Portfolio Task #2
Portfolio Task #2
Portfolio Task #2
There is always a part of our past as a nation that we are ashamed of and this is
not an exception for Canadians. Whether you try to hide it or not is a matter of
time for the truth to be revealed and that is what happened just some years ago,
a painful and outrageous finding was made. What we are referring to is the
atrocities committed in residential schools from 1880’s until 1990’s. Before
continuing, I will explain what was the function of residential schools and how
this rigid system used to work there.
First of all, let’s focus on their function. Since they were created by Catholic
churches and the Canadian government, the main function of these residential
schools was to educate and turn indigenous children into Canadian citizens.
However, as you dear reader could guess, residential schools were far away from
being safe places to raise children. Indeed, they were places for torturing, for
instance they were forced to cut any relationship with their families and once
they would arrive at these schools the nuns used to cut their hair because
everything that would attach the children with their culture was viewed as bad,
neither could they speak their own language or look at other children; otherwise
they would be severely punished, some of the abuses the were someted were
physical, psychological and sexual. Consequently, many of them died because of
desnutrition, diseases, and the constant abuse they suffered. What happened in
those schools is a shameful past for most Canadians who are recently updated
about these news.
Secondly, the impact these residential schools have had is everything but good.
While a part of Canada citizens are still not conscientious about this and even if
they believe there is nothing questionable or arbitrary about these schools, the
data and testimonies recollected all these recent years are undeniable and
demonstrating. Furthermore, there are some heartbreaking and vivid
testimonies that I would like to quote, the first one is from Sheri Lynne, she
mentioned she had had repeated nightmares of dark figures attacking her, she
also added, these nightmares had lasted for many years. Another male survivor
said they had been called dumbs and had been regularly abused sexually,
physically and emotionally. He also mentioned, they had been undernourished
and starved. He remembered, he used to steal potatoes and cucumbers from the
kitchen just to survive. He had always tried not to think about what had
happened to him during that time, but sometimes It all came back. These
testimonies highlight how atrocious these schools were. On the other hand, the
government has given some public apologies. In addition the prime minister of
Canada said recently that policy had been incredibly harmful, he also highlighted
that Canadians now were horrified and ashamed of how their country had
behaved, yet this is clearly not enough. That they try to pass the page so easily is
truly indignant for everyone and especially for some canadians. Furthermore,
there have been hundreds of people protesting because of the genocide
commited, they are demmanding an investiogation to be open about these
residential schools since more unmarked graves have been found in the last July.
Crime or right
First of all, we feel the need to establish when human life starts, some
people who label themselves as pro-choice generally set up their own
opinion above medical ones when it comes to it, but we can't dismiss this
aspect, even if we do not agree with some professionals. Neither could we
keep our eyes closed to the truth that life starts in conception. Thus , the
American College of Pediatricians mentioned ”As physicians dedicated
both to scientific truth and to the Hippocratic tradition, the College values
all human lives equally from the moment of conception (fertilization) until
natural death. Consistent with its mission to “enable all children to reach
their optimal physical and emotional health and well-being,” the College,
therefore, opposes active measures that would prematurely end the life of
any child at any stage of development from conception to natural death.”
We can conclude every life starts at conception, and even if you spend a
lifetime trying to change this fact, you will probably waste your time. When
human life begins, the new DNA formed is unique. Essentially the DNA is
the guide instruction book that establishes most of the characteristics we
recognize as ours. A common argument used to support abortion is that
an embryo that posses DNA does not mean a new person. They hold that
until the 12th pregnancy week, the human embryo is almost the same as
a chimpanzee embryo, so they wrongly inferred that this new life is not
human, in other words, not worth it. That could sound logical at first, yet
both intended to take different paths. To be an embryo is a stage of
human growth. It is just a matter of time before this embryo fully grows;
interrupting the natural process would be unethical and immoral. Let's
think about this, in most of the countries that abortions are legal. It is
possible to end the pregnancy only if it does not exceed 12 weeks.
Being said this, I would like to sum up this essay by remembering that
both life matters and bringing a new life to the world is for sure insanely
scary and requires a lot of braveness, and by saying this, I do not mean to
offend women who have gone through an abortion.
Since this world is not an easy one in which to live, it is challenging to
think about being a single parent. But even if a woman finds herself
indecisive, she can gather the courage to stand up for the life that only
counts on her.
Primarily, all this topic revolves around being conscious about the growing
lives of those who did not decide to come into the world but have the right
to stay, they have the right to be given a chance, and not just being
discarded as a failed project. As humans, we have gone so far as to lose
sight of what used to identify us, humanity, and sensibility.