Q.4) Answer Is: (D) Q.13) Option Is Not Uploaded Properly Q.13 Upload Solution

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Chapter 9


Answer is : [d]


Option is not uploaded properly


Upload solution:

Phenyl salicylate , 2-(2’- hydroxyl phenyl)benzotriazole , Resorcinol monobenzoate,

UV Stabilizer 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxy benzophenone, 2,2’-Dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone, &
1,3,5-Tris-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-triazine & o-Hydroxybenzophenone

Heat Stabilizer Tribasic lead sulphate, Dibasic lead phosphite

Quaternary ammonium compounds, amines and their derivatives, phosphate

Antistatic agent esters, fatty acid polyglycol esters, and polyhydric alcohol derivatives such as
glycerine and sorbitol.
Alumina trihydrates; bromine compounds; chlorinated paraffins and
Flame reatrdents cycloaliphatics; phosphorus compounds, notably phosphate esters; and antimony

Chapter 10

1000 Pa

Replace 10 Pa to 1000 Pa


Change Q.16 complete.

Q.16) the yield stress for polyethylene is 4000 dyne/cm 2. The required pressure difference for the polyethylene
sample to start flow in a capillary viscometer of length 50cm and radius 1.2mm is ___ Mpa (Round off to 2
decimal place).


Pressure drop equation when stress is give:

1 PR
2 L

1 P  1.2 103
4000 
2 0.50
P  3333333.33dyne / cm 2  0.33Mpa


Solution change

Changed with

 4
Shear rate    57.34sec 1
Sin  Sin 4


Replace solution


Capillary rheometery follows the Hagen Poiseuille's Equation: viscosity of fluid in a pipe:

 R4 P
8 LQ

Where, R = radius of capillary (m) ; L = length of capillary (m); P = pressure drop across the capillary (Pa)

Q = volumetric flow rate (m3/s);

 R4 P

 0.01 
3.14     0.6  10

Q  2   4.1345 106  m3 / s
8  89  .40
Q  4.1345 106  m3 / s  4134.50mm3 / s


Change in question
A rubber sample relaxation time is 42 days at 25°C in a maxwell model experiment. If the activation energy for
relaxation is 45 KJ/mol, the relaxation time at 43°C will be___days. (Round off to 2decimal place).

[Given: R =8.317 J/mol/K

Change in solution


Polymer fluid follows the Arrhenius equation:

 1 Ea  1 1 
 ln     ,    
 2 R  T1 T2 

T1  273  25  298, T2  273  43  318,  1  42 days

42 45000  1 1 
ln   ,   2  13.4067 days    
 2 8.317  298 318 

Chapter 11

Answer is [d]


[19][1.98-2.13] remove

Flight angle  tan 1 ( )
N  2.091 D
p= pitch and D diameter of screw

Flight angle  tan 1 ( )
3.14  100

  16.833

Total Flow in the extrusion:

Qnet  QD  Q p
πDH 3 sin 2   P 
Qnet  1 π 2 D 2 N sin  cos   H   
2 12η l 

5 3.14  0.1 0.0073 sin 2 16.833  6 106 
20 10  3.14  0.1 N  sin16.833cos16.833 0.007 
2 2
 
2 12  2 105  2 

N  2.091

Q.20) Add

An injection molding machine inject polymer material in a cylindrical tube having a diameter 20mm and length
150mm. The pressure drop across the mold is 120 Mpa observed. The Inject rate of the injection molding when
viscosity of the polymer is 500 Pa-s, is ___L/s. ( round off to 2 decimal place).

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