5E Lesson Plan Template: Teacher Sydney Raybon

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5E Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Sydney Raybon

Date Week of 9/7-9/11

Subject Subject: Science

Course: Earth Science
e level
Grade Level: 6th

Materials Computer, balloon, ruler, flashlight, marker, presentation software, digital

class website

Standards (State State standards

and ISTE
 6.1: Create and manipulate models (e.g., physical, graphical,
Standards for
conceptual) to explain the occurrences of day/night cycles, length of
year, seasons, tides, eclipses, and lunar phases based on patterns of
the observed motions of celestial bodies.
ISTE standards
 Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,
achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals,
informed by the learning sciences.

Objectives Students will…

 Explain how Earth and the Sun are related to each other.
 Explore how temperatures are different on different parts of the
 Convey how seasons occur and what causes them.

Differentiation Since this lesson is a self-paced course, the students are able to work at
Strategies (How their own pace and in their own environment. This could benefit all learners
will the lesson since they are able to work at their own pace and work through the course
address the willingly.
various learning
Students below level could use an immersive reader to read the text to
styles of the
them if they struggle with reading the text. The struggling students could
students and the
also be provided with a template to guide them when creating their digital
needs of those
notebook. The students will also have an outline of the lesson information
with special
to guide their reading and thinking.

Students above level would benefit from this lesson because they will be
able to interpret the lesson at a higher level. Their digital notebooks would
be created at a higher level than the other students. This course also
benefits the advanced students because it is self-paced, so they are not
having to wait on other students to finish anything before moving on like we

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would do in the regular classroom.

The 5 Es

E Description

Engagem Replace this description with your work. Here is your chance to catch the
ent student’s attention. You must pose questions or design an activity to help the
students build on what they already know in preparation for learning something
new. Provide specific details on your engaging activity and include hyperlinks or
screen shots to videos, web resources, or mobile applications. Also, include any
presentations or documents used. You are not required to use technology for the
engagement phase but may choose to do so.

Students will view the graphic that shows a view of Earth from the International
Space Station.

The students will also click on the link to take them to a live stream of Earth from
space (https://youtu.be/EEIk7gwjgIM). Students will answer a question on Flipgrid
that asks “What do you notice about the picture and the live stream? How are they
similar? How are they different?” by submitting a video response. Students can
also watch their classmates’ videos.

Engagem The assessment for the Engagement part of the lesson will take place within the
ent Flipgrid discussion thread when the students are identifying what they notice about
Assessme the picture and the live stream. I can watch their videos and formatively assess
nt where they are and what they are understanding.

Exploratio Replace this description with your work. This is it, the heart of learning. Hands-
n on experiences are mandatory and should include chances for the students to
collaborate and experiment and be able to discuss their learning with others.
Provide specific details on the exploration activity in which your students will
participate. Include hyperlinks or screen shots to videos, web resources, or mobile

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E Description

applications. Also, include any presentations or documents used. You are not
required to use technology for the exploration phase but may choose to do so.
Students will complete a mini lab to explore if Earth’s shape affects temperatures
on Earth’s surface. Students will use a balloon, marker, flashlight, and a ruler for
this experiment. They will inflate a balloon and tie it closed. They will draw a line
around the balloon to represent Earth’s equator. Then, using a ruler, the students
will place a lit flashlight about 8 cm from the balloon, so the flashlight beam strikes
the equator straight on. Using the marker, the students will then trace around the
light projected onto the balloon. Then, the student needs to have someone else
(sibling, parent, etc.) raise the flashlight vertically 5-8 cm without changing the
direction that the flashlight is pointing. The position of the balloon will not change.
The student will then trace around the light projected onto the balloon again. If this
lab were to take place in class, the students could work with partners on this

After completing the mini lab experiment, the students will answer a few questions
within a google form.

Exploratio The students will complete a google form regarding the lab experiment. The
n questions will include “Compare and contrast the shapes you drew on the
Assessme balloon.,” “At which location on the balloon is the light more spread out? Explain.,”
nt and “Use your model to explain why Earth is warmer near the equator and colder
near the poles.”

Explanati Replace this description with your work. This stage of the lesson is your part.
on You will cover vocabulary, concepts, ideas – whatever is necessary – to help the
students understand the lesson. Include higher order thinking questions to help the
students connect and comprehend the point of the lesson. Provide specific details
of your explanation phase. Include hyperlinks or screen shots to videos, web

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E Description

resources, or mobile applications. Also, include any presentations or documents

used. You are not required to use technology for the explanation phase but may
choose to do so.

During this phase, the students will look at the vocabulary words for the lesson. I
also have attached a Quizlet link for the students to study.

Then, they will navigate through a PowerPoint presentation Screencast video

about Earth’s orbit, Earth’s rotation, temperature and latitude, solstices and
equinoxes, and the seasons. This presentation will include pictures and words
about the lesson. Guiding questions will be included in the presentation as well.
Students will complete an outline as they watch the lesson video. Then, students
will complete an Edpuzzle assignment video to check for comprehension.

Explanati EdPuzzle video with questions


Elaboratio Replace this description with your work. This is your chance to plan activities

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E Description

n for the students to apply what they learned in the lesson to their lives and new
situations. You will need to be creative and allow your students to do the same.
Design an assignment that requires students to create a technology product
(webpage, blog, brochure, game, etc.) to demonstrate their understanding of the
content taught. Provide a sample technology product for your students to use
as an example. Additionally, you will upload or include the URL of your
student created technology products on the Teaching & Learning page of
your website.

Students will create a digital notebook of what they learned from this lesson. This
can be created through Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Prezi. They can include
words, pictures, videos, and links within their presentation. If this were happening
in the traditional classroom, the students could work with a partner. However, that
option is currently unavailable.

Evaluatio Replace this description with your work. Remember, assessment is part of
n each stage of the 5E lesson planning process. You will need to assess each
student on their participation and understanding and evaluate how close they have
come to meeting the objectives of the lesson. Create a checklist or rubric to
grade the student created technology product, paying close attention to the
objectives of the lesson.

Students will be evaluated based on the rubric guidelines below for the digital
notebook in the Elaboration phase.

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E Description

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Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.

Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices.

Oxford: Heinemann.

National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.

Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through

guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Note: Content of form approved January 2013.

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