by weight of water absorbed in terms of aggregates.


The size of the aggregate and whether it has been artificially heated should be indicated.
IS specific three methods of testing for the determination of the specific gravity and water
absorption of aggregates, according to the size of the aggregates. The three size ranges
used are:

i) Aggregates larger than 10 mm

ii) between 10 mm and 40 mm and
iii) Smaller than 10 mm.

The water absorption test does not always give reproducible results with aggregates of
high porosity.


TI1e specific gravity of aggregates normally used in road construction ranges from about
2.5 to 3.0 with an average value of about 2.68. TI10ugh high specific gravity of an
aggregate is considered as an indication of high strength, it is not possible to judge the

suitability of a sample of road aggregate without finding the mechanical properties such as
aggregate crushing, impact and abrasion values.

Water absorption of an aggregate is accepted as a measure of it5 porosity. But sometimes

this value is even considered as a measure of its resistance to frost action, though this has
not yet been confirmed by adequate research.

Water absorption value ranges from 0.1 to about 2 percent for aggregate normally used in
road surfacing. Stones with water absorption upto 4 percent have been used in base
courses. Generally a value of less than 0.6 percent is considered for surface course, though
slightly higher values are allowed in bituminous constructions. Indian Roads Congress has
specified the maximum water absorption value as 1 percent for aggregates used in
bituminous surface dressing.


The specific gravity of aggregates used in road construction work varies from 2.5 to 3
with an average of 2.68.


Sr. No Water absorption Type of surface

1 < 0.6 % Surface course
2 0.1 to 2 % Road surfacing
3 Up to 4% Base concrete



(Faculty Advisor)



(IS: 2386 PART -1)
To determine the value of Flakiness and Elongation Indices of Coarse


The particle shape of aggregates is determined by the percentages of flaky and

elongated particles contained in it. In the case of gravel it is determined by its angularity
number. For base course and construction of bituminous and cement concrete types, the
presence of flaky and elongated particles are considered undesirable as they may cause
inherent weakness with possibilities of breaking down under heavy loads. Rounded
aggregates are preferred in cement concrete road construction as the workability of
concrete improves. Angular shape of particles is desirable for granular base course due
to increased stability derived from the better interlocking. Thus evaluation of shape of
the particles, particularly with reference to flakiness, elongation of angularity is


The flakiness index of aggregates is the percentage by weight of particles whose

least dimension (thickness) is less than three fifths (0.6) of their mean dimension. The
test is not applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3 mm.

The elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles
whose greatest dimension (length) is greater than one and fifth times (1.8 times) their
mean dimension. The elongation test is not applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3 mm.

(i) Standard thickness gauge (For F.I.)
(ii) Standard length gauge (For E.L
(iii) I. S. Sieves of sizes 63, 50, 40, 31.5, 25, 20, 16, 12.5, 10 and 6.3
(iv) Balance to weight the sample aggregates

Table 1 Dimension of Thickness and Length Gauges
Size of aggregates Thickness gauge Length gauge (1.8
(0.6 times of mean times of mean
Passing through IS Retained on IS sieve) mm sieve mm)
sieve mm sieve mm
1 2 3 4
63.0 50 33.9 --
50 40 27 81.0
40 31.5 19.5 58.5
31.5 25 16.95 --
25 20 13.5 40.5
20 16 10.8 32.4
16 12.5 8.55 25.6
12.5 10 6.75 20.2
10 6.3 4.89 14.7

PROCEDURE: (As per MoRTH – 5th Revision)

The sample is first sieved through the I.S. Sieves specified in table 1
Minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction to be tested are taken and weighed. As per
MOST (3'd Revision), first separate flaky particles for which each fraction is gauged
along thickness or width side for thickness on a standard thickness gauge as shown in
figure 1. The width of the slot for thickness gauge selected should be of the dimension
specified in column 3 of table 1 for the appropriate size of sample aggregate fraction.
The amount of flaky particles PASSING the appropriate slot of the thickness gauge is
weighed to an accuracy of at least 0.1% of weight of test sample.
In order to calculate F.I. of entire sample aggregates, first the weight of each fraction of
aggregate is noted.
For example, let 200 pieces of aggregate passing 50nun sieve and retained on 40mm
sieve be W1 gms. Each of the particle from this fraction of aggregate is then tried to be
passed through the appropriate slot of the specified thickness, in this example, the
27nun slot of the thickness gauge (sample passing 50mm & retained on 40nun sieve,
the mean dimension for such sample will be (50+40)/2 = 45mm, and as per definition,
the slot selected should be 0.6 x 45 = 27mm). Let the weight of material PASSING this
slot be w1 gms Similarly, the weights of the remaining fractions of the sample aggregate
PASSING appropriate slot of the thickness gauge be w1,w2, w3 ,w4 , ...etc. and total
weight be W1, W2 ,W3 ,W4, ...etc. Then, the flakiness index is the total weight of all
fractions of aggregate sample PASSING the various appropriate thickness gauges,
expressed as percentage of total weight of every 200 pieces fraction in the sample

(w1 + w2 + w3 +…) 100

Flakiness Index = _________________________ %
W1 + W2 + W3 + …….

= 100 w %
NOTE: For finding F.I., try to pass the aggregate along thickness or width side of
the aggregate.

Now, as per MOST (5th Revision), for finding Elongation Index, only the remaining
non-flaky aggregate particles from each fraction i.e. only the particles retained on
appropriate slot of the thickness gauge be considered. Therefore, in this case, for finding
elongation index, the weight of each fraction of non-flaky particles retained on thickness
gauge be taken and therefore total weight of such non-flaky particles be taken as initial
weight of sample be taken as initial weights of each fraction. Let these initial weights of
each fraction be X 1 , X2 , X3 , X4, ....gms.

Now, these. particles from each fraction are tried along length side of aggregate on
appropriate size of length gauge. For example, let remaining pieces of aggregates
(retained on thickness gauge) passing 50mm sieve and retained on 40mm sieve be X1
gms. Each of the particle from this fraction is tried to be passed through appropriate slot
of the length gauge, in this case it is 81mm slot of length gauge (sample passing 50mm
sieve and retained on 40mm sieve, the mean dimension for such sample will be (
50+40)/2 = 45mm and as per definition, the slot selected should be 45 x l.8 = 81mm).
Let the weight of aggregate fraction RETAINED on this slot be x 1 gms. Similarly, the
weights of the sample aggregate (i.e. retained on thickness gauges) RETAlNED on
appropriate slot oflength gauge be x2 , x3 , x.,, ......etc.

Then, the elongation index is the total weight of all fractions of aggregate sample (X1 +
X2 + X3 + X4 +. . = ∑ X) RETAlNED on various appropriate length gauge slots,
expressed as a total percentage of non-flaky particles in the sample aggregate.

(X1 + X2 + X3 +…) 100

Elongation Index = _________________________ × 100 %

W1 + W2 + W3+ .

= 100 X %

NOTE: For finding E.I., try to pass the aggregate along length thickness (or longer side)
of the aggregate.

Now, the value of flakiness index and elongation index so found are ADDED UP, which
is known as "Combined Flakiness & Elongation Indices (Total)".


As per IS 2386 (Part-I) and MOST (3'd Revision), the maximum permissible value of
combined Flakiness & Elongation indices (Total) is 30 percent.


In pavement construction flaky and elongated particles are to be avoided, particularly in

surface course. If flaky and elongated aggregates are present in appreciable proportions,
the strength of the pavement layer would be adversely affected due to possibility of
breaking down under loads. In cement concrete the workability is also reduced.
However, the reduction in strength in cement concrete depends on the cement content.

Fig 5.1 Thickness Gauge

Fig. 5.2 Elongation Gauge


Sr. Size of aggregate Weight of 20 Size of Size of Weight of Weight of Aggregate Average Combined
No. Wt. of 20 thickness length gauge aggregate aggregate FI = ∑w x 100 EI = ∑x x 100 Index
pieces of each Gauge 0.6 x mean passing through retained on ....... ∑W ...... ∑X CI= EI+ FI
fraction size in Mean dimension thickness Gauge length gauge in %
gm dimension (gms)

Passing Retained
IS sieve on IS Test I Test II Test I Test II Test I Test II Test I Test II

Weight of the Aggregate taken for the test (W) = _______________gms

Average Combined Index:

Flakiness Index:
Elongation Index:




(Faculty Advisor)
Date :





(IS: 1203-1978)

To determine the penetration value of given bitumen sample.


Bituminous materials are available in variety of types and grades. The penetration test
determines the hardness of these materials by measuring the depth in tenth of a millimeter to
which a standard needle will penetrate vertically under specified conditions of standard load,
time and temperature The sample is maintained at the standard temperature of 25 °C. The
total load on needle is l00 gm. The penetration test set-up is illustrated in fig. 9.1. The softer
the bitumen, the greater will be its number of penetration unit. Indian Standards Institution
has standardized the equipment and test procedure vide IS 1203-1958 Penetration test is
widely used world ever for classifying the bituminous materials into different grades Even
though it is recognized recently that the empirical tests like penetration, softening point etc
are incompetent to qualify the paving binder for its temperature susceptibility characteristics,
its quickness and simplicity of operations cannot be ignored. Correlations are also established
between penetration test and absolute viscosity test values.


It consists of items like container, needle, water bath, Penetrometer, stopwatch etc.
Following are standard specifications as per 1SI for the above apparatus

a) Container: A flat bottomed cylindrical metallic container 55 mm in diameter and 35

mm or 57 mm in ht

b) Needle: A straight, highly polished cylindrical hard steel needle with conical end,
having the shape and dimensions as shown in fig. Needle is provided with a shank
appropriately 3 mm in diameter into which it is immovably fixed.

c) Water Bath: A water bath is maintained at 25 + 1 °C containing not less than 10

liters of water, the sample is immersed to depth not less than 100 mm from the top
and supported on a perforated shelf not less than 50 mm from the bottom of the bath.

d) Penetrometer: It is an apparatus which allows the needle to penetrate without

appreciable friction. It is accurately calibrated to yield results in hundreds of
centimeters "These days automatic Penetrometers (electrically operated) are also
available Typical sketch of Penetrometer is shown in figure.

e) Transfer Tray: A small tray which can keep the container fully immersed in water
during the test

Fig 1. Penetrometer


The bitumen is softened to a pouring consistency between 75 °C and 100 °C above

the approximated temperature at which bitumen softens The sample material is thoroughly
stirred to make it homogenous and free from air bubbles and water The sample material is
then poured into the container to a depth at least 15 mm more than the expected penetration
The sample containers are cooled in atmosphere of temperature not lower than 18°C for one
hour. Then they are placed in temperature controlled water bath at a temperature of 25 °C for
a period of one hour.

The sample container is placed in the transfer tray with water from the water bath and
is placed under the needle of the penetrometer. The weight of needle, shaft and additional
weight are checked. The total weight of this assembly should be 100 gm The needle is now
arranged to make contact with the sample surface. This is done by placing a lamp to the rear
of the apparatus in such a way that the image of the needle can be checked to make surface
contact. Zero reading of the penetrometer dial is taken before-releasing the needle. The
needle is released-for- 5 seconds and-the final reading is taken on the dial. At least three
measurements are made on this sample by testing at distance not less than 10 mm apart. After
each test, the needle is disengaged and wiped with benzene and carefully dried. The sample
container is also transferred in the water bath before next testing is done so as to maintain a
constant temperature of 25 °C. The test is repeated with sample in the other containers.


The depth of penetration is reported in hundreds of a centimeter. The mean value of

three consistent measurements is reported as the penetration value. It is further specified by I
SI that results of each measurements should not vary from the mean value reported above by
more than the following:

Penetration Grade Repeatability

0-80 4%
80- 225 5%
Above 225 7%


It may be noted that the penetration value is largely influenced by an inaccuracy as regards

i. Pouring Temperature
ii. Size of needles
iii. Weight placed on the needle
iv. Test Temperature

It is obvious to obtain high values of penetration if the test temperature and/or weight
(placed over the needle) are/is increased. Higher pouring temperatures than the specified may
result into hardening of bitumen and may give lower penetration values. Higher test
temperatures have given considerably higher penetration values. It is also necessary to keep
the needle clean before testing in order to get consistent results. The penetration needle
should not be placed more than 10 mm from the side of the dish


I Pouring Temp e =
II Bath material
III. Period of air cooling at 30 °C temp.
IV Period of water bath at constant temp, of 25 °C
V Room Temp
VI Depth of Sample


Sr. Sample Penetration Value Mean Penetration

No. Initial Final Difference Value




(Faculty Advisor)



(IS: 1205-1978)


To determine the softening point of a given sample of bituminous material with the
help of Ring and Bali apparatus.


Bitumen does not suddenly change from solid to liquid state, but as the temperature
increases, it gradually becomes softer until it flows readily. All semi-solid state bitumen
grades need sufficient fluidity before they are used for application with the aggregate mix.
For this purpose, bitumen is sometimes cut back with solvent like kerosene. The common
procedure however is to liquefy the bitumen by heating.

The softening point is the temperature at which the substance attains particular degree
of softening under specified condition of test. For bitumen, it is usually determined by Ring
and Ball Test. A brass ring containing the test sample of bitumen is suspended in liquid like
water or glycerin at a given temperature. A steel ball is placed upon the bitumen and liquid
medium is then heated at a specified rate. The temperature at which the soften bitumen
touches the metal plate placed at a specified distance below the ring is recorded as the
softening point of a particular bitumen. The apparatus and test procedure are standardized by
ISI. It is obvious that harder grade bitumen possess higher softening point than softer grade


It consists of Ring and Ball apparatus.

a) Steel Balls: They are two in number. Each has a diameter 9.5 mm and weighs 2.5+0.5

b) Brass Rings: There are two rings of the following dimension:

Depth : 6.4 mm
Inside diameter at bottom : 15.9mm
Inside diameter at top : 17.5 mm
Outside diameter : 20.6mm
Brass rings are also placed with ball guides as shown m fig. 8.2.

c) Support: The metallic support is used for placing pair of ring.

The upper surface of the rings is adjusted to be 50mm below the surface of water or
liquid contained in the bath. A distance of 25 mm between the bottom of the rings and

top surface of the bottom plate of support is provided It has a housing for suitable

d) Bath and Stirrer: A heat resistant glass container of 85 mm diameter and 120 mm
depth is used. Bath liquid is water for materials having softening point above 80 °C,
and glycerin for materials having softening point above 80 °C. Mechanical stirrer is
used for ensuring uniform heat distribution at all times throughout the bath.

Fig 1. Ring and Ball Apparatus

Fig.2 Ring Holder


Sample material is heated to a temperature between 75 °C TO 100 °C above the approximate

softening point until it is completely fluid and is poured in heated rings placed on metal plate
To avoid sticking of the bitumen to metal plate, coating is done to this with a solution of
glycerin and dextrin. After cooling the rings in air for 30 minutes, the excess bitumen is
trimmed and rings are placed in the support as discussed in item (c) above. At this time, the
temperature of distilled water is kept at 5 °C. This temperature is maintained for 15 minutes
after which the balls are placed in position. The temperature of water is raised at a uniform
rate of 5 °C per minute with a controlled bottom plate by sinking of balls. At least two
observations are made. For material whose softening point is above 80 °C. Glycerin is used in
heating medium and the starting temperature is 35 °C instead of5°C.


The temperature at the instant when each of the ball and sample touches the bottom
plate of support is recorded as softening point value. The mean of duplicate determinations is
noted. It is essential that the mean value of the softening point (temperature) does not differ
from individual observation by more than the following limits:

Softening Point Repeatability Reproducibility

Below 30 °C 2 °C 4 °C
30 °C to 80 °C 1 °C 2 °C
Above 80 °C 2 °С 4 °C


As in the other physical tests on bitumen, it is essential that the specifications

discussed above are strictly observed. Particularly, any variation in the following points
would affect the result considerably:

i. Quality and type of liquid

ii. Weight of Balls
iii. Distance between bottom of Ring and bottom base plate
iv. Rate of heating

Impurity in water or glycerin lies been observed to affect the result considerably. It is
logical , lower will be the softening point, if the weight of balls is excessive. On the other
hand, increased distance between bottom of ring and bottom plate, increases the softening


Softening point is essentially the temperature at which the bituminous binders have an
equal viscosity. The softening point of a tar is therefore related to the equiviscous
temperature (e.v.t.) The softening point found by the ring and ball apparatus is approximately
20°C lower than the e.v.t.
Softening point, thus gives an idea if the temperature at which the bituminous material
attains a certain viscosity. Bitumen with higher softening point may be preferred in warmer
places. Softening point is also sometimes used to specify bitumen and pitches.


I. Grade of Bitumen
II. Approx. Softening point of Bitumen
III. Bath Liquid
IV. Period of Air Cooling
V. Period of cooling in water bath at 5°C
VI. Rate of heating
VII. Room Temp.


Sr. Test Property Test I Test II Mean Value

1 Temp, at which Sample
touches bottom base




(IS: 1208-1978)


To determine Ductility of given bitumen sample.


In the flexible pavement construction where bitumen binders are used, it is of

significant importance that the binders form ductile thin films around the aggregates. This
serves as a satisfactory' binder in improving the physical the physical interlocking of the
aggregates The binder material which does not possess sufficient ductility would crack and
thus provides previous pavement surface. This in turn results in damaging effect to the
pavement structure. It has been stated by some agencies that the penetration and ductility
properties go together; but depending upon the chemical composition and the type of crude
source of the bitumen, sometimes it has been observed that the above statement is incorrect.
It may hence be mentioned that the bitumen may satisfy the penetration valve, but may fail to
satisfy the ductility requirements. Bitumen paving engineer would however want that both
test requirements are satisfied in the field jobs. Penetration or ductility is expressed as the
distance centimeters to which a standard briquette of bitumen can be stretched before the
thread breaks. See fig. 1. The test is conducted at 27 + 0.5° С and at a rate of pull of 50 + 2.5
mm per minute The test has been standardized by the IS1.


It consists of items Uke sample (briquette) moulds, water bath, square-end trowel or
putty knife sharpened on end and ductility machine Following are standard specifications as
per ISI for the above items:

a) Briquette Mould :

Mould is made of brass metal with shape and dimensions as indicated in fig. 10 2.
Both ends called lips possess circular holes to grip the fixed and movable ends of the
testing machine, sidepieces when placed together form the briquette of the following
Length 75 mm
Distance between clips 30 mm
Width at mouth of clip 20 mm
Cross section at minimum width 10 mm x 10 mm

b) Ductility Machine:

It is an equipment which functions as constant temperature water bath and a pulling

device at a pre calibrated rate. The central rod of the machine is threaded and through
gear system provides a movement to one end where the clip is fixed during initial

pavement. The other clip end is hooked at the fixed end of the machine. Two clips are
thus pulled apart horizontally at a uniform speed of 50 + 2.5 mm per minute.

Fig 1. Ductility Testing Apparatus

Fig. 2. Ductility Mould and Concept


The bitumen sample is melted to a temperature of 75 to 100°C above the approximate

softening point until it is fluid It is strained through IS sieve 30, poured in the mould
assembly and placed on a brass plate, after a solution of glycerin and dextrin is applied at all
surfaces of the mould exposed to bitumen

Thirty to forty minutes after the sample is poured into the moulds, the plate assembly
along with the sample is placed m water bath maintained at 27°C for 30 minutes. The sample
and mould assembly are removed from water bath and excess bitumen material is cut off by
leveling the surface using hot knife. After trimming the specimen, the mould assembly
containing sample is replaced in water bath maintained at 27°C for 85 to 95 minutes. The
sides of the mould are now removed and the clips are carefully hooked on the machine
without causing any initial strain The pointer is set to read zero. The machine is started and
the two clips are thus pulled apart horizontally while the test is in operation, it is checked
whether the sample is immersed in water at depth of at least 10 mm. The distance at which
the bitumen thread breaks is recorded in cm to report as ductility value.


The distance traveled up to the point of breaking of thread measured in centimeters is

recorded as ductility value. It is recommended by ISI that results should not differ from mean
value by more than the following:

Repeatability Reproducibility

5 percent- 10 percent


The ductility value gets seriously affected if any of the following factors are varied

i) Pouring temperature.
ii) Dimensions of briquette.
iii) Improper level of briquette placement.
iv) Rate of pulling.
v) Test temperature
Increase m minimum cross section of 10mm would record in creased ductility.


A certain minimum ductility is necessary for a bitumen binder. This is because of the
temperature changes in the bituminous mixes and the deformations that occur in flexible
pavement If the bitumen has low ductility, cracking may occur especially in cold weather.
The ductility values of bitumen vary from 5 to over 100. Several agencies have specified the
minimum ductility values for various types of bituminous pavement. Often a minimum
ductility value of 50cm is specified for bituminous construction.


1. Grade of Bitumen =
2. Pouring temp =
3. Test temp. =
4. Period of air cooling =
5. Rate of cooling =


Test Property Briquette Mean Value

1 2
Ductility Value in cms to which
standard briquette mould having 10x10
cm2 cross-section in center can stretch
where thread just break




(Faculty Advisor)



To determine the Flash and Fire point of a given sample of bituminous material with
the help of Pensky-Martins apparatus.


This test is done to determine the flash point and the fire point of asphaltic bitumen
and fluxed native asphalt, cutback bitumen and blown type bitumen as per IS: 1209 – 1978.
The principle behind this test is given below:

Flash Point – The flash point of a material is the lowest temperature at which the application
of test flame causes the vapours from the material to momentarily catch fire in the form of a
flash under specified conditions of the test.

Fire Point – The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the application of test flame
causes the material to ignite and burn at least for 5 seconds under specified conditions of the


The apparatus required for this test

i) Pensky-Martens apparatus

ii) Thermometer-

Low Range: -7 to 110oC, Graduation 0.5ᵒC

High Range: 90 to 370ᵒC, Graduation 2ᵒ

Fig 1. Pensky-Martens apparatus



i) Soften the bitumen between 75 and 100oC. Stir it thoroughly to remove air bubbles and

ii) Fill the cup with the material to be tested up to the filling mark. Place it on the bath. Fix
the open clip. Insert the thermometer of high or low range as per requirement and also the
stirrer, to stir it.

iii) Light the test flame, adjust it. Supply heat at such a rate that the temperature increase,
recorded by the thermometer is neither less than 5oC nor more than 6oC per minute.

iv) Open flash point is taken as that temperature when a flash first appears at any point on the
surface of the material in the cup. Take care that the bluish halo that sometimes surrounds the
test flame is not confused with the true flash. Discontinue the stirring during the application
of the test flame.

vi) Flash point should be taken as the temperature read on the thermometer at the time the
flash occurs.


i) After flash point, heating should be continued at such a rate that the increase in temperature
recorded by the thermometer is neither less than 5oC nor more than 6oC per minute.

ii) The test flame should be lighted and adjusted so that it is of the size of a bead 4mm in dia.


Sr. Test Property Test I Test II Mean Value

1 Flash point

2 Fire point


i) The flash point should be taken as the temperature read on the thermometer at the time of
the flame application that causes a distinct flash in the interior of the cup.

ii) The fire point should be taken as the temperature read on the thermometer at which the
application of test flame causes the material to ignite and burn for at least 5 seconds



(Faculty Advisor)


(IS: 1206-1978)


To determine the Viscosity of given bitumen sample.


Viscosity is defined as inverse of fluidity. Viscosity thus defines the fluid property of
bituminous material. The degree of fluidity at the application temperature greatly influences
the strength characteristics of the resulting paving mixes. High or low fluidity at mixing and
compaction has been observed to result in lower stability values There is an optimum value
of fluidity or viscosity for mixing and compacting for each aggregate gradation of the mix
and bitumen grade. At high fluidity or low viscosity, the bituminous binder simply
"lubricates" the aggregate particles instead of providing a uniform film thickness for binding
action. Similarly low fluidity or high viscosity also resists the compactive effort and the
resulting mix is heterogeneous in character exhibiting stability values. ISI specifies a test
procedure for liquid binders like outback bitumen, emulsion and liquid tar. One of the method
by which viscosity is measured is by determining the time taken by 50 CC of the material to
flow from a cup through specified orifice at a given temperature. This is illustrated in fig 1
Specification vide IS : 1206 -1958 describe the details of equipment and procedure. In the
range of consistency of bituminous materials when neither orifice viscometer test nor
penetration test could be conducted, float test may be carried out. Equipment like sliding
plate micro viscometer and Brook field viscometer are however in use for defining the
viscous characteristics of the bitumen of all grades irrespective of testing temperature.


Ten millimeter orifice viscometer is specified for road tar and is called tar viscometer.
Fig. 11.2 shows the details of this apparatus. The apparatus consists of main parts like cup,
valve, water bath, sleeves, stirrer and thermometers etc.

Fig 1. Tar Viscometer


The tar cup is properly leveled and water in the bath is heated to the temperature specified for
the test and is maintained throughout the test. Stirring is also continued The sample material!
is heated at the temperature 20°C above the specified test temperature and the material is
allowed to cool. During this, the material is continuously stirred, when material reaches
slightly above test temperature, the same is poured in the tar cup, until the leveling peg on the
valve rod is just immersed. In the graduated receiver (cylinder), 20ml of mineral oil or one
percent by weight solution of soft soap is poured This receiver is placed under the orifice.
When the sample material reaches the specified testing temperature within + 0.1°C and is
maintained for 5 minutes, the valve is opened. The stopwatch is started, when the cylinder
records 25ml. The time is recorded for flow up to a mark of 75ml. (i.e. 50ml of test sample to
flow through the orifice).


The time in seconds for 50ml of the sample material to flow through the orifice is
defined as the viscosity at a given test temperature The standard test temperatures have been
specified for the various grades of cutback and tar. The viscosity values of repeat test on the
same sample should not vary by more than 4 percent from the mean value.


The working range of tar viscometer for 10 mm orifice is 10 to 140 seconds. For
cutback bitumen, the orifice size specified is 4mm for lower grades and 10mm for higher
grades with higher viscosity. Viscosity is the resistance to flow and the absolute unit of
viscosity is dyne sec./ cm' or poise.


Orifice viscosity test gives an indirect measure of viscosity of tars and cutbacks in
second. Higher the time, more viscous is the binder material. Float test also measures the
viscosity in tune units (seconds)


1. Grade of Bitumen
2. Specified test temp
3. Test temp
4. Room Temp.
5. Size of Orifice
6. Repeatability


Test Property Tests Mean Value

Sample 1 Sample 2
Viscosity in terms of time (seconds)
taken by 50 ml of bitumen to flow
through 10 mm orifice at 70°C




(Faculty Advisor)





To determine the percentage of bitumen in paving mixture.


This method of test is intended for the determination, by cold solvent extraction, of
the percentage of bitumen (Not, in a paving mixture, the aggregate in which all passing
through 25 mm sieve. It is not intended for use in recovering the bitumen for further testing).
The mineral matter recovered from this test can be used for sieve analysis.

Note: Although "Bitumen" by definition is material soluble I carbon disulfide, benzene is

recommended for use in this method for safety reasons, and it normally produces the same
results within the precision of the method. Other solvents, such as carbon tetrachloride,
trichloroethylene, etc. may be substitute for benzene or carbon disulfide in this method and
similar results may be obtained, but the relationship of such results to these obtained with
benzene or carbon disulfide cannot be predicted or assumed.

If volatile distillates are desired, they may be obtained by the method of test for
Moisture or volatile distillates m Bituminous Paving Mixtures.


It consists of following:

a) Extraction Apparatus: consisting of a bowl approximating that shown m fig.1 and

an apparatus in which the bowl may be revolved at controlled variable speeds up to
3600 rpm The apparatus shall be provided with a shell for catching the solvent
thrown from the bowl and a drain for removing the solvent. The apparatus preferably
shall be provided with explosion proof features and installed under a hood to provide
b) Filter Rings: to fit the nm of the bowl.
c) Oven: capable of being maintained at 240 °F.
d) Steam Bath
e) Balance: of 5000 g capacity, sensitivity to 0.1 g
f) Analytical Balance
g) Graduate: 2000 ml capacity
h) Ignition Dish: 125 ml capacity
l) Maker Burner, Stands; Large Flat Pan, Beakers etc.

Fig 1. Centrifugal Extractor


i. Benzene, confirming to the Standard specifications for Industrial Grade Benzene.

ii. Ammonium Carbonate Solution- Prepare a saturated solution of (NH4)2СОз.

iii. Cresol, crystal-free, corifirming to the standard specifications for Cresol for priming
coat with coal-tar pitch in damp proofing and water proofing


a. If the mixture is not sufficiently soft to separate with a spatula or towel, place 2000 to
5000 g in a large, fiat pan and warm in oven at 240°F, only until it can be so handled
Separate the particles of the sample as uniformly as possible, using care not to
fracture the mineral particles, and weigh a representative 1000 g portion in to the
bowl, distributing it uniformly around the bowl. For routine testing, smaller samples
may be used when the maximum size aggregate therein is less than 6.3 mm The
precision of the method becomes less as the aggregate size increases, due to variations
in samples. It may, however be used on mixtures containing aggregate larger than 25
mm by using samples weighing at least 3000 g. They may be tested by extracting
1000 g at a tune

b. Cover the sample in the bowl with benzene and allow sufficient time for the solvent to
disintegrate the sample before testing (not over 1 hr.)

с. At the time, weigh 500 g of the sample to a metal still confirming to section 3 (b) of
the test for water in Petroleum Products and other Bituminous Materials


i. Place the bowl containing the sample and solvent in the machine. Dry and weight the
filter ring and fit it around the edge of the bowl. Clamp the cover over the bowl tightly
in place and place the beaker under the drain to collect the extract.

ii. Start the machine revolving slowly, gradually increasing speed to a maximum of 3600
rpm or until solvent ceases to flow from the drain Allow the machine to stop, add 200
ml of benzene, and repeat the above procedure. Use sufficient 200 ml solvent and
repeat the above procedure. Use sufficient 200 ml solvent additions (not less than
three) so that the extract is clear and not darker than and light straw color when a
portion is viewed in a separate container.

iii. Remove the filter ring from the bowl, dry in air and then to constant weight in oven at
240°F and weigh. The increase in weight of this ring during the extraction procedure
is mineral matter. Evaporate the contents of the bowl to dryness on the steam bath and
then heat in an oven at 240°F to constant weight after cooling.

iv. Collect all extract in a 2000ml graduate and measure the total volume. Agitate the
contract thoroughly and measure 100 ml in to a previously weighed ignition dish.
Evaporate the extract in the dish to dryness on a steam bath and ash the residue at a
dull red heat. Ash the bituminous material at a dull red heat (500 to 600°C) cool, and

add 5 ml or saturate ammonium carbonate (NH4CO3) solution per gram of ash.
Digest at room temp, for 1 nr. and then dry in an oven at 110°C to constant weight,
cool in a desiccators, and weigh. Calculate the weight of ash in the entire volume of

v. Determine the water content of the sample in the metal still (section 4(c) in
accordance with method D95).


Calculate the percentage bitumen in the sample as follows :

Bitumen content of dry sample percent = (W1- W2)«( W3+ W4 + W5) x 100 /(W1- W2)
W1 weight of sample, in gms.
W2 weight of water in sample
W3 weight of extracted mineral matter
W4 weight of ash in extract, and
W5 Increase in the weight of the filter ring

I. Solvent used :
II. Initial wt. Of sample in gms.= W1
III. Weight of aggregate after being centrifuged =


Bitumen content =




(Faculty Advisor)




To determine the Optimum Bitumen content of given sample using Marshall Stability


The Marshall Stability and flow test provides the performance prediction measure for
the Marshall Mix design method. The stability portion of the test measures the maximum
load supported by the test specimen at a loading rate of 50.8 mm/minute. Load is applied to
the specimen till failure, and the maximum load is designated as stability. During the loading,
an attached dial gauge measures the specimen's plastic flow (deformation) due to the loading.
The flow value is recorded in 0.25 mm (0.01 inch) increments at the same time when the
maximum load is recorded.


The apparatus consists of:

• Marshall Stability testing machine
• Cylindrical mould – 10 cm. diameter and 7.5 cm. height
• Rammer – 4.5 kg. weight with free fall of 45.7 cm
• Compacting Machine
• IS Sieves


The materials consist of:

• Coarse Aggregate
• Fine Aggregate
• Filler
• Bitumen


The properties that are of interest include the theoretical specific gravity Gt, the bulk
specific gravity of the mix Gm, percent air voids Vv, percent volume of bitumen Vb, percent
void in mixed aggregate VMA and percent voids filled with bitumen VFB. These calculations
are discussed next.

Theoretical specific gravity of the mix Gt

Theoretical specific gravity Gt is the specific gravity without considering air voids,
and is given by:


W1 = weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix,

W2 = weight of fine aggregate in the total mix,

W3 = weight of filler in the total mix,

Wb = weight of bitumen in the total mix,

G1 = apparent specific gravity of coarse aggregate,

G2 = apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate,

G3 = apparent specific gravity of filler and

Gb = apparent specific gravity of bitumen,

Fig 1. Marshall Test Setup

Fig 2. Phase diagram of a bituminous mix

• Bulk specific gravity of mix Gm

The bulk specific gravity or the actual specific gravity of the mix Gm is the specific
gravity considering air voids and is found out by:


Wm is the weight of mix in air,

Ww is the weight of mix in water,

Note that Wm - Ww gives the volume of the mix. Sometimes to get accurate bulk
specific gravity, the specimen is coated with thin _lm of paraffin wax, when weight is taken
in the water. This however requires considering the weight and volume of wax in the

• Air voids percent Vv

Air voids Vv is the percent of air voids by volume in the specimen and is given by:


W1 is the weight of coarse aggregate in the total mix,

W2 is the weight of fine aggregate in the total mix,

W3 is the weight of filler in the total mix,

Wb is the weight of bitumen in the total mix,

Gb is the apparent specific gravity of bitumen, and Gm is the bulk specific gravity of mix

• Voids in mineral aggregate VMA

Voids in mineral aggregate VMA is the volume of voids in the aggregates, and
is the sum of air voids and volume of bitumen, and is calculated from,


Vv is the percent air voids in the mix and

Vb is percent bitumen content in the mix

• Voids filled with bitumen VFB

Voids filled with bitumen VFB is the voids in the mineral aggregate frame
work filled with the bitumen, and is calculated as:


Vb is percent bitumen content in the mix and

VMA is the percent voids in the mineral aggregate,


• Specimen preparation

Approximately 1200gm of aggregates and filler is heated to a temperature of 175-

190oC. Bitumen is heated to a temperature of 121-125oC with the first trial percentage of
bitumen (say 3.5 or 4% by weight of the mineral aggregates). The heated aggregates and
bitumen are thoroughly mixed at a temperature of 154-160oC. The mix is placed in a
preheated mould and compacted by a rammer with 50 blows on either side at temperature of
138oC to 149oC. The weight of mixed aggregates taken for the preparation of the specimen

may be suitably altered to obtain a compacted thickness of 63.5+/-3 mm. Vary the bitumen
content in the next trial by +0:5% and repeat the above procedure. Numbers of trials are
predetermined. The prepared mould is loaded in the Marshall Test setup as shown in the
figure 1.

• Determine Marshall stability and flow

Marshall Stability of a test specimen is the maximum load required to produce failure
when the specimen is preheated to a prescribed temperature placed in a special test head and
the load is applied at a constant strain (5 cm per minute). While the stability test is in progress
dial gauge is used to measure the vertical deformation of the specimen. The deformation at
the failure point expressed in units of 0.25 mm is called the Marshall flow value of the

• Apply stability correction

It is possible while making the specimen the thickness slightly vary from the standard
specification of 63.5 mm. Therefore, measured stability values need to be corrected to those
which would have been obtained if the specimens had been exactly 63.5 mm. This is done by
multiplying each measured stability value by an appropriated correlation factors as given in
Table below:

Table 1. Correction factors for Marshall stability values


Sr. Parameter Specimen-1 Specimen-3 Specimen-3 Specimen-4


1. Stability value

2. Flow value, 0.25

mm unit


The average value of the above properties is determined for each mix with different
bitumen content and the following graphical plots are prepared:

1. Binder content versus corrected Marshall stability

2. Binder content versus Marshall flow

3. Binder content versus percentage of void (Vv) in the total mix

4. Binder content versus voids filled with bitumen (VFB)

5. Binder content versus unit weight or bulk specific gravity (Gm)

Fig 3. Marshall Graphical Plots


Determine the optimum binder content for the mix design by taking average value of
the following three bitumen contents found form the graphs obtained in the previous step.

1. Binder content corresponding to maximum stability

2. Binder content corresponding to maximum bulk specific gravity (Gm)

3. Binder content corresponding to the median of designed limits of percent air voids (Vv) in
the total mix (i.e. 4%)

The stability value, flow value, and VFB are checked with Marshall mix design
specification chart given in Table below.

Table 2. Marshall mix design specification




(Faculty Advisor)

Date :



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