Lesson Plan - ME 3193 - Industrial - Management

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Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology

Qadirabad Cantonment, Natore-6431

Course Plan for Industrial Management

Course Code: ME 3193 Course Teacher:

Credit hour: 3.00 Sanjoy Kumar Saha
Contact hour: 3.00/week Lecturer (ME), BAUET
Total Class: 42 Contact no: 01671923575
Email: [email protected]
Reference Books:
1. Organization and Management—R.D. Agarwal
2. Marketing Management –Philip Kotler
3. Management Thoughts- H. Knootz
4. Managerial Accounting- Ray H. Garrison, Eric W. Noreen
5. A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting - Dr.
P. Periasamy

Tentative course outline:

Weeks Topics to be covered Comments

1st Management Fundamentals
2nd Organization
3rd Personnel Management
4th Leadership and Motivation
5th Incentives and Wages
6th Qualitative Methods in Production
7th Quality Management
8th Introduction of Financial Management
9th Benefit Cost Analysis
10th Managerial Accounting
11th Budget and budgetary control
12th Marketing Management
13th Technology Management

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Management Fundamentals:

Lecture -01 Industry, Types of Industry, Evolution of Management

Lecture -02 Office Management, Components of office management
Lecture -03 Functions of Management, Managers at different levels
Lecture -04 Managerial Skills, Role of a Manager, Management: An art or science


Lecture -05 Introduction to Organization types, Line and Functional organization

Lecture -06 Line & Staff organization, Committee Organization, Matrix Organization
Lecture -07 Span of control, Advantages and disadvantages, Authority Delegation

Personnel Management:

Lecture -08 Purpose and objectives of Personnel Management,

Lecture -09 Challenge to the organization, Personnel Manager
Lecture -10 Performance Appraisal, Job Evaluation and Merit Rating
Lecture -11 Wage incentives, Taylor’s and Merrick’s differential piece rate
Lecture -12 Manpower planning and requirements

Leadership and Motivation:

Lecture -13 Leadership ,Types of leader and qualities of a leader

Lecture -14 McGregor’s Theory, Motivation, Model of motivation
Lecture -15 Special Motivational techniques, Hierarchy of needs theory of Maslow
Lecture -16 Herzberg’s two factor model, Vroom’s Expectancy theory

Production Planning and Control:

Lecture -17 Production Planning, Factors determining Production Planning

Lecture -18 Qualitative Methods in Production
Lecture -19 Forecasting, Inventory Control
Lecture -20 Just in Time approach, Break even analysis
Lecture -21 CPM and PERT, Gantt Chart
Lecture -22 Limitation and Effectiveness of PPC, Quality management

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Safety Management, Location and Layout:
Lecture -23 Why safety, Where to stand with safety aspects, Safety Management
Lecture -24 The safety Triangle, Elements and characteristics, Legal frameworks
Lecture -25 Location, Factors affecting location, Justification of Locations
Lecture -26 Layout , Types of layout, Effect of bad layout

Financial Management:
Lecture -27 Cost concepts, Analysis of Cost Sheets
Lecture -28 Marginal Cost, Present Worth Analysis, Related Problems
Lecture -29 Benefit Cost Analysis, Related Problems

Management Accounting:
Lecture -30 Cost Planning and Control
Lecture -31 Budget, objectives and requisites of budgets
Lecture -32 Classification of Budgets: Flexibility, mechanism and function
Lecture -33 Budgetary control, Pro and Cons of Budgetary control
Lecture -34 Effective financial control

Marketing Management:
Lecture -35 Marketing Management, Functions, Principles and Concepts
Lecture -36 Purchasing: Parameters and Methods
Lecture -37 Sales Management, Product Life Cycle (PLC)
Lecture -38 Sales Promotion, Promotion Techniques, Advertising & Its Objectives
Lecture -39 Patent Laws and Technology Management
Lecture -40 Management of Innovations and changes

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