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10/2/2020 Quick Rubric :)

Technology Proficiency Assessment

ISTE Standards for Students

Proficient Emerging Beginning

50 Points 25 Points 0 Points

Empowered Learner Students leverage technology to Student has difficulty leveraging Student did not leverage
take an active role in choosing, technology to take an active role technology to take an active role
achieving, and demonstrating in choosing, achieving, and in choosing, achieving, and
Students leverage competency in their learning demonstrating competency in demonstrating competency in
technology to take an goals, informed by the learning their learning goals, informed by their learning goals, informed by
active role in choosing, sciences. the learning sciences. the learning sciences.
achieving, and
competency in their
learning goals, informed
by the learning sciences.

Creative Communicator Students communicate clearly Students have difficulty Students can not communicate
and express themselves communicating clearly and clearly and express themselves
creatively for a variety of express themselves creatively for creatively for a variety of
Students communicate purposes using the platforms, a variety of purposes using the purposes using the platforms,
clearly and express tools, styles, formats and digital platforms, tools, styles, formats tools, styles, formats and digital
themselves creatively media appropriate to their goals. and digital media appropriate to media appropriate to their goals.
their goals.
for a variety of purposes
using the platforms,
tools, styles, formats
and digital media
appropriate to their

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