Damage Prediction in The Extraction Level of Block Caving Mine - Case Study in Deep Ore Zone Mine, PT Freeport Indonesia
Damage Prediction in The Extraction Level of Block Caving Mine - Case Study in Deep Ore Zone Mine, PT Freeport Indonesia
Damage Prediction in The Extraction Level of Block Caving Mine - Case Study in Deep Ore Zone Mine, PT Freeport Indonesia
Damage prediction in the extraction level of block caving mine - Case study in
deep ore zone mine, PT Freeport Indonesia
2 1,675
3 authors, including:
Eman Widijanto
PT Freeport Indonesia
All content following this page was uploaded by Eman Widijanto on 26 October 2018.
ABSTRACT: Damage on the extraction level of a Block or Panel Cave mine can have tremendous impact not only on the
availability of an open productive area but also in the cost of repairing and the opportunity cost of not producing from a given area
prepared and developed to be in production. The study of the underlying mechanics of damage could facilitate the intrinsic
modeling of computation for active layout availability and therefore produce more reliable production estimates. Several mines
around the world looking at block or panel cave mining as a mining system should be aware that depending on the strength of the
rock mass, the induced stress as a result of mining activities and the dynamic loading as a function of seismicity could facilitate the
occurrence of damage across an active production layout as means of structural damage of drifts and brows, rock collapse and rock
burst. This paper summarizes the experience of DOZ mine of PT Freeport Indonesia in relation with damage of production areas
where the main concern is to be able to forecast potential losses of infrastructure due to damage from migrating between skarn into
a diorite rock mass. The work performed at DOZ consists of analyzing in terms of statistical significance several indicators related
to rock mass behaviour, induced seismicity, mine design and mine planning in a 50 cases database collected over the period 2005
to 2008. It is found that the rock mass behaviour, seismicity, mine design and production planning contribute in 31%, 27 %, 23%
and 19% to explain the damage occurrence at DOZ. Based on this statistical analysis a regression analysis is computed as means of
a methodology that could be mimic at other mining operations. There is no intend that this regression analysis is used as a mine
design nomogram at other mine sites but rather to be used as a methodology to integrate different areas into the design and
planning of a mining system.
3.1. Rock Mass
Number of Events
The rock mass is the total in situ medium containing
bedding planes, faults, joints, folds and other structural
10 features. Rock masses are discontinuous and often have
5 heterogeneous and anisotropic engineering properties
no damage slight moderate heavy partial complete
damage damage damage closure closure
The parameters consist of RMR (rock mass rating),
lithology (rock type), and distance to the closest geology
Damage Class structures.
Fig. 2. The histogram of 50-selected damage events for further
analysis. Marble
Forsterite Skarn
8 3 Fors-Magnetite Skarn
6 5 HALO
Rock Type
2 1
0 Forsterite Skarn
0 10 20 30 40 50
Rock Distribution (%)
Percentage (%)
Damage Events (%)
1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 3. Time series of damage class observation from 50- Fig. 5. Percentage of damage events and rock type distribution
selected events at DOZ West. from 50-selected data.
In general, there is a same trend between damage events 80
percentage and rock type distribution percentage, so 70
in this type of rock; however for the future the main rock 20
• ∆ , Number of inactive draw points in the vicinity
draw point.
• Γ , Factor of normalization, equal to 99/89.
• t p Tonnage extracted from draw point p under
analysis, in a specific period of time.
Fig. 6. The maximum shear stress in vertical grid with 60% • ti Tonnage extracted from draw point i belonging
angle of draw [12]
to draw point p vicinity in the same period of time.
• t max Maximum tonnage extracted in the vicinity of
draw point p in the same period of time.
• t min Minimum tonnage extracted in the vicinity of geometrical and drawing characteristic should be
draw point p, in the same period of time. interpreted as major causes for dynamic loads as well as
deviatoric stress change.
• n , Number of draw points belonging to the vicinity
of draw point p.
Based on that equation, the uniformity index was
calculated for every 5 shifts period from 6 surrounding
3.3. Seismicity
draw points. Cave mining induces micro seismicity in the rock mass
as a result of the fracturing process that takes place
Different cave shape will give different stress above and below the production and haulage level as
distribution surrounding certain location. From given reported by Glazer and Hepworth [16] and Dunlop and
cave shape the stresses were calculated to observe Gaete [17].
relation with damage in the extraction level.
So it is essential to include seismicity while modeling
Excavation ratio is defined as ratio between excavation the damage in the extraction level. For this project the
areas to the tributary area. As the excavation ratio seismicity was clusterized using k-means method to
increases, the potential instability increases as well. produce 5 clusters every month. For each damage event
Besides the original design factor, there are some the closest cluster was compute for the previous month
operational factors need to be considered to change and the month while damage observed, later on detail
excavation ratio such as blasting practice, damage of the seismicity parameters were collected as well (i.e.
area due to operational practices (i.e. hit by equipment), moment, energy, magnitude, and number of events).
etc. So, the actual excavation ratio of the damage
location was calculated to review the impact to the Finally the refined database is composed out of the
damage occurrence in the extraction level. following fields:
Lead-lag distance and position of damage relatively to • Rock Mass: lithology and rock mass rating
the cave position also calculated to review those (RMR), distance to major geological structure.
parameters to the damage. • Mining: excavation ratio, angle of draw, lead lag
of undercutting, distance to undercut line,
uniformity of draw for different percentages of
draw (CU40, CUI80, CUI100), uniform and
semi uniform draw for different percentages
(CUI40 (U+S), CUI80 (U+S), CUI100 (U+S)),
SomedefinitionsinPosition edge major and minor stress (s1 and s3) at damage
ofundercutting location and abutments.
Front Inside • Seismicity: distance of the closest cluster of
seismic events during the month of damage
edge occurrence, identifying: number of events,
Thiswill becalledatedge isdamagelocations magnitudes, energy and moment
undercut A basic statistical analysis of the database for the 50
nearestleadandlagthatbeingcalculated damage events is summarized on Table 2.
Fig. 8. The lead-lag distance and damage position relative to 4. DAMAGE MODELING
the cave or undercut.
Once the damage database was compiled, all parameters
Although linear stress models were used to assess the were tested using Chi-square test to see the degree of
stress performance at the damage locations and it is well relevance with damage event. The hypothesis of relation
known that stress under caving is highly influenced by will be:
induced dynamic loads. In this first approach to damage H0 : No relation between two variables or Chi-
modeling in Block /Panel Cave mines it was decided to square calculation < Chi-square critical value
use the excavation ratio, the uniformity of draw, the
angle of draw as geometrical and drawing characteristics H1 : There is a relation between two variables or
that are added to the analysis as explicit factors in Chi-square calculation > Chi-square critical value
damage occurrence. It is purpose that those indicators Beside Chi-square test, the coefficient determination
could be translated into over stress or relaxation using (R^2) between two variables can be used also to
non linear modeling in a different instance. Thus, the combine previous test, and the hypothesis will be:
H0 : There is no significant correlation between two The test shown before was compared against a
variables or correlation = 0 correlation analysis and regression analysis to identify
potential deviation of the Chi2 method. To perform this
the categorical parameter "Lithology" was converted
H1 : There is correlation between two variables or into an ordinal variable by decomposing this one into 5
correlation ≠ 0 different variables that are 1 or 0 depending if the
The aim of this step is to get idea the significant parameter is involved in the damage or not. The
contributor parameters to the damage in the extraction following chart shows the relevance of every variable on
level. The following chart shows the significance of the occurrence of damage at DOZ production level.
these variables when analyzing damage occurrence on
1-chi2 Corr Modulo
the DOZ production level. 100.0%
CUI80(U) 20.0%
Distance Lead-Lag 0.0%
Distance Structure -20.0%
Angle of Draw -40.0%
Distance from UCL -60.0%
S1 (Mpa)
S3 (Mpa)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
S3, is the minor stress magnitude (MPa)
SumMag, is the sum of the magnitudes inside the closest
seismic cluster to the damage event
distStruct, is the distance to the major structural
geological feature (m)
distUCL, is the distance to the UCL line (m)
clt0, is the distance to the closest seismic cluster from
the damage event
There were 50-selected damage events in the DOZ West
for 2005-2008 period to analyze relation among damage
events with rock mass, mining impact, and seismicity.
Damage event happen in all rock mass type depend on
the exposure of excavation itself.
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Chile for providing the academic support to conduct the the integration of microseismic activity and numerical
research presented in this paper. The Advanced modeling at DOZ-PT Freeport, Indonesia. International
Technology Center (AMTC) at the University of Chile, Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Volume
also PT Freeport Indonesia for supporting this project 16, Number 1, February 2009, Page 1
and facilitating the edition of this paper. Finally, 13. Rachmad, L. and Widijanto, E., Application of
Winston Rocher, and Manuel Reyes for their editing and convergence monitoring at PT Freeport Indonesia’s
computational contribution to this publication. deep ore zone mine. 2002. In Proceedings of the
Mining and Tunneling Innovation and Opportunity,
Toronto, Canada, 2 June 2002, ed. University of
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