Harm Reduction Zine
Harm Reduction Zine
Harm Reduction Zine
Page 1 Introduction
In 1979, researcher Bruce Alexander conducted a study
called ‘Rat Park’. The study involved putting rats in two different
types of environments with the intention of observing how these
environments influenced the rats’ addiction rates. The first envi-
ronment was incredibly isolating. Rats were kept alone in cages
with only food, water, and an opioid substance. The second envi-
ronment was incredibly stimulating. This environment had food,
water, and an opioid substance, and it also included games, lots of
space and plenty of potential mates ;)
The findings of this study showed that rats kept in the isolat- Drug use and the social barriers that influence problematic
ed environment had high addiction rates and would often over- drug use were in place long before the recent increase in deaths.
dose, while the rats kept in the stimulating environment didn’t
have these same problematic drug use behaviors. You may then ask “Why is it only recently that the number of
deadly overdoses has so dramatically increased?”
What does this reveal to us? Well, in the context of the over-
dose crisis, it reveals that part of the solution has to be social and The most significant factor contributing to this increase is
structural change. Isolating barriers in our community (like stig- the newly contaminated drug supply. In recent years, the synthet-
ma, criminalization, poverty, etc.) contribute to this problem and ic opioid fentanyl has been introduced to the illicit drug market.
reforming/abolishing these barriers need to be part of the critical Fentanyl is 50 times more powerful than heroin and many people
discussion. consuming it are unaware of its presence in their drugs, leading to
unintentional overdosing.