Application of Robotics in Mining Industry: A Critical Review
Application of Robotics in Mining Industry: A Critical Review
Application of Robotics in Mining Industry: A Critical Review
Santosh Kumar Nanda* Ashok Kumar Dash** Sandigdha Acharya* Abikshyana Moharana*
The advance of robotics and the increase in robot use have raised the need for computer simulation of robots,
among the aims of which are the design of new robots, task planning of existing robots, performance evaluation
and cycle time estimation. For mining environment, both the opencast and underground mining needs seriously
application of robotics. In deep mining, the room and pillar or bord and pillar method progresses along the
seam, while pillars and timber are left standing to support the mine roof and highly equipped machineries used
To maintain safety and reduced the human activity, it is very much essential to adopt robotic technology in
underground mines. It is proved that, robots will be doing jobs like laying explosives, going underground after
blasting to stabilize a mine roof or mining in areas where it is impossible for humans to work or even survive.
This paper highlights the need and uses of robotic applications in mining industry environment.
Keywords: Mine environment, mine navigation, mine rescue robot
Figure 1 show the two robotic systems used in our (b) a hand-drawn map of the corresponding mine segment
for comparison
The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal 110 MineTECH10
Position estimation Object detection and path finder
The simplest position estimator for mobile equipment is Robotics is also seen as a way to resolve productivity
dead reckoning, in which the robot estimates its current issues. For example, industry estimates put the savings
position by step counting (integrating its combined steer- from clawing back some of the time lost during shift
ing and propulsion history). This approach is vulnerable changeovers and by reducing the workload on operators
to bad calibration, imperfect wheel contact, upsetting at $300 million a year [11] .
events, and it provides, at best, only a rough position esti-
mate. This estimate generally gets worse as the distance
traveled (i.e., the length of the integral) increases.
The robots will increase productivity by working around 3. Christian Smith And Henrik I. Christensen, Robot
the clock and going deeper, which will reduce the risk of Manipulators, Ieee Robotics & Automation Magazine,
human losses from conventional mining, if the project is December 2009, Pp 76-83.
completed, intelligent coal-mining robots will be put to work
in 2013 after six months of trial operation. 4. H. Daniel Patiño, , Ricardo Carelli, , And Benjamín R.
Kuchen, Neural Networks For Advanced Control Of
Mine Specific Issues Robot Manipulators, IEEETransactions on Neural
Networks, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2002, 343-354.
The underground mine environment imposes several
requirements on a position estimation system. Using dead 5. Vinay Kumar Pilania, and Debashish Chakravart,
reckoning alone is ruled out because of the irregular Application of Wireless Visual Sensor for Semi-
surface of the mine corridor floor, the often jerky motions Autonomous Mine Navigation System ,World
of the mine machine, and especially, the large amount of Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,
slippage of the machines tracks. Long-term autonomous 45, 2008, , pp 437-441.
operation of mine equipment precludes the use of an INS
since errors from the gyro drift quickly exceed acceptable 6. S. Thrun, D. Hähnel, D. Ferguson, M. Montemerlo,
levels. It is desirable to work in newly mapped areas without R. Triebel, W. Burgardz, C. Bakery, Z. Omohundro,
first installing the necessary beacons (especially if the S. Thayer and W. Whittaker, A System for Volumetric
mapping is done automatically in conjunction with the Robotic Mapping of Abandoned Mines, Proceedings
position estimation). Furthermore, since the environment of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
is cluttered with machines and people not in the model, a and Automation, ICRA 2003, September 14-19, 2003,
significant number of optical beacons could be occluded. Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 4270 - 4275.
Therefore, optical beacons alone are not viable in an
underground mine environment. Because mining 7.
equipment is mobile, a relevant position estimator must
have a reasonably short cycle time. The jerky motion of 8.
tracked mining machines and the subsequently poor dead
reckoning preclude good position estimates by simple 9.
10. G.K.Shaffer, A.Stentz, W.L. Whittaker and K.W.
CONCLUSION Fitzpatrick, Position Estimator for Underground Mine
Equipment, IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications,
This paper highlights the importance of robotics system in Vol.28, No.5, 1992.
mining industry. Some applied system also discussed and
the need of the robotic system in underground mine was 11.
also pointed. Though very few works have been done in robots.html
this area and still the research work will continue, the need
of the robotic system was only highlighted and getting 12.
concluded that it is essential to adopt robotic system in in-mining
underground mines to reduce the human power and
enhancing safety. 13.
The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal 112 MineTECH10