08 Mix Design

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• Concrete mix design is an intelligent guess of

optimum combination based on experience or
relationships previously derived.
• Mix design requires knowledge of properties
of materials, empirical relationships and
• The process to obtain a satisfactory mix is a
preliminary computation => trial mix =>
checking => adjustments => trial mix…
ACI 211.1

Background Data
The following information are needed for
effective estimate of mix proportion:

1. Sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregates

2. Unit weight of coarse aggregates
3. Specific gravity and absorption of aggregates
4. Specific gravity of cement
5. Water requirements for a given type of aggregates
6. Relationship between strength and water-cement ratio
7. Optimum combination of coarse aggregates

Example computation:
Background data
Sieve analysis (F.A. only):
FM of F.A. = 2.80
Unit weight (C.A. only) :
γ dry rodded = 1500 kg/m3
SGSSD = of C.A. =2.62, Absorption=0.6%
SGDRY = 2.60 (dry-basis)
SGSSD = of F.A. =2.43, Absorption=1.2%
SGDRY = 2.40 (dry-basis)
Specific Gravity of Cement:
SG = 3.15
Selection Of Mix Proportion
(Absolute Volume Method)

Step 1 - Choice of slump - depends on the

structural specifications (refer to Table 1)

Table 1 - Recommended slumps for various
types of construction

Types of construction Slump (mm)

Maximum Minimum
• Foundation wall, footings 75 25
• Plain footings, caisson 75 25
• Beams, RC walls 100 25
• Columns 100 25
• Pavement, slabs 75 25
• Mass concrete 50 25

Example computation: 80-100 mm slump for columns

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Step 2 - Choice of maximum size of

aggregates - depends on the largest
economically available and consistent with
the dimension of structure.

Example computation:
19 mm (round river gravel) is chosen since
the column is heavily reinforced
Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Step 3 - Estimate of mixing water and air

content - quantity of water per unit volume
of concrete depends on max. size of
aggregates, particle shape, and grading of
aggregates, concrete temperature, amount of
entrained air, and chemical admixture.
(refer to Table 3)

Table 3 - Approximate mixing water and air content requirements
for different slumps and nominal maximum sizes of aggregates

Water, kg per cu.m. of concrete for indicated

Slump maximum size of aggregates
9.5 12.5 19 25 37.5 50 75 150
Non-Air Entrained
25-50 207 199 190 179 166 154 130 113
75-100 228 216 205 193 181 169 145 124
150-175 243 228 216 202 190 178 160 ---

% Entrained Air 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2

25-50 181 175 168 160 150 142 122 107
75-100 202 193 184 175 165 157 133 119
150-175 216 205 197 184 174 166 154 ---
% Entrained Air
a) Mild 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1
b) Moderate 6 5.5 5 4.5 4.5 4 3.5 3
c) Extreme 7.5 7 6 6 5.5 5 4.5 4

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Example computation:
From the table, water content is about 184 kg/m3
Water reducing admixture (WR-admix) = 0.5%
of weight of cement
Air entraining admixture (AE-admix) = 0.1% of
weight of cement

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Step 4 Selection of water-cement ratio -

the choice depends on strength requirement,
durability, workability and finishability.
(refer to Table 4)

Table 4 - Relationship between water-cement ratio
(w/c) and and compressive strength (Fc’).

Compressive Water-Cement ratio by weight

strength at 28 (W/C)
days , Fc’
MPa (psi) Non-air entrained Air Entrained
40 (5800) 0.42 -
35 (5080) 0.47 0.39
30 (4300) 0.54 0.45
25 (3600) 0.61 0.52
20 (2900) 0.69 0.60
15 (2200) 0.79 0.70

Example computation: Based on the required 20 MPa

compressive strength of column, a water-cement ratio of 0.60
Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Step 5 - Required cement content,

C = W / (W/C)

Example computation:
C = 184 / (0.60) = 306.67 kg/m3

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Step 6 Quantity of coarse aggregates -

Percent of Coarse Aggregate (C.A.) inside a
well compacted concrete mix. To estimate
the proportion of aggregates, use Table 6.

Table 6 - Volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume
of concrete
Max. size Volume of dry-rodded coarse aggregates
of aggt., per unit volume of concrete for different
mm fineness modulus (FM) of sand
2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00

9.5 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44

12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
19 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
37.5 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
50 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
75 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Example computation: From Table 6, for

19mm aggregate with 2.8 FM for sand, the
aggregate % is 0.62.
Amount of coarse aggregate:
C.A.= Aggregate % x Dry rodded density
= 0.62 (1500 kg/m3)
= 930.00 kg/m3

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Step 7 Computation of required fine

Example computation:
Design of 1 cu.m. of concrete,aggregates in dry condition,
volume basis
• Water = 184 / 1000 = 0.1840 m3
• Cement = 306.67/ (3.15 x 1000) = 0.0974 m3
• Coarse Aggt = 930 / (2.60 x 1000) = 0.3577 m3
• Air =3.5% of 1 cu.m. =0.035 (1.000) = 0.0350 m3
Total = 0.6741 m3
Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Remaining material is fine aggregate

= 1.000 - 0.6741
= 0.3259 m3

Weight of fine aggregate

= 0.3259 m3 (2.40 x 1000 kg/m3)
= 782.16 kg

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Step 8 Adjustments according to the

moisture content of aggregates

Example computation:
Moisture Content of C.A. = 1.5% and for F.A.= 3.0%.
Recall: Absorption of C.A. = 0.6% and for F.A. =1.2%.

Note: Absorbed water does not become part of the mixing

water and must be excluded from the adjustment.
Selection Of Mix Proportion...

C.A.(wet) = 930.00(1.015) = 943.95 kg

F.A.(wet) = 782.16(1.030) = 805.62 kg
Excess water on C.A.= 930.00 (1.5-0.6)/100
= 930 (0.009) = 8.37 kg
Excess water on F.A.= 782.16 (3.0-1.2)/100
= 782.16 (0.018) = 14.08 kg
W = 184 – 8.37 – 14.08
= 161.55 kg

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Materials 1 cu. m batch by weight proportion (kg)

Volume Weight (dry) Weight (wet)

Water 0.1840 184.00 161.55

Cement 0.0974 306.67 306.67
Coarse Aggt 0.3577 930.00 943.95
Air 0.0350 --- ---
Fine Aggt 0.3259 782.16 805.62

Total : 2217.79 kg

Step 9 For laboratory trial mix, the volumes
are scale down to about 20 liters or 0.02 m3.
Example computation: Trial Mix No. 1
Materials 1 cu. m. 20-liter batch 20-liter batch
(wet) (dry)
Water 161.55 kg 3.23 kg 184.00(0.02) = 3.68 kg
Cement 306.67 kg 6.13 kg 306.67(0.02) = 6.13 kg
C.A. 943.95 kg 18.88 kg 930.00(0.02) = 18.60 kg
F.A. 805.62 kg 16.11 kg 782.16(0.02) = 15.64 kg
WR admix 306.67(0.005) 1.53(0.02) 30.6 ml
= 1.53 liters = 30.6 ml
AE admix 306.67(0.001) 0.31(0.02) 6.2 ml
= 0.31 liter = 6.2 ml
Total 44.35 kg

Note: The amount of admixture will just replace the equivalent amount of water.
Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Example computation:
Assuming: measured slump = 40 mm;
measured air content = 3.5%; unit weight =
2200 kg/m3

Yield = 44.35/2200 = 0.0202

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Step 10 Carry out a Trial Batch Test

• Check the water required - add necessary
water to obtain slump and air content. If the
slump of the trial batch was not correct,
increase or decrease the re-estimated water
content by 2 kg/m3 of concrete for each
increase or decrease of 10 mm in slump

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

• To adjust for the effect of incorrect air

content in a trial batch of air-entrained
concrete on slump, reduce or increase the
mixing water content by 3 kg/m3 of
concrete for each 1 percent by which the air
content is to be increased or decreased from
that of the trial batch.

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

Re-estimate the amount of water for one

cu.m. of concrete to correct the yield:

Total mixing water in 20-liter batch = 3.68 kg

Mixing water = 3.68/0.0202

= 182.18 kg

Selection Of Mix Proportion...

To achieve the desired slump of 100mm (within

80 to 100 mm), add 12 kg of water (6x2).
Water = 182.18 + 12 = 194.18 kg
Adjusted cement content for increased water:
Cement = 194.18 / 0.60 = 323.63 kg
Adjusted coarse aggregate requirement:
C.A. = 18.88 / 0.0202 = 934.65 kg (wet)
or = 934.65 / 1.015 = 920.84 kg (dry)
Selection Of Mix Proportion...

The volume of the ingredients are computed as

Water = 194.18/1000 = 0.1942 m3
Cement = 323.63/(3.15x1000) = 0.1027 m3
C.A. = 920.84/(2.60x1000) = 0.3542 m3
Air = 3.5/100 = 0.0350 m3
Total = 0.6861 m3
Selection Of Mix Proportion...

The adjusted amount of fine aggregate is:

F.A. = 1.000 - 0.6861= 0.3139 m3

Weight of F.A.= 0.3139(2.40x1000)

= 753.36 kg (dry)

Mix properties: A/C = 5.2, S/A=45%, W/C=60%,
C:S:G = 1: 3.1 : 3.4 (by volume)

Materials Volume 1 cu. m batch by weight proportion (kg)

cu.m. Weight (dry) Weight (wet)
Water 0.1942 194.18 194.18-8.29-13.56=172.33
Cement 0.1027 323.63 323.63
Coarse Aggt 0.3542 920.84 920.84(1.015) = 934.65
Fine Aggt 0.3139 753.36 753.36(1.030) = 775.96
Air 0.0350 --- ---
WR-Admix 1.62 liters --- ---
AE-Admix 0.32 liter --- ---

Note: The amount of admixture will just replace the equivalent amount
of water.


The procedure of calculation using the

Weight Basis is almost the same as the
Absolute Volume Method, except that the
reference of approximation is the weight.
Sample calculation will be presented using
the same background data.

Weight basis method ...

Step 1. The slump required is 80-100 mm.

Step 2. The aggregate to be used has a
nominal maximum size of 19 mm.
Step 3. The concrete is air-entrained. Using
Table 3, the estimated mixing water is
found to be 184 kg.

Weight basis method ...

Step 4. The water-cement ratio for air-

entrained concrete with a strength of 20
MPa is 0.60 (Table 4)
Step 5. Cement = 184/0.60 = 307 kg
Step 6. The quantity of coarse aggregate is
estimated from Table 6. With the given
data, the required dry weight of coarse
aggregate is 0.62x1500 = 930 kg.

Table 7 - First estimate of unit weight of fresh concrete

Nominal maximum First estimate of concrete unit weight,

size of aggregate, (kg/m3)
(mm) Non-air-entrained Air-entrained
concrete concrete

9.5 2280 2200

12.5 2310 2230
19 2345 2275
25 2380 2290
37.5 2410 2350
50 2445 2345
75 2490 2405
100 2530 2435

Weight basis method ...

Step 7. From Table 7, the mass of one cubic

meter of air-entrained concrete is estimated
to be 2275 kg. Weights already known are:
Water = 184 kg
Cement = 307 kg
Coarse Aggregate = 930 kg
Sub-total = 1421 kg

Weight basis method ...

The weight of fine aggregate is the

difference of the unit weight of fresh
concrete and the known weights of the other
ingredients, i.e., 2275-1421 = 854 kg.

Weight basis method ...

Step 8. Considering the moisture content,

the quantity of ingredients are calculated as
Excess water on C.A. = 930(0.009)
Excess water on F.A. = 854(0.018)
Water = 184 - 930(0.009) - 854(0.018)
= 160 kg

Weight basis method ...

Water = 160 kg
Cement = 307 kg
Coarse Aggregate (wet)
= 930(1.015) = 944 kg
Fine Aggregate (wet)
= 854(1.030) = 880 kg
Total = 2291 kg
Weight basis method ...

Step 9. The quantity of ingredients for

laboratory trial batch (20 liter batch) are as
Water = 160(0.02) = 3.20 kg
Cement = 307(0.02) = 6.14 kg
C.A. = 944(0.02) = 18.88 kg (wet)
F.A. = 880(0.02) = 17.60 kg (wet)
Total = 45.82 kg
Weight basis method ...

Step 10. Trial batch test and adjustments

Assuming: measured slump = 40 cm;
measured air content = 3.5%; and measured
unit weight = 2200 kg/m3

Yield = 45.82/2200 = 0.0208

Weight basis method ...

The mixing water required for 1 cu.m. of

concrete with the same slump as the trial
batch is: 184 (0.02) / 0.0208 = 177 kg.
By rule of thumb, 12 kg of water should be
added, to attain the desired slump of 100
The adjusted water content is:
W = 177 + 12 = 189 kg
Weight basis method ...

The adjusted cement content is:

C= 189/0.60 = 315 kg

The amount of coarse aggregate is

calculated as follows:

18.88/0.0208 = 908 kg (wet)

908/1.015 = 894 kg (dry)
894 (1.006) = 900 kg (ssd)
Weight basis method ...

The amount of fine aggregate per cubic

meter becomes:

2200-(189+315+900) = 796 kg (ssd)

796/1.012 = 787 kg (dry)
787(1.030) = 810 kg (wet)

Weight Basis Method Absolute Volume Method
Materials Weight per 1 cu. m batch Weight per 1 cu. m batch
(kg) (kg)
(dry) (wet) (dry) (wet)

Water 189 167 194 172

Cement 315 315 324 324
Coarse Aggt 894 908 920 935
Fine Aggt 787 810 753 776
Air --- --- --- ---

WR-Admix 1.57 liters 1.62 liters

AE-Admix 0.31 liter 0.32 liter

The weight basis method differs slightly from those obtained by the absolute
volume method. Further trials mixes might be needed to refine the adjustments.

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