Drug and Alcohol Policy: Standard Operating Procedures
Drug and Alcohol Policy: Standard Operating Procedures
Drug and Alcohol Policy: Standard Operating Procedures
JAN 2013 1 of 5
This procedure applies to all operating areas and offices to include parking lots, exploration
sites, etc., personnel, temporary or regular within the scope of the Integrated Management
System (IMS).
Employees are employees in any position at a COMPANY site are responsible for complying
with the requirements as outlined in this procedure.
Visitors include anyone not employed by the COMPANY in any capacity but are traveling or
touring on a COMPANY site. They are responsible for ensuring that they are not impaired by
drugs or alcohol during the course of any visit.
HSLP is any COMPANY employee working under and including the Regional Director of
HSLP. They are responsible for periodically auditing for compliance to this procedure. They are
responsible for administering the overall drug and alcohol program within the COMPANY and
ensuring the drug and alcohol testing equipment and facilities are available at all sites. The
HSLP Department shall ensure that equipment used for alcohol screening is calibrated and
maintained in accordance with the manufacturer specifications and maintain the calibration
The Human Resource Department must, upon receipt of results from the drug and
alcohol screening/confirmation test, inform the Area Management of the results. The HR
Department will be responsible for generating a list for random drug and alcohol screenings
and provide the HSLP Department with a list of those individuals included in the random
testing at least 12 hours prior to the individuals being notified.
The COMPANY tests employees and prospective employees for the presence of drugs and
alcohol in accordance with this Drug and Alcohol Procedure and Screening Program. At the
COMPANY’s discretion, a urine, blood or hair test may be administered. An employee who
refuses to cooperate in the testing procedures or is found to be in violation of this Procedure
will be terminated. Depending on the circumstances, other actions, including notification
of appropriate law enforcement agencies, may be taken in response to a violation of this
All employees shall comply with and ensure personnel accountable to them comply with the
following Drug and Alcohol requirements of this procedure.
General Requirements
The COMPANY strictly prohibits the following conduct anytime an employee is on COMPANY
premises or work sites, including in COMPANY vehicles as well as private vehicles on
COMPANY property or work site locations, whether on duty or not on duty:
The use, sale, transfer or possession of any substance that could or is intended to cause
interference with or adulteration of tests; or, the presence of an illegal drug metabolite or
alcohol in the employee’s system.
Excluded are drugs prescribed to an employee when used only in the manner, combination
and quantity prescribed. Because of the safety sensitive nature of our mine operations, if you
have been prescribed medication which could affect your ability to safely perform your job,
you must provide a release from your health care provider certifying that you are, or are not,
able to safely perform your job duties while utilizing the prescribed drug(s) to a health, safety
and loss prevention (HSLP) representative prior to reporting to work. Following review of such
documentation, you shall be notified if you are to report to work.
Under this Procedure, employees who voluntarily seek assistance for substance abuse
problems have the right to do so any time prior to announcement of testing or before they
are found in direct violation of the Drug and Alcohol Procedure. Employees will not be
discriminated against for doing so. You will receive a referral to EAP. The COMPANY will not
retain employees whose current abuse of drugs or alcohol affects their ability to do their job or
affects the right of other employees to enjoy a safe and productive work environment.
An employee must notify a human resources representative of any drug conviction, including
any misdemeanors, within five (5) days of such conviction. Pleading guilty to an offense
involving drugs is a conviction and must be reported.
Pre-employment Screening: Applicants will be screened for drugs and alcohol as part of
the pre-employment process. This screening will be performed by a medical facility at the time
of the pre-employment physical. A confirmed positive test will result in the employment offer
being rescinded, even if the employee has commenced work.
Post – Accident/Incident: Drug and alcohol screening may be required for employees who
are involved in an on-the-job accident or incident or who suffer a work–related injury or illness.
Testing Procedures
All sample collections will be done by the HSLP Department, supervisor, or designee and
will be conducted with due regard to privacy of the individual and in a manner to prevent
interference or adulteration.
• Personnel collecting the samples will be trained and required to follow accepted
Employees are required to sign appropriate consent and release forms and to follow
testing procedures. Refusal to consent to testing will subject an employee to termination of
employment according to policy/procedure.
a This screening consists of a urine sample, to indicate the presence of drugs, and a
breath test, performed by a Certified Breath Alcohol Technician, to
b Employees with a positive presence indication will be processed as outlined below.
c Employees with a negative presence indication will either be returned to work or
processed according to the circumstances of the situation.
Medical Facility Drug Confirmation Testing: A positive on-site indicator for drugs requires that
the employee be transported to a certified medical facility for further testing.
d Positive test results for alcohol will be documented, via a print out, using the
appropriate equipment.
• The print out will be attached to the consent form, which will be submitted to
the Human Resources Department to be placed in the employee’s medical
file as a matter of record.
Under no circumstances will employees rendering a positive result, of any kind, be allowed
to proceed alone or drive their own vehicles to or from the mine site, employee parking lot, or
medical facility.
Testing is conducted in conjunction with the departments and facilities outlined within this
Employees who experience alcohol or substance abuse problems are encouraged to seek
assistance through the EAP.