Instructions For Module 1 Project in MMW SV

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Module I Project

1. Form groups of 4-5 members each. Identify/Assign a leader.

2. Decide on a project that your group can execute. The project should focus on the
nature and language of mathematics as conveyed in Module 1. You may come up
with any of the following (but not limited to):
i) Video documentary about nature and mathematics (Philippine setting,
should be original, not to exceed 5 minutes)
ii) Mathematical games (should be original, indoor and outdoor games)
iii) Math Songs/Music
iv) Math Dances
v) Math Poetry
vi) Documentary about mathematics in Philippine arts and culture (can be in
film/video format, a simple narrative, a compilation/journal)
vii) Other similar concepts, as approved by your professor
3. Organize the members of your group so that each member has an assigned set of
tasks to perform.
4. Submit a document that will describe your project (2-3 pages only). In particular,
specify the following:
a. Title of the Project
b. Specific Output
c. Project Description (at least one paragraph)
d. Mathematical concepts covered in the project
e. Procedure/execution
f. Tasks of members
g. Logistical needs
5. Your project will be graded based on:
i) Soundness/over-all quality and impact of the project (25 points)
ii) Appropriate use of concepts (15 points)
iii) Significance of the project (15 points)
iv) Conformity to prescribed format (5 points)

Submission Date:
September 5

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