A Remotely Operated Robotic Rock-Breaker With Collision Avoidance For The Mining Industry

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A Remotely Operated Robotic

Rock-breaker with Collision

Avoidance for the Mining Industry1
A Boeing2 and E Douglas3

Rock-breaker automation and remote operation improves the safety and efficiency of mining
operations. This paper presents an overview of the Rocklogic rock-breaker automation system
architecture that provides collision avoidance, automated parking and remote operation
functionality. The system consists of a distributed computer control system that interfaces with
sensors attached to the rock-breaker, the rock-breaker hydraulics and the site infrastructure. We
present results of an automated Transmin rock-breaker installed in a production environment at
an underground Australian mine site. The system has been in production use for over 900 days,
during which there have been no reported collisions and 100 per cent adoption of the remote
operation technology. As a result, Rocklogic has significantly improved the safety of rock-
breaking operations and reduced the rock-breaking cycle time, thereby improving the site’s overall

Recently, the mining industry has embraced automation had suboptimal performance were the secondary crusher, the
and mining robots as a solution to: increasingly complex rock-breakers and load-haul-dump (LHD) vehicles, in order
and hazardous mine sites; increasing operation costs; and of importance. For high throughput operations, any delay to
shortages of skilled employees (Lever, 2011). The mining crushing can cause supply issues downstream, corresponding
environment poses a number of challenges to machine to a significant revenue loss. A typical iron-ore site in Western
automation, including hazardous environments, remote Australia processes millions of tonnes per annum, resulting
locations, uncertain and variable workloads with high in thousands of tonnes of lost ore for any hour of downtime
performance and high uptime requirements. This makes the at the site (Howard and Everett, 2008). Therefore, there is a
development of safe, efficient and reliable mining machinery strong incentive to minimise downtime and interruptions to
a challenging task. production.
A typical operational hard rock mine site process begins
with drilling and blasting of the ore, which is then loaded PREVIOUS ROCK-BREAKER AUTOMATION
onto a vehicle and dumped at a crushing plant’s run-of- PROJECTS
mine (ROM) bin. A crusher will reduce the size of the ore A rock-breaker is a hydraulic machine, which consists of
for further processing in the plant. The crushing often takes a boom assembly and an impact hammer (Figure 1). The
place in multiple stages (eg primary, secondary and tertiary) hammer uses a repetitive linear percussive force to break
to successively reduce the ore to the required size. If a rock the rock. The hammer is used to manipulate the rocks, to
is too hard or too large to pass through the crusher then a rotate oversize material (prior to breaking), or remove loose
rock-breaker may be deployed to reduce the oversize material material. The boom assembly consists of a number of joints
into smaller pieces. The plant then processes the ore in a series (typically four dimensions of freedom), actuated by hydraulic
of stages (eg milling, flotation) and the final product is then cylinders. Fixed rock-breakers are dedicated to the rock-
stockpiled and transported to the customer. breaking task and are mounted next to an ore pass or primary
Efficient use of rock-breakers is one of the critical paths (eg jaw) crusher, often mounted on a fixed pedestal.
to reducing crusher delays caused by oversize material. An early project investigating rock-breaker automation
A comprehensive study of Codelco’s underground Teniente- was undertaken by the CSIRO in 1998 (Corke, Roberts
4Sur mine site analysed the operation to determine how and Winstanley, 1998) in which a prototype hydraulic
the mine could be fully automated and identified major control system was constructed for testing in a laboratory
disruptions to production (Cordova et al, 2008). Equipment environment. In addition, a 3D sensing system was developed
found to have the greatest impact on production when they to detect oversize material on a grizzly using a custom-built

1. This paper was previously published in Proceedings 30th International Symposium of Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC 2013).
2. Previously: Transmin Pty Ltd.
3. General Sales Manager, Transmin Pty Ltd, 35 Denninup Way, Malaga WA 6090. Email: [email protected]


via stereo-vision and a user interface for tele-operated rock-

breaking. A field trial connected Rio Tinto’s open-pit West
Angeles mine site to an operator based in Perth, a distance of
over 1000 km. The trial demonstrated that remote operation
of a rock-breaker was possible over vast distances and that
it is desirable to have an integrated interface providing full
situational awareness to an operator and that automated
motion control is beneficial to the operator. The automated
motion control or rather preprogrammed automated
movements, would allow the operator to select a movement
whereby the rock-breaker is sent to the desired location with
the most efficient movement possible. During the trial, the
rock-breaker hit a wall, highlighting the need for collision
avoidance during remote operation.
Transmin trialled a remote control system for an
FIG 1 – Transmin XXHD 100/70 rock-breaker at an open pit site. underground rock-breaker from a surface control room
located 3 km away (Boeing and Kings-Lynne, 2012). It was
actuated laser range finder. Field tests for the 3D sensing found that remote operators had difficulties controlling the
system were completed at an underground site and the machine due to limited visibility, poor depth perception,
authors proposed a set of requirements for a semi-automated latency and crude machine control. This trial identified a
rock-breaker. strong need for a computer supervised rock-breaker control
Corke, Roberts and Winstanley (1998) identified several system, CCTV vision, automatic parking and collision
key challenges to controlling rock-breakers, including highly avoidance technology. In addition, independent studies have
compliant booms, significant joint flex, high payload to self- demonstrated the importance of collision avoidance systems
mass ratios and flow-limited hydraulics, in addition to sensor in the successful tele-operation of robotic arms (Lumelsky,
and computing limitations. Overall, it was found that it was 1991).
not feasible to automate a rock-breaker at the time (Corke, Thus, the requirements for a tele-operated rock-breaker for
Roberts and Winstanley, 1998). the mining industry include:
Hubert et al (2000) implemented a rock-breaker remote •• electronic control system for the machine, to overcome the
control system at the Freeport IOZ underground mine. mechanical and hydraulic control challenges and improve
Initial trials used line-of-site remote control; however, they machine control
concluded that the risk to operators from wet muck spills was •• robust and reliable sensing and computing hardware
not significantly reduced. A reliable surface to underground designed to survive the harsh mining environment,
communications system was implemented and control of with a fault-tolerant design to ensure stringent uptime
four rock-breakers from an above-ground control room was requirements are met
achieved in a production environment. •• a collision avoidance system to reduce the risk of machine
Further work in rock-breaker automation was undertaken damage during remote operation
in 2009 by a consortium consisting of Rio Tinto, Transmin and •• an automated global path planning and motion control
CSIRO, which investigated rock-breaker tele-operation (Duff system (later referred to as automated movements) to
et al, 2009). The consortium investigated 3D rock sensing simplify and optimise rock-breaker control, reduce the

Previous research in rock-breaker automation.
Previous research

1998 – CSIRO prototype 2000 – Freeport remote control 2009 – Tele-operation prototype
(Corke, Roberts and Winstanley, 1998) (Hubert et al, 2000) (Duff et al, 2009)
• Identified rock-breaker control challenges – • Production quality remote control • Tele-operation over 1000 km
Key accomplishments/

compliance, slop, mass ratio • Open loop control • Closed loop control
• Hydraulic actuation challenges • Reliable surface to underground communications • Motion control/path planning

• Closed loop control – single cylinder system • Integrated interface

• Ruggedised sensors and control valve required • Surface control room improves safety • Demonstrated 3D sensing
• Identified automated rock-breaker requirements • Rock-breaker remote operation improved integration • Identified need for collision avoidance system and
• Investigated 3D sensing with remotely operated load-haul-dump vehicles operator situational awareness


impact of remote operation latency and reduce the impact

of operators’ poor depth perception
•• an integrated human machine interface (HMI) to provide
full situational awareness to the operator.


Rocklogic is a rock-breaker automation system that provides
remote operation, automatic parking and collision avoidance
functionality. It is designed to increase the safety and efficiency
of operations and integrate tightly to existing control and
automation infrastructure on-site.
Rocklogic has a number of operational modes. A remote
operator can initiate an automated movement with the press
of a button to automatically park or deploy the rock-breaker.
Alternatively, Rocklogic can operate in a ‘drive-by-wire’
mode where all inputs by the user are modified by the system
into safe and smooth control commands to the machine. If
there is a failure with the site communications network then
the system can be operated from a local portable radio control
console by selecting one of several fall-back operation modes.
Rocklogic consists of four major components: FIG 2 – Rocklogic rock-breaker control panel.
1. A remote operator workstation, consisting of a joystick,
control console and a PC equipped with the rock-breaker The Rocklogic computer then executes the higher-level
user interface, plant control software and audio/visual control algorithms and issues lower-level motion commands
feedback (eg CCTV). This is typically located in a control and receives sensor signals from the I/O controller. The
room that may be many kilometres away from the rock- system also receives information from the plant control system
breaker. and fleet management systems and presents the information
2. The Rocklogic panel contains a high-performance on the integrated systems state back to the operator. Figure 4
ruggedised embedded computer, a programmable safety illustrates a typical remote operator’s workstation.
system and plant control devices (Figure 2). This panel is The Rocklogic rock-breaker control system provides seven
located on-site, usually in an equipment room close to the major functions:
rock-breaker. 1. tele-operation from a remote control room, which may be
3. A rock-breaker input/output (I/O) panel, located directly located off-site
on the base of the rock-breaker. This houses a specialised
2. an HMI that provides visual information on the system
I/O controller responsible for interfacing with all
state and drive-by-wire control of the rock-breaker to
instruments, sensors and actuators on the rock-breaker.
4. Rock-breaker position sensors. This includes specialised
in-cylinder linear sensors for accurately determining the
extension of the hydraulic cylinders.
An overview of the system’s operational information
flow is illustrated in Figure 3. A remote operator can
issue instructions to the Rocklogic system via the
site’s communications backbone (eg fibre optic). These
instructions can be high-level instructions (eg automatically
park the machine), drive-by-wire instructions (eg slew left),
or system functions, such as resetting alarms or turning on
the hydraulic power unit. FIG 4 – A typical remote rock-breaker operator’s workstation.

FIG 3 – The Rocklogic system.


ensure operator commands result in smooth and efficient The collision avoidance system continuously monitors all
motion actions taken by the automated movement system and will
3. collision avoidance that provides active braking, ensuring disable the automated movement controller if it deviates
an operator cannot collide with the surrounding site from the desired path or is likely to result in a contact. If an
structure operator is manually controlling the system then the collision
4. automated movement that enables the rock-breaker avoidance system pre-emptively reduces the speed of the
to deploy to a preprogrammed location (eg automatic boom using an active braking system as it approaches any
parking) obstacles.
5. condition monitoring and data logging of the machine to The final output commands are issued to the I/O controller
provide metrics on its performance and information on which updates a high-speed control algorithm to fine-tune the
alarms and warnings hydraulic flow to each cylinder to ensure optimal adherence
6. safe machine shutdown functions, implemented according to the desired trajectory. Finally, the drive signals are then
to the relevant safety standards sent to the actuating valves.
7. integration with the plant control system and fleet
A watchdog and alarm system continuously monitors all
management systems to provide plant control, alarm
activity in the embedded computer and I/O controller and
reporting and scheduling interactions between LHD, truck
and other haulage type vehicles and the rock-breaker. reports any warnings and alarms to the plant. A separate
dedicated safe machine shutdown system is triggered by the
ROCKLOGIC SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE Rocklogic rock-breaker control system in the case of an alarm
An overview of the Rocklogic software architecture is depicted
in Figure 5. The information flow through the system starts
with the I/O controller, which reads data from the sensors, REMOTE ROCK-BREAKER MANUAL AND
instruments and other input devices (eg plant signals). The AUTOMATED OPERATION COMPARISON
sensor values then pass through a set of high-speed filters to The scenario for a manually operated rock-breaker begins
minimise noise and reduce transient effects from mechanical with operator identification of an oversize rock. The operator
shock and vibration. The processed data is passed via
will then travel to the rock-breaker, request the control room
CANbus to the embedded computer that updates another set
to stop the vehicles from dumping, alternatively manually
of filters and calculates the kinematic and dynamic state for
activating a red light and start the machine. Using local
the machine.
controls, the rock-breaker will be manually manoeuvred from
Embedded Computer I/O Controller its parked position to the location of an oversize rock. The
operator will then manipulate and break the oversize material
CAN Plant Control Config and then park the rock-breaker. Finally, the operator will
notify the control room to allow vehicles to resume dumping.
Drive Filters Radio
FiltersDynamics Kinema cs The speed at which this task is completed is highly
dependent on the skill of the operator, when the operator
Drive by Wire Controller notices the oversize rock, travel time and the communications
between the rock-breaker operator, the control room and
Collision vehicle operators. Rock dumping is often interrupted due to
Path Planner
Avoidance Remote Joys cks rock-breaking operations. The time to complete the task may
Collision Network I/O be extended due to novice or badly trained operators.
Detec on Config Telemetry
With an automation system, the operator has an integrated
interface that provides information on the vehicle status,
FIG 5 – Rocklogic rock-breaker control system software architecture diagram.
as well as the ability to remotely start and deploy the rock-
Rocklogic’s automated movement system uses a global path breaker. The operator automatically deploys the machine by
planner to generate safe and efficient paths to any desired selecting a destination from the user interface. The automation
location using a preprogrammed graph of waypoints. The system drives the rock-breaker to the desired location with no
kinematic subsystem is then used to calculate the required further operator input and automatically notifies approaching
rock-breaker configuration for the motion control system. vehicles that the rock-breaker is deployed. Once the rock-
An hydraulic control algorithm balances the load across the breaker reaches its destination, the operator can begin
hydraulic cylinders using information from the system’s breaking rocks. During this process the collision avoidance
dynamic and kinematic state to ensure multiple joints can be system ensures the machine is operated safely.
moved synchronously without overloading the available flow If a vehicle approaches during rock-breaking, the system
from the hydraulic power unit. will automatically retract and permit the vehicle to dump,
The collision detection system uses the current state of before returning to its previous location. If required, the rock-
the rock-breaker to determine the distance to obstacles and breaker can be automatically parked on completion of the
is queried for velocity or speed it is approaching obstacles task.
by the collision avoidance system. The site structure is
The manual and automated operation work cycles are
preprogrammed into the Rocklogic system using existing
3D CAD data, surveyor data, or laser-scanned information. contrasted in Figure 6. Automation provides a number of
This data is converted to an internal representation in convex improvements to the overall cycle time:
polytopes or one-sided triangles for fast signed distance •• remote operation eliminates the travel time required to
calculations and the rock-breaker itself is represented as line operate the rock-breaker, in addition to removing the
segments. operator from on-site hazards


FIG 6 – Rock-breaker manual versus automated operation cycle.

•• automatic deploy and parking operations are faster and •• improved working conditions for operators who can
less variable than manual operations and reduce operator now be located in safe and comfortable control rooms
training requirements •• less downtime from collisions and reduced delays to
•• automated and formalised communications processes vehicles dumping, resulting in higher overall throughput
between the rock-breaker, site control room and vehicles •• faster cycle times through the use of automated
greatly reduces communications delays, mistakes and movements, improving rock-breaker efficiency
possible human error; this enables tighter scheduling of •• improved planning and collaboration between the
rock-breaker and vehicle interactions and reduces vehicle- rock-breaker operators and other operators (eg LHD
waiting times. operators)
•• lower maintenance costs due to smoother operation and
UNDERGROUND SITE PRODUCTION USE the elimination of collision damage to equipment
Following a series of trials starting in 2010, the Rocklogic •• ease of use is greatly improved, reducing training time
system has been in production use on two rock-breakers and the requirement for skilled employees
at an underground site since June 2011 for the first system •• lower labour costs and on-costs as the rock-breaking
and April 2012 for the second. The system has been used role can be shared between control room operators, or
on-site for over 27 000 rock-breaking cycles and 3500 hours a single operator can control multiple machines; remote
of fully automated operation with a total up time of over operation further reduces costs for remote sites by
23 000 hours. eliminating on-site accommodation and flight costs.
The key findings from the production trials include:
•• The system design is robust and reliable to provide CONCLUSION
continuous operation in a production environment.
Rock-breaker technology has seen major advancements in
•• Remote operation has seen 100 per cent adoption by the last decade. The Rocklogic is the first semi-automated
operating staff at the installed facilities. The confidence rock-breaking system used in a permanent production
in the remote operation system is so high that the local environment. Rock-breaker control challenges have been
operator area is no longer available on site. addressed with an intelligent load-balancing hydraulic
•• Collisions between the rock-breaker and the surrounding control system, in addition to an active-braking collision
excavation have not occurred since the system has been avoidance system. This enables safe and efficient long range
adopted. Prevented near-collisions are reported for remote-operation that optimise the rock-breaker work cycle
two per cent of operations. and provides cost and maintenance benefits. The production
•• After initial training, the operators have adopted the system has in been in place for over 900 days, no collisions
use of automated movements and automated deploy have occurred since the system was installed and automated
movements are used for 99 per cent of rock-breaker cycles. movements are used in over 99 per cent of rock-breaker
operation cycles.
BENEFITS OF ROCK-BREAKER AUTOMATION The major remaining challenge is to achieve fully
Sites with Rocklogic installed report that the rock-breaker autonomous rock-breaking. To reach this goal, further work is
automation provides significant benefits, including increased required in reliably sensing and classifying oversize material,
safety, improved efficiency and reduced costs. Some of the as well as scheduling and planning rock-breaking activities.
reported key benefits of rock-breaker automation include: In addition, automated rock-breaking poses new challenges to


the design of future mine sites to support improved methods Duff, E, Caris, C, Bonchis, A, Taylor, K, Gunn, C and Adcock, M, 2009.
of rock-breaking. The development of a telerobotic rock-breaker, in Field and Service
Robotics, Results of the 7th International Conference (eds: A Howard,
K Iagnemma and A Kelly), pp 411–420 (Springer-Verlag: Berlin
The authors would like to acknowledge the efforts of the
Howard, T J and Everett, J E, 2008. Maintaining product grade
Transmin team that have devoted their efforts to rock-breaker from diverse mine sites at BHP Billiton Iron Ore Newman Joint
automation, in particular Daniel Adams, John Heard, Angie Venture, Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy,
Kings-Lynne, Michael Kradolfer and Tane Pendragon. Mining Technology, 117(1):A12–A18.
Hubert, G, Dirdjosuwondo, S, Plaisance, R and Thoma, L, 2000. Tele-
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Boeing, A and Kings-Lynne, A, 2012. Pioneering a robotic breaker MASSMIN 2000, pp 173–180 (The Australasian of Mining and
system, AusIMM Bulletin, October:54–58. Metallurgy: Melbourne).
Cordova, F M, Canete, L, Quezada, L E and Yanine, F, 2008. An Lever, P, 2011. Automation and robotics, in SME Mining Engineering
intelligent supervising system for the operation of an under- Handbook, third edition (ed: P Darling), pp 805–824 (Society for
ground mine, International Journal of Computers, Communications Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration: Littleton).
and Control, 3(3):259–269. Lumelsky, V, 1991. On human performance in telerobotics, IEEE
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