Easy Rider: Handgun Carry While Riding A Motorcycle: by Deryck Poole
Easy Rider: Handgun Carry While Riding A Motorcycle: by Deryck Poole
Easy Rider: Handgun Carry While Riding A Motorcycle: by Deryck Poole
Motorcycle riding continues to increase in popularity. For some it’s because of increased gas prices. For others it’s a sense of
freedom, a way to temporarily unplug from the world. And for others it’s something they grew up doing and it’s become a way
of life. The reasons why we ride are as varied as the number of different makes, models, and styles of motorcycles on the road. I
fall into the “way of life” category and log in the neighborhood of 10,000 miles per year. My yearly riding profile consists of daily
commuting, errands, rallies, and at least two long-haul (2.5k+ mile) trips.
A quick Google search will bring up a lot of links to forum
opinions on how to carry, as well as ads for various
motorcycle accessories for carrying while riding. I even
found one forum where someone (a naturally right-handed
shooter) said, “When riding I carry left handed…. It would
have to be an extreme situation when I would actually shoot
from my bike, moving or stopped, but I have trained that
way.” What isn’t readily available is information on a strategy
for concealed carry while riding.
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Let’s quickly cover that statement about carrying left-handed for “just in case” scenarios while riding. To be clear, I have heard this
from multiple sources (students as well as strangers at rallies). Is it possible that someone could threaten your life while riding
down the road? Absolutely! This usually comes from being tailgated or having your right of way taken. In these situations, your
first reaction is to get out of the way, come to a stop, or some other evasive maneuver, not draw your gun. I submit that even if in
some post-apocalyptic anomaly where someone starts shooting at you while riding, your first action should still be escape, evade,
or safely come to a stop. You are already in a compromised position by being on two wheels and with no steel cage surrounding
you. Taking one hand off the bars to draw a weapon only magnifies your bad position.
The second area I like to look at when developing a strategy
is consistency. We all have limited time, money, and energy,
so whatever we do that is different from our primary carry
method, some portion of time needs to be dedicated to
training. For this reason, I recommend that whenever
possible, carry in the same manner and position while riding
as you do when walking around.
If pocket carry is used, you most likely will need to shift and/or
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As I said earlier, a Google search will bring up more than enough opinions on the various positions to carry. I will break it down
into the categories of on-body and off-body, the pluses and minuses of each, and some tips.
n my opinion, on-body carry is preferable to off-body whenever possible. Remember the plausibility principle and when you are
most likely to need to defend yourself — while stopped or at some point after you have parked and dismounted. It’s a big plus to
have the gun readily available if it’s needed, and you don’t have to worry about finding a private spot to transition from a storage
Now for the downside. I was a Motorcycle Safety Foundation Certified Instructor as a RiderCoach for my state. I began every class
with the statement, “There are two types of riders: those that will go down and those that have gone down.” That said, the typical
on-body carry positions don’t dissuade me from still recommending on-body whenever possible. The gun safety (or safeties) and
holster (covering the trigger) should be more than enough to keep the gun from going “bang” in the event of a crash.
Depending on where it is on your body, there’s a good chance you will land on the gun. And depending on the type of retention,
it’s possible it could come out of the holster when you go down. So keep in mind where you carry and what the chances are of it
being an impact area should you go down. Some of the impact areas are subject to your body type, type of motorcycle, and your
position while riding. But there is one type of carry method I don’t think anyone should ever consider while riding: small-of-the-
back carry. It’s bad enough you have worry about being injured in an accident, so why put a hunk of metal and polymer right up
against your spine and increase the potential of severe injury or paralysis?
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Going back again to my days of teaching new riders, here’s another quote from every class: “Everyone has a different definition of
risky behavior or what risk they are willing to accept.” Maybe you aren’t willing to accept the perceived additional risk of on-body
carry while riding, or maybe off-body is your preferred method out of necessity. Off-body is storing the gun in a saddle bag, tour
pack, tank bang, or some other variant not attached to you while riding.
The plus side of this method is you don’t have to worry about the on-body downsides, meaning the consequences associated
with a crash or your cover garment riding up and exposing your gun. On the minus side is the fact that you don’t have immediate
weapon access upon stopping.
Here are some things to consider with off-body carry. When stopping, are you going to transition to on-body? If so, develop
a routine when stopping, such as finding a private area to perform the transition without detection and then moving to your
desired parking spot (or gas pump). Another solution that’s convenient for on- or off-body motorcycle concealed carry is the fanny
pack. I know people who use this method and, when they stop, the first thing they do on dismount is pull out the fanny pack and
strap it on. I’ve heard that the fanny pack screams “guy with gun,” but the evidence doesn’t support that argument.
When carrying your firearm in one of your bags, understand that, if you are in an accident, the contents of your bags may be
strewn everywhere (aka the “yard sale”). Because of this possibility, I strongly recommend putting the gun not only in a holster
but also in another bag or, better yet, invest in a “vault” made for your motorcycle.
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You may be wondering why I didn’t cover rides where you cross state lines. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, because
it is no different than travelling in a car. You must plan ahead and decide your strategy for carry and storage accordingly. Second,
with laws constantly changing, you have to do your own research and contact the necessary authorities for clarification.
Hopefully I have provided the information needed to develop a strategy for motorcycle concealed carry while enjoying the
freedom found on the back of a motorcycle.
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