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– Crystallinity in Polymers

• Crystallinity refers to the degree of structural order in a solid. In a 

crystal, the atoms or molecules are arranged in a regular, periodic
• Inducing crystallinity
• Cooling of molten polymer
• Evaporation of polymer solution
• Annealing- heating of polymer at specified tem.
• Drawing- stretching at a temperature above Tg
• The degree of crystallinity has a big influence on hardness, density
, transparency and diffusion.
• Many materials, such as glass-ceramics and some polymers, can be
prepared in such a way as to produce a mixture of crystalline and 
amorphous regions. In such cases, crystallinity is usually specified
as a percentage of the volume of the material that is crystalline.
• Crystallinity α density α Strength α 1/transparency
• Crystallinity of a polymer sample is expressed in
terms of that fraction of the sample which is
crystalline. The definition of the degree of
crystallinity is based on the premise that
crystalline and non-crystalline components of a
polymer can coexist.
• Figure shows how the crystalline and amorphous
regions can co-exist and how they are held
together by long polymer chains running through
• Stereo regular polymer, i.e.,
isotactic and syndiotactic
are more crystalline than
atactic polymer.
• Linear polyethylene has highly
regular configuration and is
crystallinity around 90%, but this
high crystallinity drops sharply to
around 40% when there is
• Gutta purcha gives rod like structure to the
molecules. A rod like structure enables gutat-
purcha molecules to orient themselves in a
orderly manner and pack up closely, as
compared to the coiled structure of the
natural rubber, Gutta purcha is, therefore,
more crystalline
• Homopolymer of Polyethylene is more
crystalline than random copolymer of
ethylene and propylene. Random distribution
of propylene repeat units in the copolymer
disturbs the structural regularity of the chain
molecules and curbs the tendency to
• Presence of the polar group increases the
crystallinity of the molecules.Nylon-6 more
crystalline due to presence of the hydrogen
bond. The formation of the hydrogen bond
between the chains increases the interchain
forces of attraction and facilitates tighter
packing and perfect bonding of the chain
elements with each other.
• Presence of the bulky group decreases the
crystallinity. Polycarbazole is less crystalline
than polyvinyl alcohol.
Important for Gate
Degree of crystallinity is increased for:
1) Slow cooling relative to fast cooling. This allows time for
diffusion to occur and align the polymer chains.
2) Linear > branched > cross-linked, network polymers.
3) Isotactic, syndiotactic > atactic polymers.
4) Simple mer unit > bulky side chains in mer unit.
More crystalline polymers tend to be mechanically stronger, and
more resistive to chemical dissolution and softening by heat.
Amorphous Polymer Crystalline Polymer

Random Structure Ordered Structure

Board Melting Point Narrow Melting Point

Low Shrinkage High Shrinkage

Lower Mechanical Properties Higher mechanical Properties

Transparent Opaque
Poor chemical High chemical
Example: ABS, PC, PS resistacne
Example: Nylon,
Acetal, PET

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