Jntu Mba Syllabus

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School of Management Studies Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad http://www.authorstream.


Course Structure and Syllabus for MBA Program 2009-10



COURSE STRUCTURE FOR TWO YEAR MBA 2009-2010 Subject Title Marks Subject Title Semester I Semester - II 09MB 01 Management and Organizational 100 09MB 08 Marketing Management Behavior 09MB 02 Managerial Economics 100 09MB 09 Business Environment 09MB 03 Research Methodology and Statistical 100 09MB10 Human Resource Management Analysis 09MB 04 Business Communication and Soft 100 09MB 11 Financial Management Skills 09MB 05 Financial Accounting and Analysis 100 09MB 12 Quantitative Analysis Business Decisions 09MB 06 Business Law and Regulation 100 09MB 13 Production and Operations Management 09MB 07 Computer Applications in Business 100 09MB 14 Management Information (Internal Exam) Systems Semester - III Semester - IV 09MB 15 Entrepreneurship & Good Governance 100 09MB22 Elective IV (Choose any One) 09MB16 Cost and Management Accounting 100 09MB22A International Marketing 09MB 17 Management of Technology 100 09MB22B International Financial Management 09MB 18 Strategic Management 100 09MB22C Performance Management 09MB 19 Elective I (Choose any One) 100 09MB22D Information Systems, control and Audit 09MB19A Consumer Behavior 09MB22E Management of NGOs 09MB19B Security Analysis and Portfolio 09MB23 Elective V (Choose any One) Management 09MB19C Recruitment and Selection 09MB23A Sales and Distribution Management 09MB19D Business Intelligence 09MB23B Strategic Investment and financing decisions 09MB 19 E Logistics and Supply Chain Management 09MB20 Elective II (Choose any One) 09MB20 A Marketing Communications 09MB20B Financial Institutions, Markets & Services. 09MB20 C Management of Industrial Relations 09MB23C Management of Change 100 09MB23D Decision Support Systems 09MB23E Rural Marketing 09MB24 Elective VI (Choose any one) 09MB24A Services Marketing 2

Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100



09MB20 D Project Management 09MB20 E Financial Modeling 09MB21Elective III (Choose any One) 09MB21A Retailing Management 09MB21B Derivatives 09MB21C Training and Development 09MB21D Knowledge Management 09MB21E Predictive Analytics

09MB24B Risk Management and Insurance 09MB24C Compensation Management 100 09MB24D Key Accounts Management 09MB24E Total Quality Management 09MB25 Project Report

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD I SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB01 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR The Objective of the course is to give a basic perspective of Management theories and practices. This will form foundation to study other functional areas of management. Also this course provides insight into behavioral issues. Unit 1:Introduction to Management: Definition, Types of Managers, Mintzberg Managerial roles, Functions of Management, Administration vs. Management, Evolution of Management Thought Planning: Nature of planning, Steps in planning, types of planning, Levels of planning - The Planning Process. Decision Making : The process and techniques of decision making. Unit 2: Organizing: Nature of organizing, organization levels and span of management Factors determining span - Organizational design and structure departmentation, line and staff concepts, staffing delegation, decentralization and recentralization of authority - responsive organizations. Meaning and types of power Empowerment - Groups Vs. Teams Nature of groups dynamics of informal groups dysfunctions of groups and teams Teams in modern work place. Unit 3: Introduction to Organizational Behavior: Definition, Nature and Scope Environmental and organizational context and the impact on organizations Perception: Nature and importance of Perception Perceptual selectivity and organization. Attribution Theories. Personality and Attitudes - Meaning of personality - Johari Window and Transactional Analysis - Nature and Dimension of Attitudes- Behavioral Modification.

Unit 4: Motivation and Leading: Theories of Motivation-Maslows need hierarchy, Hertzbergs Two Factor Theory. Job design and Goal setting for High performanceSocio technical Design and High performance work practices. Leading: Leading Vs 3

Managing Leadership Theories- Leadership styles developing leadership skills transformational leaders, transactional leaders, Leadership in Cross-cultural environment - Evaluating Leader- Women and Corporate leadership. Unit 5: Communication and Control: Meaning, Types of communication and barriers to effective communication in Organizations, Using Communication Skills to manage Conflicts. Controlling: Basic control process- Requirements for effective control control techniques Overall controls and preventive controls. References Koontz, Weihrich & Aryasri: Principles of Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2009 Luthans, Fred: Organisational Behaviour, 11/e, McGraw Hill, 2009 Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert: Jr. Management, Pearson, New Delhi, 2009. Aryasri & VSP Rao: Management and Organisational Behaviour, Excel, 2009 Kavitha Singh:Organisational Behaviour, Pearson, 2009. Kellogg: Conflict in Organizational Groups, Kogan Page,2009 John M. Ivancevich: Organisational Behaviour & Management, TMH, 2009 Schermerhorn: Management, Wiley 2009 Pierce and Gardner: Management and Organisational Behaviour: An Integrated Perspective, Cengage, 2009. BPP:Organisational Behaviour, Viva, 2009 Aswathappa: Organisational Behaviour,Himalaya, 2009 Certo and Certo: Modern Management,10/e,PHI,2009 R Satyaraju & A.Parthasarathy: Management Text and Cases, PHI, 2009. Prem Vrat, K K Ahuja, P K Jain: Case Studies in Management, Vikas, 2006. CDs (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA) AUTHOR KOCHAR JAYANT Md, Aoretto Retail Pvt Ltd. TITLE IMPORTANCE OF CUSTOMER FOCUS TO AN ORGANIZATION


Chairman, Center for study of science FOR THE FUTURE KUMAR N. PATEL, Chairman & CEO, Pranalytica, Inc. PADMANABHAN. G, Honorary Distinguished Biotechnologist, Department of Bio Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science SRINIVASAN VENU CHALLENGING THE LEADER Chairman & MD, TVS Motor Co. Ltd ZUTSHI RAVINDER Managing Director, Samsung Electronics India Pvt Ltd. SUKHBODHANAND SWAMI Founder chairman, Prasanna Trust GOPALA KRISHNA. R Executive Vice President, SCM Pepsi food Limited. T HARI,SINH RAJENDRA UPENDRA UDAI, Vice President (Global HR), Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd BALYAN .A.K Director (HR), ONGC Ltd. SCHMITT LARRY, BARBHAIYA RASHMI, PANI PRABHAT CNBC CDs TV18 THE VOICE WITH IN THE LEADER



An innovation Culture, 2008 Cultivating an innovative culture, 2008 Developing a Passion for Excellence Developing Continuous Improvement

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD I SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB02 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS The Objective of this course is to understand the relevance of economics in business management. This will enable the students to study functional areas of management such as Marketing , Production and Finance from a broader perspective. Unit 1:Introduction to Managerial Economics: Definition, Nature and Scope, Relationship with other areas in Economics, Production Management, Marketing, Finance and Personnel, Operations research - The role of managerial economistObjectives of the firm: Managerial theories of firm, Behavioural theories of firm, optimization techniques, optimization with calculus, New management tools of optimization. Unit 2:Basic economic principles the concept of opportunity cost, incremental concept, scarcity, marginalism, Equi-marginalism, Time perspective, discounting principle, risk and uncertainty- Theory of Demand: Demand Analysis, Elasticity of demand, types and significance of Elasticity of Demand. Demand estimation Marketing research approaches to demand estimation. Need for forecasting, forecasting techniques. Supply Analysis Supply function, the Law of Supply, Elasticity of Supply. Unit 3:Production Analysis: Production function, Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution, Isoquants and Isocosts, Production function with one/two variables, CobbDouglas Production Function, Returns to Scale and Returns to Factors, Economies of scale- Innovations and global competitiveness. Unit 4:Cost theory and estimation: Cost concepts, determinants of cost, cost-output relationship in the short run and long run, short run vs. long run costs, average cost curves, Overall Cost leadership. Unit 5:Market Structure and Pricing practices: Features and Types of different competitive situations - Price-Output determination in Perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition and Oligopoly both the long run and short run. Pricing philosophy Pricing methods in practice: Price discrimination, product line pricing. Pricing strategies: skimming pricing, penetration pricing, Loss Leader pricing. Pricing of 6

multiple products. Profit Management: Nature, scope, Theories of profit, Measurement policies.

Geetika & Piyali ghosh:Managerial Economics, TMH, 2009 Edwin Mansfield: Study Guide and Cases for Managerial Economics, Viva-wwn, 2009 Hirschey: Economics for Managers, Cengage, 2009. Petersen,Lewis and Jain: Managerial Economics, Pearson, 2009 Mithani: Managerial Economics, HPH,2009 Atmananda: Managerial Economics: Excel, 2009. Suma Damodaran: Managerial Economics, Oxford, 2009. Keat: Managerial Economics : Economic Tools for Todays Decision Makers, Pearson, 2009 Nadar & Vijayan: Managerial Economics, PHI, 2009. Froeb: Managerial EconomicsA Problem Solving Approach, Cengage, 2009. James L.Pappas and Engene F.Brigham: Managerial Economics, Pearson, 2009. Thomas Maurice: Managerial Economics, TMH, 2008. Bharath Singh:Managerial Economics, Excel, 2009

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD I SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB03 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS The objective of the course is to introduce the basic methods of conducting research, explore ideas in formulating research objectives and hypotheses and sample framework for undertaking research studies through well designed and structured questionnaires. Also it is intended to facilitate for the development of an insight into different statistical tools for data analysis, interpretation and presentation of reports in different functional areas of management. *Statistical table is required for students at the time of examination Unit 1:Introduction: Nature and Importance of research, the role of business research, aims and types of social research, research process - primary data and secondary data, Questionnaire and schedules as tools of collecting data. Sampling design and sampling procedures. Diagrammatic and graphical presentation of data. Tabulation of data and general rules of tabulation. SPSS for tabulation and SPSS and Report PresentationMechanics of report writing, preliminary pages, main body and appendices including bibliography. Unit 2:Measurement concepts: Measurement and Scaling concepts, attitude measurement, questionnaire design, Psychometric, psychological and social instruments used in management research. Levels of measurement and types of scales. Criteria for good measurement. Research Design: Meaning of Research Design. Functions and goals of Research Design, pilot study and developing a case study. Unit 3:Statistical Tools-I: Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Variation, Measures of Central Tendency vs. Measures of Dispersion, Normal distribution, Measures of Skewness and Interpretation- Correlation and 7

Regression Analysis, method of least squares, regression vs. correlation, correlation vs. determination. Types of correlation and their specific applications. Unit 4:Statistical Tools-II: Time series, utility of time series, components, measurement of trend through Method of Least Squares, Moving averages, and Graphical methods. Index Numbers: Laspeyress Index, Paasches Index, Fischers Ideal index, Time Reversal and Factor Reversal tests. Unit 5:Statistical Inference: Introduction to Null hypothesis vs. alternative hypothesis, Tests of Hypothesis, parametric vs. non-parametric tests, procedure for testing of hypothesis, tests of significance for small samples, application, t-test, ANOVA one way and two way classifications and Chi-square test, Association of attributes and inferences. References Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler: Business Research Methods, 8/e, TMH, 2009. Gaur: Statistical Methods for Practice and Research, Sage Publication,2009 Bhandarkar & Wilkinson: Methodology and Techniques of Social Research, Himalaya, 2009 Bajpai: Business Statistics, Pearson, 2009. Dipak Kumar.Bhattacharya: Research Methodology, Excel Books, 2009 William G. Zikmund: Business Research Methods, Cengage, 2006. Alan Bryman & Emma Bell: Business Research Methods, 2/e, Oxford, 2008. Shajahan: Research Methods for Management,3/e. Jaico, 2009 Richard I Levin & David S.Rubin: Statistics for Management, 7/e. Pearson, 2008. C.R Kothari: Research Methodology Methods & Techniques, 2/e, Vishwa Prakashan, 2009. C.B. Gupta & Vijay Gupta: An introduction to Statistical Methods, Vikas, 2009. J.K.Sachdeva: Business Research Methodology, Himalaya,2009 Nargundkar: Marketing Research Tests and Cases, TMH, 3/e,2009 Narayana Reddy,Acharyulu: Research Methodology and Statistical Tools, Excel, 2009

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD I SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB04 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (Theory) & Soft SKILLS (Lab) BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (Theory) & SOFT SKILLS (Lab) The Objective of the course is to provide sound knowledge of vocal and written communication skills to the students. Keeping in view the most essential requirement of Communication skills for Management studies this course high lights the soft skills in an easy understandable and quickly implementable way. A. Business Communication Unit 1:Features of Indian English - Correction of sentences - Structures - Tenses ambiguity - idiomatic distortions. Informal conversation Vs Formal expression Verbal and non-verbal communication, barriers to effective communication Unit 2: Types of Communication - - Oral, aural, Writing and reading - Word-Power Vocabulary- Jargon - rate of speech, pitch, tone - Clarity of voice Unit 3:Technical presentations - types of presentation video conferencing -participation in meetings - Formal and informal interviews ambiance and polemics interviewing in different settings and for different purposes e.g., eliciting and giving information, recruiting, performance appraisal. Unit-4:Written communication - differences between spoken and written communication - features of effective writing such "as clarity, brevity, appropriate tone clarity, balance etc.- GRE. TOEFL models -- Letter-writing - business letters pro-forma culture format - style effectiveness, promptness - Analysis of sample letters collected from industry - email, fax.

Unit 5:Technical Report writing - Business and Technical Reports Types of reports progress reports, routine reports - Annual reports - format - Analysis of sample reports from industry - Synopsis and thesis writing.

Lesikar: Basic Business Communication, TMH, 2009 David Irwin: Effective Business Communications, Viva-Thorogood, 2009. Rajendra Pal, J S KorlahaHi: Essentials of Business Communication: Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. Sehgal:Business Communication, Excel, 2009 Sherfeild:Developing Soft skills-Pearson Education-2009. Krishnamachryulu, Lalitha Ramakrishnan: Business Communication,HPH, 2009 Raymond V. Lesikav; John D. Pettit Jr.; Business Communication; Theory & Application, All India Traveller Bookseller, New Delhi-51. GRE & TOEFL, Kalpan and Barons, Kalpan Publishers, 2009. Business English Dictionary, Pearson, 2009. Murphy: Effective Business communication, 7/e, TMH, 2009. Colin BEARD: Experiential Learning, Kogan Page, 2009 Kaul, Business Communication, PHI, 2009.

B. Soft skills Lab

The Soft skills lab focuses computer-aided multi-media instruction and language acquisition to achieve the following targets: To expose the students to a variety of self-instructional, learner-friendly modes of communication. To expose the students to team environment and how best one work with teams with cohesiveness, adapting them to corporate environment and how best they can make business presentations. To enhance soft skills in the areas of Art of communication Hidden data of communication World of teams, Adapting to corporate world, Business presentation skills For Free on line material or web resources, refer to http://campusconnect.infosys.com (User ID: [email protected], PWD: infosys or registration is possible). All the web material can be provided to each affiliated college through CD for sharing with faculty and students. Internet facility is not a constraint. AUTHOR CHATTERJEE MIRAI, Coordinator, SEWA PRADHU SURESH P Member of Parliament CDs (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA) TITLE LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE



Every Second Counts (Its is all about Time Management) 2008. (Soft skills)

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD I SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB05 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND ANALYSIS The Objective of the course is to provide the basic inputs on maintaining books of accounts, preparation of financial statements, analysis and interpretation of financial statements. Unit 1:Introduction to Accounting : Importance, Objectives and Principles, Accounting Concepts and conventions, and The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Overview of the Accounting Process- Journal and ledger, Trial Balance, Classification of capital and revenue expenses, Final Accounts with adjustments. Accounting standards as Issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)- Limitations of financial statements. Unit 2:Valuation of fixed assets and Inventory : Tangible Vs Intangible assets, depreciation of fixed assets and methods of depreciation- Inventory Valuation: Methods of inventory valuation. Unit 3:Issue of Shares and Debentures: Entries for Issue of shares, forfeiture and reissue of forfeited shares. Issue of shares at Discount and premium. Issue and Redemption of Debentures: Meaning, issue of debentures for cash and other than cash, treatment of discounts and losses on issue, meaning of redemption, redemption out of capital and profits.


Unit 4: Financial Analysis-I: Statement of Changes in Working Capital, Funds from Operations, paid cost and unpaid costs. Distinction between cash profits and book profits. Preparation and analysis of cash flow statement and funds flow statement Unit 5:Financial Analysis II: Ratio Analysis- Liquidity, leverage, solvency and profitability ratios Du Pont Chart Analysis Cases. References Robert N.Anthony, David F.Hawkins and Kenneth A.Merchant: Accounting Text and Cases,12/e TMH, 2008. Dr.S.N. Maheshwari and Dr.S.K. Maheshwari: Financial Accounting, Vikas, 2009. Gokul Sinha: Financial Statement Analysis, PHI, 2009 Ambrish Gupta: Financial Accounting Management An Analytical Perspective, Pearson Education-2009 Jawaharlal: Accounting for Management, HPH,2008 Stice & Stice: Financial Accounting Reporting & Analysis, Cengage, 7/e, 2008. Horngren: Financial Accounting, Pearson, 2009. Weygandt, kieso, kimmel: Financial Accounting, 4/e, Wiley 2006. Carl Kester, Richard S Ruback, Peter Tufano: Case Problems in Finance, 12/e, TMH, 2007. R Narayanaswamy: Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, PHI,2008 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD I SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB06 BUSINESS LAW AND REGULATION The objective of the course is to enable students understand and appreciate the legal and regulatory framework of Indian operations of business. Unit 1:Law of Contract -1872 : Nature of contract and essential elements of valid contract, Offer and Acceptance, Consideration, Capacity to contract and free consent, Legality of object. Unlawful and illegal agreements, Contingent contracts, Performance and discharge of contracts, Remedies for breach of contract. Unit 2:Contracts-II: Indemnity and guarantee, Contract of Agency, Sale of goods Act -1930: General Principles, Conditions & Warranties, Performance of Contract of Sale. Unit 3:Negotiable Instruments Act - 1881 : Negotiable Instruments- Promissory Note, Bills of Exchange, & Cheque, and their definitions and characteristics, Types of endorsements, Holder- Holder in due course, Discharge of Parties. Unit 4:Companies Act, 1956 : Steps and procedure for incorporation of the company, Company ManagementAppointment of Directors, Powers, duties, & liabilities of Directors, Company Meetings, Resolutions, Winding-up of a Company.


Unit 5:Direct and Indirect Tax: Income Tax Act -1961 - Important Provisions of Income Tax Act: Assessment year Assesee, Gross Total Income, Procedure for advance payment of tax and tax deducted at source. Assessment procedure. Central Excise Act -1944: .Basic concepts related to excisable goods, classification of goods, and Basic concept of VAT. References Akhileshwar Pathak: Legal Aspects of Business, TMH, 3/e, 2009 K.R. Bulchandani: Business Law for Management, 5/e, Himalaya, 2008 Kuchal: Business Law, Vikas, 2009 Tulsian:Business Law, TMH, 2008. N.D.Kapoor: Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2009. . S.N.Maheshwari & Maheshwari: Business Law and Regulation, Himalaya,.2008 S.S.Gulshan: Business Law, 2/e, Excel Books, 2006 B.B. Lal: Income Tax and Central Tax : Law and Practice, Pearson Education, Latest edition. B.B. Lal & N.Vashisht: Direct Taxes, 28/e, Pearson Education, Latest edition. C.L.Bansal: Business and Corporate Laws, Excel Books, 2009

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD I SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB07 Computer Applications in Business LAB The Objective of the course is to provide hands on experience to students in using computers for data organization and addressing business needs. There is also stress on use of statistical package for analysis of business data and its proper interpretation using SPSS. The exposure to PROWESS developed by Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy is with a view to make students aware of data bases of Indian Companies and enables them to work on mini projects and think of topic for their final year project. Unit 1: Experiments covering Basics of SQL, PL/SQL, SQL statements, Views, Joins, Constraints, operators, indexes, Functions, Unit 2: PL/SQL block structures, Procedure. Practice Exercises using SQL statements on the following aspects Employee payroll data, Purchase order of a book company, Inventory Management. Unit 3: Overview of MS-Excel features, Creating worksheet, Entering and Editing text, Entering and Editing Formulas. Hands on experience with Prowess of CMIE and a few simple exercises on ratio analysis using the package. 13

Unit 4: Overview of SPSS, Uses, Data Analysis. Making students/Learn Familiar with Main menu and other features of SPSS Package. Unit 5:Exercises: Test-1:- Creating and Editing a Data File. Test-2:- Cross Tabulation and chi-Square Analyses. Test-3:- The one-way ANOVA procedure: one-way Analysis of variance. Test-4:- Bi-variate Correlation: Bi-variate correlation, partial correlations and the correlation matrix. Test-5:- Multidimensional scaling. References Introduction to Computers Peter Norton, Introduction to Computers, 8/e,TMH, 2008 Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education, Pearson Education,2009 Dhiraj Sharma: Foundation of Information Technology, Excel, 2009 Morley, Understanding Computers, 10/e Cengage, 2009. V.Rajaraman, Introduction to Information Technology, PHI, 2009 Efraim Turban, R. Kelly Rainer, Jr., Richard E. Potter, Introduction to Information Technology, Wiley, 2006. MS-Excel Ron Mansfield: Working in Microsoft Office, TMH, 2008 David Whigham: Microsoft Excel, Data Analysis and Decision Making, Oxford, 2009 Albright Winston Zappe, Stephen G.Powell, Keneth R.Bakes: Management Science, the art of Modelling with Spread sheets, 2/e,John Wiley and Sons, 2009. Microsoft Office System step by step, 2007 edition, Pearson 2008. Greg Perry: Microsoft Office 2007, Sam Teach your self, Pearson Education, 2007. Mansfield: MS Office, Reprint 2006, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.

SQL, PL/SQL Scott Urman, Ron Hardman: Oracle Database10g, PL/SQL Programs,TMH, 2009 Nilesh Shah: Database Systems using Oracle, a simplified guide to SQL and PL/SQL, 2009. Rick F.vander lans: Introduction to SQL, Addison Wisley, 2009. Benjamin Rosenzweig: Oracle PL/SQL by example, PHI, 2008. Groff: SQL 2/e, the Complete Reference, TMH, 2009. 14

P.S. Despande: SQL/PLSQL for Oracle 9i, Dreamtech Press, India, 2009. Urman, Hardman, McLaughlin: PL/SQL Programming, Oracle Press, TMH, 2009 Rosenzweig: Oracle PL/SQL by example, 3/e, Pearson Education, 2009 Casteel: Oracle 10 g & SQL , Cengage, 2009 Sunderraman: Oracle 9i Programming, Pearson Education, 2009 Scott Urman: Oracle 9i-PL SQL Programming, TMH, 2009.


SPSS Carver: Doing Data Analysis with SPSS 16.0, 3/e, Cengage, 2009 George: SPSS for Windows Step by Step, 6/e, Pearson Education, 2009. Arthur Griffin: SPSS for Dummies, Wiley-India, 2009.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD II SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB08 MARKETING MANAGEMENT The objective of the course is to provide the students a clear view on the Marketing management, which has Marketing mix and Basics of Marketing as its main part of the curriculum. Unit 1:Introduction to Marketing: Understanding Marketing ManagementDeveloping Marketing Strategies and Plans Marketing Concept Vs Product Concept Service Concept Experience Concept Green Marketing Efficiency Vs Effectiveness- Limitations of Marketing concept- Marketing orientation and Business performance Gathering Information and Scanning environment. Unit 2: Marketing Research: Need for Marketing Research-Types of Marketing Research Stages of Marketing Research Marketing Environment- Customer value proposition Non segmented markets- Purpose of Segmentation Segmentation and Market Entry Target market selection Strategies of Target Marketing Analysing Business markets Analysing Consumer Markets. Unit 3: Marketing Mix- I : Creating Customer Value-Satisfaction and loyalty- Product Management-Business Product and Consumer Product- Technology ProductsCommodity Products-Customised Products- Product line and product mix Managing product line and brands Product Life Cycle (PLC) Excessive Product VariantsProduct line portfolios Product Recalls Setting Product Strategy. Pricing Strategy 15

Methods of Pricing Factors influencing Pricing decision- Pricing cues Consumption and pricing Price Sensitivity Initiating Price Changes Price Wars - Product mix pricing-Ingredient branding. Unit 4: Marketing Mix II: Designing and Managing Services- Marketing strategies for service firms Distinctive Characteristics of Services Customer Relationship Distribution Designing Marketing Channel and value networks Role of marketing channels Channel design decisions- Channel management decisions- Channel Integration and systems E- Commerce Conflict Cooperation and competition Retailing Wholesaling Logistics. Communicating Value Role of Marketing Communication Developing Effective Communication Marketing Communication Mix Managing the Integrated Marketing Communications process Managing Mass Communication. Unit 5: Managing Personal Communication Word of mouth Designing Sales force- Direct Marketing Techniques Internet Marketing - New product options and development Development to commercialization Consumer adoption process Tapping Global markets Developed vs Developing markets Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization Socially Responsible Marketing Internal Marketing - Rural Marketing Rural Consumer Behaviour Pricing Decision and Distribution Decisions Future of Marketing References Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy and Mithleshwar Jha: Marketing Management, 13/e, Pearson Education, 2009 Rajan Saxena: Marketing Management, 3/e, TMH, 2008 Peter Chevton: Key Marketing Skills, Kogan Page, 2009 K.Karunakaran: Marketing Management (Text and Cases), 2/e, Himalaya, 2009 Tapan K Panda: Marketing Management, Excel, 2009 V.S.Ramaswamy & S.Nama Kumari: Marketing Management, 4/e, Macmillan 2009. Arun kumar & N. Meenakshi: Marketing Management, Vikas, 2009 Dholakia,Anwar et.al: Marketing Management-PHI-2009. David Jobber & John Fahy: Foundations of Marketing, TMH, 2009 Joel R. Evans & Barry Berman: Marketing Management, Cengage, 2008. William D Perreault Jr, E Jerome Mc Carthy: Basic Marketing, 15/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007 Patrik Forysyth: Marketing Stripped Bare, Kogan Page,2009 Michael J Etzel, Bruce J Walker, William J Stanton & Ajay Pandit: Marketing, 13/e, TMH, 2008. CDs (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA) AUTHOR TITLE SASIDDIQUI S.Y. CHAINANI CREATING CUSTOMER GAUTAM DELIGHT RAWAT SUDHANSHU, IT TOOLS FOR ENHANCING CRM Sr. Project Manager, Oracle Ind Pvt Ltd. DELIVERY SYSTEM QUALITY MAGO SANJEEV APPLICATIONS FOR DELIVERING Head-Quality max New York Life CRM 16

Insurance Co. Ltd. KURIEN BIJOU, COO-Watches, Titan Industries Ltd. KENT ANTHONY Director of Post Graduate Studies, Marketing shool London. GOPALAKRISHNA R, Exec Director, Tata Sons Ltd. KALYANI B.N Chairmen & MD, Bharat Forge Ltd. PURI DEEPAK MD, Moser Baer India Ltd. ELLIS LEN Executive Vice President, Director Of strategy, Wunderman, USA SETHI RAJAT President, Wunderman in India DESAL SANTHOSH, President-Mocann Eriokson, India MATHEW A.F. MICA Faculty




CNBC TV 18 CDs The rule of three, 2005 (Marketing) The future of Competition, 2005. (Marketing)
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD II SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB09 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT The objective of the course is to provide the student with a background of various factors( in macro-economic environment) that have major repercussions on business and sharpen the students mind to watch and update the changes that occur constantly in this sphere. Unit 1:Industrial Policies: A brief review of industrial policies since independence, Industrial policy of 1991 and recent developments, Policy on foreign direct investment in Indian industry- Policy on Public Private Partnerships. Unit 2:Fiscal & Monetary Policies: Public revenues, public expenditure, public debt, development activities financed by public expenditure, An evaluation of recent fiscal policy of Government of India Highlights of Budget - Monetary Policy: Demand for and supply of money, Objectives of monetary and credit policy, Recent trends- Role of Finance Commission. Unit 3:Indias Trade Policy & Balance of Payments: Indias Trade Policy Magnitude and direction of Indian International trade, bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, EXIM Policy, Role of EXIM Bank. Balance of Payments: Structure, Major 17

components, Causes for dis-equilibrium in Balance of Payments, correction measures, Impact of New Economic Policy on Balance of Payments, Recent trends. Unit 4:World Trade Organization (WTO): Nature and scope - Organization and structure trading blocks role and functions of WTO in promoting world trade Principles followed- Agreements reached in the Uruguay round including TRIPS, TRIMS and GATS, Disputes settlement mechanism- Dumping and Anti-dumping measures Critical review of WTO functioning. Unit 5:Money Markets and Capital Markets: Features and components of Indian Financial system, objectives, features and structure of Money markets and capital markets, Reforms and Recent Developments - Stock Exchanges, Investor Protection and Role of SEBI. References
Misra and Puri: Indian Economy, Himalaya, 2009. Justin Paul: Business EnvironmentText and Cases, TMH, 2009 Vivek Mittal: Business Environment, Excel, 2009 Conklin: Cases in Environment of Business, Sage, 2008 BPP: Business Environment, Viva, 2009 Shaikh Saleem: Business Environment, 4/e,Pearson, 2008 K.Aswathappa: Essentials of Business Environment, 9/e Himalaya, 2009. Dutt and Sundaram: Indian Economy, S. Chand, New Delhi, 2009. Francis Cherunilam: Business Environment: Text and Cases, 18/e, Himalaya, 2009. Recent: Economic Survey Report of Government of India. Suresh Bedi: Business Environment, Excel, 2009. V K Pailwar: Economic Environment of Business, PHI, 2008. DE Bouchoux: Intellectual Property Rights, Cengage, 2005. Gopal: Business Environment, 2/e,TMH,2009


MD, Tata Steel- Blue Scope


ROY RENU Director, Spandan SINGH N.K. Former member, Planning Commission RAO JERRY Chairman & CEO Mphasis Software & Services (Ind) Pvt Ltd. SANJEEV BUIKHCHANDANI, Founder & CEO, Info Edge IND Pvt Ltd. SURESH PRABHU, M.P. MANGALAM BIRLA KUMAR Chairman, Aditya Birla Group ANNE KNOWLES Senior specialist, ILO, Bangkok PEOPLE: INDIAS ADVANTAGE




DUTTA ABHIJIT, CONNECTING ACROSS GENERATIONS MICA, Best Trudent, 2nd national paper Writing APSHANKAR KEDAR Aditya Birla Management Corporation Ltd, National Champions, 31st National Competition for Young management. BUERKNER HANS PAUL, CEO, The Boston Consulting Group KALYANI M.N, Chairman, MD, Bharat Forge Ltd CNBC CDs TV18 PARTNERING: BEYOND COUNTRY BORDERS

Class Room with Masters Industry Analysis on Banking/IT/Steel/media/Oil & Gas/Power, 2006.(Business Environment)

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD II SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB10 Human Resource Management The objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge of functional are of Human Resource Management. This will be the prerequisite for enabling students to take any electives offered in third and fourth semesters any subject on HRM stream. Unit 1: Introduction to HRM, Objectives of HRM, HR activities, Challenges of HRM Job Analysis and Design: Uses of Job analysis, methods of data collection, Job Description and Specifications. Job design, Job redesign, Job Rotation, Job enlargement, Job enrichment, HR Planning: Strategic and Human Resource Planning, HR Planning process, HR Information systems, Assessment of HR requirements, HR Functions and Policies. Cases. Unit 2: Recruitment and Selection: The Recruitment Process, Methods of recruiting, realistic job preview, developing and using Application Blanks, Challenges of recruiting. The selection process, type of tests, basic features of interviews, types of interviews, Technical, HR interview, interview errors and bias, designing and conducting the effective interview, Co-operative counseling, reference and background verification, medical evaluation, Job offer, Induction and Placement. Cases. 19

Unit 3: Training and Development & Performance Appraisal: Introduction to training, The training process, training methods, Management development individual, group, organizational techniques, evaluation of training and development -Appraising and Managing Performance: The appraisal process, methods, and potential problems in performance evaluations. The appraisal interview, the feedback interview. The role of appraisal in managing performance. Career Planning and Development. Cases. Unit 4: Compensation: Objectives, Influences on compensation, Compensation and motivation, job evaluation system simple ranking, job grading, point systems, and factorcomparison system, Human relations effects of Job evaluation, compensation for special groups. Cases. Unit 5: Integration: Quality of work life, Quality circles, Industrial Relations, Industrial Disputes and causes, remedial measures, Collective Bargaining. The management of conflict: Sources of grievances, the grievance procedure, Guidelines for handling grievances- Maintenance of HR: a) Benefits and services, security, safety, health and welfare services. b) Separation, Corporate social responsibility, Global HRM. Cases References K.Aswathappa: Human Resource and Personnel Management, TMH, 2009. Subbarao: Human Resource Management, HPH,2009 V S P Rao: Human Resource Management, Excel, 2009. Edwin B.Flippo: Personnel Management, McGraw Hill,2009 Gary Dessler: Human Resource Management, 10/e, Pearson, 2009 John M. Ivancevich: Human Resource Management, TMH, 2009. R.Wayne Mondy & Robert M.Noe: Human Resource Management, Pearson, 2009 Lepak: Human Resource Management- Pearson -2009. Biswajeet Pattanayak: Human Resource Management, PHI, 2005. Gomez-Mejia: Managing Human Resources, PHI,2009 David A.Decenzo & Stephen P.Robbins: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 8/e, Wiley, 2009 C S Venkataratnam: Personnel Management & Human Resources, TMH, 2009. Fisher: Human Resource Management, Cengage, 2009 Sanjay Srivastava: Cases in HRM: Excel, 2009 Saiyadain: Human Resource Management, 4/e,TMH,2009 CDs (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA) AUTHOR
CHATURVEDI MUKESH, Professor, Management Development, RANA NAMRATA, MD, Futuresoape.



DWARKANATH P Director-HR, Glaxo Smithkiline Consumer Healthcare Limited PARASHER ASHWINI Head-HR, Honey well India


PRADHAN SATISH, TALENT MANAGEMENT Exec VP-Group HR, Tata Sons Ltd DWARAKANATH P Director-HR Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Health Care. SACHDEV ANIL, INNVATE OR EVAPORATE: HR Chairman, Grow Talent Co Ltd. INNOVATIONS RAKESH PANDEY Chief Human Resources Officer, Marico Industries DUGGAL SANJEEV HR RELATED ASPECTS OF CRM President, NISSparta Ltd. REWARD/RECOGNITION SYSTEMS DUTTA RAJAN Chief Of HR & TQM, Escotel Mobile Communications Ltd.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD II SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB11 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The objective of the course is to provide the necessary basic inputs and tools to manage the finance function. After the completion of the course, the students should be able to understand the management of finances of the business organization *The students need Discounting Table and Annuity tables for the examination Unit 1: Introduction to The Finance Function and Capital Budgeting Objective: Profit or Wealth Maximization and EPS Maximization. An overview of Managerial Finance functions - Time value of money: present value, future value of money and the basic valuation models- Nature and techniques of capital budgeting: Payback method, Average rate of return and Time-Adjusted methods: IRR and NPV, Profitability index, and Excess present value index. Cases in capital budgeting. Unit 2:Capital Structure Decisions: Concept and measurement of cost of capital, Debt vs. Equity, cost of equity, preference shares, equity capital and retained earnings, weighted average cost of capital and marginal cost of capital. Importance of cost of capital in capital budgeting decisions- Capital structure vs financial structure Capitalisation, financial leverage, operating leverage and composite leverage. EBIT-EPS Analysis, Indifference Point/Break even analysis of financial leverage, 21

Unit 3:Capital Structure and Dividend Theories: The Modigliani Miller Theory, NI, NOI Theory and Traditional Theory A critical appraisal- Dividends and value of the firm - Relevance of dividends, the MM hypothesis, Factors determining Dividend Policydividends and valuation of the firm-the basic models. Declaration and payment of dividends. Bonus shares. Rights issue, share-splits, Walter Model and Gordon Model. Unit 4:Working Capital Management: Components of working capital, gross vs. net working capital, determinants of working capital needs, the operating cycle approach. Planning of working capital, Financing of working capital through Bank finance and Trade Credit Recommendations of Tandon and Daheja Committee on Working Capital. Cases. Unit 5:Management of current assets: Management of cash, Basic strategies for cash management, cash budget, cash management techniques/processes. Marketable securities: characteristics, selection criterion, Marketable security alternatives; Management of receivables and Management of inventory- The importance of current assets management in working capital planning.

MY Khan and PK Jain: Financial Management--Text and Problems, TMH. 2009. Collin Barrow: Practical Financial Management, Kogan Page,2009 Srivastava: Financial Management and policy, Himalaya, 2009 Berk: Financial Management, Pearson, 2009. S.N.Maheswari: Financial Management, Vikas, 2007. John Tennet: Guide to Financial Management, Viva,2009 James C. Van Horne: Financial Management and Policy, Pearson, 2006 Chandra Bose D: Fundamentals of Financial Management, PHI-2006 Vishwanath: Corporate Finance,2/e, Sage, 2007. I. M. Pandey: Financial Management, 9/e Vikas, 2007 Rajiv Srivastav & Anil Mishra: Financial Management, Oxford, 2008. Chakraborty, Bhattacharya, Rao and Sen : Financial Management and control. MacMillan, 2007. Michael C Ehrhardt Eugene F. Brigham: Corporate Finance, A Focused Approach Cengage, 2006. Richard A Brealey, Stewart C Myers, Franklin Allen, Pitabas Mohanty: Principles of Corporate Finance. 8th edition, TMH, 2007. 22

Besley and Brigham: Essentials of Managerial Finance, 13/e Cengage, 2006

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD II SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB12 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS FOR BUSINESS DECISIONS The objective of the course is to provide the basic tools of Operations Research in solving the management problems through modeling and using mathematical approach. *The students have to be provided with Random Number Table to solve problem in the examination
Unit 1:Introduction and Linear Programming : Nature and Scope of O.R.Analyzing and Defining the Problem, Developing A Model, Types of models, Typical Applications of Operations Research ; Linear Programming: Graphical Method, Simplex Method; Solution methodology of Simplex algorithm, Artificial variables; Duality Principle , Definition of the Dual Problem, Primal - Dual Relationships. Unit 2:Transportation and Assignment Models : Definition and Application of the Transportation Model, Solution of the Transportation Problem, the Assignment Model, Traveling Salesman Problem. Unit 3:Replacement Model: Replacement of Capital Cost items when moneys worth is not considered, Replacement of Capital Cost items when moneys worth is considered, Group replacement of low cost items.


Unit 4:Game Theory and Decision Analysis : Introduction Two Person Zero-Sum Games, Pure Strategies, Games with Saddle Point, Mixed strategies, Rules of Dominance, Solution Methods of Games without Saddle point Algebraic, arithmetic methods. Decision Analysis: Introduction to Decision Theory, Steps In the Decision Making, the Different environments In Which Decisions Are Made, Criteria For Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty, The Expected Value Criterion With Continuously Distributed Random Variables, Decision Trees, Graphic Displays of the Decision Making Process. Unit 5:Queuing Theory and Simulation: Basic Elements of the Queuing Model, Poisson Arrivals and Exponential Service times; Different Queing models with FCFS Queue disciplne: Single service station and infinite population, Single service station and finite population, Multi service station models with infinite population. Simulation: Nature and Scope, Applications, Types of simulation, Role of Random Numbers, Inventory Example, Queuing Examples, Simulation Languages.

Hillier/Lieberman: Introduction To Operations Research; TMH, 2008. Render:Quanititative Analysis for Management, Pearson, 2009 Sridharabhat: Quanititave Analysis for Business Decisions, HPH, 2009. J. K. Sharma: Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Macmillan, 2008. R.Panneerselvam: Operations Research, PHI, 2008. Hamdy, A.Taha: Operations Research: An Introduction, PHI, 2007. Selvaraj: Quantitative Techniques, Excel, 2009 Gupta and Khanna: Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making, PHI, 2009. Ravindran,Phillips,Solberg: Operations Research, Wiley, 2009. Anderson, Sweeney, Williams: Quantitative Methods for Business, 10/e, Cengage, 2008 Sivarethinamohan: Operations Research, TMH, 2008. R.K Bharadwaj, Mujumdar: Quantitative Techniques for Business managers, HPH,2009. Gillett: Introduction to Operations Research, TMH, 2009.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD II SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB13 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT The Objective of the course is to enable students to understand the basics of one of the functional areas of management viz. Operations or Production. *The students need Statistical Table to solve problem Unit 1:Introduction: Overview of Production and Operations Management (POM) Function, Historical Development of POM, POM scenario Today - Product and Process Design: Product and Process Development, Manufacturing Process Technology, Value Analysis. Unit 2:Facilities Management & Aggregate Planning : Location of Facilities, Layout of Facilities, Optimisation of Product/Process Layout, Aggregate Planning : Preparation of aggregate demand Forecast, Specification of Organisational Policies For Smoothing Capacity Utilization, Determination of feasible Production Alternatives and Determination of Optimal Production Strategy. 24

Unit 3:Scheduling: Scheduling In Job, Shop Type Production, Shop- Loading, Assignment and Sequencing, Scheduling In Mass, Line of Balance, Methods of Production Control ,World class production . Unit 4:Work Study & Quality Management : Method Study, Work measurement, Work Design, Job Design, Work Sampling, Industrial Engineering Techniques. Quality management: Economics of Quality Assurance Inspection and Quality Control, Control charts for variables and control charts for attributes, Acceptance Sampling, Total Quality Management and ISO 9000 series standards, Six Sigma. Unit 5:P.E.R.T. & C.P.M . : Drawing networks identifying critical path probability of completing the project within given time- project crashing optimum cost and optimum duration. References
Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs: Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, TMH, 2009 Mahadevan:Operations Management, Pearson, 2009 Aswathappa:Production & Operation Management, HPH, 2008 Young: Essentials of Operations Management, Sage, 2009 Kachru: Production and Operations Management, Excel, 2009 Donald Waters: Operations Management, Kogan Page, 2009 Buffa: Modern Production Operation Management, Wiley 2009. Lee Krajewski, Larry Ritzman and Manoj Malhotra: Operations Management, 8/e PHI, 2009 S N Chary: Theory and Problems in Production and Operations Management, TMH, 2009. Joseph S. Martinich: Production and Operations Management, Wiley, 2009. Slack: Operations Strategy: Pearson,2009. Evans: Principles of Operations Management, Cengage, 2009. Saxena: Production and Operations Management, 2/e, TMH, 2009 .

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD II SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB14 Management Information System (MIS) The objective of the course is to provide the basic concepts of Enterprise Resource Planning and Management of Information System. Unit 1: Introduction to IS Models and Types of Information systems Nolan Stage Hypothesis, IS Strategic Grid, Wards Model, Earls Multiple Methodology, Critical Success Factors, Soft Systems Methodology, Socio-Technical Systems Approach (Mumford), System Develop Life Cycle, Prototype and End User Computing, Application Packages, Outsourcing, Deciding Combination of Methods. Types of Information Systems Unit 2: IS Security, Control and Audit System Vulnerability and Abuse, business value of security and control, Need for Security, Methods of minimizing risks IS Audit, ensuring system quality. Unit 3: Induction to ERP: Overview of ERP, MRP, MRPII and Evolution of ERP, Integrated Management Systems, Reasons for the growth of ERP, Business Modeling, Integrated Data Model, Foundations of IS in Business, Obstacles of applying IT, ERP 25

Market- ERP Modules: Finance, Accounting Systems, Manufacturing and Production Systems, Sales and Distribution Systems, , Human Resource Systems, Plant Maintenance System, Materials Management System, Quality Management System, ERP System Options and Selection, ERP proposal Evaluation. Unit 4: Benefits of ERP: Reduction of Lead Time, On-Time Shipment, Reduction in Cycle Time, Improved Resource Utilisation, Better Customer Satisfaction, Improved Supplier Performance, Increased Flexibility, Reduced Quality Costs, Improved Information Accuracy and Design Making Capabilities. Unit 5: ERP Implementation and Maintenance: Implementation Strategy Options, Features of Successful ERP Implementation, Strategies to Attain Success, User Training, Maintaining ERP & IS. Case Studies. References
Gordon B. Davis & Margrethe H.Olson: Management Information Systems, TMH, 2009. C Laudon and Jane P.Laudon, et al: Management Information Systems, Pearson Education, 2009. Alexis Leon: ERP (Demystified), 5/E, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009. C.S.V.Murthy: Management Information System, Himalaya,2009 James A. Obrein: Management Information Systems, TMH, 2009 David L Olson: Managerial Issues of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, McGraw Hill, International Edition-2009. Rainer, Turban, Potter: Introduction to Information Systems, WILEY-India, 2009. Vaman, ERP in Practice, TMH, 2009 Dharminder and Sangeetha: Management Information Systems, Excel, 2009 Gerald V.Post, David L Anderson: Management Information Systems, Irvin McGraw Hill, 2009. Monk: Concepts in ERP, Cengage, 2009 Olson: Managerial Issues of ERO, TMH, 2009 Motiwala:Enterprise Resource Planning, Pearson 2009 Miller:MISCases, Pearson, 2009

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB15 Entrepreneurship and Good Governance The objective of the course is to make students understand the nature of entrepreneurship, and to motivate the student to start his/her own enterprise. The objective of the course is to enlighten with the fragrance of Corporate Good Governance and Business Ethics, so that they would become the best entrepreneurs / managers of the corporate world. Unit 1: Nature of Entrepreneurship; Characteristics, Qualities and skills of an Entrepreneur, functions of entrepreneur, Entrepreneur scenario in India and Abroad. Forms of Entrepreneurship: Small Business, Importance in Indian Economy, Types of ownership, sole trading, partnership, joint stock company and other forms. First-Mover disadvantages, Risk Reduction strategies, Market scope strategy, Imitation strategies and Managing Newness


Unit 2: Aspects of Promotion: Generation of new entry opportunity, SWOT Analysis, Technological Competitiveness, legal regulatory systems, patents and trademarks, Intellectual Property Rights- Project Planning and Feasibility Studies- Major steps in product development. Financial Aspects: Sources of raising Capital, Debt-Equity, Financing by Commercial Banks, Government Grants and Subsidies, Entrepreneurship Promotion Schemes of Department of Industries (DIC), KVIC, SIDBI,NABARD, NSIC, APSFC, IFCI and IDBI. New Financial Instruments. Unit 3: Introduction to Business Ethics: Necessity for Business Ethics-Need for Ethical guideline Salient Issues in Ethics and Commerce- Ethics as a Luxury Earlier attempts at Ethics in Industry Justification for Ethics Effect of Migration of National Character Shadow Economy Basic Principles in Ethics Corporate Climate and corporate climate audits Political Issues Nature and theory of Ethics The Naturalistic fallacy G.E.Moores Philosophy. Unit 4: Understanding Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance- Capitalism at crossroads Historical perspective of Corporate Governance Issues of Corporate Governance Theoretical basis of Corporate Governance Corporate Governance mechanisms Indian Model of Governance Good Corporate Governance Corporate Governance committees OECD Principles Indian Committee and guidelines The confederation of Indian Industrys initiative. Corporate Governance Models, Corporate Social Responsibility. Unit 5: Corporate Social Responsibility: System Concept of Business Society Social Responsibility Social Responsibility tools approaches to Ethics Corporate Social Accountability Business in a Social World Ethics and Social Responsibility professional ethics Ethics of practicing company secretaries- Ethical investing. References Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd: Entrepreneurship, TMH, 2009 Bholanath Dutta:EntrepreneurshipText and Cases, Excel, 2009 Vasanth Desai: Entrepreneurship, HPH, 2009 David Martin: Corporate Governance, Viva, 2009 H. Nandan: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, PHI, 2009. Barringer: Entrepreneurship, Pearson,2009. Ronald D Francis & Mukti Mishra: Business Ethics, TMH, 2009 C.S.V.Murthy: Business Ethics & Corporate Governance, Himalaya, 2009. RK Mishra,Gitarani: Corporate Governance, Excel,2009 A.C.Frenando: Corporate Governance, Pearson, 2006 V.Balachandran & V.Chandrasekaran: Corporate Governance & Social Responsibility, PHI, 2009 A.C.Fernando: Business Ethics, Pearson, 2009 27

Laura P Hartman & Abha Chatterjee: Business Ethics, TMH, 2009 Tripat Kaur: Values and Ethics in Management, 2/e, Paragon International,2009.




K.GANESH, CEO & Founder, Tutor Visa DIVYA MODI, Global Director, Finance, Spice Corp

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB16 COST AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING The objective of the course is to enable the students the components of product cost their calculation methods, and their control. Prerequisite for the course is Knowledge of Financial Accounting and Analysis taught in First Semester of the programme. Unit 1:Introduction: Management accounting Vs. Cost accounting vs. financial accounting, role of accounting information in planning and control, cost concepts and managerial use of classification of costs. The management process and accounting - Cost analysis and control: Direct and Indirect expenses, allocation and apportionment of 28

overheads, calculation of machine hour rate. An introduction to activity based costing and Life Cycle Costing. Unit 2:Costing for specific industries: Unit costing, job costing, cost sheet and tender and process costing and their variants, treatment of normal losses and abnormal losses, inter-process profits, costing for by-products and equivalent production. Unit 3:Marginal Costing: Introduction, Application of Marginal costing in terms of cost control , profit planning, Closing down a plant, dropping a product line, charging general and specific fixed costs, fixation of selling price, make or buy decisions, key or limiting factor, selection of suitable product mix, desired level of profits, diversification of products, closing down or suspending activities, level of activity planning- Breakeven-analysis: Application of BEP for various business problems. Inter-firm comparison : Need for inter-firm comparison, types of comparisons, advantages. Unit 4:Budgetary Control: Budget, budgetary control, steps in budgetary control, Flexible budget, different types of budgets: sales budget, Cash budget, Production budget, Master budget, Performance budgets, material Vs. purchase budgets, Zero Based Budgeting. An introduction to cost audit and management audit. Unit 5:Standard Costing: Standard Cost and Standard Costing, standard costing vs. budgetary control, standard costing vs. estimated cost, standard costing and marginal costing, analysis of variance, material variance, labour variance, Sales and Profit variance.

M.Y.Khan, P.K. Jain: Management Accounting: Theory and Problems, TMH, New Delhi, 4/e, 2008. S.P.Jain and K.L.Narang: Cost and Management Accounting, Kalyani, 2008. MN Arora: Cost Accounting, Vikas, 2009. Colin Drury: Management and Cost Accounting, Cengage, 2009 Bhahatosh Banerjee: Cost Accounting Theory and Practice, PHI,2006 M.N.Arora: Cost and Management Accounting, Himalaya, 2009. Charles T. Horngren: Cost Accounting, PHI, 2009 James Jiambalvo: Managerial Accounting, John Wiley, 2009. Allen: Cases In Management Accounting & Control System, Pearson, 2009 Bamber: Managerial Accounting, Pearson, 2009. Manash Gupta: Cost Accounting Principles and Practice, Pearson Education, 2008 29

Blocher, Chen, Cookins, Lin: Cost Management a Strategic Emphasis, TMH,3/e 2009 Thukaram Rao: Cost and Management Accounting, New Age International, 2008.

The Objective of the course is to expose students to the importance of technology in conduct of business and its skillful management for optimum results.

*Students need Discounting Table and Statistical Table to solve problem Unit 1:The Process of Technological Innovation: The Need for a Conceptual Approach, Technological Innovation as a Conversion Process, Factors Contributing to Successful Technological Innovation. Strategies For Research and Development: R&D as A Business, Resource Allocation to R&D, R&D Strategy In the Decision Making Process, Selection and Implementation of R&D Strategy, R and D and Competitive Advantage, New Product Development- Techniques For Creative Problem Solving. Unit 2:Financial Evaluation of Research and Development Projects: The Need For Cost Effectiveness, R&D Financial Forecasts, Risk as a Factor In 30

Financial Analysis, Project Selection Formulae, Allocation DCF and Other Techniques of evaluating R&D ventures.

of Resources,

Unit 3:Research and Development: Programme Planning and Control, Portfolio Planning, Project Planning and Control, Project Termination, Resource Allocation and Management- New Product Development: New Product Development as a Competitive Strategy, Market Research For Developing New Products, Commercialisation of Research Outcomes, Industrial Design, Product Architecture and Design For Manufacture, Developing Indigenous Substitute For Raw Materials. Unit 4:Technological Forecasting For Decision Making: The Definition of Technological Forecasting, Forecasting System Inputs and Outputs, Classification of Forecasting Techniques, Organisation For Technological Forecasting, Current Status. Unit 5:Transfer of Technology: Modes of technology transfer, Price of technology transfer, Negotiation for price of MOT. References Tarek Khalil: Management of TechnologyThe Key to Competitiveness and Wealth Creation, McGraw Hill, Boston, 2009. Krishnamacharyulu: Management of Technology, HPH, 2009 V.K.Narayanan: Managing Technology and Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Pearson Education, 2009. Krishnamacharyulu & Lalitha: Management of Innovation, Himalaya, 2009. Norma Harison and Samson: Technology management Text and cases, TMH, 2009 Shane: Technology Strategy for Managers and Entrepreneurs, Pearson,2009. P.N.Rastogi: Managing Creativity, Macmillan, 2009. Pradip N Khandwalla: Lifelong CreativityAn Unending Fest, TMH, 2009. White: The Management of Technology & Innovation, Cengage,2009 Khandwala: Corporate Creativity, TMH, 2009. CDs (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA) TITLE


MARIWALA HARSH INSTILLINF THE DNA OF Chairman & Managing Director, INNOVATION Marico Industries Ltd KANJILAL JAWAHAR Director-Rich Media & MBP, Nokia Asia Pacific Singapore. 31

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB18 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT The Objective of the course is to enable students have a grasp of various business strategies in general and functional management areas. It will provide a strategic orientation in conduct of the business Prerequisite The subjects such as Management Theory and Practice, Financial Management, HRM, Marketing Management, Production and Operations Management taught in First and Second Semesters of the programme. Unit 1:Introduction- Concepts in Strategic Management, Strategic Management Process, Developing a strategic vision, Mission, Objectives, Policies Factors that shape a companys strategy, Environmental Scanning: Industry and Competitive Analysis Methods. Evaluating company resources and competitive capabilities SWOT Analysis Value Chain Analysis and Competitive advantage. Unit 2:Tools and techniques for strategic analysis - Porter's Five Force Model, BCG Matrix, GE Model, TOWS Matrix, IE Matrix, The Grand Strategy Matrix. Market Life Cycle Model - and Organisational Learning, Impact Matrix and the Experience 32

Curve, Generic Strategies- Strategy Formulation - Types of Strategies offensive strategy, defensive strategy, Exit and entry barriers - Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry and company situations. Unit 3:Strategy Implementation: Strategy and Structure, Strategy and Leadership, Strategy and culture connection - Operationalising and institutionalizing strategy - Strategies for competing in Globalising markets and internet economy Organisational Values and Their Impact on Strategy Resource Allocation as a vital part of strategy Planning systems for implementation. Unit 4:Turnaround and Diversification Strategies: Turnaround strategy - Management of Strategic Change, strategies for Mergers, Acquisitions, Takeovers and Joint Ventures - Diversification Strategy : Why firms diversify, different types of diversification strategies, the concept of core competence, strategies and competitive advantage in diversified companies and its evaluation. Unit 5:Strategy Evaluation and control Establishing strategic controls for Measuring performance appropriate measures- Role of the strategist using qualitative and quantitative benchmarking to evaluate performance - strategic information systems problems in measuring performance Guidelines for proper control- Strategic surveillance -strategic audit - Strategy and Corporate Evaluation and feedback in the Indian and international context. References Gregory Dess and G.T. Lumpkin: Strategic Management Creating Competitive Advantage, TMH, 2009. Thompson & Strickland: Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases. TMH, 2009. Saloner: Strategic Management, Wiley 2009 P.Subbarao: Strategic management, Himalaya, 2009 Subbaro Ch: Compete or ForfeitCompetitive Strategies for Pharmaceutical Industry, PharmaMed Press, 2009. VSP Rao: Strategic Management, Excel, 2009 Johnson:Exploring Corporate Strategy, Pearson, 2009 Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson: Management of Strategy, Thomson 2009 Allan Afuah, Business Models: A Strategic Management Approach, TMH, 2009 Ranjan Das: Crafting the Strategy: Concepts and Cases in Strategic Management, TMH,2009. Fred R.David: Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, PHI, 2009 Hill: Strategic Management an Integrated Approach, Biztantra, 2009 Azhar Kazmi: Business Policy & Strategic Management: TMH, 2009. Ajit Prasad: Extremely Short cases in Strategic Management, Excel-2009 Wheelen & Hunger: Concepts & Cases in Strategic Management and Business Policy, Pearson 2009.






GIANETTI PRETI VYAS, DESIGN AS A STRATEGIC Chairperson Vyas Gianetti Creatives DIFFERENTIATOR STEVENS ERIC Prof of Marketing, ESCEM B School, France CHANDRASEKHAR S President HR, Reliance Industries Limited DUBEY RAJEEV Executive Vice-President, M&M. SPEED &AGILITY


BROCKER WILLEM MANAGING NEW INDIA: STRATEGIES Sr. Global Advisor, Price Waterhouse Coopers International PURI ASHWINI, Exec Director, Price Waterhouse Coopers International AMBARISH, Exec Director, Price Waterhouse Coopers Int CHAITANYA A V N P K, KUMAR PRAVIN GLOBAL COMPATITIVESS

BHATTACHARJEE CHAYAN, DE SUDIPTO 70 MILLION EMPLOYABLE INDIANS: NCYM Champion Team,4thrd National STRATEGIES FOR GLOBAL Competition for Management studies, PG Program in Retail Management, IISW BM-Kolkata BAKRE ANKITA ABHIJIT, NCYM Champion Team, 34

33rd National competition for young manager, Bharat Petroleum Co. Ltd SHAHANI NAIDU DEVELOPING THE NEW BUSINESS Sheriff of Mumbai MANAGER GOPALA KRISHNA R Convention Chairman & Exec Director Tata Sons Ltd KERR JOHN Consulting EMEA Regional Leader Deloitte.


09MB19 Elective 1
09MB19A CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR The objective of the course is to enable students to understand the perspectives of Consumers and their buying behaviour. The pre-requisite for this course is Marketing Management offered in 1st semester. Unit 1:Introduction to Consumer Behaviour- Evolution of Consumer Behaviour, Understanding consumers and market segments, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy. Psychographic Dimensions- Consumer Motivation, Perception, Personality, Information Processing, Attitude Formation and Attitude Change. Unit 2:Social and Cultural Environment: Economic, Demographic, Cross Cultural and SocioCultural Influences, Social Stratification, Reference Groups and Family Influences, Personal influence. Unit 3:Communication and Consumer Behaviour: Components of communications process, designing persuasive communication and Diffusion of Innovations. Models of 35

Buyer Behavior- Howard Model, Howard-Sheth Model, EKB Wind Model.

Model, Webster and

Unit 4:Consumer Decision Process: High and Low Involvement, Pre-purchase Processes, Purchase, Post Purchase processes, Consumption and evaluation, Brand Loyalty and Repeat Purchase Behaviour. Unit 5:Consumerism: The roots of consumerism, consumer safety, consumer information, environmental concerns, consumer privacy, legislative responses to consumerism and marketer responses to consumer issues. Consumer Protection Act 1986, Consumer Disputes Redressal agencies and Commission. References David L Loudon and Albert J Della Bitta: Consumer Behaviour, 4/e, TMH, 2008. Schiffman, L.G and Kanuk L.L: Consumer Behaviour, 8/e, Pearson, 2009 Kazabi Batra: Consumer Behaviour, Excel, 2009 Suja R Nair: Consumer Behaviour--An Indian Perspective, HPH, 2008 Roger D. Black Well: Consumer Behaviour, Cengage Learning, 2008 Henry Assael: Consumer Behaviour,6/e,Cengage, 2009 Michael R.Solomon: Consumer Behaviour,7/e,PHI,2007 J.Paul Peter, Jerry C. Olson: Consumer Behaviour & Marketing Strategy, TMH, 2009 Matin Khan: Consumer Behaviour & Advertising Management, New Age International,2007 Peter: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy, 7/e, TMH, 2009 Kumar:Conceptual Issues in Consumer Behaviour, Pearson, 2009 K.K.Srivastava & Sujata Khandai: Consumer Behaviour, Paragon International,2009. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB19B Security Analysis and Portfolio Management The objective of this course is to provide the conceptual and analytical frame work of Security Analysis and Portfolio Management and make them proficient in understanding the dynamics of securities market. This paper is focuses on the application of theory to practice. Unit 1:Investments: The Investment environment: Classification and functions of financial markets and financial instruments. Securities Markets, how securities are traded. Unit 2:Portfolio Theory and Capital market theory : The returns and risks from investing, Markowitz Portfolio Theory, Mean-variance approach, Portfolio selectionefficient portfolios, The Single-Index Model, Asset Pricing Models-The Capital Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory.


Unit 3:Fixed income Securities (Bond) : Analysis, valuation and management: Interest rates, Measuring Bond Yields, Bond pricing theorems, Convexity, duration, Passive Bond Management and active bond management strategies, Bond immunization. Unit 4: a) Equity: Analysis Valuation and management: Discounted Cash-flow techniques: Balance sheet analysis, Dividend discount models, intrinsic value and market price, The P/E ratio or Earnings Multiplier Approach, Price/Book value, Price /Sales ratio, Economic value Added (EVA), The passive and Active strategy. b) Security Analysis: Macroeconomic analysis, Industry and company analysis. Technical analysis. Unit 5: a) Derivatives: Overview of derivative markets, option markets, option strategies and option valuation. Futures markets, strategies and pricing. Stock index futures, interest rate futures. Swaps contracts. b) Portfolio management: Mutual funds - Growth of mutual funds in India, Structure. Performance evaluation of mutual funds, performance measurement with changing portfolio composition. References Prasanna Chandra: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, TMH, 2009. Charles P. Jones: Investments Analysis and Management, John Wiley, 2009 William F. Sharpe, Gordon J.Alexander and Jeffery V.Bailey: Fundamentals of Investments, Prentice Hall, 2009 ZVI Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J Marcus and Pitabas Mohanty: Investments, TMH, 2009. Frank K.Reilly and Keith C.Brown: Investment Analysis Portfolio Management, Cengage, 2009. Bhat: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Excel, 2009. Donald E. Fischer and Ronald J.Jordan: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, 6/e, Pearson Education, 2007. S.Kevin: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall, 2006. Arnold, Kumar:Corporate Financial Management, Pearson, 2009 V.A.Avadhani: Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, Himalaya, 2008. Edwin J. Elton, Martin J. Gruber: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 5/e, John Wiley & Sons, 2007 John C.Hull: Options, Futures and other Derivatives, 7/e,Pearson education 2009. Robert A.Strong: Derivatives An Introduction, Cengage, 2009 37

Systematic Investment Planning, 2008 Wizards of Dalal Street, 2008. Simplifying Technical Analysis, 2005 Derivatives, Trader Psychology, 2005 Global Investment Gurus- Focus on India, 2006

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB19C Recruitment & Selection The objective of this study is to enable the student to specialize in the process of Recruitment and Selection with a special focus on pre-employment tests and measuring competencies. The prerequisite for this course is Human Resource Management. Unit 1:Recruitment Challenges- How to make recruitment efforts succeed, Workers Expectations- Recruitment Sources, Proactive and reactive recruitment, Innovative 38

recruitment sources, Electronic Recruitment, Electronic resumes, Career web sites, International electronic recruitment electronic Web sources. Unit 2:Interviewing, Job descriptions, Reviewing the application and rsum, Planning basic questions, Competency Based questions, Key competency category, competency based lead-ins, Generic competency Questions, Additional types of questions, Probing questions, Questioning techniques to avoid, Encourage applicant to talk, Providing talk. . Unit 3:Pre-employment Testing, testing advantages and disadvantages, test validation, testing categories, Computer based testing, Background check policy, reference check, Guidelines for releasing and obtaining Information. Unit 4:Ability Tests- Mental Ability, effects of practice and coaching, Mechanical ability test, Personality Measurement Test, Personality Assessment- Performance tests and, Use of performance test, Assessment Center-Integrity Testing Drug testing, Graphology. Unit 5:Recruitment and Selection Practices Abroad - Case Studies References Phillips: Strategic Staffing, Pearson, 2009. Daine Arthur:Recruiting, Interviewing, Selecting & Orienting New Employee, PHI, 4/e, 2007. Robert Edenborough: Assessment Methods in Recruitment, Selection and Performance, Kogan, 2006. Sanjay Srivastava: Case Studies in HRM, Excel,2009. Gatewood, Field,Barrick: Human Resource Selection, Cengage, 2008. Gareth Robert: Recruitment and selection, Jaico, 2008. N.K.Chanda: Recruitment and Selection, Paragon International, 2009.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB19D BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE The objective of the course is to make the students proficient in the tools and techniques of Business Intelligence making use of Data mining and Data Warehousing processes. Unit 1:Introduction: Business Intelligence from business side- Components of BI Architecture-BI Frontend- BI and Business Value- BI Market Business Query & Reporting-Production Reporting- Dash Boards-Performance Management- Success of Business Impact- Measuring Success of Business Impact-ROI-LOFT Effect Unit 2:Data Management and BI Organizing for Success Data Quality-Data Architectures-Master Data Management- Right Time Data- Business IT partnershipHybrid IT-Business person. BI organizing for Success: Requirements driven BI39

Relevance to Continental Gate Agents- Waterfall Development process- Agile Development Techniques-Enterprises Vs Department BI-Business Intelligence Competency Centre-BICC Guiding Principles Unit 3:Market Intelligence: Knowledge most important asset of a company- Market Research Function with organization- Nature & Scope of Qualitative Data Designing Research Managing Results Knowing Future. Unit 4:BI Through Data Warehousing: Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)OLAP& OLTP systems- Data Modeling-OLAP tools- Managed Query EnvironmentOLAP tools in open Source domain. Data Warehousing (DW) to Data Mining (DM)-Data base Segmentation- Tools for Data mining Application of DW and DM Unit 5:Future of BI: Emerging Technologies-Predicting future-BI search and Text Analysis-Advanced Visualization- Rich Reportlets The future beyond technology. References Cindi Howson: Successful Business Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008 Turban:Business Intelligence,Pearson, 2009. Martin Callingham: Market Research, Kogan Page,2004 C.S.R.Prabhu: Data Warehousing, 3/e,PHI Learning,2008 George M.Markas: Decision Support Systems,2/e,Pearson Education,2008 Efrem G.Mallach: Decision Support and Data Warehousing Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008 Berson Smith: Data Warehousing, Data Mining 7 OLAP, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007 Michael J.A. Berry, Gordon S.Linoff: Data Mining Techniques, 2/e, Wiley -India, 2005 Marakas: Modern Data Warehousing, Mining, and Visualization Core Concepts Pearson Education,2008 Carlo Vercelise: Business Intelligence & Data Mining, Wiley-2009 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0


The Objective of this course is to gain the knowledge of possibilities of efficient optimization and management of operation in integrated supply chains and also the ability to apply them in the enterprise reality. The course will also strengthen the holistic view on supply chain operations, management and strategy and some current research areas in supply chain management. Consequently the course provides advanced knowledge about logistics and their supporting systems from a supply chain perspective. *The students need Statistical Table to solve numerical problems. Prerequisite for the course:- Knowledge of Production and Operations Management, Marketing Management and QABD taught in second semester of the programme. 40

Unit 1:Understanding the Supply Chain: Objective and Importance of Supply Chain Process View of Supply Chain. Competitive and Supply Chain Strategies, Achieving Strategic Fit, Expanding Strategic Scope. Logistics: The Logistical value preposition, The Work of Logistics, Logistical operations, Logistical operating arrangements, Supply chain Synchronization , Supply Chain Drivers and Metrics :Drivers for Supply Chain Performance, Framework for Structuring drivers. Facilities, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing and pricing. Obstacles to Achieving fit, Supply chain performance in India. Case studies Unit 2:Designing the Supply Chain Network : Role of distribution in the Supply Chain, Factors influencing Distribution network design, Design options for Distribution network, The role of network design in the Supply Chain, Frame work for Network design decisions, Models for facility location and capacity allocation, Planning Demand and Supply in a Supply Chain: Demand Forecasting in Supply Chain: Components of forecast and forecasting methods, Aggregate Planning in Supply Chain: Role of aggregate planning, Aggregate planning Strategies , Inventory planning and economic theory aberrations. Case studies Unit - 3Planning and Managing inventories in Supply Chain : Managing Economies of Scale in Supply Chain, Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain, Determining optimal level of product inventory. Designing and Planning Transportation Networks: Transportation in a Supply Chain. Case studies Unit 4: Managing Cross Functional Drivers in a Supply Chain: Sourcing decisions in a Supply Chain and procurement strategies, Pricing and Revenue Management in a Supply Chain, Information Technology and Coordination in a Supply chain. Case studies Unit- 5: Logistics and Supply chain relationships : Identifying logistics performance indicators Channel structure Economics of distribution channel relationships logistics service alliances. Managing Global logistics and Global supply chains: Logistics in a global economy views of global logistics- global operating levels interlinked global economy - The Global supply chains , Supply Chain Management in Global environmentGlobal strategy Global purchasing Global logisticsGlobal alliances Issues and Challenges in Global supply chain Management Case studies.ss References Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl: Supply chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation, Third edition, Pearson, 2009. Donald J.Bowersox and David J.Closs: Logistical Management: The Integrated Supply Chain Process, TMH, 2006. Rajasekhar & Acharyulu: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Excel, 2009. Sridhara Bhat: Logistics and supply chain management, Himalaya, 2009. John T Mentzer: Supply Chain Management, Sage Publications, 2008 Donal Waters: Global Logistics, Kogan Page, 2009 Christain schuh et al:The purchasing chess board, Springer link,2009. 41

Philip B.Schary, Tage Skjott-Larsen: Managing the Global Supply Chain, Viva, 2008. Joel D wisner, Keong Leong, Keah Choon Tan: Principles of Supply Chain Management- A Balanced approach, Cengage Learning, 2008 Rahul V Altekar: Supply Chain Management, Concepts and Cases, PHI , 2008 J.L.Gattorna and D.W.Walters: Managing the Supply Chain, Macmillan, 2008 Rangaraj: Supply chain Management for competitive advantage, TMH, 2009 Kachru: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Excel, 2009 Shah: Supply Chain Management, Pearson, 2009

Excel Multimedia CDs:


JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB20 Elective II 09MB20A MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS The objective of this course is to make the student proficient in promoting an organization through advertising and branding in contemporary styles. Unit 1: Introduction to Marketing Communications and Advertising: Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)- IMC in Marketing Mix Structure of Advertising World- Purpose and Function of Advertising in Marketing Mix Advertising and Psychology Advertising and Buying Behavior Advertising StrategyPlanning & organization Setting objectives level of decision making- Creative Strategy & Execution. 42

Unit 2: Managing Advertising : Advertising planning Target Marketing Defining prime prospects planning and positioning Advertising Setting objectives- DAGMAR Approach to set objectives Arriving and allocating Budgets Measuring IMC Performance Media Function Basic Media Strategy Using Various Media (Television, Radio, Newspapers & Magazines)- New Trends in Advertising Creating Advertising- Effects of Advertising. Unit 3 : Advertising and Branding: Brand Planning- Managing Brands with current trends of Advertising Competing Brands- Global Advertising Agencies and Global markets-Advertising Agency Management. Implication for Communication and Promotional strategies Branding: Product Concept Unique Selling proposition Product Management Product & STP-Reverse Engineering Framing Product Line Unit 4: Branding Concepts: Managing Brand power Brand Life Cycle Brand Associations- Brand Extension- Brand loyalty-Brand Positioning.-Brand Response Brand Experience Brand Aesthetics Awareness & Brands Brand Elements Brand Positioning pit falls Brand Repositioning- Symbiotic Branding Directness and Subtlety in Advertising appeal. Unit 5: Brand Extension Strategies in Indian Context Branding Commodities- Brand Perception and Brand Strategy Subtleties and Celebrities Brand Equity and pricing decisions Cost to Server Consumers Service Quality and Branding Retailing impact on branding Online Brand Equity and Offline Brand Equity. References Kruti shah & Alan DSouza: Advertising and Promotions, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009 Helen Edwards & Derek Day: Creating Passion Brands, Kogan Page,2005 S.Ramesh Kumar: Marketing and Branding, Pearson Education, 2009 Tapan K Panda: Building Brands, Excel,2008 W.Rolan Lane, Karen Whitehill King, J. Thomas Russell: Advertising Procedure, 16/e, Pearson, 2008 Chunawala: Advertising , Sales promotion and Distribution, Himalaya, 2009 Sharma & Singh , Advertising, PHI,2009. Kumar:Consumer Behaviour and Branding: Concepts, Readings and Cases-The Indian Context, Pearson-2009. Murthy& ,Bhojanna: Advertising an IMC: Excel, 2009.


R.C.Bhatia: Marketing Communication and Advertising, Paragon International,2009. Mahendra Mohan: Advertising Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008 Batra: Advertising Management, 6/e, Pearson Education, 2008 Jason Hartman: Brand of Chocie, Jaico, 2009 Terence A Shimp: Advertising and Promotion, Cengage Learning,2007 Rodney D Ryder: Trademarks, Advertising and Brand Protection, Macmillan, 2009 CDs (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA)

AUTHOR SURESH J, CEO & Exec Director, MTR Foods Ltd. ANAND K.B.S Chief (Marketing and Sales) Asian paints BAWARE RAVI, SEN ANAND KANSAL RAHUL JEJURIKAR RAJESH



CHADHA DHAREN, Building Successful Brands in MD, Momentum Strategic 21st century Consultants Pvt. Ltd MUTHURAMAN.B MD, The Tata Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. SAWHNEY MOHANBIR, CONNECTING ACROSS Mocormiok tribune professor of technology GENERATIONS CREATING INDIAN And Director center for research in BRANDS technology & Innovation BIYANI RAJESH BAID POOJ Winners of 3rd National Computation for Management. Studies (NCMS), AIMA

Strategies for becoming Customer Focused Organisation Brands that made India 2008 Most Trusted Brands, 2006



09MB20B Financial Institutions, Markets and Services

The objective of the course is to provide to students an understanding of Financial Markets, the major institutions involved and the services offered within this framework. Unit -1: Introduction: The structure of financial system; Equilibrium in financial markets; Indicators of Financial Development, Financial system and economic development ; Financial Sector reforms after 1991 - Regulatory and Promotional Institutions: Function and Role of RBI, Monetary Policy and techniques of monetary control of RBI. The role and functions of SEBI. An update on the performance on Nonstatutory Financial organization like IFCI, IRBI, NABARD, SIDBI, and SFCs . Unit -2:The banking and Non Banking Institutions : Commercial banks the public and the private sectors structure and comparative performance. The problems of competition; interest rates, spreads, and NPAs. Bank capital adequacy norms and capital market support. Banking Innovations. Co-operative banks- role, Govt. initiatives to strengthen the co-operative banks.- The Non-banking financial Institutions: Structure and functioning of Unit Trust of India and Mutual Funds. Growth of Indian Mutual funds and its Regulation. The Role of AMFI. Insurance Companies Structure and Investment Pattern of LIC, GIC and other insurance companies, Competition, innovation, Role of IRDA, Challenges of Insurance Sector. Unit -3:Financial and Securities Markets : Structure and functions of Call Money Market, Government Securities Market T-bills market, Commercial Bills market, Commercial paper and certificate of deposits- Securities markets Organisation and structure, Listing trading and settlement. SEBI and Regulation of Primary and Secondary Markets Unit -4:Asset/fund based Financial services lease finance , consumer credit and hire purchase finance, factoring definition, functions, advantages, evaluation and forfeiting, bills discounting, housing finance, venture capital financing. Fee-based / Advisory services: Stock broking, credit rating. Unit -5:Investment Banking: Introduction, Functions and activities, underwriting, bankers to an issue, debenture trustees, portfolio managers. Challenges faced by investment bankers.

L.M.Bhole: Financial Institutions and Markets, TMH, 2009. Vasant Desai: Financial Markets and Financial Services, Himalaya,2009


Rammohan: Regulation of Financial Intermediaries in Emerging Markets, Sage, 2009 Pathak:Indian Financial Systems, Pearson, 2009 M.Y.Khan: Financial Services, TMH, 2009. S.Gurusamy: Financial Services and System, Cengage,2009 Meir Kohn: Financial Institutions and Markets, Oxford University Press, 2008. Anthony Saunders and Marcia Millon Cornett: Financial Markets and Institutions, TMH, 2009. Justin Paul and Padmalatha Suresh: Management of Banking and Financial Services, Pearson , 2009. Nanda Gopal: Emerging Financial Markets, Excel,2009. Nalini Prava Tripathy: Financial Services, Prentice Hall,2009. Frank.J.Fabozzi & Franco Modigliani: Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, Pearson, 2008. Vasant Desai, The Indian Financial System and Development, Himalaya,2009


JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB20C Management of Industrial Relations The objective of the course is to give a good understanding of dynamics of Industrial Relations against the backdrop of monitoring and regulatory environment in India. Unit -1:Industrial Relations : Economy and the Labour Force in India Approaches to Industrial Relations Industrial Relations in Comparative Frame work- Management and Employer organizations Introduction origin and growth. Trade Unions- introductionDefinition and objectives-growth and structure of Trade Unions in India-Trade Unions Act , 1926 and Legal framework-Union recognition-Union Problems- Non-Union firms Management of Trade Unions in India. Unit -2:Collective Bargaining: Nature and legal framework of collective bargaining Levels of Bargaining and Agreements- Change in the Labour-management relations in the post-liberalised India- Changes in the legal frame work of collective bargaining, negotiated flexibility, productivity bargaining, improved work relations, public sector bargaining and social security Negotiating techniques and skills drafting of an agreement. Unit -3:Tripartism and Social Dialogue: Types and levels of Tripartism social dialogue and the Reform Process Strengthening tripartite social dialogue Role of government in industrial relations. Unit -4:Labour Legislation-I Factories Act, 1948, Workmens Compensation Act, 1923, ESI Act, 1948- The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, National wage policy Contemporary issues in Wage systems. Unit -5:Labour Legislation II: Industrial Disputes Act, 1948 - Grievance Handling Employee Grievances Causes of Grievances Conciliation, Arbitration and Adjudication procedural aspects for Settlement of Grievances Standing Orders- Code Discipline. Industrial Disputes: Meaning, nature and scope of industrial disputes - Cases and Consequences of Industrial Disputes Prevention and Settlement of industrial disputes in India- Employee Participation - Quality of Work Life- Managing good industrial relations. References
C S Venkataratnam: Management of Industrial Relations, Oxford University Press, 2009.

Memoria and Gauskar: Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya, 2009 Arun Monappa: Industrial Relations, TMH, 2009 Tapamoy Deb:Managing Human Resources & Industrial Relations, Excel,2009 B D Singh: Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, Excel, 2009. Sinha: Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation, Pearson, 2009. 47

P.K.Padhi: Labour and Industrial Laws, PHI, 2009. B D Singh: Industrial Relations, Excel, 2009

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB 20D PROJECT MANAGEMENT The objective of this course is to lay an important foundation to students in managing projects with a special focus on every phase such as project planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation. UNIT-1 Introduction Introduction-Project management-What is Project Management-why Project Management-Project Lifecycle- Project Management Research in brief, Project Management today, Organization strategy and structure and culture, Forma of organization structure, stake holder management, organization culture, creating a culture for Project Management. UNIT-2 Project Planning Project Planning Defining the project, Approaches to project screening and selection, Work breakdown structure, financial Module, Getting Approval and compiling a project charter, setting up a monitoring and controlling process. UNIT-3 Project Execution Initiating the Project, Controlling and Reporting project objectives, conducting project Evaluation, Managing Risk-Four Stage Process , risk management an integrated approach, cost Management, Creating a project Budget. UNIT-4 Leading Project Teams Building a project Team, Characteristics of a Effective project Team, achieving crossfunctional co-operation, virtual project teams, Conflicts management, Negotiations UNIT-5 Performance Measurement and Evaluation Project control cycles, monitoring project performances, Earned value management, Human factors in project Evaluation and control, Project termination, Types of project terminations, Project management and future current and future trends in project management.

Gray, Larson: Project Management-Tata McGraw Hill-2008 Enzo Frigenti: Project Management-Kogan, 2008 Jeffery K.Pinto: Project Management-Pearson Education-2009 Larry Richman: Project Management-PHI, 2008 Scott Berkun: Project Management, SPD, 2008 Thomas M.Cappels: Financially Focused Project Management, SPD,2008. Anita Rosen: Effective IT Project Management-PHI-2008. 48

R. Panneerselvam, P. Senthilkumar: Project Management, PHI, 2009 Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) of Project Management Institute, USA.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB20E Financial Modeling The objective of this course focuses on modeling as a generalized subject, regardless of the functionality a participant comes from. The course will focus on conceptualizing relationships that apply to variables in a given situation and the manipulation of variables for an end-objective. Participants will take part in a project to create a financial model from scratch by programming Excel and in the process, applying theory to practice. Unit 1: Introduction to Financial modeling-Types of financial models Model Design Identifying the purpose and mode of use of Model Flat payment schedules-Future values and applications Multiple Internal Rates and Return- How financial models work. Unit 2: Financial Statement Modeling Modeling and Projecting the financial statements Project Finance- Debt Repayment schedules Projecting the income statement Projecting the Balance statements Projecting the cash flow Statements. Unit 3: Valuation: Introduction to Financial Valuation Importance of Valuation Building Financial model Deriving Free cash flows Weighted average cost of capital Sensitivity analysis - Comparable Company Analysis Discounted Cash flow analysis. Unit 4: Portfolio Models: Calculating Portfolio means and variances Using Excess return matrix in Spread Sheet Ways of calculating Variance-Covariance matrix Estimating Betas and Security market line. Unit 5: Risk Modeling: Value at Risk Option payoff and profit patterns - Credit Risk modeling Option pricing models. References Benninga, Simon: Financial Modeling, 2/e, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2001 Benninga Simon: Financial Modeling, 3/e Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press,2008 Chandan Sengupta: Financial Modeling Using Excel and VBA, Wiley Finance,2004. Marshall & Bansal: Financial Engineering: A complete Guide to Financial Innovation, PHI, 2009. Subbarao & Parvateesam: Financial Engineering, Excel, 2009 Michael Rees: Financial Modeling in Practice, Wiley Finance, 2008 K Scott Proctor: Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel: A Guide of Business Professionals, Wiley Finance,2004 49

Keith A Allman: Modeling Structured Finance Cash flows With Microsoft Excel: astep by step guide, Wiley Finance, 2007 Thomas S. Y.Ho, Sang Bin Lee: The Oxford Guide to Financial modeling-Applications for Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Oxford University Press, 2004.


09MB21 Elective III


The objective of the course is to enable students to develop a deeper insight into the functioning of Retailing Sector with a special focus on merchandising and store management. Unit -1:Introduction: Advent of retailing -Functions of retailing - Types of retailing -Customer buying behavior-Retailing Strategy: Target market & Retail format - Growth strategies - Strategic retail planning process - Factors to be considered for retail planning. Human resources & Administrative Strategy: Designing the organizational structure for retail firm - Retail organization structures. Unit -2:Merchandising and pricing strategies : Merchandize planning - Sources of merchandize -Category Management - Buying systems to stores - Allocation of merchandize- Retail pricing strategies Approaches for setting pricing Pricing adjustments Using price to stimulate retail sales Promoting the merchandise Implementing an advertising plan. Unit -3:Store Management: Objectives of a good store design Store design Store layout Space planning Merchandise presentation techniques and atmospherics. Unit -4:Location strategies: Shopping centers Freestanding sites Location and retail strategies- Factors affecting the demand for a region or trade area Factors affecting the attractiveness of a site. Unit -5:Retailing in India: The present Indian retail scenario Factors affecting retailing in India Region wise analysis of Indian retailing Retailing opportunities in India. CRM in retail management, prompt delivery, customer satisfaction after sales service etc. References Levy & Weitz: Retailing Management , TMH, 2009. Fernie: Logistics & Retail Management, Kogan Page, 2009 Arif sheik: Retail Management, HPH,2008 Sivakumar:Retail Management, Excel, 2009 A.J.Lamba: The art of Retailing, TMH, 2009. 50

Andrew J Newmann & Petes Cullen: Cengage Learning, 2009. Barry Berman Joel &R Evans: Retailing Management-A Strategic Approach, Pearson Education, 2009. Swapna Pradhan: Retailing Management Texts & Cases, TMH, 2009 Diamond: Retail Buying, Pearson, 2009 Sathish Taneja: Franchising, Paragon International, 2009 CDs (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA) AUTHOR TITLE SALUJA NAVNEET, THE CHANGING FACE OF Chief Executive, Reliance Retail-Delhi RETAILING IN INDIA SINGHAL ARVIND Chairman, Technopak Advisors Pvt Ltd. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0

The objective of this course is to make students efficient in the area of Derivatives, giving them the knowledge of basics in Derivatives, Future Markets, Option Strategies, etc. Unit I: Introduction to Derivatives Development and Growth of Derivative Markets, Types of Derivatives, Uses of Derivatives, Fundamental linkages between spot & Derivative Markets, The Role of Derivatives Market, Uses & Misuses of derivatives. Unit II: Future and Forward Market structure of forward and Future Markets, Mechanics of future markets, Hedging Strategies, Using futures, Determination of forward and future prices, Interest rate futures, Currency futures and Forwards. Unit III: Options Distinguish between Options and Futures, Structure of Options Market, Principles of Option Pricing, Option Pricing Models: The Binomial Model, The Black Scholes Merton Model. Unit IV: Basic Option Strategies, Advanced Option Strategies, Trading with Options, Hedging with Options, Currency Options. Unit V:Swaps Concept and Nature, Evolution of Swap Market, Features of Swaps, Major types of Swaps, Interest Rate Swaps, Currency Swaps, Commodity Swaps, Equity Index Swaps, Credit Risk in Swaps, Credit Swaps, using Swaps to Manage Risk, Pricing and Valuing Swaps. References Jayanth Rama Varma: Derivatives and Risk Management, TMH, 2008. John C Hull: Options, Futures and other derivatives, 7th Edition, Pearson , 2009 Mishra: Financial Derivatives, Excel, 2009. 51

S.L.Gupta: Financial Derivatives: Theory, Concepts and Problems, Prentice Hall, 2009 S.S.Kumar; Financial Derivatives, PHI, 2009 David A. Dubofsky, Thomas W Muller, TR: Derivatives Valuation and Risk Management, Oxford, 2008 Don M Chance, Robert Brooks: Derivatives and Risk Management Basics, Cengage, 2008. A.N.Sridhar: Futures and Options, Equities & Commodities, Shroff Publishers and Distributors, 2008.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB21C TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The objective of this study is to specialize the HR students in the process of Training and Development . Unit 1 : Training Choices and Dynamics : What is training?, Assumption for prevailing and alternative concepts of training, action through training or action through force, culture and other contexts, training strategy, overview of training process. Establishing the objectives and preparing the partners, Organizational collaboration through clarifying needs, two dilemmas of development, clarifying individual motivation for training, seven system functions with candidates for training. Unit 2 : Designing the Program-Designing the successive approximations, five steps in program design, outlining programme sequences and themes, composing the detailed syllabus, modular approach to programme design, building in flexibility, monitoring and improving training during the programme, training schedules and time tables. Unit 3 : Training Methods- Two faulty juxtapositions, events-reflection-experience, learning on the job nine training requirements methods, training methods compared with objectives, learning process and facilities, Developing Group And The Climate: the social process three aspects, indicators of group development, the training climate, Trainers And Training Style: Personal needs of trainers, power and influence, trainers realness under pressure, trainers role, trainers style, Post training support for improved performance at work. Unit 4: Evaluation of Training : Issues for evaluation, role of the training system with evaluators from other constituencies, Training And Training System Developmentsystem goals and approaches to system development, tasks of the training system, the dynamics of developing training systems, Training Centre And Like InstitutionsCharacteristics, dilemmas, consistent learning environment for participants, institutional climate for trainers, trainers language of resistance, crises dilemmas and resolution in institution development, the training centre in its environment, Action Research For Better Training- Action research by trainers, some questions for trainers to study, trainers-researchers. 52

Unit 5 : Training instruments Self-assessment exercise- Self Awareness Questionnaires, Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation Behavior (FIRO-B), Setting goals for subordinates, couching counseling and mentoring, empowering people through delegation, working with teams, creative problem solving.(Reference 2) References Raymond A Noe: Employee Training and development, TMH, 4/e,2008. Rolf P Lynton, Udai Pareek: Training for Development, Vistaar Publications, 2008. G Pandu Naik: Training and development, Excel Books,2007. P.Nick Blanchard, James Thacker: Effective Training, Pearson Education , 3/e,2009. Stephen P.Robins: Training in Interpersonal Skills, PHI,4/e,2008. R K Sahu: Training for Development: Excel Books,2006.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD III SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB21D KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT The objective of the course is to provide the basics of the emerging area of Knowledge Management to students. This course through light on few important concepts as Knowledge management and Information Technology, Knowledge process, etc. Unit 1: The Knowledge Economy: Leveraging Knowledge, Data-Informationknowledge-Wisdom relationship, organizational knowledge, characteristics and components of organizational knowledge Building knowledge societies- Measures for meeting the challenges of implementing KM programmes. Unit 2: Knowledge Management and Information Technology: Role Information Technology in Knowledge Management Systems, Knowledge Management tools, Creative effective Knowledge Management Systems through Information Technology, ERP and BPR, Data Warehousing and Data Mining. Unit 3: Future of Knowledge Management and Industry perspective : Companies on the road to knowledge management, Knowledge Management in Manufacturing and service industry, challenges and future of Knowledge Management. Unit 4: The Knowledge Process : Universal appeal, Stages of KM Process, Knowledge Capital vs physical capital, Customer Relationship Management, Business Ethics And KM, The Promise of Internet and the Imperatives of the new age. Unit 5: Implementation of Knowledge Management: Discussion on Roadblocks to success,10-step KM Road Map of Amrit Tiwana, Business Intelligence and Internet platforms, web Portals, Information Architecture: A three-way Balancing Act, KM, 53

the Indian experience, Net Banking in India. Role of knowledge Management in Organizational Restructuring. -The Mystique of a Learning Organisation. References Mattison: Web Warehousing & Knowledge Management, Tata McGrawHill,2009 Becerra Fernandez: Knowledge management: An Evolutionary view, PHI, 2009 Fernando: Knowledge Management, Pearson, 2009 B.Rathan Reddy: Knowledge management, Himalaya, 2009 Tapan K Panda: Knowledge Management, Excel, 2009. Barnes: Knowledge Management systems, Cengage, 2009. Tiwana: The Knowledge Management tool kit, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2009. Warier: Knowledge Management, Vikas Publishing House, 2009 Sislop: Knowledge Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2009 Debowski: Knowledge Management, Wiley Student Edition, Wiley India, 2007


09MB21E Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is an area of statistical analysis that deals with extracting information from data and using it to predict future trends and behavior patterns. Predictive analytics is being increasingly used in insurance, telecommunications, retail, travel, healthcare, pharmaceuticals and other fields. Here, the focus is on developing models that process a customers credit history, loan application, customer data, etc., in order to rank-order individuals by their likelihood of making future credit payments on time. Internal Evaluation (for 40 Marks) for this paper will be based on performance on SPSS17.0 Predictive Analytics Software Statistics. Lab

Unit 1: Introduction to Predictive analytics and Time series analysis Introduction: Introduction to Predictive analytics: Definition, Types of predictive models, Applications of Predictive analytics Areas of application, Objectives of time series analysis, Component of time series, Descriptive analysis. Distributional properties: Independence, Autocorrelation, Stationary. Probability models to time series: Random walk, Autoregressive model. Moving Average model, mixed models, parameter estimation, Diagnostics. Forecasting: Optimal forecasts, Forecasts for ARMA models, Exponential Smoothing forecasting method. Unit 2 Regression and Logistic regression Importance of Regression Analysis, Key principles and features of Regression AnalysisMeasuring associations using correlations, Building simple linear regression models Extension to many variables Multiple Regression, Concepts of Logistic Regression Addressing business problems using Logistic Regression, applying Logistic Regression for best effect 54

Unit 3 Customer/ Product Segmentation and Cluster analysis Introduction to classification and clustering: visualization techniques, including principal components and multidimensional scaling. Methods of cluster analysis, graphical outputs, identification of outliers and determination of optimal number of clusters -Business benefits of segmentation- Key issues in segmentation- Define objective of segmentationIdentification of base for segmentation (people vs businesses vs occasions, global vs local)- Identification and development of input variables (needs, behaviours, demographics)- Selection of appropriate segmentation approach- Analytic issues (stability testing, outliers etc)- Creating allocation models for databases- Segmentation techniquespros and cons Unit 4 Simulation and Revenue forecasting: Process of Simulation, Monte Carlo Method, Waiting Line-Simulation Method, , Marketing Management Simulation, Special Techniques Of Marketing Research, The role of demand forecasting in revenue management, develop various extrapolative forecasting methods , measuring forecast error and compare different forecasting methods. Unit 5 Customer Reporting & Profiling through Data Mining: Development of customer profile - their needs and wants - competitive analysis of the business and listing competitors- List the strengths and weakness in terms of the products/services offered. Customer value, models for increasing its value/satisfaction/quality, Sourcing and analysing customer relevant data.


Donald.R.Cooper and Pamila.S.Schindler: Marketing Research Concept & Cases, TMH, 2006. Malhotra, Naresh: Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 5/e, Pearson, 2009. Gilbert A. Churchill and Dawn Iacobucci: Marketing Research-- Methodological Foundations, 9/e, Cengage, 2005 Aaker, David, V. Kumar and George Day: Marketing Research, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons,1995. Dillon, William R., Madden, Thomas J., and Firtle, Neil H: Essentials of Marketing Research, 1/e Richard D. Irwin, Inc, 1993. Phillips, Robert: Pricing and Revenue Optimization, Stanford University Press 2005. Makridakis, Spyros, Wheelwright, Steven, and Hyndman, Rob: Forecasting-Methods and Applications. Wiley, New York, 1998. Diebold, Francis: Elements of Forecasting ,Cengage,2003. Churchill: Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations, Cengage, 2007 55

Zikmund: Essentials of Marketing Research, Cengage Learning, 2007 Gary L. Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy: Marketing Engineering: ComputerAssisted Marketing Analysis and Planning, 2/e,Trafford,2009



The objective of the course is to provide students with a perspective of International Marketing Management, its environment and complexities. The prerequisite for the course is Marketing Management taught in II semester. Unit -1:International Marketing: Scope and Significance of International Marketing, the strategic importance of international marketing , Differences between international and domestic marketing . Need for international trade, trends in foreign trade. International market environment - Business Customs in International Market. Unit -2:Canalising and targeting international market opportunities: regional market Characteristics, Marketing in transitional economies and third world countries, international market segmentation and targeting. International Market Entry Strategies: Indirect Exporting, Domestic Purchasing, Direct Exporting , Foreign Manufacturing Strategies Without Direct Investment, Foreign Manufacturing Strategies With Direct Investment. Entry Strategies of Indian Firms. Unit -3:International product management: International product positioning, Product saturation Levels in global Market, International product life cycle, Geographic ExpansionStrategic Alternatives. New products in Intentional Marketing, Product and culture, brands in International Market. Unit -4:International Marketing Channels: channels Distribution Structures, Distribution Patterns, Factors effecting Choice of Channels, the Challenges in Managing 56

An international Distribution Strategy Selecting Foreign Country Market intermediaries. The management of physical distribution of goods. Unit -5:Pricing and Promotion for international Markets: Environmental influences on Pricing Decisions , Grey Market goods, Transfer pricing, Global Pricing Policy Alternatives. Global Advertising and brandy, selecting an advertising agency. Personal selling, Sales Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, Sponsorship Promotion. Export Policy Decisions of a firm, EXIM policy of India. Export costing and pricing, Export procedures and export documentation. Export assistance and incentives in India. References Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham: International Marketing, Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd., 2009. Mathur: International Marketing, Sage, 2009 Roger Bennett & Jim Blythe: International Marketing Strategy Planning Market Entry & Implementation, Kogan, 2009. Francis Cherunillum: International Marketing, Himalaya, 2009. Vasudeva: International Marketing, Excel,2009. Sak Onkvisit, John J. Shaw: International Marketing Analysis and Strategy, 3/e, Pearson, 2009. Isobel Doole and Robin Lowe: International Marketing Strategy, 2/e, Cengage, 2009. Subhash C. Jain: International Marketing, Cengage, 2009. Keegan: Global marketing Management, Pearson, 2009. Michael Czinketa: International Marketing 8/e, Cengage, 2009

CDS (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA) Author Title WATTS JEFFREY DEVELOPING GLOBAL Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting MINDSET Co. Ltd Japan. NEMER ANNE Associate Director, University of Pittsburgh D SHIV KUMAR MD, Nokia India.



09MB22B International Financial Management

The objective of the course is to provide students with a broad view of International Monetary Systems and its understanding to enable a global manager to do business in a global setting. The prerequisite for the course is Financial Accounting and Analysis and Financial Management. Discounting and Statistical tables need be provided to students for examination.

Unit -1:International Financial Management: An overview, Importance, nature and scope, Theories of International business, International Business Methods, Recent changes and challenges in IFM - International Flow of Funds: Balance of Payments (BoP), Fundamentals of BoP, Accounting components of BOP, Factors affecting International Trade flows, Agencies that facilitate International flows. Indian BoP Trends. Unit -2:International Monetary System: Evolution, Gold Standard, Bretton Woods system, the flexible exchange rate regime, evaluation of floating rates, the current exchange rate arrangements, the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Unit -3:Foreign Exchange Market: Function and Structure of the Forex markets, major participants, types of transactions and settlements dates, Foreign exchange quotations, process of arbitrage, speculation in the forward market - Currency Futures and Options


Markets, Overview of the other markets Euro currency market, Euro credit market, Euro bond market, International Stock market. Unit -4:Exchange Rates: Measuring exchange rate movements, Factors influencing exchange rates. Government influence on exchange rates exchange rate systems. Managing Foreign exchange Risk. International arbitrage and interest rate parity. Relationship between inflation, interest rates and exchange rates Purchasing Power Parity International Fisher Effect Fisher Effect. Unit -5:Assetliability Management: Foreign Direct Investment, International Capital Budgeting, International Capital structure and cost of capital. International Portfolio Management. International Financing: Equity, Bond financing, parallel loans International Cash management, accounts receivable management, inventory management. Payment methods of international trade, trade finance methods, Export Import bank of India, recent amendments in EXIM policy, regulations and guidelines. References S.Eun Choel and Risnick Bruce: International Financial Management, TMH, 2009 T. Siddaiah: International Financial Management, Pearson, 2009 Alan C.Shapiro: Multinational Financial Management, John Wiley, 2009. Jeff Madura: International Corporate Management, Cengage, 2009. V.A Avadhani: International Financial Management, HPH, 2008 Madhu Vij: International Financial Management, Excel, 2009. P.K Jain: Josette Peyrard and Surendra S. Yadav, International Financial Management, Macmillan, 2009. P.G.Apte: International Financial Management, TMH 2009. Maurice D.Levi: International Finance, TMH, 2009 Srivastava: Multinational Financial Management: Excel, 2009. David K. Eiteman, Arthur I.Stonehill and Michael H.Moffeth: Multinational Business Finance, 10th edition, Pearson Education 2009. Ephrain Clark: International Finance, Cengage, 2009 Reid W. Click & Joshva D.Coval: The Theory and Practice of International Financial Management. Prentice Hall India, 2009.


JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB22C Performance Management The objective of the course is to provide an outline of performance management of individuals in the organization. The prerequisite for the course is knowledge of HRM. Unit 1: Introduction to performance management, planning performance for role clarity, accountability and effectiveness, increasing self awareness and understanding: Self Appraisal, performance analysis. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.: Aligning people to business goals, Performance Management System in Titan. Unit 2 Improving quality of performance ratings, Performance Review Discussion, Using Performance Management Systems, Data for HR Decision and Performance Improvements, Performance Management Systems and Appraisal Practices in India, Performance Management Systems and Appraisal Practices in some Asian Countries. Performance Management System in Infosys, Performance Management System in Dr.Reddys Laboratories Unit 3: Making Performance Management Systems and Appraisals Work, Monitoring Performance Planning Analysis and Development Systems, Focusing on Team Performance for Better Results. Performance Management System in National Stock Exchange, Performance Planning Development Review and Management System: NOCIL.


Unit 4: Rating-Less Appraisals for the future of performance management systems, Performance Management : From Systems to Spiritual Approach, Implementing Performance Management Systems. Unit 5: Strategies for performance management, Competency Mapping, Benchmarking. Case Studies -Integrating 360 degree Feedback with Performance Management System : TISCO, 360 Degree or Multirater Assessment and Feedback Systems, Potential Appraisal. References T.V.Rao: Performance Management and Appraisal Systems, Response, 2008. Herman Aguinis: Performance Management, Pearson Education, 2009. T.V.Rao: 360 Degree Feedback and Assessment and Development Centres, Excel, 2005. Kandula: Performance management, PHI, 2009. Michael Armstrong: Performance Management, Kogan Page, 2007. A.S.Kohli, T.Deb: Performance Management, Oxford Higher Education, 2008. Dinesh K Srivastava: Strategies for Performance Management, Excel, 2005. Prem Chedda: Performance Management Systems, MacMillan, 2008.


09MB 22D Information Systems Control & Audit

The objective of the course is to provide students with a knowledge of control of Information Systems and Audit. The prerequisite for the course is knowledge of ERP & MIS. Unit -1:Overview of Information System Auditing-Conducting an Information Systems Audit, Overview & steps in an Audit. Unit -2:The Management Control Framework-I: Introduction, Systems Development Management Controls, Security Management Controls, Operations management Controls, Quality assurance Management Controls. Unit -3:The Application Control Framework-I : Boundary Controls, Input Controls, Processing Controls, Database Controls, output Controls. Unit -4:Evidence Collection & Evaluation: Audit Software, Code Review, Test Data, and Code Comparison, Concurrent Auditing techniques, Interviews, Questionnaires ,and Control Flowcharts. Performance Management tools. Evaluating Asset Safeguarding and Data Integrity, Evaluating System Effectiveness, Efficiency.


Unit -5:Information Systems Audit and Management: Managing the Information Systems Audit Function, Introduction, Planning Function, Organising Function, Staffing Function, Leading Function, Controlling Function, Some Features of Information Systems Auditing.

Ron Weber: Information Systems Control and Audit, Pearson, 2006. James A.Hall: Information Technology Auditing and Assurance, Cengage. 2008. Davis: IT Auditing, TMH, 2007 David Ricchiute: Auditing and Assurance Services, 7/e, Cengage, 2008. Cannon, Bergmann, Pamplin: CICA- Certified Information Systems Auditor, Study Guide, 1/e , Sybex, WILEY- India, 2006. Ronald, Russel: The CISSP prep Guide, 2/e. Wiley, Dreamtech, 2006. Alter: Information Systems, Pearson, 2009

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB22E MANAGEMENT OF NGOS The objective of this course is to develop an insight into the functioning of NonGovernment Organisations and understand different strategies for capacity building of NGOs. Also how NGOs can leverage with Microfinance will be covered here. Unit-1: Understanding NGOs - Concept and back ground of NGOs-Types of NGOs and History of NGOs in India- concept of civil society- Role of Civil society in Social Change Government Schemes in Social Sector-International Schemes supporting NGOs and premier NGOs in India-Advocacy and Social Mobilization- key management functions of leadership and governance relating to NGOs. Unit-2: Strategy, Structures and Systems of NGOs-Principles and models of NGO to develop structures-Vision and Mission of NGOs-People Management in NGOsRecruiting- Developing and retaining people in NGOs. Mobilising and Managing Financial Resources-Foreign Contribution Regulatory Act (FCRA) Registration of NGOs (Society Registration Act, Bombay Public trust Act and Foundation Act, Companies Act)-Income Tax Act (sec35AC and Sec80G)-Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)- Labour laws-Audit Reports in NGOs. Unit-3: Managing for Effective Impact -Different approaches to measuring impact-The role of NGO managers learning and managing change- Strategic Planning and 62

Organization- Developing and Organizing Resources- Designing Marketing MixPlanning and Budgeting Marketing Mix- Controling Marketing Strategies. Unit-4: Strategy and management of Social Enterprise- Business Involvement Social Issues and Organization- Strategies to create Business and Social Value-NGO Sector and emerging global economy. Unit-5: Leveraging with Micro-Finance - Roots of Microfinance: ROSCAs and Credit Cooperatives, Micro Financing Industry today- Microfinance Products- Agricultural Microfinance Regulations and Supervision on Micro Finance Institutions Role of NABARD- Mutually aided co-operative societies Microfinance credit lending models Group Lending Methodology - Differentiation of Self Help Groups(SHG) and Joint Liability Group Model Transaction cost and time for lending SHGs cluster and Federations.

David Lewis:The Management Organisations,2/e,Routledge, 2009 of Non-Governmental Development

Philip smith & Eric Thurman, A Billion Bootstraps: Microcredit, Barefoot banking, McGraw Hill Publication,2006. K.G. Karnakar, Microfinance in India, Sage 2009. Prabhu Ghate, Indian Microfinance The Challenges of rapid growth, Sage, 2009 Murthy, Ranjani K and Nitya Rao: Addressing poverty : Indian NGOs and their Capacity Enhancement in the 1990s, Fredric Edmund Stiftfung, 1997 Choudhary D.P.: Voluntary Social Welfare in India, Sterling,1995. Pruthi.R.K: NGOs in New Millennium, Saad Publications, 2006 Chandra Sneha Latha: Non-Governmental Organizations-Structure, Relevance and Functions, Kanishka, 2001 Connors, Tract Daiina (Ed.): The Non-Profit Management Hand book, Operating politics and procedures, New York, John Wiley,1993. Debadutta K. Panda, Understanding Microfinance, Wiley India, 2009. Beatriz Armendariz and Jonathan Morduch, The Economics of Microfinance, PHI Learning Private limited, 2009.



09MB23 Elective V 09MB23A SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT The objective of this course is to provide students a wonderful of opportunity of learning the basics and concepts of Sales Management and Distribution Management.
Unit 1: Introduction: Evolution of Sales Management- Nature and importance of Sales Management- Roles, Types and Skills of Sales Managers- Sales Objectives, Strategies and Tactics- Emerging Trends in Sales Management- Linking Sales and Distribution Management- Psychology in Selling- Buying Decision- Sales Knowledge and Sales Related marketing policies- Sales Process- Transactional and Relationship Selling. Unit 2: Management of Sales-I : Strategic Planning- Role of Marketing & SalesMarketing & personal selling Strategies Sales Strategy Developing sales forecastForecasting approaches- Sales budget- Defining sales territories-Procedures for designing territories- Assigning territories to people- Managing Territories-Sales Quotas. Unit 3: Management of Sales II: Concepts of Sales Organisation- Types of Sales organization structures- Specialization within sales organization- Sizing and Staffing the Sales force Training and Motivating Sales Force- Compensating and Leading Sales force- Sales force expenses Marketing audit- Sales force audit- Evaluation of sales orgEvaluating and controlling the performance of sales force. Unit 4: Distribution Management: Definition- Need for Distribution ManagementNeed for Distribution Channels Value addition of Distribution Management- Marketing 64

Channels- Channel Formats- Relationship of flows to service levels Channel levels Service Channels- retailer as a salesman Trading /Retail Formats E-Tailing Wholesale Functions & Classification Major Wholesaling decisions- DistributorsDealers/ Stockists. Unit 5: Designing Channel Systems: Channel Design factor Channel planning process Ideal Channel structure Training, Motivating & Evaluating Channel membersChannel Design Comparison Implementation Vertical Integration Channel Management Power & Conflict Principles of Channel Management Channel Information System- International Sales and Distribution Management. References Krishna K Havaldar & Vasant M Cavale: Sales and Distribution Management, TMH, 2007 Chunawala: Advertising, Sales and promotion Management, HPH, 2009 S L Gupta: Sales and distribution Management, Excel, 2009. Tanner : Sales Management, Pearson, 2009. Donald J. Bowersox & M. Bixby Cooper: Strategic Marketing and Channel Management, TMH, 2008 John F Tanner Jr, Earl D Honeycutt Jr & Robert C Erffmeyer: Sales Management, Pearson Education, 2009. Pran Choudhury, Ricky Elliott & Alan Toop: Successful Sales Promotion, Orient Longman Limited,1998 Subhash C Jain: Marketing Strategy, Cengage, 2008 Kazmi: Marketing Management, Excel, 2007 Coughlan:Marketing Channels, Pearson, 2009


JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB23B. STRATEGIC INVESTMENT AND FINANCING DECISIONS The objective of the course is to provide students with a knowledge of investment and Financing decisions from the strategic perspective. The prerequisite for the course is Financial Accounting and Analysis and Financial Management. students need to be provided with discounting and statistical table for examination Unit -:Investment decisions under conditions of Risk and uncertainty: Concepts of risk and uncertainty. Risk Analysis in Investment Decisions. Risk adjusted rate of return, certainty equivalents, probability distribution of cash flows, decision trees, sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo Approach to Simulation. Investment Decisions under capital constraints: Capital Rationing Vs. Portfolio. Portfolio Risk and diversified projects. Unit -2:Types of Investments and disinvestments: Project abandonment decisions, Evidence of IRR. Multiple IRR, Modified IRR, Pure, simple and mixed investments. Lorie Savage Paradox. Adjusted NPV and impact of inflation on capital budgeting decisions. Unit -3:Critical analysis of appraisal techniques: Discounted pay back, post pay back, surplus life and surplus pay back, Bail-out pay back, Return on Investment, Equivalent Annual Cost, Terminal Value, single period constraints, multi-period capital constraint and an unresolved problem, NPV mean variance analysis, Hertz Simulation and Hillier approaches. Significance of information and data bank in project selections. Unit -4:Strategic Analysis of selected investment decisions: Lease Financing, Leasing Vs. Operating Risk, borrowing vs. procuring. Hire purchase and Instalment decisions. Mergers and acquisitions in Capital Budgeting, cash vs. equity for financial mergers. 66

Unit -5:Financing Decisions: International Capital Structure: Modigliani Miller Model: Hamada Model of Market Risk: The Miller Model: The Trade-Off Models and Agency Costs: Capital Structure Theory the Signaling Model. References Prasanna Chandra: Financial Management, 7/e, TMH, 2008 Vishwanath, Corporate Finance, Sage, 2009 Alan Shapiro: Capital Budgeting and investment Analysis, Pearson, 2008. Prasanna Chandra: Projects: Planning, Analysis, Financing Implementation and Review, 6/e ,TMH, 2008 Brigham & Ehrhardt: Financial Management, Text and Cases, Cengage, 2005. James P. Lewis: Project Planning, Scheduling and Controlling,3/e,TMH 2004. I.M. Pandey: Financial Management, Vikas 2009. MY Khan and PK Jain: Financial Management: Text, Problems & Cases, TMH, 2008. Richard Pike &Bill Neale: Corporate Finance & InvestmentDecisions and Strategies, 2/e, PHI, New Delhi, 2008. Alexander: Fundamentals of Investment 3/e Pearson,2008 Robert A Haugen: Modern Investment theory, 5/e, Pearson,2009. Titman:Valuation, Pearson, 2009 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB23C MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE The objective of the course is to enable students understand how to cope up with the changes that take place constantly in business. The prerequisite for the course is knowledge of HRM and Organisational Behaviour subjects. Unit -1:Change Management: Introduction, An overview of change, Forces of Change, Types of Change, change models, change programmes change levers-Change as growth change as transformation change as turnaround Value-based change Cases- A Hewlett Packard Change Story: Managing a Merger, An IBM Change Story: Transformational Change from below and above, A McDonalds Change Story: Responding to Pressure. Unit -2:Mapping and diagnosing change: The role of diagramming in system investigation A review of basic flow diagramming techniques systems relationships systems diagramming and mapping, influence charts, multiple cause diagrams- A multidisciplinary approach- Cases Chipping Away at Intel, Nestle, Boeing. Unit -3:Change Diagnosis & Resistance to Change : Diagnosis Models and Component Analysis diagnosing readiness to change- Resistance to change: Factors contributing to resistance, cognitive and affective processes, recognizing resistance, Managers as resistors to change - suggestions to manage resistance- Cases-Problems at Perrier, Innovations at Wipro. 67

Unit -4:Implementing change: Organisation Development - Meaning, Nature and scope of OD - Dynamics of planned change Person-focused and role-focused OD interventions Planning OD Strategy Implementing change through OD, Appreciative inquiry and sense-making approaches- Contingency and Processual Approaches to implementing change- Change at Dupont, British Airways Swipe Card Debacle, Implementing Tata Business Excellence Model in Tata Steel Unit -5:Linking vision and Change: Content of meaningful vision Strategies for communicating change- Consolidating change: Actions to consolidate to change Signs of consolidation of change - caution to be observed- Cases, Roel of Vision at Mentor Graphics. Note: Cases in Reference 1 and 2. References AUTHOR Palmer, Dunford, Akin: Managing Organisational ChangeA multiple perspective Approach, TMH, 2009. Mike Green: Change management, Kogan Page, 2009. V.Nilakant and S.Ramnarayan: Managing Change, Response Books, New Delhi, 2009. Radha R Sharma: Change ManagementConcepts and Applications, TMH, 2009 Robert A Paton and James McCalman: Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation 2/e,Response 2009. Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Change and Transition, HBS Press, 2007. Thorn Hill: Managing Change,Pearson,2009. Joseph W. Weiss: Organisational Behaviour and Change--Managing Diversity, Cross cultural dynamics and Ethics. Cengage, 2009. Harvard Business Essentials:Coaching and Mentoring, HBS Press, 2009. Passmore, Stefan: Appreciative inquiry for change Management, Kogan Page, 2009 French: Organizational Development and Transformation, 6/e, TMH, 2009 CDs (EXCEL MULTIMEDIA) TITLE

RAHU SUBIR,M.P. THAPAR GAURAM Vice Chairman & MD, Ballarpur Industries Ltd. SUBIR RAHA President, AIMA and Former CMD, ONGC SAMPATH KUMAR MOORTHY President, Sundaram Fastenses PANDA B J, MUTHURAMAN B




EMERGING LEADERSHIP: ACQUIRING A GLOBAL MINDSET SCHWARTZ PETER Chairman Global Business Network Monitor Group CHEN HONG Chairman & CEO the Hina Group Inc, China. DATTA RAJ, Head(Knowledge Nanagement Group) Mindtree Consulting Pvt. Ltd. VERMA YASHO V Director (HR & MS), Lg Electronics Ind Ltd CNBC CDs TV18 MEGA TRENDS OF THE NEXT DECADE


Some Inspirational Movies from Management perspective (Management of Change) English Hindi Telugu Gladiator LAGAN Sye Goal-I IQBAL Gamyam, Goal-2 Lakshya Victory Swadesh 10,000 BC Guru United 93 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0


The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of Decision Support System for Management decisions. The prerequisite for the course is knowledge of ERP & MIS. Unit 1: Decision- Making and Computerized support- Management support systems Managerial Decision Making and Information Systems Computerized Decision support and supporting technologies - Decision-Making Systems - Modeling, and Support Unit 2: Decision Support System Decision support systems configurations - The knowledge based management system The Decision Support system Hardware Decision support system classifications - Modeling and Analysis Certainty, Uncertainty and Risk - Management support system modeling Decision Analysis and alternatives Multiple goals, Sensitivity analysis and Goal seeking - DSS Development Unit 3:Developing Decision Support systems and Deterministic Models, the DSS Development Methodology Decision Support Systems Technology levels and tools Models Required to Cope With Uncertainty, Probabilistic Models and Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy DSS and Fuzzy Expert DSS.


Unit 4: Application of DSS to Some Functional Areas of Management Like Finance, Marketing, Production Planning and Control Etc. Feasibility of DSS Technicals and Financial viability Unit 5: Non-Optimising Models of DSS and Intelligent Decision Support systems Artificial Intelligence Concepts of Expert systems Problems and limitations of Experts systems Expert systems success factors- Knowledge acquisition - Simulation Techniques and Monte- Carlo Methods.

Macllah: Decision Support Systems and Data Warehousing, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2000. Efraim Turban, Jay E. Aronson, Ting-Peng Liang: DSS and Intelligent Systems, Pearson Education, 2009 Stevenson: Introduction to Management Science, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008. James A Obrien, George M Marakas: Management Information systems, 7/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008. George M..Marakas: Decision Support Systems in the 21st Century, 2/e, PHI, 2008. Anderson: Introduction to Management Science & Quantitative techniques for Decision Making, Cengage, 2009 Hiller, Lieberman: Operations Research: Concepts & Cases, 8/e, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2008.



The objective of this course is to offer students a beautiful opportunity to learn about the emerging Marketing technique Rural Marketing. The present corporate world is eagerly waiting for professionals in Rural Marketing of their products and hence the course attains a huge importance. The prerequisite for this Course is Marketing Management which are being taught in 1st semester. Unit 1: Introduction: Meaning - Evolution Rural Marketing Models Rural Marketing Vs Urban Marketing Nature and Characteristics of Rural Market Indian Rural Market Parameters differentiating Urban & Rural Market - Differences in consumer behavior in Rural and Urban market. Unit 2 : Rural Market Research: Challenges & Opportunities in Rural Marketing Need and Wants of Consumer Behaviour Factors influencing Rural consumers during purchase of product Rural consumer Life style Rural market research Evolution of Rural Market Research Methods and Sources of Data Collection Data Collection tools-Limitations and Challenges in Rural Market Research. Unit 3: Rural Marketing Mix: Rural Marketing Mix Additional Ps in Rural Marketing 4As of Rural Marketing Mix New Product Development for Rural Market 70

Rural Market Product Life Cycle Objectives behind new product launch New Product development process. Unit 4 : Rural Market Brand & Channel Management: Brand Loyalty in Rural Market Regional Brands Vs National Brands Channel Management Indian Rural Retail Market Rural Retail Channel Management Strategies of Rural Retail Channel Management. Unit 5: Innovation for Rural Market Marketing Strategies e Rural Marketing Agricultural Co operative Marketing Rural Market Mapping Corporate Social Responsibility Organised Rural Marketing IT for Rural Development e-Governance for Rural India. References Balram Dogra & Karminder Ghuman: Rural Marketing, TMH, 2009 C K Prahlad:Bottom of the Pyramid, Pearson, 2009 C.S.G.Krishnamacharyulu, Lalitha Ramakrishnan: Rural Marketing: Text and Cases, Pearson Education, 2009 Kaushik Sircar: Rural Marketing, Himalaya,2008 U.C.Mathur: Rural Marketing, Excel, 2009 R.V.Badi and N.V.Badi: Rural Marketing, Himalaya,2008 Ruby Roy Dholakia,Syed Ferhat Anwar and Khalid Hasan: Marketing Practices in Developing Economy, PHI, 2009 K.S.Habeeb: Rural Marketing in India, Himalaya,2008 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB24 Elective VI 09MB24A SERVICES MARKETING The objective of the course is to provide a deeper insight into the marketing management of companies offering services as product. The pre-requisite for this course is Marketing Management offered in I semester Unit 1:Understanding services marketing & CRM: Introduction, services in the modern economy, Classification of services, marketing services Vs. Physical services, services as a system -Customer Relationship Marketing: Relationship Marketing, the nature of service consumption, understanding customer needs and expectations, Strategic responses to the intangibility of service performances. Unit 2:Services market segmentations: The process of market segmentation, selecting the appropriate customer portfolio, creating and maintaining valued relations, customer loyalty. Creating value in a competitive market: Positioning a service in the market, value addition to the service product, planning and branding service products, new service development. Unit 3:Pricing & Promotion strategies for services: Service pricing, establishing monetary pricing objectives, foundations of pricing objectives, pricing and demand, 71

putting service pricing strategies into practice. Service promotion: The role of marketing communication. Implication for communication strategies, setting communication objectives, marketing communication mix. Unit 4:Planning and managing service delivery: Creating delivery systems in price, cyberspace and time. The physical evidence of the service space. The role of intermediaries, enhancing value by improving quality and productivity. Unit 5:Marketing plans for services: The marketing planning process, strategic context, situation review marketing strategy formulation, resource allocations and monitory marketing planning and services. References
Valarie A.Zeithaml & Mary Jo-Bitner: Services MarketingIntegrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, TMH, 2009. Christopher Lovelock: Services Marketing People, Technology, Strategy, Pearson 2009. Ravi Sankar: Services Marketing, Excel, 2009 Rajendra Nargundkar: Services Marketing, TMH, 2009 Verma: Services Marketing, Pearson-2009. Mark Davis: Managing Services People and Technology, McGraw-Hill International, 2009 Adrian Payne: The Essence of Services Marketing, PHI, 2009. Thomas J.Delong & Asish Nanda: Managing Professional ServicesText and Cases, McGraw-Hill International, 2009. Roland T. Rust and P.K. Kannan: E-Service New Directions in Theory and Practice, Prentice-Hall, 2009. James A Fitzsimmons: Services ManagementOperations, Strategy and Information Technology, 3/e, TMH, 2009. Hoffman: Services Marketing, Cengage, 2009 M.K.Rampal & S.L.Gupta: Service Marketing, Paragon International,2009.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB24B RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE The Objective of this course is to give students a deeper insight into the concepts and strategies of Risk Management and Insurance. Unit -1: Introduction to Risk Types of Risks facing Business and Individuals, Risk Management Process, Risk Management Methods, Risk Identification and Measurement, Risk Management Techniques: Non Insurance Methods. Unit -2: Insurance as a Risk Management Techniques Principles: Principle of Indemnity, Principle of Insurable Interest, Principle of Subrogation, Principle of utmost good Faith, Requisites of Insurable Risks, Requirements of an Insurance Contract, Distinguishes Characteristics of Insurance Contracts, Role of Agents and Brokers. Unit- 3: Risk Aversion and Risk Management by Individuals & Corporations, Loss Control, Types of Loss Control, Optional Loss Control when Costs end Benefits are known. 72

Unit-4: Indian Insurance Industry: Life Insurance, General Insurance Growth, Development Role of Insurance in the economy, Regulation of Indian Insurance Business. Unit-5: Risk Management and Shareholders Wealth, Risk Retention / Reduction Decision, Alternative risk Management, Hedging with Derivative Contracts. References Scott E. Harringam Gregory R. Nichaus: Risk Management & Insurance, , TMH, 2009. George E. Rejda: Principles of risk Management & Insurance, , 9/e, Pearson Education, 2009. G.Koteshwar: Risk Management Insurance and Derivatives, Himalaya, 2008 Gulati: Principles of Insurance Management, Excel, 2009 James S Trieschmann, Robert E. Hoyt & David N. Sommer: Risk Management & Insurance, Cengage, 2009. Dorfman: Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance, 8/e,Pearson, 2009. P.K.Gupta: Insurance and Risk Management, Himalaya ,2009. Mark S.Dorfman: Risk Management and Insurance, Pearson, 2009. Vivek & P.N. Asthana: Financial Risk Management, Himalaya,2009

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB24C COMPENSATION AND REWARD MANAGEMENT The objective of this course is to specialize the HR students in the process of Compensation and Reward Management. The prerequisite for this course is Human Resource Management offered in 2nd semester. Unit 1: Evaluating, pricing and analyzing fobs and roles : T he approach to job evaluation, job evaluation in action, equal pay for work of equal value, conducting pay and benefit surveys and competency analysis. Unit 2 : Pay Structures- Pay structures purpose and types, graded pay structures, broad banding, rewarding individual and team contributions and organizational performance, performance related pay, performance management and rewards, shop floor incentive


schemes, skill based pay, competency related pay, team rewards, relating rewards to organizational performance, non financial rewards. Unit 3: Employee benefits, allowances and pension schemes, Managing the reward system for special groups, rewarding directors and senior executives, international pay and expatriates rewards, rewarding sales staff, managing reward systems, managing rewards with the help of computers. Unit 4: Cases studies The case of temperamental talent, High performance through Participative Management, When and Executive Defects, Empowerment that came undone, Team Based Compensation: The HR Managers Dilemma. (Reference 2) Unit 5: Case Studies Performance based compensation structure in Crompton Greaves Ltd., Performance Management System at Bharti Telecom, EVA Incentive Scheme: The TCS Approach and Experience.(Reference 3) References Milkovich,Newman: Compensation Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 Michael Armstrong: Employee Reward, Oxford University Press,2008 Tapomoy deb: Compensation Management, Excel Books,2009 Goel: Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management: A Modern Approach, PHI, 2009 Henderson: Compensation Management,Pearson-2008. B D Singh: Compensation and reward System, Excel Books,2007. Sunil Bakshi: Compensation Management, Paragon International,2009. Marticho: Strategic Compensation, Pearson, 2008. Dr. Sakshi Vasudeva: Compensation Management, Paragon International,2009



The objective of this course is to make students more competent in taking care of maintaining major or key accounts/clients. This course offers the knowledge of managing large and Key Accounts which has become the key functionality of Corporate Marketing. Unit-1: Introduction: Account Management- Big Picture Strategy- Targeting your large account Buy Sell Hierarchy (Levels of Business Relationship)-setting your strategyBasic principles.


Unit-2: Strategic Analysis: Charter Statements Goals Focus Investments- Stop Investments Revenue targets Pre-Action Overview. Unit 3: Situation Appraisal : Selecting right accounts (Preparing the ground) Account Summary- Account view Situation Accounts trends & opportunities-Strengths and Vulnerabilities Key account plan Timetable and Performance Unit 4 : Key Account Management & Customer Perspective: Supplier positioning Becoming key supplier Measuring Value Measuring Trust Supplier Power/ Trust Model Understanding business strategy, Culture and Values. Unit 5: Preparing and Entering Key Account Management: Goals and ObstaclesProcess and Systems- Organization and Resources- Buying decision process- Decision making units Key account management e revolution.

Robert e miller, Stephene Heiman & Tad Tuleja: Successful Large Account Management, 3/e Kogan Page, 2005 Symonds: Global Account Management- Kogan, 2002. Noel Capon: Key Account Management & Planning, The Free press,2001 Jim Blythe: Sales & Key Account Management, Cengage, 2009 Peter Cheverton, Tim Hughes, Bryan Foss & Mertin Stone: Key Account Management, Kogan page, 2005 Malcom Mc Donald and Diana Wood Burn : Key Account Management, BH publishers, 2/e, 2007.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB24E TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT The objective of this course is to facilitate students appreciate the quality concepts and develop an understanding of tools and techniques relating to total quality management. UNIT-1: Principles and Practices-I: Introduction,- Gurus of TQM,- Historic Review,Benefits of TQMLeadership, characteristics of Quality leaders.-The Deming Philosophy-Quality councils-Strategic Planning- Customer Satisfaction-Customer perception of Quality-service Quality,-Customer Retention- Employee InvolvementEmployee survey-Empowerment-Gain sharing-Performance Appraisal. 75

UNIT-2: Principles and Practices-II: Continuous process Improvement,- the Juran trilogy,- The PDCA Cycle-Kaizen- Reengineering. Supplier Partnership- PartneringSourcing-Supplier Selection-Supplier rating-Performance Measures-Basic conceptStrategy-Quality cost- Bench marking- reasons for bench marking-ProcessUnderstanding current performance-Pitfalls and criticism of benchmarking. Unit-3:Tools and Techniques-I: Information Technology-Computers and the quality functions-Information quality Issues-Quality management System-Benefits of ISO registration-ISO 9000 series Standards-Internal Audits. Environmental Management System-ISO 14000 series-Benefits of EMS- Relation to Healthy and safety-Quality Function Deployment-The voice of the Customer- Building a House of Quality-QFD Process. UNIT-4:Tools and Techniques-II: Quality by Design- Benefits-Communication ModelFailure Mode and Effective Analysis-Failure Rate, FMEA Documentation-The process of FMEA Documentation-Product liability-Proof and Expert Witness. Total Productive Maintenance- promoting the Philosophy and Training-Improvements and needsAutonomous Work groups. UNIT-5: Management Tools: Management Tools,-Introduction-Forced field AnalysisTree diagram- Process decision Program Chart-Statistical Process Control-Cause and Effect diagram-Histogram-state of control Process Capability- Experimental DesignHypothesis-Orthogonal Design-Two factors and Full factors-Quality Strategy for Indian Industries-Quality Management in India. References Howard S Gilton, Alan J Oppenheim: Quality Management, TMH, 2008. Dale H.Besterfeild, carlon Besterfeild: Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, 2008 Sridhara bhat: Total Quality Management Texts and Cases, Himalaya, 2009. Shailendra Nigam: Total Quality Management, Excel, 2009 Kanishka Bedi: Quality Management, Oxford, 2008. James R.Evans, M.Lindsay: The Management and Control Of Quality, Cengage, 2009. Pradeep V.Mehta:Introduction to Quality Assurance-New Age publication, 2008. Divya Singhal: Implementing ISO 9001-2000, PHI, 2008 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD HYDERABAD IV SEMESTER MBA T P 4 0 09MB25 Project Work Students are required to work the entire fourth semester on the project even as they undergo the assigned course work of this semester. The students can choose specific problem of Industry or Industry based project work. Alternatively it can be secondary source based or Field based project work. Before they commence the project work it is suggested that they write a synopsis indicating the objectives, Methodology, Framework 76

for analysis, Action plan with milestones in order to have clarity for their subsequent work. The project should have an internal faculty as guide. References Business Essentials: Research Project, Viva, 2009 Paul Oliver:Writing Your Thesis, Sage, 2009 M.K.Rampal & S.L.Gupta: Project Report Writing, Paragon International,2009 Michael Jay Polonsky: David S Waller: Designing and Managing a Research Project, Sage, 2009 Surendra Kumar: An Aid to Project Work, Paragon International, 2009.


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