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Part I Task 1 Speech Presentation - 40% Task 2 Reflective Report - 20% Part II Proof of Online Class Participation - 10%

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1. All tasks must be delivered in English.

2. The cover sheet of your assignment must contain the following information: Course
code and name / Semester / Your full name and student number / Your email address
and mobile number.
3. For written assignment, use Times New Roman or Arial, 12-point font, with 1.5-line
spacing in A4 format. Ensure that the assignment you submit is paginated.
4. Present your responses to the tasks in MULTIPLE files. Adhere to the following structure:
i. Part I Task 1 – A recorded speech presentation (max 400MB)
ii. Part I Task 2 – Reflective Report
iii. Part II – Proof of Online Class Participation

5. Submit your files ONLINE by 15 MARCH 2022.

6. Late submission without prior permission will be penalized with marks deduction.

7. This assignment accounts for 70% of the total marks for the course:
Part I Task 1 Speech Presentation – 40%

Task 2 Reflective Report – 20%

Part II Proof of Online Class Participation – 10%


This assignment has TWO parts with THREE tasks. Answer all.


The assignment for Task 1 is designed to help you meet the following Course Learning
Outcomes (CLOs):
♦ Demonstrate the ability and confidence in preparing and practising effective
communication skills in any settings.

Delivering an effective speech is a skill that needs to be developed especially for those with
job tasks involving speeches like teachers, salesperson, lawyers and many others. The most
important thing to do first is to research a good topic that will be of interest to your

The objective of this assignment is for you to confidently deliver an Informative speech
through a recording.

From the TWO speech purposes below (Refer to the OUMH1303 Module, pg 178), choose
ONE purpose and prepare a speech on any ONE aspect of the topic: CREATIVITY
a. Descriptive OR
b. Demonstration

Task specifications in preparing your recorded speech:

a. Start by brainstorming the topic: CREATIVITY and find one aspect to start planning
your speech text. You MUST discuss your title with your e-tutor in the forum or
during the e tutorial sessions. Find a title that you as the presenter will be
comfortable to deliver the speech. E.g.: A demo on “How to decorate a cake” OR a
descriptive speech of “Creativity is a blessing”.

b. Plan and write your speech text – either in short notes or the complete text. Your
introduction should state your name, ID, Course, and the purpose of the speech with
the title.
c. You can refer to various resources or use your personal observations, experience,
and knowledge for creating the content, but make sure that the content of the
speech is appropriate to your targeted audience.
d. You will need to decide: the producer, your targeted audience, the surroundings
(background, lighting, soundproof area), and other aspects to consider even though
you are not going to mention it verbally in the presentation.
e. Plan visual aids. You are encouraged to use creativity and innovation in producing
the video by catering both brain’s visual and auditory systems, body language, facial
expressions, imagery and music, etc. You might want to use applications to further
exemplify the speech text like PowerPoint Presentation, iMovie, Funimate, Adobe
and many others. However, remember that this video is a speech presentation NOT
a video presentation.
f. Record your 7 – 10minutes speech. Marks will be deducted for speeches that are
lesser that 7 minutes or more than 10 minutes. Adhere to these:
i. Look professional and deliver confidently
ii. Make sure that your speech has an introduction
iii. The purpose of the speech must either be to describe OR to demonstrate.
iv. The video screen must capture the top half of your body so that your hand
gestures and facial expressions are visible- at least half of the recording
v. Your speech must be engaging and interesting.
vi. You must offer an ending (conclusion) in the video.
g. Make sure the recording of your speech is authentic, clear and organised.
Remember, “you are the script writer, the speaker and maybe even, the producer!”.
Your aim is to deliver a speech that is engaging and interesting to your audience.
h. Submit your video online according to the instructions. If your video is larger than
400MB, refer to the guidelines on how to compress your video for submission. You
can also include a link of your video as a back-up in Task 2.
i. Your speech will be assessed through 6 criteria:

i. Speech Content
ii. Presentation of speaker
iii. Originality & Creativity of ideas,
iv. Video Recording Organisation,
v. Overall and Clarity of the Video; and
vi. Use of Language

● This is an individual task. The aim is to deliver a speech confidently and naturally,
and NOT to make a creative video for social media platforms.
● Refer to the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieve cohesion and coherence.
● Remember to refer to Topic 8,9 and 10 of OUMH 1303 Module

[Total: 40 marks]


The assignment for Task 2 is designed to help you meet the following course learning
outcome (CLO):
♦ Describe effective verbal and non-verbal language in expressing formal and informal

IMPORTANT: This task is a continuation of your video presentation of Task 1: Instruction or
Demonstration Speech on the topic: CREATIVITY

Write a critical reflection on the process of carrying out the speech presentation. The
structure of this report follows the basic essay structure of introduction, body and
concluding paragraphs.

Your Reflective Report MUST include the following FIVE criteria and each criterion should be
between 250-350 words:

i) Reflection on the process; the planning stage of the video, during the recording of
the video and after the video has been recorded. Reflect on the challenges of
delivering the speech and what you did to overcome these challenges. Share your
thoughts on the language process too – vocabulary and grammar in writing and
delivering the speech.
ii) The timeline of completing the recording of the video and the preparation of visual
aids. How long did you plan and record etc? How important is creativity and
innovation in this task? Why do you say so?
iii) Reflection of the content (the topic/ issue) and rationalise how things could have
been done in a better way. Is this topic/ issue familiar with you or vice versa?
Describe well. During the process of the video, there might be some instances where
you realised your idea could have been improved in another way. Describe this
situation too.
iv) Show the video to ONE person and inquire if the speech is explanation/reporting. If
he/she believes the video is neither, ask for other suggestions that might help

improve the speech or the speaker. Share this person’s thoughts in your reflective
v) Your personal thoughts of completing this task (the video presentation). How do you
feel about it? Describe too, what are the advantages/disadvantages of recording this
video?If you feel the video recording is not advisable, what would be a better
alternative? Explain your rationale.


i. A Reflective Report is writing to evaluate, summarise, analyse, reflect on

individual’s journey of a/some particular actions. It is almost similar to journal
ii. Plagiarism is a serious offense. Avoid using or claiming other people’s writing in
this assignment.
iii. Refer to the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieve cohesion and coherence.

[Total: 20 marks]


- Must have an introduction, body and a conclusion

Video Link: xxxxxxxxxx

(7-10 lines)

(all the 5 criteria mentioned above)

(7-10 lines)


Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the
online discussions:

1. Based on Topic 2, can you share the techniques of how you listen to English songs in
order to understand it?

2. Based on Topic 7, negotiating is a good skill to add in group interaction.

Are you able to give an example where negotiation is important?
Have you had successful negotiations before? Do share.

3. Based on Topic 9, how can you find information about your audience? What can you
[Total: 10 marks]


Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the
sample of Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.

Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
QN CLO Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Task 1 3 Speech 1.75 Covers the topic in depth Includes basic knowledge Includes essential The content includes Lack of content 7
Content with details and examples. of the topic. The content is information about the minor details and it has and no purpose.
Knowledge of the topic is good and inviting to the topic, but contains few several mistakes in the
excellent. viewers. mistakes in the facts. The facts. The content is OR
content is particularly not not inviting to the
The purpose of the speech The purpose of the speech really inviting to the viewer. Wrong
is excellently achieved. is achieved. viewer. understanding of
The purpose of the speech content
The structure of the The structure of the The purpose of the speech speech is not clear
content is very inviting to content is organized. is somewhat clear
the viewers.
Presentation of 2.5 Delivery is effectively Delivery is natural, fluent, Delivery is quite natural, Delivery is not natural/ No attempt to 10
speaker natural, fluent, professional and fluent, some evidence of fluent and or audible. deliver the
professional and confident. professionalism and A lot of reading. speech
confident. almost showing individually.
Voice delivery is clear with confidence.
Voice delivery is very clear good pronunciation and
with excellent enunciation, stress and Voice delivery is
pronunciation and rhythm. somewhat clear with some
enunciation, stress and errors in pronunciation
rhythm. The gestures and and enunciation, lack of
expressions are quite stress and rhythm.
The gestures and spontaneous.
expressions are natural, The gestures and
very relaxing and expressions show some
spontaneous. sign of nervousness.
3 Originality & 1.5 The presentation of The presentation of The presentation of The presentation of No originality and 6

Creativity of speech shows great speech shows originality speech shows less speech shows no no creativity at
ideas originality. The ideas are with the use of own ideas creativity and is very rigid. creativity and is very all.
creative, professional and and creativity. The content is rather stiff boring. The content is
witty. and not smooth. presented as “reading”
Good use of visual aids and not natural
Excellent use of visual aids and there are additional Moderate use of visual
and extra creative efforts creative efforts to enhance aids and few creative Lacks visual aids and
to enhance understanding understanding of speech efforts to enhance poor creative efforts
of speech content content understanding of speech

3 Video 1.5 Direction and organization Direction and organization A moderate direction and Little effort has been No effort has 6
recording of the video are well of the video are good and organisation of the video made to direct the been made to
Organisation planned and capture the capture the audience’s and at times able to video. make the video
audience’s attention attention throughout. capture the audience’s organized or
throughout. attention. The time duration is interesting.
The time duration is good. either too short or too
The time duration is The time duration is long.
excellently met. There are clear attempts between 8-10 minutes.
to link details in the video The structure and
The structure and details but in one or two parts, There are attempts to link organization of ideas in
of the video are placed in the details appear details in the video but the the video is not
a logical order and the way incoherent. structure and organisation smooth and/or might
they are presented of the video lacks direction contain some mistakes
effectively keeps the The beginning and ending that affected viewer’s in the facts that
interest of the viewer. parts of the video are comprehension. affected general
recognizable, but do not understanding of the
The beginning and ending necessarily contribute to There is no clear beginning viewer.
parts of the video are viewer’s understanding. or ending or unexpected/
recognizable and give very not interesting. OR
clear and meaningful
understanding. The recorded video is
organised for a social
media platform rather
than to deliver a
3 Overall and 1.25 The overall quality of the Most of the quality of the The quality of the video is The quality of the The quality of the 5

Clarity of the video and the focus were video and the focus were not very good but the video is acceptable but video and the
Video excellent. The presenter is good. The presenter is overall focus was the overall focus was overall focus
seen from the top half seen from the top half acceptable. The presenter not good or quite bad. were very poor
angle at all times. angle at all times. is seen from the top half and not
angle most of the time. The video angle and acceptable.
The video angle and The video angle and good lighting poorly capture
perfect lighting excellently lighting captures the The video angle and the speaker, too many
captures the speaker. speaker. lighting somewhat capture animations.
the speaker moderately.
The audio is excellent. The audio is good. Inaudible audio
The audio is audible.

3 Use of 1.5 No errors in grammar, Minimal errors in Some errors in grammar, A lot of errors in Too many major 6
Language punctuation or spelling grammar, punctuation or punctuation or spelling grammar, punctuation errors and very
that distracts the viewer spelling that do not affect that affect the viewer’s or spelling that affects poor grammar,
from the content. viewer’s understanding. understanding. viewer’s punctuation or
The choices of words are The choices of words are Some of the words used comprehension. spelling.
very appropriate and mostly appropriate and are not appropriate and The choices of words Language used is
suitable for the video and suitable for the video and not suitable for the video are very poor and not not suitable for
targeted audience. targeted audience. and targeted audience. appropriate for the the video and
video and targeted targeted
audience. audience.

Total 10 40
*QN = Question Number

Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
*QN/ Max
CLO Criteria No response
*NS Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Task Introduction The introduction is The introduction is The introduction is There is no clear There is no
2 0.5 excellently written. good. sufficient introduction. introduction. 2

Reflections Convincing, critical Critical and detailed Thorough and Demonstrates a lack High possibility of
and detailed discussion of the detailed discussion of of understanding plagiarism.
discussion of the activity; pre, during activity; pre, during and insights of the 5
activity; pre, during and post and post criteria required. Does not
and post demonstrate
Demonstrates good Demonstrates Less than 5 criteria understanding nor
Demonstrates very understanding and satisfactory are elaborated. insights of the 5
good understanding insights of the 5 understanding and criteria required.
and insights of the 5 criteria required. insights of 5 criteria Too few personal
criteria required. required. reflections and
All 5 criteria are examples are
1 3.5 14
All 5 criteria are elaborated well, All 5 criteria are unimportant or not
elaborated within 250-350 elaborated, within detailed. Word
extensively, more words 300-400 words. count is much less
than 350 words per than 300 words.
criteria. Personal reflections Some personal
and relevant reflections and
All personal examples are relevant examples
reflections and essential and are somewhat
relevant examples detailed. essential and
are very essential detailed.
and detailed.
Conclusion 0.5 The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion The conclusion is There is no 2
well connected to all connected to all the shows some not clearly written. conclusion.
the reflections. reflections. connections to the

Language/ Writer makes no Writer makes Writer makes some Writer makes a lot Writing is generally
Grammar errors in grammar or minimal errors in errors in grammar, of errors in incomprehensible
spelling that grammar, structure structure, or spelling grammar, structure due to grammar,
distracts the reader and spelling that do that affect the or spelling that structures and
0.5 2
from the content. not affect the reader's affect the reader's spelling mistakes.
reader's understanding. comprehension.

Total 20
*QN = Question Number


Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

*QN CLO Criteria Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
1-3 3 Quality of Postings 2.5 All five comments Four of the Three of the None of the No postings given 10
are good, comments are comments are comments are as proof of
appropriate, good, appropriate, somewhat good, good and participation in
relevant, relevant, appropriate, relevant. / discussion
meaningful, and meaningful, and meaningful, and Comments are
Learning Domain: A4 respectful respectful respectful short responses
that are not
substantial nor
Minimum effort
(e.g. “I agree with
Total 2.5 10
*QN = Question Number / *NS = Nombor Soalan

Tugasan ini mempunyai DUA bahagian dengan TIGA tugasan. Jawab semua.


Tugasan untuk Tugasan 1 direka untuk membantu anda memenuhi Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus (CLO) berikut:
♦ Menunjukkan keupayaan dan keyakinan dalam menyediakan dan mempraktikkan kemahiran komunikasi yang berkesan dalam mana-mana tetapan.

Menyampaikan ucapan yang berkesan adalah kemahiran yang perlu dibangunkan terutamanya bagi mereka yang mempunyai tugasan kerja yang melibatkan ucapan seperti
guru, jurujual, peguam dan ramai lagi. Perkara yang paling penting untuk dilakukan terlebih dahulu ialah menyelidik topik yang baik yang akan menarik minat penonton
Objektif tugasan ini adalah untuk anda menyampaikan ucapan Bermaklumat dengan yakin melalui rakaman.

Daripada DUA tujuan ucapan di bawah (Rujuk Modul OUMH1303, ms 178), pilih SATU tujuan dan sediakan ucapan tentang mana-mana SATU aspek topik: KREATIVITI
a. Deskriptif ATAU
b. Demonstrasi

Spesifikasi tugas dalam menyediakan ucapan rakaman anda:

a. Mulakan dengan sumbang saran topik: KREATIVITI dan cari satu aspek untuk mula merancang teks ucapan anda. Anda MESTI membincangkan tajuk anda dengan e-tutor
anda dalam forum atau semasa sesi e tutorial. Cari tajuk yang anda sebagai penyampai akan selesa untuk menyampaikan ucapan. Cth.: Demo tentang "Cara menghias kek"
ATAU ucapan deskriptif "Kreativiti adalah satu rahmat".

b. Rancang dan tulis teks ucapan anda – sama ada dalam nota ringkas atau teks lengkap. Pengenalan anda hendaklah menyatakan nama anda, ID, Kursus dan tujuan ucapan
dengan tajuk.
c. Anda boleh merujuk kepada pelbagai sumber atau menggunakan pemerhatian, pengalaman dan pengetahuan peribadi anda untuk mencipta kandungan, tetapi pastikan
kandungan ucapan itu sesuai dengan khalayak sasaran anda.
d. Anda perlu membuat keputusan: pengeluar, khalayak sasaran anda, persekitaran (latar belakang, pencahayaan, kawasan kalis bunyi) dan aspek lain untuk
dipertimbangkan walaupun anda tidak akan menyebutnya secara lisan dalam pembentangan.
e. Rancang alat bantu visual. Anda digalakkan untuk menggunakan kreativiti dan inovasi dalam menghasilkan video dengan memenuhi sistem visual dan pendengaran otak,
bahasa badan, ekspresi muka, imejan dan muzik, dsb. Anda mungkin ingin menggunakan aplikasi untuk memberi contoh lagi teks ucapan seperti PowerPoint Presentation,
iMovie , Funimate, Adobe dan banyak lagi. Walau bagaimanapun, ingat bahawa video ini adalah persembahan ucapan BUKAN persembahan video.
f. Rakam ucapan anda selama 7 – 10 minit. Markah akan dipotong untuk ucapan yang kurang daripada 7 minit atau lebih daripada 10 minit. Patuhi ini:
i. Tampil profesional dan menyampaikan dengan yakin
ii. Pastikan ucapan anda mempunyai pengenalan
iii. Tujuan ucapan mestilah sama ada untuk menerangkan ATAU untuk menunjukkan.
iv. Skrin video mesti menangkap bahagian atas badan anda supaya gerak isyarat tangan dan mimik muka anda kelihatan- sekurang-kurangnya separuh daripada tempoh
v. Ucapan anda mestilah menarik dan menarik.
vi. Anda mesti menawarkan pengakhiran (kesimpulan) dalam video.
g. Pastikan rakaman ucapan anda adalah sahih, jelas dan tersusun. Ingat, "anda adalah penulis skrip, penceramah dan mungkin juga, penerbit!". Matlamat anda adalah
untuk menyampaikan ucapan yang menarik dan menarik kepada khalayak anda.
h. Hantar video anda dalam talian mengikut arahan. Jika video anda lebih besar daripada 400MB, rujuk garis panduan tentang cara memampatkan video anda untuk
penyerahan. Anda juga boleh memasukkan pautan video anda sebagai sandaran dalam Tugasan 2.
i. Ucapan anda akan dinilai melalui 6 kriteria:

i. Kandungan Ucapan
ii. Penyampaian penceramah
iii. Keaslian & Kreativiti idea,
iv. Organisasi Rakaman Video,
v. Keseluruhan dan Kejelasan Video; dan
vi. Penggunaan Bahasa

● Ini adalah tugas individu. Matlamatnya adalah untuk menyampaikan ucapan dengan yakin dan semula jadi, dan BUKAN untuk membuat video kreatif untuk platform
media sosial.
● Rujuk rubrik tugasan sebagai panduan untuk mencapai kesepaduan dan kesepaduan.
● Ingat untuk merujuk Topik 8,9 dan 10 Modul OUMH 1303


Tugasan untuk Tugasan 2 direka bentuk untuk membantu anda memenuhi hasil pembelajaran kursus (CLO) berikut:
♦ Huraikan bahasa lisan dan bukan lisan yang berkesan dalam menyatakan komunikasi formal dan tidak formal

PENTING: Tugasan ini adalah kesinambungan persembahan video Tugasan 1: Arahan atau Ucapan Demonstrasi anda mengenai topik: KREATIVITI
Tulis refleksi kritis tentang proses melaksanakan pembentangan ucapan. Struktur laporan ini mengikut struktur asas karangan iaitu pengenalan, isi dan perenggan penutup.
Laporan Reflektif anda MESTI memasukkan LIMA kriteria berikut dan setiap kriteria hendaklah antara 250-350 patah perkataan:
i) Refleksi terhadap proses; peringkat perancangan video, semasa rakaman video dan selepas video dirakam. Renungkan cabaran semasa menyampaikan ucapan dan apa
yang anda lakukan untuk mengatasi cabaran ini. Kongsi pemikiran anda tentang proses bahasa juga – perbendaharaan kata dan tatabahasa dalam penulisan dan
menyampaikan ucapan.
ii) Garis masa menyiapkan rakaman video dan penyediaan alat bantu visual. Berapa lama anda merancang dan merekodkan dll? Sejauh manakah kreativiti dan inovasi
dalam tugasan ini? Mengapa anda berkata begitu?
iii) Refleksi kandungan (topik/isu) dan merasionalkan bagaimana sesuatu boleh dilakukan dengan cara yang lebih baik. Adakah topik/ isu ini biasa dengan anda atau
sebaliknya? Huraikan dengan baik. Semasa proses video, mungkin terdapat beberapa keadaan di mana anda menyedari idea anda boleh dipertingkatkan dengan cara lain.
Terangkan juga situasi ini.
iv) Tunjukkan video kepada SATU orang dan tanyakan sama ada ucapan tersebut adalah penerangan/laporan. Jika dia percaya video itu bukan kedua-duanya, minta
cadangan lain yang mungkin membantu meningkatkan ucapan atau penceramah. Kongsi pemikiran orang ini dalam esei refleksi anda.

v) Pemikiran peribadi anda untuk menyelesaikan tugasan ini (persembahan video). Bagaimana perasaan anda mengenainya? Terangkan juga, apakah kelebihan/kelemahan
merakam video ini?Jika anda merasakan rakaman video itu tidak digalakkan, apakah alternatif yang lebih baik? Jelaskan rasional anda.
i. Laporan Reflektif adalah penulisan untuk menilai, meringkaskan, menganalisis, merenung perjalanan individu terhadap sesuatu tindakan tertentu. Ia hampir serupa
dengan penulisan jurnal.
ii. Plagiarisme adalah satu kesalahan yang serius. Elakkan menggunakan atau menuntut tulisan orang lain dalam tugasan ini.
iii. Rujuk rubrik tugasan sebagai panduan untuk mencapai kesepaduan dan kesepaduan.
[Jumlah: 20 markah]


- Mesti ada pengenalan, isi dan kesimpulan

Pautan Video: xxxxxxxxx

(7-10 baris)

(semua 5 kriteria yang dinyatakan di atas)

(7-10 baris)


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