Proyecto Final.
Proyecto Final.
Proyecto Final.
This essay will explore Nepotism in terms of effects, consequences, and how it has
involved the history of Colombia while it influences our opportunities and lifestyle
as citizens. Nepotism is known as a “privilege” or a position that allows you to take
advantage over other people in a specific field thanks to your connections, position,
economy, or acquaintances. Colombia is a country where Nepotism is a reality, is
very common and has a lot of strength; especially in the government. For example:
Paloma Valencia, Gustavo Bolivar, or even Carlos Fernando Galán. Those people who
are in those positions of power probably just because of the political journey of their
1. Wealthy people with enough money and power, inherit their high incomes,
companies, and jobs to one of their relatives to continue with the economic
chain. As a result, there will be no changes, no job opportunities, or anything
else for the people who actually strove to get a chance to work on something
else. It doesn’t matter if they know more, studied more, or just deserve it. In
this case, you already have a bright and insured future thanks to your parents
or family.
1. Owing to rich families intervening in politics and getting in the people they
want in the government, could cause a negative effect on Colombians lives,
since this will disfavor the renewal of power in the country, keeping the same
political parties and increasing the lack of democracy.
1. As a consequence of people using Nepotism even more these days (since It’s
already normalized), their empire will keep functioning as a system itself
while they’ll become richer and the poor people more poor.
The purpose of this essay is to inform and make people aware of the huge impact
Nepotism has in the country. At some point, we could say this is just the top of the
iceberg, It’s beyond a doubt this situation is one of the reasons why the context of
the country won’t allow us to develop a better future and give a step to evolution
and progress. As long as we don’t put it into question, nothing will change. If
Colombian people had taken harsher measures against Nepotism in time, the
country would have less corruption and social issues.
To sum up, I think we should pay more attention to these details that have been
happening lately about Nepotism, especially because is not just a privilege, It’s
definitely more than that. Nepotism is not only linked to inequality and poverty but
also preferences. In any meaning of the word, as little as analyzing the fact that
people with important roles prefer to hire wealthy individuals (or related) shows
classism, racism, and xenophobia. But worse than that, we are choosing people with
a strong privilege to be our leaders, and the only thing privilege means is ignorance.
Nepotism and the people who belong to it lives in constant ignorance since all their
life have been passing in a perfect and fixed bubble, owing to that, they would never
understand how is poor people's daily life, or how hunger feels like because they
never went through it. Therefore they don’t have any idea about their surroundings.
It’s impossible for them to empathize or do something about a situation that
probably, the majority don’t even know exists. If only the government hadn’t
accepted privileged people that easily without proving how much knowledge they
had, citizens in our country would have equal opportunities.