Measles Crisis: Deaths Mount As Vaccine Phobia Spreads
Measles Crisis: Deaths Mount As Vaccine Phobia Spreads
Measles Crisis: Deaths Mount As Vaccine Phobia Spreads
Measles crisis:
Deaths mount
as vaccine
phobia spreads
Dismal immunization coverage
in San Pedro, other cities and towns
but because the elders frowned upon ro- at the time.
an of dignity and bravery. That’s
mance at such young age, Rizal would Meanwhile, Noli Me Tan-
how most Filipinos regard Jose
write those letters surreptitiously, even gere earned the wrath of Rizal’s
Rizal, the Philippine national
using an invisible ink made of table salt powerful enemies and so, for
hero who was born in Calamba, Laguna,
and water. He taught Orang to read them the second time, Rizal left
in 1861. He was raised in a home filled
by heating the paper over a lamp or a the country against his will.
with humility, respect, and love.
candle. He went to Hong Kong, then
Ah love! moved to Japan in 1888, where
Rizal had lots of it. He was one of those #TOTGA he met a lovely Japanese, Seiko
guys women easily fell in love with. He While Rizal was courting Leonor Usui.
was not too tall and he often described “Orang” Valenzuela, another Leonor was
himself as someone who was not hand- in his mind — Leonor Rivera, his long- #THANKUNEXT
some. As far as physical features went, he time sweetheart for 11 years. Leonor, who After living in Japan for 45
did not see himself anywhere near com- Rizal called Taimis in his letters, was the days, Rizal moved to London.
parable with the Spaniards and Ameri- daughter of the cousin of Rizal’s father. He resided temporarily in the
cans who lived in the country back in the Although blood related, the two carried house of the Becketts. Rizal
1800s. on with their affair even when Leonor’s caught the heart of the Beck-
But “the great Malayan,” as Rizal came mother expressed strong opposition. etts’ eldest daughter Gertrude,
Photo collages by Ayi Conde
to be known, had intellect and charm -- a girl with blue eyes, scarlet
#FRIENDZONED cheeks, and bronze hair. Rizal
and an unstinting belief in love.
Rizal traveled to Madrid in 1882 to called her “Gettie” and Gettie called him Josephine was a spy from Spain. The priest of Dapitan
#PABEBE take further studies. He didn’t tell any- “Pettie.” Gettie would always look at Rizal didn’t give them blessings. Taufer opposed their mar-
Rizal was 16 when he first fell for a girl, one about this, not even his parents and with warmth and affection. riage plans, even threatening to kill himself if that were
Segunda Katigbak. In his diary, Rizal his beloved Leonor because he knew that
#SUMMERBB to happen.
called her “love at first sight.” Segunda’s they won’t allow him. Every Saturday in But Rizal and Josephine were committed; they vowed
family was close with Rizal’s grandmoth- Madrid, he would drop in on Don Pablo In January 1890, Rizal transferred to
eternal love for each other before God even though there
er and Segunda’s brother, Mariano, was Ortiga Y Rey, a former Manila mayor. Brussels, Belgium, where he rented a
were no priest to bless and guide them. Josephine be-
Rizal’s friend. When Rizal and Mariano Rizal, a talented and fine gentleman, cap- small house owned by the Jacoby sisters.
went to visit the old woman in her house There were two things that Rizal loved came pregnant in the early part of 1896 but had a mis-
tured the heart of Consuelo, Don Pablo’s
in Trozo, Manila, he met Segunda, a about this place: the many festivals dur- carriage eight months into her pregnancy. Despite all
daughter. The lady’s beauty so capti-
ing the summer and
his relationship with
Petite Suzanne Ja-
coby, the niece of his
landladies. Just like
the previous women
in Rizal’s life, Petite
fell deeply in love
with him. But Rizal
was still thinking of
Leonor. So he left Bel-
gium and went back
for Madrid.
Rizal went to Biar-
ritz, a beautiful city
in the French Riviera,
to rest for a while. He
was a guest in Villa
Eliada, the home of
the Bousted family.
There, he met Nellie
All images from; The Loves of Rizal and other Essays on Philippine History, Art, and Public
Policy by Pablo Trillana III. Bousted, the younger
daughter. Nellie was
one of the reasons for these misfortune, Rizal and Josephine lived happily as
short young lady with alluring eyes, rosy vated Rizal that he wrote a poem for her husband and wife — a love that lasted through Rizal’s
cheeks and a captivating smile. Segunda, titled “A La Señorita C.O.y.P” (For Miss Rizal’s fight with one of his friends, Anto-
darkest moments
14, was a friend of Rizal’s younger sister, C.O.y.P). However, before their relation- nio Luna, who also had strong romantic until his last dy-
Olympia; both girls had been studying ship grew deeper, Rizal decided to stay feelings for the girl. ing breath in Ba-
in La Concordia College and Rizal would away from her because he was still in love #BAE gumbayan. L
visit his sister every week so he could see with Leonor Rivera. When Rizal was exiled to Dapitan, he
Segunda. The two grew more than just #KAWAII was alone, missing the warmth of a fam-
friends. ily. He knew that he needed someone Reference: Jose
As Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere was roil- Rizal: Life, Works,
#LOWKEY ing the Philippines after its controversial who could fill the void in his heart. It was
and Writing of a
On his second year at the University of publication in 1887, Rizal decided to trav- during those lowest moments that Rizal Genius, Writer, Sci-
Santo Tomas, Rizal met a tall and grace- el back home to Calamba. There, his par- met Josephine Bracken, an 18-year-old entist and National
ful woman named Leonor Valenzuela, ents obstructed him from visiting Leonor Irish girl who had gone to Dapitan with Hero by Gregorio F. Scan the QR code or
from Pagsanjan. Called Orang, she was Rivera because her parents didn’t like his foster dad, George Taufer. It was not Zaide and Sonia M. visit
his neighbor during his stay at Doña Con- to read the full version of this story.
Rizal for their daughter. Reluctantly, he an easy romance. Rizal’s family thought Zaide
ho hasn’t heard of The farmer
Maria Makiling, the Another story took place during
beguiling goddess of the Spanish colonial period. Three
Laguna embodied in myths, leg- men pursued Maria Makiling. One
ends and folklore, told in tales was Captain Lara, a Spanish soldier.
that excited our young imagina- The other was Joselito, a student
tions? These are vivid stories in Manila. Then there was Juan,
a poor and humble farmer. Of the
of pathos and loss that — along
three suitors, Juan captured the
with Maria’s beauty — Laguna maiden’s heart. This infuriated Cap-
folk embraced as a celebration tain Lara and Joselito that they plot-
of the rich diversity of the prov- ted to murder him. They set fire on
ince’s history and culture. the Spanish barracks and blamed it
According to the legend, Maria on Juan. As punishment, Juan was
Makiling was a goddess, a di- executed as an enemy of the Span-
wata, who guarded the mountain ish regime. He called out Maria’s
with all the plants, animals and name just before the bullet pierced
water reserves surrounding it. his heart. Maria was in rage. Em-
She was a deity who people run bracing Juan’s cold, bloodied body,
to for help, especially to prevent she cursed the two men. Soon after,
natural disasters like storms, Katipuneros killed Captain Lara
earthquakes, and volcanic erup- during the revolution while Joselito
tions. died from an incurable illness. In
ges by Ayi Conde She had exquisite and sophis- great sorrow and agony, Maria was
ticated features, a real beauty. Painting by Nemiranda, 1981 never seen again.
iest of Dapitan People admired not just her
physical charms but also her The legend continues
sed their mar- Maria ran off to the woods and lived in the heart. She swore never to love nor trust It is still believed that Maria Makiling
heart that was overflowing with
elf if that were kindness and compassion for both mountains. villagers again. She kept herself away keeps guarding the mountain, which
human and nature — kindness and But that’s just one version of the many from people. In her despair, the trees is now named Mount Makiling. If you
ed; they vowed compassion that often got abused by tales of Maria Makiling. The other stories stopped producing fruits, the animals wander around the province of Laguna,
n though there humans. have to do with romance and heartbreak. stopped showing up, and the fish in the you will notice the form of the moun-
Josephine be- One story said Maria used to live lake began to disappear. tain resembling a reclining woman. It
The hunter is also believed that travelers who want
but had a mis- in a community where she got along The coward
well with the locals. Whenever vil- In one story, Maria fell in love just like to take home fruits from the mountain
cy. Despite all a typical maiden. She bestowed her deep In another story, Maria fell in love with
lagers called her for help, she would get lost in their trip because they are be-
give them a piece of ginger to take devotion to a hunter who roamed the a farmer. She helped him with daily mat- ing tricked by Maria who would change
home. Without the people know- mountains of Laguna. They started out as ters, letting his farm grow richer, for ex- the path that leads instead to beehives
ing, the ginger would turn to gold acquaintances but their feelings for each ample, than the rest of the farms in the or thick thorn bushes. According to
that they could then later sell to help other flourished over time. They soon de- village. But she ended up miserable after the story, when this happens, the trav-
them in their needs. Greed soon cided to meet every day, with a pledge of the farmer chose to marry a village wom- eler must leave the fruit, take off all his
overcame the villagers — they pulled eternal love. But Maria discovered that an so he could be exempted from being clothes, and wear them inside out to
all the ginger plants in her yard as the man she loved had been married to drafted in the army. This wrecked Maria’s show the goddess that he is no longer
they looked for the gold. Devastated, a mortal woman. Despair engulfed her heart. She left and was never seen again. carrying any fruit. (Mari Santilles) L
ved happily as
hrough Rizal’s
code or
on of this story.
for abuse
cessful bid in the 2013 decade as city councilor and as vice mayor.
mayoralty elections, we Everybody in Santa Rosa recognizes Arnel Gomez as
didn’t hear Arnel Gomez gasping and going around town the altar boy from the elite Gomez clan. He was the boy
in a blame game. Despite the betrayal he felt after being who never missed a church service. He took the Don
A HEARTBREAKING reality in a poor country disappointed in the electoral process, he readily accepted Bosco Seminary entrance examination for seminarians
like the Philippines is the willingness of parents to defeat by conceding, called for sobriety and showed grat- when he was in high school, but eventually he had to de-
itude to his supporters. cide whether he could endure the myriad of restrictions
encourage the abuse of their own children, often us- Here, after all, is a man who needs no constant proof imposed on seminarians. He also passed and was a can-
ing poverty as a justification. A case in point is the that even without being in the public eye, he can do didate for the prestigious Philippine Military Academy in
continued practice in Laguna and elsewhere of child something good for other people. Baguio. He eventually attended De La Salle University,
prostitution facilitated by parents — prostitution Just last week, he met with the indigenous peoples of a leading Catholic university renowned for academic ex-
that cater mainly to monied foreigners and tourists. Mindoro — the Katutubong Mangyan — to conduct an cellence and run by De La Salle Brothers. Now, he and
In the ‘80s and ‘90s, this was the shame of Laguna, outreach ministry that includes delivery of basic medi- wife Malou are active lectors/commentators in church.
as we pointed out in a report in last week’s issue. cal services, including gift giving, feeding, mini sports When not busy with his advocacies, Gomez competes
The arrest of a British-Australian and his Filipino fest and the provision of food supplies and wheelchairs. as a triathlete and enjoys running or mountain trekking.
pimp shoved this ugly problem back to the fore. (Similar support is being extended to the Kabihug and His passion for triathlon, a multisport race with three
Dumagat tribes.) The indefatigable advocate is also a continuous and sequential endurance races, brought him
The National Bureau of Investigation in Laguna prime mover of I Love Santa Rosa Foundation Inc., an to several countries all over the world. (London, Paris,
says that there seems to be an uptick in the number advocacy group that conducts regular blood donation Venice, Florence, Milan, Rome, Barcelona, Turkey, Je-
of young boys selling themselves — or being sold — drives. He initiates fundraising for cancer patients and is rusalem, Egypt, New York, California, Japan and other
to western tourists to make a quick buck, particular- a warrior for the environment. several Asian cities). He was asthmatic as a child, he
ly in the town of Pagsanjan and the city of Calamba. Trantados, a group in UPLB so named because its said, and had to learn swimming by himself so he could
Daniel Daganzo, the bureau’s head in the province, members jokingly claim they are 50 percent triathletes strengthen his lungs.
says parents know about what’s happening. and 50 percent alcoholic, got him interested in triathlon. What keeps him going as a triathlete and as a politi-
While we certainly agree that poverty pushes He always supported and joined people who struggle for cian? Gomez said it’s about walking the walk, not just
families to extreme measures to survive, the prosti- wellness not only for themselves but for the environ- talking the talk. “Kailangan ng isang public servant
ment. They are passionate for Mother Nature, joining maging disiplinado, maging tapat. It is not just talk and
tution of children by their own parents seems, well, tree planting activities and coastal rehabilitation. They photos. It is actual work. Kongkretong pagtulong sa tao
extreme. We suspect that it’s not just poverty that is bicycle their way — “kahit sa kasulok-sulokan ng Santa through my advocacies. Kongkretong disiplina sa sarili
at play here, that this has something to do with fa- Rosa at mga lugar ng probinsiya ng Laguna” — to check through my sport,” he said. Gomez believes that, as in
miliarity with an old practice that makes it easy for on water tributaries, including creeks and canals. sports, it is in having to inconvenience one’s self through
parents to rationalize the sordid acts they’re forcing From a formidable political clan of Santa Rosa, the Go- sacrifice, discipline and hard work that a politician can
their children to do. More crucially, this is a failure mezes occupied key positions in the past — truly, a fam- be worthy of people’s trust. “Manifestation ng pagkatao
of accountability — parents are getting away with ily of public servants. His great grandfather Governor mo ang disiplina sa sarili. Morally, spiritually, socially,
abusing their own children while local government Feliciano Gomez was judge, mayor, congressman and environmentally, you should be fit. Only then will people
units, who must know about this, are seemingly governor of Laguna. His grandfather Artemio Sr. served trust you.”
as vice mayor and his father Artemio Jr. was a city coun- In our current political culture, rare is the politician who
helpless or unable to do anything. And long as this cilor. His sister and daughter served as Sangguniang remains true to the real essence of public service. I cer-
is the case, child prostitution and child abuse will Kabataan chairpersons and a brother is an incumbent tainly wish there will be fewer talkers and more doers. L
This is a challenge to the NBI as well as the LGUs,
particularly in towns and cities where tourism is
popular. If the NBI knows the complicity of par-
ents, they should not stop at just arresting these
foreign pedophiles and their local pimps – they
should go after the parents that allow the prostitu-
tion of their children.
Poverty may explain this unsavory practice but it
does not justify it, let alone make it right. It is, thus,
the duty of law enforcers to hold these parents ac-
countable because, again, the absence of account-
ability drives more abuse. L
Editor Reb Abanador Contributing Editor Dana Batnag
Staff Writers Leobel Bernadette C. Colona, Neal Andrei A.
Lalusin Contributing Writers Kimmy Baraoidan, Eve Matta,
Aya Jallorina, Emeterio SD. Perez Contributing Photogra-
phers Raffy Lerma, Chris Quintana, Edmund Bariring Lay-
out and Design Ayishah M. Conde Editorial Interns Maric-
ris R. Santilles, Shane Valerie B. Muallam
Marketing Manager Laarni M. Bautista Marketing Con-
sultant Marianne Gladys M. Claron Administrative Officer
Rosiedin G. Lanao Operations Liaison Yasir S. Muallam
Legal Counsel Atty. Dana Batnag
Laguna Now is published every Thursday by Conde Media
Publishing Services, a duly registered company in Santa
Rosa City, Laguna, Philippines. Editorial and business of-
fices at 140 BelAir Drive, Laguna BelAir 1, Barangay Don
Jose, Santa Rosa City, Laguna, the Philippines. Email la-
[email protected] Landline +63 49 3081396 Mobile
(Text / Viber / WhatsApp) +63 9217639604 FB Messenger FB / Twitter / Instagram @lagunanow
entrepreneurs These Lagunenses beat the odds in business and serve as an inspiration to others.
This bakeshop in Santa Rosa City that GITNA ART STUDIO
specializes in ‘Asian bread’ and pastries Mitzi Villanueva and Matt
doesn’t try to call attention to itself. But Pahutan put up Gitna Art
there are signs it is destined for fame and Studio after a rough patch.
greater things. Their love story is vital to
the development of the stu-
Each time Yumiko Cruz went on ma- dio.
ternity leave, she ate bread and pastries.
Lots of it. While serving barley tea to her Art is a way of life in the
visitors in her home in Santa Rosa City, municipality of Paete, so
she reminisces about the bread and pas- much so that it has gained
tries from the different bakeshops in her the moniker “bayang masin-
neighborhood in Tochigi, a prefecture not ing” (artful town). Paete is
far from Tokyo where her family hails. known for its woodwork and handicrafts that are all handmade, a tradition that has
On her third pregnancy and while on her been the town’s primary source of income for 400 years. Situated at Plaza Edeza, Gitna
third maternity leave here in the Philip- Art Studio is a head turner with its minimalist black façade. This café is the brainchild
pines, Yumiko was confronted with a of Mitzi Villanueva and Matt Pahutan. They both want the café not just to showcase
problem: She missed her Tochigi bread. artworks but to promote and revitalize the local art scene as well.
Read Yumiko’s full story here: The solution? She started baking her own. Read Mitzi and Matt’s full story here: Photo courtesy of Gitna Art Studio
Alden Richards
He has become a more conscientious student of life, content starts and I am very or scan the code.
lanning ahead as usual, Alden went into business but also one who now takes every chance “to reflect on mindful of that: It is when
two years ago, buying into Concha’s Garden Café. things.” He is a regular churchgoer, reads the Bible daily, what you have is never enough, and you want more and
He sees it as a “safety net.” Although so far the reads “a lot of other stuff” when times permits. more. That way, whatever it is, will run away from you.”
career in show business is still “my goose that lays the (He started and finished an Eric Morris book about And then, without warning, he breaks that sudden
golden eggs,” he is determined to never again stand on acting on a flight to New York. “That’s another thing with somber note: “Right now, all I want is a massage. ” L
fickle footing, money-wise, given his to-do lists.
Since he partnered with Gemma Sembrano, the res-
taurant has spawned two branches, and they’re now into
franchising. If this wonderful new high should crash
sooner than expected, he says, at least he would have
learned a lot, not the least about himself. For instance,
he now knows for sure that, while he is decidedly practi-
cal and logical, he has intuitive capabilities as well.
“You could say Concha’s is something I jumped into,”
he relates. “I consulted my usual advisers, but I did not
overthink, like I often do. I learned from my Lola Linda
that something inside would present obstacles if you’re
headed the wrong way. There was no such thing in this
case, so I trusted my gut, which has remained reliable to
this day.”
From his mother, a Pampangueña, he inherited a
sharp palate. He cooks occasionally, but is mostly a con-
sumer/critic. “I can tell if something is off, or even just
slightly different from the way I remember a dish. [He
is a desserts person, incidentally.] That is an attribute of
OCB,” he adds, laughing. He was a very satisfied Con-