Thought: Magazine

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VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 1 SpeciEadlition FEBRUARY 2017


• Science
• Drugs
• Education
• Life-Style
• Damage nature

Something to think about...


This magazine is the result of our

effort to know some points of view
regarding our reality, you can find
in those pages, science, politics,
social developments, economics
and other topics that could be
considered as taboo, or just some
polemic items. In some pages
you will find information about
recent news, in others you will find
points of view of the nowadays
world. However, do not read this
magazine alone, enjoy it with
a friend and a good coffee or a
drink of your preference, share
your points of view and have great
In name of all Skill 3, thank you

MY HEART IN IT... By Laura Daniela Báez

What really happens with Venezuela´s situation? During those 16 years, many people went
In this article, you can read a real point of view out of Venezuela for a better future. For
of a Venezuelan girl who went abroad for a young people, Venezuela doesn’t represent
better future. In the development of the reading a Country with a good environment to
you can draw your own conclusions. Besides, flourish, because it doesn’t have the minimum
you can understand if it´s true or false the bad requirements. Therefore, day by day, many
situation in Venezuela. As well as, how about families have been separated because one
the consequences of bad administrations of the of its members went abroad. This situation has
government, and, areas that have been affected made that Venezuela gently run out of young
with the socialism of the twenty-first century ideas. professionals, is what we call brain drain. All
In addition, the brain of this is unfortunate,
drain that the country as Venezuela
is experiencing. For has been without
these reasons and pr o f e s s i o n a l s .
more, Colombian Personally, this
students need to know situation is perfect
about the critical f or the government,
situation of Venezuela. because they don´t

All in all, it´s necessary w ant Venezuela to

to react about this grow up.
problem now… The idea of this
Since 1998, Venezuela article is to change
has the same y our mind or short
government focused i nformation that
on socialism. This government regime is based you can have about Venezuela´s situation.
on “equal distribution of wealth” but the reality This information is only 0.5% about all the bad
is that the groups governing have total control things that happen in the Country, but if you
of the country and it´s riches. Step by step, this and others understand all of it, you could have
type of administration ended with the economic a voice of the situation. For all Venezuelans
skeleton of the country and they don´t respect the it is necessary a change of government in all
private property. In order to that, the companies aspects. We really need a good government
were running out from Venezuela because they with an excellent program to improve our
don´t have warranties for their operation. In fact, economy and social development, to stay
all those actions have terrible consequences and be productive in Venezuela. For all
in the country, because it increased the that I wrote before, it’s necessary that our
unemployment, insecurity, inflation, shortage Colombian siblings know that we need your
and currency escape. help and your voices in order to talk with your
friends and relatives about our situation.

By Laura Daniela Báez

Do you know what next it is Cali with

happen with the 12 cases, and
people do this finally with 35
crime??? cases in Bogota,
this city is the one
The acid attacks are
that most worries
increasing more and
to the police.
more in Colombia.
Especially in three A case we
cities: Cali, Medellin can see as
and Bogota. The rep res en ta ti ve
substances are easily is that of Natalia
to get, because ponce´s. She is a
there is no prohibition woman affected
to purchase. by this type of Sandra, she gave increase the criminal

attack. After having the address of theconviction of 15 to 20
The police tries
imposed acomplaint attacker Jonathan years and depends
to condemn the
to the police, the Chavez Vega, whichof the effects of the
criminals quickly and
investigation and was immediately
attack as may be

truthful to decrease
a reward of 75 captured andphysical, temporary
this new form of
million pesos helped brought beforeor permanent within
revenge or to hurt
and the guilty was a judge for his these projects also
people. According
captured, Thanks sentence intend to ask that
to police, Medellin

to information from the sentences do

has 6 cases with The congress made
a woman who not have any reason
attacks of this kind, three projects to
called herself only rebates.
In my opinion the
police are trying to
make these cases
reduce with their
condemns. In my
opinion is necessary
to continue
denouncing not
only this kind of
timely cases but all
cases of injury to the
physical integrity

of each and every

person suffering from
the violation of their

BRAIN GYM By Laura Daniela Báez

How many times do you stiulate your brain? Brain gym is good for:
Did you know there are some exercises to • To prevent Alzheimer.
stimulate your brain? • Children and young 5 to 25 years: Im-
prove: concentration, memory, integrated
The brain is the most important muscle of the with other people and improve relation with

body, since it is responsible for memory, intelli- parents and teachers.

gence,thinkingandbodymovements.Thebrain • Adults between 26 to 36 years: It helps
has millions of neurons that you can use to be to have confidence in interviews, public
more intelligent, but if you don’t stimulate your speaking and improve relationships with man-
brain, you can lose memory faster, because agers and partners.
neurons need to be stimulated at all times. • Seniors: It helps to prevent memory loss,
Brain gym is a good option to prevent dis- regain strength and improve motor.
eases like Alzheimer, because if you stimulate
the neurons, they will have more time of life EXERCISE 1

Make the symbol ∞ (infinity) with eyes, or with

arms, legs, waist and feet.


• You have three minutes to read the follow-

ing words, after this, close the page.

• On a blank sheet, write the words you re-


• Already written the words, you have to visu-
alize and give them a picture.
and you may have a good memory when you • How many words did you write?
are old. Also people who practice these ex- • Now, return to your list of words and take a

ercises may have more logical thinking ability. picture of each.

And the best of this, is that you can practice
the brain gym anytime and anywhere if you
want to be intelligent and to develop skills.

What is brain gym?

Brain gym is a group of exercises created by


Paul Dennison that helps to generate new

neural connections and create a balance be-
tween the two cerebral hemispheres. More-

over, it seeks to detect and balance difficul-

ties accumulated throughout life in the area
of learning and in the development of cre-
ativity and achievement. However, the most
important is that the person performing these
exercises increases the ability of interaction
between the two hemispheres of her brain.

By Laura Daniela Báez Garón


Notebook Sweet Dog Dolphin

Table Chair Socks Pineapple Book
Rule car eraser

Cheese Lion
Bed Bear



• You can write, paint and draw with
the less skillful hand.
• Do a crossword puzzle.
• Put puzzles together.

Remember, you can do these exercises
with the everyday things of life, to easily
remember what you want. In addition,
you can improve your skills and to be more

intelligent and improve your quality of life.



factors: economic situations,

to war, displacement,
domestic violence or death
of loved one, these reasons
cause each to take that way,
sometimes end up getting
used to the situations.

However, each woman

knows why they practice the
profession; escorts attract
foreign men in different
ways, and for foreigners
Colombian women are the
most beautiful and pay
anything for them.Colombian
In the world, this is an old In society, it is very common escorts use their attributes to
profession, and it has been to find escorts because this approach to foreigners and
presented in all societies. profession is old and it’s to earn more cash through their
easily find cash, but through body, Colombian escorts
Escorts in Colombia offer time this society has been are the most desirable in

their company in a particular responsible for stigmatizing the world, women in most
place, to feigning the the women who practice this cases practice the profession
relationship, and then, offer profession, even knowing this

because it is the highest paid

sexual intercourse. Moreover, profession is practiced in the profession and they get used

we find high category escorts best families from the time of to living like this.
in schools, universities or in god. Therefore, the escorts
different web sites through work for need or pleasure?;
internet, because right now more people say women
the access is very easy, but in practice this profession, but

years before the access was each of the women who do it

more restricted; usually, more have different cases. An
people wonder if they do that article published by HSB.
for pleasure or need.

It’s more common to make them said “I make it for
it for maintaining their pleasure because it is a
economic level and pay their wrong word for me, and

expenses, but others make other women make it

it because it is pleasure. because their families
An escort in Colombia is a are starving; a few lucky

characteristic processioning others don’t.

low income girls because in
other cities the economic As to these different
situation is more difficult and situations force them to
they have a few opportunities practice the profession,
of employment and studies. different factors affect
their lives, the main

By Laura Daniela Báez

An airplane with 239 people went missing Flight MH370’s aircraft also had installed
when it was on the regular flight (MH370 that equipment. 71 days have passed
flight), from Malaysia to China in the from the missing and no information
morning of March 8th. Forty minutes into has been found. Pilots can send coded
the flight, the aircraft disappeared from messages over the transponder in an
radars screens. The plane belonged emergency, but nobody is really sure
to Malaysia Airlines, an airline from the what happened to the transponder
Asiatic zone and the aircraft was a in this case. Thanks to technological
Boeing 777 Type, one of the most secure advances the disappearance of an
planes in the aviation history. There are entire aircraft is a strange world event
many versions of the situation, but until and the aviation safety is questioned.
now, no one has a clear idea of what
happened with the plane. Flight MH370
has an international involvement to find it
in the middle of the ocean. 7 weeks have
passed since the plane disappeared
and it is amazing that in this century,
technology allows scientists to explore
other planets, but it is not possible to find
a large plane. Technology tracks our
every move whether from a smartphone
or an advanced satellite station. All
airplanes of the world are equipped with
advanced real-time tracking equipment Finally, no less than 26 countries, 43
called Transponder that allows to know ships, 58 planes, the FBI, Interpol, and
all flight phases’ data. special services are all looking for the
missing Boeing without satisfactory
results and without clear information.
So many people searching a clue or
some tips to find the plane, but nothing
happens. Many mysteries round the
disappearance of the airplane, it could
be a kidnapping, an experiment, a
conspiracy or an accident, but news
are the same since the missing. If the
American secret services have made
the people privacy accessible all the
time since the post 9/11 twin towers
attacks, how can a jetliner with 239
people on board simply disappear?

By Laura Daniela Báez

Choose life… abortion is not the answer!!! Besides, according to research, various are
Colombia has the highest rate of illegal the reasons that lead a woman to abort. The
abortion in all of Latin America; however, the economic situation, relationship problems,
Constitutional Court legalized abortions in 2006, the lack of sexual education, ignorance of
in Colombia, only in three specific cases: Rape, birth control, lack of dialogue with parents,

risk of death of the mother and congenital inopportune time for pregnancy are some of
malformations of the fetus. Nevertheless, them. In addition, to personal values, societal
Colombia presents annually about 400,000 values also influence the decision. Indeed, after
illegal abortions, which are undertaken without the abortion the woman suffers emotionally
adequate health conditions, of which 130,000 and spiritually for what has already been
are threatening the lives of the mothers. identified as the “post-abortion syndrome.”
Indeed, one in five girls between 14 and 19 These effects of abortion include guilt,
years old become pregnant. It’s important anguish, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem,
to note that about 50% of pregnancies are insomnia. Even after, the procedure can have
unintended; it was also found physical consequences of
that 29% of all pregnancies in abortion in women including

Colombia result in an abortion. infection, hemorrhage,

According to scientists an and complications from

abort is a Legal and Voluntary anesthesia. And the most

Interruption of Pregnancy, terrifying thing is to see that

it is the process where you the majority of abortions are

consciously seek to end a caused by young women,
pregnancy in progress and in accordance with the

it is not for maternal or fetal health reasons, statistics in the last years in the young people
nevertheless, The position of the pro-life fewer than 18 years, the increase was 30
organization is based on the fact that the fetus percent the abortions, nevertheless, and the
is a human being with the right to live from the unwanted pregnancies increase rather than

moment of conception, since the moment decrease.

the sperm fertilizes the egg there is already An abortion is not a solution; it’s very important
a “body with human genetic. However, For to educate the population according to

the Catholic Church, life is a gift from God, contraceptive methods, override the right
which, by its sacred character, so it must to live, and we should be responsible for

be respected and protected from the first our actions because abortion is murder and
moment of conception. The direct deprivation you’re taking away the opportunity to live,
of the life of an innocent person is considered likewise, it’s always important to think of the
a murder, so abortion is not permissible. consequences of a bad decision. Since,
the babies aren’t to blame for the mistakes
committed by older.


During XXI Century, gay marriage proposal in Colombia has generated different positions and
reflections from society as far as the concern of legal doctrine confronts the question of recognition
about the limits of the areas of legal protection. This issue has covered national importance and its
preoccupation has mobilized various arguments in the community, for example, civil, political and
social sectors have presented their views on the viability of gay marriage in Colombia legislation,

relying on what each group considers is the legal protection of their fundamentals rights. However,
what highlights the attention is that many of the arguments from the different groups have been based

on sociological, political and historical aspects; but the legal arguments are often disconnected
from these estimates.

The Catholic Church considers human sexual behavior in the context of marriage and naturally
destined to procreation. Sex, homogenital is considered sinful because of its sexual acts, by nature,
from this perspective are untie, procreative and from love. The Church criticizes homosexual acts,
not homosexuality condition (therefore, the homosexual act is a sin but being a homosexual is

not). The Church also understands that the complementarity of the sexes is part of God’s plan. In
addition, Procurator General of the Nation shares the same position, he considered above all the
protection of family, he thinks family is more important than a person as an individual human. Both

arguments talk about the protection of family as the union of man and woman can only achieve
the fundamental unit of society that can preserve human race.
On the other hand, there are organizations who promote the legality of marriage between the same
sexes, looking for the equality of all, even the law. One of the most important is Colombia Diversa

that is the leading LGBT human rights organization in Colombia and it is constantly fighting for the
rights of the community. The basic reasons in favor of gay marriage are: everyone has the right to be
happy and this means being free and equal in front of the law. Moreover, the current law does not
require adoption being straight to adopt, Gay and lesbian´s children should have the same rights
as heterosexual couples. Equally important is that family, like any other institution, is a social product
subject to change, therefore, the rules, laws are modified with the objective of accompanying
cultural changes, and marriage is a civil and not a religious issue.
In this way, the supposed denial of rights to homosexual couples as opposed to the heterosexuals
shouldn’t be seen as discrimination due to sexual orientation, rather it needs a legislative recognition
of the absence and the idiosyncrasies of the law to heterosexual couples. Don´t forget that there
have been recognized individual rights to gay people such as social security, inheritance rights,
and pension recognition as permanent partners. However, in strict law, the legislative proposal
in Colombia, gay marriage is unconstitutional, not only because of the existence of the explicit
reference in the Constitution that states marriage as the union between man and woman, also
by the character recognition and jurisprudential the concept of family and marriage as exclusive
to heterosexual couples. In any case we can’t deny the social reality of the union of homosexual
couples, so it is necessary to think about the differences with heterosexual unions and beginning with
that, create a legal relationship that accounts for the needs and characteristics of this type of union
inside the scope of the law.
By Laura Daniela Báez

Work, consume, buy, consume and after die. Think before: You need to think, when you
“Between 1960 and 2007, the population will buy something. Before, you need to ask
of the United States and Canada grew yourself the following questions; how often do
on average 39%. In the same period, the you use something? Do you need to buy other
consumption grew on average 160%” . In fact, jeans or another car? Keep in mind, if you buy

the Colombian society is not the exception, something, you will feel good.
because every year the consumption grows Examine yourself: Examine what kind of person
on average 10%. The excessive consumption you are and your lifestyle. Consequently, you
is a big problem for society. Unavoidably, never look around you, because, you can
the consumption excess is damaging the buy unnecessary things. So, you need to save
ecological balance because industries are the natural resources. Finally, you need to
consuming the natural resources and the minimize the mass consumption
productions process are generating a lot of I consider, avoiding the excessive consumption
pollution around the world. The basic reason, is not an easy task, because there is advertising
people buy unnecessary things, because all the time on TV, on the street and on internet.
people believe the consumption is the Equally important, we should think about the

happiness formula. However, consumption is resources of future generations, especially you

a psychological factor and it doesn’t promise should preserve natural resources. Finally, you

to give you happiness. If you are in the society need to feel good when you buy anything and
“I shop therefore I am”, I will give you some you had better not buy unnecessary things, a

tips to reduce the excessive consumption. famous actor says “We spend money that we
don’t have, on things that we aren’t needing,
because we need to impress to people that

don’t care about us.


Measures the effect of advertising:


Why, when, how much and how often

advertising affects your spending habits.
Remember, that advertisers pay money to
influence our mind. In fact, more than 40% of
the advertising is misleading. In addition, you
need to ignore advertising in your mind.


The International Community could not ever

expect the crisis in Middle East; the Arab
Spring broke all rules about the organized
states like Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco,
etc. The clash began with protests between

military forces and citizens; apparently, the
citizens’ patience was interrupted when

some revolutionary people found several
serious violations of Human Rights. The most

critical situation is the number of dead and
disappeared people since the freedom Syria's leader, Bashar Al-Assad, has been in
process established a new government power since 2000; and comes from a long
based on the democracy model. tradition of leaders from the same party,

the Baath party. This fact is the main issue
In 2011, Arab countries started a of the rebellion; this fight has resulted in the
revolutionary movement in which almost killing of more than 100.000 citizens and the

all dictators and long-time leaders were imprisonment of approximately one million.
taken down from their governments. This
movement wasn't totally peaceful, but However, the real issue is based on the use
in average the losses were proportional of military forces especially with chemical

to the goals pursued. However, one case weapons to defend Syria’s leader against

was different. Syria started under the same citizens, and consequently the huge
principles and looked for common purposes: percentage of violation of Human Rights, all
freedom, peace and a fair political system, this brings us to the need of the international
yet the government’s response was much intervention trough sanctions and a refugee’s
more fierce and violent resulting in one of program. United Nations also include Geneva
the worst human rights tragedy of modern II and, after three years in conflict, just began
society. the talks between Syria’s government and the
opposition for state stability.

By Cesar Torres

Is the human cloning the new scientist way Some experts think that it is not necessary
to live after dying? This is the question to the clone to be the same DNA of the person
discover the new advance of the world and because when it borns and grows up, it will
the next level unto immortality. However, have other experiences of life and maybe
what’s cloning? They are organisms they aren’t identical twins, at least not in the
genetically exactly alike; similar to identical personality. We need to study the potential

twins but with the same DNA, and they can harms and disadvantages of the human
be made in the laboratory. The first cloning clones and the ethic, searching the scientists’

in the world was the Dolly sheep clone in opinion. These are the next topics to know

1996, and it survived until 2003, the cell was about this interesting issue.
taken from her mother, and it was modified, Scientists have talked about some harms
then it was put into the embryo and it and disadvantages for doing human clones.
had a normal pregnancy. Since then, the Although, the advantages have been a lot,

advances are very productive because for example the renewal of the dead cells
the lists of animals that have been cloned with the cells of the clone, also it will be able
are very big, even obtaining new hopes for to change some members or parts of the

living. Now, is it possible to live with humans inner body. Maybe, we have other problems
that are made in the laboratory? When do like the psychosocial harms that could have
we know how to stop this way of live? negative impacts on the family and society,
We should begin the problematic making another reason is that the clones will be

the question; is the human clone “real” or

treated like a second class of citizens, or
is it a mechanical man? Well, scientists say,
cloning is the production of genetically maybe they can change definitely the gene

identical organism for a “somatic cell pool of humans known until now. Obviously,
nuclear transfer”, for that reason, they need the biggest impact will be in the ethic of
to take an embryo and change the nucleon
society, because we should think about
for a cell of an adult.
the possibilities to find another person with
Therefore, the embryo will born normally
the same physical features and the same
with the same DNA/genes of the adult.
emotions or appearance.
B By Cesar Torres

Religion and politics reasons are very hard The implications on life’s forms and the

and discussing, because, people are scared changes created for the new kinds of humans
of the unknown things. According to recent will be hard and difficult for the environment.
polls by CBS (Poll: Human Cloning Is Possible, As soon as the new humans are showed to
2009), 85 percent of American people don’t the world, it will be considered strange and

approve human cloning because they are it´ll be obligated to stay far away. In my
afraid that human cloning will have a bad personal opinion, the humankind needs to
conduct to humanity. Although the points understand that it is not necessary to expand
agreeing and disagreeing with that are very the possibilities about the life as we know it,
big, society should pay your attention in the because when we don’t know something,
advances and in the new future created. those things could be dangerous for our own
existence. The advantages are not the best
Actually this issue is the central topic of the way for the world and for us. Humanity needs
new world and of the new scientist way. After to think and find more information before
the researches, it is necessary to think about doing or taking things like that for avoiding
the advantages and disadvantages to say difficulties.
something about that; maybe the solutions
for a lot of problems is near with this discovery,

for example the advance in the humanity

healthy and the possibility of increasing life,
but we need to know that the ethic society
is not prepared for that advance.

By Cesar Torres

Planned obsolescence is a world economic The 20th century suffers its firstly great
phenomenon that has pros and cons. To economic recession in the decade of
begin, it is necessary to understand that the the 30, where the USA suffers the longest
programmed obsolescence is a term that depression of its history and it had effects
gives to products that have a scheduled and devastating consequences in the
life, and therefore, there is created a great majority of the countries, developed

cycle of consumption called “ TO BUY, TO and underdeveloped that as proved it

BOUNCE (TO (THROW), TO BUY “. Thus, the gives step to new economic strategies that
programmedobsolescencegivesadeadline were allowing to revitalize and to stimulate
of caducity to the products in order that the economy in this moment. One of the
the regional and world economy develops solutions to the socioeconomic problem
a constant and dynamic movement, that of that epoch was to make way to the
allows to maximize the economic benefits programmed obsolescence.
that contribute to the generation of new Consequently, the products that the
employments, thus, companies obtain a consumers were acquiring were establishing
flow of steady demand in the products or a time of useful life, and for such a reason,
offered services. were forcing in an implicit way to buy again
Moreover, the environment suffers sudden the consumers the same one or another
changes that as consequence of the product in certain moment, in order that it
programmed obsolescence gives place will satisfy again the needs of the consumer,
to pollution, destruction and exploitation stimulating the income of the factories and

of the natural not-renewable resources, fulfilling the aim to increase the demand
that as positive factor was needed of major

workforce, generating employment but as

negative factor I affect the environment.

Both, the companies and the company did

not have present that many of the natural
resources are finite and or not having
done good use of them one would see
the ecosystems affected, this generated

a consumption chain called ¨USE AND

THROW ¨ so that different types of residues
achieving that the consumerism is imposed were started generating. At present these
on the conservation and maximization of the residues are known as ¨ Solid waste, liquids

natural resources, without giving importance and gaseous emission ¨, like that so, it is
to the environmental impact caused. evident that this economic phenomenon
The programmed obsolescence started affects in a direct and indirect way the
developing from the 20s when the companies environment and the nature worldwide.

were thinking of creating products that

were enjoying long life, and therefore
they were accrediting the companies as

innovative and ultramodern. Nevertheless,

the permanence of the commercialized
products would decline and its useful serious
limited life. In agreement to the economic
and strategic policies of market that started
implementing principally in the developed

By Cesar Torres

The programmed obsolescence was Thus one concludes that the

implemented firstly by the reduction of the programmed obsolescence is the engine
useful life of the lamp chimneys, since its for the development of a country and his
functionality was ranging between 2400 manufacturing companies, nevertheless,
and 2500 hours of service, but with the new this economic growth is creating a world
concept that they implant the manufacturers full of garbage of which nobody wants to

of bulbs 1000 hours happened to work, become a person in charge. For this motive
with the aim to control and force that the they have come raised possible solutions
consumers were buying lamp chimneys with to this environmental phenomenon, such

major regularity. as, to implement political governmental
Another clear example at present is the that force to that the companies to use
obsolescence of the electronic devices recyclable materials in his products and

as for example, the cell phones iPhone, that at the end of the useful life of these
Samsung, between others, which make part articles the residues that are generated
of this world. Nowadays, the companies again could be re-used as raw material
have looked for other ways of concealing for other companies that use them.

the physical obsolescence of their products,
by means of the obsolescence of softwares
that control these devices named such
operating systems as IOS and Android, since,
in every update of the operating system

or of the applications, the device loses
capacity of use, and the performance, so it
forces that the user acquires a new product
that supports the present updates.


By Cesar Torres

The marijuana (cannabis Sativa) has been seen as a sacred plant for many cultures around
the world over the centuries; several governments due to its psychoactive compounds
have criticized its use. However, it is used as a treatment for some diseases. The purpose
of this writing is to give a different point of view about the use of cannabis, its compounds,
advantages and benefits in medical treatments.

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) contains around 460 components. Between them, it has 60
compounds of cannabinoid structure, the most important is 9-delta tetrahydrocanabinol
(THC), this is the active principle which is attributed different effects, but marijuana has
compounds with medical uses, and for this reason, USA obtained permission from 1996 for
that plant to be used medically, in California
State since project 215.

Marijuana has a lot of medical uses; between

them we can find that THC stops the growth of
carcinogenic tumors, Marijuana’s compound

derivative stops the metastasis of cells and it

helps to stop the nauseas and loss of appetite.

Also, marijuana helps in case of fibromyalgia


and multiple sclerosis because it has palliative

effects in diseases that affect the nervous
system and muscles, and then it has analgesic

Other studies showed that, it combats the

glaucoma due to the active principle dilated capillaries because it decompresses eye

stress. It reduces intraocular stress relieving pain and degenerative process. Finally, some
articles talk about the prevention of Alzheimer because it prevents neuronal death and it
decreases behavioral disorders, THC possibly regenerates cells.

Marijuana is a plant used for recreation by many people, for this reason it is prohibited by
the government, due to its psychoactive effects, however some studies have shown this

plant has medicinal uses such as; multiple sclerosis, cancer, thus highlighting the different
non-recreational uses of this plant have led some countries to legalize its consumption


There are different forms of art, some are accepted by society and others are very
criticized by people. However, it is very difficult to understand some ways of thinking
for example; can we call art the killing of animals? Why do people find Funny the
animal abuse? Why do fun depends on the suffering of some animals like for example
in Bullfighting? Although Bullfighting is part of history and culture in Spain and therefore

it is very common to see this show in different bullrings around the country and, also it is
very common in the Spanish colonies like Peru, Colombia and Mexico etc. We should

consider why do we follow traditions that do not have any sense for us? Traditions that
do not provide anything good to our society, only more violence. Why do we think we
should continue with traditions that leave behind other cultures different to ours? Should

we try to conserve our own customs before other customs?
The history of Bullfighting started with Romans, when they were doing shows with different
animals including bulls. The purpose of the show with bulls was to entertain people who
found funny the fight between people and animals. Bullfight was originated in Spain.
However, we can see that in other countries like France, Portugal and Hispanic American

they accept these customs. For Hispanic American these behaviors are heredity left
by our conquerors, because during a lot of years those kinds of shows were used for
celebration of marriages, baptisms, and other holidays.
Within the most popular bullfighting around the world we can find the holidays made

in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica, France and Portugal between other
There are a lot of opinions about the bullfights, some people agree with this practice
because they consider that bulls are raised in special and better conditions than
other animals, and therefore it is not a mistreatment for animals who participate in this

practice. On the other hand, some people criticize this point of view, because they do

not understand how it could be funny the idea of killing an animal and considerate if an
art at the same time.
Despite of a lot of demonstrations against animal abuse, people continue viewing
funny some practices like the bullfight, dog fighting, cockfighting and the other shows.
However, nowadays there are fewer followers of those practices. Clearly, the freedom of
expression is an entitlement of all people, but it is not an entitlement to attempt against
the life of other living beings. In my opinion we like being smart, but we should reconsider
the form we are having fun. In present, we have a lot of activities for fun like sports,
cinema, games and different kind of shows like games etc. Then, we should not continue
with so unpleasant activities like the bullfights acts.

By Cesar Torres

In the present, our country has problems with the Also, we can notice how private schools in
education model as well as learning and teaching. Colombia give the best education, it is due to
Since the government has established a single they have improved to their model, focusing
model for the people from different areas, cultures special attention on the most important
and customs, the quality of education has been requirements they need, kind of nourishment

decreasing. This problem summed with the social and suitable locations and well-prepared
inequality and the requirements in nourishment teachers. Actually, our education is based
and suitable locations for the development of in achieving thee minimum requirements,
learning and teaching. On the other hand, our but not the necessary as yet, this insufficient
education model should be focused mainly in the model needs a change giving importance to
basic necessities of students, and the autonomy of students and their learning.
schools to impose their curriculum which teachers
will control, instead of forcing them to work on a
The lack of education in our country is reflected
general model yet established. in the low performance showed in surveys
done to public schools and students. Attempts
The way how our students are taught and how for getting better have been unsuccessful

teachers teach is restricted to an education due to wrong focusing at the time of posing a
model which has been established for all and complete education model.

everyone. Studies have shown the main problem It is important to know about the basic
is not the topic of this model, I mean, all students requirements, besides, requirements beyond

have the opportunity to go to school, besides, these, to promise a good educative future to
they should have good teachers, which have an students, teachers and schools with autonomy
excellent preparation in their objectives such as to solve problems about education model.

get grades in a master and PHD. However, now

days each person with a non-licensed grade
(Lawyer, engineer, psychologist, etc.) could
become teacher in one of our public schools. In

contrast to other education models like Finland,

model which spends money in advanced studies
for their teachers. Therefore, now we can realize

their model is very organized and it looks for

getting better conditions for their students.


Do you know how many natural resources Negative effects

are poured into the sea? Do you know how Mining has bad things as, miners don’t obey
environmental and exploitation rules. This is
much water is used to wash gold?
why mining becomes to be an illegal traffic.
Mining in Colombia is a topic that generates Furthermore, it creates violent for groups
polemic as it touches important things like outside the law, which take possession of

(health, economy, progress of cities, etc.) for mines to obtain more funding sources, but
this isn´t only the problem that it has, also
example, mercury is a material that miners the topic of health problems like; bronchitis,

use to wash gold, but this material is bad pneumoconiosis, kidney stones, problems
for health as mercury is a strong chemical. with learning children, malformations in the
human body and some cases of cancer. These

Another example is; 500 tons of coal falls
are produced by; exploitation in outdoor,
to the sea and it avoids surf, standards and unnecessary tools for work, the transportation
law conversely. Mining plays an important and the boat, as these activities deliberate
role in our life because it generates income toxic particles that affect the environment.
Positive effects

and work, but it has impact in our health and Mining also has good things, but they are only
environment. This is a good topic because it a few, these are: Mining generates work, but
generates polemic in our life because you not the same that in other sectors.
Gross domestic products are growing.

don´t know what happens with our minerals.
It generates greater exploitation and more
Mining in Colombia is a topic that generates Finally, I will give you some examples and
polemic as; we don’t know what is happening statistics about the positive effects of mining:

hydrocarbons and minerals play an essential
with it and the real truth about it, because

role in the exportation of our country and
we only pay attention to our incomes in our it generates significant revenue. In fact, its
self-progress, but not to the progress of our participation in the gross domestic product is
7,7 % while sectors like industrial and agricultural
country. This is why in this article, I’m going to
achieve 1,6 and 1,8 parental points. Other
show you positive and negative things mining examples are: Indicators of poverty in
has and also some statistical examples. Choco increased faster in 2009. Furthermore,
Antioquia has a housing deficit of 86 % by the
export of gold. Cesar goes 48% of our carbon
and leaves (UBN) unsatisfied basic needs of
76% in this municipality. We see with clarity
that in the rich mineral resources regions,
they are poorer. How is it possible that foreign
companies come to export to our country, as,
they do not have laws have rules preventing
them from exploiting our environment, they do

advances in the affected region, also thefts

are affecting markedly our environment.
This problem is growing more and more in
all regions, miners without counting with the
minimum payment. Those companies give us
nothing, while, they increase their money and
destroy our environment.

By Gerardo López G

The use of stem cells represents a very big advance

in genetic studies about all types of cancer and to
regenerate any tissue. For that reason we are going
to see the most relevant and important aspects,
furthermore the advantages or disadvantages about
this topic; and the advances with these cells.

Some important and relevant aspects can be:

First, these cells come from embryonic cells, that
means fetus cells, for that reason it is going to get
many opinions in opposite. If society doesn’t put a
stop to the Scientifics, they are going to experiment
more with the nature of humanity, but on other side,
we need to considerate that these cells have the
ability to separate and grow indeterminately and we In the advantage we can cure many
damage the ovule and stop the fecundation to make illnesses, especially cancer illness, one of the
a fetus. most terrible illness in the world because it
Second, these investigations can’t attack kills practically all that it touches. In addition
human life, put our lives first without importance to the pain that it can produced to the
about the embryo lives, but the embryo are person that suffer it, and the pain to the
creators of live and help families who can’t families who watch the suffer, the treatment,
the deterioration, of the person, the families

that look how life escapes to the affected


In conclusion all studies have limits, the


nature have limits, and sometimes we can’t

override them, we need to be careful with
the things that we do in this moments, in this
era, it can affect the life like we know, but the
fact to see people suffer a terrible physical

pain, psychological pain, it is hard, and we

can help them, generating developments
for those studies.
have babies but now this families can, using

these studies that can help them. I leave this to your reflection...
Third, these studies have been proved in rat
cells, but they haven’t been proved in human
cells yet, as a result the possibilities that a skin

graft works can be probable or improbable,

but these cells have the possibility to help
with different and complicated illnesses to be

On the other hand one disadvantage is; we can see
how kill literally to this fetus to can use the benefits
that it represents, really can we kill this fetus? Does
it have conscience? Can it feel anything? We are not
sure, for that reason; we have many prejudices to
experiment with this.

By Gerardo López G.

In contrast, the public sector is very different.

Several important factors are the quality of There are a lot of flexible education policies,
education and technology. Then we ask if
there are students who pass courses without
private education is better because it has a
plant high-quality teacher and their students high average, students do not have the
have access to technology compared to same technological tools and the parents

public education, where teacher’s quality is don´t have for additional activities.
questionable and the access to technology
is lower, what must be done to balance

these distances?

The 2012 Statistics in Colombia that reports
annually ICFES show that only 0.32% of In my opinion, as alternatives to reduce
public schools in Bogotá, are rated “very these differences, it is very important to

high”, while private institutions have 39.5 %.

increase the budgets for public education
The differences are also evident in students
that enables investment in areas such as
repeating year: official institutions in average
of eight per 100 repeat the year, while in infrastructure and teacher training, as well
private institutions, only two per 100 repeat as research, digital education and overall
technical and educational support to all
public educational institutions.

the year.
In private schools, students have all the
technological advantages in the institution
and in the house, accompanied by the

parents, additional courses, good food; those

students who do not achieve a minimum
average in the academic outcomes retire
at the end because private education has
good academic quality. In contrast, the
public sector is very different.
By Gerardo López G

This article will explain the different problems as a result of petroleum extraction. It is a
bad situation to know because, for industry and rich people it is not important to protect
nature, it is only important to make business. First, I want to show you what happens with
nature while petroleum is extracted and many things that the planet will never recover
again. Second, I will explain you a little history about it and finally how we could improve

this problematic
First, what happens with nature while petroleum is extracted? It is a complicated situation
because nature has terrible consequences because of petroleum extraction. For Example
Rivers, Lakes, Seas, etc. lost oxygen and the animals that live there are dying slowly. Also,
the ground is necessary to petroleum transportation and the industry needs to create roads
and oil wells in the middle of jungle, sea or forest. In addition, the air and the atmosphere
are full of toxic elements like dangerous gases to human health.
Well, petroleum extraction began since 6.000.000 years when Babylon people used this
fluid to paste bricks and stones to build. After, China began to use it for fuel and energy.
Now, around the world, there are a lot petroleum companies and much money in them,
because petroleum is a mineral that is not profitable. Petroleum is used to diesel, propane

gas, oil lubricant, paints, glue, detergent, make up and many more things.

On the other hand, the world has solutions to reduce impact of petroleum extraction.
Nowadays, different Scientifics work hard for another energy spring. However, we need

to change conscience and use products without petroleum like make up, or change our
form of transportation like bike or walk more. Maybe one day, all the people will create a
war because there is plenty of petroleum now, but then, this mineral will totally disappear.

Finally, I tell you “we are in time to change” and you need to think about future generations,
I mean maybe your children will never see a clean sea or a beautiful jungle and perhaps
you never avoided it.



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